sew-much-to-do · 11 months
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DIY Oyaki (Japanese Stuffed Dumplings)
Stuffed with sweet kabocha squash and miso-glazed eggplant, these Oyaki Japanese dumplings are a popular snack in Nagano Prefecture in central Japan.
sew-much-to-do: a visual collection of sewing tutorials/patterns, knitting, diy, crafts, recipes, etc.
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gottastim · 9 months
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harapeko_mi_29 on ig
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Oyaki / Japanese Stuffed Kabocha Squash and Miso-Glazed Eggplant Dumplings (Vegan)
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ryuucafe · 2 years
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tmgkkghn · 2 months
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bleachbleachbleach · 9 months
Happy biiiiirthdaaaaay Hitsugayaaaa お誕生日おめでとう!
Would you like to start your day with tea with your vice-captain:
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Presented here in my cup that in 2020 was re-christened "the Hitsugaya cup <3" and will likely remain so forevermore, and in a duck cup my co-blogger gave to me this year, and which I immediately put into fanfic as "Matsumoto's weird cup" because I absolutely love it. I would excerpt the scene, but it turns out Hinamori's thoughts about the cup are interspersed within a lot of other stuff, so just know that it's Matsumoto's Weird Duck Cup.
For lunch, can I interest you in some oyaki??
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Oyaki are a regional food from Nagano, which is an interior mountain region in Japan, a few hours west of Tokyo. I've been there exactly once, but I absolutely loved it, because MOUNTAINS and SUBARU COUNTRY:
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Because of this+its westerly general location+Hitsugaya and Hinamori's names I model my version of Junrinan off of it (though the main village we see is in the flatlands, not the mountains themselves). I also HC that Isshin sent Hitsugaya off to Actual Nagano for his Gotei hazing/30-day walkabout in the Living World, because he knew it would feel similar to Junrinan.
Oyaki are dumplings, traditionally cooked with irori, or those traditional square stove pits you see in the middle of people's houses in old-timey anime. I do not have one of those so I made mine the way you'd make any other dumpling, in a frying pan on a stove, frying first and then steaming. You can freeze them to re-steam later, which is what I did this weekend. These ones have miso eggplant and bamboo shoot in them, because that's what I had, though the only oyaki I have written into fanfic have pickled mustard greens in them.
I would excerpt that, but Hitsugaya is not actually in most of that scene, doesn't say a single thing when he is, and the narrating POV (Kensei) doesn't care about him. So I will instead say that in the scene, the gang is making oyaki at Matsumoto's direction, because she's a well-traveled No Reservations type who's familiar with Junrinan cooking. It's an intentional choice and an act of care, and even if no one else in the scene knows it, least of all the narrator, Hitsugaya does.
And to round out the day, an afternoon potato snack?
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Yaki imo aren't particularly Hitsugaya-related, I suppose, except that it's a fall/winter thing and his birthday is just before the winter solstice, and right at that turning point. And I did write him and Orihime eating potatoes together once. *I* associate them with walking around in the woods when it's cold as shit, which in my mind is Just Junrinan Things.
So I went for a celebratory birthday potato walk on Sunday! And got lost in the woods for a while. I say this as though I didn't have an Avenza map the entire time, but the trails are often less-trail like than 'there are blazes on trees sometimes' and it took a while to re-find the blazes in the dark. I had a second emergency potato with me should I have needed it, though!
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chuck-snowbug · 7 months
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村重(日本酒/純米酒 本格辛口)、チキンスープ、サバの燻製のサラダ、人参のおやき風。
Murashige(Japanese Sake), Chicken Soup, Smoked Mackerel Salad & Carrot Oyaki - January 2024
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This is not my usual tumblr nonsense, but I was talking to someone on the ferry back to Aomori about places in Japan that I particularly love. So in case any of you are planning a trip, in no particular order, these are my current top 5 places in Japan.
Ise, Mie Prefecture (location of the Ise Grand Shrine, the most sacred Shinto site. Visit the outer and inner shrines, check out the Meoto Iwa/married rocks, eat udon and mochi, and buy some pearls.)
Iya Valley, Tokushima Prefecture (one of the most remote places in Japan. Take a river cruise through the Oboke Gorge, visit a historic village, walk across one of the vine bridges, and eat soba. Caveat: best experienced with a car.)
Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture (walk up the 1,000 steps to Yama-Dera, relax at Ginzan Onsen or Zao Onsen, go to the Three Mountains of Dewa, eat beef and cherries, if they're in season. If it's winter and this is your thing: ski.)
Matsumoto, Nagano Prefecture (visit Matsumoto Castle, which is original not a reconstruction, go to the art museum and the ukiyo-e museum, check out the historic shopping streets, cafe hop, eat oyaki and soba.)
Hakodate, Hokkaido Prefecture (see the view from Mt. Hakodate, check out Motomachi, the old European quarter, walk around Goryokaku Park, eat seafood at the morning market, and don't skip the milk flavor ice cream. Hokkaido is famous for dairy.)
