#p sure they busted the door hinges and broke shit
hotmess-exe · 1 year
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afandommultiverse · 5 years
Ms. L/N
Pairing: Jax Teller x Reader Summary: Y/n is Abels teacher, Jax and Her come to an agreement to have Abel at her house until someone is free to get him, after so long, something was bound to happen. A/n: Do enjoy and comment!
I looked around my classroom and sighed, It was a huge mess. I began picking up various toys and trash that my kids didn’t pick up or simply forgot about. Once everything was back to the way it was supposed to be, I grabbed my bags and left the room. 
It was 4 by the time I was leaving. As I was walking to my class, I saw a little boy. Abel. He was in my class. What was he still doing here? I walked over to where he was sitting and sat down next to him. 
“What are you still doing her Abel?” I asked he looked up at me with the cutest little eyes. He smiled and said. 
“I’m waiting for Daddy.” I smiled, he really loved his father. He always talked about him. I looked down at my watch. 4:10. 
“Did Daddy say he was going to pick you up.” He went to speak but stopped, his eyebrows furrowed as he thought. 
“I- uh, I dunno,” he said and a sad expression came on his face. I stood up and held my hand out for him. 
“Come on, Abel. I’ll take you home.” 
It wasn’t the first time that I had to take Abel home, I knew who and what his dad was, and knew the rest of his family was the same. I knew they caught up in their other activities, but they really did need to work on a schedule for him. It’s getting colder and colder every day, the poor boy is gonna get sick out there if they keep leaving him. 
I parked my car in a space and got out. I helped Abel out of his seat and made my way to the front door. As I walked through, I heard laughter. I looked towards the group and called out is a name. 
“Mr. Teller!” The laughter stopped and Jax turned around, he looked at me confused and then his eyes widen when he saw Abel. He walked over fast, and before I knew it, Jax was swinging around Abel. I smiled at the scene and watched as Jax let him down and whispered something in his ear. Abel nodded and ran away. 
He faced me and I straightened my shoulders. 
“Mr. Teller, I would like to have a talk with you,” I said with no room for some kind of excuse. He nodded and lead me outside. As the door closed and we were surrounded by quiet. 
“Mr. Teller-” He cut me off, a smile on his face. 
“Please call me Jax,” I smiled and continued. 
“Jax, you really need to work on a schedule for Abel. The poor boy is gonna get sick one of these days and I really don’t want that, I don’t think you want that either.” He looked down guilty. 
“I-I’m sorry, I thought Tara was gonna get him today, I guess I need to work on that.” He looked deeply upset about this and I felt bad. 
“If you’d like, I-I, I can take him home with me until you guys are free to take care of him? I know I just his teacher but, It would be better than staying out in the rain, but I understand if you don’t trust me, especially with what you do for a living.” He went to protest but I stopped him. 
“It’s no secret what you do, just because you haven’t been caught doesn’t mean no one knows.” I smiled and looked at me, an unreadable expression on his face. As looked at me, I took the chance to really look at him. 
Blond hair combed back and brushing his shoulders, bright baby blue eyes, a 5 o'clock shadow beginning to appear. Pink kissable lips. He really hadn’t changed since high school, he just looked a little older. 
“I’ll think about it.” I was knocked out of my trance and looked back into his eyes. I cleared my throat a nodded. 
“Alright, I’ll see you around Mr. T- Jax.” He smiles, I just smiled back. I realized I was just standing them and hurriedly turned around and headed back to my car. 
The next day, I walked into the classroom early. I spread out the lesson for the day and began passing out the work pages and pencils for the children. I heard a knock on the door and turned around. Thinking it was another teacher, I called out. 
“Come in, it’s unlocked.” The door opened and there stood Abel and Jax, with… Tara. I prepared myself and threw on a smile. 
“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Teller,” I looked down at Abel and smiled. “Abel.” He smiled and waved happily at me. Tara rolled her eyes, behind Jax of course. She always hated me. Never knew why. 
“I thought about what you said yesterday, and I was wondering if you could take Abel after school today?” I smiled widely, of course. Tara scoffed walked back outside. 
