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booksandwitchery · 1 year ago
Old walls by Angelika Stephan Via Flickr
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otherworldlymorbidities · 2 months ago
Turning 16 in a week is crazy. I still feel like an owergrown 13 year old in a 15 year old's body.
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tapuhauko · 10 months ago
Another quiet day-- or so he'd have called it normally... Truth be told, lately the region was anything but peaceful, with wormholes popping up more often and Ultra Beast wandering in from said wormholes. Today they seemed to spare them, though. So far, anyway.
The Kahuna glances over the stage in the center of the town, sighing. It was time for some much needed repairs, seeing as the many recent battles had made a dent in the thing.
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"Whew-- This might take a while..." While Hau was collecting materials from a nearby chest, Shimmer, his Galarian Rapidash, spots some potential new friends nearby. She doesn't hesitate and immediately trots up to them!
The unicorn neighs gently, before promptly attempting to eat Altra's hair.
As soon as Hau notices Shimmer has left their side, they swing around, eyes peeled for the owergrown pony. "Shimmer-- Hey-- Oh my Tapu, I'm so sorry--"
The Kahuna approaches, before attempting to gently (yet firmly) tug the Pokémon away.
"Are you okay? She does this a lot."
@tapuhauko - Planned Starter!
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Alola was such a fascinating place. It felt so natural compared to Sinnoh, even his brief stay in Unova.
The ferry here even was peaceful, it was a nice change of pace. Even if the fact there was so much water surrounding well.. everything gave him pause. Even so, Altra was taking his discovery of this new region, one step at a time, and that seemed to start on the island called 'Melemele' according to a few he'd overheard talking.
A place where many residents of the island took their first steps.
For the most part, he avoided the Trainer's School, that didn't really fit what he was looking for after all. But he would spend some time along the routes, avoiding other trainers and oddly.. talking with some of the Pokémon in the grass.
Most were weary, but he'd managed to find at least a wild Pikipek that could give him directions to what people called 'Iki Town'. It was easier than trying to ask the people that lined the road, even if he was confident he got at least one or two odd looks.
The town itself seemed so.. quaint, old even. It sort of reminded him of his own hometown, Celestic Town. The aged place with history.
"Whoa.." He muttered, he was walking alongside at least one of his partners, his Gible.. Sigmund, specifically who happily trotted along at Altra's feet.
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"It's quieter than I thought for a town." Altra muttered, speaking not particularly to anyone close by, but rather the little round Pokémon at his feet. Though that was both a good and a bad thing, the quiet.. It meant that asking around for information was difficult. Especially since he couldn't spot many wild Pokemon here to do so..
Thus, he'd wander the town, the little shark-dragon Pokemon hot on his heels as he'd do so. All before he came to what looked to be some sort of larger, open area in what he assumed to be the center of town. He figured that's what the giant slab of carved stone on the ground represented at least.
"This is.. really different than what we're used to, huh?" He looked down to his partner, who instead seemed to be looking off at something close by.
"What's wrong?"
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vareforskers · 5 years ago
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Done for the Inktober by Vareforskers. #Inktober #Inktober2019 #inktoberday14 #owergrown #vareforskers
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ravenkult · 5 years ago
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UE4 - Owergrown Metro Station by Volodymyr Stepaniuk https://www.artstation.com/artwork/mDqYby
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fixaidea · 3 years ago
Moss green for the colour thing
That's a fair assumption, but net, undiluted cottagecore is a bit too twee and frilly for me.
Too much cutesy sundresses and jam-making in little aprons and not enough abandoned, owergrown urban spaces and crumbling castes.
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monosigmaru2 · 6 years ago
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the only explanation for the fact that for three years no one was owergrown 
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yuliakornevapainter · 5 years ago
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Inktober 2019 day 14 OWERGROWN . . Giorno 14 di Inktober. SMISURATO. . День 14 арт-марафона инктябрь ПЕРЕРОСШИЙ
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eorinaart-blog · 5 years ago
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14.overgrown. (МО: 14. птичий 30.разговор) "И как ни странно, Птица не стала спорить, не сказала «причём здесь рассвет» и тому подобное, а просто полетела. Впрочем, она вообще-то и никогда подобного не говорила. Минуты (или часы?) ожидания были тягостны, как когда взрослые с тобой не разговаривают и, что хуже того, не дают никаких вкусностей. Их мир, радостный мир Бобритании, просыпался. Сейчас, уже совсем скоро, проснутся все... особенно папа... Они стояли, сливаясь с шумом прибоя и тишиной камней, с утренним кликом чаек и далёким дыханием моря. Им изо всех сил надо было уже отплывать, а Птицы всё не было. И Бобредонт не выдержал. Он закричал. А может быть, зашипел, – как вам угодно. – Би!.. Би!.. Би!.. – растерянно посылал он звуки в разные стороны сдавленным голосом, одновременно и старясь быть услышанн��м, и боясь слишком явно их всех обнаружить. Но Птицы нигде не было." Вот иллюстрация, вот текст сказки. Сошлось? #eorinabook #eorinaart #ink #inktober #inktober2019 #inktober_russia #inktoberrussia2019 #Инктобер #инктобер2019 #инктоберроссия2019 #alexandradikaia_mo #alexandradikaia_mo_14_30 #графика #graphic #graphicart #bookgraphic #bookillustrations #bookarts #kidlit #illustration #illustration_best #bookforkids #aquarelle #owergrown #illustrationartists #inktober_russia2019 #иллюстрация https://www.instagram.com/p/B3d_X4SBnGW/?igshid=15s28as5cq4xm
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huntressofsheep · 7 years ago
THIS IS SO CUTE!!! How have i lived whitoute this all my life?!!!!?!!!!
