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At first it was just a fun occasional binge. 
Eat until you’re so full you can hardly move, then lug your fat, packed gut over to your bed or simply lean back in your favorite chair and pleasure yourself. Have a few mind shattering orgasms. Cum your brains out. Your huge, soft thighs and that full tank of food hanging off your midsection did make it hard to reach sometimes, but that’s no worry, you just needed the right angle. 
Then it started happening every day. Weeks of the same routine. Push as much food as possible past your lips. Do it until you’re so aroused you can’t take it anymore. Rock your overfed frame with body shaking orgasms.
Such hedonistic gluttony was dangerous to incorporate regularly. 
Soon you’d start ordering more food. Your stomach just wasn’t getting as full as it used to be. Then you needed more toys. Bigger, longer, more powerful. Some days this routine would happen twice. Long, relieving belches turned into breathy groans of body dominating pleasure.
The effects were starting to show. Your soft, sagging, fleshy apron gut was easily spilling between your legs and covering what you needed to get to most. Soon you had to start making more maneuvers, or riding things to really get that release. Lifting that giant, wobbly orb out of the way became a daily occurrence. Hold it up, slip your arm underneath and into your overhang, letting it flop over your forearm while you pleasured yourself. 
No big deal! Plenty of people have had such heavy, thick, hanging guts that it covered their holes! Not a problem. 
I think the problem started when you’d combine the two steps. 
Moaning around a burger while your toys cause your body to shake. Sighing in deep pleasure while you swallow mouthfuls of meat and bread and cheese. Burping, desperately trying to make room for more as you ride to orgasm. You just needed more. 
More food. 
More pleasure. 
I think you operate best with your mouth choking down a burger, and a long vibrating toy impaling you. I like when your voice is muffled because something is stuffed down your throat, but you have to vocalize because your slit is stuffed too.
A fat slut in her natural habitat. 
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selaviefeedee · 3 months ago
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How much more would you feed her? 😉🐷
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slay-ers · 2 months ago
Christmas List:
fat guy stuffed to the brim with a big red ribbon tied really tight around his belly
thats it
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forevergrowinghog · 5 months ago
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allzgoobz · 5 months ago
First real kink art who cheered (^o^)
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cyberrat · 7 months ago
86th Batch Of Fics: 9th Fill
Adam/Lucifer – Part 2/2 – feeding kink; overfeeding; blowjob – Lucifer might be nervous about it but he just knows what gets him off, okay?
Lucifer doesn’t know what’s going on inside Adam’s head, but somehow he’s actually letting him… do… stuff. Like rubbing his hands all over his belly, the heels digging in nice and firm to massage his guts and try helping move things along.
Adam leans back in his chair, his head hanging over the backrest. He sounds downright pornographic when he groans. “Fuck… fuck you’re such a crazy bitch for this. What kind of nasty little fucker-” he trails off without continuing.
Lucifer just swallows thickly. He keeps watching his own hands looking so… small on Adam’s massive gut, massaging him.
He wishes he could pull Adam’s robes up to around his fatty tits so he can feel his hairy gut without any barrier. It’s just that he doesn’t think Adam is ready for that yet.
Finally, he burps and starts to sit up a little bit again. “Yeah, fuck… I needed that.”
He’s such a slob. Lucifer almost drools watching him reach for that plate piled high with pasta. He tries to remain nice and still – maybe Adam will just forget that he is there? Maybe he will just let him stand there and feel up his stomach while he slurps down the saucy spaghetti, his lips becoming shiny with oil…
“Hey fucker… you get off on this, huh?”
Lucifer blinks rapidly, then glances over at Adam. He feels flushed and feverish and…
He swallows thickly and takes his hands away from Adam’s belly after all. His voice is breathy and low as he admits softly: “Yes.”
Adam looks unconvinced. Or maybe just unsure whether Lucifer is being honest and is actually just fucking with him? He scoffs and looks away. “Yeah, sure. You wanna suck me off while I eat or some shit? Damn, dude. I know you’re like… the daddy of Hell or whatever but that’s kind of fucked up. Like what happened to you? You were such a cute little… like… guy or something.”
It’s the first time in recent memory that Adam brought up Eden himself. Maybe that’s something… extraordinary, but Lucifer can only fixate on one thing: “Yeah… yeah, I’d like… like that, you know?”
Adam blinks at him. He sits there with a fork full of pasta and his mouth hanging open, visibly thinking about what Lucifer just said and trying to figure out what it means. “Wha-?”
