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pingonow · 2 years ago
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snapper Tino Pohlmann
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rowingpost · 5 years ago
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At the time I photographed Laurette Rindlaub (age 73), she was the best lightweight woman sculler in the U.S. over 70. Decided to use this surreal time of self-isolation to revisit my first serious art photography project, ‘Miles to Go’, a look at elite athletes over the age of 70, - which I began in 2007. As I get closer in age to these extraordinary men and women, I think about what drew me to the project in the first place. How and why were these ‘old’ people still kicking ass? What drove them to push their bodies beyond the boundaries and expectations of aging? #lauretterindlaub #agegroupchamp #agegroupathlete #milestogo #overseventy #sculler #rower #hocr #crashbsprints #rowingpost Via @john_rich_photo https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NQXHcFe1P/?igshid=d8bgvlv6crw7
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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When we dine out alone, we rather go casual and always eat at the bar instead of getting a table. So much more fun, people watching, chatting with the bartender or who ever are sitting next to us. I used to hardly say a word unless questioned (major introvert 🐢🐚). My husband is just the opposite. He can talk about anything with anyone. It seems that going grey, getting healthy and fit, has also transformed my shyness ie., got me out of my shell and helped build up my social skills. I seem to enjoy interacting more with not only friends but strangers too. Yes, I still feel the uneasiness and I guess some stress but am slowing working past that. WIN WIN situation. . . #winwinsituation #introverts #introvertextrovert #agingtogether #smilingtogether #enjoyingeachotherscompany #dineout #gocasual #weareaging #overseventy #fiftyplus #silvercouple #turninggrey #greyonpurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/BwS1UCmgxrv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5xboetjlydf7
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mahvashsaba · 6 years ago
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#beauty it is nothing to be young. I believe you can be beautiful at any ages #oversixty beauty #overseventy #overfifty #wmag @newyorksocialdiary @nudesocietyy (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtyBC9_B6LE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dwmsk74cmia2
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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We match. Silver on black is classic. . . #growingoldtogether #growingold #growingoldgracefully #greyingtogether #silverfoxes #wematch #overseventy #over50blogger #smilingcouple #55plus Is this what 57 and 78 looks like? #ageisjustanumber https://www.instagram.com/p/BwBRc7XAe-G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7mb4yt06umg7
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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Finally our chair project is done and placed. Yesterday was a beautiful breezy afternoon to relax, have a beer or 2 or 3. . . There is nothing like spending a lazy afternoon together. No hustle or bustle, just lounging on the dock, looking at fishes jump. . . #sittingonthedock #weekendafternoon #chillinwithlove #justhangingout #swflblogger #57yearsyoung #overseventy #beunforgettable #retiredlife #ageisjustanumber #silvercouple #greyingtogether #livewithpurpose #enjoyingabeer #docktime #lazyafternoon #swflorida #floridaliving https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu1LgfGAqul/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oykcwxmff3l
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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Decompressing after cards/game night at friends before lights out. . We had a ball learning a card game - Five Crowns. Both Angelo and I hardly played any type of card games seen we been together and usually would decline when invited. This time we or should say I said yes when invited. And surprise, we had a great time. . I guess sometimes, stepping out of one's comfort zone, not matter how small of a step outside the line can bring much fun and surprises. . Note to self, let's keep doing activities that we have not done before. . And I just ordered a set of this cards. It will be our 1st game we have in our house!!! At 57 and 78, and it is our card game we own!!!!! Mind blowing, hahaha😂🤣😱🤪 ♥️ ♦️ ♣️ ♠️ #cardgames #cardgamesarefun #gamenightfun #lifeofleisure #funnightout #weeknightfun #greatconversation #greatcompany #57yearsyoung #healthyfitafter40sandbeyond #beunforgettable #silverhairdontcare #greyisthenewblack #overseventy #joyofretirement #weownedit #weearnedit #livingthelifewelove #trynewthings #stepout https://www.instagram.com/p/Buc15o3gtLs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11r6eqpgjexxo
