#overloaded telepathy
whumpster-dumpster · 2 years
Telepathic Whumpee who's full of so much stress and sensory overload and so many other people's thoughts that they start to lose track of whose is whose. Do they even know which thoughts are their own anymore?
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reverse telepathy: everybody can see one specific person's thoughts
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pizzapizzadickz · 2 years
I feel a lil bit better today after getting some rest in. I always feel better when I can spend a day at home. I think tomorrow I'll wear my noise cancelling headphones or something so I can chill even more.
...funny how my way to chill is just trying to eliminate all external stimuli
(Pt 1 for description rant)
#diary#personal#i rly wanna book a therapy appointment but im having a rly hard time trying to get myself to do that bc i need to check i can vid call#cuz my computer monitor is broke and havent fixed it yetttt ugh.#i rly feel like researching autism again. idk. i saw a video about communication badges being used at furry conventions#and by god that sounds so fun ;-; like. i really struggle with interaction with others and talking is sometimes really hard.#mainly bc if theres a lot of noise i usually wanna block it out and if i gotta take my earbuds out to comunicate all the time its not fun#idk. i just wish i could go around writting shit out for ppl to read and thats that. no need to speak to clerks or crap.#bc imma be honest. i have a hard time hearing too. like in crowded places. its so overwhelming all the time.#its both a good and a bad thing that im giving myself the permission to be overwhelmed in situations#but its also making it much more difficult to actually be in those situations.#idk. i used to force myself through it. tell myself i like it or whatever. but by god everything just hurts nowadays#like. i dont like leaving my house mostly bc of the sensory overload.#i wonder how things'll change in the future. just how much more accepting will i and society be. i dont know.#but i hope i learn to cope more. bc life is really hard and imma be honest im struggling at best.#idk. i find it so hard to work lately. i love my thoughts. they are so fluid. and just. language doesnt keep up.#everything i say or write isnt quite right. and it bothers me. i sorta wished telepathy existed just soley so i could comunicate#idk maybe someday ill learn sign language. and maybe that could help. but it wouldnt help when im shut down. or having a meltdown#yknow. i find face to face human to human contacr really scary. i worry theyll want to do something and i wont#i worry i wont be able to get across my reasoning as to why. i worry that theyll see just how odd my behaviour can be.#and above all i just sorta worry they wont work with me to meet me halfway. like. im stuck with my family i dont want that with friends too#i hope if i visit them itll be okay. that like. i wont cause a problem or accidentally offend them or something?#idk. i wanna make friends n hang out. but as ive gotten older ive discovered just how much i hate that.#like i saw a rly cool tik tok about how they set up their home for all their autistic friends when they come over.#like. its established you can just stop talking and remove urself if you wanna. and theres stim toys n plushies n shit. and low lighting#and just. that sounds like heaven. i struggle so much in social situations. bc i eventually get tired.#and it makes me feel sorta burnt out/depressed. so itd be nice if i could just remove myself from a stituation whenever.#or just lay my head down on someones lap and silently observe.#i wish i knew what to do when i get overwhelmed in public. bc it happens a lot. and i freeze. and idk what to do.#and ill cry and get overwhelmed and shutdown or meltdown. and i start to aimlessly wander and its sorta dangerous tbh?
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
*slams open door*
Mochi! Mochi! I have an idea.
So a troupe I see on pixiv fanart is a character swapping with their future selves. I saw one where Azul wakes up in bed with his future wife Yuu and she's teased him because she can tell it's past Azul and he doesn't recognize her. She gives him a hint how to recognize her by some birthmarks she has on her chest.
I've seen a couple artists do it with Floyd as well, and a fanfic with past and future Yuu swapping with each other and poor younger Malleus is overwhelmed because OMG this beautiful woman is flirting with me and she's my future wife? There's something hilarious about the younger guys just not knowing how to handle the future version of Yuu.
So now I'm thinking how funny it would be for Past!PTMYuu swapping places with future!PTMYuu. Like P!Yuu wakes up in an unknown house in somebody's bed and confused as fuck and gets even more confused because suddenly these little kids are running in, telling Mommy it's time to get up and Yuu's like, who's mommy? Then who should walk in but Jade telling the kids to let Mommy rest and then he notices that the Yuu in their bedroom is not his wife(Yuu's still wearing her NRC uniform and shouldn't fit it anymore after getting older and having kids) and ohh he's going to have fun with this. He'll start in with the thoughts "ohh my beautiful pearl was absolutely adorable back at NRC, look at how tiny and cute you were, I know you can hear me pearl..." And fuck he knows about her telepathy. Poor Yuu overloads with the fact that Jade actually married her, they have kids, and is still so damn in love with her as he was at NRC.
Meanwhile F!Yuu is back at Past NRC and is calming down Yuu's friends. No, your Yuu is fine. If I'm right she's with my husband and kids right now and he'll take care of her. Some of the cast are obviously curious about Yuu's husband and F!Yuu is all "nah... sorry I can't say, don't wanna mess with the future." and of course the one who wants to know the most is Jade. F!Yuu is laughing to themselves because man, they remember how down horrendously Jade was in school and he doesn't know at this time that Yuu can read his thoughts. I'd like to think Yuu learned to better control the telepathy so she just tunes into his thoughts every now and then and it's just his thoughts bouncing around like "Oh seven my pearl is absolutely gorgeous in the future. Please tell me I'm your husband. I have to be! What would our kids look like. How many would we have? Do they look like my pearl or me? I hope one looks like my pearl they'd be the cutest baby!"
Eventually somebody figures out how to send the Yuu's back to their right time. Hugs for everybody but P!Jade gets a quick peck on the cheek before F!Yuu hops into whatever portal is sending her back and the last thought she hears from P!Jade is him screaming in his mind how much he loves her.
P!Yuu gets back and now has to deal with Jade's even more thoughts about the future and apparently a few others people thinking that man, Yuu's gonna be such a milf in the future.
Somebody please help Yuu, poor thing can only take so much.
Ah I love silly time travel stories (I ignore paradoxes) and this is one of my favorite tropes! It's what one of the fics from the poll is based on, but with all of the overblot cast instead!
I'm so excited to write it, I have many ideas for everyone, especially Leona and Idia's chapters!!
For Jade though, I think it would be so funny. He's positively enamored seeing milf/dilf Yuu. He's internalizing everything, of course, so no one except Yuu and Floyd and Azul can really tell he's being affected.
