jigsawfcrged · 1 year
@vyrulent ; 
eleanor / harper lee
amanda / jessie
logan / elena
eric / henry
joyce / henry
john / henry
amanda / paul
john / frank
eric / will
amanda / logan
amanda / frank
these are the drafts i have currently. (not tallying up memes people have sent in or memes people have answered for me to continue yet)
if you would like for me to continue these PLEASE LIKE OR REPLY HERE so i know!
if you want me to continue one or some but not all just let me know what’s what.
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
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[ #𝗦𝗛𝗘𝗙𝗔𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗘𝗦 ] --------- My name is Rae. Formerly known as Swift. My former blogs include; overlooksouls & sailedsunset. This blog is an independent multi muse that is highly selective, and medium to high activity base.
                                      RULES & MUSES                                                   ↳ permanent starter calls                                                   ↳ open starters                                                   ↳ meme tag                                                   ↳ wishlist                                                   ↳ interest tracker
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enthrclled · 3 years
closed starter for @overlooksouls​ ; BJ 
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               frustration was quick to build up inside of her as she waited in the hospital lobby. her daughter was sick, with the highest temperature she’d seen in a while. there was something unsettling about it. lately, she’d been bruising easily, lacking energy and now having spikes in her fevers, gabby knew that something wasn’t right. could feel it deep inside of her bones and it terrified her. for once in the past four years, being a single parent to a sick child had her wishing she had someone at her side. to help get through times like this, if only for support. her mind wouldn’t stop going over the endless possibilities of what could be wrong. unfortunately for her, the hospital was taking its own sweet time and it was wearing on her nerves. with her jaw clenched slightly she picks up her daughter and holds her close while heading for the front desk,   “  excuse me ... we’ve been waiting for hours to be seen and my daughter is only getting worse. what the hell is going on!?  ”   the lady looked up with a sigh,   “  due to the charity event we’re running a bit behind.  ”   her brows furrowed,   “  seriously? who could be so important to put a halt to patient care!?  ”   her daughter protests slightly at her raised voice as she shifted in her arms.   “  just have a look for yourself.  ”   
              irritation fills her attention at the brushed off tone while the woman waves a hand through the air. her body slowly turns as the sound of clicking cameras fill the air, followed by multiple voices. her gaze roaming over unfamiliar faces until she freezes entirely. the sight of Bradley James causing her to freeze up entirely in that moment. the man she’d left behind, her ex, the love of her life and the father of her child. also a newly signed football star who was taking the world by storm. a shaky breath pushed out of her. one night, she’d upped and vanished from his life ... from the town they lived in. he was headed for big things and a teen pregnancy would have done nothing but get in his way. even if he had been all in it, gabby had felt like a burden and she couldn’t do that to the person who owned the entirety of her heart. turning back towards the woman she clears her throat slightly,   “  listen lady, i don’t care if it’s the damn president, my daughter needs a doctor. now!  ”
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herheroics · 3 years
@overlooksouls​ xoxo
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         MORNING JOGS on her day off wasn’t something Carina liked, not in the slightest. Especially if the brunette had the day off as well and they could’ve spent the morning laying in bed. But the blonde Captain had other plans on her way home, stopping at Carina’s favorite cafe to grab her love a proper italian coffee with a morning bagel. Two things Carina loved and anything she loved, Maya would always try and get it for her. Making her way back into their apartment and into their bedroom where the brunette was still asleep. Placing the goods on the bedside table, Maya slipped off her shoes and threw herself, sweaty and all in her sports bra and shorts, down onto the bed beside the brunette “Baby wake up. I’ve got your favorite morning things waiting FOR YOU.”
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dinahcry · 3 years
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“this is not a hit and run because I fully take the charges against me.“ it’s his fault for going around with that cute butt. “you been working out too.“ @overlooksouls​
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voluntadfuerte · 3 years
@overlooksouls​ asked for a starter.
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“There are prettier birds than canaries, Oliver.”
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jamesbondtm · 3 years
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      he lowers his gun when she lands in front of him, one brow lifting just a little.  ❝ evening. ❞ he greets, flicking a glance over her briefly. hopefully they’re not here for the same thing.  ❝ you aren’t supposed to be here. ❞
@overlooksouls​  ♥’d for a thing ( for Selina )
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desxtruction · 3 years
starter for @overlooksouls​  vicki vale / bruce wayne
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Cocking her head with a mischievous smirk, Vicki sauntered over to the billionaire from the other side of the crowded ball room. Even with all of the guests mingling, the man was nearly impossible to spot. “Out of all the parties in all of Gotham you had to walk into mine.” Well, she didn’t organize the ceremony slash party exactly, but she was one of many journalists being honored for their work that night. It was the article on the Joker back in the Fall that caught the organization’s attention. “Only kidding. Thanks for coming. How was my speech? Not too vapid, I hope.” 
