#owning your digital media supremacy
speed-metal-punk · 10 months
As a great sage I know once said, I don't have a spotify wrapped this year cause I don't use spotify. Real ones get it.
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boonoonoonus · 1 year
People only care about House Velaryon as much as it pertains to creating this upotian idea of racial neutrality. However, when you press to say the optics of whiteness perpetuating a form of ethnic cleansing in the House, everyone is blind. They can't see that, and the reason is because whiteness can never see itself as anything but ulturistic. People cannot comprehend, nor can they write anything that treats non-white characters as people with their own motivations, beliefs, and sense of morality because then they'd have to stop using them as tools. Laenor Velaryon is used in this way in fandom to prop up the Targaryens narrative concerning white supremacy, colonisation, and classism. It's ludicrous that's there is no fanfiction or meta or anything interrogating the possibility that House Velaryon could be justified in their dislike of the succession crisis Rhaenyra causes or that Laenor may be upset with her. He is never more than her gay best friend because that is the only role a gay biracial man can play for a white woman.
This is problematic in as much that making a biracial man support someone who is representative of systems of oppression in any which way without critical engagement is dangerous and an oversight. Making House Velaryon black could have been interesting. Instead, it's invited white people on mass to prop up black people as support for their racist fantasies. By that, I mean any writing/headcanon/thought experiment that sees House Velaryon just be Rhaenyra's strongest supporters without explaining why, is just erasure and tokenism. (Sidenote, no one ever gives a why and I think in part it's because media literacy is dead and whiteness has become so ingrained as the standard people cannot fathom why you would never just support the main white character no matter how asinine they are. There is no good argument, and no one wants to do the work to try to create one. Fair enough, no one can demand your labour, but it leave black characters in a sidelined and tokenistic position that supports white people taking them out for brownie points when needed.)
Laenor isn't a person, he's a mesh of plot relevant reactions and external support to make Rhaenyra and the writer by extension look and feel better. Both Laenor and Laena are shown in fanfiction and the TV show to be useful by the very act of their disposal, and no one pauses to wonder if that is a violent act. (It is. It's antiblack and plays into hegemonic violence against black bodies).
Also, the breeding kink of the white supremacist line of thinking shows itself in the way in which people argue the importance of Rhaenyras line continuing by blood, but conveniently saying that the choice to adopt on behalf of House Velaryon is progressive and their blood doesn't matter, choice does. The parallels between this argument and the likes of the Tuskegee experiment or sterilisation of non white persons with vaginas in hospitals and prisons whilst encouraging white people who are capable of giving birth to do so are immense. The willingness of people to fall into white supremacist lines of thinking when arguing for a fictional character is astounding, however its ultimately a pet peeve on my behalf. There are very few critical spaces in which blackness is welcomed in life, and existential alienation extends into the digital and fictional worlds. People are comfortable with prejudice and white supremacy ,it's is the basis on which the West builds legitimacy and precedent, it is not remiss then to say that the inheritors of these social precedents replicate the behaviour and line of thinking.
This is not to say people are unaware, but often the "fun" of whiteness is to be able to not have to worry about the likes of Black, Indigenous, Asian or Pacific islander people because preservation of white happiness is more important. White people get to live in a utopian ideal all the time when it pertains to race and have the freedom to say that discussions on such topics harsh their vibe so they do not have to engage.
But whatever, who cares what I think, I'm just a Black person on the Internet.
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" It wasn’t until my algorithm presented these stories to me, that my surface-level understanding of gender was completely blown apart...
Although I typically enjoy presenting as femme, there are parts of me that TikTok allowed me to realise don’t align with what’s socially deemed “female”. From the way I feel most comfortable dressing, to my innermost personality traits; they’ve never seemed to fit. I realised gender dysphoria was something I’d unconsciously experienced but didn’t have the words to define. Until now.
As with any period of profound growth, fear and confusion were at the core of my realisation that maybe I — like these creators — could exist beyond the binary. And while I’m not sure if coming out as non-binary is where I’m at right now, being a “she/her” no longer feels 100 per cent correct in describing who I am either
For some, discovering the term “non-binary” or“genderqueer”feels like finally coming home. For me, however, it was a little more complicated.
Over the past year, my TikTok feed has been flooded with videos calling gender into question. It’s a topic I'd had no previous familiarity with. But here I was, with a personalised algorithm serving me videos celebrating life beyond the binary. I had fallen down a cyber rabbit hole, and it led me to question my own relationship with gender.
Most of our lives are still largely dictated by rigid cultural norms surrounding gender — norms steeped in misogyny and white supremacy. And yet non-binary and gender-diverse individuals of all stripes continue to resist archaic constructs, simply by existing. As they always have.
Up until the18th centuryin the West, the medical and cultural elite considered males to be the “essential sex” and women as merely inferior versions of men. Outgrowing this idea, philosophers devised the idea of two sexes, male and female, that existed in opposition to one another. Oh, and they still noted that males were the superior sex.
Fast forward to today, and digital platforms like TikTok offer a democratised space for people (notably the emerging Gen Z) to express themselves, in all their fluidity and flavours. The#nonbinaryhashtag alone houses 5 billion views to date. It seems TikTok has become *the* home for a myriad of non-cis content creators, generously sharing their lives, perspectives, and lived experiences outside of the binary.
I had fallen down a cyber rabbit hole. And it led me to question my own relationship with gender.
Activist and co-founder ofSpeak, a community organisation promoting LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces,Sage Akouri’s work is proof of the power of the internet. “Social media has given underrepresented voices a massive platform to reach millions of people,” Sage says. “That’s something we’re not granted in a patriarchal and capitalistic society that only offers a seat at the table to people who are cisgender, heteronormative, white, able-bodied … I see these people online existing and thriving outside of these binaries and that gives me strength.”
Queer rights activist and non-binary creator Deni Todorović, known online as@stylebydeni, is also changing perceptions within this space. “Being queer, simply the way that we exist is an education in itself, you’re instantly teaching things before you open your mouth,” Deni says. “After I came out I became an accidental activist and started to observe a real desire from people to know more; learn more.”
While showing up as non-binary online is a powerful form of representation, Deni stresses the importance of creating and nurturing real-world spaces that are safe and inclusive for people to explore their own gender.
“I feel so safe in my little cocoon on the internet and then I step out into a space where I’m being kicked out of the toilet because another person is saying I don’t belong there,” they say. “As a non-binary person, it’s not my job to delete gender and the binary structures of gender, it is simply to make a space for people who exist beyond that.”
Fellow non-binary creator,Jonti Ridley, explains just how important it is that their platform is built on this same kind of security. “I’ve been invalidated, dismissed, and had people flat out argue over what’s in my pants before and it’s really shitty,” Jonti says. “As an adult who is fortunate to be able to curate the people around me, anyone who discredits your identity isn’t someone you want around.”