He's staring a little longer than he really should, but he's surprised that future Yuu doesn't seem to mind. In fact, they're much calmer than usual. Usually they'd be excitable with their friends and quite shy and quiet with him. But future Yuu looks at him with such fondness that Jade lets himself dream that they look at him like that because they're future spouses.
(In the back of his mind, there is a mix of hope and dread. That's a wedding band on their hand. They're taken, but was it by him?)
Imagine everyone's surprise and shock when, right before leaving, future Yuu walks up to Jade (even in the future, they haven't grown much) to tip toe and press a sweet little kiss to the cheek as they cup his face with the absolute most tenderness.
Jade's frozen, the others are murmuring to each other, and future Yuu disappears and in their place is their original Yuu. Red-faced, covered in a large brown coat that most definitely does not belong to them, and staring Jade down.
Covering their red-face and all. Poor Jade is now giddy and a bit concerned (he hopes that scream was due to flusteredness and not fear, though he does love how entertaining they always are), while Yuu is screaming into their couch as they try to process several things, including the knowledge that they weren't at all displeased knowing that they married Jade.
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arceespinkgun · 1 month
The weirdness about seekers has blended so much into fanon that you can hardly find a fanfiction without the creepy exotic bird concept! If people wanted to explore the seekers through their alt mode, I personally like the idea that they suffer sensory drawbacks from their high functioning targeting systems when in bot mode. In fact, Starscream has canonically experienced sensory overload from loud noises or certain frequencies! Or y'know maybe they're just aliens who transform into jets and people can not reinvent racism :')
Also where did the trine telepathy come from because as far as I can tell the first canonical twin telepathy was introduced in Bayverse through Mudflap and Skids, but they're not even seekers let alone Decepticons. The same continuity has tertiary material with Megatron and Optimus as twins, therefore they have the ability. An example of Optimus sensing his twin can be seen in age of extinction where he deduces that Galvatron was made from the remnants of Megatron. How on earth did it find its way so heavily characterized in elite trine/seeker fanon if the original concept didn't even involve the elite trine and the only miniscule link is that Bayverse Megatron turns into a jet???
It is extra appropriate that you mention the sensory overload thing since that panel people sometimes share where Starscream goes through that was caused by Thundercracker (and then Skywarp shoots him down) XD
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From The Transformers (UK) #15
Some fanon is cool so I don't think fans should throw all of it out, but sometimes I wonder if it might be a nice challenge for people to occasionally attempt to make something where they attempt to utilize either no or as little fanon as possible, and either keep it 100% canon, or use only the headcanons and new concepts they've personally made up that aren't based on any existing community fanon. I think that might help people think of new ideas in fic especially, where a lot of the same fanon just keeps getting reused everywhere.
Okay, so, I don't 100% know if this is accurate, but I'm fairly certain the telepathy thing doesn't come from any canon source about twins like the Bayverse examples you mention. I may be wrong since I wasn't there (anyone else feel free to explain more), but from discussions and fics I've seen, I think it comes from the old and popular fanon that sparkbonding results in a psychic and emotional link between partners, especially since a lot of fics I've seen have said things about twin or trine characters along the lines of, "we share a link, not like couples do but a different kind" and so on.
...Or... look, I kinda didn't want to bring this up, but while I love the idea of transformers having relationships that aren't similar to ones humans have, and I think relationship anarchy can be a great thing, sometimes I really can't help but feel that in a lot of fanon, trines were maybe invented by fans to explore both being siblings and dating... simultaneously... and it can be really weird or creepy.... >_>
So, I'm an Oplita fan, and Elita-1 and Optimus were/are girlfriend and boyfriend in the Sunbow cartoon but then both ended up saying they see the same guy as a dad figure who rebuilt them to only be able to interface with each other. I think this is just funny, and I don't mind situations like this happening. They're robots! When I'm saying the trine stuff can be really weird, I mean that it's often presented as like, characters in a trine get created to be like siblings and have a very sibling-like bond from the start in a human-like way, and then do romantic and sexual stuff and have that added to the bond. That can feel creepy to me, particularly since trines are 100% fanon and do not exist anywhere in any canon media, so that can make me feel even more suspicious about what the intentions are....
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can we put the doctor on antidepressants. would that be ok for them....... god knows they need it
Can Gallifreyans take human antidepressants?
Gallifreyans have brains that are way more sophisticated than humans. They've got all the usual brainy bits—like a cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stems—but with some extra bells and whistles that make them, well, alien. So here's why popping a Prozac might not be so straightforward.
🧠 Gallifreyan Brains
Gallifreyan brains are wired differently. They have an extra lobe specifically for time, a super-charged cerebellum for balance and coordination, and a cluster of nerves that lets them literally rewire their brain pathways. They even have a pineal gland that's beefed up to handle psionic abilities like telepathy. In short, their brains are very complex, which means they process things—including drugs—differently.
💊 The Problems with Human Antidepressants
Metabolism Might Be Too Fast: Gallifreyans have a super-efficient digestive and metabolic system, meaning they break down substances really quickly. A standard dose of antidepressants might just get chewed up and spit out by their system before it can do anything.
Neurotransmitter Differences: Antidepressants work by balancing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Although Gallifreyan brains probably have these two, they might not rely on these chemicals in the same way, or they might have additional ones we don't even know about. Plus, their ability to control their brain's activity means they might override or negate the effects of the meds.
Psionic Side Effects: Gallifreyans use alpha waves for telepathy, and those same brainwaves are linked to mood regulation, which is what antidepressants can influence. Messing with these could throw their telepathic abilities out of whack, leading to issues like loss of telepathic control or psionic overloads.
Regeneration Risks: And then there's regeneration. Since regenerating involves a complete overhaul of their body and brain, anything that messes with their neurochemistry could potentially interfere with this process, and that's not something you want to gamble with.
📝 Types of Antidepressants and Gallifreyan Considerations
There are different classes of antidepressants, and each works a bit differently in humans. These differences could lead to varied effects on Gallifreyans:
SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): These increase serotonin levels by blocking its reabsorption in the brain. For Gallifreyans, the effects could be dampened by their advanced neural controls, and the increase in serotonin might disrupt their natural balance of neurotransmitters.
SNRIs (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors): These work on both serotonin and norepinephrine. Given the potential extra neurotransmitters in a Gallifreyan brain, SNRIs could have unpredictable effects, possibly overloading the system or causing extreme mood swings.
MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors): These prevent the breakdown of neurotransmitters. However, with the Gallifreyan ability to reroute neural pathways and regulate brain chemistry, MAOIs might interact unpredictably, potentially leading to a dangerous buildup of neurochemicals.
Tricyclics: These affect several neurotransmitters at once. For a Gallifreyan, the broad action of tricyclics could be too blunt an instrument, leading to severe side effects like disrupted time perception, cognitive confusion, or even interfering with the autonomic brain's control over vital functions.
⚠️ Potential Side Effects of Antidepressant Use in Gallifreyans
Considering their complex biology, Gallifreyans could experience a range of side effects from human antidepressants, including:
Telepathic Disruption: Loss of telepathic control or interference with psionic abilities.
Cognitive Overload: Overstimulation of neural pathways leading to headaches, confusion, or even temporary cognitive impairment.
Emotional Dysregulation: Extreme mood swings due to interference with their natural emotional balance.
Impaired Regeneration: Disruption of the regeneration process, leading to incomplete or faulty regeneration.
Metabolic Reactions: Ineffective metabolism of the drug leading to either no effect or toxic buildup.
🏫 So …
In theory, Gallifreyans could take human antidepressants, but they'd probably need something much stronger, specifically tailored to their biology. Standard human meds might not work as intended—or at all—and could even cause some pretty weird side effects that can't be predicted. Given their advanced neural controls, complex neurotransmitter systems, and unique regenerative abilities, Gallifreyan antidepressant therapy would need to be a highly specialised field all on its own. We await the arrival of the Universe's first Gallifreyan Pharmacologist.
💬|🥗💊How do recreational drugs affect Gallifreyans?: The effect of human drugs on Gallifreyans, and some of their own.
🤔|🥗😆Why is my Gallifreyan a little bit giggly today?
💬|🧑‍🤝‍🧑😔How do you help a lonely Time Lord?: Brief guide to helping your lonely Time Lord
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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year-of-whump-tropes · 3 months
Here are the themes we've got:
Living Weapon Whump
Emotion removal/repression
Orders & obedience
Intimate Whumper
Touch/physically affectionate whumper
Manipulation (includes demanding behaviors)
Creepy whumper
Yandere whumper
Team Whump
Bound/trapped together
Hiding wounds
Unhealthy/harmful team
Magic Whump
Used for their magic
Magical side effects
Nonhuman whump (includes immortal)
Magic with a price
Conditioned whumpee with Caretaker
Conditioning (process) (includes punishments)
Fully conditioned/brainwashed
Trigger/activation words
Relearning/reclaiming things
Triggers (I feel like nightmares would actually work best distributed throughout some of these other themes instead of as a separate week)
Tied up/restraints
Sensory tortures/restrictions (reworded to include overload as well as deprivation/restriction)
Possessive whumper
Hero/Villain Whump
Overworked/pushed too hard
Stuck together
Disproportionate retribution
Pet Whump
Pet paraphernalia (Collars, leashes, cages, etc.)
Mind Control/Possession Whump
Chemical/tech-based mind control
Telepathy/mind-control powers
Supernatural possession
Parasitic possession
Role Changes
Sick while with Whumper
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weemsicallygay · 2 years
the touch of a witch
pairing/s: larissa weems x original female character (edith sinclair)
warning/s: bad grammar, inaccurate french translations for pet names and that larissa is very, very clingy in this
prompt/s: 2 times larissa wanted to be held but was too shy/couldn't say + the 1 time she didn't have to
wow 2 larissa fics in a day? i'm on a whim! blame my brainrot for soft/clingy!larissa for this <3
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to say her hands ached for her lover's touch was the understatement of all understatements. larissa stared at her girlfriend from her place on her office couch, she thought of how much it’d be a comfort to have edith hold her softly and snugly. 
her eyes glared at the stack of papers on her desk, edith sat comfortably in her chair as she kept on grading test papers from her Dark Arithmetics class. though talented in the arts of telepathy, archery, and spell binding, the witch preferred the numericals more than the supernatural which led to her being the head professor in that profession. 
“i swear with how you’re glaring, you’d be able to set the papers on fire, my sweets.” larissa jumped, edith’s voice echoed in the once silent room. 
with only the sound of crickets from the outside, larissa blushed. she swore the warmth of the fireplace managed to travel to her cheeks, blood rushed and her gaze fell elsewhere.
she pouted, “i’m sorry darling.” 
edith stopped her scribbling, “what for, ma cheri?” she grinned at the sight of her poor, flushed girlfriend. 
“i’m merely teasing, you did not offend me in any way, my darling.” her silky voice murmured as she put away the last paper onto the other pile. 
edith placed her pen on one of her holders before she grabbed another pile and went through them one by one, larissa sat back as she achingly watched edith’s fingers go through each paper and scan them purposefully. 
she wanted to voice out what she wanted, she wanted to tell edith that she demanded her well deserved cuddles and that she demanded her undivided attention. but knowing edith’s workload, even tho she was the school’s principal and had more on her plate than her lover’s, she knew better than to distract her darling from what she needed to do. 
larissa meekly stared at the fire and watched the flames dance, silently sitting like the good girlfriend she was as she waited. she was going to get her cuddles one day. 
she sighed, another day of wanting to hold her lover in her arms yet another failed attempt to do so. a week has passed since that fateful night, and she’d received plenty of skinship from her girlfriend without asking for it. yet every time she wanted to ask for it, every time she needed her lover’s hold, it seemed as if it was always at the wrong place and wrong time. 
the feast of the full moon, the event that made it so hard for larissa to keep edith to herself. as one of the most powerful witches in the school, and the most talented one at that, edith was sure to be the busiest of all the faculty present. although seated as the principal and the one in charge, the responsibility of magic fell upon edith’s hands seeing as it was her duty to make sure all the students were safe and having fun. 
from supervising the prop-making for the full moon theater production by the cappella group led by bianca, to making sure that the furs won’t be able to transform so they may enjoy it with their peers, edith’s hands were full and overloaded. but the smiles on each of their faces were enough to satisfy her, though it was mostly the smile on larissa’s face as she distracted herself with watching the performances. 
she huffed as she sat back and admired the small gathering, larissa had since lectured wednesday to have fun and instructed enid not to stare too hard at the moon when basking time as to take away some of the pressure from edith’s hands. 
