#p versus np problem
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datafag1 · 18 days ago
jeff buckley blasting. laying in my undies. thinking about computational complexity theory.
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abalidoth · 4 months ago
trick xor treat!
Because of that xor, you get:
Because one of the tools we have to analyze NP problems is 3-SAT, or Boolean satisfiability -- because it's NP-complete, any NP problem can be reduced to it in polynomial time!
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rummigumi · 6 months ago
Here's a short preview/excerpt from Chapter 4 of Only One Ending. I plan to have it finished soon, but my brain being silly and work being work means it's taking a lot longer than planned.
Despite being so ordinary, Danny Fenton had piqued Tim's interest. Even if that interest was born out of a hope for his failure and a strange need to know more about him. And, considering the rest of the Fenton family, maybe Danny wasn’t as average as he seemed. 
There was just one problem: Danny seemed to have little interest in solving P versus NP. Sure, him failing at solving it due to a lack of trying was technically a win for Tim, but he didn't want to win on a technicality. 
So, he pushed a little.
He had enough social awareness to know how weird it'd be to directly contact Danny when he shouldn't even know his full name, but he had to do something. The next best option he could think of was Danny's academic advisor - she'd be able to help motivate him and her contact information was easily obtained from the university website. She wouldn't think twice about Tim contacting her about Danny and his promise to solve P versus NP. 
So Tim sent an email off and waited for a response, even going so far as to add her as a contact to make sure any reply went to his inbox. However, aside from an over-enthusiastic confirmation that she had received his original message, he never heard back. 
It wasn't until over a week later when he was reviewing his spam/potential malware quarantine reports that he realized Danny had been the one to respond. The tone of said response was pretty obviously annoyed, but Tim hoped his prodding was enough to spur the other into action (or at least cause his advisor to keep pushing for progress where Tim couldn't). Especially as the end of November hit and the combination of the end of the fiscal year approaching and employees hurriedly trying to use up their vacation time caused a pile up of work that had Tim spending more time in his office than out of it. 
Of course, Bruce was slowly integrating back into a leading role at the company after recovering from his ‘death’ and Lucius was just as overworked as Tim, but even with the three of them they were barely able to keep up. Then, to make matters worse, one of his warning systems around the chemistry and engineering departments was tripped at the university - best case scenario there was someone trying to resell university supplies, worst case they had a new rogue on their hands. 
Since she already had access to the campus due to being enrolled Steph was able to help investigate, but with the end of the semester coming up she was somehow even busier and more stressed than Tim - meaning he took on most of the work. Whenever Tim was able to escape the office and the overload of work stacking his desk, he ended up on Gotham University's campus. It wasn't a lot of time in the grand scheme of things, but just enough to work the case. 
In retrospect, he should have anticipated (and planned around) running into Danny. Gotham University was larger than the average school with nearly 9,000 undergraduate students enrolled, but Tim was focusing on his department. It'd be weirder if their paths didn't cross. The issue was - Danny knew him. And while Tim had a good reason to be spending a lot of time at a university he didn't attend, Timothy Drake didn't. So, he needed to avoid anyone able to easily recognize him and preemptively stop questions about why he was there. He was unprepared during the first run-in at the library (and that whole ordeal raised even more questions about Danny - Tim had been able to avoid him, but the whole time he felt an instinctual fear, like he was being hunted by something far more dangerous than a sleep-deprived college student, and the way Danny almost glowed under the fluorescent lights had his brain itching), but he quickly caught on to Danny's schedule. And once Tim knew where he was, it became much easier to evade him. 
Until it wasn't. 
Danny wasn't supposed to be in the Engineering building - no one was. Tim needed it to be empty to follow-up on a lead so he specifically went at a time he knew no one would be there, but instead he got Danny appearing from around the corner like a cheap jumpscare in a horror game. 
Tim immediately bolted back into the office he had emerged from, locking the door behind him. Then, he waited. He wasn't able to hear anything, and if it wasn't for the crack under the door being large enough to see Danny's feet appear he probably would've been startled by the handle jiggling.
Danny didn't make a sound as he moved on, the only indication he was still there was the occasional sound of him trying another door. And then those stopped. Tim waited, trying to watch for his shoes as he passed by the door to leave but he never caught a glimpse. After ten minutes he gave in and risked checking the hallway just to find it empty. 
He was confused about how Danny got past without alerting him (was it because of his background, or something else?), but his attention was quickly stolen as he found what he was looking for - evidence that one of the teaching assistants was skimming lab supplies from deliveries. Still wary that he wasn't alone, Tim quickly left with his findings. 
Thankfully, the evidence he found was detailed enough that he didn't have to go back to campus to continue investigating and he was able to wrap the case up only a week later. However, with the holiday season right on their doorstep, he still didn't have any time for low priority issues - which included Danny Fenton and his weirdness. In fact, it wasn't until after the new year that Tim even thought of him. 
Reading the email Danny had sent proclaiming he had proved P = NP, he felt nothing but suspended belief and a hint of apprehension. It was unlikely the engineering student had actually found a solution after only a few months of work, but on the off-chance he did (and not just a solution, but proof the P = NP), then Tim's life was about to get complicated. Because a solution proving P = NP meant all their cybersecurity, everything that was keeping criminals and villains out of their files and databases, was obsolete. One line of code (given the hacker was competent) could reveal everything - secret identities, weaknesses, active cases. It was bad enough when a few of Bruce's contingency files for other Justice League members were stolen and used by Vandal Savage and his partners, but all of them? 