“I can suck you off while you eat,” Lucifer explains breathlessly. He already lowers himself to his knees and crawls under the table. Adam sounds like he is choking on a bite that he hasn’t even taken yet. Maybe he wants to protest or something but he must realize how insane it would be for him to deny a free blowjob by Lucifer, so he quiets down again.
It’s… awkward, honestly, but Lucifer can’t deny how desperately horny it gets him to slowly push up Adam’s robe and see that he – of course – is going commando. Or to see how firm and big his stomach is. It is resting on his thighs and plunging his cock into complete darkness.
Not that Lucifer needs a map to find the fucking thing. He pushes Adam’s knees apart and crawls between them.
“Shit you’re… you’re such a freak,” he can hear Adam stutter.
Lucifer ignores it. He’s stuffing his face between Adam’s thighs and hates that he can’t smell how thick his body odor is here. At least he can feel how warm he is. He’s sweating. Of course he is. Lucifer groans, pushing his face into the lower swell of Adam’s stomach.
“Keep eating…” he mumbles against the other’s skin.
“What did you say?”
Lucifer has to pull away. He’s panting, his body feeling impossibly hot. “Keep eating!” he barks out, far more authoritative than he has been in… years. Decades.
As if through a miracle, Adam does not start to be a brat and deny him. He simply… starts eating. Lucifer can hear him chew.
Goosebumps break out over his body. Sucking Adam’s cock into his mouth is but an afterthought to him listening in to the fatass stuffing himself and feeling up his big, firm stomach as he does so.
It is no surprise that Adam is hard for him. Maybe that is the burden of the first man. Always horny; always ready to pump some kids into a nice, fertile womb. Maybe everybody around him should be a bit more understanding if he constantly behaves like a jackass-
“Fuck, you cook really well, though… should’ve been a chick after all, you know that?”
Lucifer hums. He digs his fingers into Adam’s stomach but can’t make himself be as annoyed as he probably should be. As a father to a very capable, wonderful young woman. Fuck but he is so addicted to Adam’s cock.
It’s been so long. So stupidly long since he last had the pleasure of playing with it. Tears itch at the corners of his eyes. He is just too sentimental for his own good.
Beneath his hands, Lucifer can feel Adam’s gut gurgling again. He groans around his cock, delirious and eager, the morose thoughts from before having left just as quickly as they came.
Oh wow who would have thought that Adam would be such an effective antidepressant?!
Lucifer pulls back a little; just enough that he can start laving his tongue against Adam’s glans again and again, licking up what pre-cum he generously is leaking for him. He’s always been messy, after all… A messy break-up, a messy fuck… a messy eater.
Lucifer can hear him slurp above him and nearly bites Adam’s dick in excitement. He peers up but past the huge gut and the table he can’t see his mouth which is a damn shame. He can at least imagine it, though. How his plump cheeks pull in, his lips shiny with grease sucking the last bit of pasta into his mouth.
“Shit, that really hit the spot…”
Adam is groaning as he says that. He’s leaning back, his large hand with the hairy knuckles appearing and carefully rubbing his aching stomach. It sounds like he is done eating and… and that’s far too early. Far too early. Lucifer can’t have that.
He pulls off Adam’s dick with a pop, one hand curling around it to give him a nice sloppy handjob. Keep him docile and amenable while Lucifer croons: “Just one more bite. Okay? There’s still so much food. You can do just one more, hmn?”
There’s silence long enough that Lucifer thinks Adam will start arguing again; but then he whines and there’s the sound of him pulling a bowl a little closer. “Oh fuck… fuck, you’re such a nasty freak, shit- just don’t stop doing what you’re doing, freak.”
Lucifer hears the crunch of Adam biting into one of the tacos he’s made for him. It sounds reluctant. But he’s eating again. Slow. Painful. Lucifer is nearly vibrating, his tail lashing against the ground with dumb excitement.
He’s about to shoot his load. Just… just a bite or two more. Crap.
“H-h-Hah,” he whispers, pressing feverish, suckling kisses against Adam’s wet glans.
Above the table, Adam groans; a weird mixture of lust and pain. He takes another noisy bite; and Lucifer shoots off hard.
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pastoralnhappy · 1 year ago
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Thanking God that I have become one of the fattest seminarians in Europe. 🐷
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fatfantacies · 2 years ago
I just can’t stop fucking eating. 16 hot fudge and caramel sundae cones with extra sprinkles...4 double bacon cheese burgers with an enormous container of “double fires”. I think the guy who works the fry station is a secret FA because he always makes sure I get an extra portion of fries or chicken when I roll on through...And let’s face it it’s pretty often. Tonight its an extra side of biscuits with my buckets of fried chicken. 