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thecursedhellblazer · 3 years
Plotted Starter for @overlooksouls​​​ - John Constantine & Johanna Constantine
The air was heavy with dust, satured to the point of being almost unbreathable. He might be used to the much more suffocating, toxic fumes of Pandemonia, but that didn’t make every gulp of oxygen he had to take less unpleasant.
John cursed heavily out aloud, which was a mistake because it just triggered another painful fit of coughing that shook his whole upper body for thirty good seconds. Fuck that rotten mine. Fuck the idiots who had chosen it. And fuck them all over again a second time for not having made sure to delete that bloody thing from history’s memory once and for all. If they had done their job properly, he wouldn’t have been standing there now, forced to finish it.
There was a very good reason if Hell itself had decided to lock away those entities. There was a very good reason if the punishment of the one who had been so foolish to open their cage had been one of the harshest in history. And there was a very good reason why the last person who had got their hands on that cursed Box had wanted it forgotten, as were the horrors that it had once unleashed in times far too ancient for their echoes to reach the present.
The magician gritted his teeth, hands uselessly brushing off the soil that had clung to his coat and trousers while he had crawled his way down in the depth of the earth. There it was, encased in a half collapsed wall of rock, its metal surface as shiny and exquisitely carved as if it hadn’t spent the last two centuries buried away in humidity and dirt.
Pandora’s Box.
A shiver ran down Constantine’s spine, against his will. During his life he had faced and touched and tasted evil in too many forms to count, and yet there was something in the dark energy that emanated from the Box that caused even the Hellblazer to pause. A part of him felt a terror that was much older than he was or could ever be, a fear that dated before the era of humanity. It made him want to rush back where he had come from and forget about that whole affair. Let someone else deal with it, because his own plate was always too full of shit that demanded his attention anyway.
On the other hand, though, just as strong was the attraction. The dark charm of a power that alluringly whispered tales of both unspeakable horrors and endless possibilities in his ears. It was addictive, far more than the adrenaline that the fear was pumping in his system, and John Constantine had never been good at resisting that sort of tempation.
His palms pressed against the Box’s enchanted surface before he could realise that he had stepped forward. The artefact hummed under his touch, the vibration spreading through his skin and nerves, so deliciously terrifying. What a dangerous high it was, because he knew how to open it and touch its power, but not how to seal it back closed.
His contemplation, however, was cut short abruptly. In his daze and rush, he hadn’t realised that he had cut himself during the uncomfortable journey down to the chamber where the Box was being held and blood had started to drip from his fingers down on the metal. The crimson liquid slipped in the chiseled lines and following them, flowing faster and faster until it reached one particular seal, less perfect and less deeply carved than the others
The next moment, the artefact began to glow, so bright that John felt himself being swallowed by it and then...nothing.
He couldn’t have said for how long he had been suspended in the blinding light, but when his consciousness suddenly came back he was no longer in the depths of the mine. Instead, he was on his hands and knees on a large lawn, spread around a building that, even at distance, caught the eye for the noble, rich elegance of its structure.
The place was completely foreign, even if there was a nagging feeling of familiarity he couldn’t place at the back of his skull. And, even worse, Pandora’s Box was nowhere in sight.
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The magician gaped, blue eyes wide as his mind scrambled to try, in vain, to grasp what had happened.
“Woh in th’ bloody Nines...?”
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soulendured · 3 years
THE LAST WEDDING THAT JIM ATTENDED WAS HIS OWN, he’s pretty sure. So, this one comes with a whole host of mixed emotions he’s not too keen on feeling. Well, the happiness he wants. Because he is happy for his sister. OVERJOYED, even. But those negative thoughts that come with the memories of his own wedding, of Diane pregnant and absolutely GLOWING as she walked down that aisle, and the memories of Sara and his wife and the knowledge that they’re gone now...those are the things he doesn’t want to think about, doesn’t want to feel. But he can’t really separate the two, so he drinks.
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It’s well into the reception when Jim stumbles over to his sister-in-law, plopping down into a seat next to her, dopey smile on his face.  ❝ Hey, great PARTY. ❞  He takes another sip of his umpteenth beer and looks out at the dance floor. Maya is dancing with El, who’s more awkwardly swaying than anything else but at least the kid looks like she’s having a good time. Maybe he should’ve taught her how to dance before they came but it’s too late now.
❝ I’m really happy for you two. ❞  He looks back to Carina.  ❝ Y’know...she deserves to be happy more than just about anyone I know and ‘m glad she is. She’s always been there for me, even when I didn’ deserve it. ❞  He’s still not sure he deserves it but his Maya’s always been STUBBORN.  ❝ An’ I know you’ll treat her right ‘cause I know you’re that kinda person too. Anyway...’m glad she’s got someone who knows how great she is. ❞
( @overlooksouls // plotted )
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chokethelight · 3 years
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   “I’ve done loads of crap worse before. Relax. Things will be fine. It’s only like,” a pause, “two - three maybe four thousand on the line?” Souls, he did forget to mention that. “I’ll be fine. Just peachy. Really. Never better.”