You may have noticed that there are food recommendations attached to all of them. Everywhere in Japan has at least one local speciality that you are contractually obligated to eat. I don't make the rules.
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kimium · 1 year
Hello everyone! I was tagged in this post by @memoryoflife. It's another super long chain post, so I'm doing my separate one here as I don't like super long chains!
relationship status: Single (slightly sadly)
favourite colour(s): blue, green, pastels
song stuck in my head: WORK by millennium parade & Sheena Ringo. It's the, 試してくれ (試してくれ) and 許してくれ (許してくれ) that are always stuck in my brain.
last thing I googled: WORK by millennium parade lyrics so I can make sure the parts to the lyrics that's stuck in my brain are spelled correctly.
dream trip: Going back to Japan! I want to go back to Nagano and eat oyaki + see my village again. I also want to go down to Kyoto and Nara for more than one day. Finally, I need to spend time in Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Yokohama again.
anything I want right now: I want to finish my FE Fates fic chapter, get a new phone case because I cracked a corner off, Blade to come home in HSR, and for our mythic unit in FEH at the end of the month to NOT be another female OC and either be Freyr or a mythic (male) from a base game.
Tagging: @m34gs @kamikazequail, @a-little-harmed-shinra, @shreedle, @zeldabard, and @someobscurereference
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mandbtravels · 4 months
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Day 12 - Nagano
A rather quiet day today, we left the hotel around 7:40am and got 3 trains to our new hotel in Nagano, Matsuya Ryokan. We’re in another traditional Japanese ryokan, we think it’s a family run hotel. They have two public onsens one for men and one for women.
After dropping our bags off we wandered around the streets near our hotel which is right next door to the Zenkoji temple, this is a huge area for the main temple with 5 other main areas to it. Once in the main shrine there is a 45 meter underground passage that is in complete darkness, you feel your way through by keeping your right hand on the wall at all times. When nearing the end of the passage way there is a door that houses a Buddha statue and is locked with a key, when you touch this it is known as the key to paradise.
When we visited the scripture hall there is a rotating sutra repository, this is an octagonal structure that contains Buddhist readings, if you rotate the structure the whole way once it is said that this is the same as reading all of its contents, after spinning it you then pray as this is then how it’s granted. The entirety of the temple was incredible with so much going on, from a huge incense burner which you donate money to burn a bunch of sticks and then to a working temple where we were able to watch a ceremony of drumming, fire burning and a singing bowl whilst the two monks sang and chanted.
Also in the village we tried oyaki which originated in the Nagano prefecture, it’s a filled Japanese dumpling made from fermented buckwheat dough. We tried 5 fillings from mushrooms (this was the best!), eggplant, picked spring greens, cheese and onion and also bean paste jam, all was very delicious!!
Finally was dinner and we sat at the traditional Japanese table, Michael had a curry broth soup with soba noodles and chicken and I had tempura shrimp ten-don bowl and a small bowl of kake (soba noodles and broth).
We both went for a dip in our separate onsens and then relaxed in the room, I was asleep before 9pm, I feel like I’ve finally caught up on my sleep!!
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flawediamond · 4 months
Japanese Recipes Masterpost
Anko (Red Bean Paste)
Butadon (Grilled Pork Rice Bowl)
Chukadon (Stir-fried Pork, Seafood and Vegetables Rice Bowl)
Curry Rice (Chicken Stew with Rice)
Curry Udon (Chicken Stew with Noodles)
Sapporo Curry (Chicken Soup)
Curry Powder
Daigaku Imo (Candied Sweet Potatoes)
Dashi (Seafood and Mushroom Soup Stock)
Goma Dare (Sesame Sauce)
Gyoza (Pan-fried Pork and Cabbage Dumplings)
Gyudon (Beef Rice Bowl)
Happosai (Stir-fried Pork, Seafood and Vegetables)
Hayashi Rice (Beef and Mushroom Stew with Rice)
Horenso Gomaae (Sesame Spinach Salad)
Kakuni (Braised Pork Belly)
Karepan (Curry Bread)
Katsu Curry (Pork Cutlet with Curry Rice)
Katsudon (Pork Cutlet and Egg Rice Bowl)
Chicken Katsudon (Chicken Cutlet Rice Bowl)
Manju (Sweet Steamed Buns)
Kewpie Mayonnaise
Mayu (Scorched Garlic Oil)
Mentsuyu (Fish Soup Stock)
Nikuman (Steamed Pork Buns)
Okonomiyaki (Cabbage Pancake)
Oshiruko (Red Bean Soup)
Oyaki (Dumplings)
Oyakodon (Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl)
Satsuma Age (Deep-Fried Fish Paste)
Shogayaki (Ginger Pork)
Soba (Buckwheat Noodle Soup)
Soba Noodles (Buckwheat Noodles)
Okinawa Soba (Buckwheat Noodle Soup with Pork, Fish and Pickled Ginger)
Oroshi Soba (Buckwheat Noodle Soup with Fish and Grated Radish)
Toshikoshi Soba (New Year's Eve Buckwheat Noodle Soup)
Yaki Soba (Stir-fried Buckwheat Noodles with Meat and Vegetables)
Yaki Soba Sauce
Sukiyaki (Beef and Vegetable Stew)
Tamagoyaki (Sweet Rolled Omelette)
Tanindon (Beef and Egg Rice Bowl)
Tempura (Deep-fried Seafood and Vegetables)
Tentsuyu (Tempura Dipping Sauce)
Teriyaki Chicken (Grilled Chicken)
Teriyaki no Tare (Teriyaki Sauce)
Tonkatsu (Pork Cutlet)
Tonkatsu Donburi (Pork Cutlet and Cabbage Rice Bowl)
Tonkatsu Sauce
Tsukemen (Dipping Noodles)
Udon (Wheat Noodles)
Miso Nikomi Udon (Chicken and Mushroom Noodle Soup)
Nabeyaki Udon (Mushroom, Shrimp and Egg Noodle Soup)
Niku Udon (Beef Noodle Soup)
Yaki Udon (Stir-Fried Noodles with Pork and Vegetables)
Yakiniku no Tare (Grilled Meat Sauce)
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foodies-channel · 10 months
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🍥 Nagano Dreamin’ — Kabocha Oyaki
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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hotarutranslations · 1 year
After The Live
E Evening
I took this after yesterdays live~
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In the right one I'm in an Oyaki pose...... yep lol
After the live we,
Drank water in any case!