It’s no wonder that I’ve blown up to 610 pounds over the past month and a half. I think my girl is giving me appetite enhancers along with my morning meds. I already look and feel like an enormous lard balloon.
My stomach and hips are covered in deep red stretch marks and the tattoos on my lower stomach are completely stretched out and are dimpled as a thick layer of cellulite has developed beneath them. My thighs are enormous. My face and neck have gotten extremely fat. 
I love how my stomach hangs out of all my tees and my hips buldge over the waistband of all my bottoms I struggle to pull up. 
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aquariuminfobureau · 4 months ago
I mostly write about organisms and not the principles of fishkeeping. However people often ask me about two related phenomena, cycling and stocking. Aquariums are safe for fish and other animals because of the nitrogen cycle. This is what determines, moreso than the water volume, the carrying capacity of the tank. But many people seem to be confused - what is the nitrogen cycle?
'Cycling' refers to the cycle by which the toxin ammonia, which is excreted as waste by organisms, before it is turned to nitrite and then to nitrate by biological actors. In aquarist parlance 'cycling' refers to the process and duration of time, during which the nitrogen cycle becomes established and stable. Properly the cycle continues throughout the operation of the aquarium.
Ammonia, which contains nitrogen, is the principal excretory product of living animals, and they void it because it is a toxic byproduct of their own metabolic processes. Human urination is an example of a way in which animals lose excess ammonia, but other kinds of animal may excrete ammonia by means of different methods.
Fortunately other organisms can find a positive use for ammonia, which animals don't want. Their own metabolisms create nitrite from the ammonia they intake, by breaking it down and adding oxygen to the nitrogen. Then yet more microscopic organisms convert the nitrite to the similarly named and chemically related nitrate, which must also be maintained at low levels, but is far less harmful. Traces of nitrate are in fact beneficial to some aquarium organisms.
The nitrogen cycle originates from the decomposition of amino acid, and this is why test kits are available to test for dissolved organics, which are not themselves inherently harmful, but their buildup indicates strain upon the system. How much strain is acceptable depends on the kinds of animals that are living in the aquarium. There isn't really a single standard as to when there are too many dissolved organics, or even nitrate. But regular and sensibly proportionate water changes, help to keep both under control.
Because it involves the processes of different organisms, the nitrogen cycle is very obviously an ecological, as well as a chemical phenomenon. Both the natural processes of the cycle, and the technology by which the effects of the benign organisms are maximised, are known as biological filtration, or biofiltration. It is different from physical and chemical filtration, although the functions of filter media may overlap.
The good bacteria that are involved, colonise available surfaces throughout the aquarium. They are present on rocks and on substrates such as sand and gravel. Similarly they colonise sponges and various proprietary items such as 'bio balls'. At this point, I wish to explain the introductory principles of biofiltration, not to cover its different expressions. It is however worth pointing out, the more the better.
Stocking levels are problematic principally because the living animals themselves create strains upon the biofiltration. Furthermore they require inputs of food, excesses of which contribute to dissolved organics, and therefore the nitrogen cycle, when they are uneaten - thus, messy feeders create more bioload than other organisms, lowering the carrying capacity of the aquarium system.
Feeding behaviors thus determine the 'footprint' animals have on the biofiltration in their aquarium, moreso than their size. It is also the mass of an animal that contributes to its output of wastes, moreso than any single dimension, such as its total length. Another determinant is the metabolic rate of the animal in question, which determines the speed at which its wastes are generated and churned out into the water.
The nitrogen cycle is also why overfeeding is bad, because excess food must inevitably decompose. By definition, the aquarist can't be overfeeding, from the perspective of the nitrogen cycle, when the supplied food is being eaten; overfeeding as in overeating is a different problem. However if feeding your livestock and keeping them healthy begins to stress the cycle, then you have too much bioload in your aquarium.
Often in marine aquariums, 'live rock' and 'live sand' are mentioned. These terms mystify many people, although they are relevant to filtration. The rocks and sand in question are substrates already colonised by microscopic organisms, as play a role in the nitrogen cycle. All items already this colonised are thus 'live' biofiltration media.
Unfortunately there is a misconception that 'live' rock needs transporting from the sea. Such rock is shipped damp but emersed, killing benign and desirable organisms, and necessitating a period called 'curing' in which photosynthesizers are denied an energy source, and further mortality and decomposition ensues. The result is that only 'tough as boots' organisms survive, and some of these species are harmful to corals and such.
