#oz vessalious
knightcoree · 2 months
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rcabbit · 5 years
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vessalis replied to your post:The fact Ada, His little sister, has gotten laid...
Pat Pat Don’t worry  Also long as you’re in jack’s body you got laid
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    First of all, from a geographical standpoint, that's some nasty news 
   Second of all, he means by someone he loves.
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superfixialis · 6 years
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Name: Oz Vessalius House: Gryffindor Blood Status: Pure Blood Year: 4th Year
Skills & Studies: 
Oz is gifted in defenses against the Dark Arts, which is his best class.
Other classes were he has done notably well are: Care of Magical Creatures, and Charms class.
His grades are still relatively good in the remaining subjects, but he has little interest in arithmancy and astrology.
Oz is aiming for a go at transfiguration class.
He maaaay or may not be contemplating on attaining the skill of animagi.
He’s a bit of a mischief-maker and enjoys wreaking havoc here and there. (He’s not sorry about the chocolate frogs he hid in Break’s desk.)
In this AU, Jack Vessalius (as discussed with @vessalis!) is his older half-brother- they share the same father, but not the same mother (because Zai Vessalius is still a jerk.)
Oz doesn’t even consider Jack as a “half”-brother, Jack is just his brother, end of story. If you ever say anything negative about either of his siblings, Oz has no qualms about casting Expelliarmus+Flipendo on you and DROP-KICKING YOU IN THE FACE TBH. He adores both Jack and Ada with all his heart. Don’t mess with them!!
General / Misc. Headcanons: 
Oz has an owl. It loves him, but much to his dismay, it sometimes likes to peck at his head or tug his hair... The owl's name is Noir ("Black" in French, as tribute to Oz's Chain form, the Black Rabbit).
His uncle Oscar is the one who bought him the owl.
He still sulks about not being placed in the same house as Jack or Gil.
His Patronus is a rabbit, go figure.
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paindora-hurts · 9 years
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“Jack! Make a deal with me!” -Oz Vessalius - オズべざりウス 
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superfixialis · 6 years
ONE ( name / alias ) : Ettie  TWO ( birthday ) :  December 25th, I WISH I WAS BORN A DAY LATER BC THEN I’D HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS OZ D’< THREE ( zodiac sign ) :  Capricorn FOUR ( height ) :  5′4′′ FIVE ( hobbies ) :  oh shoot DOES SLEEPING COUNT? LOL. Roleplay, Drawing, Singing (?), Making tons of OCs and stories I don’t actually end up writing lololol... Um. GAMES. Also reading. I can read all day ok. SIX ( favourite colour(s) ) : I liiiike light blues and pinks. Pastel shades of the two are my favs. ALSO PASTEL GREEN. And idk, white and black??  SEVEN ( favourite books ) :  I HAVE TOO MANY???? EIGHT ( last song listened to ) :  Anxiety - Blackbear ft. FRND NINE ( last film watched ) :  Lord of the Rings~ TEN ( inspiration for muse ) :  Oz. Just. everything Oz, tbh. LMAO. ;; I started writing him because I related really well to his character- just... rough relations with a parental unit, that self-hatred buried beneath bravado and laughter. But eventually, he matured and got over that, when I was still stuck. So in the end, he kind of became my role model, and tbh Elliot’s words were also a slap in the face to myself also. Buuut, I’m getting better~ I’m not completely out of that dark spot, but I think I’ve gotten out enough to the point where I can at least see the light again.  ELEVEN ( dream job ) :  Can I just take care of toddlers all day?? Oh my gOD. PLEASE. THEY’RE SO PRECIOUS. TWELVE ( meaning behind your url ) : Oz is related to the sun a lot in Pandora Hearts- mostly by Gil. But I don’t think Oz sees himself as the sun at all- more someone who basks in the light and warmth from his friends... so I just looked up what “basking in the sun” would be in Latin, and it was “Apricari”, SO. Sadly, that url’s taken, so it became apricxri LOL
TAGGED BY : @tatteredteacups & @vessalis <333 Eeey, this was fun, thank you for tagging me!<333 TAGGING : @0nce-ina-blu-m00n, @alorssouris (edit: AHAHA I JUST SAW YOU DID IT RIP NVM), @heircursed (if that’s ok cries), @spexulum, @ people who wanna do this, ok, I’M OFFICIALLY TAGGING YOU so you can say you got it off me ;D 
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