scoopsgf · 2 years
rewatching s7 and god everything about it is horrible, but particularly the r*gan…its so cloying and saccharine it makes me want to claw my own eyes out
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thequibblah · 2 years
45 and 31 PLEASE
here is 31 (i wanna say i do not remember listening to thsi AT ALL)
and here is 45
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kay-elle-cee · 8 months
Do you have any recs of Jily authors? Looking into reading works from others and hopefully writing more Jily fics.
The one you wrote about James finding Lily is so good, love it when you write angst and always look forward to your updates and posts.
You rock!
Hi there anon! First of all thank you so much for your lovely words! ☺️ Glad to know people appreciate the angst, because I have no intention of stopping 😌
Now as for recs, oh boy do I have recs! I know a list went around awhile ago, but I can't for the life of me find it 😅 I'll point first and foremost to my end of 2023 fic rec list here for starters, but will also shout out some of my favorites here! I'd also definitely recommend looking up authors your like on ao3 and checking out their bookmarks to find new fics and authors! Definitely a good tried and true method, especially since not everyone has a tumblr!
Some authors I'd rec are: @clare-with-no-i @thequibblah @emeralddoeadeer @alittlebitofeverything23 @sunshinemarauder @cascader @ghostofbambifanfiction @suzyq31 @charmsandtealeaves @annabtg @athenasparrow @jamesunderwater @nodirectionhome-ao3 @theesteemedladydebourgh @isahorcrux @possessingtheproperspirit @mppmaraudergirl @uncertainwallflower @startanewdream @tinyluminaryzombie @annasghosts @nought-shall-go-ill @firefeufuego @wearingaberetinparis @chdarling @oyprongs @jilyism @jfleamont and even with this big list I KNOW I'm leaving some people out, so if anyone wants to chime in, please do!
Hope to see you around, anon, and can't wait to read what you have in store!
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isahorcrux · 9 months
Tumblr media
my ct gift exchange fic for the lovely @oyprongs xx
listen to the playlist
You're Invited to the Sleekeazy's 23rd Annual New Year's Eve Ball Please join us as we ring in the year with funny glasses and lots of fizz. The party begins at 9 P.M. on New Year's Eve.
continue reading on ao3
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20 Q's for Fic Writers
Thank you @thequibblah for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on A03? 44
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,275,881
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter/Jily. I briefly wrote for Game of Thrones for a while but my interest in it waned pretty quickly.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Shelf Awareness Salmon Fishing in the Olympics Careless Texter Mother Deer (The Completely Unwilling Participants on) The Bachelor
Absolutely unsurprised to learn that my top five fics by kudos are completed.
5. Do you respond to comments? I always intend to. I really do. Sometimes. Sometimes is the answer.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Don’t understand this question.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pretty much any of my completed fics, but the one that jumps out is Shelf Awareness because they were really living the dream. An October of Unconventional Courtships would have beaten it if not for poor old Peter’s finger.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I think anyone who’s followed me for a while knows that I absolutely despise the one smut scene that I actually published in a fic, and yet I have written more that is as of yet unpublished. I’m not a fan of writing it. One weird or awkward word choice can turn the whole scene comical and I’m always so in my head about it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I guess Bachelor fic is a crossover with, well, The Bachelor? I’ve definitely written fics inspired by other things but never a straight-up crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yep! I had a fic called A Wizard Walks Into a Bar on FFnet and in 2013 someone took it and reposted it under a completely different fandom that I’d never heard of before. The author had stolen another of mine that I can’t remember and a couple of Bee’s too. My brother left a review on it that was like “I love this fic. I loved it even more when my sister first wrote it a few years ago,” and then we reported it and the account got taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? A few, yes.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I’ve co-written with Kristina and with Bee, so as far as co-writing goes there’s no higher plateau that a person can reach.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Jily
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha let’s not go down that road right now.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and comedy. I think that’s fair for me to say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Constantly picking and editing as I go instead of bashing out a draft and going over it later.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I don’t have any tbh. You do you.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Jily
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? I have two. Wherefore Art Thou, James Potter and Choose Your Own (sexy) Adventure
Tagging @wearingaberetinparis and @oyprongs if you haven't already done it!