larissa found her love with her eyes half lidded and her chin on her palms by the fountain, her eyes were heavy but her body betrayed that feeling as she felt light under the guidance of the moon. wisps of dark blue magic moved from edith’s fingertips to her eyes to keep them open, she laughed to herself as the woman used her magic to keep herself awake. she gave in to her inner demons as she walked towards the witch and sat next to her, her arms grabbing the woman’s torso into a back hug with a smile.
the witch froze, “sweetheart, the children-” 
“do not worry about them, i’m sure they’re much busier with the festivities than focusing on their faculty.” larissa grinned over edith’s shoulder, ignoring the soft stares of the students.
the latter let out a deep sigh, sinking into larissa’s arms with a smile. “you always know what to do and say.” 
if larissa wasn’t going to get her cuddles, she might as well give them instead.  
another late night of working in their now shared office, larissa was growing tired of once again being touch starved for the week. as she typed into her computer, the sound of scribbling and page shuffling were heard from her other side as edith occupied herself with grading and transcribing. 
the taller of the two figured that if she weren’t going to get her alone time, she might as well spend waiting for her girlfriend to finish by being productive. now here she was, writing e-mails and reading letters from the board, the students, their parents, and even some officials. 
as her eyes grew tired at viewing the same conflicts over and over, they moved to edith’s figure. the witch wrote elegantly, like she wasn’t tired from a full academic day and from their little bedroom session just a few hours prior. larissa was about to give up and lean her head on her desk in defeat when she heard edith’s voice. 
“y’know, you’ve been staring at me funny lately.” edith closed the book she viewed before standing from her seat. 
larissa had to stop herself from gulping out loud at the sight of the witch walking slowly towards her desk, the way her hips effortlessly swayed and her long strides were enchanting. 
she raised her brow, “like what?” 
when edith reached larissa’s side of the desk, she let her bottom rest on the larissa’s right side. her arms crossed snugly on her waist, “like you wanted to tell me something but you can’t say it.” 
larissa averted her gaze, avoiding edith’s calculated ones as she grinned. “i can assure you that i will tell you everything if i were to need something.” 
“really? ‘cause a little birdie— or rather a severed hand— told me that you look like you’ve been wanting something for a long time now.” 
edith’s hands moved to “walk” towards larissa’s laptop, which occupied an empty email inbox and went to close the device. larissa couldn’t stop her even if she wanted to as the woman’s other hand found itself underneath her chin, now she can’t avoid her gaze for the fear of being suspicious as the woman situated herself in between larissa and the wooden desk.
“you can tell me anything, ma cherie. i can assure you that i won’t judge in any way, shape, or form.” there goes edith’s sweet smile, her little nose crinkle and those pearly whites showing. 
the principal sighed, her head leaned forwards and rested on top of the witch’s chest, snugly and fit. “I just..” she trailed. 
“sweetheart..” edith softly spoke, the palms of her hands forming circles on larissa’s back as she now sat on larissa’s desk. 
the taller of the two dragged her arms to circle edith’s waist and pull her closer, like a child holding a teddy in their arms. her movements were slow and soft, afraid that edith might pull away or push her away. yet the woman did neither of those, instead letting the woman do those at her own pace before letting her arms encase her shoulders to pull her in. 
edith placed small kisses on larissa’s forehead and hair, “oh my darling, and here i thought that you wanted something else.” 
“it’s ridiculous,” larissa’s voice rang out, muffled by edith’s clothing, she leaned her face away and let her chin rest in between edith’s bosoms. 
she huffed, “a woman of my stature, my booming figure, asking for you to hold me? it’s embarrassing.” 
edith chuckled, capturing larissa’s lips softly and quickly before smiling. “no such thing is embarrassing, ma arbre cherie.” 
she let the taller woman go back to her old position before staring at the moon that watched their little exchangement. 
“from now on,” she started, “i want you to tell me all your little cravings. no matter how big or small, from big bouquets to small cuddles. am i clear, my darling?” 
she felt the fabric of her dark top move vertically, she chuckled before leaning down closer to larissa’s ear. “i want a verbal response, ma cherie.” 
larissa pulled away to place a soft kiss on edith’s lips, “i promise, my darling.”
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
If you feel like it , can I request an angsty fluff request. (Connor and Nines or Nines ) X female reader . Where Gavin berates Reader like he did with Connor in the game .. and it bothers them (LED flicks yellow red ) ...
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A/N: This turned out to be a bit more of Connor x reader though I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Summary: The request
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Gavin being a dick, Connor and Nines post deviancy, fem!reader
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Blending in with her new coworkers at the DPD proved to be more difficult than (Y/N) had originally anticipated.
For the few months she had worked as a detective at the Detroit police department, she had come to learn the hard way that some of her colleagues abruptly refused to have any relation with her whatsoever. Despite befriending quite a few colleagues, it still pained her she couldn’t freely chat with all of her coworkers. Yet she accepted the fact she couldn’t be friends with everyone, but what she couldn’t wrap her mind around was the rudeness detective Gavin Reed had towards her. His unreasonable discourtesy often got out of hand to the point where (Y/N) actively avoided him.
Whether it was irony or some twisted test the universe forced her to endure, she got paired with no other than detective Reed himself to investigate murders that seemed to be connected. To say (Y/N) was excited for this assignment would’ve been a lie. Well at first, she was glad to work on such intriguing and complex case up until Fowler announced Reed as her partner. Even though she tried her best to negotiate with her supervisor it was no use- she had no other option, but to withdraw and accept her fate.
Despite getting upset with the news, she tried her best to not let Gavin’s immature antics get in the way of her work. Even though (Y/N) tried to keep her composure -and even succeed for the most part- there was a drastic change in her otherwise warm demeanor didn’t go unnoticed by her android friends, who immediately picked up something different about her no one else could. Throughout the time the two androids knew (Y/N), they have learned a lot -if not everything- about her; her facial expressions and body language gave away everything about her both Connor and Nines needed to know.
Simultaneously checking her vitals and using her body language as an indicator for her mood had become a habit the two androids had developed; it was form of an indirect checkup to make sure (Y/N) was well and healthy, so they instantly noticed the worry in her features and in the way she behaved. At first, wanting to avoid further upsetting her, the two detectives didn’t question her. Yet they discussed their observations silently via data transmission even in times when she was present.