As confusing as questioning your gender can be, Jonti explains that these feelings are totally normal. After all, gender is far more nuanced than simply switching pronouns. “The increase in casual representations [of gender diverse people] online has been so important, particularly as I prefer to present hyper-femme. It’s validating to watch other non-binary people reject the idea that we have to exist as androgynous beings.”
When I came across the world of non-binary content creators like Jonti, Deni, and Sage, it struck a nerve. For the first time, I heard stories of creators who had allowed their gender identity to unfold and evolve. I learned about gender dysphoria (and euphoria). I saw people experiment with gender presentation in real time. It wasn’t until my algorithm presented these stories to me, that my surface-level understanding of gender was completely blown apart. In its place grew a hunger to learn more about this community and more about myself. Cue waves of anxiety.
I now have the language. And with it, the sense of possibility.
Although I typically enjoy presenting as femme, there are parts of me that TikTok allowed me to realise don’t align with what’s socially deemed “female”. From the way I feel most comfortable dressing, to my innermost personality traits; they’ve never seemed to fit. I realised gender dysphoria was something I’d unconsciously experienced but didn’t have the words to define. Until now.
As with any period of profound growth, fear and confusion were at the core of my realisation that maybe I — like these creators — could exist beyond the binary. And while I’m not sure if coming out as non-binary is where I’m at right now, being a “she/her” no longer feels 100 per cent correct in describing who I am either. Thanks to an app that's famous for viral dance videos, I’m leaning towards fluidity, more than ever before.
Although initially scary, stepping through the metaphorical door that’s been flung open for me is a privilege. I now have the opportunity to learn more and explore my own gender, fallible and fragile as it is. I now have the language. And with it, the sense of possibility. 
Gender itself is limitless. The less we try to define it, the more freedom we have.
As society plays catch up in understanding the nuances of gender, there’s a strong likelihood that other unsuspecting TikTok users like me are realising they don’t fit within an archaic binary. “The beautiful thing is the conversation is inescapable,” Jonti says. “Once you ask ‘why should I confine myself to a gender label?’ and particularly one designed to oppress me under the patriarchy — you can’t take it back. And that’s pretty powerful.”
Equally powerful is the consideration of what a future free of the gender binary could look like. If we let it. “Gender itself is limitless,” says Sage. “The less we try to define it, the more freedom we have. We exist outside of a system that tries its best to erase us. Yet here we are. That to me is liberating.”
Thanks to those who have paved the way, stepping into my own truth and blacklisting the binary — though still daunting — is arguably the easiest it’s ever been in history. Here’s to figuring it out. Online and IRL.
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rajesh203 · 5 months
Osumare: Setting the Benchmark as the Best SEM Company in Pune
In the vibrant city of Pune, where innovation thrives and businesses strive for digital supremacy, having a robust online presence is non-negotiable. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) has emerged as a pivotal tool in achieving this goal, allowing companies to amplify their visibility, attract quality leads, and drive conversions. Among the plethora of SEM companies in Pune, one name stands head and shoulders above the rest – Osumare. Let's delve into what sets Osumare apart as the undisputed best SEM company in Pune.
Expertise in Google Ads and PPC: At the heart of Osumare's success lies its expertise in Google Ads and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising. With a team of seasoned professionals well-versed in the intricacies of SEM, Osumare crafts tailored campaigns that deliver maximum ROI for its clients. From keyword selection to ad copy optimization and bid management, Osumare ensures that every aspect of the campaign is meticulously executed for optimal results.
Customized Strategies for Success: Osumare understands that one size does not fit all when it comes to SEM. Each business has its own unique goals, target audience, and competitive landscape. That's why Osumare takes a personalized approach to SEM, crafting customized strategies that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. By understanding the intricacies of their clients' businesses, Osumare is able to develop strategies that deliver tangible results and drive growth.
Innovation at its Core: In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, innovation is key to staying ahead of the curve. Osumare embraces innovation in SEM, constantly exploring new technologies, strategies, and tactics to optimize campaign performance. Whether it's leveraging the latest advancements in AI and machine learning or staying updated on algorithm changes, Osumare is committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends to deliver cutting-edge solutions to its clients.
Transparent Communication and Collaboration: Transparency is a cornerstone of Osumare's approach to SEM. From the initial consultation to campaign execution and reporting, Osumare maintains open and honest communication with its clients every step of the way. Clients are kept informed about the progress of their campaigns, performance metrics, and any adjustments made to optimize results. This transparency fosters trust and confidence in Osumare's services, ensuring a positive and collaborative partnership.
Proven Track Record of Excellence: Osumare's track record speaks for itself. Over the years, the company has helped numerous businesses in Pune achieve their SEM goals and drive tangible results. Whether it's increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting conversions, Osumare has consistently delivered exceptional outcomes for its clients. This proven track record is a testament to Osumare's expertise, dedication, and commitment to excellence in SEM.
Comprehensive SEM Solutions: Beyond Google Ads and PPC, Osumare offers a comprehensive suite of SEM services to address the diverse needs of its clients. From search engine optimization (SEO) and social media advertising to display ads and remarketing, Osumare provides end-to-end SEM solutions that cover every aspect of online marketing. By offering a comprehensive range of services, Osumare ensures that its clients have access to the tools and strategies they need to succeed in the competitive digital landscape.
In conclusion, Osumare stands out as the best SEM company in Pune by virtue of its expertise, customized strategies, innovation, transparency, proven track record, and comprehensive solutions. By choosing Osumare as their SEM partner, businesses can unlock the full potential of their online presence and achieve remarkable success in the digital realm.
To learn more about Osumare's SEM services and how they can help elevate your business, visit their website today.
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Beyond Borders: Unleashing the Power of Off-Page SEO with PromotionalAdda.in
Greetings, fellow digital pioneers! Today, we're embarking on an exhilarating expedition into the realm of off-page SEO – a journey that promises to propel your website to new heights of online authority and visibility. And who better to accompany you on this adventure than PromotionalAdda.in, your trusted ally in the quest for digital supremacy.
But first, let's demystify the concept of off-page SEO. While on-page SEO focuses on optimizing individual web pages, off-page SEO ventures beyond the confines of your website to build credibility, authority, and relevance across the vast expanse of the internet. From earning high-quality backlinks to fostering brand mentions and social signals, off-page SEO is all about establishing your website as a trusted and authoritative resource in your niche.
So, what exactly does off-page SEO entail? Prepare to be enlightened, my friends. At PromotionalAdda.in, we believe that off-page SEO is a multifaceted endeavor that requires creativity, strategy, and perseverance. One of the most potent weapons in our arsenal is link building – the process of acquiring inbound links from other websites to bolster your own site's authority and search rankings.