Tim suppressed a shiver.
If Danny did manage to find a viable solution, he had to get it before it could fall into the wrong hands. He knew it'd be pointless to try to hide it, that if it was already solved then there was no telling when someone else (outside of Tim's reach) would come to the same answer. He had to be proactive, to use the solution to create a code to tear down firewalls and then rebuild them to be impenetrable. 
He emailed Danny asking to meet. Tim was going to get that solution, no matter what. 
Only their meeting provided him with a roadblock - Danny refused to cooperate. Looking back afterwards, Tim could see that in his desperation to get the solution he ended up being counterproductive, pushing Danny to storm out. But that changed nothing. 
So Tim tried again, tracking Danny down and explaining why he was so desperate to get the answer. Danny had mentioned working with the Clay Institute, which was known for its million dollar prize, so Tim offered to pay more - such a tactic was common (and almost always successful) in the business world. Someone would invent or create something and then sell to (or partner with) the highest bidder.
Danny still refused. 
Frustrated and annoyed, Tim realized trying to persuade him was pointless. Dick might've been able to win him over (the self depreciating voice in Tim's head knew he probably wouldn't have messed up in the first place, charming Danny and easily getting the solution from the first meeting unlike Tim), but he didn’t want to call him into Gotham just to get a notebook off a college student - something he could easily accomplish. 
Instead, he switched tactics. Breaking into Danny's dorm was so easy it made him a little concerned about the students’ safety, but he wasn't going to complain as he picked the lock to Danny's room with little effort. Unfortunately, despite the ease of breaking in, the notebook was nowhere to be found. 
Realizing Danny must have it on his person, Tim made plans to return. But after a week of sporadically checking Danny's room in his absence, Tim still had nothing. So he went back to Plan A - ask Danny for the solution, hope he sees reason about the dangers of said solution, and wait. 
Radio silence. 
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xeansicemane · 1 year ago
"A general solution to the Three Body Problem? SCIENCE CAN'T EXPLAIN THIS"
"Rigorous understanding of the behavior of high l-number electrons around heavy nuclei? SCIENCE CAN'T EXPLAIN THIS"
I think I'm gonna become a conspiracy theorist who posts a lot of TikToks and my catchphrase will be "science can't explain this!' but the gimmick is that I'm talking about things science hasn't actually explained yet.
"Do magnetic monopoles exist? Did they ever? SCIENCE CAN'T EXPLAIN THIS!"
"How do you make a room temperature superconductor? SCIENCE CAN'T EXPLAIN THIS"
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freyalise · 11 months ago
Sorry Freya, I was also at work. What unsolved math problem do you think you'd have the best shot at?
I could solve the P versus NP problem, but various computer scientists have been a bitch to me, so I won't
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jonathankatwhatever · 2 years ago
It’s 21 May 2023. I just got dressed, which includes the process of debriefing and briefing.
I started the process of applying this level of understanding to known problems. Began with the Hodge Conjecture. It translated almost immediately. I chased some links and they translated too. That is one heck of a test: see if you can translate a class of problems which have no known solutions.
I just flipped to Navier-Stokes and the construction of grid squares directly addresses that. That is a dramatic improvement over the prior understanding. I can see why this is a prize problem; it really does a great job of identifying this crucial issue. They all do.
The Hodge brings up some of the very cool issues we’ve just been working out.
Imagine that. You as co-creator and co-author of the solutions to the most difficult test we can identify, consisting only of problems for which there are no known solutions.
One part I really like is that you can’t solve P versus NP without constructing a mechanism by which time complexity counts, by which it matters, by which it constructs. That relates it closely to the definition of time, which I guess we should call gs time, because our conceptions of time, of which there are more than one, all occur within grid squares counting that makes gs time. So the causal limit of the Informational Limit is a form of gs time. So is the sense of deja vu. Or the sense of that a chunk of time went missing. Or the sense that time is creeping. Or how memories unroll or appear, meaning how they come back in flashes, in stretches, which convey deeper meanings. Those are all consequences of gs time.
I need to go make something to eat.
I don’t think I could end this note on a higher note.
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fuckingrealityshifting · 4 years ago
Hey Shiftblrs do me a favor please
So there’s this post going around, you might have seen it, and the basis of it is that the OP is proposing an experiment that will either disprove shifting as they suspect or prove it and surprise them.
The experiment is to shift to a reality where a math problem is solved or proved or whatever, and to bring back the knowledge of that back here as proof. Who solved it, concepts behind it, how it works, etc.
I totally understand their disbelief but in general, and this is not even about them specifically, but I do think it’s kinda crappy to make someone prove a belief in order to respect it. Nobody has proposed we do something similar with a religion in order for religious people to “prove it.” And that’s just about being respectful about expressing disbelief, of course nobody has to believe for any reason.
Besides all that, as of now I don’t think it’s a bad idea and I do think we should try it.
It doesn’t have to be one of those problems specifically. I think we could also do cure for cancer, how the universe started, cure for common cold, etc. Just something we don’t know now.