“It appears she is still troubled. Her dopamine levels are lower than usual.” Connor’s LED flashed in a glowing amber.
“I am positive she is indeed upset, but the cause still remains unidentified.” Nines’ head tilted slightly.
“For the most advanced prototype ever created, you do seem to not live up to the assets you should possess.”  The tiniest of smiles curled the corners of his lips.
“Enough.” Nines’ harsh voice took (Y/N) by surprise; she stopped talking as quick as she had begun and took a closer look at the boys. Were they communicating via telepathy?
“Am I interrupting something?” She raised her brow at them; the two looked back at her.
“No, no.” Nines began explaining “Connor was simply overloading my system with unnecessary data.” He went on, striking his predecessor with a stern look, who now looked at his feet in embarrassment.
“Okay, sure.” She rolled her eyes, buying none of it though she didn’t question them further. “Now if you don’t mind I gotta go. Duty calls.” She winked as she headed towards Gavin’s desk. She let out a deep sigh as if to collect any willpower she had left to put up with him for yet another day.
“Your ass finally decided to show up!” Gavin snickered through his shit-eating grin.
“Yeah, I’m glad to see you too, Reed!” She rolled her eyes as she sat across him, immediately busying herself with reports.
“You know it would’ve been nice if you smile for once. Hate to see your pretty face so grumpy.” He commented in his typical mocking tone.
“I don’t know about that, but maybe I will look happier if you shut up for once.” She gave him the fakest of smiles, fighting the growing urge to punch him in the face.
“Now let’s stop bitching and get back to work. These reports won’t write themselves.”
“What the hell is your problem?”  (Y/N) raised her voice, catching the attention of the two androids that happened to have witnessed the whole situation.
“Unlike you, I just want to get my job done.” Gavin stated as he typed away at his keyboard, not even glancing her way. She scoffed in response.
“You’re un- fucking -believable!” She stormed into the breakroom; tears formed in the corners of her eyes- she couldn’t bear it.
“Go after (Y/N)“ Nines’ LED flooded with multiple colors as he transferred the message to his predecessor, who already thought the same thing. "I’ll take care of detective Reed.” Connor shot him a brief look of puzzlement only to notice the bright red of his LED, but decided against stopping him- whatever was coming Gavin’s way was most definitely deserved.
Entering the break room, Connor was met with the sight of (Y/N) silently sitting on a table, the soft sounds of sobs being the only noise that echoed in the empty space.
“Detective” His hand gently landed on her shoulder; carefully, he rubbed her skin through the fabric of her clothes in a soothing manner, in hopes of calming her down. “May I help?”
“How?” Her head rose from the palms of her hands that have guarded her vulnerability, being her pained look, only to reveal the hopelessness woven in the (E/C) of her eyes. “There’s nothing we could do. No matter how many times I tried to be nice and understanding nothing seems to do it. He just hates my guts.” Another set of tears rolled down her cheeks, followed by a hiccup.
Connor had never seen her like this and he soon grew to resent it; the feelings of anger and disappointment grew within him. How could he have not noticed the root of the problem earlier? He quickly pushed these thoughts aside, for he had a far more urgent task- to take care of his friend.
“Humans tend to do many unreasonable and irrational things, one of them being their communication with others.” He began explaining all the while he filled a glass of water to give to (Y/N). “I came to learn that from my very first interaction with a human. Believe it or not, I had difficulties with detective Reed myself.”
“Really?” Curiosity flashed in her puffy eyes. “But you two hardly ever communicate. What’s your secret?” She sipped at the water; her gaze fixed on him in anticipation.
“That’s a long story.” He gave her a reassuring smile.
“Aw don’t leave me hanging.” She playfully hit his arm.
“Okay I’ll tell you… one day. Are you feeling better?” His soft brown eyes searched hers.
“Yeah. Thank you, Connor.” She pulled him in for a hug; speechless, leaving him speechless. Cautiously, he wrapped his arms around her form. He sighed in delight- the mission was a success. Right then sudden yells caught their attention. Looking at the direction the commotion came from, the two noticed Nines, holding Gavin by his collar.
“I have a feeling Gavin might want to avoid the three of us all together.”
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zofi-persson-quotes · 2 months
Users can manipulate technology to their will like computers, robots, hardwares, and other devices that can be termed as "technology". Most users can control the flow of intricate machinery and assemble or disengage their programming at will and operate most technology at distance.
It's especially powerful and useful in the Outernet, a literal Digital World, and Desktops, for obvious reasons.
Energy sub-element
May be unable to create technology, limited to manipulating already existing sources.
Can’t control purely mechanical objects which possess no electronic or ferrous components.
Usually requires close proximity to the object being manipulated.
The user may also only levitate machines/technology.
May be left powerless away from modern society.
May be weakened by users who can crash technological powers.
May not manipulate the technological device if it's broken, damaged or too old.
Cannot be detected by Technological Invisibility and Technological Intangibility.
Technology spells
Appliance Manipulation - manipulate appliances.
Crash - negate any/all technological powers and usage.
Cyberlingualism - communicate and translate cybernetic technologies
Download - download energy, data, matter, etc
Data Manipulation - manipulate any data
Efficacy Manipulation - boost a machine's capacity or speed.
Electromagnetic Pulse Emission - emit electromagnetic pulses
Equipment Manipulation - manipulate any technological equipment
Technoglitching - glitching in technology.
GPS Manipulation - manipulate GPS
Mechanical Constructs - create constructs from mechanics/technology.
Mechanical Morphing - morph and change by mechanical means
Physical Restoration - restore physical/biological via technological/mechanical meanings
Programming - manipulate technological programming
Scanning - scan anything and analyze the gathered information
Technological Assimilation - assimilate any technological objects into one's body and make it part of oneself
Technological Constructs - create technological/digital constructs
Technological Overload - overload technological devices
Technological Psionics - possess psionic powers via technology
Technological Mind Control - manipulate the minds and thoughts of others through technology.
Technological Telekinesis - manipulate matter using technological/mechanical constructs.
Technological Telepathy - read, scan and transmit thoughts using technology
Technological Teleportation - teleport via mechanical/technological devices
Technological Reincarnation -  allows users to reincarnate the consciousness into technology, allowing them to communicate/act through it.
Technological Possession - possess or inhabit electronics and machinery.