But not all links are created equal. At PromotionalAdda.in, we specialize in securing high-quality, relevant backlinks from authoritative websites in your industry. Through strategic outreach, content partnerships, and relationship building, we can help you earn valuable backlinks that signal to search engines like Google that your website is a trusted and credible source of information.
But link building is just one piece of the off-page SEO puzzle. Social signals also play a crucial role in signaling your website's relevance and authority to search engines. By actively engaging with your audience on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, you can amplify your brand's reach, drive traffic to your website, and enhance your overall online presence.
Brand mentions are another important aspect of off-page SEO. When other websites, blogs, or social media users mention your brand name or link to your website without necessarily providing a backlink, it sends positive signals to search engines about the relevance and popularity of your brand. At PromotionalAdda.in, we can help you monitor and capitalize on brand mentions to boost your off-page SEO efforts.
In conclusion, off-page SEO is a dynamic and essential component of any comprehensive digital marketing strategy. With PromotionalAdda.in as your trusted partner, you can harness the power of off-page optimization to elevate your website's authority, visibility, and relevance in the eyes of both users and search engines. So why wait? Take the plunge into the world of off-page SEO today and let PromotionalAdda.in be your guide to digital greatness.
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digitalthavertech · 7 months
Web Development Wars: Faridabad's Companies Battle for Supremacy!
In the vibrant cityscape of Faridabad, a fierce competition rages within the web development industry, as companies vie for dominance in the digital arena. This clash of titans has sparked a phenomenon known as the "Web Development Wars," where businesses engage in relentless battles to establish superiority and secure their foothold in the lucrative market. Join us as we delve into the heart of this epic struggle and witness the triumphs, challenges, and tactics employed by Faridabad's web development companies.
1. The Quest for Innovation:
In the pursuit of supremacy, best web development company in Faridabad strive to outshine their competitors through innovation and creativity. They push the boundaries of design and functionality, pioneering new technologies and approaches to set themselves apart in a crowded field. From cutting-edge websites to innovative applications, the quest for innovation fuels the flames of competition.
2. The Battlefield of Talent:
At the core of the Web Development Wars lies the battle for talent, as companies recruit the best and brightest minds to bolster their ranks. Skilled developers, designers, and strategists are in high demand, and companies spare no expense in their quest to assemble elite teams capable of delivering unparalleled results. The battlefield of talent is where battles are won and lost, shaping the fate of companies in the ongoing struggle for supremacy.
3. The Arsenal of Technology:
In the arsenal of technology, Faridabad's web development companies arm themselves with the latest tools, frameworks, and platforms to gain a competitive edge. From responsive design frameworks to content management systems, companies leverage technology to streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and deliver exceptional results to their clients. The strategic deployment of technology is a critical factor in the Web Development Wars, shaping the outcome of battles on the digital battlefield.
4. The Tactics of Marketing:
Amidst the chaos of battle, companies deploy a myriad of marketing tactics to capture the attention of prospective clients and establish their brand presence. From targeted advertising campaigns to social media strategies and search engine optimization, marketing becomes a battlefield of its own, where companies vie for visibility, engagement, and ultimately, victory in the Web Development Wars.
5. The Battlefield of Reputation:
Reputation becomes a battlefield in the Web Development Wars, where companies strive to build trust, credibility, and positive perceptions among clients and peers alike. Reviews, testimonials, and case studies serve as weapons in this ongoing struggle, shaping perceptions and influencing decisions in the fiercely competitive market of Faridabad's web development industry.
As Faridabad's web development companies engage in the relentless battle for supremacy, the Web Development Wars continue to unfold, shaping the landscape of the digital world. In this high-stakes struggle, innovation, talent, technology, marketing, and reputation emerge as the key battlegrounds where companies vie for victory and strive to establish their dominance in the fiercely competitive market of Faridabad's web development industry.
Join the Battle:
Whether you're a business seeking a web development partner or a company striving for supremacy, the Web Development Wars offer opportunities for growth, innovation, and success. Join the battle, choose your allies wisely, and emerge victorious in the quest for digital supremacy in Faridabad's dynamic and competitive market.
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ashiq9048 · 7 months
How to Elevate Your Brand with the Leading Agency in Dubai
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In the vibrant metropolis of Dubai, where innovation meets opulence, the quest for brand supremacy is fierce and unrelenting. Amidst the bustling landscape of opportunities, partnering with the right agency can be the defining factor in elevating your brand to unprecedented heights of success. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency emerges as the beacon of excellence in Dubai's dynamic marketing ecosystem, offering a comprehensive suite of services to propel your brand to new horizons. In this guest blog, we'll unveil expert insights on how to elevate your brand with the leading branding agency dubai agency in Dubai and why Wudinfyre stands out as the ultimate partner in shaping your digital destiny.
Strategic Branding Expertise: At the core of every successful brand lies a strategic vision that resonates with its target audience and sets it apart from the competition. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency boasts a team of seasoned branding experts who possess a deep understanding of market dynamics, consumer behavior, and emerging trends. Our strategic branding approach encompasses market research, competitor analysis, and brand positioning to craft a unique identity that captivates and inspires.
Comprehensive Suite of Services: Elevating your brand requires a multifaceted approach that spans various touchpoints and channels. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency offers a comprehensive suite of services to address all aspects of your brand's digital presence, including web design, graphic design, content creation, social media marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and more. Our integrated solutions ensure consistency, coherence, and synergy across all brand assets, driving engagement and loyalty.
Creative Excellence and Innovation: Creativity is the lifeblood of branding, and innovation is the engine that propels it forward. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency fosters a culture of creative excellence and innovation, where bold ideas come to life and boundaries are pushed. Our talented team of designers, developers, and marketers collaborate synergistically to craft compelling brand narratives, visually stunning designs, and immersive experiences that leave a lasting impression on your audience.
Customized Solutions Tailored to Your Needs: Every brand is unique, with its own story, values, and aspirations. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency understands the importance of customization and tailors its solutions to meet the specific needs and objectives of each client. Whether you're a startup seeking to establish your brand identity or an established enterprise looking to revitalize your brand image, we provide bespoke solutions that align with your goals and resonate with your audience.
Data-Driven Insights and Analytics: In today's data-driven world, informed decision-making is paramount to success. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency harnesses the power of data analytics and insights to optimize your brand strategy and drive measurable results. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), analyzing user behavior, and monitoring campaign performance, we provide actionable insights that inform strategic decisions and drive continuous improvement.
Transparent Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are essential pillars of a successful agency-client relationship. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency prioritizes transparency, open dialogue, and collaborative partnership throughout every stage of the branding process. From initial consultations to project execution and beyond, we keep you informed and involved, ensuring that your vision is realized and your expectations are exceeded.