Add it as a Hogwarts class maybe, script your DR self is interested in and good at math/science so you won’t be bored or too confused, script you know or are the person who solves it, etc.
I’ve scripted it into my DR, but I haven’t shifted for the first time yet.
Edit: I’m going with NP versus P problem! It’s suspected to be false, but hasn’t been proven
Edit to the edit: I am gay. I am bad at math. /lh I am putting the NP versus P problem on the back burner and going for something else for now bc I just cannot comprehend lmao. For now it’s basically learning Spanish, (because I’m barely getting a B in my class) and if I come back fluent or greatly improved with a real understanding of the language (not words made up in my mind or anything) then that sounds like a decent start.
Anybody who’s shifted already and has it down so they could test it out quicker, or anyone who just feels like adding it to their DR, please do so!
I would very much like to see how it turns out and it would benefit the entire community.
I plan to use this to really solidify whether this is a real reality or just an in-head experience. If we find pretty solid confirmation it’s a real reality, then we can explore that and maybe help make this reality better.
Let’s say ‘worst’ case scenario, nothing works for anyone at all, and through a bunch of trials, we all come to the conclusion we’re lucid dreaming or making it up in our head through meditation or whatever.
For those of us who believe shifting is in a real reality, we can all put on our clown noses collectively, take the L, and just keep doing what we’re doing.
We can keep the terms maybe or just shift to meditation or lucid dreaming related definitions. Keep the methods, the community feel, etc. it shouldn’t really matter. We still have the experiences, we’ll just have a different understanding of what those experiences are.
If I stop believing in shifting as being in a real reality, I’m not gonna stop trying to experience what I want to experience. Shifting to a reality or dreaming, it’s still gonna be a fun ride and it’s still going to happen.
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greatnovadragon · 2 years ago
This girl just solved the P versus NP problem , lol
If the solution to a problem is easy to check for correctness, must the problem be easy to solve?
Well probably not, considering most answers to problems can, nowadays, be checked rather easily using the internet or just a default app on a device (this mostly applies to the idea that the problem is solved without doing this check, otherwise, it is easy to solve)
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virgulaleal · 2 years ago
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"Describe the P versus NP problem to me like you are a pirate (speak like a pirate) and I'm a member of your crew that has been falling short on his studies (you care about your crew's intellectual development as much as you care about plundering booty). Propose a solution for the P versus NP problem within the same context."
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renegadewangs · 3 years ago
Elementary -Sneaky Peeky
Since I’ve been promising this new Homumiko fic for a while already but don’t feel quite ready to post any chapters on AO3 yet, I figured I could still drop a little sneak preview here. Enjoy this little snippet taken from the first chapter of Elementary!
(Warning: spoilers for The Great Ace Attorney, allusions to substance abuse)
Right on cue, they came to halt before door number twenty six, the last one before the hall came to an abrupt end. Casting a quick glance out the window, Yujin could see a luscious field of grass and some very healthy looking trees. Several patients were relaxing there, taking in the sunlight. It appeared an almost serene sight. What a shame it was that the high wall surrounding the clinic's grounds was also in clear view. Mr. Holmes rapped his knuckles against the door, though didn't wait for any sort of response and instead set his hand down immediately upon the handle. Yujin's eyes widened, as the scene unveiled within room twenty six was truly remarkable. The curtains were drawn and the light affixed to the ceiling wasn't functional. A lamp was set down on the floor in a far corner, illuminating only one side of the room. The nightstand had been set upside down, its legs now reaching towards the ceiling for no discernible reason. And then there was the room's resident, standing on the bed with his back to the door, wearing a colorful, loose-fitting sweater with long sleeves over a pair of dark jeans. Both hands were pressed against the most chaotic wall Yujin had ever seen. At first, he mistook the disarray for some particularly distasteful wallpaper pattern. Upon closer inspection and a squint, he identified it as writing- no, scribbles. Mr. Holmes strode across the room immediately, reaching up to snatch a small object from his brother's hand. “I should hope this isn't a permanent marker.” The younger Holmes- Sherlock- turned round and looked surprised for a very long moment, almost as if he were still in a world of his own. Despite the enormous difference in expressions, Yujin could see the family resemblance with ease. The brothers shared the same piercing eyes, the same keen expression and even the same sort of hook to their nose. One might even say they shared the same fluffy, light blond hair, though Mycroft's was tidily trimmed whilst Sherlock's was longer and unkempt. Similarities aside, there were the more unique traits to be found in posture and physique. Whereas Mycroft had a rounder figure and stood rigid, his younger brother was lanky, slumped and perhaps just a bit taller. It was remarkable, Yujin thought to himself, how apples might fall from the tree with a bit of a haphazard spiraling momentum, perhaps even bouncing off one or two lower branches, only to land quite close to the base after all. A broad smile dawned on Sherlock's face. “Mycroft!” he exclaimed, hopping down from the bed. “How good of you