Technoportation/Digital Form - access a digital form inside the digital world
Technology Attacks - release/use technology to various attacks
Technology Generation - generate mechanics/technology.
Technical Power Replication - replicate the powers of others using mechanics
Virus Manipulation - one's can generate and/or control entities of virus origin
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sunnyie-eve · 3 months
34 | Helpless
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: noncon, rape, void being a creep
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Julia was still at the Stilinski house alone while Noah went to work. To help out a bit she just felt like cleaning the house for Noah since it seems like he never has time. And knowing Stiles she sure he's never did it.
With Stiles, now as Void, he finds Julia cleaning up the kitchen. Quietly he watches her every little move as she was completely unaware of his presence. "I'm not surprised to find you here alone." He speaks up causing her to quickly turn around to face him.
Just by the tone of his voice she knew that it wasn't Stiles, "What do you want with me now?" She asks him.
"Nothing for my gain... but I want you." He slowly walks towards her as she was cornered.
"You heard me, doll face. I want you." He puts his hands on each side of her onto the counter really trapping her.
"No," She stares deep into his eyes seeing how dark they were. They weren't ever that way when Stiles looked at her.
He chuckles, "But I can convince you, Julia. To give in. Give into the darkness. You're so much more powerful than you know. You can do so much than just scream. You can use it as a weapon. It can produce so much power and force that it can shatter bulletproof glass, overload electronics, shatter skulls and eardrums, and even create concussive blasts strong enough to throw grown men across a room. Some Banshees possess a form of telepathy."
"Why would I give in?"
"Oh beautiful beautiful, Julia..." He smiles staring into her eyes, "You won't be looked down on by anyone. You would come first and never last. You wouldn't be the pathetic one in anyone's eyes anymore."
"I'm not pathetic and I'm not looked down on. And I'm definitely not last." She stands her ground not showing fear since she wasn't scared of him.
"But you are still by your family and friends. Your parents still favor Lydia more. Your mother didn't care I kidnapped you. Did she notice you were gone? No she didn't, did she. Scott puts up with you even though you turned him down. You were just fun for Isaac while he actually likes Allison. Stiles realized Lydia will never feel the same so he just fucks you instead."
"Fuck you," She growls causing him to smile more.
"Give it to me. Come on, let it out. Scream for me Julia." He leans in towards her ear nibbling it so she lets out a powerful scream that tosses him across the room.
Void chuckles on the floor getting up looking over at her, "You could do better. Protect yourself from me or are you scared you'll hurt Stiles too? He ends up beside her roughly grabbing her shoving her against the wall.
He was right. She was scared of hitting Stiles as well since he was Stiles too. "I'm not giving you what you want. Not again."
He closes the space between them brushing his lips against hers as she whimpers, "How bad does this hurt?" He whispers against her lips as his fingers dig into her hip.
Tears welled up in her eyes as her kept his locked with hers but she blinks them away as her eyes darken, "You're just wasting your time."
Void takes a deep breath in, "Aww, Julia, Julia, Julia. You don't have to say a word because I can see it in your eyes."
Julia heart drops knowing there was no way to beat him. In a blink of an eye, Void's hand goes to her throat gripping it roughly as he shoved his tongue into her mouth. No matter how badly she tries to fight him off he had the advantage.
His lips left a trail of kisses along her jaw, his touch making her skin crawl. Closing her eyes taking in a deep breath she screams making him fly back so she takes off running but he catches her before she could get to the door. He tosses her across the room before pining her down onto the floor.
"You're still too scared to hurt me."
Julia whined when he painfully twisted her wrist, and he shifted on top of her, nudging her legs apart with his knee. A shameful, disgust settled within Julia when she could feel her panties growing damp with unwanted arousal.
Julia squirmed in his grasp, back arching as she tried to pull away. Fear gripped her throat as she looked up at Stiles. She knew it wasn't him and she wish it was him so this situation could feel different.
Julia tilted her head to watch him begin unzipping his pants and removing them. Again she felt horror and nausea rise inside of her as she saw what was coming.
"Void!" She sobbed pathetically, grabbing at the hand that was clamped around her other wrist and scratching at him. "I'll give in but please not this. I'll use my powers in the way you want."
The feeling of Void's hand trailing beneath her skirt and between her legs set a blaze across her skin. His fingertips ghosted over the edges of her lacy panties, making her shiver.
When Void grabbed them and started tugging them down her legs, Julia couldn't bring herself to snap them shut as he slide her panties off.
Void pulled his boxers off and Julia looked away till a hand clamped on her chin, turning her head forcing her to make eye contact with him. Julia quickly squeeze her eyes shut refusing to look at him.
"Relax Julia, it's okay, I promise. You trust Stiles remember? I'm still him." He tells her as she tensed when she felt him rub his tip up and down her soaked slit, teasing her clit a bit and she squirmed beneath him.
He wordlessly grabbed her wrists, easily pinning them to the floor and using the new position to push himself deeper.
Tears were streaming down her cheeks now as her possessed best friend she had feelings for pinning her  to the floor and slowly forced himself deeper. The pressure between her legs was immense. He bottomed out, the tip of his dick kissing her cervix, and his arms trembled slightly above her as he sucked in a shaky breath.
Julia does everything to remember and imagine the night she and Stiles actually got together. She wanted to zone out so badly that she could hopefully forget what was happening to her at the moment.
"Are you sure about this? Seriously?" Stiles asks to make sure.
"I'm 100% sure, Stiles."
"You really trust me?" He smiles as their eyes lock.
"Of course I trust you."
Void thrusted into her faster, picking up his pace as he finally broke the kiss and allowed her to gasp for air. Julia's trembling legs wrapped around his back as she tried to steady herself and the feel of his length dragging along her walls.
A horrible mixture of emotions flooding her body. He was one of her best friends. She had feelings for him and m she still loved him right now, even as his possessed body violated her in the most violent way imaginable. She felt so confused about how her body's reaction to him forcing himself onto her.
His fingers twitched against her clit, his cock was repeatedly hitting a spot that was making her head swim and vision blur. Each masterful motion of his fingers was building inside of her, pulling her closer to the brink, even though she was trying to fight the inevitable.
"Say my name." Void growled, his pace growing downright punishing. With her eyes still tightly closed she shock her head no. "Look at me and say my name!"
Julia opens her eyes making eye contact with him right away, "Void." She tries to hold in her moans even though she was failing miserably. She was pushed over the edge suddenly, and she closed her eyes and loudly whined as she came around him.
