#overwatch martina
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wildwinterlunas · 7 months ago
Updated Reuben J. Reyes design
(Reapers Sob)
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Update on my RJ design, upgraded with critiques and advice I've gotten for my previous designs.
The main thing I got on my previous design was basically an understanding of Overwatch's character design pipeline along with the idea of using more death related themes in his design due to Reaper being based off of the Grim Reaper.
With RJ's new design I went in with the understanding that Reaper is very much symbolic of Death being this terrifying force, something evil and scary to face, an ending. With RJ I went in with the more modern idea of Death being a warm hand to guide you into the afterlife, death not being an ending but a new beginning. The two main beings I used for inspiration where Charon, the ferryman that guided souls into the afterlife, and Macaria, the Greek goddess of Blessed Death. Along with the general idea of "angel of death".
There was also a matter of "class", Overwatch characters often start with a cirtain class in mind, Cassidy's a cowboy, Mercy's an angel, Lifeweaver is a Druid. With RJ the thing I started with was the idea of "Sidekick" or just Vigilante characters who just started off at a young age. The main one I had in mind for RJ though was Robin, specifically Damien Wayne and Dick Grayson.
(@ultravioart @kindasketchysideblog thank you for the critiques)
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dawnthefox24 · 1 year ago
Gabriel: WHO ATE MY CONCHAS?! Gabriel: I'M GOING TO FUCKING K- Martina: *has her arms crossed *I did Gabriel: Kiss you and help out in the kitchen, you haven't been eating anything today Martina.*Kisses her cheek* Gabriel: * quickly walks away not wanting to die by his wife* Martina:..... Martina: He's gone Cole. Cole: *coming out the closet with conchas stuffed in their mouth:*Twankh uh! Martina: Anytime baby, if you want more I'll make more
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wildwinterlunas · 5 months ago
This is basically RJ's gymnastics training not gonna lie XD
Also you got Martina and RJ's dynamic pretty spot on there, she's obviously concerned for her son but she also knows who raised this boy and there is no way in hell anyone could stop him from doing what he thinks is right. So it's better to be as supportive as she can and help him rather then try and stop him and possibly damage they're relationship.
pov: Martina and RJ
Martina making sure RJ doesn't get hurt on missions lol
Basically RJ knowing he can't really hang with his mom bc of his job but she still tries to help him in any way she can so this was like my mental image for that
I summon you @wildissylupus
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eulogium-red · 5 months ago
there's no way cassidy isn't (or wasn't?) best friends with gabriel's & martina's still unnamed kid right
i mean he was trained in part by ana & he's like. fareeha's brother so
i know the difference is that cassidy canonically sees the amaris as family whereas that isn't canon with the reyes family but there's. a 0 percent chance he wasn't at least that kid's cool uncle figure right
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wormart · 2 years ago
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how I imagine Gabe and Martina's wedding went
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wolfygal2431 · 6 months ago
Martina: I have to find my darling husband Gabriel! I'm so worried about him.
Jack: Seriously! What do you see in that guy!?
Martina: He makes me laugh.
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lorewarlorddoctorsix · 2 years ago
Happy Mother's Day
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Happy mother's day to the moms of Overwatch: Ana Amari, Ingrid Lindholm, Efi Oladele, Dr. Mina Liao, Asa Yamagami and Martina Reyes.
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sortaferal · 1 year ago
I wish a merry go fuck yourself to anyone who hypersexualizes Amélie
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wildwinterlunas · 2 years ago
God I couldn't agree with this more. I personally haven't read Code of Violence, probably never will, case I've been put off by it from only the little snippets I've seen. (I might out of morbid curiosity)
It also goes against the characterisation of Martina that we've been presented with in game. In game she talked about like she wouldn't hesitate to kill Reaper a second time if he showed up in her life again.
Honestly I don't know what happened with that short story cause it's literally the only one that is so egregiously out of character. From what I hear apparently Sombra's very out of character too.