to come! Impeccable timing. I've done it, you see. Do you see? I've solved P versus NP right here in this very room.” Mycroft peered along the wall for only a few seconds before shaking his head and slipping the marker into his pocket. “This is gibberish, Sherlock.” “No, it's not! It's P versus NP!” “Half of this is not even math.” “That's what makes the solution so brilliant. All those who came before me limited themselves- boxed themselves into a corner! No no, one must think outside the box in these matters.” “Ah, pardon me,” Yujin interjected apprehensively. “What exactly is P versus NP?” The younger Holmes looked at him with such a slack-jawed expression, it seemed as if he hadn't even noted Yujin's presence before now. It stirred a sense of embarrassment and Yujin promptly wished he hadn't spoken at all. “P versus NP is a major unsolved problem in mathematics and computer science,” Mycroft explained. “Informally, it posits whether every problem with a solution which can be verified by a computer can also be solved by a computer.” “In other words, just because a computer can verify a solution is correct, can that same computer also come up with a solution on its own? Fascinating stuff!” Sherlock smiled once more and slapped a hand against the wall behind him. “It was introduced in 1971 by Stephen Cook in his seminal paper "The Complexity of Theorem Proving Procedures" and is considered by most mathematicians and computer scientists to be the pre-eminent open problem in mathematics.” Yujin peered up towards the wall again. He knew nothing about complex mathematics, yet even he could tell within so much as a single glimpse that the scribbles hadn't solved any problems. There were indeed numbers and symbols, yet also stray words such as “milk”, “fire” and even “that teddybear Mycroft stole when I was three”. “... I see,” Yujin said, if only to be polite. “I don't have time for your games, Sherlock,” Mycroft said, his voice even more of a low drone than before. “It's not a game, it's P versus-” The younger Holmes broke off quite abruptly when his brother's finger found a switch on the wall, bathing the room with more fluorescent lighting. Sherlock recoiled back into the bed, one hand raised to his face and eyes scrunched shut. “Listen to me very carefully.” Mycroft moved to stand before him, arms crossed over his chest. “You will be free to leave this clinic in three days' time and I won't be there for you then. I'm needed back in Italy and will be boarding a plane tomorrow morning.” “Huh, I get to leave already? Feels like only yesterday I walked in here of my own free will, no blackmail involved whatsoever,” Sherlock replied in such a light, sweet tone of voice, it struck Yujin as odd. One certainly couldn't deny that he was grinning, his hand still shielding his eyes to some degree. “One might sooner say you're being evicted. Mr. Caidin has reached the limit of his patience.” “Oooh, is this about the toilet experiment I did the other day?” “Yes, Sherlock, the toilet experiment.” “That was jolly good fun! Five sewage pipes burst, I hear. Oh, you should've seen the look on Warden Caidin's face! Are you certain I can't stay a bit longer? I was really starting to find my rhythm here.”
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tilbageidanmark · 3 years ago
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Movies I watched this week - 46
There’s no Happy End in Michael Haneke’s ‘Happy End’: 12-year old actrice belge Fantine Harduin poisons her mom, herself and helps her senile grandpère Jean-Louis Trintignant to drown. Her wealthy aunt Isabelle Huppert  breaks the thumb of her reckless son when he invites a bunch of Moroccan refugees to an exclusive family gathering. And her estranged father is a sado-masochist who cheats on his second wife too. It’s dark and melancholy and magnificent. 9/10
Long Strange Trip, a cool & fair rock doc 4 hour long, about who the Grateful Dead were, what they did and how much their “Ethos, Man!” mattered.
I’m so sorry I only went to 5-6 Dead concerts, when I had the chance!
Most enjoyable film of the week, in a week full of them!
Travelling Salesman, a very unusual intellectual thriller about 4 mathematicians who were secretly tasked by the NSA to solve the ‘P versus NP problem’, and now have to deliver and sign off their project. Not that I know what they are talking about, but apparently it’s a major unsolved problem in computer science.
Basically it was 5 people locked in a room, a-la-’12 Angry Men’, and it sounded nearly right most of the time. Different!
2 Films about Nazi Germany:
✳️✳️✳️ Tomorrow belongs to me, the masterful introduction of broader meaning into Bob Fosse’s Cabaret: “The song marks the first time that the narrative moves away from the hedonism of the nightclub, and establishes the rise of the Nazi Party as the main theme of the story". (Photo Above).
The Joel Grey’s musical portions and the rise of fascism were superb, but the story of milquetoast gay ex-pat Michael York watered down the message considerably. 4/10.
(No wonder Ester, my ex, loved the Sally Bowles character...)
✳️✳️✳️ Hitler's Hollywood, AKA “German Cinema in the Age of Propaganda: 1933-45”, narrated by Udo Kier.
Between 1933-1945 circa 1000 entertainment films were produced by Nazi Germany. This fascinating historical retrospective examines, with hundreds of film clips, how Joseph Goebbels sought to use cinema as a means of mass indoctrination and control.
My most interesting film find of the week! 9/10
It took me 3 attempts to get into Paolo Sorrentino’ Felliniesque The Great Beauty. The disaffected Jep Gambardella is a 65 year old, well-connected socialite & journalist who learns that his first and greatest love, whom he hasn’t seen for 40 years, has died. But after grotesque and spectacular La Dolce Vita adventures, he ends up walking melancholic and empty along the banks of the Tiber. Absolutely beautiful!
(Also, at 1:45, he goes into a massive installation of an artist, whose father took a photo of him every day since he was born...)