“She wasn't pleased when I said we should let you take care of him.” He explained and nodded my head. 
“Well, as far as I remember, she has always hated me.” He looked at quizzically. I stopped. This entire time did he not remember me?
“Jaz? Do you even remember me?” I asked putting hands on my hips. Abel looked at us, back and forth, an acute confused expression on his small face. 
“Uh, I-I don’t. Am I supposed to?” I looked at him disappointed, crossing my arms. I shook my head and walked over to Abel, picking him up. I placed him on my hip and looked at him, 
“What are we gonna do with this father of yours?” I asked and he shook his head, placing his hands on his hips. 
“Daddy! She went to high school with you!” The realization hits Jax’s face fast and hard. 
“Oh my god, Y/n! I knew that name as familiar!” I laughed and shook my head. 
“You were always very forgetful,” I said and he pulled me into a hug. 
“I feel like such an ass now, Ma probably knew the entire time didn’t she?” He asked with a knowing expression. I nodded.
“Of course she didn’t.” 
The bell for the end of the day and as soon as all the children were gone, I began to pick up. 
“So, when are we leaving?” I looked over to see Abel with his backpack ready and hanging on his shoulders. I smiled. 
“It about an hour, I have some stuff to do and then we can leave okay?” He nodded and set his stuff down, I gave him some paper and crayons.
“Okay, Abel, here’s my home.” I got out of the car. I helped him out of his seat and walked him up to the door. I unlocked the front door and stepped in. I took off my jacket and boots, hanging them up. I helped him when I was done and lead him into the kitchen. 
“Would you like a snack?” He nodded his head and looked around shyly. I chuckled. 
“You can sit down Abel, it okay, just think of the house as yours okay?” He nodded and then sat down at the table. He waited for me to finish his snack. I placed down a cup of hot chocolate and a sugared croissant. It wasn’t exactly healthy, but I knew he could handle his sugar. 
He smiled when I placed the cup and plate down. He began eating immediately and I took this as a chance to get some work done. 
3 Months Later 
I opened the door to my house and sighed. Today had been a long day. Nearly 3 kids threw up in my class, 4 had tantrums, 5 were yelling, screaming, and the others, well they did nothing. 
I set my stuff down and looked through the fridge. I didn’t have Abel today, Gemma picked him up early today. I heard a knock on my door and looked at the wooden thing curiously. 
I walked over and looked through the hole, there I saw a man, tattoos covering his body. Who was he? Must be part of the sons. 
I opened the door a little bit and looked at him,
“Can I help you?” I asked and he smiled, his teeth dirty. 
“I’m here to pick up the kid.” I nodded and threw on a fake smile. 
“Of course, let me get him.” I closed the door and made sure to lock it quietly, I called Abel for an act and then walked down the hallway. 
I quickly took out my phone and dialed Jaxs number. It rung 4 times before he picked up. 
“Hello?” He answered. 
“Jax!” I whisper yelled. 
“Did you send anyone to pick Abel up?” 
“No, he’s here.”
“Then can you tell me whos on my front step, trying to pick him up?” There was a pause. 
“What does he look like?” He questioned, a rush in his voice. 
“Ugly,” I said and he chuckled before stopping, 
“No, like tattoos,” 
“Oh, well then” 
A loud crash rang through my house and I turned around, a hand sticking out of my window. 
“Uh, that doesn’t matter now, he just broke into my fucking house!” I said and ran upstairs, not before grabbing a knife though. 
“Shit!” I heard Jax curse. 
“Jax! If I die because of you, I will fucking hunt your ass!” I yelled and locked my bedroom window. 
“You’re not dying today. Try to get out of the house, I’m on my way now.” The call ended and I ran to my window. I unlocked the top and bottom, but just as I opened the damn thing, the dor busted off the hinges. 
The man ran for me and I tried to get out faster. He grabbed me from behind and threw on the bed. 