Proven Track Record of Success: The proof of a branding agency's prowess lies in its track record of success and the tangible results it delivers for its clients. Wudinfyre Web Design Agency has earned a reputation for excellence, with a proven track record of driving transformative outcomes for brands across diverse industries. Our portfolio showcases a diverse range of successful projects, highlighting our ability to deliver impactful solutions that drive growth, engagement, and brand loyalty.
In conclusion, partnering with the leading agency in Dubai is the key to unlocking your brand's full potential and achieving unparalleled success in the digital marketplace. With its strategic expertise, comprehensive services, creative excellence, customization, data-driven insights, transparent communication, and proven track record of success, Wudinfyre Web Design Agency in Dubai emerges as the ultimate partner in shaping your brand's destiny. Contact us today to embark on a transformative journey of branding excellence and elevate your brand to new heights of prominence and success with Wudinfyre.
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skrunklowumbo64 · 9 months
Sega Forever Discord Experience
Note: Do NOT witch-hunt & harass SF Discord members & moderators on various social medias.
Hope I'm not the only one who has issues, but I was kicked out of the Sega Forever Discord server for unexplained reasons.
My guess is that, I called their moderation poor due to little to lack there of enforcement to their #1 rule, "Be excellent to each other." (Said rule never specifies if they condemn users using slurs or not & tons of grey areas for what the mods think is bullying & what isn't.), then some arrogant guy (not a moderator) tells me to cry about it, he then denies all the toxicity happening in the Sonic the Hedgehog channel through out the years & claims saying "cry about it" is just a joke to save face.
My last comment on the server was to trying to prove him wrong, my examples were...
The mods did nothing till last month to do something about one user harassing someone over their contrarian views that's been going on since 2022.
Asking one mod about users using slurs, they didn't respond & they didn't delete comments containing slurs, nor punish users for it.
Two different users insulted my former Discord username over pinging the mods on two respectively different situations.
The arrogant guy reacted to me with a nerd emoji 3 times on three different posts of mine & I can't tell if the mods allow this or not.
Don't have any screencaps since I never expected to get banned, but I'm gonna talk about the other negative experiences about the server by memory.
Made a wish list of improvements & features for a Sonic Adventure remake, some insulted me over it & telling me to just get the modded Steam version, at least one mod step in without being pinged to defend me.
A contrarian girl calls & blocks anyone (including me) who got annoyed by her spamming the same unpopular opinions (i.e. Sonic Mania bad!), trolls/jerkfaces & she had said some perverted things about Amy's... you know what at some random point, the mods did nothing to her for either.
Some users got mad at me for frequently requesting almost every obscure Sega game ever made in the port request channel by saying I don't care & didn't bother to provide gameplay footage for any of them, even tho they could've just easily look them on YouTube themselves instead.
Post a link to repro copies of Dreamcast games, anti-piracy crowd tells me to back up my own ROMs & one mod recommends me to just buy a GDEMU instead, despite the fact that Sega doesn't make profit from the Dreamcast anymore & GDEMU mods & the games are expensive. It's cheaper to just download a free emulator on your PC or phone instead.
Wanting specifically the original Dreamcast versions of the Adventure duology to get new physical ports on multiple platforms, too bad cuz the Steam/PC supremacy crowd will call you delusional & tell you to just get them on Steam & only Steam, with mods. Also, some Apple bootlickers were making fun of contrarian girl for rightfully being critical of Sonic Dream Team being stuck on Apple Arcade & potentially be lost media due to said app's streaming digital only nature.
Say, A.I. art needs to be banned from the server, mods delete it without warning. Gives me the impression that they're pro-A.I. Art because of it.
One mod accidently shared stolen artwork from an art thief on Twitter, I tried to inform them by providing an archived link to the original artist, but they didn't respond, nor removed the stolen art piece.
In the Sonic the Hedgehog channel, not all, but several users enjoys making "make fun of Sonic fans" their entire personality & sometimes calls Sonic Team incompetent/idiots. It's unknown if the mods condone this type of behavior or not.
If you also had negative experiences with the server you like to share, reply or reblog if you want.
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cyarskj1899 · 11 months
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Yup they can miss me with being pro-black when we know who will get harmed first.
Hey TikTok Influencers: You Can’t Be Pro-Black and Anti-Voting
Myron Clifton
The speed at which TikTok “influencers” & social justice warriors, movie reviewers, and makeup artists reflexively and in unison turned Anti-Biden saying they won’t vote, then started repeating Russian propaganda is making me rethink laughing at the gop for wanting to ban TikTok.
So many of them have posts calling out white supremacy, advocating for Black folk, indigenous folk, and the lgbtqi community… but the war between Israel and Hamas is their “launch point” for harmful anti-Biden rhetoric.
Pro Tip: You can’t be pro-Black and Anti-Voting. Anti-Voting cancels any and all advocacy.
Anti-Voting specifically harms Black people and Black communities. It harms our seniors, children, schools, healthcare, and finances.
Anti-Voting is a targeted attack on Black people. It is digital voter suppression and gerrymandering.
And of course Anti-Voting is anti-lgbtqi, anti-indigenous, anti-immigrant, and in this environment anti-Jewish and anti-Palestinian.
It’s anti-woman and it is anti-social media. That’s how dumb those calling for not voting are. They’re advocating for their own silencing.
Like Twitter and Facebook, TikTok has national and global reach. But unlike Twitter and Facebook, TikTok has extremely large accounts run by everyday folk who have followers that number in the hundreds of thousands.
The Biden administration demands that TikTok be sold, or risk a nationwide ban
TikTok officials say they are "disappointed in the outcome," but will remain focused on implementing a plan to keep the…
Your little Twitter following of 5k, 10k, 20k, 50k or hell, 200k, are nothing compared to what you’ll see on TikTok from a person who does makeup tutorials, cooks, organizes refrigerators, or talk over videos made by other creators. Their total views and comments are often in the millions.
A TikToc influencer will have 400k-1m followers. A look at their content shows that it is all basic stuff that would equal 20–40k on Twitter and even fewer followers on Threads, Spoutible, or Facebook.
But now those shockingly large accounts have been weaponized against democrats, democracy, President Biden, and, by extension, Black people.
Just in the time for the 2024 election.
The Chinese owned company, notoriously “fickle” when it comes to minimizing views and content monetization of Black creators, suddenly has no problem pushing anti-voting messages all users, but especially to Black users.
What is new isn’t new.
Just like at Twitter when notorious racist Elon Musk took over, or at Facebook when Mark Zuckerberg allowed foreign and domestic voter suppression groups to target Black voters, what we are seeing isn’t new, unique, or particularly creative. The tactics are as old as gerrymandering, voter suppression, poll taxes, voter intimidation, and other American-born efforts designed to prevent Black people from voting.
