#p sure that was evelyn's house.
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I believe Philip drew a design of the portal door with the eye in his diary, not as an original design, but copying down what he knew about someone else's door in preparation to attempt to replicate it. I don't believe he ever succeeded and I definitely don't think the portal door has any connection to him prior to him acquiring it in Young Blood Old Souls. (I'm not sure whether or not this is already a common belief in Owl House fandom, but I've seen at least one post that suggested otherwise, so I'll make this post.)
I'm pretty shaky on the lore of this series (which already leaves a lot ambiguous or unresolved), so I might be forgetting some big evidence for or against this claim, but here's my reasoning.
The door's eye is strongly implied to be associated with the Titan somehow, or possibly even literally the Titan's eye. I believe it is unlikely that the eye would have been intact and acquirable hundreds or thousands of years after the Titan's “death”.
The door, imo, doesn't fit any of Belos's aesthetics. It's less sleek and grandiose than his present day inventions, but more polished and decorated than his jury-rigged gear from when he was just starting out as Belos.
Belos didn't insist on taking the key from Luz in Young Blood, Old Souls. She uses the key to summon the briefcase and then tucks it back under her clothes while Belos is facing away from her. Then he turns towards her, she hands him just the briefcase, and he accepts it and lets her go. Why would he have let her leave with an absolutely essential component of the portal, one that's all but impossible to replace, if he actually understood how it worked?
The key blueprints at the start of Eclipse Lake look fresh and modern. There are geometrically precise exploded-view diagrams of pieces and it's printed on literal blue blueprint paper. They're sitting right next to a book about Grimwalkers, which has yellowed pages and appears to be handwritten. This contrast suggests Belos kept and still uses very old books, but his key designs are brand new. I don't think he realized he needed a special key to power the door until he'd gotten a good look at the portal door for the first time.
What possible circumstances could have led to Belos successfully constructing a working portal to the human world that could be used infinite times, then the door being buried on Clawthorne property?
I also checked the paintings from Hollow Mind. There's a shot of Philip watching Caleb follow Evelyn through a stone archway portal (it has an extremely different design compared to the archway in Thanks to Them), and a shot of the repaired portal in the present day. That's all. So, that's not strong evidence one way or the other.
I believe the portal door with the eye belonged to Evelyn. (I would furthermore guess that she discovered/inherited the door with the eye and didn't make it herself, but she did make the stone archway in the graveyard so she and her bf would both easily be able to reach other while they lived in different realms. But that’s more of a headcanon for fun than a Srs Theory.) She buried it on her family's property, near the other portal, when she decided she never wanted to return to the human realm. Philip wouldn't attribute the door to Evelyn in his diary because he hates her and because it would be creating evidence linking him to a murder and an attempted murder.
#the owl house#clawthornes coulda got that land after phil buried the door there i guess but i don't consider that possibility worth serious consideration#b/c of the portal from ttt leading to that backyard#p sure that was evelyn's house.#philip wittebane
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If I Can Dream: Chapter 3
A/N: I hope you are all enjoying this one! I love Jo so much and this story is about to really heat up. Head to my Masterlist for the first two chapters!
Summary: It's 1975 and Jo Bellamy has been in love with Elvis for 20 years. She doesn't even care that they haven't met yet. All she needs is a chance and she's determined to get one
But Elvis doesn't feel much like Elvis anymore. What happened to the man he used to be? He's pretty sure he's long gone.
Can a chance encounter with Jo change the ill-fated trajectory of his life?
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, we've reached the smut! Oral sex, p in v sex, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, also erectile dysfunction frustration
Word count: ~4k
But he misses her in his arms, the big bed feeling cold and empty.
Jo drags herself through work on Thursday, coming home to immediately get in the bath with a bottle of wine. She puts on an Elvis record, the B side to Promised Land, and sobs to the sound of his voice. She knows it's silly to be sad over something that never really happened, but she'll never stop loving him. The record stops and she gets out of the tub, wrapping herself in a fluffy robe and resetting the needle. It’s Midnight plays again and she lays on the bed crying with the album cover in her arms. She's in this position when Evelyn calls.
“Oh, Jo-Jo, surely you knew it wasn't going to go anywhere. The man dates beauty queens and Playboy bunnies.” Jo takes a big gulp of wine.
“Yeah, but you weren't there when we woke up on the couch together. We talked for hours.” Evelyn sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Okay, you're right. But will you give it up now? You met him. You went to his house. And now it's done. So please, ask Alan to the wedding. I don't want you to be the only one without a date.”
“Yeah.” Jo takes a deep breath and sighs. “Yeah, I'll ask Alan tomorrow.”
Elvis spends the whole of Thursday in bed. The aching loneliness is back and he just can't seem to find a reason to do much else. At around 1am, there's a soft knock on his door.
“Who is it?” Jerry pokes his head in the door.
“It's just me, boss.”
“Hey, Jer.”
“You alright?” Jerry enters the room and sits on the end of the bed.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” Elvis doesn't move from his position in the bed on his side. Jerry looks at him silently for a while. He's not sure what to do to help, but he knows he needs to try something. An idea comes to him; it's risky, but he has to try.
“What happened to that girl?” Elvis tries to keep his breathing even.
“What girl?” Jerry rolls his eyes. He knows Elvis knows who he's talking about.
“Jo? Wasn't that her name?”
“She's gone.” Elvis closes his eyes and tries not to picture her, think about her laugh, or the scent of her hair.
“I thought she lived in Memphis.” Jerry knows he's pushing his luck here, but he's not going to give up.
“She does! Leave me the fuck alone, Jerry!” Elvis sits up and yells, cringing with the stiffness of having been in bed all day. Jerry purses his lips.
“All I'm sayin’ is you were happier in those 24 hours with her than you have been in years. Maybe it's worth givin’ her a call.” He stands and walks from the room, slamming the door behind himself.
Elvis lays back down and tries to think of anything but Jo, but it doesn't work. Eventually, he sits up and stares at the phone. He picks up the receiver no less than four times before he gets up the courage to dial her number.
Jo’s phone rings and rattles her from her deep slumber. Her head already hurts a little from the wine, but when she realizes what's happening, she takes a deep breath and grabs the phone.
“Hi honey.” She looks up at the ceiling and tries to keep her tears in her eyes. “Were you, um, were ya sleepin’?”
“Yeah, I was. It's almost 3am. Again.”
“Oh…” Elvis starts to lose his nerve, thinking this was a terrible decision. “I'm sorry; I-I'll leave ya alone.”
“No! It's okay. I'm… glad you called…”
“Are ya?” She laughs softly.
“Yeah, of course I am.” He smiles and relaxes into the conversation. His first instinct is to ask her to come over, but he stops himself before he does. He's afraid that might send the wrong message.
“You workin’ tomorrow?” She sighs.
“Yeah, unfortunately.” He nods, forgetting that she can't see him. And then it just slips out before he can stop it.
“You should come over when you're done.” He cringes a little, knowing that this whole thing is probably a mistake.
“Elvis, I'd love to, I really would, but I promised my niece I would take her to see Christmas lights.” Jo curses under her breath, hating the idea of turning down a chance to see him again. “Why don't you come with us?”
“Oh, honey, I-I-I-” He stumbles over his words trying to come up with an excuse.
“I've just decided. You're coming with us. I think you need to get out of that house.”
“Jo, honey, I don't-I can't-”
“What? Ride in a car? Yes you can. I'll pick you up around 5:30.” Something about the way she says it makes him feel like he couldn't say no even if he wanted to.
At about 5:45pm, Jo pulls up to the Graceland gates with her niece Amy in the backseat of her old pea-green car and asks to be let in. Jerry is so happy to see her back that he's practically bouncing when he opens the front door.
“Hey, Jo! He'll be down in a second.” She nods and they wait in the foyer. Eventually Elvis comes down in a two-tone blue suit. He had originally had on one of his tracksuits but decided to change at the last second, and he's glad he did. Jo is so cute in her little cowl-neck sweater dress and boots that he almost hopes photographers will find them. She lights up when she sees him and he can't help but smile too.
“Hi! This is my niece-” The little girl sticks out her hand.
“Amy Louise Jenkins.” Elvis smiles down at her and takes her hand, shaking it gently.
“Elvis Aaron Presley. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Jo has to physically stop herself from melting on the spot. “How old are ya? You seem about the same age as my Lisa Marie.”
“I'm seven, but I'll be eight in May.” He nods.
“I was right. Lisa will be eight in February.” She smiles and turns to Jo, taking her hand in one and Elvis's in the other.
“Let's go see some lights!” Elvis looks at Jo over Amy's head and shrugs. Jo suppresses a grin and they make their way out to her old, beat-up car. Elvis looks at it and turns to her with his eyebrows raised.
“Not all people drive Cadillacs.” Jo whispers.
“No, honey, I know that. It's fine.”
The rest of the evening passes with all three of them belting out Christmas carols as they drive around the wealthier neighborhoods in Memphis looking for lights. In the beginning, Elvis wouldn't sing, but with some gentle cajoling from Jo and Amy, he finally breaks down. When Blue Christmas comes on, he sheds any last hints of nervousness and puts on a full show. The girls both applaud wildly and he has to grab the wheel when Jo almost crashes into a parked car in her enthusiasm. When he does, he unintentionally puts his arm behind her on the seat and she leans her head on his shoulder.
“You want me to drive, honey?” He speaks softly, enjoying the feel of her so close to him.
“Yeah, do you mind?”
“Not at all.” She parks the car and he replaces her in the driver's seat. He's surprised but pleased when she settles onto his shoulder again.
By 8 o’clock, Amy is snoozing soundly in the backseat and Elvis follows Jo's directions to her stepsister’s house. When they get there, Jo looks into the backseat and sighs.
“I'm not sure how I'll get her to the door without waking her up.”
“I got ‘er.” Elvis is not sure where his confidence comes from, but she's no bigger than Lisa Marie and he carries her all the time. They get out of the car and he scoops Amy into his arms, walking up to the front door. For a second, he forgets who he is until Jo's brother-in-law answers the door and his jaw drops. Jo realizes what's happening and interjects.
“Hey, Rob, this is Elvis.” Her brother-in-law scoffs.
“Yeah. I know.” Elvis tries to smile genially.
“She fell asleep in the car. Hope this is okay.” Rob nods, still a little starstruck and takes Amy from him.
“Goodnight, Rob.” Jo takes Elvis's arm and turns him around to head back to the car. She can only keep her giggles under control for a few feet before she lets them out. He looks at her, amused.
“What's got you tickled?”
“His face! I forgot who you were for a second.” He chuckles.
“Honestly, so did I.” They get back in the car and she leans on his shoulder again for the drive back to Graceland.
When they get back to the house, Elvis parks Jo's car in the driveway and his stomach sinks at the thought that she'll go home soon. Again, he wants her to stay, but he's nervous about her expectations in the bedroom.
“Can I come in?” He raises his eyebrows, surprised at her boldness.
“I'm just not ready to go home yet. And I feel like every time I leave, the likelihood of seeing you again decreases.” He swallows, knowing that she's right. The more he allows himself to think about it, the more he worries whether this should continue. But when she's here right in front of him, it's hard to turn her down. He feels himself nod.
“Yeah. I dunno what we'll do-”
“We'll find something. Let's go.” He has to admit, her happy-go-lucky attitude is infectious.
They get into the foyer and she looks around the house while he stands there awkwardly.
“You don't have a Christmas tree.” He hadn't even realized. Usually he's instructed someone to set it up by now, but this year he forgot.
“No, I guess I don't. I'll have someone set it up before Lisa Marie comes.”
“We’ll do that!” He looks at her confused.
“Tell someone to set up the tree?” She purses her lips.
“No, ya brat, we’ll do it ourselves and decorate it.” He scowls.
“I ain't a brat.”
“I know. So quit actin' like one. Let's get the tree. Where is it?”
“I think it's in storage somewhere. Mary probably knows.”
“Well, okay then. Let's go.” She walks towards the kitchen and he follows her. He's quickly learning that when she puts her mind to something, she's going to make it happen regardless of the obstacles. In general, he's not used to this level of agency or determination in a woman, but at his age it's kind of nice to not be in charge for once.
With Jerry and Mary's help, they manage to locate the tree and boxes of decorations. It takes them a while, but after lots of direction from Jo and laughter from both of them, they manage to get it done.
“Okay, plug it in!”
“Yes ma'am, miss bossy.” He gives her a little salute and she giggles. The sound of her laugh warms him from the inside out and he thinks to himself that taking her instruction is worth it for this feeling. The thought gets even stronger when he plugs in the tree and she squeals with delight.
“Oh, it's so pretty! Elvis come look!” He stands and walks up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist instinctively. Maybe he could just let this happen.
“It is pretty.” He murmurs in her ear.
“You know the best way to look at a Christmas tree, right?”
“This seems like a pretty good way.”
“C’mere.” She moves away from him and he decides he needs to get her back in his arms as quickly as possible. He watches as she lays down on the floor with her head up under the tree. “Ahhh, get down here. It's gorgeous.”
Shaking his head, he lowers himself to the ground and grunts as he arranges to be under the tree. He's not sure how he'll get up again, but when he sees her with the colored lights shining on her face, he decides he doesn't care.
“Isn't it pretty?” She looks over at him and he brings his hand up to her cheek, running his thumb across it gently.
“Beautiful.” He can no longer stop himself as he leans over and presses his lips to hers.
The kiss is soft and sweet, but when he pulls back to look at her, his heart skips. He hasn't felt like this about a woman in a long time and it scares him. She leans in to kiss him again and he backs away.
“You wanna tour?” He smiles awkwardly and she blinks a few times.
“Oh, yeah, I guess.” She's completely confused by his quick shift, wondering if she's done something wrong, but she follows his lead as he moves from under the tree. It takes them both several tries and quite a bit of grunting, but eventually they both make it back to standing. He holds both of her hands in his and looks down at her. Almost against his will, he leans in and kisses her softly. There it is again, the heart skip that makes him so nervous. He pulls back from the kiss and just looks at her. She's completely perplexed by his kisses and subsequent hesitation, but before she can say anything, he wraps an arm around her waist and starts to lead her through the house.
The last place he shows her is the pool. He realizes it hasn't been drained and curses Jerry. It's freezing outside, so he holds her again from behind with her head against his chest.
“We should jump in.” She says quietly. He laughs and presses his lips to her temple. Why can't he keep himself from kissing her? He’s torn from that thought when she speaks again. “I'm serious! I've heard it's good for you. Let's do it.”
“Honey, you're crazy.”
“Am I? I'm doing it.” She pulls away from him and walks to the edge of the pool.
“Jo, no. It might be dangerous.” Putting her hands on her hips, she turns to face him.
“Nah. And anyway I thought you were a daredevil? What happened to the guy who had firework fights?”
“He had to grow up.” There's a hint of bitterness in his voice. She shakes her head, walking towards him and resting her hand on the side of his face.
“No. Time passed. Growing up is optional.” He leans down and kisses her again. It's like he can't get enough. She mumbles against his lips. “I refuse.”
Then, she turns and takes off running, jumping into the pool fully-clothed. The cold water overwhelms her body with sensation, shocking her system.
“Jo!” When she surfaces she lets out a little scream and shivers.
“Come on! Don't make me do this by myself!”
“You're fucking crazy, honey.”
“Yeah! And you're a pussy.” He scowls again, his masculinity offended.
“No, I ain't.” Her teeth chatter, but she refuses to back down.
“Prove it.” He puts his hands on his hips and shakes his head.
“Damn it, honey.” She giggles as he walks to the edge of the pool. He looks up at the sky when she gestures for him to join her. The stars twinkle down on him and he wonders: what if he does take this plunge with her? Would it kill him? Unlikely. And if he doesn't do it, what is he choosing instead? Suddenly, he's not just thinking about the pool. He looks back down at her, shining with life and sparkling like the stars. “Alright, fuck it.”
And then he jumps. His whole body screams when the icy water crashes into his skin. But he survives and feels more alive than he has in years. He surfaces and pulls her to him, kissing her deeply. This time when his heart skips, he leans into it, slipping his tongue into her mouth and pushing his body against hers. Every part of him buzzes with life and need and something he can't quite put his finger on. She shivers in his arms, not sure if it's the cold from the water or the heat from the kiss that's running through her. He pulls back and runs his fingertips down the side of her face.
“Honey, you're shakin’. Let's go inside.” She nods and kisses him deeply again.
They manage to get out of the pool and run through the house to the upstairs bathroom, giggling like teenagers and dripping all over the carpet. He starts a hot shower and they both start stripping off wet clothes. When they're down to their underwear, he grabs her and pulls her to him, crashing his lips into hers in a full open-mouthed kiss. They tumble into the shower together and moan as the hot water touches their skin. He doesn't stop her when her hand drifts below his waist, dipping into his underwear. To his own surprise, he's hard as a rock and he groans as she strokes him gently. His hands move over her whole body, unclasping her bra and pushing her panties down frantically.
“Bed?” She mumbles as she removes his underwear, leaving them both naked. He's so relieved she suggested it, he nods vehemently without moving his mouth from hers. A decade ago, he would've just bent her over in the shower, but now he needs something a little more stable. What he doesn't know is she does too. She might be 4 years younger, but she's no twenty-something and the thought of getting on her knees in the shower is not appealing. They quickly dry off, still pressed together, and he walks her backwards into the bedroom, where she lays on the bed and he crawls on top of her, dropping hot kisses on her skin wherever he can reach. She spreads her legs and he goes to push into her, but the move from the bathroom was a little too much for him.
“God fucking damnit!” He curses loudly and she grabs his face.
“It's okay.” When he tries to protest, she shakes her head and pushes him onto his back. “Do you think this is the first time this has happened to me? It's okay, Elvis.”
He closes his eyes and leans his head back, but he whips them open again when he feels her mouth around his soft cock.
“Honey, I don't know if-”
“Shh. Let me work. You just think about what it would feel like to fuck me. Focus on the sensations of it. Tell me how my pussy feels, babe.” She goes back to moving her mouth on him.
“Tell me.” He sighs and closes his eyes again. What she's doing does feel really good and imagining having sex with her is easier than jumping in the pool was, so he tries to think about it.
“It's tight… wet…”
“What else, babe?”
“It's… squeezing my cock just right…” He starts to get into it, losing himself in his fantasy and the way her mouth and hand feels on him. “I can feel you cum; you're so sexy when you cum for me.”
He moans softly and she tries not to smile as he begins to harden in her mouth. She swirls her tongue around his sensitive head and takes his balls in her hand to massage them as she works.
“Fuck, yeah baby. God that's good.” In another few seconds, he's as hard as he was in the shower and she sits up, stroking him with her hand.
“You wanna actually feel me now? See if your imagination was right?” She hovers over him, dragging the tip of his dick against her entrance to cover it in her arousal.
“More than anything.” He grabs her hips and she whimpers as she starts to sink onto him, moving slowly to give herself the chance to adjust.
“Oh god… fuck.” She groans as he fills her fully, his cock so deep inside her as she grinds against his hips. She starts to pick up a steady rhythm of sliding him in and out, bouncing and rolling and moaning.
“Better… it's better…” He groans, running his hands up to cup her breasts. She arches her back as she pushes him even deeper, his cock hitting her g-spot with every movement.
“Fuck, Elvis…”
“You've got a dirty mouth, honey.” She laughs.
“You didn't seem to mind when it was wrapped around your cock.” He blushes a little, still unaccustomed to women who own their sexuality. His hands move down to grip her hips as he helps her move on him.
“Careful. Keep this up and I'll fill that pretty little mouth again.” He grabs her chin and runs his thumb along her bottom lip. She pulls his thumb into her mouth and swirls her tongue on it.