Thank you very much~ Good job~ we greeted the staff,
There were members who immidiately changed clothes, and those spending time like yayyy,
I was like that but lol
......Yesterday the 5 of us were late to change
We expressly took photos so I'll post them---
see you ayumin <3
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
In this recipe video, I will introduce how to make Japanese baby foods for 11 to 12 months old. From this month, babies can eat almost the same food as kids. I will show you how to make prepare another 2 kinds of Oyaki for babies/infants. Hope you enjoy watching this video and try it out!
00:00 Highlights
00:07 Opening
00:52 Ingredients
00:55 Preparation
02:22 Chicken & Chikuwa Oyaki
02:28 Shrimp & Edamame Okyaki
04:06 Supervisor Sui-chan
04:50 Tasting & Comments
05:00 YUCa's Tips
06:10 Supervisor Sui-chan & Special Guest
You might also like this video!
1. Baby Food In Japan (11-12 Months) Vol.1 : https://youtu.be/X1ZGP3stR-s
2. Baby Food In Japan (9-10 Months) Vol.1 : https://youtu.be/fDW3Qao0ynU
3. Baby Food In Japan (7-8 Months) Vol.1 : https://youtu.be/OV9GIHXI1WI
4. Baby Food In Japan (5-6 Months) Vol.1 : https://youtu.be/2VOldgMOoRc
🥢 Baby Food making goods etc :
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tabilist · 3 months
【長野】長野「いろは堂 OYAKI FARM」
【バナナマンのせっかくグルメ】旬野菜をふんだんに使った名物おやき『いろは堂 OYAKI FARM』#日村勇紀 長野県長野市 2024/6/30放送 長野県長野市篠ノ井杵淵7-1 #バナナマンのせっかくグルメ #せっかくグルメ #バナナマン #渋谷凪咲 #飯塚悟志 詳しく見る↓
「OYAKI FARM(おやきファーム)」 食べログでcheck! おやき専門店「いろは堂」が手がける、工場併設の複合施設 伝統的な製法で作られるおやきはもちろん、カフェやショップ、おやき作り体験など、長野のおやき文化を存分に楽しめるスポットとして人気を集めている。 長年培ってきた伝統の製法で、素材の味を生かした素朴ながらも味わい深いおやきを提供 定番の野沢菜やひじき、かぼちゃをはじめ、季節限定のおやきや変わり種のおやきなど、豊富な種類のおやきが揃っている。 住所 長野県長野市篠ノ井杵淵7-1 TEL 026-214-2800 ホームページ OYAKI FARM — おやき 長野いろは堂 … ホームページをcheck!
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sharp7datwikk · 1 year
戸隠神社 五社めぐり TRIP 23-07 – 番外:OYAKI FARM
2023年7月31日(月)は、OFF。 天候もなかなか良さ気だったので、この日はかねてより機会を狙っていた戸隠へと行こうじゃないかと、ふと思いました。 もうすぐ昼時、というタイミングで出発して、じっくりと巡ってきました。 『戸隠神社 五社めぐり TRIP』、スタートです。 いやいや、既に五社全てを巡って腹拵えもしたのでは?? はい、そう思いましたよね。 いやなに、そもそも向かう途中でここを見付けてしまっていたのです。 そして、これはもう寄るしかないと思っていて、せっかくなのでと帰りの道中で立ち寄ってきました。 『OYAKI FARM』、です。 長野県の郷土料理でもある『おやき』を、1925(大正14)年の創業以来ず~っと作り続けてきた『有限会社 いろは堂』。 2022年、今一度『おやき』のある暮らしを提案したいとの想いで作られたのが、『OYAKI…
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