She hated how she m gave him exactly what he wanted, even though her eyes were still squeezed shut as he fucked her through her orgasm.
"You didn't... it just... I don't want to make us awkward. I don't know what I would do if we drifted apart. I'm so much closer to you than to them." She explains wiping her tears away.
"Julia, there's no way we could ever drift apart. Plus, I made the move to kiss you. I've been wanting to kiss you since you stopped my panic attack at school." He now wipes a tear away so she leaned forward, reconnecting their lips.
As Noah and Allison were in the elevator, his phone goes off, "What's that?" She sees the notification on his phone.
"Someone's breaking into my house while Julia is there alone. After Stiles started sleepwalking, I had some security precautions put in. Motion sensors. Cameras." He explains to her.
"Is that is room?" They both see Stiles on his bed waving while Julia was passed out laying next to him with her hands tied behind her back and a blindfold on.
"We need to get to my house quickly." Noah puts his phone away while Allison calls her dad who calls Derek to meet up there.
On the drive Allison could tell Noah was worried as he speed a bit, "He's not going to hurt her. At least we know that." She tells him.
"Do we?" He asks, "He twisted a sword in Scott and that's his best friend." Noah pulls up and they get out as the other two show up.
When they get to Stiles room Julia was still laying there tied up with a blindfold on whimpering now that she was awake thinking who just opened the door was Void. "Julia!" Allison rushes over to her and Julia cries more as she takes the blindfold off her and Noah unties her.
"Where is he?" Chris asks Julia.
"She obviously doesn't know being here." Derek tells him.
"I'm texting Lydia to come get Julia." Allison says as Julia stares into space still in shock from earlier. She wishes her memory could just be wiped.
"Julia, what happened?" Noah asks her causing her eyes to tear up again.
Derek watches her body slightly shake in fear as tears start to fall as she raises her head up a little, "She's terrified from whatever he did to her."
"Did he hurt you?" Allison sits next to her.
Julia still doesn't speak a word so they all go over to Stiles chessboard talking about him and what game he's playing. Lydia arrives in time to get Julia as the others were going to head to Derek's loft.
"She's hasn't spoken a word to us so we don't know what happened to her. Derek said she's terrified." Allison lets Lydia know as Julia sits in the car.
"No idea at all?" Lydia asks.
"I have an idea about what happened. With things I can sense... Honestly, I think things are going to be different whenever we get normal Stiles back." Derek walks over to the two, "She's not going to tell us what happened to her. She doesn't want to relive it." He looks at Julia in the car now still staring into space.
"Well tell me what your idea is. She's my sister damn it!" Lydia crosses her arms.
Derek shakes his head, "You don't want to know. You really don't want to."
"Yes, I do. Tell me Derek." She glares at him so he whispers in into her ear so Allison couldn't hear.
Lydia starts to tear up looking back at Julia in the car, "Okay..." She wipes her tears away, "I'm taking her home to rest and things. We need to get Stiles back as quick as we can." She rushes over to her car to leave.
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bagelwizard · 3 months
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My new Elfilin design + delusional nonsensical headcanons
-He still lives in the New World, but he often travels to Popstar to visit Kirby & friends. Long-distance communication isn't possible from Popstar to the New World, so he has to go to Popstar to communicate with the others.
-After the events of Forgotten Land, he made quick friends of the Beast Pack. Clawroline is one of his best friends and one of his biggest role models. Elfilin is basically her personal dress-up doll (he enjoys it).
-When Chaos Elfilis was defeated and Forgo willingly merged with Elfilin's soul, Elfilin gained not only the latent abilities of Elfilis but also some of his features, namely the whiskers, chest fur and markings. He's able to wield both spatial and psychic magic now, making him quite powerful... Though he chooses not to use these abilities for violence unless his aid is required. He doesn't enjoy fighting, after all.
-He's able to use telepathy and has a degree of psychic hypnosis from Forgo, but he finds it unethical and only uses it to coerce enemies into losing their will to fight.
-Despite being benevolent and amiable, he's sort of prone to sensory overload, and does NOT tolerate being called a rat or anything of the sort. He's a chinchilla!!! Get it right!!11!!1! !!!one!
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The Collective
Called the Collective, the being is the leader of a cult that resides around landfills and sewers. Through player interference, its revealed that the Collective is a swarm of cranium rats, their minds united together to form a singular entity. The cranium rat swarm is tied together by their tails, just like a rat king.
Type & Motivation: Queen (to posses and control)
Supernatural powers
Superior intelect
Mental dominion
Grant sentience
Attacks and armour
Mental lash (1 harm far ignore armor
Object throw (1-3 harm far or close)
How much harm will kill it.
Together: 20 +1 new cranium rat added | individual: 1
Any weaknesses it has
Sensory overload will cause the Collective to lose control over their mental dominion
Breaking up the Collective's entanglement and force them to scatter will lessen its collective thoughts, and become more individualized and lower intelligence.
The cranium rats must then be killed off before they escape. A single 1 can create more Cranium Rats whenever possible.
Custom moves for its powers
Mental Dominion: The Collective takes hold of human bodies and minds so it may venture out into the human world unbothered. Hunters targetted by the mental dominion must roll +Weird. On a 10+, they are able to shut the Collective out for the rest of the mystery. On a mix, they get a choice: they can resist the control and have to roll again in the future, or they can give in and be controlled; if they choose the latter, have them mark experience. On a miss, they are fully under the Collective's control. They take -2 ongoing on any rolls against the Collective or against any of the cultists/minions. The Keeper can allow them to break free from the hold by rerolling +weird, using a luck point, or having a magically-inclined hunter roll Use Magic.
Grant Sentience: the Collective can grant sentience to any low intelligence animal, boosting said animal's intelligence until the brain nearly splits the skull. Granting sentience to rats either adds them to the Collective, becomes fierce fighters in the lair, or are delegated to minor rat king colonies to turn into moving golems.
Minion: Swarm Golem
A mass of rats that form together to form a humanoid shape. Whenever it's struck, rats explode from the spot hit, whether in one piece or not. They guard where the Collective's den is located.
Type & Motive: Brute (to intimidate & attack)
Supernatural powers, if any
Great strength
Keen smell
Regeneration (via more rats swarming on it)
Attacks and armour
Slam (2 harm hand)
Rat-bite punch (1 harm hand)
How much harm will kill it
Minion: Rat Spies
Single rats that run about the town/city, gathering info for the Collective when the human informants don't suffice.