“You promise?” She smiles mischievously and he grabs her, pulling her down onto his chest.
“Gonna fill this pretty little pussy with cum first, honey.” He whispers in her ear as he starts to thrust up into her from underneath. She whimpers, the change in position pushing her to the edge of an orgasm.
“Yes! Oh god… I'm so close…” He feels her walls flutter around him and grunts.
“Come on, honey. Cum on my dick. Let me feel it.” That's all it takes for her to tumble over the edge into oblivion, her pussy pulsing around him as the pleasure runs through her body like lightning. The feeling of her throbbing around him is enough to throw him over the edge too and he holds her tight to his chest as his orgasm rips through him, his cock emptying deep inside her.
They lay there for a bit trying to catch their breath, both of them trembling. Eventually he loosens his grip on her and they relax. She lets him slip out of her and then rearranges to lay next to him in the crook of his arm. Her fingers run through his chest hair and he kisses her forehead.
“Hey, honey?” He turns a little to look down at her.
“What is this?” She lifts her arm when she feels his fingers on the skin of her ribcage. He lifts his head a little to try to see what he noticed when she was on top of him.
“It's a tattoo.”
“I didn't know women got tattoos.” She rolls her eyes a little.
“Janis Joplin has one.”
“What's it say?” He tries to read it, but he's at the wrong angle.
“‘To live would be an awfully big adventure.’ It's from-”
“Peter Pan.” She looks at him in awe.
“Yes, how did you-?”
“I read a lot, honey.” He runs his fingertips over the words softly. “You know, you've always reminded me of someone. Now I know who it is.”
“Tinkerbell.” She laughs and kisses his nose. He looks into her eyes and she stops laughing. The reality of the situation hits her like a ton of bricks and all of a sudden her eyes fill with tears. She squeezes them shut to try to keep the tears from falling and buries her face in his chest. “Hey, hey. What's wrong?”
He finds her chin and makes her look up at him, the tears sliding down her cheeks. She desperately searches for a way to express what she's feeling, but the words aren't there. Finally, she's able to choke out something.
“Nothing’s wrong. It's good. Isn't it? It can't be this good.” He softens and kisses her forehead, pulling her in close.
“Oh, Tink. It is good.” He looks down into her face, holding her cheek in his big hand. “It is good.”
Too good, he thinks as she nods and settles against him. Too good to last.
What will happen next?
@ccab @atleastpleasetelephone @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @cinnamoroll-things @burnthheparaphilia @jhoneybees @cattcb @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @searchingforgravity @msamarican @angschrof @lustnhim @polksaladava @librababe99 @hooked-on-elvis @theelvisprincess @makethemorning @peaceloveelvis @mrspresley69 @pxpresley
#elvis presley#elvis#elvis presley fanfiction#elvis fanfic#elvis presley fic#elvis smut#elvis fanfiction#elvis fic#elvis presley smut#elvis presley fanfic#elvis x oc#elvis x Jo#elvis presley x oc#Elvis Presley x Jo Bellamy
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The Wish Job (One)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two1 0th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One (you're here!)
This fic was line jumped! If you'd like to learn more about line jumping (getting to see your favorite fics updated sooner) you can read this post
I had a lot of thoughts for this AU, actually, so I'm really glad it got line jumped so I was forced to put them down into words lol
Steve becomes one of Nana's foster kids, but he spends a majority of this series with the Leverage crew working a job (as the name of this series suggests), and they fill similarly parental role.
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
After his father's arrest, everything is a blur. Steve can remember flashes, sure, but nothing concrete. Nothing more than two FBI agents in the door of his classroom, the cold steel of interrogation room chairs, an agent's ponytail with split ends, a kind smile but clammy hand on his elbow, the broken A/C of the car when he finally left the FBI office, and the slippery feel of the garbage bag he's given to pack 14 years of a life he'll never see again.
Nothing comes back into focus until he's faced with an older black woman, standing outside a two-story house. The man with a kind smile but clammy hands introduces her, but Steve doesn't actually hear the name.
"You can call me Nana," the woman says, looking at the man like she doesn't know why he's still there when his work is obviously done.
"Well, uh, Steve, feel free to call if you need anything. We'll keep in touch," the man says, nodding before half-running down the walk way.
"Never liked him," Nana says, clicking her tongue. "Too damn squirrely for my tastes. Now, Steve, come inside and we'll go over some ground rules."
Steve follows her mechanically, gripping his trash bag tightly and wondering far too late why he wasn't allowed to pack his own suitcases. The house is a cacophony of noises: feet running across wood floors, a TV blaring from the living room, shouts coming from every direction, a microwave beeping while the oven timer rings, a crash from the next room over that makes Steve wince.
Nana stands in the doorway, takes a deep breath, and then shouts at the top of her lungs, "Y'all had better stop all this racket right the fuck now before I cancel pizza night!"
The house goes silent, and Steve feels his shoulders tense even more. He hates the silence. Silence means anger, and anger means punishment. He clenches his jaw, trying to keep himself small as Nana nods and leads the way into a dining room.
A girl appears in the room shortly after, carrying a mug and a soda. She places the mug in front of Nana and the soda in front of an empty seat, gesturing for Steve to sit. "Welcome. I can take your bag, if you want," she offers, looking at the trash bag with bright eyes.
"Don't make trouble, Breanna," Nana says, dismissing her easily.
Steve watches her leave before sitting. He licks his lips, opens the soda as quietly as he can manage, and waits for Nana to take a sip from her mug before saying, "Thank you for taking me in, ma'am."
"I said to call me Nana, none of that ma'am business unless you're in trouble, and you're not in trouble," she says, waving her hand dismissively. "Now, the rules. No complaining about sharing a room. No TV remote access after seven because that's when my shows start. We all eat dinner together on Wednesday night. You go to school every day unless you're sick, and you tell me when you're feeling sick. You got all that?"
"Yes, m....Nana."
"Good. Now, I know you're used to a fancier living than this, but I expect you to adjust without too much complaint. You still get your own bed, and whatever you brought is yours to keep, but money is tight. We save where we can, and I expect you to help with that. Turn off lights, use less water, unplug things when you're not using them."
Steve nods again, inexplicably feeling a little better as Nana speaks. She's not treating him like a spoiled brat, but she's not coddling him, either. She gets another boy (an older one named Hardison) to give him a tour of the house. He shows Steve the mezzuzahs on each door and the Kaaba directional marker in each room---"We're a multi-denominational household, kid, Nana will get whatever you need if she doesn't have it already," Hardison says, grinning widely at him---and makes sure he knows which spots are good for hiding when he needs a few minutes.
He ends the tour at Steve's new room. It has two bunk-beds, three of the bunks with rumpled sheets and one bottom bunk devoid of sheets altogether. Hardison gives Steve blue sheets, welcomes him, and then leaves Steve to unpack by himself.
It's new, it's unfamiliar, it's terrifying. Steve hopes, despite himself, that it's not a temporary stop.
"I don't care! He can't stay!"
"We're already in London, Hardison. We can hardly send him back on a plane by himself."
"Isn't that how he got here in the first place? He's 17, not seven."
Steve moves his gaze from Hardison to Sophie to Eliot, feeling like he's watching a tennis match. He's sandwiched between Nate and Parker, a hand on his shoulder holding him back from trying to defend himself. Not that he's upset about it. Keeping everyone from turning their frustration on him sounds like a great idea.
"Yeah, and how did he get here?" Parker asks, dashing Steve's hopes right as they're forming.
He shifts uncomfortably as everyone looks at him, ducking his head and staring at the floor. A small part of him is frustrated, angrily protesting the familiar move when its usual target has long been absent.
"Hey, give him some room," Hardison says, moving forward to push Nate and Parker back a few steps. He stands at an angle to Steve, leaving him plenty of room to move away if he wants. "Nobody's angry, kid. Well, I'm a little mad, but only because you could be putting yourself in danger. So, how'd you catch up to us?"
Steve wonders for a brief moment about whose wrath he'd rather endure. In the end, he decides Breanna is scarier than Hardison, so he lies. "Nana and I overheard you on the phone with Parker at Hannukah dinner, and then Nana said she gets worried about you sometimes," he says, meeting Hardison's eyes before glancing away. He makes himself small again, but it's on purpose this time, broadcasting shame as he adds, "I still have, um, access to my savings account...from my....from them. Enough for a plane ticket and cab ride, at least."
"Aww, Nana worries about us," Parker says, smiling brightly as she nudges Eliot with her elbow. "That's sweet."
"If it weren't a lie," Sophie says, her lips pursed and her eyebrows raised slightly as she walks closer to Steve. She taps his shoulder, his temple, and his hand. "Lowered head but not as low as before. Shoulders drawn in but tense to hold them there. Fingers twitching just slightly. Impressive, I will admit, but I'm a professional, darling."
Steve sighs and lifts his head, his shoulders relaxing some as he frowns. "You didn't have to call me out on it," he mumbles.
"Breanna got you here, didn't she? Ain't no way you'd lie to protect anyone else."
"She could ruin me, Hardison."
"I can ruin you, too, did you forget about that?"
Steve considers him for a moment before shrugging.
"Well," Nate says, clapping his hands together and pulling everyone's attention to him. "Steve is here now, we might as well use him. Sophie, give him an Italian accent and some suede shoes."
"I can already speak Italian," Steve says, "and I have my own suede shoes to match a Cesare Attolini suit." He feels something like guilt twinge in his stomach when Hardison glances at him. Steve's mother may have forfeited custody of him, but she still sends gifts every now and then. Steve usually sells them, slips the cash into drawers and wallets and couch cushions so they can be discovered by Nana and his foster siblings.
The suit and shoes, though? Steve couldn't bring himself to sell them. If there was one thing he missed about life before Nana's foster home, it was the clothes. It was the way his clothes made him feel like a better version of himself, a version everyone would admire and approve of. So, yeah, he'd kept the clothes and shoes his mother sent him two months ago, and he'd packed them for this trip just because.
He'd glad they seem to be coming in handy.
After processing his words, Nate blinks, a smile growing on his face like he's discovered a treasure he won't be letting go of any time soon.
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#my writing#steve harrington#steve deserves good parents actually#leverage#alec hardison#parker#sophie devereaux#nate ford#eliot spencer#the wish job#nana leverage#this was a lotta fun to write actually#i love leverage so much you don't even know#anyway hope you had fun reading lol#thanks again for line jumping! i hope you liked it ^_^
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Ethan Edwards 73
Summary - Ethan sees reader on the Jumbotron, finding her very attractive, he seeks out to find her after the game.
Pairings - EthanEdwards x UMICHstudent!reader
Warnings - Smut! P in V sex, pet name (baby) unprotected sex(reader is in birth control), a little cursing, one or two little slaps on the ass, cream pie, this is really long sorry.
A/n: 18+ however if you are 16+ that’s fine too with me, just be warned. If you want to send requests please try and send them through my Inbox! This is just so I don’t get anything mixed up and I can go in the order of first come first serve. This request was so cute and I am actually so here for it! Also no shame to @dgefhrsff for commenting under my post! I just wanted to clear the inbox thing up! Hope you enjoy!
You were in the back of Amelia’s car, while in the passenger seat beside her Olivia sings along with a Katy Perry song. You guys were heading to a hockey game, since you had never been to one. “I can’t wait to see Luca on the ice tonight. He’s in my class and he is the literal definition of adorable.” Evelyn yaps next to you.
You snort at her statement. “didn’t you guys get paired with each other for a project?” You ask her, rolling your eyes playfully as she takes her phone out, snapping a picture of herself and sending it to Luca. She wrote something on there as well, but you couldn’t catch what it said before she sent it.
“Yeah.” She replied shortly, pausing to look you up and down. “You must be trying to impress somebody, that short skirt and…” she paused, eyeing you more. “Skimpy? Crop top, is so cute!” She finished, smiling brightly at you.
You really appreciated her feedback, you weren’t too sure about your outfit tonight. You also know if it was bad she’d send you right back into the house to change into something different, even if it didn’t match the theme. “Thank-” you start, but get cut off by Amelia yelling.
“WE ARE HERE BITCHES!” Amelia yells from the top of her lungs, putting her hands in the air. You all laugh at her antics, getting out of the car to quickly get your seats. “You don’t have to yell.” Olivia scoffs playfully, Amelia blowing a kiss her way.
You all make it in the stadium, picking the closest seats to the glass. As the girls around you talk, waiting for the game to start, you watch the hockey boys warmup. “Who’s got your eye?” Amelia asks you, she as well eyeing the hockey players through the glass.
A small blush creeps across your cheeks. “I don’t know, number 73 is kind of cute.” You reply shyly. Amelia gasps dramatically, you and the two others looking at her like she’s crazy.
“Ethan Edwards is not ‘kind of’ cute, he’s one of the hottest seniors this year!” She laughs at your reaction to her dramatic effect. However, Olivia and Evelyn nod, agreeing with her statement.
You cover your face in embarrassment, looking around you to make sure nobody heard what Amelia had just said out loud. You lightly smack her arm, “You said that so loudly!” You say, trying to laugh it off.
“Yeah, yeah whatever.” She laughs, the lights in the stadium quickly dim as all of the hockey players come out excitedly. Everybody roars for Michigan as all of the boys are on the spotlight.
It’s been an hour since the game started and Michigan was winning. You and the girls were up dancing and singing to the songs coming through the speakers.
You were all having a great time when suddenly Amelia shouted. “Oh my gosh! You are on the big screen!” She yelled excitedly, pointing at you. You laughed and blew a kiss to the screen, not knowing that Ethan was watching you causing him to trip over his own skate.
You didn’t see it (thankfully for him) but the other guys most definitely gave him shit for it.
The game had ended a few hours after, the crowd excitedly cheered for their team.
Shortly after, you all went to leave, walking through the hallway. You admired the pictures of the hockey players while y’all walked through the almost empty hallway.
You were surprised when someone came up behind you, tapping on your shoulder. You turned around to see Ethan, in the flesh.
“Oh, hi!” You said, causing the girls to turn around and look in awe.
“Hey.” He said, almost like he was nervous. “I know this is strange,” he started, but continued no matter how uncomfortable this is for him. “but I saw you on the screen and I just wanted to say that you’re beautiful.” He finished, smiling as he saw the blush creep across your cheeks.
The girls gasped quietly, excusing themselves down the hall a bit further from you, while you talked to Ethan.
You looked over your shoulder quickly before returning back to his gaze. “Thank you.” You replied, your smile widening at his compliment. “It’s actually cool that you made an effort to tell me. Most guys wouldn’t.” You laughed slightly.
“Yeah I guess you’re right.” He paused looking down at your lips before looking back into your eyes. “If you want, we are having a bonfire tonight.” He trailed off. “You can come. Alone, or with your friends.” He says, his head nodding in the way your friends went.
Your eyes lit up at the request. “Yeah, I’ll talk to them.” You nod, digging your phone out of your not too big, not too small, purse. “Can I get your number? For the address?” You asked, handing him your unlocked phone.
“Yeah,” he said, typing his phone number in your phone, handing it back to you when he’s done. “really hoping to see you.” He says, smiling before walking away to his friends.
You had arrived at the bonfire Ethan was talking about with Evelyn, she didn’t want to leave you alone there and she wanted to see Luca so why not come?
You guys immediately find Ethan and the rest of the boys close to each other. Both Luca and Ethan having a drink in their hands.
“Hey! There she is!” Ethan yelled out, making your cheeks flush with pink as you walk over to where he was seated.
“It’s a bit chilly out here.” Evelyn while walking over to Luca. You, however, keep your eyes on Ethan.
“Do you mind?” You ask, gesturing to the arm chair.
“Not at all.” He smiled, raising his arm off of the arm chair as you sat sideways on it. “Glad you came.” He started.
“Yeah, she wanted to come see Luca. Hope that’s okay?” You reply, looking slightly down at him.
“Yeah it’s fine.” He nods, pausing as he looks at the chills on your arm. “You cold?” He asks shortly.
You nod. “A little. I forgot my jacket in the car. It’s fine though I can tolerate it.” You say shrugging, a confused expression forming on your face as he shakes his head.
“C’mon let’s go inside. It’s warmer, quieter in there.” He suggests, patting you on your lower back.
You giggle slightly, nodding while standing from your place on the chair. “Okay.”

You don’t know how you ended up in a bedroom, alone with Ethan but you did. “I thought we were going to get drinks.” You stated, looking out the window.
“Yeah well it’s also warmer in here, it’ll get colder down there when they keep coming in and out.” He replies smoothly.
You purse your lips. “Ah.” You say in a playful sarcasm. “Is this what you do with all of the girls you hookup with?” You ask, walking over and sitting at the edge of the bed.
“Who said you’re a hookup?” He says in a smartass tone.
“I did.”
“Well you’re not.” He chuckles, walking over to you. You’re eye level to his crotch as he stands in front of you. “You may be if you keep looking up at me like that though.”
“What else should I look at then?” You ask, batting your eyelashes at him playfully.
“You don’t want to be a hookup?” He asks, his eyebrow rising.
“I’d rather be more than a hookup. Maybe a friend’s with benefits sort of situation.”
He hums, tapping his finger on his chin, smirking as you laugh up at him. “I have a better idea but I guess we can start there.” He say, grabbing your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger.
You stare up at him as if you’re innocent. “I’m curious about this better idea that you have.” You reply, licking your lips as he lowers himself to be face to face with you. He hums, caressing your cheek.
“Would you like me to ask now or after?” He asks, wiggling his eyebrows in a playful manner. You laugh at his antics, shrugging as you feel him get closer to you.
“In your opinion, would it be better to wait or to not?” You hum, tapping your finger on your chin as if you were thinking.
Ethan, licks his lips as he looks away for a second, only for his eyes to be brought back to yours. “In my opinion it doesn’t matter, but your opinion may differ.” He replies, looking away for another second. “You sure you want to do this tonight?”
“It’s gonna happen eventually isn’t it?” You reply, cocking your head a little as your lips are so close together.
“Guess you’re right.” He says before closing the space between you two.
You hum in the kiss as he moves you to lay on the bed, his hands immediately finding the strap to your crop top. As he is pulling the fabric off your shoulders, moving his lips along the side of your jaw. Your hands find the hem of his shirt, tugging in despair. He chuckles, gripping your breasts as he shows each one of them the right amount of attention. You throw your head back in pleasure as he sucks on your nipples. “Ethan” his name flies out your mouth as you pant out little pleas.
He stops what he’s doing, looking up at you. “What do you need baby?” He groans as you run your fingers through his hair.
You whine as he plays with the top of your skirt. “You. Want you Eddy.” You pant out, he smirks up at you.
“I never knew you to be so needy.” He says before tugging your skirt and blue lace thong down in one go. His eyes open wider as if he’s looking at the most gorgeous thing ever (he is). “So wet f’me already.” He hums while running a finger through your slick folds. You whine in protest, bucking your hips up as he slides two fingers into you.
“Ethan I meant you, not your fingers.” You manage to speak up before he curls his fingers to your g-spot, making you squeal. He looks up at you, shaking his head.
“Gotta get you prepared first sweetheart.” He says before speeding up the pace of his fingers, driving them into you deeper. Your cunt drenching his hand as you come close to your climax. You open your mouth to warn him but you can’t get anything out before you’re clenching so hard onto his fingers. He slowly pulls his long digits out of your soaked core, chuckling silently.
You gasp as you come down from your high, raising your head to look at him. He takes his fingers into his mouth with a smirk on his face, swirling his tongue around your juices that was left on his fingers. His eyes never leaving yours.
“You ready?” He asks as he unzips his pants, pulling both his pants and boxers down to the floor. His cock springs up, touching his belly button. You whine, your face flushing.