And yet, I don’t think people should flee from TikTok. Knowledgeable users have to counter the anti-voting propaganda.
And quickly.
We saw what Facebook did in 2016 & 2020 with surgical targeting of Black voters, led by Russia, Steve Bannon, Trump, and Cambridge Analytica. They worked twenty-four hours a day to depress and siphon Black male voters — with some success.
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We have a year until the 2024 election. But we don’t have a year to counter the anti-Biden and anti-voting, anti-democratic party, and the anti-democracy movement that’s rapidly growing on TikTok.
The latest attack on Black voters from TikTok surfaced after Hamas attacked Israel and Israel responded.
The misinformation, old videos, and planted disinformation of course made its way to the Chinese-owned fast growing social media site. Influencers who built large following by joining with Black people to call out racism — including by the TikTok app — and social injustice.
As soon as the war started they pivoted with alarming quickness to condemning President Biden and advocating not voting for him/not voting.
They’ve turned their advocacy for Black people to advocacy against Black people voting.
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These influencers apparently aren’t worried about Trump saying he will immediately implement a ban on Muslims, extend the war against Palestine, Iran, Syria, and block any Palestinians from coming to America.
They aren’t worried about regaining the Senate, retaining the House, installing more judges, or the next Supreme Court appointments. They aren’t worried about women’s right to an abortion, public school funding, more student debt eliminated, or stopping Russia from expanding its war beyond Ukraine. They do not care about healthcare, unions, the environment, sanity at the border, or fairness in the tax code.
No, they think that the people who should be punished for the Israel versus Hamas war are… Black Americans.
Sorry World, Black Americans aren’t your Saviors
The most recent Middle East killing show/war/genocide/conflict/resistence/sovereign exercise of defense — whatever you…
TikTok influencers are good at making entertaining videos on a wide range of topics, of creating new dances, and launching musical sounds. They help writers and authors, showcase small brands and small creators, and they provide a space for people to creatively interact, teach, make laugh, and clarify on short videos.
That is the strength of the app. But if that strength is now being weaponized against Black voters leading many to call for the banning of the app. The influence the Chinese government on the app and thus on US elections is a growing concern that is showing itself even more so than it had during the last election.
People who have no real interest in Black lives, who have no knowledge or care of the centuries of work our ancestors and families undertook to gain the right to vote, to be able to vote in safety, and to have our votes counted equally with white votes, should never be listened to when they tell us not to vote.
The influencers do not care about the harm we will endure with another republican president — Trump or any other republican.
All they care about are views, clicks, and sponsorships.
What we care about is the health and wellbeing of our lives, the lives of our family and friends, and about the protection of democracy.
The Biden-Harris Record | The White House
President Biden and Vice President Harris ran for office on the promise to move quickly to deliver results for working…
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cyarsk52-20 · 11 months
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31m ago
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Yup they can miss me with being pro-black when we know who will get harmed first.
Hey TikTok Influencers: You Can’t Be Pro-Black and Anti-Voting
The speed at which TikTok “influencers” & social justice warriors, movie reviewers, and makeup artists reflexively and in unison turned Anti
Hey TikTok Influencers: You Can’t Be Pro-Black and Anti-Voting
Myron Clifton
The speed at which TikTok “influencers” & social justice warriors, movie reviewers, and makeup artists reflexively and in unison turned Anti-Biden saying they won’t vote, then started repeating Russian propaganda is making me rethink laughing at the gop for wanting to ban TikTok.
So many of them have posts calling out white supremacy, advocating for Black folk, indigenous folk, and the lgbtqi community… but the war between Israel and Hamas is their “launch point” for harmful anti-Biden rhetoric.
Pro Tip: You can’t be pro-Black and Anti-Voting. Anti-Voting cancels any and all advocacy.
Anti-Voting specifically harms Black people and Black communities. It harms our seniors, children, schools, healthcare, and finances.
Anti-Voting is a targeted attack on Black people. It is digital voter suppression and gerrymandering.
And of course Anti-Voting is anti-lgbtqi, anti-indigenous, anti-immigrant, and in this environment anti-Jewish and anti-Palestinian.
It’s anti-woman and it is anti-social media. That’s how dumb those calling for not voting are. They’re advocating for their own silencing.
Like Twitter and Facebook, TikTok has national and global reach. But unlike Twitter and Facebook, TikTok has extremely large accounts run by everyday folk who have followers that number in the hundreds of thousands.
The Biden administration demands that TikTok be sold, or risk a nationwide ban
TikTok officials say they are "disappointed in the outcome," but will remain focused on implementing a plan to keep the…
Your little Twitter following of 5k, 10k, 20k, 50k or hell, 200k, are nothing compared to what you’ll see on TikTok from a person who does makeup tutorials, cooks, organizes refrigerators, or talk over videos made by other creators. Their total views and comments are often in the millions.
A TikToc influencer will have 400k-1m followers. A look at their content shows that it is all basic stuff that would equal 20–40k on Twitter and even fewer followers on Threads, Spoutible, or Facebook.
But now those shockingly large accounts have been weaponized against democrats, democracy, President Biden, and, by extension, Black people.
Just in the time for the 2024 election.
The Chinese owned company, notoriously “fickle” when it comes to minimizing views and content monetization of Black creators, suddenly has no problem pushing anti-voting messages all users, but especially to Black users.
What is new isn’t new.
Just like at Twitter when notorious racist Elon Musk took over, or at Facebook when Mark Zuckerberg allowed foreign and domestic voter suppression groups to target Black voters, what we are seeing isn’t new, unique, or particularly creative. The tactics are as old as gerrymandering, voter suppression, poll taxes, voter intimidation, and other American-born efforts designed to prevent Black people from voting.
And yet, I don’t think people should flee from TikTok. Knowledgeable users have to counter the anti-voting propaganda.
And quickly.
We saw what Facebook did in 2016 & 2020 with surgical targeting of Black voters, led by Russia, Steve Bannon, Trump, and Cambridge Analytica. They worked twenty-four hours a day to depress and siphon Black male voters — with some success.
We have a year until the 2024 election. But we don’t have a year to counter the anti-Biden and anti-voting, anti-democratic party, and the anti-democracy movement that’s rapidly growing on TikTok.
The latest attack on Black voters from TikTok surfaced after Hamas attacked Israel and Israel responded.
The misinformation, old videos, and planted disinformation of course made its way to the Chinese-owned fast growing social media site. Influencers who built large following by joining with Black people to call out racism — including by the TikTok app — and social injustice.
As soon as the war started they pivoted with alarming quickness to condemning President Biden and advocating not voting for him/not voting.
They’ve turned their advocacy for Black people to advocacy against Black people voting.