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emeralddoeadeer · 7 months
Opening Line Patterns
Thanks for the tags, @kay-elle-cee and @jfleamont it's been a while since I've seen this one do the rounds!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
1 - a touch of magic (a magic touch) It has often been said that a witch or wizard may not remember their first use of magic. 2 - to dream the impossible dream The unmistakable sound of his best friend calling his name rouses him. 3 - call me, maybe Lily opens her eyes with a start, her heart racing in her chest. 4 - a day like any other The day starts as any other, they wake, they hustle, they share breakfast and attend classes. 5 - Just some guy Leaning on the wooden railing, Lily closes her eyes and breathes deeply, the cold fills her lungs, the smell of fresh snow and pine. 6 - Specular “How could you be so reckless? —What were you thinking?— Were you even thinking? You’re smarter than this—” 7 - What I've felt, what I've known The journey back to Hogwarts is long, but for once Lily wills the time to slow. 8 - you don't know me (but I know you)  Long black curtains rattle into place, edges fluttering an inch from the floor and spanning the width of the room.
9 - Times Like These Evening light spills through the open curtains, the shadow of a young willow tree cast upon the wooden floor.
10 - Class of '78 The landscape is unchanged, yet she is different.
I guess I like to set the scene, even the dialogue holds no question to the tone of what's to come...
Tagging, if you fancy @alittlebitofeverything23 @oyprongs @clare-with-no-i @thequibblah <3
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athenasparrow · 1 year
Can you rec some jily you’ve been reading recently? I need something to entertain me between guessing all the micros!
Hi Anon : D
I'm so happy to hear you're playing Mystery Microfic May! I'm curious how you're going – are you finding it easy or difficult?
Okay...here goes a very long list:
Cut for length 👇🏼
My Stuff:
Ongoing: The Neighbour Named James
Coming Soon: Miles From Nowhere
Current Works I'm Subscribed To:
As Lovers Go by @missgryffin
Secret Keeper @missgryffin
Seasons of Love @missgryffin
taller than the trees @annabtg @eemolu
Dead to Me @itsjamespotter
Choose Your Own (sexy) Adventure @ghostofbambifanfiction
Chance Encounters of the Irresponsible Kind @ghostofbambifanfiction
flowers @wearingaberetinparis (ritaskeetered on AO3)
Raising A Kid With My Ex @wearingaberetinparis
Guarding the Gates @corinnesamuels
Football, Calculus, and Cappuccinos by xMagicalMystery on AO3
77 Tulse Hill @petalstofishfanfics
Head Over Handlebars For You @practicecourts
The First Time Divorcees Club @theesteemedladydebourgh – but that's the third part of this series (read in order!). It's a VERY long series and it's delicious <3
All the Difference @mppmaraudergirl & writtenbyfreckles
P. S. I still wait for you @blitheringmcgonagall
A Thrill Divine, Down My Spine @kay-elle-cee
Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting) @kay-elle-cee
A Change of Heart @liiilyevans
Between The Aisles by natalie_ana
Quills in Coleworth @ohmygodshesinsane
A Slip of the Thumb @oyprongs
Mutual Rescuing @readermagnifique
Origami Hearts @startanewdream
I let you into the garden of my loneliness @theesteemedladydebourgh
Christmas Kisses @uncertainwallflower
Don't tell me it's not worth dyin' for @abihastastybeans
Sex Education @winryofresembool
Vindicated @missgryffin
Waylaid @missgryffin
Scooby Doodles @ghostofbambifanfiction
Customer In Law @annabtg
One Time Thing, No Such Thing @charmsandtealeaves
Complete Multi-Chaps
The Golden Couple @annasghosts
Brown Boots & Breakfast Bagels @charmsandtealeaves
elanev91 is not on tumblr (that I can find) but ALL of their work is complete on AO3, so if you haven't discovered them yet, just binge! They have multi-chaps and long one-shots and they're all fab.