( @overlooksouls​ - chas chandler )
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screenviolense-a · 3 years
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       ‘ just like… ignore the business cards. they were supposed to say ghost investigator, not goat investigator. ‘ 250 of those cards, to be precise, and they were way too expensive to just toss out, not on her youtube ad money. ‘ but if you do have any goats, i would love to see them before i get down to business. ‘
@overlooksouls​ / underused muse starter call.
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enthrclled · 3 years
closed starter for @overlooksouls​ ;  shane 
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               she had no idea what she was doing. 
              there was no rhyme or reason to her actions, only one singular thought. to get to   him.   she didn’t know if he was even alive at this point, or if anyone from her hometown was still around, lexie had no where else to go. at least, no where that would be safe. not that any one place was safe right now given the state of the world but there was one person who had always helped to make her feel that way. even when things crumbled between them. possibilities were high that she might get herself shot at if she could even find him, but she’d deserve it. well ... sort of. calling things complicated between them was putting it lightly. she played it smart. did her best to avoid the cities and main roads. traveled through the forests and carried light. scavenged for food when she could and took shelter in only the safe, abandoned spots. somewhere she could lock up tight and hide in a small space. 
              weeks had passed since she’d left that government camp without a word. unable to agree with their course of action for new trials and their test subjects. innocent people who didn’t contribute enough to the new world. it disgusted her. while she knew the race for any cure was crucial, it went against all beliefs that she had. especially when they began to bring in children. so she had ran, grabbed a firearm, boxes of ammo, her work notebook and took off. slowly making her way across state to head towards her home town. detours were taken, times where she had to stay low for a day or two because there were too many walkers around. now she found herself walking through a small town in need of some food if she could find any. thankfully the small store in the middle of it had some canned items that she made a grab for. stuffed them into her back pack only to pause when she heard the door open. 
              everything went on high alert, breath frozen in her chest at the sound of a few voices. eyes squeezed together as she silently cursed. this was going to go one of two ways, given there was a very real reason she avoided towns as much as she could. the people left in the world weren’t exactly the friendly types. as heavy foot falls came towards the end of the aisle that she hid behind, lexie cocked her gun and spun around it with her weapon raised,   “  stop! don’t come any clo---  ”   words cut off as she stares at the very man she had been looking for. only for the end of a barrel to be at her head from someone in his group. swallowing thickly, her gaze remains on shane as she slowly raises her hands,   “  22...  ”
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labyriinths · 3 years
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@overlooksouls​​ :  "I feel like you’re mad at me, and I don’t know what I did.” ( from joe to jasmine )
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“---I wouldn’t call it mad, Joe. Cautious would be more like it.” Jasmine replied after a carefully considered pause. The table they were seated at was far away from the rest at this quaint little restaurant where no one knew them. While she welcomed the nice outing between the two, she still felt guarded. Not quite sure if she could put herself through it again with him-- even if the question hadn’t emerged yet. Joe didn’t have to. 
The years had taught her that no matter how much time passed, there would always be something simmering between the two of them. An air that was unavoidable to breathe in. Just as much a part of her as her own skin. She’d been ready to confront the worst part of his return from the war with him, and he’d been too scared to let her. Jasmine of course knew this, but it didn’t help the pain that overcame her from the loss of their marriage. Sometimes having closure didn’t help you move on. It just made you hate how unfair life and love could be.
Still, she would always entertain having him in her life--even if he had killed her first real go of someone new. Of someone that had ‘possibilities’ of a future with. This town was full of bad cats, and Joe wasn’t one of those. Never been. He just lost the confidence a while ago that he could be the person she needed. Jasmine--only started to lose that hope when he said it’d be better to call it quits. Thus, being the woman she was, she moved on. Beating a dead horse never did any good. Nothing but blood on your clothes anyway. So, she focused on her talents and moved forward. Doing as little as she could to look at her past. But life was a fickle little thing. Always moving parts to bring you right. back. where. you started. 
Gaze straying to his, she picked up her coffee cup, and brought it up to her lips taking a sip. She let the bitter warm taste give her the bit of courage she needed. They both couldn’t predict the future, but they could let the cards fall where they may and figure it out from there. “I’m just not sure where to go from here, Joe. Every time we try, even without promises something gets in the way...”
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prioriincantatem · 3 years
@overlooksouls​ liked for a starter but got lyrics from sour instead! muses : harry + draco
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❛   i  defended  you  to  all  my  friends .  ❜
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voluntadfuerte · 3 years
@overlooksouls​ asked for a starter.
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“So old habits die hard I suppose Frank. No changing your ways?”
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