These influencers apparently aren’t worried about Trump saying he will immediately implement a ban on Muslims, extend the war against Palestine, Iran, Syria, and block any Palestinians from coming to America.
They aren’t worried about regaining the Senate, retaining the House, installing more judges, or the next Supreme Court appointments. They aren’t worried about women’s right to an abortion, public school funding, more student debt eliminated, or stopping Russia from expanding its war beyond Ukraine. They do not care about healthcare, unions, the environment, sanity at the border, or fairness in the tax code.
No, they think that the people who should be punished for the Israel versus Hamas war are… Black Americans.
Sorry World, Black Americans aren’t your Saviors
The most recent Middle East killing show/war/genocide/conflict/resistence/sovereign exercise of defense — whatever you…
TikTok influencers are good at making entertaining videos on a wide range of topics, of creating new dances, and launching musical sounds. They help writers and authors, showcase small brands and small creators, and they provide a space for people to creatively interact, teach, make laugh, and clarify on short videos.
That is the strength of the app. But if that strength is now being weaponized against Black voters leading many to call for the banning of the app. The influence the Chinese government on the app and thus on US elections is a growing concern that is showing itself even more so than it had during the last election.
People who have no real interest in Black lives, who have no knowledge or care of the centuries of work our ancestors and families undertook to gain the right to vote, to be able to vote in safety, and to have our votes counted equally with white votes, should never be listened to when they tell us not to vote.
The influencers do not care about the harm we will endure with another republican president — Trump or any other republican.
All they care about are views, clicks, and sponsorships.
What we care about is the health and wellbeing of our lives, the lives of our family and friends, and about the protection of democracy.
The Biden-Harris Record | The White House
President Biden and Vice President Harris ran for office on the promise to move quickly to deliver results for working…
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keshavswami002 · 1 year
Link Building vs. Content Marketing: Which Is More Important?
In the world of digital marketing, two key strategies often go head-to-head for supremacy: link building and content marketing. Both are integral to a successful online presence, but the debate rages on about which is more important. To determine the answer, we'll delve into the essence of each strategy and explore their strengths and weaknesses.
Link Building: Building the Backbone
Link building involves the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These hyperlinks, often referred to as backlinks, serve as digital endorsements or recommendations. Search engines like Google consider backlinks as votes of confidence in your content, and they use these votes to determine the credibility and authority of your website.
Strengths of Link Building:
Improved Search Engine Rankings: High-quality backlinks are a crucial factor in Google's ranking algorithm. Sites with authoritative backlinks tend to rank higher in search results.
Enhanced Credibility: Quality backlinks from reputable sources can establish your website as a trusted authority in your niche.
Increased Referral Traffic: Backlinks can drive targeted traffic to your site from other websites, potentially expanding your audience.
Weaknesses of Link Building:
Risk of Spammy Tactics: Unscrupulous link-building practices, such as buying or trading links, can result in penalties from search engines.
Dependence on External Factors: You rely on other website owners to link to your content, which is beyond your control.
Content Marketing: Crafting the Foundation
Content marketing involves the creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. Content is king in the digital realm, and it serves as the foundation for all online marketing efforts.
Strengths of Content Marketing:
Audience Engagement: High-quality content can captivate and retain the attention of your audience, leading to increased trust and loyalty.
Educational Value: Informative content positions you as an expert in your field, drawing in users seeking valuable information.
Versatility: Content marketing includes various formats like blog posts, videos, infographics, and podcasts, allowing you to reach diverse audiences.
Weaknesses of Content Marketing:
Longer-Term Strategy: Content marketing often takes time to yield results. It requires consistent effort and patience.
Competitive Landscape: The online space is flooded with content. It can be challenging to stand out and get noticed.
The Symbiotic Relationship:
Rather than viewing link building and content marketing as competing strategies, it's beneficial to recognize their symbiotic relationship. Content marketing provides the substance that attracts audiences, while link building reinforces the credibility and visibility of that content.
To truly excel in the digital landscape, you should aim to:
Create Exceptional Content: Produce content that's valuable, informative, and shareable. This forms the basis for attracting backlinks naturally.
Promote Your Content: Actively share your content through social media, email marketing, and other channels to increase its visibility.
Build Relationships: Engage with influencers and other website owners in your niche. A strong network can lead to organic backlinks.
Diversify Your Strategies: Use various link-building and content-marketing tactics to reach a broader audience and mitigate risk.
In conclusion, link building and content marketing are not mutually exclusive; they complement each other. Rather than pitting them against each other, the smart approach is to integrate both strategies into a cohesive digital marketing plan. Great content attracts backlinks, and high-quality backlinks enhance the visibility and authority of your content. Together, they form a formidable duo that can propel your online presence to new heights.
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blockchainxtech · 2 years
Emerge Among The NFT Trends 2023
Our whole world is a lie of drama, but what if technology could make it better? Eventually, that’s making things more feasible for us. The growth of digitalization in the era is tremendous and new forms of an asset- NFTs today have seated on top of the market with soaring abilities and prime values. Eventually, there are new evolutions happening in these non-fungible tokens, taking the sectors and spectrum to higher stages. When we look back from how NFTs were there a year back, to what they are — true trendsetters. With the start of 2023, there are revolutionary opportunities with the trending NFT and its upcoming projects.
Explore and explode your chance with the 2023 NFT trends.
NFTs Trends — Why Are They Trending?
Non-Fungible Tokens or NFTs are digital assets with the ability to trade among crypto wallets. They are a unique set of collectibles, formerly art pieces and now everything can be digitized in the blockchain network. They also are utilized in other web3 spaces like gaming, business, metaverse, and Defi and have the ability to perform and be used for various different tasks.
From being 2D images now with AI, VR, and AR in them, users and owners get to experience the real object as imagined and as designed by the creators. Bring the infinite imagination into reality they are both the play toy and the players.
Current market research states that the NFT marketplace  will scale up to $231 billion by 2030. Eventually, this has a high chance to go high and not steep down over the years. With popularity crawling everywhere, people are more interested in making their impression in the market, eventually creating their own identity.
Top #8 NFT Trends 2023
Loans With NFTs
Giving investors the opportunity to hail more, loan processing with NFT is the new crediting method that’s collateral for receiving funds. From the support of Defi platforms encouraging the use of NFTs, it’s adding edge for the same. As multiple platforms open up and possess this feature, it shall be a hit for NFT holders. And as they pay back their loan their NFT staked with the provider shall be given back.
Gaming NFTs
Over a period the popularity of Game-fi is high, and it’s expected to reach supremacy this year with multiple revamps and a new gaming arena in web3. NFT is now an inseparable feature of gaming, and the future is lit. With gaming giants entering blockchain, NFTs are sure to boom like no year in history.