“Is it gonna fit?” You ask, bitting on your bottom lip. He chuckles, tapping the head of his cock on your clit. “Yes baby, I’ll make it fit.”
With that he slowly slides into you, your pussy stretching out slowly as you take him all in. He groans as he reaches balls deep into you. You moan at the stretch, chest rising and falling quickly as you get yourself a little too worked up.
He shushes you when you whine from him pulling almost all the way out then slamming back into you.
Soon, he is moving at a faster pace, your moans getting louder, the bed bellow you creaking, pussy squelching at the fast movements. “Yes Eddy, right there!” You moan out as the tip of his cock touches your sensitive spot.
You feel the knot forming in your tummy, gasping as you place your hand on his abdomen in effort to get him to slow down. “I’m gonna-” you start but get cut off with a loud moan as he places his thumb right on your sensitive nub.
“C’mon baby, let it go for me.” He grunts out, slapping your ass with so much force it’s gonna be red tomorrow. With that you come the hardest you’ve ever came. Tears streaming down your face at the overstimulation. “Where do you want me?” He quickly blurts out as he gets closer.
You cry out, wrapping your legs around his waist when you can’t answer. “O-on the -p-pill.” You manage to get out, he nods pushing his cock as far as it can go in your swollen cunt, finishing in you with a moan. You feel his thick strings coat the inside of your pussy.
Both of you are catching your breaths when he pulls out of you, you of course whining at the loss of contact. “Hold on baby let’s get you clean up.” He states, grabbing his shirt off of the floor and cleaning you with it.
He picks you up, moving the bedsheets, placing you down, then covering your body with the bedsheets. He climbs into the other side with you, pulling you close to him. Slapping your ass a little lighter than he did earlier.
You jump at the action, giggling into his chest. “Prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. I basically fell in love with you when I saw you tonight on that screen.” You look up at him, tracing his arm with your fingertips. “I might’ve been looking at you out there on this ice too. Think I might’ve fallen in love too.” You reply, pressing your lips against his jaw.
“Will you go out on a date with me?” He asks, looking almost nervous as he asks the question.
You laugh. “Ethan I will be your girlfriend right here right now, but yes a date would also be nice.” Your eyes sparkling as you look up at him.
“Hell yeah.”
Hope you liked! It’s super long so i am super sorry.
#ethan edwards#ethan edwards x reader#Ethan Edwards smut#umich hockey#umich boys#hockey#hockey imagine#hockey fanfiction#hockey smut#oneshot#bears request!#smut
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Chapter 4...
I went out learning the layout of Greenmore, the college was less than 3 blocks away. It took me less than 5 minutes walking there.
I also passed Ammon Grey High School. I was sure Evelyn went there.
I was 18, she turned 18 in about 4 months. Until then I needed to mind my P's & Q's as my dad used to tell me, what does that mean anyway?
I made it back to Aunt Kathy's house. She was just returning from her school, she tutored 3 or4 kids that were having problems doing their work.
I'm not bragging but every year she has 3 or 4 kids she tutors, by the end of the year those kids have not only passed their classes but have surpassed several of their peers who were way ahead of them at one time!
I am a huge fan of Aunt Kathy, at one time I was one of those kids failing my classes, I'm ready for College now.
We had Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for lunch.
I went and watched some TV, one station played Dragnet, Adam 12, and Emergency. I always wanted to be a Fireman because of Emergency!
Today was the episode that they get their antique firetruck working and were on their way to a parade when Roy and John come across a fire. At the end the front end of the building falls and lands on their fire truck ruining it.
It was Friday my school started on Monday, I couldn't wait! I would have books to read, papers to write. The wait was killing me!
to be continued....
#ab dl diaper#diaper community#diaper sissy#ab/dl diaper#diaper gal#diaper dependent#sissi femboi#diaper training#sissifyme#diaper faggot#messy nappy#nappygirls#nappyboy#nappy lover#nappy time#abdluk#abdlcouple#abdlsissy#abdlmommy#ab dl art#abdlbabygirl#ab dl lifestyle#abdlbabyboy#abdlgermany
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All of Witch Switch Part 4!
Part 5
Part 6
Transcript under the cut
[Phillip wanders through the Isles]
Phillip: Okay, there’s gotta be a reasonable explanation for this. Probably she mists some kind of—of hallucinogenic drug in that house in case someone wanders in. Yeah, that’s gotta be it, that’s gotta—
[He bumps into a demon]
P: Uh-huh, what are you, like, a wall or something, probably?
Demon: [enraged] A wall?! I’ll have you know I’ve been dieting!
[Phillip jumps back as the demon swipes at him]
P: [small voice] Uh-oh
[Phillip runs]
P: This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, this isn’t—
[slams into Evelyn]
[Phillip holds his head, squinting up]
P: Ah—ow—oh! Evelyn! Thank goodness! I don’t even care that it’s you! I’m just happy to finally find another…
[Cut to Evelyn, focusing on her ears]
P: …human.
[Evelyn holds Phillip’s arms, frantic and confused]
Evelyn: Phillip?! What are you doing here?! Is Caleb with you? How did you even…?
[Cut to Phillip pointing at her ears, shaken]
Phillip: Ah—ah—you’re—you’re
E: [disembodied] Ohhhhh titan, Phillip, don’t freak out, please don’t—
[Cut to Evelyn, who is half-amused, half-offended]
E: Witch. I’m a witch. Elves are a whole different creature. You wouldn’t want to run into one, trust me. Phillip, what happened?! Why are you here?
P: Why am I here? I was just following you! Why are you here?!
E: Well—
Disembodied voice: HEY! YOU! CARDINAL CRIMINAL!
[Cut to a guard, pointing at Evelyn]
P: [disembodied] Who’s that?
Guard: You’re under arrest! And your little co-conspirator!
[Evelyn’s stand disappears, and she grabs Phillip’s hand, pulling him onto her staff]
P: Wha-?
E: Time to go!
[Phillip grabs tightly onto Evelyn while she zooms away]
Phillip: Ahhhhhh!
Evelyn: Yeah, uh, don’t look down.
[Phillip is frantic and wide-eyed]
P: What! Is! Going! On?! Where are we? Who was that guy? Who are you?
[The staff drops abruptly into a forest near a seaside cliff, and Evelyn hops off. Phillip clings to the staff, leaves stuck in his hair]
E: Look, I didn’t mean for you to get caught up here. [She holds out a hand for Flapjack to perch on] It’s a bit of a long story, but this is… my home. I’m not from the human realm, I’m from here. The demon realm. I’m a witch.
[Something clicks in Phillip’s head]
P: And a criminal! I knew it! I knew you were shifty! A witch and a criminal—wait until Caleb finds out! You are finished! If I don’t get rid of you myself!
E: [disembodied] Okay, sure, that’s the takeaway, why not. Alright. Phillip. Listen.
[Evelyn holds up the portal key]
E: This key can send you home. But before we go, I want to ex—
[Key is snatched from her grasp]
[Phillip runs, while Evelyn chases]
Evelyn: Give it back!
Phillip: No way, witch! I’m not letting you back into my world! This key is coming with me; I’m going home and telling Caleb everything, and you’re going to be trapped here forever.
E: Just let me explain!
P: No! You’ve probably been feeding Caleb love potions and planning to harvest his heart for your spells!
E: Okay, first of all, that’s incredibly offensive, and secondly—
[Flapjack flies in front of Phillip’s face, chirping loudly. Phillip skids to a halt, and Evelyn catches up, snatching for the key. Zoom out to show that they’re at the edge of a cliff.]
E: Gotcha!
[Phillip pushes at Evelyn’s face while she grabs for the key. Flapjack flutters around them, trying to peck at Phillip’s fingers]
E: Phillip—just— give me—
P: Stay—away—from—
[Phillip fumbles the key, and it falls. Evelyn and Phillip stop fighting, peering over the cliff, Flapjack in Evelyn’s hair]
[The key falls into the boiling ocean. Evelyn and Flapjack stare in shock, Phillip next to them, also shocked and guilty]
P: … [glancing at Evelyn] That was your fault.
[Evelyn and Flapjack glare]
[Evelyn paces, while Phillip stands there]
Phillip: You can… make another one, right?
Evelyn: [throwing her hands up] No, I can’t “make another one!” Do you know how rare that thing was? One-of-a-kind rare! That-technology-has-been-lost-to-the-ages rare!
P: [disembodied] So…
E: So we’re stuck here until we can get it back! [She pinches the bridge of her nose] Look, let’s just… go to my house. We can figure out a way to get that key back. But for now, we shouldn’t be out here in the open.
P: Your… house?
[Cut to the Cardinal House, Phillip and Evelyn standing on the path]
P: This is where you live?! You have a house?! A freaking giant one?!
E: Yeah, the demon realm is a lot more forgiving about house-owning than the human realm
P: Man. And here I thought you slept wherever you worked. But, uh…
[Cut to the door, which has a hole in it filled with organs on the edges]
P: [disembodied] What the hell is wrong with your door?
E: [disembodied] I don’t know, it came like that. I think we used to have a house demon or something.
[Cut to Evelyn flopping on the couch]
E: I cannot BELIEVE you lost the key.
P: Well, I wouldn’t have lost the thing if you’d just let me take it.
E: And let you leave me here forever? C’mon, Phillip, really?
P: That’s what you get for lying
E: I was trying to explain to you! Look, you may have surmised this from the guard chasing us, but Iiiiii am not exactly winning any popularity contests here at home. I mean, I sell human stuff for a living. I need that portal. And I need Caleb.
[Cut to suspicious and surprised Phillip]
P: What’s that supposed to mean?!
[Evelyn sits up on the couch and pinches the bridge of her nose]
Evelyn: Phillip—ah, geeze. Whatever you’re thinking, stop it.
Phillip: [disembodied] What do you mean, you “need” Caleb? For what? A potion test dummy? Stealing his stuff to sell at your junk stand?
E: I just meant that… he’s important to me. I don’t really have anyone here. Caleb’s… pretty much the only friend I’ve got.
P: Depressing. If he’s so important to you, then why are you lying to him?! Huh?
[Evelyn looks up sarcastically]
E: Gee, I wonder why I might not tell the brother of the guy obsessed with witch-hunting that I’m a witch.
P: Don’t make this my fault. You lied to him—lied to both of us—for years! You started dating him, but you didn’t tell him you were from another dimension?!
E: I was going to tell him! I swear!
P: Oh, yeah? When? Before he proposed, or after you got married and had a little half-demon baby that spits fire?!
[Cut to Evelyn]
E: Well, I planned t—[shock] wait, proposal? As in marriage proposal?!
P: [disembodied] Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t know with your witchy powers
E: I’m not omniscient! When did he decide on that?!
P: He talked to Manny about it, apparently, who knows when
Evelyn’s eyes slide up to Flapjack, who whistles innocently [no dialogue, he’s just trying to play dumb]
[Cut to Phillip, who watches in confusion]
E: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh you knew about his, didn’t you! Why didn’t you tell me?!
[Flapjack chirps]
E: You “didn’t want to ruin the surprise?!” Really, Flap?! We’re talking about a marriage proposal, not a birthday present!
P: Have you just finally lost it, or…
E: [disembodied] The bird. I can talk to the bird. Who was supposed to keep an eye on Caleb and tell me important things likeif he was in trouble or if he was planning on proposing!
P: So… not only were you lying to Caleb, you were spying on him. Wow, I really do not have to work hard to find reasons he should break up with you. But you… really didn’t know about the proposal?
E: No! I thought our relationship was in a very different place! I was going to tell him, I… wait, I can prove it to you. Stay here.
[Phillip stands alone while thumps and thuds come from above him]
Evelyn: [from above] Got it!
[Cut to half-carved lump of wood, roughly starting to look like canon Dell’s palisman]
E: [disembodied] See?
Phillip: [disembodied] What is it?
[Cut to Evelyn holding Flapjack]
E: It’s a palisman, like Flapjack. Familiar is probably a term you’re more… well, familiar with. They’re lifelong companions, magical helpers… and a magic staff.
P: It’s a statue. One Caleb could carve better.
E: Rude. But it’s not just a statue. It comes to life when you state your deepest wish—I carved this one for Caleb, as a gift for when I let him into this side of my life. Look, I know you think I was going to lie forever, but this palisman—I couldn’t carve it in a day. I was going to tell Caleb, I was just… waiting for the right moment. I didn’t think he was going to… I thought I had more time.
[Cut to Phillip, who actually looks curious now]
P: Were you going to make me one?
E: [disembodied] Absolutely not, this wood is hard to come by and I’m not using it on someone who listens to podcasts on how to kill me.
[Cut to tired, apologetic Evelyn]
E: Look. I know this situation isn’t… ideal. You don’t like me! You don’t trust me! I know that! But unfortunately, I’m the only person here you know, and, well… I don’t see us getting back to the human realm very any time soon. So we’re going to have to call a truce until we can find that key. There’s space for you here. I’m not going to let you die.
[Cut to Phillip, grumpy, but listening]
E: We can figure out the Caleb situation later, but for now, we need to focus on getting back to him. So. You don’t kill me. I get you home. We figure it out from there. Deal?
[Phillip sighs]
P: Deal.
[End Part 4]
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Daddy's Little Monsters
A/N: This one is winding up to be Long, so this is probably the best to start with. Sidenote: You're gonna figure out really quickly where our blog name came from with this one, so enjoy that. TW: Swearing included, non-graphic alcohol consumption and violence towards the end, proceed as needed. Just as a heads up: this one is one of the ones that could get dark later on. It's not likely, but there is a chance. We'll do our best to keep on top of warnings for each part.
Edits made 28/11/2024 - Revising story flow and continuity. (Someone forgot the layout of the house (Me, I forgot) - P)
Part 1 - 2138 words
Evelyn’s pov
The car is fucking loud. Somehow, I notice it better in the daytime, when I’m driving at speed for eight hours with my sister bitching in the passenger seat. I adore my car, I do, but Doc is not subtle. Normally that works in my favour, but today? After almost eight hours of highways and freeways and other cars? It’s irking me. Admittedly, everything is irking me at the moment. Everything from the curls that have come loose and sit around my eyes when I check my mirror to merge, to the brightness of the sky overhead, to the sound of Fiore continuing to have an issue with the upholstery on Doc's seats.
“So have you figured out where I’m gonna drop you off yet?” I ask, cutting through the new round of complaints about the comfort of the leather seats. As though I had the time to put the seat covers on this morning when she was snarling and spitting and hissing like a feral cat. She pauses in the tirade to glance down at her unlocked phone, Carmine eyes scanning over messages between her and one of Whitebeard’s people, filling her in on the half a dozen fights set for tonight in our desired city.
She twirls a piece of hair around her finger as if she hadn't just been threatening to skin my car. It’s bright orange as if it’d been dyed with the morning sun, and the dark brown closer to the roots looked like it was growing out, but she’d always been able to turn heads. “I’m thinking the one out in the dockyards. You know, with the warehouses?” Ignoring the almost white golden fox ears sprouting from her head and the nine tails to accompany them. “I remember.” I nod. Of course I did; one of the first fights she’d attended, though just as a spectator, was at those docks. Gramps always spent a decent chunk on gambles when they were hosted there, and Dad had still been trying to get him to quit it when we’d left. “Tell me which warehouse I’m dropping you off at so I’m ignorant. And don’t get caught.” “I’m not an idiot, Slut bag.” “I know, but it bears reminding.” I mutter. “You know as well as I do that it’s one of the favourites.” She rolls her eyes, folds her arms and turns away from me, “Whatever.”
I have never felt more like our father. “Fi, the warehouse?” “Seventeen,” She snaps, sharp teeth bared in mock warning. The drive is quiet from then on, at least for a while.
We make it into the city, and more importantly to the warehouse, before the sun is fully down. Fiore grabs her go-bag that has all the shit she needs and climbs out silently. Before she can slam the door shut, I grab it and look out at her. She has her tails on display, a writhing mess of fluffy white-silver-grey behind her, and her ears poke up from the loose hair that sits around her face. I know that she’s been picking at her claws for hours, but she won’t let them scratch up the car. “Hey. Kick their asses. Don’t end up in the morgue.” She grins, her teeth all sharp and dangerous, “Of course. Don’t tell me what to do.” I roll my eyes, “Sure Fi, go win some money or whatever.” The door is closed before I sit back up properly, and she is inside the warehouse, probably going to register for at least half a dozen fights, or one particularly brutal one, depending on how she feels.
I leave as soon as she’s out of sight. Longer than I’m meant to stay, but not long enough to attract too much attention. It’s an easy enough task to navigate my way through the familiar streets, deeper into the city, and then back out the other side again, even in the falling darkness. The houses in the suburbs all almost look the same, the lawns still evenly cut, the bushes and trees all still perfectly manicured. When I get to the one I am looking for, I’m struck by how familiar it is, how I could almost step out of my car and walk back in time to the days after my graduation. The rose bushes were starting to bud, and the flowers would probably come out soon, the trees had been trimmed and were also starting to flower. The porch light is off, which means that my parents aren’t home yet, and I honestly can’t be bothered with waiting for them, so I park on the grass, before reaching back to grab my own go-bag, electing to leave mine and Fiore’s main bags for now, and make my way to the ivy trellis.
Climbing the trellis was something Fiore and I only tried once or twice in highschool before we worked out that it was easier to steal the keys and plan to get back once our parents were asleep. Tempting, but not today, I think to myself, looking at the apparently newly trimmed ivy. I push the gate open, walking past the pool and onto the back patio. Dad had decided the foolproof method of us being able to get in would be a key, through the dog door they’d installed for Fiore. She’d been so insulted at the time that she made a point of finding any other way to get into the house, hence the ivy, and accompanying trellis. I reach through the dog door and grab the key, then unlock the back door. I head straight upstairs, the dining room a familiar blur of reds and blacks in the low light. It’s lit by a fish tank, pretty much the size of the wall. I pause. The fish tank is new, filled with what appears to be piranhas. Awesome, Dad had managed to talk Pops into piranhas. “... what did they do to the turtles?” I murmur, my brow furrowing. We’d had the turtles since we were young, and I’d be beyond annoyed if Dad and Pops had gotten rid of them in exchange for piranhas. I shake off the thought, their tank is upstairs. I turn, walking up said stairs.
The lounge is the same as I remember, as if it’d been left untouched in our absence. That wouldn’t be all that surprising, actually, dad is just sentimental like that. The turtle tank is there, against the wall beside the stairs. I lean down, peering into it. There’s… one turtle. Mikey, based on the chip in his shell. Odd. I’d have to ask pops about it later, he’d promised to do the maintenance while we were gone. Then I'm onto my bedroom, swinging the door wide open and dropping onto the end of my bed like a lump of rocks. The sheets are clean, scented like something vaguely floral. The walls are still pale teal, the room is exactly as I'd left it. Minus the dust, and the books I'd left stacked beside the desk. Pops hated it. And he’d just have to get used to it again. I don’t bother to do much more than kick off my shoes and pull the blanket from the end of the bed over me as I roll over.
Fiore’s pov
To nobody’s surprise, and especially not my own, the docks smell like shit. I beat my fist on the door until a bouncer answers– he smells like sugar. Donuts. Sharp eyes and purple hair. Odd, but not unexpected in these parts. Not odd enough to be a signature. “What's the password?” he sounds like he could be more bothered to be there, but isn’t. “Let me the fuck in, is the password.”
