#ow my HEART
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blind0raven · 2 months ago
What the heck did I wooe up to!?!??!
First off
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And second
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I... never... want to see Ace make that face again...
That is absolutely pure heartbreak... do not ever make that face Ace
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smilelikeawolf · 8 months ago
Ioun: "The only way to protect this world is to step away from it and seal the door behind us."
The Matron: "This is the only home I've ever known."
Melora: "This was ours. We, we... no! No!"
Erathis: "Look how far they came, my love. They almost overtook us by force."
The Matron: "If we do this it protects them from the others as well."
Pelor: "We protect them."
Erathis: "Do we? Look at what you've wrought, Dawnfather."
The Matron: "I have ushered many souls this day."
Erathis: "We killed them for being good. My heart is tired."
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givemeallthesaintquartz · 3 months ago
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Apple canonically is nearsighted and wears glasses in the books. That's it, that's the post.
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4d-teevee · 2 years ago
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in the last update of this au from @somerandomdudelmao, on the last frame this was literally all
i could think about, thank you for ripping out my heart and stomping on it /gen /pos
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honestlyjustamillyfanpage · 5 months ago
Ok so I know everyone has already said that Isha is the perfect combo of Powder, Milo and Claggor (face, hair, goggles) but what I haven't seen anyone else mention is the fact that on top of all this, when Vi sees her, she is staring up at an enforcer with the same burning hatred Vi herself used to possess. In that moment Vi is seeing not just her old family, but her old self.
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courtneycraberry · 9 days ago
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Not me over here waiting for ImSorREY to rip my heart out 😀💔 
A Fearful Thing - ImSorREY - [Archive of Our Own]
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lediray · 1 month ago
Did a 2 artist one canvas with my friend Cappy
Lilith: cappy
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Lucifer: Me
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nnicknnelsonn · 2 months ago
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ow my heart
{prev} so in love {next}
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spookyhottubmilkshake · 2 months ago
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kit-inclothes · 3 months ago
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ffjakakdjhdd looking so good in a doubled breasted suit
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flymmsy · 1 year ago
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Sister, do you ever wonder if there's more than this?
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micawla · 2 months ago
Dean talking about retiring and every single thing he says includes Cas
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smilelikeawolf · 1 year ago
Laudna holds out the chipmunk-skull Ashton doll.
Ashton: "I'm sorry-"
Launda: "I made you this."
Ashton: "That... is that..."
Laudna: "I made you a doll because dolls are for children and you are a child."
Ashton: "I've... I've never had a doll before."
Launda: "Really?"
Ashton starts crying.
Ashton: "This is the nicest thing anyone's ever given me."
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bruces-midlife-crisis · 1 year ago
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Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Robin (Jason Todd) as Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan by Keith Browning
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pascalfaye · 5 months ago
PART 2 of “Why’d You Have to Be A Hero?”
(Part 1 is on my page: I’m new to Tumblr, and trying to figure out formatting and how to link it, sorry… otherwise enjoy!)
Steve tore into the poorly paved clearing by the trailer, panting for air. The sight there turned his stomach. Bodies of motionless demo-bats littered the ground, hundreds of them. Black rivers of blood pooled everywhere. Bile rose in his mouth, but he kept it down. His stress spiked higher and higher.
“Eddie! Eddie!” Steve yelled, looking frantically. He picked his way through the bodies, adrenaline and nausea pumping through him. Dread gripped his stomach. The distinct prickle of panic set in his veins as he couldn’t find him.
“Munson, you better fucking be he—“ Steve stopped in his tracks.
There, in a gravel section of the road about ten paces away, surrounded by bat bodies, lay a lifeless form with black hair.
The world tipped. Steve stumbled forward. “No… nononono…” he fell onto his knees next to Eddie.
A demobat lay on Eddie’s chest, just as lifeless as he was. More surrounded him, clearly having enjoyed their feast of his flesh. Blood stained the ground, his clothes, his face. But his eyes… They were open, that spark that Steve had felt warm and shy about in the van was gone. That mouth that Steve had tried to not stare at when they walked in the woods mere hours before this now hung open, bloody.
Something deep inside Steve broke. His throat closed. His ears rang. He hadn’t known he could feel like this about Eddie fucking Munson. Like his heart had been ripped out and he had been socked in the gut. He grabbed the demobat and vehemently threw it off of Eddie. His vision swam through tears he hadn’t been able to release since Nancy left him.
“No… you son of a bitch…”
He looked at his chest. The blood made it hard to see if his heart was even there, but Steve started in on CPR without another thought. He grunted under his breath as he counted. Full body weight angled over the mid rib cage, straight arms, two inches deep into the chest. Counting to Stayin’ Alive by the BeeGees.
Tears were streaming down his face now. He lost count and tried again. “Ah-ah-ah-ah- Stayin’ Alive, Stayin’ Alive…” His voice broke as he sang.
“Dustin’s— gonna kill me— if I can’t save you…”
Eddie’s body lay there, eyes unfocused, torso shifting every time Steve tried to pump blood.
Steve’s hands were drenched in blood up along his arms like he wore red surgical gloves. He kept going until his chest heaved, and his shoulders hurt, and his hands were numb.
I was a fucking lifeguard. I know first aid. I can save you.
“Don’t fucking die on me!”