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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Who is the masked man? . Attended a Mardi gras dinner dance last night. So much fun. . Angelo is a very conservative dresser and always hard to get him to dress in any theme not matter how much persuasion. But last night, he agreed to putting on a mask!!! Wow, wow, finally💃🕺💥🍾🎉 . . . #teachanolddognewtricks #mardigrasdress #fattuesday #partyitup #havefuntogether #57yearsyoung #78yearsyoung #overseventy #ageisjustanumber #beunforgettable #betterafter50 #saltandpepperhair #silvercouple #greyhairdontcare #silverhairdontcare https://www.instagram.com/p/BuRItrLgysS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3tb6snbhe05d
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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The fish Adirondack chair is done! Well, 1 of the 2. As I was.working on painting this, we decided we needed another so that it didn't look lonely by itself on the dock. So Angelo built the mate and now I have to paint it. 🐟 🐠 🐡 Love tag teaming projects together. 🐡 🐠 🐟 #tagteam #57yearsyoung #husbandwifeproject #adirondackchair #wildideas #artproject #artproject #artandcraft #overseventy #retirementlife #retirementfun #brightcolors #cheerful #bringonthesmilles https://www.instagram.com/p/BuP-kTtgy6w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=lo4v89b76wwm
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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Putting yourself first doesn't mean you don't care about others. It means you're smart enough to know you can't help others if you don't help yourself first. . . My dear friend Aida Conkey-Osterman is in the midst of dealing with family issues -- taking care of her older sister who has dementia 😭😩, husband that fell on the ice a couple weeks ago😖😭, ended up with herniated disc. 🙏 🙏 First thing this morning, she called and said "I need to take of myself, to eat healthy, get back to fitness so I can be here for my family" 🙏 🙏 Thank you so much Aida for believing and trusting to guide you in this lifestyle improvement. . . . #overseventy #stillbeautiful #rayofsunshine #caregivers #putyourselffirst #youcomefirst #smartwoman #smartwomen #inspiringwomen #agingpopulation #57yearsyoung #healthyfitafter40sandbeyond #takingcareofyou #takingcareoffamily #seniorcitizen #seniorcitizens https://www.instagram.com/p/BuDCrk-BppI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vu08jdpx30ia
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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This is our best go-to dinner when I don't have time to cook. A simple #nocookingnecessary meal composed of what is available in the fridge and pantry and still eat healthy. The plus is #itssodelicious and #satisfyingfood. . #eatinghealthy does not require difficult preparation or giving up foods you love. . . My husband Angelo and I stay fit healthy thru mindful eating, working out and staying mentally active. #mindbodysoul At 78 and 57 years old, we are shining bright. . . To be happy, fit and healthy, it requires not only exercising, it requires eating right and engaging one's mind. . . Don't wait till you are in your later years. Do it now to cherish YOU!! . DM or email me if you love yourself to cherish you. . . #mentalprowess #foodyoulove #cherishlife #inourprime #57yearsyoung #overseventy #over50blogger #healthyfitafter40sandbeyond #dontwaitfortomorrow #dontwait #aginggracefully #agingwithattitude https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt7Ly5mgyGQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rtx1s0bc4rqx
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
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So so proud of these 2 beautiful ladies @osgoodsturges @lizthurston and my 1st man! @mt5abv for joining me in their healthy fit lifestyle journey. . THANKS for trusting me to be your mentor in your journey. You will definitely succeed in this. . . Welcome to my virtual online support group and access to me anytime to guide you thru the journey of weight loss, getting fit and then sustain it!😘👱‍♀️🤰👴💪👏👏 . . . #57yearsyoung #over50blogger #over40 #oversixty #saltandpepperhair #ageisjustanumber #overseventy #healthyfitafter40sandbeyond #healthyatanyage #fitatanyage #gettingfit #beunforgettable #walkthetalk #greyhairdontcare #2bmindset https://www.instagram.com/p/BtPY6YTAnOg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=va2hlrvc9z6r
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57young-blog · 6 years ago
Came home to a beautiful Valentine surprise from my hubby Angelo. He is such an awesome loving man! 💘 💘 You are my today and all of my tomorrow - Leo Christopher 💘 🌹 💘 I am a VERY lucky girl to be married to my rock, best friend, soulmate, lover and one that can trigger my rage from zero warp speed 😁😘 I LOVE YOU!!! 🌹 💘 🌹 💘 #myrock #soulmate #togetherforlife #agingtogether #mytodayandtomorrow #valentinesdaygift #myvalentine❤️ #lovehimtothemoonandback #57yearsyoung #overseventy #beunforgettable #surprisefromhim #bestfriendlover #iloveyou #leochristopher https://www.instagram.com/p/BtysR_UgajE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1x1pb7zeo60f1
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