Clearly despite the appeal of 'live rock' as a ready made, natural reef, it's use is problematic and self defeating. A distinction just be made, between the use of 'living' filtration media, and the importation of artificially depauperate microenvironments for aquariums. It is better to take rock and sand from an established reef tank instead, to avoid unwanted guests. Although even impoverished live rock can introduce interesting and useful 'friends', these can arrive also from established, nuisance-free tanks
A counterpart to the use of live rock and sand in reef aquariums, is the Walstad style of freshwater aquarium. The Walstad type of tank is one in which living plants and soil substrates are employed instead of artificial filtration; more common than a strict Walstad setup, is a hybrid system that employs both naturalistic and 'normal' approaches in its running.
Sometimes it is said that planted tanks do not cycle, or that adding plants stops the cycle. Nothing could be further from the truth. True aquatic plants and the organisms called algae, play a role in the cycle, which is why algae bloom during the cycling period of a new aquarium, when the lighting is switched on. Adding plants to freshwater tanks, and macroalgae to marine aquariums, should be thought of as assisting the stabilisation of the nitrogen cycle.
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Making a fool of myself
Today I sat at a booth in a restaurant and barely fit. Luckily the table was able to be pushed back. I thought about how thankful I was because I love booths. 
I proceeded to order 3 entrees. 
Afterwards, my belly was once again pressing into the table like when I sat down. The table didn’t move. The bench was attached to the wall. 
I left feeling a bit too full for walking, but I needed to run some errands. I see a milk tea place. I need a large, I’m thirsty. I suck it down before I make it to my first store. Inside is rough for me. I’m so thirsty. I’m panting. I’m so full walking is a chore. I’m sweating trying to carry this thing. 
My belly is weighing me down. It’s sticking out in front of me and my shirt is hanging off me. The aisles feel so tight. I’m reduced to a bit of a waddle as I carry my prize through the shops. 
I lug my packed gut to the final destination: a bakery. I fill up my basket with delicious treats. Rolls, cookies, cakes, buns. I had to resist getting one of everything. I already have the highest piled basket in the place, no need to make a fool of myself. I cannot wait to eat all of them later. 
I then notice they also sell sweet milk tea. Large please. 
Finally walking back to my car. I’m trying to sip my drink, but I’m having trouble swallowing more of anything. After a bit of rest and letting my belly sit in my lap, I can suck down my delicious, cool, creamy milk tea. It tastes so good. I don’t care if it’s hard to fit more inside my stomach. I think I’d like to drink gallons of this stuff. 
I feel a bit dull, sluggish, sleepy. The car is comfy. It feels so good to sit down and drink one of my favorite treats. It feels so good to be so fucking fat. It feels so good to be overfed. 
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allzgoobz · 5 months ago
Mehhh meehhhh someone rp with me meeehhh
Someone feed me and put me in my place mehhh meeehhhh whines
And and tease me when I have stomach problems meehhhh
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cyberrat · 7 months ago
86th Batch Of Fics: 8th Fill
Adam/Lucifer – Part ½ – feeding kink; overfeeding; blowjob – Adam changed a lot since his Eden days but Lucifer is *all there* for it.
Lucifer wonders if it is just a coincidence that whenever he has a meeting with Heaven, Adam is eating. At first, maybe; that bratty part of Adam’s thinking he is asserting dominance or something by slurping the flesh from bones and getting his mask smeared in cream when eating little pies.
But at some point he must have realized that it turns Lucifer on, right? He’s been just doing it to rile him up the past… oh… two hundred years or so, right? Right???
He must know what he’s getting into when he agrees to a nervous, horny Lucifer’s offer to just meet in his tower. Just this one time.
“I cooked up a storm last night haHAA- It’s just… it’s a lot! Why not… enjoy it while we discuss future plans? Huh?”
But he’s not so sure anymore as he watches Adam sit there and eat while looking around the room, insulting every little shitty fucking thing that he can see. He gestures with a cleaned chicken bone into a corner, his eyes gone to lazy slits. “There! That’s what I’m fuckin’ talking about! What even is that supposed to be? Huh?”
Lucifer doesn’t know what Adam is talking about. He’s started sitting on the other side of the opulent, heavily filled dining table but started creeping down its length chair by chair, getting closer to the angel.
Needing to get closer. See him eat from… from an arm’s length away. Hear him chew.
“Uh yeah! Totally! You’re so right. I’ll take a look at it later… or… something.”
Adam’s chewing slows down. He narrows his eyes at Lucifer, then gestures with another bone, some flesh still clinging to it, in his direction. “The fuck is wrong with you? Why’re you being so weird?”
Lucifer laughs nervously, throwing himself back in his chair. “Weird? Me? Moi? Nah, you’re… hah- you’re just imagining things. Really. I’m just… uh…”
He trails off, watching Adam continue eating while the other is staring at him in obvious distrust.