Eddie’s ribs cracked.
“Please, please, please…”
Sweat and tears dripped down Steve’s face and he swept them away with bloodied hands.
“You fucking idiot!” Steve spat, “you were supposed to keep Dustin safe! I said don’t be a hero!”
After several disorienting minutes of effort, Steve lost his hand placement and slipped forward over and on top of Eddie’s body with his next stroke. Eddie’s skin was barely warm, soaking wet, but completely stagnant.
“Eddie! You bastard! You were supposed to… supposed to…”
The sentiment devolved into hot, gushing tears and a rage that Steve hadn’t felt in years. He screamed, guttural, frustrated. He screamed until all he had known was that scream. He slammed the ground with his fist over and over and over, ignoring the pain and his own blood that was now dripping out of his fist.
He pounded his fist into the ground until his chest contracted and air forced its way in and he had to gasp. He couldn’t save him. He couldn’t save the one person they had spent days trying to save from the witch-hunt. The person Dustin looked up to even more than he looked up to Steve. The guy with the big doe eyes and the smile that had made Steve feel seen for the first time since Nancy.
Steve collapsed again over Eddie’s body, sobs escaping his chest faster than he could rein them in. After a beat, he scrambled up and pulled Eddie into his lap, still sobbing.
“You… y-y-you… why? Eddie, w-why!? Why, why, why…”
He held him up to his chest and rocked him back and forth a little.
Eddie’s eyes stared blankly out into the sky. No answer.
Steve brushed rogue locks of hair off of Eddie’s face. “Please… don’t be dead… I… I… Dustin needs you, dammit!… I can’t do this on my own, I can’t be his everything on my own…” The words were pouring out faster than he could reason them.
He turned his face to the sky and let out another scream of a cry, this time angrier. “Fuck you, Vecna! You bastard!”
The sky fizzled blue lightning in response.
It was odd seeing his own body from above. Eddie stared at his face, eyes vacant. He felt cold.
But the oddest thing was Steve Harrington. Eddie watched as the man tore in like a knight in shining armor and found him. He watched as Steve began to do CPR. He watched as the gritty, dazzling, desperate friend of his weird group of sheep cried out, shrieking over his body that he cradled in his arms.
Harrington… sweetheart… He called out. Don’t cry. Let me go, big boy… You’ve done all you can, I’m gone…
Or was he?
He was here, floating above his own mangled corpse. He hadn’t moved on. Eddie slowly rotated his hands trying to inspect them. He didn’t see anything. Am I a ghost??
Voices drew his attention towards the trailer. A curly-haired kid in a Gilly suit ran up toward Steve, hollering with a spear brandished. “Steve! I heard you screa—“
The kid stopped in his tracks and fumbled over his words. The spear dropped to the ground.
Steve still had his head hung, his sobs having turned to body-shaking deep breaths. With bloody hands, he brushed more hair from Eddie’s face. “Help…” His voice cracked like he hadn’t had water in days.
From the woods behind Steve thundered two figures, one lanky in a beret, and the other wielding a shotgun. “Steve, Steve… what happened?”
Buckley. Good, she’s safe. Wheeler too.
They both froze at the carnage before them.
Eddie wanted to cry out and let them all know he was right there.
Steve limply held Eddie in his arms, silent.
Dustin stumbled forward, rushing after his pause. “Eddie?”
I’m here! Eddie clawed at the air, waving to get their attention.
Dustin reached out towards Eddie’s body quickly. “I have a first aid kit… somewhere-“
Steve recoiled, pulling Eddie into himself protectively.
Dustin pulled back, a little shocked, now looking at his older friend. “Steve… maybe we can help him. What happened?”
Steve made no reply.
Nancy and Robin unfroze and closed the gap between them and Steve.
“Steve…” Robin’s voice was soft, wavering. “What happened to Eddie?”
Bats tore me apart, that’s what!
Steve stared out into space, rubbing his thumb over a blood stain on Eddie’s cheek, over and over. “He had to be the hero…”
Dustin wiped tears away with his fingers. “No, no… he was fine a minute ago, before I called you…”
Robin knelt down. “You can set him down now…,” her voice shaking a little.
Steve slowly turned his head to face her. “Why’d he have to die?”
I’m here! I’m not gone! I can hear you… I want back! Let me back! Desperation split Eddie to his core. Steve Harrington — paladin at heart, caretaker, and bat-killing badass — wasn’t going to cry another tear over his loser body. Eddie focused on his body, willing himself back. Something like a yell lodged in his spectral throat, more raw than any metal anthem he’d belted with his band.
Eddie saw the little group in slow motion. Nancy was placing a hand on Dustin’s shoulder. Robin was reaching to embrace Steve. Dustin, having removed his Gilly hood, was starting to cry. And Steve. Steve with his fantastic hair and honey brown eyes was cradling Eddie tighter, pressing his hand to the gaping hole in his chest and touching his forehead to his own.
Please, please, please! Let me come home.
The yell stuck in Eddie’s throat broke like shattered glass. Lightning struck somewhere nearby, red and blue and jarring.
Eddie opened his eyes to black sky and Steve’s face.
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vicbutnotactually · 1 year ago
They hug
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Despite being together for too damn long and constantly poking fun at each other, they still love each other
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