Like all the other stories expand on the characters in different ways, hell Bastet did a better job of exploring Reapers backstory then this story did from what I hear.
With how the other short stories are it makes me think that it wasn't the Devs but the writer? But then I looked him up and he's a writing teacher with many good stories under his belt, do maybe he just sucks at writing women?? Idk it could be what you said and be a dev problem.
Honestly with how Martina is treated both in this book and by the fandom I kinda feel validated in posting my headcannons about her awhile back. I refuse to believe this woman sat by while witnessing Gabriel do the things he did in Blackwatch. She's a retired badass in my eyes and no amount of shitty canon will change that for me.
Code of Violence and heteronormativity
Alright, I know I’m breaking my ‘no negativity’ rule here, but oh well.
So, in the time since the initial backlash to Code of Violence (if you weren’t in the fandom at the time, it was pretty intense), people have been re-assessing it as a story. Now, from the beginning, I strongly disliked it. A lot of people seem to have agreed that the initial widespread anger was an emotional reaction rather than a rational one. So, do I still dislike it?
Well…yeah. I still think it was really bad. And I think a lot of people are pretty disingenuous when they’re addressing people criticizing it. 
But I wanted to respond to a specific complaint people had with the negative response to the story. I saw several people say that being angry about his relationship with Martina for sexuality-based reasons was bi erasure. Since he could still be attracted to more than just women.
The thing is…that’s not really why I call the story heteronormative, and I doubt that’s why a lot of others do, either.
Yes, in theory, he could still be bisexual. I’m fully aware of that. But my issue isn’t even entirely about him being attracted to women at all - it’s specifically in the context of tropes seen in the story and how they relate to heterosexual stories.
The main trope I see in this story is the idea of “edgy man is sad because the woman he’s in love with, who is given no traits other than being in love with him, is gone.” This is inherently a heteronormative trope because it reduces women to a ‘motivation’ for a man rather than as characters in their own right. People have been complaining about female characters being reduced to this for decades, and it’s pretty much entirely in stories about male/female couples.
The fact that the whole story seems to focus on this past relationship is also heteronormative because it makes a character’s entire emotional core revolve around a woman he’s attracted to, and nobody else. It idealizes this woman as being loving and forgiving of all of his faults, which wouldn’t be bad if those weren’t the only traits she was given. Any other relationships he had were almost entirely ignored despite them being much more well-established and interesting. 
But it’s not just that. The fact that Jack, the only canon gay man (at the time he was also the only man attracted to men at all, although Baptiste and Lifeweaver have since been confirmed as bisexual and pansexual - still, Jack is the only 100% gay one), is chasing after Gabriel, while Gabriel gives him no thought at all, is also a serious problem for me. ‘Gay guy obsessed with man who only is interested in a woman and ignores him’ is a homophobic trope with years of bad history. We can debate all day Jack’s reasons for chasing Gabriel - whether that be anger, love, vengeance, whatever - but it’s still inherently the only gay man being obsessed with a man that doesn’t seem to be interested in him at all.
I don’t call Code of Violence heteronormative because it doesn’t revolve around gay ships. Frankly, I expect that in media most of the time. I call it heteronormative because it derives from tropes that are both extremely common in heterosexual love stories and also have misogynist and homophobic undertones to them.
You can ask why I don’t give the same criticism to other stories - well, the thing is, I wouldn’t care if Overwatch didn’t constantly emphasize its representation, and if they hadn’t deliberately highlighted Jack and Gabriel’s relationship for years and refused to confirm or deny things about it. I don’t bother going after The Punisher or The Last of Us for having the ‘edgy man with woman motivation’ (even though I still have problems with the trope itself) because those stories never pretended to be about anything else. But Overwatch and its writers have claimed so much that they care about our representation and not being revolved around purely heterosexual narratives, so they should live up to the standards they set up for themselves.