He pauses, before slamming the slider for the hole in the door shut. I start to kick it, hard enough to dent, before he opens it again. “What’s the password?” he repeats, sounding vaguely more interested in my presence than before. “Ever heard of Tiamat?” I ask, stepping back and crossing my arms. The tails and ears may look for show, but they do the intimidation tactic well. The man raises a brow, “Haven't heard that name in a while. What’s got you down here?” I make no attempt to hide my growing impatience. “What do you think, dipshit? Let me in or I’m going to kick down this fucking door.” “Alright, alright… Miss Tiamat.” he closes the slider, before opening the door. Tall, didn't expect him to be that tall.
“Right, thank you,” I say, walking inside. Must be one of Big Mom’s boys. It makes sense, given that she runs most of these places. It’s dark inside, as they all are, dimly lit with warm yellow lights. The patronage is nothing to write home about– old men who get off on the violence and the betting, young men who want to prove themselves in the next fight and middle-aged women who want to pay for a rough night with the hottest fighters.
I turn back to the bouncer, “tell me, who’s the best fighter here tonight?” “The best fighter, Miss? Well, for the younger men–” “I’m not looking for a fuck, asshole,” I snap, “set me up against the best fighter you’ve got here tonight.” He pauses, an amused expression on his face. “Very well, Miss.”
I walk away, towards the ring that the patrons had circled around, the sound of flesh striking flesh echoing with the hollering of the crowd. I follow the sound, face schooled into its regular scowl. This wasn’t impressive, compared to the ones I'd seen in Whitebeard’s territory. Haruta had been fucking ridged about that shit, and there’d still managed to be full-to-the-brim venues every time. I slip past a pair of men, peering into the fight. A scrawny looking younger man, and a built-up man, probably in his thirties. Neither look as though they'd be the best of the night, though the older one looks worn, like he does this for a living.
It takes about half an hour until I'm called on– which I spend finding the bar. A bar at a warehouse? More likely than you’d think. I’m two drinks in before a tall, masked man approaches. Muscled, long blonde hair– I’m fighting this guy? “You’re Tiamat?” he asks. “Asked for the strongest fighter here? He’s ready.” Fucking finally. “Great. So it’s not you, then?” I remain leaning against the bar, chin propped up on my palm. “No ma’am. You’ll be against my boss. Eustass Kidd” I raise a brow. “Never heard of him.” “Must be new to the city, ma’am.”
He escorts me to the ring, offering no new information about his supposedly well known boss. If Dad never mentioned it, I'm sure this guy is just up his ass about himself. When I step into the ring, I see the opposition. A monolith of a man, with a– “I’m not fighting a fucking cripple.” “And I’m supposed to fight some mite-sized prissy cunt who’s too big for her damn britches?” I pause for a long moment. Before bursting out laughing. “Oh, I'm gonna kill you.”
Third pov
The fight begins with a bang. Literally. Kidd hits the floor as Fiore tackles him, and he manages to grab her by the ankle, slamming her into the wooden floor. Once the two are up again, it’s blow after blow. A broken nose on Kidd’s end and a broken rib on Fiore’s. Both are grinning wildly, exchanging one vulgar insult for the other. “You look like your mother half swallowed.” “You look like you dance on poles for a living.” The crowd is laughing as if it’s a comedy show– and the middle-aged women look like they’re taking hits of secondhand embarrassment. Which is fucking hilarious, because Fiore’s pretty sure that was a compliment. Killer’s right up at the barricade, more curious than ever because he can see that his boss isn’t pulling his punches but is intentionally missing vital spots. He can see that Tiamat is doing the same– hitting spots that’ll bruise, visibly. God he wants to leave, this place is full of a vomiting amount of sexual tension.
Fiore manages to get her arms around Kidd from behind, knees in his back so he can’t get her off. He gets increasingly agitated the less he can breathe. So he taps out.
The crowd goes silent.
Fiore jumps off him, dusting her hands off as if touching the man had disgusted her. Kidd watches her with his usual scowl. “What’s your name?” he asks, rubbing his throat with his flesh hand. “Why do you care?” she responds, a smirk on her pink lips. “You just kicked my ass, little girl.”
She simply gives him finger guns and walks away.
#one piece#eustass kidd#killer#charlotte katakuri#modern au#mafia au#original character#self-insert characters#non graphic violence#alcohol mention#swearing warning#Fiore has the Kitsune DF#Liberties taken with Kitsune DF#Fiore is insane#personally speaking I adore her#Evelyn is just Tired#she'll get over it#one piece fanfiction#one piece fic
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Heart shaped cut | pt 2
As he drags you out of your room you take your knife out of his thigh.
Why the fuck would he even keep you alive,there has to be a catch no way, he’s a murderer for crying out loud.
You snap out of your thoughts as you realize he wants to steal your grandmas truck.
God fucking dammit, “don’t hot wire it just here take the keys.” You start digging through your shorts finding the keys to the rickety Tahoe
“w-well that’s easier” he says, what the fuck did you get yourself into.
He throws you into the truck and zips out of the driveway.
“Where and why the hell are we driving.” You say watching the trees go by.
“there’s a target near here.”
“D-do you know her a-actually?”
“Maybe what’s her name.” You ask annoyed
“e-evelyn Frey she lives like 5 minutes away from you”
Frankly you did know who he was talking about but decided to play dumb
“Yeah I fucking hate her”
“What did she d-do”
“Just drive”
Toby pulls over on the side of the side of the street a few houses down.
Toby gets out of the truck and pulls you out as well
You both started walking down the street eventually getting to her house.
“W-walk around the b-back her window is there”
You both walk around the side of the house.
You knew her parents were out of town only her and her older brother Keith were home, Keith’s truck was in the front.
You get to Evelyn’s window, she’s asleep
It takes you this long to realize he wants you to kill her.
“Why aren’t you going in.”
“I w-want you to kill her”
Fuck you were right, surely you’ve thought about killing people but never thought of going through with it.
He opens the window and jumps in
Shortly after you follow him in
He tosses you a hatchet.
Static fills your head.
You fall to your knees. “Don’t p-pussy out n-now”
Tears are streaming down your face, “just let me do this”
“Whatever j-just hurry up”
You bring up the hatchet over your head then bring it flying down.
You let go of the hatchet that’s lodged in her head. You rip the hatchet out from her head
Her long black hair with her grown out roots is now ruined filled with blood and her own brains.
Toby walks out the room probably to go steal shit
You start rummaging through Evelyn’s stuff grabbing clothes and other things you want, stash of weed fuck yeah once you finish raiding all of her things you start to get bored waiting for Toby to get back.
You find one if Evelyn’s eyebrow razors and walk over to her bed, her once white sheets are now a deep red.
You start to carve into her stomach you leave a heart shaped cut.
After your done you turn to see Keith, covering his mouth and holding a phone to his ear.
This could fuck up your plan.
You sprint towards him swinging straight into his chest, he rips a blood curdling scream.
The blood splattering against your face you can’t help but smile.
He’s not dead yet.
You keep swinging and swinging.
You hear his death rattle and watch the blood gargle out of his mouth.
You have blood all over your face and in your hair.
You hear laughing
Toby had been watching you the whole time
“What the fuck did I js do”
You begin to cry again
“F-fuck he was on the phone with the police” Toby bends down to grab the phone and hangs up.
“We n-need to go now.”
You grab your bag of stuff and jump out the window, “Toby what’s taking so long”
“I n-need to h-harvest their kidneys”
7 minutes pass and he’s jumping out the window.
“Why do we need organs”
“T-they are for a friend”
You both start sprinting into the woods
(Time skip sorry!)
30 minutes have passed and your starting to see a cabin in the distance, static starts to fill your head.
You get close enough to the cabin to see a man, he was holding a gun.
It was pointed at you.
You fall back to the ground and cover your mouth to not scream.
Toby begins to pick you up.
He lifted you up as if you weighed nothing.
This was not a great moment to be flustered but you were.
You reach the cabin.
“H-Hoodie what the f-fuck is wrong with you”
“Watch it kid that’s a random ass girl you have. Do you know what the operator would do to us if he saw this shit.”
“S-She murdered two people and she gets symptoms”
Toby drops you on the cabin stairs
As the two argue, you rip a piece of your shirt and bite down hard on it, you dig your fingers into your bullet wound growling and muffled screams irrupt from your throat.
You feel something hard.
You rip out the bullet from your stomach.
Throwing it on the floor and catching your breath.
Blood is leaking fast from your torso.
“God f-fucking dammit I c-can’t not leave you unattended”
A masked man with a cigarette walks out from the cabin.
“You should bring her to EJ”
Toby picks you up quickly and rushes you through the door.
Running to this random door inside and running down the stairs.
“JACK” Toby screams without stuttering
A tall man with a blue mask walks towards toby.
“What now twitch”
“You h-have a n-new patient”
The blue masked man sighs “what do I get”
“Four k-kidneys” he rummages through his cargo pants and throws a bag of kidneys into the man’s arms”
Toby rushes you to the examination table
Your vision gets hazy and you hear static.
Yall I had to rewrite this chapter all my progress deleted 😭😭
#creepypasta#slenderverse#slenderman#idk what to tag this as#jeff the killer#ticci toby#toby rogers#creepypasta fandom#creepypastafanart#jeffery woods#y/n x creepypasta
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The Owl House Character Theme Songs
(Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Also possible spoiler warning. I think. I'm not sure but I figure it's better to put the warning and not need it than need it and not have it. I tried my best. Sorry if I didn't put a character you liked on there, I could only list and attach songs to so many, and sorry if you don't like the song I chose for a character.)
Luz Noceda - Fucking Perfect by P!nk
Edalyn Clawthorne -Devils Don't Fly by Natalia Kills
King Clawthorne - Two Worlds by Phil Collins
Hooty - Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
Amity Blight - This Life Is Mine by Casey Lee Williams and Jeff Williams
Willow Park - Let it Grow by Ester Dean
Augustus Porter - On My Way By Phil Collins
Hunter - Battle Scars by Paradise Fears
Vee Noceda - Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
Camila Noceda - If No One Will Listen by Kelly Clarkson
Lilith Clawthorne - No Way Out by Phil Collins
Raine Whispers - Angel With A Shotgun by The Cab
Darius Deamone - Rise by Skillet
Eberwolf - Running With The Wolves by AURORA
Principle Hieronymus Bump - I'm Still Here by John Rzeznik
Matt Tholomule - Who I Am by The Score
Boscha - Antihero by Tyler Swift
Gwendolyn and Dell Clawthorne - Home by Phillip Phillips
Skara - Dancing In The Dark by Rihana
Viney - Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Edric Blight - Chasing The Sun by The Wanted
Emira Blight - Confident by Demi Lovato
Alador Blight - King by Lauren Aquilina
Odalia Blight - Biggering by The 88
Steve Tholomule - I Won't Back Down by Johnny Cash
Kikimora - Asshole by Denis Leary
Terra Snapdragon - Carnivore by Bear Attack
Adrian Graye Vernworth - Applause by Lady Gaga
Masha - Outside by Ellie Goulding
The Collector - Lost Boy by Ruth B
Belos/Philip Wittebane -Devil 'Fore The Fall by Lydia The Bard
The Titan - Little Wonders by Rob Thomas
Manny Noceda - You'll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins
Caleb Wittebane/Evelyn Clawthorne - Sinners by Lauren Aquilina
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Now that the Owl House is over (Oh God what I'm supposed to do with my life now...) I wanted to get out of my chest my personal opinions regarding this last season. No hard feelings or attacks on the writers or animators of this amazing show, they did their best and I'm not here to judge anyone! Thanks to Them: A mixed bag leaning toward the positive for me. The introduction was done spectacularly (A compilation of everyone's adjustments and development to their new normal) allowing us to focus on the present, no more to say there.
---The premise (the puzzle to the localization of the Titan's blood) although interesting at first sight, it starts to feel dull/uninteresting rather quickly (a compilation of silly, funny moments that takes more than 5 minutes) Looking back it just feels like they could have tried including something a little more... organic to the story [maybe instead of a random puzzle, in reality, they find Caleb's journal tainted with a little drop of Titan's blood, althrought damaged it gives them some clues as to where to find the original portal that brought Evelyn to the human realm, and have Vee use the scent of the Titan's blood to helps them search for it said portal] ---Vee was reduced to a glorified background character and they didn't even address anything related to her (cabin friends, her relationship with Camila, Luz, and Hunter) which is understandable considerating how much else they needed to address but a single piece of dialogue or conversation between Vee and Luz would have been appreciated. ---Luz and Camila's relationship was handled perfectly; is clear that some things happen between them during the time skip. Their relationship seems to have improved, and while there is some air of uncertainty ---Hunter's development is clear all the way to Jupiter, he is more at ease around everyone, and not ashamed of his hobbies and passions. He truly became his true self. This is why his possession although a little out of the blue was a great closure to both his character's development and the episode. (Flapjack's death was truly heartbreaking)
For the Future: ---Similarly, a mixed bag but leaning toward the negative. The introduction was everything everyone expected, a literal infant God going rampant across the world with nobody to stop them, a powerful and impactful intro that leaves us in wonder to what is to come next. (love it) ---Hunter bottling his emotions is perfectly fitting for his character; Is a habit he surely develop during his time as the Golden Guard, the best tool he had to keep himself grounded during missions and around Belos. So going back to said habit after losing his best friend at the hands of his abuser obviously push him to search for any way to keep himself together to confront Belos one last time. A greatly executed idea. ---The Collector was everything I expected (an innocent child with the power to break the world in half, completely unaware of the fragility of others, and ignorant to the ramifications of their actions) they simply wanted a friend, someone to call an equally that they could trust. ---Belos slow psychical and mental decay was the highest point of the episode for me. (together with Luz's palisman reveal) Short, direct, and gruesome until the end. The culmination of Belos's sins is the image of his brother, the cataclysm of everything that led him to this path of horrors. ---Now the thing that dragged this episode to the worst of the season for me is all the time they wasted at Hexide. Including Hexide wasn't the problem, actually, I welcome it, a place to rest and formulate a plan alongside all the survivors? perfect stop for what is to come next, but Bosha and Kikimora's involvement provides nothing to the overall plot beyond stalling time. [I was expecting Hunter to see throught Kiki's disguise and immediately take her down (he isn't in the mood to deal with her bullshit now of all times); and for Willow to put some common sense into Bosha (by instantly beating her in a short fight, perfect to showcase Willow's development). Shortly after Luz and the others gather everyone, realizes how well-guarded the way to the skull is and decides to explore the Demon realm in search of both survivors and resources to create a safe way to the skull. Basically, a journey with the purpose of both reuniting everyone Luz and her friends had met and addressing some of the unattended plots/characters that were left behind] ---Oh, and Stringbean is perfection incarnated and I love them so much.
Watching and Dreaming: (I kinda already wrote one for this so I'm taking some parts for this one) ---This one feels like the only one which succeeds in accomplishing everything it was meant to address and develop. The beginning(approximately 5 minutes) was paced decently, they even manage to cramp the Collector’s development surprisingly well in all of that and it works because the guy was never bad, just innocent and unaware of the bad things they had done, the little guy just needed a little push to the right direction. ---Raine's inclusion as a protagonist was definitely not an unwelcome addition. It was thanks to Belos's involvement that they manage to assure a proper and not out-of-the-blue inclusion and relevance to the overall plot without making their presence too oppressive or unnecessary. ---The Hexsquad and Camila really get sideline in this one! Like, they weren’t even relevant through the whole episode! Truth be told, they got more than enough development from the last episodes so I can understand why that was the case. Eda and King deserved and needed a lot of screen time to compensate for their lack of relevance through the third season. Still… It feels like they wasted time every time they brought the focus back to them by just hanging around helping the puppets. [Shortly after they wake up have them leave the palace and search for Luz, be intercepted by Belos's influence, and for them to change their focus on helping the survivors that weren't inside Hexide.] ---the final confrontation was a stunning spectacle, and Belos's death was beyond satisfying (he got stomped to death by one descendant of his brother, the son of the Titan whose name he used to create his regime, and the nonbinary witch who dedicate a good portion of their lives to fight belos's regime) ---Although I'm not the biggest fan of Time Skips (The one in Thanks to Them is understandable) this one shows us that EVERYONE got their well-deserved good ending.
Just because I have my own opinion and vision doesn’t mean I didn’t appreciate this last season. Although the shortening will forever taint my joy for the show, eternally wishing to see the missing potential we never got to see… I love it and nothing will change that.
#toh thanks to them#toh for the future#toh watching and dreaming#toh criticism#toh season 3#personal rant#just my personal opinion
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hii sorry if this is annoying but can u make a list of the fandoms ur in?? like i think we have so many interests in common. ...been following u for a while and i whenever i watch a new media and search it up You're There..... . . :O
hi, not annoying at all !!!
i mostly post about stranger things but there's way more bc it seems like ive been collecting them like rocks since i was 11 so i'll divide the up into two categories: 1. ones i post about/interact with every once in a while and 2. ones i don't particularly post about/interact with but i might reblog if i see it on my dashboard :)
1: grishaverse (books and show) , the raven cycle, the owl house, all for the game, vicious, riordanverse, jackson's diary
2: heartstopper, kipo and the age of wonderbeasts, the lunar chronicles, amphibia, the shadowhunter chronicles, the cruel prince, gravity falls, anne with an e/anne of green gables, if we were villains, casey mcquiston's books, seven husbands of evelyn hugo, the umbrella academy, im not okay with this
EDIT: I FORGOT OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH !!! also star vs the forces of evil
i'm not sure whether it's all of them but i tried my best to remember !!! thank you so much for the ask !! :p
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CONTENTS:・CONSENSUAL under the influence smut-heavy plot ・star!reader ・mild language ・no actual p in v・artist!chris ・petnames used (baby, smart/beautiful girl) + more WC: 4.4k masterlist: here
…surprise? sorry for being MIA been on a ski trip w family, we have very poor service up here :,). as always, it’s not needed but highly recommended playing song on repeat as you read. + ask/request about this au HIGHLY appreciated! not proofread ignore my typos
The air in Chris’s room was thick with the faint smell of old paint and cologne, a scent that somehow felt like him. It was quiet in the house—Lila and Evelyn were at Mrs. Elliot’s, the older black woman who lived at the front of the trailer park and occasionally watched Lila for Chris. With no one else home, the stillness pressed around them, broken only by the rustle of rolling papers and the faint hum of the heater.
Star sat cross-legged on the edge of Chris’s bed, the small star-shaped necklace he’d given her for Christmas caught between her fingers. She couldn’t stop toying with it, the soft glint catching the warm light from the lamp on his bedside table. Across from her, Chris leaned forward at his desk, his long fingers deftly working to roll a blunt with the star-shaped rolling papers he’d gotten her.
“Y’paying attention, or jus’ spacing out?” Chris’s voice cut through the quiet, dry and teasing. He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, the corner of his mouth quirking up in that faint smirk that always made her chest feel too tight.
“I’m watchin’ ” she mumbled, though her gaze kept drifting between his hands and his face. The way his fingers moved, precise and sure, had her stomach in knots, and she cursed herself for how easily he got to her.
Chris tilted his head, his eyes scanning her for a moment longer before turning his attention back to the rolling paper. “‘right, s’you wanna keep it even—don’t pack too much, or s’gonna canoe when you light it.” He tapped the paper lightly, his focus intent as he folded it just enough.
She hummed in response, twirling the necklace between her fingers as he continued explaining. Then he leaned closer, bringing the edge of the paper to his lips. Star froze, watching the slow drag of his tongue as he sealed it with deliberate precision. Her mouth went dry as her pulse quickened, and she forced her gaze back down to her lap.
“You good, or y��need me to slow down?” Chris asked, his tone low, almost knowing.
“I’m good,” she said quickly, though her voice wavered.
Chris arched a brow, holding the finished blunt out to her. “‘right, s’your turn.”