Type & Motive: Scout (motivation: to stalk, watch, and report)
Attacks and armour
Rat bite (1 harm hand)
How much harm will kill it
Minion: Human Cultists
Humans that either worship The Collective willingly or are under its mental dominion. They bring sacrifices for the Collective in order to sustain it, or they sacrifice themselves.
Type and motivation: Renfield (motivation: to push victims towards the monster)
Attacks and armour
Sharpened Knife (2 harm close messy)
How much harm will kill it
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muppenthings · 1 year
hello please infodump about the space fairies
Anonymous asked: I wanna know more about the space fairies my ask inspired!
Gladly! :D
So, outer space is their natural habitat. They get their energy directly from sunlight, solar powered! Some scientists argue that they may even absorb space radiation. They have no digestive system; any byproducts from their metabolism is released as gas from their petal-like appendages. For those curious, it smells faintly like metal. They lack a respiratory system; there's a distinct lack of air in space after all and they don't need it. This also means they have no sense of smell. Since there is no medium for sound to travel in space, the fairies never evolved organs to hear with either.
So how do they communicate? By a form of telepathy. They have to touch the fairy, or human, that they want to communicate with. They "speak" through images and emotions. These images are very fleeting and humans may have a hard time interpreting their meanings. Human minds can also overwhelm a fairy unused to all the extra senses. The first human-fairy contact left the fairy in chock, overloaded by the amount of impressions. Sense of smell, taste and sound is all alien to the space fairies. It may take a fairy a while to get used to them, but most find them very intriguing once they do.
Space fairies live in large groups, refered to as "a circle". They form very strong bonds and love deeply. However if they dislike someone, their animosity runs just as deep. They hold grudges like no other.
Since there are no day or night cycles in space, fairies rest when tired. A circle of fairies will hold hands or tails in order to not drift away from each other.
They use telekinesis to propel themselves through space. This can be used to "fly" if they're visiting planets with gravity, like Earth. The average fairy can only use this ability on one thing at a time. If they want to pick something up they'll have to land and then lift the object.
Their bodies can handle extreme temperatues and radiation. They're also very resistant to blunt force. Any injuries are quickly sealed with a thick sap-like substance. They have excellent healing abilities and can even regrow limbs if given enough sunlight.
Some space fairies are enthralled by vibrations and are actively drawn to the source of them. It's not uncommon to find fairies perched on top of speakers while music is playing, they want to feel that sweet bass too.
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akirameta84 · 2 years
deaf saiki has extra reason to never ever use his psychometry on other people because hes never heard anything, ever. and suddenly even hearing ambient noise through anothers ears combined with his telepathy would be overhwelming all at once
of course he thinks nothing of it and assumes its his own (nonexistent) hearing being overloaded when combined with the other persons. normally any external noise he hears is just through the mind of someone else too, and it translates poorly and quietly, since his telepathy is meant to pick up thoughts, not the music someone else is distantly hearing
but saikis never known different and has no reason to think anythings up as usual. so :shrug:
psst if you want context or more on the au look at the deaf saiki tag im too lazy to add links
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Would you rather...
A: Gain a random psychic power for one hour (of the list under 'keep reading') whenever someone drinks your blood (only one at a time) B: Gain a random psychic power for one hour (of the list under 'keep reading') whenever you drink someones blood (only one at a time) C: Gain a psychic power of your choice (from the list under 'keep reading') but you can only use it for 24 hours a month (you can distribute the hours however you like) D: Gain a psychic power of your choice (from the list under 'keep reading') permanantly, with no time restricitions on use, however, you cannot control it fully and it will activate erratically (and dangerously) when you experience strong emotion, physical sensation or when you are drunk/half asleep/otherwise not fully in control
THE LIST: Telekinesis, Thermokinesis (harder to control than pyro or cryo), Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Mind Reading, Telepathy, Levitation, Nucleokinesis, Chronokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Aerokinesis, Geokinesis, Biokiniesis, Precognition, Panoptic Vision, Eye Rays, Self-Regeneration, Healing, Electrokinesis, Barriers, Teleportation, Gravity Manipulation, Spacial Manipulation, Mass/size alteration, Shapeshifting, Mind Control, Sleep Induction, Resurrection, Duplication (making duplicate bodies of yourself you control), Possession, Dream Manipulation/Invasion, Dream Oracles, Unfathomability (ability to make yourself an incomprehensible eldritch horror), Insanity Induction, Ultra-Durability (sufficient to be bulletproof, survive a few min on the surface of the sun, etc), Toxin Creation/Manipulation (ability to create and modify toxins, inclusing your own body fluids/parts), Spacial Displacement (ability to teleport a selected area/object/being to a random location within a given area around yourself (area dimensions can be changed)), Automatic Reincarnation upon death (only while ability active, your choice will carry over into the next lives you live this way), Trans-dimensional teleportation, Undead Creation/Manipulation (if the ability stops being used, they return to corpses), Entropic Dissolution (ability to accelarate the entropy of a desired object at will, speed customisable, in other words, it ages things rapidly), Psychic Energy Shield (a 3m diamater bubble of protection around you, can protect against any external threat (including keeping air in etc), however, something that can become deadly after entering can still harm you, such as a person, and it only works while concious), Object Repair (ability to 'repair' inanimate objects, repair is subjective, so can also be used to return things to base components, etc), Astral Projection, Pain Induction, 'Perfect Memory' (ability to remember literally everything with no mental overload, when active, you will regain all forgotten memories), Universal Language (allows understanding and use of all langauges, even ones you dont have the body parts or brain structure/senses for, like animal or plant languages), Instant-Evolution (adapts you or a selected living organism to its current situation), Imperceptibility (ability to be unable to be noticed by things, living or mechanical, even if they look right at you or view a video of the time), Memory alteration (of yourself or others), Technological Manipulation (movie hacker powers, plus you can control any machine at will if you can observe it), ability to see through objects, ability to see that which is unseen (radiation, nonvisible light, sound, the underlying structure of reality, invisible ppl, etc), Invisibility, Plant Manipulation, Ansectral Power (ability to call upon the memories and skills of your ancsestors), ability to learn skills at 1000x the normal speed, and finally, ability to create food/drinks you have previosuly eaten/drunk out of nothingness
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