poetyca 2 months
Guardare oltre - Look over
馃尭Guardare oltre馃尭Saper cogliere con occhi e cuore 猫 guardare oltre.04.11.2023 Poetyca 馃尭馃尶馃尭#Poetycamente馃尭Look overKnowing how to graspwith eyes and heartit鈥檚 looking beyond.04.11.2023 Poetyca
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sukhayuindia12 2 years
Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5000 years ago. It emphasizes the use of natural remedies and lifestyle modifications to maintain the balance between the body, mind, and spirit.
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spillingmoonlight 4 years
eyes overknowing
looming over our
backs, waiting for
the moment of eclipse.
our light and shadow
in one place,
one position.
it ends in minutes.
but what about us?
will our yin and yang
survive against
palette of colors?
the variety, the uncertainty
will they endure
what was written?
should we follow
a framed destiny
with bruised knees
and stitched hearts
or hope for an
inevitable fate,
still with bruised
knees and stitched
but beating hearts?
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estaminifero-blog 14 years
Adventure Travel should be fun and safe
You often hear people talking about adventure travel and that makes you ask what adventure travel actually is. This is something that u can add adventure and fun to your life. So before going for an adventure travel, you need to know what it is. Adventure travel does not mean you have to endanger your life for your trip to be called adventurous! The term adventurous is a concept that is not defined physically when you talk about adventure travel. This concept is defined psychologically. Different people have different definitions of adventure. Adventure travel early meant going abroad or just traveling to different places. However, its definition has changed today. Adventure travel is when you experience an event rather than being a bystander in your travels. He is living in the present and know the place and not just sight seeing. The adventure is different for everyone. What may seem adventurous, you can be totally boring for someone. And that's why there are so many options available if you want to go for adventure travel. You can choose one that suits you, and especially one that excites you! rafting or kayaking can be fun for someone. Second camp in a place of interest can also defined by some adventurous people. balloon ride may sound boring to you, but it may be the perfect adventure trip for some. Adventure travel is when you've got yourself involved in an exciting experience. It includes boating, kayaking, hiking, parachuting, mountain climbing, scuba diving, sailing, biking and much more! You do not have to engage in any kind of travel adventure in which you are not comfortable. The level of risk in your travel is defined by you, as the term is defined individually adventure. Adventure travel becomes even hired a new experience, but make sure you are completely comfortable in what you do. You can choose a tour if you want to go for adventure travel. These adventure travel tours are available for couples and families. But do not worry if you are single, adventure tours are also available for you. So you can make a plan for an adventure. You can choose an itinerary that suits you best. These visits are generally two groups of people. One group goes to see and visits to their areas of interest, while the other group involved in adventure activities. Of course, the type of activity depends on the tour you have selected. It is wrong to believe that adventure travel is just for youngsters. You can indulge yourself in it, regardless of your age. Adventure travel is enjoyed by everyone. It is not uncommon to see an old couple engaging in adventure activities. Having worked hard all their lives, they want to experience something new and exciting o. You can meet people from all areas of life in adventure travel. Now, meet different people from different backgrounds can itself be very adventurous! You can choose a travel adventure that excites you. It may simply be to leave the country to a remote location or perhaps get involved in the jump Bunjee. the activity you choose, just make sure you're comfortable in it, because there will be no fun and no adventure if you're uncomfortable!
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