One of the reasons these primarily heterosexual tropes are common is that they’re very easy writing shorthand. A random love interest that’s not given any traits gives motivation for a character that an audience can easily understand without having to create a new character or build a real relationship. As useful as that might be, you can’t act as if you write in a subversive way while also falling back on these shorthand tropes. You have to pick one or the other. And Code of Violence is where Overwatch failed to pick a single pattern.
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 year ago
Hi!! I saw that your request were open so I wanted to request something!
Imagine reaper had a daughter with his (ex???) wife before he died / disappeared, she knew him as a hero and always admired him etc. so his daughter joined overwatch after a few years now that she was older and wanted to follow her dad’s steps (obviously not knowing the behind scenes of his job) but in a mission reaper sees her and is not capable of doing his job because he recognizes his little girl
I had an oc that was reapers daughter but saw a post about widowmaker with a child and I NEEDED someone to write one for reaper— THANK YOU, take your time and take care <333
𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝔹𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤
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Words: 576
Also wording reader as his child, as I don't do female readers!
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“Told you she would grow on you Gabe.”
“What.” He didn’t understand what Ana meant. If anything it was about Pharah, but if anything she grew on him years ago, not that he would admit it. She only sighed and shook her head, pointing behind him.
Finding his wife, Martina. Her hands were cupped around something that she held to her chest, slowly opening them. In her hands sat a pregnancy test. He only stared, so she rightfully got worried.
“Really?” She nodded. Instantly he rushed over to her, lifting her into his arms. He was never good at words, but his actions made up for it.
The months passed before you and your brother were born. While he took after her you were a mix of both. He became a mummy's boy, so Gabriel made sure you were a daddy’s kid. And with the amount of overwatch posters and apparel around it would’ve been surprising if you weren’t.
What was even more surprising was that he just didn’t return. None of the family realized until Jack, also known as Soldier 76, alerted you. But that wouldn’t do much when there was no trace of where he went.
So the next few decades you had to grow up without him present, with the closet being all the posters still hanging. Although they were quickly removed and hidden. It didn’t stop you from following his footsteps even as your mother testified.
It would be dangerous, even life risking. But you were willing to take that risk, after all your father did.
Arms wrapped around your waist and hauled you into the air, although it wasn’t hard to figure out it was. The massive muscles revealed it as Reinhardt, then came his voice, yelling even though he was right behind you.
“Look at you, finally grown up!” Suddenly his arms were gone but you weren’t on the ground. Instead he had thrown you into the air, making sure you safely land and stay on his shoulder.
“ANA!” There he went, bringing you along to show off that you were back, now to work.
Even if you just joined you were much more prepared than other recruits. Likely from the fact you had been training all your life with Ana, Jack and sometimes Reinhardt, who never wanted to hurt you during so.
So that came in handy very quickly. As you were selected for a mission, going with other official overwatch members. Ana, Brigitte, Genji, Cassidy and D.Va. Flown across the world to your location, Busan in South Korea.
It was a simple recon mission. Get in, find the needed information then leave. But you guys were never going to do it alone. Talon hiding in the shadows, keeping track of their own information.
Reaper had made his way around and behind your team, able to follow the familiar voices.
“McCree!” Of course he would run into those two. Thinking his time with them was long but over, apparently not. Stepping out closer to watch the commotion, not expecting another familiar sight.
“McCree, don’t step any closer.”
“And why is that?”
“You don’t want to piss off Reyes do you?” Following his words you walked into their sights. Ultimately making McCree back off, not before complaining.
“Reyes won't be able to keep you safe forever.”
Even with Gabriel out of your life you were much more similar than you realized. And hopefully you didn’t become too close.
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wildwinterlunas · 1 year ago
Mandatory updates on Martina Reyes lore;
She is not from the USA but presumably from Mexico, as that is where Gabriel and her met.
It's also now been confirmed that they met after the crisis, they met when Reyes visited Mexico on his time off shortly after the crisis ended.
They were at the very least still legally married by the time of Reyes's death (Though I'm still firm in the belief that they were in the process of divorce, or at the very least separated and considering it)
And yet... still no name for Reyes's son....
