#owerworked and hungry
katarriinn · 8 months
Converting my work friend and getting him a crash course of fandom
So, I work as a receptionist in office building... i am the first being you see when you go in, so i have lots of time. Through out the months i made a friend with a guy here from one of the company. We became friends because I've never seen someone being so gay and loud and funny. So queer people just know each other and bond.
Well today, after we talked many times about the new ATLA because i am obsessed and in the midst of writing a fic i told him about just the show. His bf knows it so i invited myself to rewatch The tales of Ba Sing Se as you know i want my soul crushed and i want to see his soul crushed for the first time. But for introduction into tropes, ships, fandoms, AUs and other great magical corners of our creative imagination, i started with Harry Potter. As once everyone knows HP and second it is just my heart. Well to the actual day today. I asked him what pairing he thinks i pair in HP. Firstly he guessed Straight ships like Hermione/Harry then i said it is not straight so he thought of Harry/Cedric or jokingly Hagrid/Dumbledore after that he said "If you say it is Harry and Malfoy, well i don't know about that" so i of course said, well that one is correct. (we were texting btw) He sent me a gif of shocked pug then wrote "Not that! Malfoy is slimyy!" then proceeded to send me the old Drarry edited photos. For a few texts he mocked the idea but then i sent him few fanarts and tiktok edits and he was like "okay...i see it now." So basically when he went on a break, i gave him a crash course of the terms and then he proceeded to send me fanarts he found and OMG ILOVE IIIIIT!!!!!!!!
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