She took it from him, her fingers brushing his, and she swore she saw his jaw tense ever so slightly. Trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks, she fumbled with the paper and the grinder, mimicking his earlier steps. When it came time to lick the edge, she hesitated, her eyes flickering up to his.
Chris leaned back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, his gaze steady and unreadable as he watched her. “Go ahead,” he said softly, his voice a touch rough.
Her tongue darted out, running along the edge of the paper, and when she glanced up again, his expression had shifted. His shoulders were still relaxed, but there was a weight to the way he was looking at her now, his eyes darker, his lips slightly parted.
“Not bad,” he murmured, the rasp in his voice sending a shiver down her spine.
“Not bad?” she shot back, trying to cover the nervous flutter in her chest with sarcasm. “You’re supposed to be teaching me, not grading me.”
Chris’s smirk returned, slow and lazy. “Y’want a gold star or something?”
“Shut up.”
He chuckled softly and leaned forward to take the blunt from her hand. The lighter sparked, the flame casting a warm glow across his face, highlighting the sharp line of his jaw and the curve of his nose. Star found herself studying him, the way his lashes cast soft shadows on his cheeks, the way his lips parted slightly as he took the first hit.
Her chest tightened, her thoughts swirling too fast to make sense of. Chris exhaled slowly, the smoke curling between them, and his gaze flicked to her.
“Wanna try something?” he asked, his voice quieter now, more intimate.
“Like what?”
“s’called shotgunning,” he said, leaning back slightly, the blunt held loosely between his fingers.
Star frowned. “Chris I’ve shotgunned a beer before—”
“Not the same thing,” he interrupted, his smirk turning cocky. He gestured for her to come closer. “C’mere, I’ll show you.”
She hesitated, but his eyes stayed locked on hers, and before she knew it, she was shifting closer. He grabbed her by the waist, pulling her into his lap in one swift motion.
“Relax,” he murmured, his lips brushing her ear as he adjusted her in his lap. The warmth of his body against hers made her heart race, but she didn’t pull away.
He took another hit from the blunt, his fingers brushing lightly against her hip. Then he turned her face toward his, their noses almost touching. “Open your mouth.”
Her breath hitched, but she obeyed, and he exhaled, the warm smoke passing from his lips to hers. She inhaled instinctively, her gaze locked on his, and the intimacy of the moment made her dizzy.
When the smoke was gone, neither of them moved. Chris’s hand slid from her hip to her thigh, his thumb tracing lazy circles against her skin. “See? You’re a fast learner,” he murmured, his voice low and rough.
Star swallowed hard, her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. “You’re an okay teacher.”
His lips curved into a crooked smile, and before she could overthink it, he closed the distance between them, his mouth capturing hers in a kiss that was slow and deliberate, like he had all the time in the world.
The house remained quiet, except for the faint creak of the bed frame beneath them. Star’s mind spun, her chest tight with every lingering second of the kiss. When Chris finally pulled back, his forehead resting against hers, he smirked again.
“Told you it wasn’t the same thing.”
Her laugh was breathless, her cheeks flushed as she muttered, “Yeah, I got it.”
Chris reached for the blunt resting in the ashtray beside them, his hand still grazing her thigh, almost like he didn’t want to let her go completely. He took a long drag, his gaze flickering to her as the smoke curled from his lips.
“Y’gonna just sit there staring, or do you want another hit?” he teased, though his voice was soft, intimate.
Star rolled her eyes, though the heat in her cheeks betrayed her attempt at nonchalance. “You’re the one hogging it.”
He rolled his eyes and extended the blunt towards her and she took it, her fingers brushing his again, and the small contact sent a ripple of tension through the air between them. Chris didn’t move, his dark eyes fixed on her as she brought the blunt to her lips and inhaled, trying to mimic the ease he’d shown her earlier.
The smoke hit her harder this time, making her cough softly. She waved him off when he smirked, his expression borderline cocky. “Don’t start,” she muttered, her voice hoarse.
“I didn’t say anything,” Chris said, his tone light but teasing.
“You don’t have to,” she shot back, handing it back to him. “Your face says enough.”
Chris leaned forward, the blunt dangling loosely between his fingers. “My face, huh? What’s it saying?”
Star faltered, suddenly hyperaware of how close he was again. “That you’re an asshole,” she replied, though her voice lacked conviction.
“Hmm.” His smirk softened into something almost playful as he took another hit, exhaling slowly. “M’not the one who looks all nervous ‘n shit.”
“I’m not nervous,” she lied, her fingers once again finding the small star necklace at her throat.
He chuckled low, his voice like a slow burn. “Yeah? Then why’re y’messin with that?” His hand brushed against hers, stopping her fidgeting as his fingers curled lightly around hers.
Star froze, the warmth of his touch sending a wave of heat through her. She didn’t know how to answer him, so she looked down, but Chris wasn’t having it.
“Look at me,” he said softly, his voice losing its teasing edge.
She did, her eyes meeting his, and for a moment, everything else seemed to fall away. His gaze was steady, intense, and it made her chest tighten.
“See?” he murmured, his thumb brushing the back of her hand. “Not so scary.”
Star scoffed, trying to deflect the way he was making her feel. “Who said I was scared?”
Chris tilted his head, his smirk returning. “Nobody. But you’re acting like you’ve never had a guy hold your hand before.”
Her cheeks burned, and she shoved his shoulder lightly. “Shut up.”
He laughed, leaning back slightly but keeping his hold on her hand. The blunt was nearly burned out now, but he didn’t seem to care.
“You wanna try something else?” he asked, his voice low and almost daring.
Her brows furrowed. “Something else like what?”
Chris’s smirk deepened as he leaned forward again, his face mere inches from hers. “I’ll show you,” he said, his voice dropping into a whisper.
Star’s pulse quickened as Chris leaned in slowly, his warm breath ghosting against her neck. A soft whimper escaped her lips—so faint she almost thought she’d imagined it.
Chris froze for a moment, his lips hovering dangerously close to her skin. His dark eyes flicked to hers, searching for something—permission, hesitation, anything that might stop him. But Star couldn’t bring herself to move or speak, her chest rising and falling in shallow breaths as the tension crackled between them.
“You’re trembling,” he murmured, his voice low, almost cautious.
Her throat tightened, and she swallowed hard, forcing herself to meet his gaze. “I—I’m fine,” she whispered, though the quiver in her voice betrayed her.
Chris’s lips twitched, not quite a smile but something close. “No, you’re not.” His words were a challenge, soft yet unyielding, and before she could reply, he leaned in further, the faint scent of smoke and pine lingering on him.
Star’s head tilted instinctively, her body betraying her thoughts. The space between them shrank until it was unbearable, and just when she thought her heart might burst from the suspense, his lips brushed against her skin—tentative, testing.
The smallest gasp escaped her, and he stilled again, his breath warm where it mingled with hers. “Tell me to stop,” Chris murmured, his voice so quiet it was barely audible.
But she didn’t. She couldn’t- didn’t want to. Instead, her fingers clenched the fabric of his shirt, holding him there, tethering them to the moment neither seemed ready to break. Chris’s breath hitched as her grip on his shirt tightened, her silent answer louder than any words could have been. His lips pressed more firmly against her neck now, his hesitance dissolving into something deeper, rawer. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver coursing through her, her body responding to him in ways she couldn’t control.
Star’s eyes fluttered shut, the world narrowing down to just the two of them, to the way his hands slid cautiously to her waist, as though he were afraid she might vanish if he held on too tightly. Every nerve in her body was alive, screaming at her to stop thinking, stop second-guessing, and simply feel.
Chris pulled back slightly, just enough to meet her gaze, his forehead almost touching hers. His dark eyes, intense and unreadable, searched her face as though committing every detail to memory. “You sure about this?” he asked, his voice rough, almost strained.
Star swallowed hard, her pulse pounding in her ears. She didn’t trust her voice, so instead, she gave the smallest nod, her fingers loosening their grip on his shirt only to trail up, resting lightly on his chest. She could feel the steady thrum of his heartbeat beneath her palm, matching the frantic rhythm of her own.
His lips found hers, hesitant at first but quickly growing surer as the space between them disappeared entirely. The kiss was unhurried, filled with a quiet intensity that made her head spin, a feeling she couldn’t quite describe but never wanted to end.
He pulled back just enough to study her face, his brow furrowed like he was searching for something in her expression. “You’re sure? Star- please need to hear you say it” he asked again, his voice a soft rasp.
Star met his gaze, her cheeks flushed, her heart pounding so loudly she was sure he could hear it. “Yes, s’okay- perfect.” she hummed, her hand drifting to his jaw, her touch featherlight but deliberate.
This time it was Stars turn to trail her fingers over the slight stubble along Chris’s jaw, something she found made her stomach do an odd flip at the sight of it up close. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as she shuffled around in his lap, a small gasp falling from her lips as she feels the rock hard bulge forming in his jeans, brush against her thigh. Chris held back a groan but couldn’t help the way his hips rocked up against her thigh, desperate for some kind of release.
“Does it hurt?” Star whispered so softly Chris almost mistook it as a sigh, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he tries to piece together what she said.
Before he has a chance to clue in, Star slowly reaches out, her freshly painted nails softly grazing his confined cock making him suck in a deep breath and immediately wrapping his own hand around her wrist, “Don’t worry about it, Star”
“Want this to be about— for you, let me show you something. You can tell me to stop if it’s uncomfortable ‘kay?” he sighs softly, grabbing her by the waist and shifting her to hover over his thigh, each of Stars knee placed on either side of his leg.
“M’being serious, you tell me the second y’feel uncomfortable y/n I-“ Chris is now staring into her eyes, blabbering on about how important to him it is that she feel comfortable the entire time but all Star can think about is how that ache between her legs is just growing insanely persistent.
“Chris- chris please jus’show me, I’m okay with this I promise.” Star whimpers softly, her eyes softening in such a way that has Chris seriously contemplating why the hell it’s taken him so fucking long to make a move.
He immediately lowers her down onto his thigh, her eyes widening slightly as her throbbing clit makes contact with the rough material of his jeans through her shorts. Her thighs instinctively tried to close around his thigh in order to hold herself up, She was embarrassed he would be able to feel the wetness pooling through the layers of clothing she had on.
“Gotta relax, don’t tense up jus’sit and relax” Chris coos softly as he brings one hand up to softly rub the small of Stars back as he uses the other to pry her thighs open slightly.
“C-….can you feel that..?” Star muttered as she slowly relaxed herself down onto his thigh again, the soft shake of his head allowed her to exhale the breath she didn’t realize she was holding in.
“Put your hands like this— ‘least keep’em on my shoulders, they’ll help you” Chris wrapped her shaking hands around his neck, their eyes meeting as his hands find their place back on her waist, this time less cautiously.
“Help me do what exactly?” Star snorted, feeling a bit awkward in their current position. Her eyes darted from his and down to where their bodies were currently flush together.
“Gonna ride my thigh, Star. Think y’can do that f’me?” Chris mumbles, briefly letting go of her waist to scratch his jaw, a small smirk falling onto his face as he watches her lips part slightly.
“Ride your thigh? what- what is that?” Star couldn’t help the sheepish grin that grew on her face, her tongue immediately going to play with one of her lip piercings, a nervous habit she’s seemed to form after piercing them a few months ago.
Chris didn’t say anything— a man of many words, he just slowly began to guide her hips back and forth with his hands, a small whimper immediately falling from her lips when she first feels the material brush against her clit.
“Oh!-“ She immediately finds herself tangling her fingers in the roots of his soft curls, tugging gently as her own hips begin to match the pace of his hands. The rhythmic motion of Star's hips grinding against Chris' thigh sends waves of pleasure coursing through her body. She bites her lower lip, trying to stifle the moans that threaten to escape as her arousal grows with each passing second.
"Feels good, huh?" Chris murmurs, his voice low and husky with desire. He leans in closer, his warm breath tickling her ear as he continues to guide her movements. "Jus’ let go and enjoy it."
Star nods, her eyes fluttering shut as she loses herself in the sensation. Her hips start to move more urgently, seeking friction against Chris' thigh. The fabric of his jeans provides just the right amount of pressure.
"Mmm... Chris..." she gasps, her nails digging lightly into his scalp as she rides him harder.
Chris lets out a low groan at the sound of Star's pleasured moans, his own arousal spiking as he feels her grinding against him more insistently. His hands tighten on her waist, guiding her movements as he matches her rhythm.
"You're doing great, baby," he praises, his voice thick with lust. "Just keep going like that..."
Star mewls at the endearing pet name that slipped through his lips, she was unsure if it was on purpose or not but it had the pressure in her tummy growing. As her hips continue to buck against his thigh, Chris can't resist leaning in to capture her mouth in a sloppy kiss. His tongue delves past her parted lips, tangling with hers and leaves them both breathless.
Star breaks the kiss, panting heavily as she looks down at Chris with half-lidded eyes, her chest rising and falling rapidly. A string of saliva connects their lips before breaking as she pulls away.
"I-I need more," she admits, her voice shaky with desire. "Please, Chris..."
Chris smirks up at her, his own breathing ragged. "Wanna touch ya, Star. Can I?"
She nods eagerly, reaching down to undo the button of her shorts. With a wiggle, she slips them off along with her soaked panties, revealing her bare cunt to Chris' hungry gaze.
Chris' pupils dilate as he takes in the sight of Star's exposed pussy, his cock twitching in his pants. He reaches out, running a finger along her slick folds, gathering some of her juices.
"So wet already," he marvels, bringing his finger to his lips and tasting her. "Fuck, you taste amazing."
Star shivers at the intimate gesture, her hips canting forward in silent plea for more. Chris complies, sliding two fingers inside her tight heat, pumping them slowly as he rubs her clit with his thumb.
"That's it, baby, take my fingers," he encourages, watching her expression intently. "Let me make you feel good."
Star blushes deeply at Chris' affectionate term, her heart racing in her chest. "I... I like it when you call me that," she admits shyly, looking away from his intense gaze. "It feels nice, hearing you say it."
Chris smiles warmly at Star's admission, pleased that she enjoys the endearment. He continues to finger her, gradually increasing the pace as he listens to her soft gasps and whimpers.
"You're so responsive, Star," he murmurs, his voice filled with admiration. "Love how you react to my touch."
As he speaks, Chris leans in to press tender kisses along the curve of Star's neck, savoring the sweet scent of her skin mixed with her arousal. His fingers curl inside her, stroking that sensitive spot within her spongy walls.
"Getting close, aren't you?" he whispers, his breath hot against her ear. "Tell me when you're about to cum, ‘kay? Want to make sure I help you through it."
Star's body trembles under Chris' skilled ministrations, her inner walls clenching around his probing fingers as she edges closer to climax. She bites her lip, struggling to hold back the impending orgasm.
"Chris, I... I think I'm gonna-" She gasps, her hips bucking erratically against his hand.
Chris senses her nearing peak and redoubles his efforts, pumping his fingers faster while rubbing her clit in firm circles. "That's it, Star, let go, make sure to breathe" he urges, nipping at her earlobe. " Yeah there you go my smart girl, cum for me."
With a sharp cry, Star's body seizes up, her pussy spasming wildly around Chris' fingers as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over her. She collapses against his chest, panting heavily as aftershocks ripple through her.
Chris holds Star close, cradling her trembling form as she rides out the aftermath of her intense orgasm. He strokes her hair soothingly, whispering gentle reassurances until her breathing returns to normal.
"You did so well, Star," he praises, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "beautiful girl."
Slowly, Star lifts her head to meet Chris' gaze, her eyes still glazed with post-orgasmic bliss. "Thank you," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "That felt…amazing."
Chris beams at Star’s response, clearly thrilled that he could bring her such pleasure. He gives her a soft, comforting squeeze before reluctantly withdrawing his fingers from her still-quivering cunt.
“C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up,” he hums, his voice warm and soothing. His gaze drops briefly to the evidence of their intimacy staining his jeans, a crooked smile tugging at his lips. “I’ll grab you some of my stuff, ‘kay?”
Star blinks up at him, still catching her breath, her body humming with the aftershocks of their closeness. She nods faintly, her cheeks flushed, her limbs feeling like jelly. Chris presses a kiss to her temple before standing, moving with a calm deliberation that somehow steadies her own scattered thoughts.
He disappears for a moment, returning with a soft, worn T-shirt and a pair of sweats. “Here,” he says, kneeling down beside her. “These’ll be comfy.”
She tries to sit up, but her arms feel weak, and Chris immediately notices. “Hey, slow down,” he murmurs, a faint chuckle in his voice. “Let me help.” He sets the clothes down and carefully adjusts her, his hands firm but gentle as he guides her to sit upright.
Grabbing a warm, damp washcloth from the bathroom, he kneels again, his eyes searching hers. “This okay?” he asks, holding it up.
“Yeah,” she whispers, her voice soft, almost shy.
He’s careful and patient, wiping her skin with deliberate tenderness, his touch reverent as if she might break. “You’re so beautiful,” he says quietly, almost to himself, his words making her chest tighten.
Once he’s finished, he hands her the clothes, turning his back to give her privacy while she changes. She can’t help but smile at the gesture, at how he’s simultaneously so careful and so casual about it all.
When she’s dressed, he turns back around, reaching for her hand. “Let’s get you comfortable,” he says, guiding her toward the bed. He pulls back the blanket, letting her settle in before tucking it around her.
Chris joins her a moment later, lying on his side to face her. He brushes a strand of hair from her face, his touch light, almost absentminded. “You okay?” he asks, his voice full of quiet concern.
Star nods, her lips curving into a faint smile. “Yeah,” she murmurs. “Better than okay.”
His grin returns, soft and boyish. “Good.” He leans forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You need anything? Water? Food? Just say the word.”
“I’m good,” she whispers, her voice laced with a warmth she can’t hide.
Chris watches her for a moment, his dark eyes soft and unguarded in a way she’s never seen before. His hand moves in slow, soothing circles on her back, the weight of his arm grounding her as she settles against him.
“I meant it, y’know,” he says quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
She tilts her head up to look at him, her brows furrowing slightly. “Meant what?”
“That you’re beautiful.” His lips twitch into a small, almost shy smile, like he’s not used to saying things like this out loud. “Not just now… always.”
A warmth blooms in her chest, spreading through her like wildfire. She doesn’t know what to say, so instead, she leans in, brushing her lips against his in a featherlight kiss. It’s slower than before, softer, and Chris hums against her mouth, his hand resting gently on her cheek.
When they part, she feels her heart pounding again, but it’s a different kind of nervousness now—one laced with hope and a sense of safety she hasn’t felt in a long time.
Chris shifts slightly, reaching down to pull the blanket higher over them. “Also,” he starts, his voice carrying a teasing edge, “you totally ruined my jeans.”
Star lets out a soft laugh, burying her face in his chest as her cheeks flush. “I didn’t ruin them,” she protests, her voice muffled.
“Oh, you did,” he teases, his voice warm with amusement as his fingers trail lazily through her hair.
Star lifts her head just enough to meet his gaze, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. “Technically, it was your idea,” she counters, her tone light but daring.
Chris raises a brow, feigning indignation. “Oh, you’re blaming me?”
“Well…” she drawls, her smirk growing. “You were the one who started it.”
A low chuckle rumbles in his chest, and he shakes his head, his grin softening as he looks down at her. “Fine,” he says, brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. “But for the record, I don’t regret it.”
Her teasing demeanor falters for a moment, giving way to something softer, more vulnerable. “Me neither,” she whispers, her voice barely audible.
Chris’s grin fades into something gentler, his dark eyes searching hers like he’s trying to memorize every detail of her face. “Good,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Guess I can’t be too mad about my jeans, then.”
Star laughs softly, her cheeks flushing as she nestles back against his chest. “I’ll buy you a new pair,” she offers, her voice muffled against him.