“Could you just like… take off your mask?”
“Why the fuck would I do that, assclown?”
“Just… please.”
Adam stares at him for a second longer, gaze flicking between Lucifer’s face, glistening with a thin sheen of sweat, down to his fingers which are clutched tightly around the edge of the table.
“What is wrong with you?” Adam asks again, slower this time. Halfway to genuinely concerned, though maybe more for himself now. “You know you can’t do shit to me,” he says but does reach up and slowly take off his mask.
Lucifer swallows thickly. Adam has… changed since Eden. He’s put on a lot more muscle – and a lot more fat. His cheeks are rounder, his stomach looking perpetually swollen beneath his loose robe. He’s at least double the weight that he had been back then. It makes him look older. Kind of gives him some daddy vibes which Lucifer likes.
He likes it all. He likes Adam’s look.
“Well? You happy?” Adam asks. There’s a bit of nervousness in his brown eyes. His gaze flinches away from Lucifer, like he only now realizes how… vulnerable this feels. “I’m still a hot stud.”
“Yeah,” Lucifer agrees with a rough voice, eyes stuck on Adam’s wide mouth. He reaches out without looking and pushes a bowl filled with steaming dumplings closer toward the other. “Here. Why don’t you try these? I think they turned out great.”
Adam looks taken aback by the lack of banter. So much so that it takes him a moment to recover. He glances from Lucifer to the dumplings and back again. “You can’t poison me,” he says, petulant like a little boy… though he does not sound as sure as he’d probably like. He still reaches for the bowl. “I’m the fucking Adam. And I’m an angel. I can’t be poisoned.”
“I would never poison you,” Lucifer replies, though it sounds absentminded even to his own ears. He’s got a hand still lying on his lap beneath the table and as he watches Adam first carefully sniff one of the dumplings speared on a claw, then open his mouth nice and wide to pop it inside, he clenches it into a fist.
He hadn’t made them with any specific size in mind but seeing the other just effortlessly throw them into his maw whole is doing things to him. Adam says something with his mouth full. It’s not intelligible but from the tone of his voice Lucifer can tell that he’s been insulting him again.
He doesn’t care. All he wants to do is look at Adam’s mouth while he is chewing. How his jaw moves in a lazy, unhurried rhythm. Despite everything he seems to be quite enjoying his food.
And Lucifer loves that for him. And for himself. His insides are all tight and hot and the more dishes he pushes toward Adam which he starts eating without complaint, the harder his cock gets.
He can practically see Adam’s gut growing. At one point the angel has to push away a little more from the table so the edge of it wouldn’t dig into his belly. Lucifer goes wild at that. He lifts a hand to subtly press it against his mouth and keep his little whimpers inside. Something must have escaped him after all, though, because Adam suddenly is looking at him again, eyes narrowed.
“The fuck kind of noises are you making?”
“Me? Noises? I make noises? H-Hhaah- you must be ha-h-haaa you must be mistaken, my friend!”
Adam narrows his eyes and growls: “We aren’t friends.”
Lucifer stops nervously laughing and slowly takes his hand from his mouth. It’s difficult to be serious when his cock is getting choked in his own pants, but he’s really trying. He reaches out and puts a hand on Adam’s forearm. The other looks like he just marginally can keep from ripping the limb away like a petulant teenager.
“But we were friends once, Adam. And I… cherish that time still. Even though you have changed quite a bit since then.” He pauses, eyes trailing down over Adam and then blatantly staring at his gut. “Or maybe because of it.”
“What are you-” He cuts himself off. As if on cue, his belly has started gurgling. Adam groans, patting it with one hand and pushing his plate away with the other. “Damn… fuck… okay I’m done with the food. Let’s fucking talk shop, alright?”
It’s difficult to think straight when all his blood his rushing down and his cock is aching desperately. He forgets all about being cool and collected and not letting anything on. “No! N-No, keep eating… please.” He pushes the plate right back to Adam.
And when there is silence and he finally looks up from obsessively staring at Adam’s noisy stomach, he realizes that the jig is fucking up. The thoughts slowly rolling through Adam’s head as he painfully puts piece by piece together are… loud.
“Wait… wait… wait are you into this shit?”
Lucifer’s mouth moves. He laughs nervously, eyes flicking around the room in panic but… well fuck. Well fuck. “I… might?”
Adam’s cheeks flush red. His head recoils a little but his stomach is gurgling again and he rubs it slightly. Lucifer can’t help leaning over the corner and extending his hands towards Adam’s gut.
“I can help you,” he says breathlessly. “Just… just keep eating?”
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