Artificial Intelligence
NFTs created with AI today are very common and the trend has already emerged in the space. Bringing these phenomena together in a viral sequence can actually get huge returns for the creators. AI provides a completely new, unique, and dynamic experience for the users, avoiding repetitions and copies. The Alethea AI which is already in action is the first decentralized protocol creating intelligent avatars with AI that can interact with society — bringing a totally new knowledge stream with connections.
Brands Into NFT
Many of the big brands and businesses operating in different industries in various niches are vying for NFT interaction in their stream. Brands like Mcdonald's, Louis Vuitton, Gucci Nike, and Starbucks already have their NFT collections released. These NUts are used to raise funds, extend their revenue streams, and for social media interactions and all of this contributes to brand strengthening. And to note, NFTs have been a vital image increasing the brand value in certain cases, and that is expected to continue further.
Joining NFTs ForSocial Platforms
With the abundant welcome that Meta received in 2022, social media networks are certainly growing and many astounding hints are dropped in the blockchain spaces of Twitter, YouTube, Tik Tok and the rest. Eventually, Twitter also started its campaign to support NFTs. Users can now set their NFTs as their Profile pictures with temporary wallet integration. The asset is configured and appears to be a hexagonal space, as an identity for them.
NFT Ticketing
Ticketing is an exciting possibility of investment this year. Using tickets that are NFT-used for events, organizers, shows, etc vests on the advantage of security, immutability, and transparency of blockchain that hold back from ticket fraud and scalping. They are also easily transferable, allowing users to purchase and sell tickets in the secondary market. This also benefits the organizers, attendees, and the rest using NFTs — it opens a new avenue for revenue to the events, artists, and holders.
Fractional NFTs
The name itself suggests — fractional NFTs meaning fractional ownership of the token in the real world or digital world. This is where different parties have joint ownership of the asset while the rights, its ownership, and cost are divided among them. This is today becoming more encouraging for users to hold high-valued NFTs. and it’s also accepted by many.
Potential uses of Fractional NFTs
Owning and trading real estate, art, and other assets fractionally.
NFT collectibles and rare items are also traded for fractional ownership.
Used for n-game and virtual asset trading also.
NFT Communities
The vulnerabilities are true and real in this space despite heavy security and after the hacker's invasion in the Open Sea, almost every platform is rebuilding its security protocols. Despite its rough time, there are many individuals, from digital artists to major brands, who have hope for NFS for their inherent transparency and accessibility qualities. With the high hope and standards that NFT has set, they are building blocks to host a stronger space with the growth of web3 and its evolutions.
Opportunities can be given, but the doors are always open for you to create one. If you are a crypto expert looking to upscale your projects ideas this year with NFTs and much huge — Buddy it’s your time no. Come on and explore the trends in NFT 2023, mid-st stumbled ideas and other combinations that are available for you to explore. With different modes and trending ideas out there, why wait — grab your opportunity with us — a prominent and professional Blockchain developer who renders extempore services in the same.
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itscomhes · 2 years
Want To Launch Your Innovative Healthcare Business In India? Do It With Comhes
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India has over a billion people and a rapidly growing and developing healthcare scene. Many new-age healthcare companies have launched in India to grow their business and to help the second largest population in the world get over medical challenges. We at Comhes have been at the forefront of healthcare marketing services in India.
With over 25 years of experience in navigating and pioneering the industry in the country, we can help you market your business to the right target audience in India. But how? Here’s a small overview of how our services as a healthcare marketing agency can help you launch your healthcare business in India.
Comhes Launch In India Services
Traditional Marketing
When you enter a new industry, it’s important to get your name out there to the people you want. India has a vast population, a lot of whom are not well-versed on the internet. So, to market your healthcare business in India efficiently, it’s crucial to focus on traditional marketing campaigns. Given the wide population, the ad spends are worth it as it creates unprecedented brand awareness.
As an experienced healthcare marketing agency in India, we at Comhes are well-experienced in handling traditional marketing campaigns for healthcare brands. From outdoor advertising to television ads, we offer end-to-end traditional marketing services to help you launch your healthcare business the right way in India.
Content & Digital Marketing
Informing your clients and customers about your product is key to marketing it in a new market. And to help with that, we offer content and digital marketing services. From helping you reach your target audience through search engines and social media, our services ensure your audience knows what you offer and are made aware of the problems your service solves.
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We believe in the supremacy of content and work tirelessly to produce valuable content for your customers to help them learn more about your services and the problems you solve.
With varied content marketing campaigns on different platforms, we help your business reach new clients. Your business can thrive with our innovative healthcare marketing services India, with a dedicated content calendar to methodically reach your goal step-by-step.
Healthcare Scalability
With over two decades of experience as healthcare marketing consultants, we have our own network of healthcare institutions all across the country. From hospitals to diagnostic centres, we can help you connect with even the most remote places in the country.
By utilising our healthcare network, you can directly reach healthcare institutions and pitch them your services. This can help you scale your business exponentially and reach every part of the country quickly.
Additionally, using our healthcare network and healthcare digital marketing services, you can reach professionals who can sign up and refer your product to others opening up referral marketing for your product as well.
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Online Brand Management
Brand management is important to make your brand more trustable. In the healthcare industry, trust is everything, and until people believe in your product, they will have a hard time coming through to you. Online brand management not only helps brand your product/service, but it also helps generate new leads and retain the clients you have.
With our brand management healthcare marketing services in India, you can retain, grow, and nurture your customer base at the same time. We ensure that your brand features consistent branding throughout the internet and offer end-to-end services to manage your online reputation.
Ending Note
So, now that you know about our launch in India services, feel free to visit our website and contact us to discuss your product launch. We offer scalable services that are specifically catered to your product that help you reach the Indian audience with authenticity and efficiency. So, connect with us today, and let’s launch your healthcare business in India with a capable and experienced healthcare marketing company, Comhes.
Source: https://comhes.com/
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urcadelimabean · 4 years
As white people, we can't begin to eradicate our internalized biases without knowing how to identify them. Let's educate ourselves. And don’t forget that these are biases you need to call out when you see them in others as well.
Understanding Implicit Bias (article)
Stereotypes of African Americans (wikipedia): do the work to understand the links between old incredibly harmful stereotypes and modern white expectation that Black people be caretakers, for example.
Black people are not here to teach you: What so many white Americans just can't grasp (article)
The White Internet’s Love Affair with Digital Blackface (video)
Dismantling Whiteness as the Beauty Standard (article)
I don’t care if you’re ‘fascinated’ by my afro, stop touching it (article)
Racial empathy gap: people don’t perceive pain in other races. (article)
Read about how scientific racism was used to institutionalize racism and justify slavery and white supremacy in the United States by claiming that enslaved people could withstand more pain. 