“Don’t bother,” he replies, his arms tightening around her. “I’d ruin every pair I own if it meant seeing you like this.”
Her breath catches at his words, and for a moment, all she can do is hold onto him, her fingers curling lightly into the fabric of his shirt. She doesn’t know how to respond, so instead, she lets the warmth of his embrace and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat say everything she can’t.
AUTHORS NOTE: i’ve ignored every ask being sent about anything to do with their sex lifes cause i had zero idea how i wanted that to be, genuinely haven’t even thought about this pairing in a sexual way but LOL i hope this is up to everyone’s standards, and that it’s not obvious i suck at smut :,)!!!
TAG LIST: @jetaimevous @sturnsblunt @riasturns @ifwdominicfike @chrissturns-wife @mattsmunch @pip4444chris @ribread03 @ariestrxsh @angelic-sturniolos111 @pvssychicken @mattslolita @stvrnzcherries @dottieboo @lovergirl4gracieabrams @bluestriips @sturniolo-fann
#Spotify#ⓘdarksturnz#𐔌 .⋮star!reader.ᐟ꒱#𐔌 .⋮artist!chris.ᐟ꒱#sturniolo triplets#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo#chris sturniolo fanfic#sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo blurb#christopher sturniolo fanfic#christopher sturniolo fluff#chris sturniolo angst#christopher sturniolo x reader#christopher sturniolo#christopher sturniolo smut#sturniolo triplets smut#sturniolo x reader
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Belos has repeatedly shown himself as someone who has a lot of trouble disconnecting remnants of his past from his past, with Flapjack being referred to as both 'Caleb' and 'Evelyn' on separate occasions, for being a symbol of them in the present, in much the same way both Hunter and Luz are 'Caleb' in his eyes.
In many, many ways, Philip Wittebane is still living in the 1630s and he can't figure out why no one else is, and I find that absolutely Hilarious.
#anyway Flapjack isn't secretly Evelyn's soul p sure that's not how this show works#the owl house#toh#emperor belos#philip wittebane#lina rambles
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Hey, my friend! I want to ask you how Lyndon, Quiet, and Tyrael would react to my strange Woodwarts family! (I need this to my one-shot, that's why I ask ^^")
This family consist of Evelyn - an older child, that too creative girl who jumps off house roofs to test something and have shiny white hair instead of other angelic charateristics
Aether - Hope Tender (your sub-species btw, I love you for making them) who has no idea how he got to Sanctuary, but liked mortals anyway and even married a daughter of his savior. Fater of Evelyn and Aidyn.
Erica - Most patient and calm woman across the whole area, wife of that lost angel and mother of two troublemakers.
Aidyn - Seven years old little angel. Unlike his sister, he has got small wings and this characteristic black skin. Very friendly, but also a bit shy.
Thanks with advance for answer! ^^
Oh my, this is a long one! :D Let me gather my thoughts.
So I assume they would meet roughly around the time TFS is currently in. Or at least at the beginning of Act III, I take it? In that case...
Lyndon would mostly be unfazed, let's be real. He has went through quite the adventure already with Quiet, and even more absolute insanity before all that. An angel as a father? Yeah, sure, why not. Angels can be pretty alright, he has little beef with them overall, outside of a few "individuals". Lyndon would probably complement Erica more than any other family member, but thankfully he is over his womanizer ways. :P Hell, they might end up exchanging stories about bringing up baby angels.
"Oh Evelyn jumps off the roof every other week, she's very persistent to make those wings work."
"Lovely daughter, truly. Quiet tends to attract really strange animals and monsters. Among other things. They are not aggressive, at least."
I think Quiet would be most interested in Aidyn and would try to play with him most. Aether would mean a bit of curiosity, his wings would be a source of wonder for the kid for sure. He wants to grow up to be big and have big nice wings too, afterall. :D I think Quiet would be the same around Evelyn as he is around Kyla - far too uncertain in the face of the perky young woman but he would like to spend time with her too. Even if her ways of having fun sounds really weird for Quiet.
Tyrael would be either absolutely ballistic at the whole thing at first (pre-Utho and Carala), or would be mildly annoyed and surprised (after-Utho and Carala). Modern day Renegade angels are a strange and frowned-upon phenomenon, especially for the Aspect of Justice himself. But since he's been actually living on Sanctuary, he came to understand it more a bit, so he would probably calm down relatively soon, even "pre-Utho" state. Still, he would be at least a bit disapproving. Not hostile, certainly. Annoyed at the mixture of species, worried about what that would mean for the children in the future, if they would become demon-magnets, you know the deal. He's very critical in that regard.
I hope I could give some pointers. ^^ This is all I can share, unfortunately, without knowing more about your characters.
I cannot wait for that oneshot! :D Good luck!
#askbox#that first spark#diablo#@fuyukotheduckling#diablo 3#tyrael#inarius#quiet#oc#original characters#evelyn#aether#erica#aidyn
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Summary: In Mainverse, the appearance of the pair from Villainverse has apparently caught the attention of the gods. Will this attention be a good thing, or perhaps be a problem?
Author Notes: i'm back finally with another chapter! this is a special chapter that marks the beginning of the original mirrorsverse context; this is no longer taking place in the dragon ball universe! some changes have been made to the story and characters, such as names and designs, as well as an art style shift! i hope you enjoy the changes ive made! <3
Another day passes in the Land of Creation--the realm where the Gods of Creation reside. Here, a creator god sits by herself in a field, seeming concentrated on one area of the sky. A figure creeps up quietly behind her, not making a sound…
“So, what is the North Creator up to today, then?”
She’s startled, but her body relaxes when she realizes who has joined her, and she lets out an annoyed sigh. “Oro, don’t you have better things to do than bother me? Go back and watch over the South Quadrant like you’re supposed to. I have bigger things to worry about over here.”
“Oh?” The other creator god, Oro, looks out to try and see what she is looking at. “Like what?”
“A lemurian living on Earth. His counterpart from a parallel universe somehow hopped through the cosmos with a wormhole and came to stay with him for a few days. I’m keeping an eye on him for now to make sure he doesn’t try doing the same thing.”
“A lemurian?” Oro seems interested. He squints, focusing where she is concentrated on. His vision flies through the galaxy, zooming in on one particular spot of planet Earth, where a lemurian farmer and his mother are seeming to practice. It’s Patoto and Zumeg, and Zumeg is encouraging her son.
“Come on, Patoto, you can do it! Dig deeper!”
“I’m trying…!” Patoto says as he seems to be straining himself to power up. In an abrupt blast of power, he achieves Super Lemurian--something he’s used to--but this time, he’s trying to reach a higher level.
The sight amazes Oro, and he widens his eyes. “What in the world is that?”
The other god doesn’t look from her spot. “It’s called Super Lemurian. Their race can achieve transformations like that to grow more powerful. There’s also a Super Lemurian Two, which is what I assume this lemurian is trying to reach. There may even be a third level.”
Oro watches in awe. “Such power…”
...should be used by a god.
He stands up straight and waves his hand as he turns to leave. “Well, you have fun with that. I’ll be off back to my own business.”
The other god frowns a little. “It’s about time.”
As Oro walks away, he glances over his shoulder with a rather devious expression.
Back on Earth, Patoto leans over onto his knees, obviously winded from all the exertion. “Phew… I think I’m gettin’ closer!”
Zumeg smiles and walks over to pat his back. “I think you are, too. Your energy seems a lot more intense now than it was before.” She walks by him, then. “I’ll go get us some drinks. You deserve a break. I’ll be right back, okay?”
As Zumeg disappears into the house, Patoto is left to stretch happily. However, almost immediately, his body transforms into that of the creation god, Oro. He’s confused by his new, smaller appearance, looking down at himself. “H-huh? What the--?”
“This is a very interesting planet you have here.”
Patoto looks over to where the voice came from. There floating in the air is what looks to be himself, wearing strange new clothes and earrings. Patoto is even more confused than he was before. “H-hey… That’s my face!”
His copy grins wickedly. “Finders, keepers, I guess. Hm…” He looks over Patoto’s clothes, seeming to inspect them for a moment before waving his hand over his own body. His wardrobe changes to that of Patoto’s suddenly, except this version is all black. He grins and holds out his hands to his sides. “Blends in a little better, don’t you think?”
Just as this happens, Zumeg returns from the house with two drinks. She stops in her tracks when she sees the scene playing out before her, furrowing her brow. “What in the world?”
Patoto looks back at her. “Mom!!” He quickly makes his way over to his mother and points at the false Patoto. “Mom, this stranger stole my body…!”
She looks at him confusedly. “What…?”
“Please believe me!” Patoto urges. “I’m Patoto! That guy over there isn’t me; he stole my face!”
Zumeg looks back at the apparent copycat. He has a sick smirk on his lips, which causes her to frown. “... I believe you. My son would never look at me like that.”
Setting the drinks down, she walks away from the real Patoto and glares at the newcomer. “Who the hell are you? What do you want with my son?”
The fake Patoto sticks up his nose with a grin. “It makes sense that you wouldn’t know me. I am Oro, one of the five Creators of your universe.”
“Creators? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Of course you wouldn’t understand. To put it simply, I am a god of your world.”
Patoto looks at his hands. “A...god? Y’mean I have a god’s body right now?”
“Yes. But, I don’t expect you to know how to use it, heh.”
Zumeg chimes in. “What would a god want with my son, then?”
Oro folds his arms behind his back, looking around at the scenery. “I was watching you all from my world and I saw something amazing. You transformed and became much more powerful than you were before. I saw this power and realized that it was much more suitable for a god than it was a measly mortal. So, I wanted to try it out for myself.”
“So, you stole my son’s body?” “Borrowed without asking.” Oro raises a hand and charges up an energy ball with it. “I wanted to play around with it for a while.”
Realizing what’s about to happen, Zumeg dives back towards Patoto and tackles him out of the way just before a ball of energy hits the ground where he stood. Once they’re safe, she turns back and snarls at Oro. “Hey!!”
Oro doesn’t seem to be paying attention to her. He’s looking at his hand, mesmerized. “Amazing… Even at base strength, the power is incredible. Now, for that transformation…”
Zumeg and Patoto watch as Oro channels his energy through his body, yelling as he does so. In a sudden burst, his hair turns blonde and his eyes go crimson, completing the transformation to Super Lemurian. He looks back at his hands, smiling. “Amazing…! I’m overflowing with immense power! This transformation is outstanding!”
Zumeg starts walking towards him. “Alright, you’ve had your fun! Give my son back his body!”
She charges at him with a punch, but he blocks it easily with his finger. In response, she begins to throw a flurry of punches, but he blocks all of them with a finger as well, almost taunting her. With a smirk, he suddenly whaps her away with his tail, and she goes flying.
Patoto is watching from the ground in dismay when he’s suddenly joined by another person seemingly out of thin air. He turns to look at them--a woman with pink skin and white hair, similar in appearance to his current body. “W-who are you?”
She turns to look at him. “I am Enlil, a God of Creation. I’m the Creator in charge of your universe quadrant. I’m here to stop Oro from causing more trouble than he already has.”
Patoto blinks. “You’re a god, too?”
Behind them, Kinpa and Evelyn come hurrying out of the house, apparently having heard the ruckus outside. Evelyn looks at the two standing in front of the porch. “What’s goin’ on out here?”
She notices Zumeg and Oro in the sky as they fight. “What in the world are they doin’ up there?”
“Your son’s body has been stolen by a god who thinks he can just do whatever he wants,” replies Enlil. She gestures towards the real Patoto beside her. “This is your Patoto.”
Patoto’s eyes start to tear up. “Mama…”
As he rushes over and hugs her, Evelyn looks startled. “P-Patoto…?”
Kinpa looks from Patoto up to the dueling lemurians. “So… That’s not Patoto? That’s a god in Patoto’s body? How did he switch bodies like that?”
“He used objects called the wishing stones on a planet called Phibia to wish it that way,” Enlil explains. “Unfortunately, those wishing stones can only be used once a year. I have to find a way to keep him at bay until they can be used again.”
Kinpa thinks for a moment. “Wishing stones…? Hey, don’t we have those on Earth? I remember an icejin talking about them.”
Enlil looks over at him in surprise. “Really?” She proceeds to close her eyes for a moment in silence, and she then opens them again. “You’re right! How did I not see them before? There’s a phibian on this planet who has a set.” She turns to Kinpa and holds out her hand. “Come with me. I need someone with me in case something goes wrong.”
Kinpa looks at her hand before hesitantly taking it. “U-um… Okay.”
In an instant, the two teleport away, leaving Evelyn there with Patoto. The next thing they know, they’ve arrived at what seems to be a campsite in the middle of a forest somewhere. As they look around, someone opens the door to the little hut that is sitting in front of them.
A green-skinned individual, the phibian in question, comes out and blinks. “Oh! Can I help you?”
Enlil steps forward. “We don't have much time to explain, but we need to use your wishing stones. There’s a crisis that could eventually endanger the whole world if we don’t stop it right now.”
The phibian looks them over. It doesn’t take long for him to nod in approval. “Okay. I can tell your intentions are good. Let me get them for you.” He starts to disappear into his hut, but he looks over his shoulder first. “Name’s Kigai, by the way! It’s nice to meet you. Now, give me one second…”
Back on the farm, Zumeg and Oro continue their fight as Evelyn and Patoto watch in concern. Zumeg is getting beaten back pretty good by Oro, who hasn’t even broken a sweat. The god dodges elegantly away from every punch.
“This was fun for a while,” he muses, “but now it’s starting to get annoying. You’re persistent; I’ll give you that. But…”
He points two fingers at her before firing a laser beam through her chest. She falls to the ground lifelessly as Evelyn and Patoto watch in shock.
“You should know never to cross a god.”
“How do we summon the dragon?”
Kigai looks at Enlil after finishing arranging the wishing stones on the ground. “Like this…” He hovers his hands above the stones. “Wish dragon Shtelru, by your name, I summon you!”
The stones begin to glow a brilliant blue, and then, suddenly, an energy beam shoots upward out from them. From the beam forms a giant dragon, towering above the group. Kigai and Enlil seem unfazed, but Kinpa is blown away from the size of the creature.
Soon enough, the dragon speaks. “Speak your wishes now, and I will grant them, if it is within my power,” he booms.
Kigai gestures to Shtelru, turning to Enlil. “Go ahead.”
Enlil steps forward. “Great dragon, I wish for you to switch Oro and Patoto’s bodies back to normal!”
Shtelru’s eyes glow a bright red. “Very well. It is done.”
In an instant, Oro and Patoto’s bodies swap back to their original owners. Oro looks down at his body in confusion. “What?!”
Meanwhile, Enlil turns to Kinpa. “Kinpa, you stay here. I need to make sure it worked. I’ll be back.” She looks up at the dragon again. “Shtelru, can you wait just a moment?”
“Do not make me wait long.”
“I won’t.”
Enlil teleports back to the farm, leaving Kinpa to stand with Kigai. When she arrives, she’s greeted by the scene of Evelyn holding her wife on the ground, sobbing over her body.
“Zumeg…!” Evelyn cries. “Zumeg, wake up…!”
Enlil is shocked. She looks to where Patoto is standing with his fists clenched tightly at his sides, now in his own body. He is trembling.
“You… You shoulda never hurt my mom,” he growls. The air around him begins to crackle as his energy spikes. Suddenly, he explodes with power, his hair turning blonde and his eyes burning red. Tears are streaming down his face. “I’ll make you pay!!!”
He launches himself at a surprised Oro, who proceeds to get the punch of his life directly to the face.
He’s flung back through the trees, crashing through the forest before skidding to a stop in a ditch formed by the impact of his body on the ground. He opens his eyes just in time to see Patoto flying towards him, and he just barely dodges an intensely-powerful blow that instead strikes the ground below him. Patoto snaps around as Oro tries to fly away, grabbing him by the leg before slamming him directly into the ground.
While this is happening, Enlil stands over Evelyn. “Wait right here. I can fix this, I promise.”
She teleports back to the others at Kigai’s camp, wasting no time before speaking again. “Zumeg was killed. Can Shtelru bring her back?”
Kigai nods. “As long as she hasn’t been brought back before, yes.”
“Okay.” She looks up at the dragon once more. “Shtelru, I have another wish!”
Shtelru’s thunderous voice responds, “Speak it now, before I run out of patience.”
“I wish for the lemurian Zumeg to be brought back to life!”
Once again, the dragon’s eyes glow brightly as he grants the wish. “It is done.”
Miraculously, thanks to Shtelru, Zumeg’s eyes flutter open as Evelyn cries over her. She sits up, surprising Evelyn in the best way. Evelyn hugs her tightly. “Oh, honey, I thought you were gone…!”
Zumeg rubs her head. “What happened…? Where’s--”
She looks up to see Patoto kicking the absolute shit out of Oro. The god is bleeding profusely, evidently having been taking an intense beating from the lemurian. Patoto performs an overhead kick and sends Oro flying down to the ground, where he crashes and slides along the dirt. When he stops, he weakly looks up to see Enlil staring down at him in disappointment. Patoto lands a few feet behind them as Enlil nods to him. “I’ll take him from here Patoto. Thank you.”
Patoto doesn’t seem to be quite finished with him yet, still clearly angry, but the voice of his mother stops him from stepping forward.
He turns to see Zumeg running towards him, and the anger in his expression completely disappears into relief. “Mom?”
The two hug tightly as Patoto powers down to his base form once again. As this happens, Enlil lifts Oro up over her shoulder and turns to everyone, who is gathering around Zumeg and Patoto.
“I’m sorry to have brought you all so much trouble,” she assures solemnly. “He won’t be back to do it again after this; I promise.”
The two gods disappear, leaving the group to stand there. Patoto nuzzles his mother lovingly, clearly happy to have her back and safe. Evelyn also seems pleased with the outcome of all this. Kinpa is the only one whose mind seems to be elsewhere.
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Riding High

Ch24: Kintsugi
Chapter Summary: Fliss has a final show down with her ex-John…
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Very light smut…NSFW and NO UNDER 18s!!!
Chapter Pairings: Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Please bear with me…I’m a Brit so don’t have a wonderful knowledge of the US Health service… thanks to those of you who helped me with this one, you know who you are… ;-)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 23
If I never get to see the Northern Lights, or if I never get to see the Eiffel tower at night, oh if all I got his your hand in my hand, baby I could die a happy man.

Fliss stared at her ex-husband as she continued to reverse, until her back hit the side of the kitchen unit.
“No hello?” John asked, cocking his head to one side.
“How did you…” Fliss took a deep breath “How did you know I was here?”
“Guess” John said with a shrug as he looked around the kitchen, his cold grey eyes scanning the wooden units, matching counter tops and stainless steel appliances. He wrinkled his nose, the décor clearly not to his taste, before he turned back to Fliss. “It’s not that hard to figure out really, Sugar…” Fliss swallowed as she stared at him, pondering whether or not screaming for Evelyn was the right thing to do. If she did so she alerted him to the fact that someone else was in the house, and risked riling him. He always hated it when she screamed. If she kept him talking, kept him calm, then Evelyn had to come downstairs at some point…surely…
Or at least she hoped.
She licked her lips and looked at John, giving him a shrug “How could you know I was back in the area?” “I didn’t…” he said, “Not until this afternoon anyway…” And then the penny dropped. And Fliss felt like such a fucking idiot.
“Richard…” she let out a breath, cursing herself for not even considering the fact that his brother could have been in the hospital.
“Clever girl…” John smiled “Turns out Orthopaedic Surgeons are in short supply…he was doing some Locum work and spotted you.”