It would have been sweet @firefeufuego
Unorchestrated Surprises by natalie_ana
+ a bunch of other works by the authors I've tagged : D
Repost and tag the authors that are not on here : D
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firefeufuego · 7 months
Thank you @alittlebitofeverything23, @emeralddoeadeer, @wearingaberetinparis, @oyprongs and @isahorcrux for the tags!!
1. List the titles of your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!) 2. An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing 3. Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on! 4. Then tag 10 writer friends!
Top Five Two Priorities:
Okay so this year I am really trying to narrow my focus so this might be a short list!
Chapter 4 of if it's a crime, then i'm guilty.
'you know you'll be gone by the morning'. Friends/rivals with benefits au of my au (self-indulgence ftw!) 'but he's a little bit too far away' where they start sleeping together while they're cadets.
That's kind of it! I am determined to get into the really juicy parts of it's a crime this year, so am keeping the plot bunnies at bay. Speaking of juicy bits.
Things I'm Looking Forward To:
I mean it's barely a spoiler to say that of course James actually does remember Lily, and the scene where that is revealed is coming up this chapter. This is also the chapter where the 'm' rating is earned but those two scenes have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Such fun!
Also, because I was tagged in a snippet tag, have a snippet!
In her defence, it wasn’t just the wig that did it. She made it through the first hour or so of the trial relatively unscathed, taking notes on the court’s procedures and the opening argument of the lawyer representing the claimant. There were, perhaps, a few glimpses at James in quiet moments, resulting in some objective observations that yes, the crisp, stark lines of his jabot did play nicely against his sharp jaw, or yes, there was something about the contrast between the tight, ordered curls of his powdered wig and the inky mess of his hair that was inordinately compelling. But still, nothing untoward. Then came James’s opening statement.
2. I'm really excited to revisit the absolutely shocking communication skills of 'a little bit too far away' jily. god i love them.
I am tagging @kay-elle-cee, @apalapucian, @stonecoldhedwig, and @padfootswhiskers
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Thanks for the tag @mppmaraudergirl @emeralddoeadeer @isahorcrux @alittlebitofeverything23 @wearingaberetinparis! Sorry it's taken me an entire decade to actually do anything.
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
I fear the optimism that I may even have five WIPs is too much, but we shall see...
The Price We Pay - Chapter 30. A Marauders canon fic with highs and lows and I can't believe it's been 30 chapters.
Murder on the Dance Floor - Chapter 6. The last chapter of this fic that will come so late, literally nobody will care anymore. Jily Strictly Come Dancing AU.
untitled friends with benefits fic. Jily canon diversion shenanigans, Order era but not depressing. I think.
untitled Lily-goes-to-fix-up-a-stately-home-and-falls-in-love-with-the-heir-you'll-never-guess-who-he-is fic. Jily magic AU. I think.
Upcoming Scenes and Details
Chapter 30 will feature Sirius' 18th birthday party, and we all know that's where the fun is. Also a future chapter (might be 32) will see the return of an old face, someone I've been itching to get back to for a while now...
I deleted a whole chunk of text from this doc which were snippets from 'articles' about Snape being exposed as an incel after a website gets hacked. It was fun, but ultimately distracted from the main point of the chapter, which is how to describe two people who want to snog each other desperately, trying to get through a showdance to I'd Do Anything For Love by Meat Loaf.
Some of it is written, but not much. It started off as an angsty fwb situation (to no one's surprise) but has morphed into a fun-but-pining fwb deal. It contains James reminding Lily of their encounter with the description, "You know - you, me, the screaming orgasms."
I have sort of planned it? but not written a single word, so it might not happen. But I used to love those trashy, very English chick lit books when I was younger, and one I enjoyed in particular started percolating in my head, suggesting itself as a Jily au. We'll see if anything comes of it!
