bloghrexach · 2 months
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Thursday Thoughts …. “🏳️‍🌈 ‘Very Serious: After Roe, Obergefell is on their List’ 🏳️‍🌈 …. “!!
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Thanks for sticking up for the babies. You’re doing God’s work 💖 I’m sorry for all the anon hate you’re getting. You don’t deserve that.
Thank you, anon!
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I’m pretty used to it though. The hate happens because they know I’m right.
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talmidimblogging · 2 years
Being Pro-Life in Post-Roe NYC
Being a #prolife Christian in a Post-Roe New York City is like being on an island in a raging sea. Here’s what this weekend was like. #catholic #nyc #conservative #roevswade #overturnroe #christianity #god #jesus #lifeBeing Pro-Life in Post-Roe NYC
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sfwr · 3 years
ABQ pro-lifers to hold Dec. 1 ‘OverturnRoe’ rally as SCOTUS considers pivotal case
ABQ pro-lifers to hold Dec. 1 ‘OverturnRoe’ rally as SCOTUS considers pivotal case
To commemorate the U.S. Supreme Court hearing arguments on the case Dobbs v. Jackson, which is “the most significant challenge  — Read on pinonpost.com/abq-pro-lifers-to-hold-dec-1-overturnroe-rally-as-scotus-considers-pivotal-case/
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tradcathsermons · 5 years
#ProLife #ProLifeGen #PraytoEndAbortion #StopAbortion #CultureOfLife #OverturnRoe pic.twitter.com/elSa1gRWbu
— Edmund Haege (@Ed_Haege) January 19, 2020
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studentsforlife · 11 years
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Today’s Supreme Court decisions have major implications for Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. In the DOMA case, the Supreme Court found that the federal government must respect the rights of states to determine their own laws protecting the “rights” of their citizens, citing the ‘equal protection’ clause of the 5th Amendment. This begs the question “Where is the equal protection for pre-born babies?”
In the Prop 8 case, the Court decided to not repeat the mistakes of Roe. They did not overturn the duly enacted laws of states with a sweeping declaration like they did with Roe. They found that the federal government does not have a compelling interest to make a sweeping declaration on equal protections.
The same logic should be applied to Roe. And the Supreme Court should follow its own principles set forth in these cases to overturn Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton and turn those decisions back to the states to extend equal protections to pre-born babies.
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“men stand to lose a lot if Roe v Wade is overturned” oh nooo crappy losers will have to find new ways of avoiding personal responsibility boo hoo cry me a river etc. etc.
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I know it is not a popular position among pro-lifers to say that women should face legal consequences for obtaining abortions. But if we accept even one of these two realities as true, we have no choice but to take this position.
It is self-evident that an embryo/fetus is an individual young human being, by mere virtue of the fact that it will naturally become an individual adult human being.
There is a Natural Law which states that justice demands punishment for the intentional killing of an innocent life, and we must mold our civil laws to satisfy that justice.
If pro-lifers will not admit this, we are going to be rightly perceived as morally and logically inconsistent; people who claim that abortion is murder, but will not prosecute the initiator of that murder even for manslaughter? Because of some nebulous idea that she must have been pressured into doing it? A person has been murdered. There is no escaping that fact.
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Murder is dangerous and should have to stay dangerous, and abortion isn't murder, have a nice day at work 🌻
The burden of proof that abortion isn’t murder is on you, anon. A fetus’ humanity is self-evident.
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How do you think ectopic pregnancies should be handled?
I think this should be done before removal is initiated.
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well I gotta go to work but I just want to reemphasize
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cancers have unique combinations of DNA, too, should we cease treating cancers since that's enough to give them a soul?
No, because it is not the DNA of a human individual, nor will it ever become a human individual. This is basic, basic logic and science my dudes.
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If the adoption waiting list is long then why would you want to make it longer?
bro. the waiting list of prospective parents is long.
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Evolution Of A Friendship In The Early 2020s
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