“That still doesn’t explain how you got this address.” “I didn’t. I followed you.” “You…you followed me?” Fliss frowned “So you were what? Watching me at the hospital?” “Watching the main door but…yeah…” Fliss shook her head, a soft huff escaping her “You that desperate to see me John? Seriously…” “Watch your mouth…” he said, sternly “You know I don’t like it when you take an attitude, Felicity.”
“You didn’t like anything full stop.” Fliss said, looking at him. “When I had an attitude, when I didn’t…” “I won’t tell you again…” John stepped forward.
Fliss swallowed, she was scared, there was no denying that. But as she stared back at John’s face, she realised that something was different. It felt like a different fear. She was afraid of being hurt, yes, but she wasn’t afraid of John. It was strange, almost liberating in a way to know that, despite the fact she understood she was in a precarious position, the man in front of her held no power over her now.
She was free, free from his mental abuse, free from his hold. Because she had a new life, a new home, both with Frank and Mary. And a new love, a real love, a love that was gentle and nurturing and…fucking normal.
All John could do now was hurt her, physically, and if he gave her a beating…so fucking what?
She’d heal…just like she had before, but this time the only healing she’d need would be physical, because her soul and her mind had already mended. She was whole again, and no matter what he did or said John wouldn’t break her that way again.
She tipped her chin up to look at him, defiantly, and she saw the anger flick across his face. He hated it when she made eye contact with him like this, he saw it as challenging his authority.
Well that was exactly what she was fucking doing.
“You have no right to be here John.” she said, her voice calm and firm. “You’ll be back inside tomorrow…do yourself a favour and go home before your ankle bracelet sends a trip to say you’ve broken your curfew.” John’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he looked at Fliss, before he gave a snort.
“I know full well what’s at stake.” he shrugged “I go back inside, serve the rest of my sentence…be out in another 2 years…I’ll track you down again.” “Course you will.” Fliss said, shrugging “And then what? You come kick the shit out of me? And go back inside…it’ll be a never ending circle John, and for what?” At that John’s hand raised and he back handed her straight across the face. It was enough to knock her side ways and she stumbled slightly, before she steadied herself and raised her hand to wipe the thin trickle of blood away from her split lip. Taking a look around she realised he’d inadvertently knocked her towards the door that led to the lounge. If she could just make it in there, she had a chance…a chance of out running him…maybe.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” he snarled and her attention flicked back to him as he strode towards her. “You’re mine…you always will be…” “No I’m not.” she spat, glaring at him, standing her ground. “I don’t belong to anyone…” “Not even Frank?” John looked at her and she shook her head.
“I love Frank, I don’t belong to him, there’s a difference.” she shook her head “I’m not a fucking possession, I’m his girlfriend…”
“You’re my Felicity…” John’s voice was gathering in pitch and volume, the way it always did when he was annoyed but Fliss felt nothing but anger in response at that fact that he still thought he had any claim to her whatsoever.
“I’m Frank’s Lissy…” she shot back
“YOU’RE MY WIFE!” John roared. “NOT ANY MORE!” Fliss screamed back “You were the worst mistake of my life!” John’s hand flew out and he gripped her chin, painfully, forcing her to look at him.
“Don’t you dare speak to me like that.” he looked at her, shaking his head, his dark grey eyes flashing with rage.
“I’ll speak to you how I want…” Fliss grit through her teeth, as his left hand tightened its grip on her face before his right grabbed her wrist painfully and he twisted the joint sharply, an action she knew was designed to break it. As always, he stopped short of the point where he knew he would snap the bone and he looked at her curiously, as she stood stock still, not a whimper of pain nor a word of pleading or begging for him to stop slipped through from her lips. Instead she looked at him, and smiled.
“You can break every bone in my body and it won’t matter” she looked at him “Because you broke me, in a way I never thought possible, you isolated me, made me feel I was worth nothing. But you’re wrong. I’m worth everything!” “And I suppose Frank tells you that?” John said, his hand twisting a little more.
“Yes he does.” she said simply “But more importantly, he makes me feel it. Because he loves me with everything he has. He’s gentle, kind, warm. He cares about me, how I am, how I feel. And that makes him ten times the man you’ll ever be.”
She knew that would rile him, and as she watched his face contorted into a snarl. The hand that was gripping her wrist let go and moved to the side ready to strike again, but Fliss lashed out with her foot and kicked him as hard as she could in the shin. John, having severely underestimated exactly how different Fliss now was, hadn’t been expecting that. She’d never hit back before. His hand released her wrist and Fliss turned on the spot and ran for the door. However, he was quicker and she felt him grab hold of her hair, and at that point she started to scream.
She screamed and screamed as she kicked out behind her, and with a sharp tug she was yanked backwards. John turned them both, sending her flying back into the kitchen where she stumbled and her head connected with the corner of the wooden unit. With a pop she felt the skin split on her temple and the warm flow of blood as it trickled down her face. Dazed, she began to push herself up, scrambling forward but John was there again, his hand once more fisting in her hair as he pulled her to her feet.
“You little bitch!” He snarled, his hands closing around her neck as he pushed her up against the wall, “I’ll fucking kill you…” With that be began to squeeze her neck, the fury etched into every line of his face. Still fighting, Fliss hit out with everything she had, her hands connecting with his face, chest, shoulders, but the fact was he was simply too strong. As his grip tightened further, a silence started to wash over her, almost like she was floating, a sense she had felt once before when he had almost drowned her in the bath. But unlike then, she had something to fight for, something to live for. Or more specifically someone. She gripped at his fingers with her own, attempting to prise them off her throat but to no avail. So, instead she raised her knee, but the lack of oxygen was making her weak and John simply sneered, forcing his knees in between her legs, effectively rendering them useless.
The white spots started to float in front of her vision, and her mind flicked to Frank and Mary…before she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore. She allowed her lids shut and she clung to the image of her Sailor, of their little blonde-haired Short Stack…because she was damned if John’s face was going to be the last thing she ever saw.
But suddenly the pressure was gone and her throat opened again. Her legs buckled and she slumped to the floor coughing and spluttering as she took a huge, painful gasp of air. She continued to breathe deeply, her lungs felt like they were on fire, and then a pair of gentle hands softly came to rest on her cheeks.
“Fliss…” Evelyn spoke, looking at her, “It’s ok…you’re ok…” Fliss coughed some more, Evelyn smoothing her hair back, speaking softly to her and as Fliss began to focus, her hand flew to her painful neck whilst her eyes fixed on the floor behind Evelyn. John lay face down, unmoving, fragments of shattered glass all over the floor, glistening in the soft kitchen lights. Fliss tried to speak, to ask Evelyn what had happened but her words wouldn’t form and the woman gently shook her head.
“Shhh” she soothed gently “Just breathe…” “Police…” Fliss managed to croak and Evelyn nodded.
“Already on their way.” she said, “I called them as soon as I heard the screaming.” The tears then began to sting Fliss’ eyes and Evelyn gently wrapped her arms around her as she shook, staring down at John on the floor. Fliss gave an involuntary gasp as she saw the crimson liquid billowing around his head like some kind of macabre halo. Evelyn turned to look at him and gave a tut.
“That’s not blood, more’s the pity, it’s Malbec. And a damned good one too. What a waste.” Evelyn sighed as Fliss looked at her, before both their eyes darted to John as he stirred a little on the floor. “Can you stand?” Evelyn said and Fliss nodded. Together they both rose, Evelyn keeping hold of Fliss as she was a little shaky, led her down the hallway where she grabbed two jackets from the coat stand along with a set of keys and led her outside, locking the door behind them. She sat Fliss down on the step and gently draped a jacket over her shoulder, before she pulled one on over the towelled robe she was wearing and sat next to her, not saying a word.
Before long the sounds of sirens filled their ears and Fliss glanced up to see a number of flashing lights in the distance. A police car zoomed up the drive and skidded to a halt just in front of where they sat. Evelyn gave Fliss’ shoulder a squeeze as she stood up to greet the officers and spoke to them both before one of them nodded and walked to Fliss, crouching down in front of her.
“Ma’am?” his voice was quiet and kind. Fliss looked at him and he gave her a soft smile “You wanna sit in the car whilst we go inside?” “Yeah…” Fliss nodded. The officer helped her to her feet and walked her slowly down the steps, sitting her in the back of the car before he straightened up and spoke into his radio, before he looked at his colleague who gave him a nod. Evelyn said something and they followed her up the steps to the door which she unlocked and then moved back to allow the two men to step inside.
The rest of what happened was pretty much a blur to Fliss. She was aware of an ambulance arriving, and a paramedic checking her over, declaring that her neck would be sore for a while, as would her face…but Fliss knew that from various previous experiences of his beatings. However, the gash on her temple needed attention, or sutures to be specific. Evelyn assured the paramedic that she would have Fliss taken to the hospital to avoid them having to call another ambulance, and satisfied with that, the paramedic covered the wound temporarily and then headed into the house to where her colleague was attending to John.
The police spoke again to Fliss, this time asking her questions, and she explained what had happened. She told them how John had found her, how he had gotten into the house, how he had attacked her. The two officers were satisfied it was a pretty clear cut case of self-defence, especially as they had enough history on John as it was. He’d also broken his curfew too, which meant there was an instant warrant for his arrest even without this incident.
Eventually they wheeled John out of the house, he was moving and groaning slightly. Fliss followed him with her eyes before she heard Evelyn’s indignant voice hit her ears.
“Stay in the area in case you need to speak to me again? My son’s girlfriend has just been attacked, my granddaughter is currently in hospital recovering from an operation, where the hell do you think I’m going to go? Cape Fucking Verde for a holiday?”
Fliss turned to look at Evelyn, a small smile flickered across her face as the woman was glaring at the police officer, who was looking a little abashed at her fury.
“I know I’m not going to be winning any Mother of the Year prizes any time soon but give me some bloody credit…” Evelyn shook her head before as she glanced at Fliss and her face softened a little before she looked back at the police officer “Now, I’m going to go back into my house, get dressed and then how about you make yourself useful and drop us at the hospital so I don’t have to call my driver?” *******
Frank was dozing in the chair when the door to Mary’s room opened. He looked up, blinking and frowned as he saw his Mother. She was dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a large, oversized knitted sweater.
“What…” he began to say but she jerked her head, gesturing for him to step outside the room. With a glance at Mary who was sleeping, he stood up and headed into the corridor.
“There’s been an incident…” Evelyn spoke.
“Incident, what do you mean?” he asked, before he realised she was on her own “Where’s Lissy?” “She’s downstairs…” Evelyn said, her voice calm.
“Downstairs?” Frank’s brow furrowed as his throat went dry “What the fuck is going on?” “Her ex-husband…” Evelyn said and Frank felt his chest constrict “He followed her home, got into the house…”
Frank let out a loud yell, and Evelyn softly touched his arm “She’s ok, Frank, just a few bruises…”
“I’ll fucking kill him.” Frank snarled and Evelyn shook her head.
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’ll end up inside yourself!” “It’ll be worth it.” “No, it won’t.” Evelyn said simply “The police have him. But if it makes you feel any better I gave him a good whack on the back of the head with a wine bottle…” Frank blinked, and he looked at his mother for a second, before his brain kicked in again.
“I need to see her…” “Yes, I know.” she said “I’ll stay with Mary, you go. She’s down on the ER…” “Ok…thanks…” He said, and without so much as a glance back he sprinted off towards the stairs, deciding not to wait for the elevator. He took the steps 2 at a time, ignoring the curious and occasionally annoyed glances he got from people he either dodged round or bumped into.
He burst out of the stairwell onto the ward and stopped, glancing around for someone to point him in the right direction when he did a double take as he saw a stretcher being wheeled in his direction, which was accompanied by a police officer and a security guard. He paused, and as it neared him he recognised the man on it instantly from the photo’s he had seen and felt the blood beginning to pound in his ears. Frank stood, stock still, chest heaving, fists clenching by his side as it came closer and then he got the first proper up-close look at the man who’d made his girl’s life hell. The group paused by the elevator opposite him and he watched as John looked round. When he spotted Frank his face fell into a look of recognition.
“Ah, here he is…” John smirked, “The boyfriend…” Frank’s eyes locked onto John's steel grey ones, the sneer on the man's face grew wider, goading, taunting him as he continued to speak, making various comments about Fliss, and Frank made towards the gurney, his striding matching his mood, murderous. He was going to kill the bastard, rip him limb from limb. But, as he crossed the linoleum floor, his Mother’s voice flickered in his head and then for some reason the warning she had departed less than 5 minutes earlier morphed into something Bill had said to him once as they had been sat outside with a beer… "He's a master manipulator, Frank. Anything anyone gave him could and would find a way to use it, and that's the only thing that stopped me beating him within an inch of his life that evening, the fact that it might have jeopardised the case against him." He stopped dead in the middle of the corridor. As it stood, John was fucked. He had breached his parole in countless ways and there was a fresh assault charge too. He was going back inside and he knew that, so he was trying to goad Frank into doing something stupid, something that would put him behind bars too, leaving Fliss broken. Because that's what this was about. Breaking Fliss. Frank knew that John would have realised by now that he couldn't break her in the way he once could. The card and calls would have proven that, which is why he sent the photo of Mary and why he was goading Frank. He was going for the one area in which he knows she has a weakness. Her Achilles heel...the people she loved.
“What you stopping for?” John practically yelled as a police officer told him to shut up. “You know she told me before how gentle you are with her…we all know how rough she likes it at times…” Frank's chest heaved as John's taunts about Fliss continued to ring in his ears. As some further crude remark about her bedroom antics hit his consciousness Frank clenched his fist, simply trying to think of something to say, something that left the cunt in no uncertain terms as to why exactly he wasn’t going to give him what he wanted, and be goaded into kicking 7 bells of shit out of him... And then he suddenly why should he? If he gave the bastard the satisfaction of realising that the very thing Frank wanted to do he couldn't then he was letting John gain a victory. A small one, but a victory none the less... And Frank was giving him fuck all, well, almost fuck all. Because there was one thing he could do that would show the bastard the utter level of contempt he deserved.
In a flash Frank lunged forward, and as the officer by John's bed stepped into his path, Frank leaned round him, snapped his head back, and spat right in John's face.
There was a moment’s pause before John yelled out, jerking the hand that wasn't cuffed to the bed to his face, screaming every name under the sun at Frank who took a step back as the police officer sternly gave him a warning. "You're an irrelevant sack of shit." Frank snarled, looking at John, before he backed away completely, hands up in surrender to the officer who was pushing him back. "That the best you got?" John yelled, "what about the promise you made to my brother, about killing me if I came near your family or her?" At that Frank let out a bark of a laugh "I never said I'd kill you, just put you in hospital...but looks like my mother beat me to it. How does that feel, huh, ass hole? Being put in here by a 65 year old woman?" Another growl of rage and this time the police officer turned to Frank "Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave...I'm assuming you're Miss Gallagher's partner?" Shit...Fliss... he needed to be with her. She was far more important. He nodded to the officer "I'm going..." and the man gave him a curt nod as he turned to leave. “How does it feel to know Felicity will never be over me?" John's voice continued to follow him as he walked. "That she's so broken and ruined? She ran from Boston even when I wasn't there anymore, what does that tell you, huh?” Oh now that really was pathetic! A desperate, final shot and Frank barked out a laugh as he turned around, folding his arms.
"Kintsugi." He said simply "Ever heard of it? It's an ancient Japanese art form. Broken ceramics, things like that are fixed with a glue laced with powdered gold. The repaired item is different, but no less beautiful than it was before, often even more so in some eyes." Frank shrugged with a smile "And that's Fliss. Is she the same person she was before she met you? Probably not…but I tell you something I will love the person she is now for a lifetime." John's face slipped, and in that moment Frank knew he had won. He had refused to give John any semblance of control and he couldn't help the satisfied smirk that spread across his face. "But you are right about one thing." Frank added "She did run. And she ran to South Pass, where I met her...so for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart." John sat still for a moment before he jerked up and began to try and get off the gurney, screaming threats of murder and whatever else he could conjure. Frank smirked as the police officers all piled in to restrain John, and he took one last look before he turned and strode away. Beating John on a cerebral level might not have given Frank the physical relief of kicking the crap out of him, but he knew that his words would stick with him much longer than a few broken bones and that was far more satisfying.
Frank eventually stopped a Nurse who kindly directed him to where he could find Fliss and he strode onto the ward where he headed towards the minor treatment room at the back. He yanked the door open and saw a Doctor was gently examining her temple which now sported a cut and a few stitches. But that wasn’t what got to Frank, it was the finger shaped bruises that covered her neck which made his breath hitch and he looked at Fliss as her eyes filled with tears.
“Oh, Honey…” he stuttered out and crossed the room. The doctor tactfully stepped away and Frank dropped onto the bed next to her as he pulled her to him and she buried her face into his neck as he pressed a kiss to the top of the head. He looked at the Doctor who gave him a small nod before he left the room, closing the door. Frank couldn’t think of anything to say, nor did he actually trust his voice at this moment so he simply held her close, his face pressed into her hair. Eventually he felt her pull back slightly, and he glanced down at her, taking her face in her hands.
“Let me see you…” he said gently, his eyes scanning the injuries he hadn’t already noticed and saw that her right eye was slightly swollen, and there was an angry red mark on her cheek which was going to bruise. She raised her right hand to gently place her hand over his and he saw the angry marks around her wrist too.
“I’m so sorry….” Frank looked at her, his eyes filling with tears.
“Hey…” Fliss said softly, her voice was raspy as her hands cupped his cheeks “This is not your fault.”
Frank shook his head, closing his eyes as Fliss gently placed a soft kiss to his lips.
“I fought back” she said, pulling away to look at him “Something I would never have had the courage to do if it hadn’t been for you. The last year we’ve spent together, you taught me I was worth so much more, and knowing that today…well, I wasn’t the same meek old little lamb he used to knock about.” “The lamb became a lion, huh?” Frank smiled, brushing her hair back.
“Something like that.” Fliss shrugged “And he’s going back in side. The Police reckon he’ll serve the original 2 years he had left and be looking at another couple for Assault, violation of his probation terms, breaking his curfew…” “With a bit of luck someone will kill him when he’s inside.” Frank spat and Fliss arched her eyebrow. “Sorry…” he said as she smiled, and shook her head. “I love you.” he said again after a moment’s pause, his forehead pressing against hers “I don’t ever want to be without you. Ever.”
“You won’t be.” she looked at him “I promise.”
Frank smiled again, giving her a soft kiss before he pulled her back into her arms and she sighed, the tension in her shoulders, melting away at his embrace.
It wasn’t too long before the doctor came back and stated that, provided Fliss had someone at home, he was happy to discharge her. Frank assured him that she wouldn’t be alone and so, with care sheet that Fliss really didn’t need they both made their way back up to Mary’s room…well, that is after Frank made Fliss face up to the one call she didn’t want to make…
Bill was absolutely raging when he found out what was happening, so much so Fliss couldn’t deal with speaking to him so she passed the phone to Frank who had thankfully found his calm head at this point. After he spoke to Fliss’ dad, he managed to convince him not to hop on the next available flight, instead told them to come tomorrow when Mary had been discharged and things had calmed down a little. He knew it was slightly hypocritical, given the way he had hot footed immediately to Boston to be with Mary, but Fliss had begged him to put them off for at least a night as she was talked out after being interviewed by the police and wanted to rest. With a final gruff goodbye, Bill hung up and Frank curled his arm round Fliss as they walked towards Mary’s room.
They had been back in there for about 5 minutes when the Ward Sister appeared and at first was rather shitty with Frank at the fact Mary’s room was sporting 2 additional visitors out of bounds, until she spotted Fliss’ injuries. Her demeanour softened slightly but she was still insistent that Fliss and Evelyn needed to leave, but did allow them to wait in the room instead of the main reception until their car arrived.