2 terrific Jazz bios:
✳️✳️✳️ Music in the key of Oscar - A wonderful 1995 docu about (mostly) the reunion that Oscar Peterson had with Ray Brown and Herb Ellis after 20 years hiatus, as well as highlights from his career. Too good!
Prompt by this gem: Oscar Peterson teaches Dick Cavett what other piano players' styles are like.
✳️✳️✳️ Bird, Clint Eastwood’s biography of Charlie Parker. It’s nearly 3 hours long and straight-forward, but the music is too good not to be good. Eastwood himself was a fairly good (?) jazz musician and composer.
His wife Chan didn’t get enough credit for her saintliness. Both Forest Whitaker and Diane Verona were excellent in it. 8+/10.
King Richard, a new, idealized biographical drama about Richard Williams, the father who "had a plan" for Venus & Serena, and his relentless push for their greatness. Inspirational & feel-good, yet 100% positive: The single real-life ambivalence came in one surprising line, when the mom mentioned his other children. In reality he had 15 children with at least 4 women. 7/10
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." - Out of The Past, a classic Film Noir starring (regular pot-smoker) Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas and the beautiful Rhonda Fleming. Sharp dialogue, cunning femme fatale and lots of smoking. 7/10.
In her name is based on the real live case of Kalinka Bamberski case. Daniel Auteuil is a father, whose daughter is murdered by her German step-father. For 30 years he stubbornly pursued bringing charges against the doctor, until final conviction. It’s a hard to watch film. Also, as it covers 30 years, it jumps a lot and shows only highlights from the case.
After seeing Joe Swanberg’s mumblecore bore ‘Build The Wall’ a few months ago, I swore not to bother with the rest of his films, but because I’m smitten with adorable eye-candy Anna Kendrick, I gave Happy Christmas a try.
I’m glad I did. Kendrick plays a happy-going, irresponsible, pot-smoking younger sister who comes to stay with her brother and his wife and his cute 2 year old son in their Chicago home. A very simple story, honestly told. 7/10.
Game Night, a fun entertainment about Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams, a competitive gamer couple and a role-playing murder mystery party.
2 About Catholic priests struggling with their faith: 
✳️✳️✳️ Duval and De Nero are brothers in True Confessions. Duval is a homicide detective on a case similar to The Black Dahlia, and De Nero is a monsignor in the Los Angeles archdiocese of 1948. I loved it years ago, and I still do: Reminiscent of ‘Chinatown’, and one of the best of 1980′s slow dramas.
I was knocked out today by the first scenes, which were shot on the desert roads outside Adelanto, my old stomping grounds! 7/10.
✳️✳️✳️ Under the sun of Satan, Maurice Pialat’s dense religious parable. Gérard Depardieu is a tormented, self-flagellating rural priest in the early 1900′s whose faith is tested by doubts. It didn’t speak to me.
Salvador Dalí & Walt Disney’s collaborated effort from 1945, Destino, which was completed & released in 2003. A 7 minutes surrealistic abstraction on Dalí planes.
The beating heart of Spielberg’s America, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Close Encounter Part 2. Thankfully, most of the film is about the kids, and Peter Coyote doesn’t show up until the last 30 minutes.
First watch in 40 years, prompt by another tearjerker, 9 year old Henry Thomas audition for the role of Elliott.
Produced by Mel Brooks, directed by young David Lynch, and with a touching scene of Anne Bancroft reciting Romeo & Juliet with the deformed Elephant Man. Sentimental period drama without the later Lynch twisted style.
The Whistlers, a stylized artsy Romanian crime story that starts on a Canary Island, and ends at Singapore Changi Airport. But in between it was dull and uninspiring.
Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics, a Netflix docu about LSD, targeted mostly to newbies. I re-watched it after my LSD trip this weekend, but it was too celebrity-loaded, “comedic” and flat.
"Alt-na-Shellach"! Hitchcock’s silly mistaken identity “thriller” The39 Steps. The detail I liked most about it was the late supper that Robert Donat cooked for Annabella Smith. He asked her if she’s hungry, and then he pulled a whole haddock out of the fridge, laid it on a pan and added some water to it to cook. Than He sliced a thick slap of white bread...
Edgar Wright’s latest Last Night In Soho, and his first from a young women prospective - Not what i expected, and nothing I cared for too much. A bit like Polanski's Repulsion. With Terence Stamp & Rita Tushingham. 3/10
- - - - -
Throw-back to the art project:
Cabaret Adora.
- - - - -
(My complete movie list is here)
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potted-dandelions · 3 years ago
How they work is complicated. Why they do is simple.
Quantum computers use Fourier analysis techniques to do something that digital computers simply cannot do: they arrive at precise answers to imprecisely asked questions, rapidly. So rapidly that they will make digital processors obsolete before your eyes like the box of VHS tapes gathering dust in your attic.
For all it can do, binary logic has a crippling limitation: the CPU bit depth constrains the math in such a way that doubling the precision of a calculation more than doubles the computation time due to the added overhead of managing more memory.
Here's an example: your pocket calculator with a 10-digit display is noticably slower than your old 8-digit calculator. Its dirty little secret is that the 3 least significant digits take just as long to compute as the first 7. To make it go faster—enough to run Crysis, or Skynet—you need more logical bits, more silicon and metal, more electricity and cooling, all of which depend upon more infrastructure, more industry, more resources and ultimately more power, more money, more problems. Even so, you cannot escape the P versus NP problem inherent to digital computers.