Connect this to Black people today being denied the same medical treatment as whites: Some medical students still think black patients feel less pain than whites (article)
Let’s End The ‘Strong Black Woman’ Stereotype. Can’t We Be Vulnerable And Emotional Too? (article)
On calling Black people articulate/well-spoken/educated: The Racial Politics of Speaking Well (article)
The Dangerous Delusion of the Big, Scary, Black Man (article) 
Consider why perceptions of Black people as dangerous/aggressive make white folks so reactive to Black anger: to perceive civility as incivility and to perceive anger as a violent threat. 
Perceptions and stereotypes of Black men being bigger, stronger and scarier can also be fetishizing. Fetishizing people of color isn’t a compliment, so don’t act like it is (article)
Hyper-Sexualization of Black Women in the Media (pdf)
Is This How Discrimination Ends? (article)
I encourage anyone to add, with links or by writing out your own thoughts.
As white people, what should be guiding us is compassion: breaking down the way white supremacy has reduced our compassion for Black lives.
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bfpnola · 3 years
Hey, I'm hoping I can ask y'all for help or direction. I'm not POC, but I come from a very minority culture. I grew up in a nomadic culture until sedentary laws forced us to settle. When I try to inform sedentary (non-nomadic) people about my experiences specifically and what nomadism is broadly, I get talked over, ignored, or contradicted using sedentary sources that are flawed at best and outright racist at worst.
Since your blog creates a lot of educational material, I'm wondering if y'all experience this a lot too? Do you have tips for how to handle it? Do you know of any blogs centered on nomadic cultures or communities? The nomadic tags on Tumblr are flooded with aesthetics and nomadic *individuals* in sedentary communities, it's impossible to find real people instead of chariactures or fetishizations.
Thanks in advance for the help, and double thanks for running such a helpful and educational blog. I deeply appreciate what y'all do.
unfortunately, i don’t think we have any resources yet on nomadic cultures! i’ve been letting this ask sit for a while now as i search, but i genuinely haven’t been able to find anything. i’ll check in with our BFP Discord Server as well, but if anyone here on tumblr has authentic material on nomadic culture, please do send it in or drop a link in the notes!
on a broader stance though, it’s definitely frustrating trying to find authentic material that hasn’t been, for lack of better wording, tainted by white supremacy, homophobia, ableism, and other such bigotry. to combat this, BFP uses an “advocacy committee,” a group of volunteers representative of various cultures who double check through what work and resources we release. the amount of research our volunteers put in is truly astounding!
but on an individual basis, what can we do to filter the sort of resources we come into contact with other than blocking tags and users? that’s a bit harder to answer! it might be helpful to check other social media platforms that focus more on personalized user experiences like tiktok or youtube, use z-lib or sci-hub to access free PDFs or articles, or even start interviewing those within your own community! even then, these sources are often biased but it’s definitely a start. there’s a large chance that the bulk of your community’s culture has not yet been fully documented or at the very least, documented accurately, so maybe getting in touch with those elders or other individuals from nomadic cultures could be helpful! you could even start some sort of hashtag or digital… symbol of some sort (?) to flag other nomadic individuals to your existence and slowly build an online community that way, having others come to you rather than you search for them if that’s proven unfruitful thus far.
i’ll continue searching for you and slowly start building a small library as i’ve done with every other topic BFP offers and hopefully get back to you. i’m sorry i couldn’t provide a more helpful answer though. happy mardi gras and please be safe!
— reaux (she/they)
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genesisgg · 3 years
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WGST Blog Post #8, (Due 10/14)
Can you imagine Cyborgs to be a part of our society in the future?
Currently, at the moment, I do not see that possible however I can see it being socially acceptable if the majority unite and agree to welcome that into our society. Norms and behaviors that we have today exist and persist because humanity accepts and practices. Society is in constant transformation, in 2012 the vast majority of states in the United States did not accept same-sex marriage during that time. In 2015 the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalized it in all fifty states, and required states to honor out-of-state same-sex marriage licenses. Here we find ourselves in 2021where people finally have the liberty to show and share their true colors with no limitations, except norms in some societies. Norms are like a road map for navigating how we are supposed to behave in a group. They tell us what is appropriate or inappropriate, what is right or wrong, and what is allowed or not allowed. Norms do not emerge on their own - they are the outcome of people interacting with each other and with the leader. For example, when students find themselves inside of a classroom or lecture hall with the professor right in front of them they will not bring out their cell phones out of respect. All to say, in certain situations and occasions same-sex marriage might be looked down upon by a specific group of people who do not tolerate, this is a norm for that group only no longer globally supported. 
What do feminized voices in automated technology do?
After reading the articles for this week, I got inspired to ask Siri and Google Assistant for their gender and they indicated that they do not have a gender.  I specifically asked the questions, “what is your gender,” “are you a woman,” “are you a man,” and “are you non-binary?” The responses to each question indicated that they did not have a gender. Despite the lack of explicit cues, gender can also be conveyed through the device’s tone of voice, which is what we find in the majority and that is a feminine voice. “By making digital voices like Alexa female, developers want to make them seem friendly” (O’Riordan 245). Moreover, Apple devices give users the ability to change their voice into a feminine or masculine voice. I got tired of the female voice and I was able to change it into a manly voice, all to say it seems like there is flexibility and freedom for users to choose what they want. Above is how you may do so on your Apple devices, enjoy and if you need help I would be happy to assist! 
Is what we see in person what we find on social networks? 
In terms of physical portrayals no, hundreds of apps exist to shape a figure to an individual’s liking. When it comes to the social media vs. reality conversation, it’s all about perspective. Boomers lived most of their lives before the internet and social media ever existed. ‘Social’ meant going outside to play with friends. Toys were a luxury, so spending the day making up games was normal. They brag about playing outside all day when they were kids, and it’s their badge of honor to tell stories of how their parents had no idea where they were until it was dark. At the very least, it has allowed for a quicker distribution of information. We cannot say we are not informed. The information coming at us maybe about some celebrity activity, or it might be a global pandemic. The reality is, because of the expedient nature of social media, we can respond in real-time to things happening around the world. If it were not for social media I would have personally gone crazy to not be able to communicate with family out in El Salvador and close friends. “Many of the gendered aspects of the movement offline carry over into online versions of white supremacy” Daniels, J. (2009). However for kids today, have never known life before the internet, life before Facebook and Twitter, or life before these snappy chatter apps. The generation growing up now has never known social life without screens.
Daniels, J. (2009). Gender, White Supremacy, and the Internet. Cyber Racism: White Supremacy Online and the New Attack on Civil Rights. Rowman & Littlefield
Haraway, D. (1991). A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology, and Socialist-Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century.
O’Riordan, K. (2006). Gender, Technology, and Visual Cyberculture. Critical Cyberculture Studies. New York University Press
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