Fuck it I'm asking them on Twitter, will I get an answer? Probably not but it's worth a try.
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dawnthefox24 · 1 year ago
Cole and Gabriel: *speaking Spanish* Cole: *rolling his eyes*I know, I know. Martina: *seems very surprised that Cole is speaking in Spanish*You speak Spanish? Cole: Eh only some of it. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' everytime Gabriel speaks in Spanish Martina:*internally* I'm adopting him, that's our other kid
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crystal-ball-of-ow-canon · 1 year ago
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[since the last update was in fact shit
attempt 2, thank you for the help much appreciated <3
All information has been collected from Overwatch.fandom.com although original sources will be checked if able to
Also yes I understand that blizzard has retconned a ton of shit, I made a couple notes of it before but recognize that ow 2 is their official unofficial massive overhaul and update, the most recent information will be used if contradiction occurs
Lastly no I did not write in the book if that is a source of grief for you that’s a picture off the internet I don’t even own the book, I hope this alleviates any concerns :)
Thank you]
Gabriel current age: 60
Ow omnic crisis start ~28 years from current day length 2 years (if anyone could tell me how to access the ow2 communications inbox that would be great)
Gabriel age 32 at beginning, age 34 by end
Enlist at military age 23 (not as a commissioned officer despite a bachelor’s degree)
Join police force still 21, 2 year career in LAPD
Complete degree in criminology by or before 21
His parents die during the crisis
He meets Martina shortly after
Presumably retribution still happens when he’s 50
Overwatch seems to have disbanded when he was about 53-55ish? (So Jack was still in charge about the 20 years he said he was)
In those years since he’s been fucking around with talon and going after former ow members
Notes: as mentioned before reapers previous bio stating “reaper” had been kicking around for decades has no been removed, Michael Chu and co original plans seem to have been changed
My question about Gabe not entering as a CO are still unanswered, any additional info or insight would be lovely
Not all of the wiki pages were up to date I tried my best
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eulogium-red · 6 months ago
the pull between shipping pre-zurich r76 but also really loving the reyes/martina/nameless son family can easily be solved with the simple answer of polyamory
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doomedtoxicyuri333 · 8 months ago
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cringe overwatch reaper and soldier kids…. marco is the son of gabe and martina and liliana is the daughter of jack and vincent (TRANS VINCENT REALNESS)
i like them a lot but they make me sad…. won’t tell you why lolsies
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todoslosdiasdemivida · 2 years ago
Since it's been a minute…
… and I have somehow gained new followers despite being an absentee disaster as of late [ thank all of you who have followed and also those who have remiained and waited patiently for my life to perhaps NOT be in shambles just once 😂😂😂 ] …
My Overwatch blogs are:
todoslosdiasdemivida A dual muse blog for Gabriel Reyes / Reaper and my take on his wife Ramona Martina Castillo Reyes
@livesinthebalance A multi for canon, adapted, and original muses, all set within the Overwatch universe; I may be adjusting and/or adding a few more muses to this one, but the current roster won't be losing anybody.
@ataleoftwodragons Exactly what it says on the box. 😂 Genji and Hanzo.
@opposingphilosophies Still in the process of setup, but this is my blog for Zenyatta and Ramattra.
@thelifeweaver Also still in setup, but, again, what it says on the box.
I have a ton of other blogs—no, really—that I'm always willing to AU, but these are the Overwatch and already AU'd blogs.
Other Blizzard blogs that might also get adaptions to @livesinthebalance [ and whose actual blogs are currently heavily under construction, so please bear with me ] and can also be crossed over quite easily considering Blizzard has already set the framework:
@lionofthealliance King Varian Wrynn
@youwerenotprepared Illidan Stormrage
@neveraguardian Khadgar
@theworldofwarcraft A multi for random canon and oc muses
@protectoroflife A red/ruby flight dragon oc
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