In contrast to the brute force algorithms sorting 64 neatly arranged ones and zeroes at a time to the beat of a tiny crystal metronome through the hard binary logic circuits of our ubiquitous digital machines, quantum Fourier algorithms actually make the correct answers to your queries sing out like piano strings vibrating at their resonant frequencies with high precision.
The humble digital computer could theoretically compute such an algorithm, but it is not known whether it could do so to reasonable precision in a human lifetime, so nobody is going to try. Quantum computers make it possible to achieve that precision in mere seconds compared to the decades it would take today's fastest digital supercomputers. Given the current state of the art, I think it's safe to predict that quantum machine learning will match human capabilities within the next 5 years.
Quantum computers operate by tuning a true random number generator called a qbit in such a way that a statically significant distribution of its output noise follows a well-defined curve when subject to frequency analysis. In essence, these machines listen to the fundamental frequencies of physical matter at the quantum scale like piano tuners listen to their tuning forks.
The tuner stretches the qbit to just the right tension to resonate at the fundamental frequency of a calculus equation. The beautiful thing about piano strings is that they do not need to be struck in precisely the right place to play precisely the right note. Most of calculus works by making reasonably close guesses at the correct answer to start with, but quantum computers do not have that limitation (however, I don't believe this will ever prove that P=NP because, while the logic is superpositional, the memory is still binary, for now anyway).
Quantum programs, then, are sheet music and the tones they generate are the output of a Turing-complete quantum scale music box. This obviously begs the question, what melody does pi calculated to 1 quintillion digits play?
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superhenrex · 5 years ago
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curiositydotcom · 6 years ago
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In the world of theoretical computer science, P vs. NP is something of a unicorn. It's become notorious since it remains an unsolved problem. It basically asks this: If it is easy to check that a solution to a problem is correct, is it also easy to solve that problem? Get back to us when you have an answer.
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fgodestinyawakenings · 6 years ago
EOR SERAPH: Epilogue (END)
And finally the epilogue with the final boss of this Singularity! I... I don’t know what to say except again, DW PLEASE DON’T REPEAT THIS BULLSHIT KIND OF EVENT AGAIN! 
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There’s two route of either going with no KP or all KP bought... For sanity, I’m going with all KP bought.
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In this final battle, you’re facing the Beast III-R Sesshion Kiara as the final round against her. As her Beast Class affinity, all class deals x1.0 damage (except Alter-Ego and Moon Cancer, who deals extra damage to her), all class takes x1.0 damage from her
Debuff all target with Arts Down/Buster Down/Quick Down (1 turn)
Heals Self (5,000 HP) + Increases HP Recovery (10 turns)
Charges NP Gauge by 1 tick. Inflict Charm status on a random target (1 turn). 
Critical Damage Up (3 turns)
Permanent Buff​ (All which can be removed in KP Shop)
Increase attack by 20%
Increase defense by 20%
Increase NP damage by 20%
Increase critical damage by 50%
Increase debuff resistance by 50%
Increase stun and charm resistance by 50%
Increase Quick resistance by 50%
Increase Arts resistance by 50%
Increase Buster resistance by 50%
Inflicts 1,000 damage to all enemies each turn
Reduce the enemy's critical stars by 10 each turn
Reduce the NP gauge of all enemies by 5% each turn
Recover 5,000 HP each turn.
NP: Deals damage to all targets. Inflict NP Seal status to one random target. (1 turn) Recovers 10,000 HP.
After this fight with her, you got one last visual story mode in both arrows to end the main story of this EOR Singularity!
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Thoughts & Observation:
I’ll admit that because this is a rerun version 2 years later, things are slightly more easier compared to the first round that is yet to come
Start preparing for lots of mixed class fight with either AOE Berserker, or a good team setup. Both normal and boss fight in this is even harder than Camelot now that HP bar is implemented
MLB those CE that increase rate of mobs appearance given in event. CEs rolled in gacha... Extremely impossible to MLB them but try to get at least 1 of each to make your grinding hell easier
Her constant spam of her first skill “Breast Valley”, not only it stacked her defense buff, her debuff immunity is always there making you unable to stun her with her first permanent buff
Even after her first HP break, her three NP charge bar will require you to either spam wide invincibility/evasion often from her AOE NP
But thankfully in this boss fight, she’s been only spamming her first skill so you’re safe from her third skill that ignore invincibility
However upon her second HP break, her new buff doesn’t work often. But it does for me on Leonidas once... Other than, prepare them with Guts for sudden insta-kill