A poll? How do I do a poll?!
Pretty sure everyone and their second cousin has done this already, but I'll tag some people anyway, feel free to ignore! @thequibblah @clare-with-no-i @oyprongs @kay-elle-cee @sunshinemarauder @nodirectionhome-ao3
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unknowableroom · 5 months
spell out your username with songs!
omg TY for the tags, @emeralddoeadeer and @thequibblah! and please excuse my doing this nearly two weeks later 😭
this is FUN!!!!
Undertow - Lisa Hannigan
No Reply - The Beatles
Kiss - Prince
New Feeling - Talking Heads
Octavo Día - Shakira
White Flag - Dido
Andante, Andante - ABBA
Born to Make You Happy - Britney Spears
Love is a Losing Game - Amy Winehouse
Eres - Café Tacvba
Retrograde - James Blake
Omen - Disclosure
Only Angel - Harry Styles
Money - Pink Floyd
tagging @ghostofbambifanfiction, @oyprongs, @alittlebitofeverything23, and @possessingtheproperspirit if you'd like!
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cascader · 2 years
Heads Up, 7 Up
tagged by @nought-shall-go-ill! thank you!!
I'm to share 7 lines of a WIP and then tag 7 people. we're playing fast and loose with the "7 lines" bit, but here's a preview of ch 2 of FYSS:
“Yeah, James. What is the problem?” Sirius asks, again rather pointedly, and he turns that cutting stare from her to his best friend.  James scowls. “I didn't ask for her number." “Well, you didn’t say no, either,” Sirius counters. Lily wants to melt into the 40-degree Roman pavement, she thinks. Disappear into the annals of history and live on unweathered by the fickle, uncontrollable present. Or she wants to be that blonde girl. If that’s what James is into.
tagging the wonderful @possessingtheproperspirit @kay-elle-cee @thequibblah @clare-with-no-i @firefeufuego @oyprongs @sunshinemarauder but also feel free to ignore!!! the intersection of folks with WIPs and Folks Who Snippet On Demand is a toughie
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maraudersftw · 3 years
hi! im reposting a fic on tumblr that i wrote a few years ago. do u mind if i tag you?
Hey! Sure, I don't mind! I'm always here to share more jily fics around 😍
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thequibblah · 7 months
wip tag!
i'm here at last! but in my defence, i couldn't spoil a surprise chapter drop through this post, right? ty for the tag @oyprongs @mipwrites @possessingtheproperspirit @emeralddoeadeer @isahorcrux (oh dear)
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends! (so sorry i will not be doing this. so sorry)
we are about to use an incredibly flexible definition of "wip"...
come together ch. 53 — sickening number by the way. too high. this fic is too long
save me a place — IF i'm even working on it, it might be a sequel to a certain author favourite
unbecoming: a love story — whatever. prequel spinoff whatever if im doing it
untitled modern AU — i think i had a title for this one but i forgot it maybe. it'll come back to me. anyway i'll keep lily's role in it top secret but it is musician james i fear he's a bassist i fear he's launching his solo career
susan dennard calls these magical cookies btw that is how i've always thought of them :~)
chiefly, what happened on friday january 13th 1978? but there are a lot of consequences of 52 that will hit the characters like bricks, which i'm overjoyed to write — some of which have been in the works for 2 years, some of which i made up last month!!!! which is nuts if you think about it!! if i had written 52 in 2022 as i meant to, at least two arcs as of now would literally not have happened!
the first line being "It ends with a flash of green light."
i am very excited to play around in the world of CT outside of the hogwarts setting (and with a mature rating...) — there are a lot of minor characters and events i've been sprinkling in there for this exact purpose
this lily feels a little bit more blunt/cynical than most of of my lilys have been because she's been burned before. she's really going to take no shit from james (even more than usual) and that friction will be really fun to explore. i love their childish spats but i'm also interested in writing adult versions of them who can really misunderstand and resent each other. in my head this fic is the other side of the coin to iwnma, which feels very warm and dreamy and sort of rose-coloured; this is the cold-weather 2 am rainy version of that, with the same pressures of fame and personality and art and ambition but in two characters primed to argue rather than merrily embark on an affair.
this poll is a bit cruel to options 2 through 4 i imagine but:
i'm too late to this party to tag people i think. catch you on the next tag game srry
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kay-elle-cee · 11 months
Thank you for the tag @thecasualauthor18! This was HARD.