(Also you owergrown watermellon may be my new favorit insult)
Hi, can I get a headcanon where the RFA gang (+ minior trio) were friends first with MC before they start dropping clues that they want to be in a romantic relationship with MC but MC is so innocently oblivious to it all?
I love!! This request!! Ahh, becoming friends, slowly - bit by bit - falling into the bottomless pit of love and then desperately trying to convey your feelings only to be met with a veritable wall of unrepentant cluelessness…
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Let’s start with Yoosung, shall we?
you are Yoosung’s video game buddy and boy howdy does he have a crush on YOU
The only way he knows how to express it tho is through the world of LOLOL so he acts SUPER CUTESY to you there. Like quasi-rping your husband cutesy.
“This is my waifu =^-^=“, jokes like that, and the two of you own a house together in LOLOL so you’re all domestic in decorating it.
He also acts super protective of you. Like, if you’re low on health he’ll heal you if he can, and he’ll get really into defending you if you’re in trouble
he sends you ingame jewelry and items and stuff. “Oh, I thought this would look cute on your character!” “You need these stats, right?” etc etc.
you are oblivious
You of course give back a much as you can - you also like showering Yoosung with stuff and appreciation.
Everyone thinks you’re e-dating.
At some point, someone is like, “LMAO you know MC is probably a dude in RL right”
(you blush)
He kind of hopes you’ll GET IT when he asks you if you want to get ingame married
You say yes because of the benefits (new hairstyles, emotes, clothes, and the ability to teleport to each other? HECK YEAH)
So Yoosung has literally internet married you but still not actually gotten a date.
Okay, time to step up his game. He starts mailing you…
FLOWERS. Digital flowers. He sends tons of them to your inbox.
(Yoosung wtf)
You’re still like “oh haha awwhhh how cute” and Yoosung finally, FINALLY works up the courage to actually say it bluntly.
He does it on Valentine’s Day where he asks you on a date. A real date. Like with real feelings.
holy shit how many ways can this dude say “I am super into you” without actually saying “I am super into you please DATE ME”
seriously. selfies 24/7, constant compliments, invites you to every show
“You’re so cute I can hardly stand it….”
you think he’s like that to everyone. like, he sort of is… but you’ve been friends for so long. why would he be flirting with you now? It must be a joke.
definitely a joke
(you fan yourself: it is definitely a joke)
he starts asking you to help him practice lines but ONLY for couples
He starts calling you his “princess” and “babe” and the names of whatever leading lady you’re “playing”
He asks you for selfies all the time too
You say you got a new top? “SHOW ME”
New necklace? “SHOW ME”
He’s so supportive and always rooting for you. Whenever you have some public thing to do (like a presentation or a speech or something) HE’S RIGHT THERE IN THE FRONT ROW
Like it is SO OBVIOUS he is nuts for you and you’re just dense.
He’s kind of thinking that he’s being so obvious that you must not like him because?? How could you not realize?
You hear him turn down someone who just asked him out by saying “I’m sorry, I like someone else”
and you’re like WHO
he won’t tell you because DUH but you keep pressing because!!! you have to know!!!
After this continues for a good long while he’s just like IT’S YOU
“…pffft hhaaa yea right who is it really”
(more under the cut!)
Keep reading
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sandra-studyblr · 7 years ago
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Today I started something new - On an Owergrown Path by my beloved Leoš Janáček, great czech composer. You can find his name mostly in Ostrava and Brno - from Janáček conservatory to his philharmonic orchestra. This year in Ostrava we celebrate 90th year aniversary from his death so you can visit plenty of festivals and concerts with Janáčeks music.
(please let me know about any mistakes in grammar)
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enfolewshit · 8 years ago
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Hey guys Here I’m trying to challenge myself not only in writing, but in English too Welcome, here comes the cool stories
The Old Lady was sitting on the shore of the lake in her rocking chair and knitting. Around her the picturesque​ view was looming: mountain snow-capped peaks rose above the clouds, the wind swayed old trees growing around, dazzling cold sun casted glares on the mirror surface of the water. The tiny neat house flaunted behind the lake. Everything around was amazing. But the Lady kept sitting and knitting . Her shawl embroidered with curious patterns was laying on the old shoulders and trying to run away with the wind all the time.
The Sun was going to hide behind the mountain slope, the deep shadow came on the valley. Fireflies started to go out from their holes and all surrounding became like alive sky full of stars. Two star-shining fishes swam to the shore of the lake, playing with each other in strange fish games. The old lady unbent her back, exhausted for years and after few minutes of searching something in her bosom she took out a piece of stale bread and crumbled it to the fish. In this moment the mischievous wind picked up Lady’s clew of yarn and threw it into the water. The fish adored the game with it and took it away to the hazy bottom of the lake.
Lady’s knitting started to untwine, it was taken too far with the fish. Here it was completely untwined and the Lady was holding just the end of the yarn with her old wrinkly fingers.
The yarn tore and swam away following the clew. For one moment the deep sadness appeared on her face but it quickly changed to humble senility with a shadow of smile. She let the remaining peace of the yarn go from her hands and suddenly vanished into the blue.
The wind was swaying the old rocking chair owergrown with moss and ivy and howling through the dark holes from the windows in the tiny house. Fireflies flew in the flocks over the gloom. Cold light of the orange-like sun replaced by a gelid grin of the full moon.
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sun-dance-kid · 11 years ago
Ignore everybody else, We're alone now.
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