Servants wise:
ST NP Berserkers: Extremely risky to do so but if you manage to pair them up with either one of the caster supports and another, they are the most viable for DPS against her
Lu Bu: His ignore defense NP works very well against her constant buffing of defense. Though, do note his stun will not work thanks to her debuff immunity
Caligula: Helps in stalling with his NP both skills and her own NP... But will definitely not recommended if her debuff immunity is constantly there
Asterious: Same reason with Caligula, despite having good debuff onto her from his NP, the problem still remains on her debuff immunity
ST Three Knight Class: Though they deal 1.0x damage to Alter Ego, they receive lesser damage from them. A good alternative from Berserkers to go for DPS
Support Caster/Servants: Preferably ones who can spam NP defensive support easily due to her NP charge bar
By traits:
Female: Jack, Carmilla (those two will deal 1.0x damage to her, but may be killed faster thanks to Alter Ego’s advantage)
Divine: Scathach, Enkidu, Martha (Ruler)
Humanoid: Nightingale, Okada Izou (same reason with Jack & Carmilla)
Enuma Elish
NP generating CE: particularly for support NP Servants to be able to spam NP often
Versus & Fondant au Chocolat: Onto your main DPS to deal more damage for her Divine trait
Art of Death: A slightly cheaper alternative for DPS onto her humanoid trait
Suzuka Gozen
For her first two survival fight against her, get Servants who deal more damage by trait to finish ASAP
Her first permanent debuff on your team can be problematic and annoying as she’ll deplete your crit stars at the end of each turn
First HP break that replaces the first debuff above, can be outwit if you are able to have support Merlin to spam his healing NP often
But her second HP break, though temporarily giving her ally 3-turn attack up, Hijitaka is problematic thanks to his class advantage
Shadow Hijitaka uses his EXTRA attack for his NP, but definitely still able to use his skill
Skills wise, aside from her charm that stuns Male Servants and sudden NP charge by 1 tick... Wide-party Evasion isn’t viable for defense as her latter skill also buff her with ignore evasion
Her AOE NP will buff her with increase critical damage for 3 turns... Whcih also hurts like a bitch
Servants wise:
AOE NP Archers: Or 1 ST NP + 1 AOE Archer because of her 2nd HP break that summons Shadow Hijitaka
Arash: Our pal-suicide-NP is extremely useful when needed to deal one huge damage on the 2nd HP break
Euryale: *points at Hijitaka* If you’d like one ST NP Archer solely to kill Hijitaka
Robin, Billy, David: Viable for ST NP options, but do be careful the moment she buffs with ignore evasion
Kid-Gil: Adorable oldest king’s Charm skill helps you in stalling
Touta; Third skill helpful in defense on HP for 3 turns
By traits:
Divine: Napoleon, Arjuna, Oda Nobunaga
Female (Suzuka Gozen): Jack & Carmilla
Humanoid: Nightingale, Okada Izou
Male (Hijitaka): Orion, Euryale, Medb, Stheno
Enuma Elish
Versus & Fondant au Chocolat: For Suzuka’s Divine trait
Kiyohime CE: To deal against Hijitaka
Increase Healing power: if needed on her first HP break
The most difficult thing about her is actually her very first debuff before getting replaced: debuffing one of your front-line Servants with Taunt.
This debuff will still land on another Servant, even if you have any taunters in front with taunt activated
My fight with her have it usually landing it on Jeanne Alter Berserker, so keeping her alive was a problem
Her first HP break second debuff skill seal, is also a problem especially when relying on Merlin/David Wide defense from her ST NP
The third one isn’t as bad but you may want to spam your Servant’s heal often
While skillset doesn’t have an issue, her ST NP effect removed all buffs on targeted Servant, which can be challenging if she hits on your DPS with the buff stack
Servants wise:
ST Berserker: Unlike her sister Passionlip, I don’t really recommend to bring them unless you got good defense to keep them alive before first HP break
ST NP Three knights class Servants: The most recommended ones to bring particularly David, Robin and Billy for their ignore evasion NP and skill
By Traits:
Female: Jack, Carmilla (those two will deal 1.0x damage to her, but may be killed faster thanks to Alter Ego’s advantage)
Divine: Scathach, Enkidu, Martha (Ruler)
Humanoid: Nightingale, Okada Izou (same reason with Jack & Carmilla)
Enuma Elish
NP generating CE: particularly for support NP Servants to be able to spam NP often
Versus & Fondant au Chocolat: Onto your main DPS to deal more damage for her Divine trait
Art of Death: A slightly cheaper alternative for DPS onto her humanoid trait
Demon God Pillar
Since its gimmick are rely on BB’s Jackpot, the only issue is its class advantage
Both attack and NP deals AOE damage to everyone, so taunters aren’t reliable here
But do note that it only buff itself with critical damage up, and be careful when they start stacking more than 2
Buff remover like Medea is more than welcome with her ST NP damage against it
David also for NP skill seal to prevent from buffing itself further
Take your own pick for support Caster, but generally either support in generating NP for DPS to spam, or AOE protection from its NP should do
I don’t have much recommended Servant in mind, just bring your strongest ST NP DPS + 2 support to finish it
The main difficulty is getting past the 6 Servants of mixed class to get to her.