Ten fandoms, ten favorite characters, ten tags.
Harry Potter — Lily Evans
Pirates of the Caribbean — Elizabeth Swann
Riverdale — Betty Cooper
The Righteous Gemstones — Judy Gemstone (this was a hard choice)
Pride and Prejudice — Elizabeth Bennett (but I go Lydia for the LBD)
FRIENDS — Chandler Bing (I stand ready for your criticism, world)
Our Flag Means Death — Lucius Spriggs
Newsies — Jack Kelly
SMASH — Ivy Lynn
Next To Normal — Henry
Tagging @athenasparrow @jamesunderwater @nena-96 @theesteemedladydebourgh @isahorcrux @oyprongs @letthebookbegin @thequibblah @unknowableroom @suzyq31 (if you want!)
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isahorcrux · 7 months
Thanks @kay-elle-cee and @alittlebitofeverything23 for the tags — since my life has turned upside down (work, and also Percy) I feel like it'll be good to do a little state of the union.
1. List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
2. An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
3. Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
4. Then tag 10 writer friends!
1. love, james -- jily love, rosie au multi-chapter.
2. london is lonely -- jily modern muggle au multi-chapter.
3. I am no mother, I am no bride -- jily first war au one-shot
4. a false start -- some with arrows, some with traps jily prequel
5. the hen do -- modern muggle au jily one shot (based on an incident that happened at a bachelorette I went to this year)
There are some spoilers upcoming so if you're behind on reading maybe don't read onwards...
Upcoming Writing
1. This is going to sound incredibly unhinged, but as we near the birth of James and Niamh's baby I was getting really nervous writing the rest of this fic. I don't have children and I'm not entirely sure I ever will, so I was worried about authentically writing the scenes to come. That being said, since adopting Percy, the nonexistent maternal bones in my body have awoken slightly, so I'm actually really excited to dive into the complexities of James and Niamh as parents.
2. london is lonely is one of my more popular fics, so I'm honestly excited to give the people what they want with fic (which seems to be another chapter). There's going to be an upcoming twist that I came up with pretty early on in this fic writing process that I'm excited for people to see. Moving forward I really want to stop over thinking this fic and really use it to write just to write (which was it's intended purpose).
3. I'm excited to see how I end up ending this fic. The reason this hasn't been published yet is because I have no idea what choice I want Lily to make at the end of this one. I think once I've got the latest chapters of london is lonely and love, james out, I really want to spend some time marinating on this one.
4. I love swa lily and james, so I'm really excited to get back into their POV. I also can't wait to write them falling apart, because that truly is the most exciting part of fic writing for me (evil? yes.)
5. This is a very fun one shot idea that I just can't wait to expand. It's based on a bachelorette I went on where the bride's wallet was stolen (nothing ended up happening irl, but excited to completely extrapolate for THE PLOT). Also the stag do jokes are just WRITING THEMSELVES.
Tagging a whole host of people that I'm sure might have already been tagged if you fancy: @thequibblah @clare-with-no-i @emeralddoeadeer @firefeufuego @oyprongs @possessingtheproperspirit @theesteemedladydebourgh @nodirectionhome-ao3 @mipwrites @sunshinemarauder and anyone else who'd like to do the wip tag!
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The truth is I don't think anyone but @oyprongs would be interested in the Jily as WWE superstars fic idea that I cannot stop thinking about but definitely can't write because I have too many WIPs and am too unwell to write anyway so why can't I stop thinking about it?
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