“You’re gonna regret that, you little bitch.” He smiled evilly and I went grabbed for the knife. He grabbed my wrists and held them down. I kicked my legs up and hit him in the crotch. I pushed him off of me and ran for the window. I landed on the sec0ndary roof underneath. I rolled down and landed in the bushes. 
I quickly got up and bolted for the street. I yelped when the gun went off. I looked and saw Jax down the street and began to run faster, but not fast enough. I heard the gun go off before the bullet hit me. I screamed and before I could hit the ground, Jax caught me. He lifted his gun and shot 3 times, hitting my attacker. 
“Shit, no no no no.” I looked up at Jax, smiling. 
“I’m so haunting your ass.” He laughed and shook his head. 
“Only you can be shot and still joke around.” He smiled and pulled out a phone. He talked into the phone some more, but everything began to get fuzzy. My vision slowly darkened and my hearing went out. I felt my body go limp before I finally closed my eyes. 
I heard the loud and obnoxious beeping of the machine behind me and knew exactly where I was. St. Thomas. I sighed and looked around the room. There were vases of flowers beside me and a glass of water. I reached out for the glass and took a small sip before setting it back down. As I looked around me, bored, in came Jax, Abel, Gemma, and well a lot of other people too. 
“Hey, Darling, how are you feeling?” He asked and pulled up a chair beside me. Abel hopped up on the bed and sat next to me. 
“Pretty disappointed really,” I said and pulled Abel to my chest, and aching in my back throwing itself around. Jax eyebrows furrowed. 
“Disappointed?” I nodded. 
“Yeah, I don’t get to haunt you!” I said, laughs and giggles ran through the room and I smiled. 
“No, but really, thank you.” 
Everyone had left and now it was just me, a sleeping Abel and Jax. Abel curled into me, his head resting on my arm. I combed through his hair, as he instructed, and smiled at his small snores. 
“He likes you, a lot.” I smiled. Abel has expressed his love for me a lot over time. 
“I know,” I spoke softly. Abel moved a bit when I paused my combing making me smile wider. Jax sighed. I looked up at him concerned. He looked worried, scared even. 
“What’s the wrong Jax?” He sighed and stood, he moved to the bed and sat on the other side of me. He looked out the window beside the bed before looking at me.
“You could have died today,” he stopped, taking a deep breath in, “all because of me.” I scooted up a bit, moving Abel’s head to my lap. I turned Jax to face me again. 
“Hey, don’t say that. It’s not your fault.” I said and looked at him sternly. 
“But it is! If I had never given you Abel, they wouldn’t have thought of you is important. Now you’re involved with us and it can’t be undone!” Jax said, his voice stirring Abel. He looked down at his son. “I could have lost both of you…” 
I looked at Jax sadly. How could he think that? It wasn’t his fault. It’s no ones.
“Jax, if I could go back in time and take back what I said, I wouldn’t. Abel is the best thing that has happened to me. Ever. He is the sweetest little boy, and I’m glad you trust me enough to keep him for a bit. I love that. I love him. I don’t regret what I did, and I think it’s totally a bullet in the back.” Jax looked at me shocked and confused. 
“Why? Why would you want to stay? You could be killed.” I smiled. 
“I know, and I’m fine with that, if it means I can protect this perfect little angel, and still be with you, I would risk my safety.” It quiet for a bit. Jax had turned away. I looked down at Abel for a bit before I felt something pulling my chin up. 
I looked up into Jax's eyes and smiled, he smiled back before leaning down and placing his lips on my own. I kissed back immediately, tingles spreading from my lips throughout my entire body. I pulled back and looked at him before remembering, 
His wife. 
He went to kiss me again but I placed a hand on his chest. 
“What about Tara?” I questioned looking at him holding back the urge to place my own kiss on his lips. 
“She left. Got fed up.” I nodded before kissing him again. I held him closer to me, well as much as I could with the boys head in my lap. I pulled back and scooted to the side, patting the new spot on the bed. Jax maneuvered his body and placed himself next to me, spinning my body against him as I moved Abel. 
As we lay together, I felt Jax kissed my neck softly before we finally drifted off to sleep.
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