Though they are Shadow Servants, their crit and NP EXTRA attack still hurts like a real fucking bitch
Her additional 2 skills gives her 20k healing and random debuff that can be removed via Mystic code or Servant’s skill
But her NP will immediately give her 1 tick NP charge after use, so do kill her quickly
Servants wise:
Amakusa & Martha Ruler: As this is general in both rerun and first run, these two are your best option before mothman and Sherlock comes in. Martha more preferred if you can borrow for support or have your own to be the main DPS
Jeanne: Depending on RNG, if assuming she doesn’t use her 2nd skill to remove invincibility and stun the targeted Servant
QSH & Sherlock: The alternatives with their own buffs and debuff from their NP, they can crit hard on BB with the good amount of stars
ST NP Berserker: Again not really recommended if you aleady got a ruler, her third skill of crit damage can hit really hard
Support Servants: Merlin, if you’re planning to set up a team revolving either Amakusa/Martha. Tamamo for Jeanne and helpful to spam her NP often
Taunters: With her ST NP, you may want Taunters to avoid damage landing on your DPS or support
Arash: To clear either first or second wave to spare damage from your team
By trait:
Female: Carmilla & Jack (But do beware of Shadow Caster Cu in the first wave)
Humanoid: Nightingale & Okada Izou
Enuma Elish
Taunt CEs: When needed against BB’s NP
Stun resist CE: I don’t think it’s really needed but if you’d like you can equipped them
Emiya Alter
Similar to Corrupted Ushiwakamaru fight, he receives and deals 1.0x damage from all class. Alter Ego, however, deals 1.5x damage to him
His difficulty kicks in the moment his HP bar break. Invincibility skill/NP becomes extremely useless thanks to his permanent ignore invincibility + NP damage UP
Also with this fight gimmick, he gains an additional skill: increase NP charge by 1 tick with HP drain as demerit
While his skillset isn’t as lethal as his non-Alter counterpart, his NP is one dangerous effect that even penetrates defense buff together with his ignore invincibility upon HP break
Servants wise:
Meltlilith & Eli-chan: The former is more recommended for the first run. But second run, do bring out Mecha Eli-chan along with Melt for DPS
Stun & NP Drain Servants: With his unique to charge his NP now as and when, both stun and staller are recommended to bring for this fight to delay his NP
Skill seal Servants: Alternative to NP drain, skill seal prevent Emiya Alter from charging his NP
Dress of Heaven: While Merlin is still viable with his healing, Irisviel and help more with not only healing, but her NP in particular to grant everyone Guts for 3 turns, timed perfectly when Emiya Alter is about to use his NP
Taunters: To avoid his NP on your DPS and support
By traits: Excluding Alter Ego class, this fight is more recommended with Servant that deals more damage by trait
Male: Euryale (most recommended for budget DPS), Medb, Orion, Summer Tamamo, Stheno
Humanoid: Okada Izou, Nightingale
Evil: Sanson (recommended alternative for DPS), Vlad EXTRA, Beni-enma
Enuma Elish
Kiyohime CE
5000 year old curse: For NP seal to stall time
Art of Death
Holy Shroud of Magdalene
Guts CE: On DPS or anyone you preferred, to survive longer to deal NP at him if needed
Beast III-R aka Sesshoin Kiara
I’m only going to cover her Heaven Hole’s version because I haven’t and WILL NOT go to her Demonic Bodhisattva version
Main advice because it needs to be bold and capitalized: COMPLETE EVERY MISSION TO BUY ALL BUFF AND DEBUFFS IN THE KP SHOP
Buying all not only makes the fight easier, but it helps on the final buff in allowing you to use Command Seal/Saint Quartz when needed to revive your team
In this version, all HP bar have no gimmick upon break. But her skillset of healing herself and deals debuff on your team can be tough in dealing damage
AOE NP apparently not only NP seal but also skill seal to your whole front-line team while she recovers 10k HP
A fight that following this advice in reddit, helps in not using CS to finish this fight
Servants wise:
Merlin + Mash: If you don’t have Merlin, it can be borrowed, but otherwise... This two + 1 main DPS will do the trick in killing her for this fight
Alter Egos DPS: Either Melt or Passionlip if you have either, bring them as they deal more damage to her for this whole event
Gilgamesh: .... For some reason, this version of Kiara isn’t Weak to Enuma Elish. Yet, he’s still a viable DPS to bring since his own attack already deal high damage
By trait:
Demonic: Rama & Caster Shuten
Evil: Beni-Enma, Vlad EXTRA, Sanson
Female: Carmilla & Jack
Humanoid: Nightingale & Okada Izou
Prisma Cosmo or any regeneration CE: Because one of the key in winning this is spamming both Mash & Merlin’s NP as often as you can
NP starting CE: For your DPS so that you can use their ST NP earlier to deal damage
Now this is over... Time to get back to that Detour quest while preparing for ENCORE quest!
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6 notes · View notes
jonathankatwhatever · 3 years ago
I’m a little freaked out because I suddenly can understand the SAT problem, like 2-SAT and 3-SAT, meaning the Boolean satisfiability test. And it appears to directly relate to exponential time. And thus I think we can say that NP = EXP in complexity and thus P ≠ NP because EXP ≠ P. This happened super fast this AMT and then at intervals over the day. As in, I woke up after a short, highly interrupted sleep, and looked up a few things, and the answer was just there. Happy birthday to me?
This also straightened out how the zeta series - and L-Functions generally - are different; they map to the fD rotation. I think I have the words to describe that using ‘internal’ versus ‘external’ connectors. The definition of ‘connectors’ is fairly clear when describing both cases, meaning the fD-HG-fD center of a Hexagon versus the bip of a gs.
Wasn’t entirely convinced I’d be able to get this.
In other news, I blew through 15,000 steps and over 7 miles in 2 hours. In a cold wind with no sun. I then made a creative dinner and cleaned up. I wonder if I’ll be able to sleep tonight.
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