Frank didn’t want his girl out of his sight, he wanted nothing more than to hold her all night long, humming songs into her ear the way he often did when they were huddled together, making her laugh as he changed the lyrics to various songs to include her name, his, Mary’s, Thor’s, Fred’s Cap’s, Heidi’s…or whoever else came to mind. He wanted her safe in his arms, wanted to be there when she woke up, but he knew she needed a good rest and even if she could stay, she wouldn’t get that on a camp bed. So, when the time came he reluctantly released her from where she had been sat on his lap and after she gently dropped a kiss on Mary’s head, the girl having slept through all of this, he followed them out into the corridor.
Evelyn turned to Frank but before she could speak he swept her into a hug and pressed his face into her hair, placing a soft kiss to the crown of her head.
“Thank you.” he said softly, before he released her. Evelyn stepped back, tears in her eyes as she gave him a small smile then turned to the elevator, leaving him to say goodnight to Fliss.
“Get some rest…and if you need me for anything, if you can’t sleep…whatever, call me ok?” he asked, his large hands gently cupping her face. “I love you.” “I love you too.” she said softly as his lips met hers in a soft but lingering kiss. He pressed his forehead to hers, their noses gently bumping against one another before she smiled and stepped away “I’ll see you tomorrow.
He held her hand for as long as he could, her fingers gently slipping out of his until eventually her hand was free and she turned and headed after Evelyn. He stood watching until they were in the elevator, giving them both one last wave before he turned back into the room. Once in there he cast a look at Mary before he slumped down on the chair he’d been in, the weariness seeping into every bone in his body as he bent forward, arms resting on his knees, face buried into his hands and he began to cry.
**** Frank climbed out of the car and lifted Mary onto his hip as he followed his Mother and Fliss into the cool hallway and he set Mary down and looked around his once childhood home. It looked, smelt, felt the same. He could almost see Diane sliding down the banister, him catching her at the bottom until their stepfather found them and threatened to flay them both alive if he caught them doing it again for fear of them breaking their necks. He could remember playing basketball on the large drive after Walter put a hoop up for him over the garage, the long nights of homework in the study, essays his mother made him re-write over when they weren’t good enough, always groaning when he was told it was time to practice his piano…he doubted he could even remember a single scale now, what a waste of time and money…
“Why don’t you go get some sleep.” Fliss looked at him, and her voice once again made him want to cry. It was so soft and croaky, but the doctor had said it might take a week or so for her vocal chords to recover. Another reminder of what the fucker had done to her. “I’ll wake you in a few hours when it’s time to go get Mum and Dad.” “You’re in your old room.” Evelyn said gently
Frank nodded and turned to Mary. “Don’t be running around like a lunatic, you heard what the doctor said.” Mary looked at him, her hands on her hips “I’m not stupid.” “Jury’s out.” he teased and she glared at him.
“We’ll watch some TV.” Fliss assured him, her hand rubbing at his back.
“Was kinda hoping you’d come lay with me.” he said softy.
“That sounds like a good idea.” Evelyn nodded, “Me and Mary can occupy ourselves.” “Oh, can we do some of those equations…” Frank glared at Evelyn, who held her hands up “I haven’t once made her do maths…” “They were in a book I found.” Mary looked at Frank. “They look really interesting…” “Frank…” Fliss soothed “If she wants to do Math, what harm is it gonna do? She’s gonna be missing a few weeks of school.” “Fine.” he sighed “But…oh,I dunno, just…” He trailed off shaking his head, he was too beat to argue anymore. He turned and headed up the stairs without another word.
“Is he mad at me?” Mary asked, her eyes wide.
“No, honey of course not.” Fliss shook her head, her hand cupping Mary’s cheek “He’s just tired, it’s been a long few days…” “Are you feeling ok now? Frank told me you got attacked but I wasn’t supposed to ask you, but I wanted to…”
“I’m fine.” Fliss assured her. “Just bruised…nowhere near as much recovery to do as you.”
Satisfied Mary nodded and Evelyn told her to go and sit on the sofa and Fliss headed upstairs. Frank was already in the shower by the time she got into the room so she kicked off her trainers and flicked on the TV, absentmindedly watching the news channel that filled the screen. She took a deep breath, her eyes flicking to the closed door of the en-suite. She knew Frank was hurting, beating himself up about both her and Mary, and there was nothing to do other than let him sleep for a while and hopefully wake with a clear head.
Her mind began to wander back over the last 12 months and everything they’d been through. From nearly not actually getting together thanks to his little Friday night fuck with Bonnie, to that day she had bared her soul, told him everything. With a fond smile she remembered how he’d held her that night, the way he’d tenderly washed her in the shower when she was too broken to do anything herself…and then an idea came to her. Maybe she could show him some of that strength he always provided her.
She stripped off, adjusted her pony tail so her hair was piled up on her head, out of the way, and walked into the en-suite, casting a look as Frank was in the large cubicle, his head bowed, water beating down on him. His head turned to look at her and he gave her a questioning look as she stepped in next to him.
“Lissy?” he asked, and she gently took his hands, lacing her fingers into his before she stood on her tiptoes to give him a soft kiss.
“Turn round.” she said softly.
He did as he was told, his back to her and she gently slid her hands up his back and began to work at his shoulders which were ever so tense. With a soft sigh he relaxed into her touch, her thumbs working at the stiff muscles along the blades and his neck. He rolled his head from side to side, and stayed still, hissing slightly as she hit a particularly bad spot but then told her not to stop as she eased off. It was bliss. Eventually he felt her touch lighten before she instructed him to stay where he was, reaching round for the shampoo that was hooked on the shelves at the side. She began to massage his scalp, her nails scratching at his skin and he gave a soft moan tipping his head back. When she was done he turned, rinsing off and then glancing down he gave Fliss a soft smile as he dipped his head and kissed her softly.
“Feeling better?” she asked and he smiled, nodding.
“Should be me doing that for you.” he said softly, and she shook her head.
“Frank, I’m fine.”
“I didn’t mean to be so crabby.” he sighed, and she shrugged.
“You’re tired.” she said, reaching behind him to turn the water off. “Tell me honestly, how much sleep did you get?”
“3, maybe 3 and a half hours” he sighed as she stepped out of the cubicle and wrapped herself in a robe, handing him a towel. He quickly dried himself off, wrapped it around his waist and followed her into the bed room. Fliss picked up her phone and smiled.
“Mum and Dad are at the airport already.” she said, “They’ll be here in about 5 hours…which means you can get some sleep.” Frank nodded before he pulled the towel away, slipped on a pair of clean boxers and then roughly rubbed at his hair. Fliss laughed softly as he emerged, his dark brown strands stuck up everywhere and she moved over, smoothing them down with her hands. Once they were finished they both slipped under the duvet and she gestured so that Frank could lay his head on her chest. She softly placed a kiss to his forehead, her fingers running through his hair.
Less than 10 minutes later, he was out for the count.
He slept for a good 3 hours and when he woke he felt a lot better. Things slid into perspective a little. Yes, John had hurt Fliss, but she was ok, and he was out of their lives. Yes, Mary had been taken ill, but the operation on the whole had been small all things considering and in a week or so post a final check-up she should be cleared to fly home. Alan had messaged him telling him not to worry about work, so he knew he could stay with Mary here until the time was right, and his mother wasn’t irritating him half as much as he thought she would. In fact, she was being positively maternal, making him a sandwich and a coffee, fussing over him as he sat at the table in the kitchen. Another time it might have freaked him out but not now. He knew something had shifted over the last 48 hours and so he wasn’t going to dwell on it, he was going to simply let it roll. Whilst she was playing ball, so would he.
Frank declined Evelyn’s offer of sending a driver for Bill and Verity, because he knew Fliss would want to be there in person, and as did he. So at just after 3 and an argument with Mary about the fact she was absolutely not going with them on account of her needing to recover, to which she had replied some smart arsed remark about Fliss also being hurt, which his mother had simply stepped in and uttered a line he had heard so many times growing up ‘you do as we say, not as we do…” she stropped off to the living room, seething and that had allowed them to slip out, borrowing his mother’s Mercedes SUV for the trip.
It wasn’t a long drive through to Logan, and they chatted away as they headed over into the city, Fliss smiling and telling him how much she was looking forward to New York, that is if Mary was ok enough to go. Frank had assured her she would be, the recovery time wasn’t that long and knew full well Mary would have a tantrum to end all tantrums if he stated it was a no-go. Besides, he himself had big plans for that trip. There was no way in hell they were missing it.
They parked up, strode through to the arrivals and bought themselves a coffee, settling down to wait and it was about half an hour later Fliss’s eyes flicked to a spot over his shoulder and she gave a huge grin. She pushed her chair back and jogged across the lounge, throwing herself at her father.
“Oh, Titch…” Bill mumbled into her hair, his voice cracking as she wrapped her arms round him and Verity joined them, the 3 of them embracing. Frank hung back a little, until Verity waved him over and he walked over, giving V a hug before he shook Bill’s hand, the man pulling him into a huge embrace. He didn’t miss the angry look on Bill’s face as he took in Fliss’ injuries, nor the tears in Verity’s but neither of them said anything about it. As they all moved to head to the exit, Frank offered to take their case, but Bill declined.
“Not quite over the hill yet, Frank.” he teased and Frank laughed.
“I wouldn’t dream of suggesting so.” he grinned as they made their way over towards the car.
“How’s Mary?” Verity asked, as Frank opened the trunk to allow Bill to toss his bag in.
“Still a pain in the ass.” Frank said, and Verity scoffed.
“You leave my little Pudding alone.” she said.
“She had a tantrum.” Fliss grinned “Frank made her stay home to rest. She didn’t appreciate being left behind.” “Clearly desperate to see me.” Bill said simply, as Fliss told him to get into the front passenger seat. “Everyone knows I’m her favourite.” “That’s because you ruin her.” Frank said simply. Bill shrugged, a smirk on his face.
“Isn’t that what Granddads do?” he asked. Frank smiled, and looked at him as Bill’s smirk grew wider and Frank sighed.
“What did you bring her?”
“Nothing…” he protested, “Well, except a new pair of Tigger Pyjamas and a few books…” Frank rolled his eyes “Like I said, ruined.”
The drive home was pleasant. Frank took the long way round so that Bill and Verity who, despite Fliss having lived here for some time, had never spent long in the city because of John, could see the sights. They made arrangements to have a day out, Fliss gushing about the shops she could visit to buy some stuff for New York, Frank smiling at her in the rear-view mirror, before he glanced at Bill, the man’s jovial nature seemed to be ebbing away with each mile they drove.
Once they arrived back home, Fliss led Verity up the steps to the house whilst Frank hung back with Bill, heading to the trunk. As soon as the women were inside, Bill rounded on him.
“What the fuck happened?” he said, his eyes searching Frank’s “How did he find her?”
Frank took a deep breath and explained all about Richard tipping him off, how he had followed her, how she wasn’t alone but his mother was upstairs, how she’d stupidly not closed the door properly, how Fliss had fought him back, but he’d still overpowered her until his Mother had smashed a bottle over his head. He didn’t miss the pained expression that crossed Bill’s face as the large man simply shook his head a growl erupting from his throat.
“I’m so sorry Bill.” Frank hung his head, and at that Bill’s eyes turned to see the man in front of him, looking down at his feet.
“Sorry?” Bill frowned “What the hell are you sorry for?” “I wasn’t there…I should have kept her safe…” “You weren’t there because your little girl was in hospital.” Bill said, looking at him. “Frank, you couldn’t have been in two places at once…” “She wouldn’t have been in Boston if it wasn’t for me…I should have made her stay home…” “Right, you listen to me…” Bill said, his hand gripping Frank’s shoulder. “Look at me Frank.” Frank turned his head up to look at Bill, who stared straight back.
“You DO NOT blame yourself, Son.” Bill shook his head. “You hear me? Christ knows I tortured myself for long enough about keeping her safe. She’s my daughter and…” he trailed off, his own eyes misting up. “But one thing I realised over the last few years, this is no one’s fault but his.”
Frank sniffed and looked away. He knew Bill was right, but that still didn’t ease the enormous ball of guilt he felt in his gut.
“You said she fought back?” Bill said and Frank nodded. “Well, if you want any evidence of exactly how much you have kept her safe that’s it right there…she’s a different person. She’s the old Fliss, the one we knew way back before he ever turned up.” Bill wiped at his eyes as he glanced at the house then back to Frank. “And I cannot begin to thank you for the change we’ve seen in her.”
“Me?” Frank frowned.
“Yes, you.” Bill insisted “None of us can go back, Frank. The only thing we can do is move forward and you’ve helped her do that. You’ve given her something, something else to focus on other than her work and memories…” he took a deep breath, his hand falling back to Frank’s shoulder, his eyes locking onto his “…and when the time comes, I want you to know you don’t need to ask my permission, because there’s no one else on this earth I’d trust more than you to care for her for the rest of her life.”
Bill’s words sunk in and Frank looked at him, his eyes misting over before the man pulled him in for a fatherly hug, gently slapping his back.
“Right, now that’s over with…” Bill stepped away, turning for his bag “Please tell me your mother has some decent scotch because fuck do I need a stiff drink.”
****** None of them stayed up late that night. They retired to bed at little after 9 and Fliss snuggled up next to Frank, her head laying on his chest. The only problem with that, was that Frank then woke at 3 the next morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep. He glanced at Fliss who was fast asleep besides him and gently climbed out of bed. The chilly air hit him and he shivered slightly, grabbing a t-shirt off the side which he shrugged on before he headed down stairs to grab a bottle of water. As he reached the bottom steps the soft sound of classical music hit his ears and there was a chink of light flowing from underneath the study door. He knew instantly it was his mother. He headed into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and was about to head back upstairs when he paused, his eyes drifting to the study door. He hesitated, before he made his decision and walked back gently pushing it open.
Evelyn looked up, frowning slightly “Frank?” “Needed a drink, saw the light was on.” he said simply “Couldn’t sleep?” “Something like that.” she mused.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
With a soft smile she beckoned him over and he walked into the room, noticing for the first time she had a photo album open. Frank peered down and felt his own smile creep across his face as he looked at the photo of him, along with his Mother, Father and Diane on Francis Street Beach in Nantucket. It was the year before his Father died.
“I remember that trip.” Frank said softly. “Spur of the moment decision to go for a long weekend in the holidays. Dad capsized the kayak on purpose because I kept splashing him.”
“You were so excited to go.” Evelyn smiled. “Because the beach had the same name as you.” Frank huffed a laugh.
“I know you’ve heard me say this countless times but you really are ridiculously like Preston.” Evelyn looked at him and Frank looked down at her as he straightened back up, cracking open the bottle of water he had. “Seeing you with Fliss…” she trailed off and sighed, “I loved Walter...but it was nothing compared to how I felt about your father.” Frank looked at her, as she gently ran her hand over the photo on the page “I often wonder if he had still been here how different things would have been, but then I remind myself that he was-“ she trailed off and stopped dead. “Anyway, no point-“ “He was what?” Frank frowned.
“Nothing…” “Mother.” he said sternly. Evelyn looked at him and he stared straight back before she took a deep breath and hung her head slightly.
"He was leaving me. He said he didn't love me anymore...hadn't for a while and once the issue with Diane’s schooling was sorted, he was moving out." Frank blinked. That had surprised him because as far as he had been aware his mother and father had been solid as a rock until his Fathers accident. He looked at his mother who was looking back down at the photo album, her face sad…and suddenly to Frank it all made sense. "That's why you wanted to hurt me, all the business with Mary?" Frank looked at her, folding his arms and Evelyn shifted slightly "Because I hurt you first. I left you, just like dad?" Evelyn sighed "I'm not proud if it...but yes, I expect some psychologist could boil it down to that. But, it wasn’t all about hurting you Frank…I failed Diane and when I heard about Mary, how she had inherited your sister’s talents…I saw it as a perfect opportunity to try and make amends”
Frank rubbed at his eyes. He didn’t have it in him to be angry about any of this. Maybe last year, but not now. His mother had simply confirmed what he had suspected, but he was glad she’d admitted it finally. That it had been partly spite, and partly because she accepted some responsibility over Diane. Evelyn wasn’t to blame for Diane’s death, he knew that and would never in a million years dream of accusing her of such, but Diane had suffered from a mental illness which Evelyn had chosen to ignore. But he now understood that she hadn’t been ignoring it because she thought it was a weakness, she had feared it.
“I'm not proud of how I behaved Frank” Evelyn looked at him and his eyes flickered back to her. “Far from it. But knowing Mary now, I'm not sure I'd change it because...I love her. And I'm glad she’s in my life. And you too for that matter.”
“What’s done is done.” he said gently, “I’m tired of being angry and bitter about it.” “Me too.” Evelyn said.
“Well…” Frank said, thinking back to what Bill had said to him earlier “There’s nothing we can do about the past. I suppose it’s how we choose to deal with things going forward that matters.”
Evelyn looked at him “That’s very philosophical” she teased and Frank gave a chuckle.
“Old habits die hard.” he shrugged before he sighed "Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked quietly, “About Dad?” "Preston was your hero.” Evelyn looked at him, smiling softy “And rightly so, he was an amazing man. And I thought you deserved to at least have some good memories of one parent"
Frank looked at her as she held his gaze, her words echoing around his brain. She’d been trying to protect him, behaving again in a way that she thought was best. Shielding him from hurt and anger and pain.
Being a mom.
With a soft nod he acknowledged her point and with a final smile he bid her goodnight and headed upstairs. Slipping back into bed, he gently pressed a kiss to Fliss’ neck, holding her close to his chest, simply laying still, and then she shifted and turned to face him.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” he asked softly and she shook her head.
“No, but I woke up and you weren’t here…” she yawned as he brushed her waves off her face, his thumb gently skating her bruised cheek “Where did you go?”
“To grab a drink. Then I was talking to Mother.” “Everything ok?” Fliss asked and he took a deep breath, nodding.
“Yeah, yeah I think it is, or at least it will be.” She smiled softly at him in the dim light and he dipped his head to kiss her gently, his hand dropping to her hip. She moved closer, tipping her pelvis up to meet his and he gave a sigh into her mouth as he felt her rub up against his crotch.
“You want something?” he asked, and she gave a soft chuckle.
“You gonna make me beg?” she asked.
“Never, baby girl…” he smiled, rolling her over onto her back.
Before long they were both naked, sharing kisses, soft teasing touches. Frank’s mouth softly caressed her bruised neck, her collar bone before moving down to her breasts, lavishing affection at her pebbled nipples causing her to arch her back, pressing into his touch. He loved the way she keened underneath him, her body begging him for more, so needy and so ready for him. When neither of them could stand it any longer, both aching for one another, Frank’s hands gently cupped her face as he pushed into her, causing her to gasp slightly. He gently rolled his hips, his movements slow, deep, rocking into her as opposed to thrusting, not wanting any inch of his body to be away from hers.
It was slow, soft and quiet. Everything about it was pure love and affection, not for one single moment about chasing that surge of ecstasy. But when that relief inevitably came, Fliss head tipped back in a silent cry, as Frank nuzzled at her jaw with his nose before he slanted his mouth over hers, kissing her deeply before he himself came, hard, with a surge that he wasn’t quite sure he’d felt before. As they lay there, tangled around one another, soft kisses and touches being shared in the afterglow, Frank found himself wondering just how on Earth she kept managing to make him fall deeper in love with her by the day.
He knew he would probably never get the answer to that, but he didn’t care. All he knew was this woman was his world, his home.
And he was going to make her his wife.
**** Chapter 25
#riding high#frank adler#frank adler x ofc#frank adler x original female character#gifted#gifted fan fic#chris evans#chris evans characters
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