#overboard with fraps
scoops-aboy86 · 7 months
2, 27, 34 ✨
("be nosy" questions)
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
That post you sent me and stoned Steddie friends to lovers. You sent it in DMs instead of asks, you clever fiend, but I’m gonna post here what I said there…
I like Steve getting high and his caretaker side really coming out. Just a little bit at first, always asking Eddie if he wants anything and then immediately getting whatever he impulsively asks for. And they both like it, so they both keep leaning into it more and more, until Steve reaches the feeding Eddie in his lap stage and calls him perfect and announces in a floaty sort of way that they "should be boyfriends, shouldn't we be boyfriend Eds? Then I could take care of you all the time." And nothing really happens then, because Eddie has his mouth full and is this close to falling asleep, but as soon as they've napped and sobered up Eddie is like, "Hey... did you mean it?" and Steve is like, "Uh, if you want me to mean it, then yes. If you don't... still yes, but I can keep it under wraps until I get over—" He's interrupted by a lap (very) full of Eddie Munson and lots of enthusiastic kisses. ❤️
It works the other way too, maybe Steve gets a little pouty when he's high and wants stuff but doesn't want to get up and get it himself so he whines and asks if Eddie will do it for him. (Also does this for when he needs to pee, and every time Eddie is just sort of like "I'd try if I could, man, but I don't think it works that way" in the most blazed voice possible.) But like, Eddie cannot resist that pouty face, and he always goes way overboard on getting Steve a LOT of whatever he asked for. Eventually they get to "Eddieeeee, feed it to me" and Steve kissing his fingers and Eddie is going to COMBUST but he keeps trying to cover it by getting the next mouthful ready until Steve just straight up demands that he kiss him already, dammit.
Why does Steve seem to take the lead in both scenarios, you might wonder? Idk, typically in my head Eddie is more afraid of scaring Steve off, while Steve is actually a lot more self-accepting than anyone seems to expect and goes from brief bisexual awakening to “Okay so I’ve realized I love you, want to do something about that?” surprisingly fast. Tentative or confident wink add-on is optional.
27. What’s your pet peeve?
This is very much an irl thing—people saying something or asking me a question and then getting annoyed if I don’t respond as immediately as they think I should. Sometimes I just need some extra seconds to process, jeez!
34. What’s your coffee order?
I can’t do coffee, it makes my soul vibrate out of my body and I become an unsafe driver that strikes fear into my unwitting passengers’ hearts. So, sadly, I have not indulged in venti mocha chip frappuccinos since high school. 😔
Give me a chai latte any day though, hot or iced or (on very special occasions) frapped.
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rivensbane · 6 years
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exploring durgan’s battery [4/?]
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years
What are the characters signature dish? Since we know Alan is good with breakfast ^^
oooh! Yes!
Alan really likes a combination of a sweet and savory breakfast. Since he is a breakfast enjoyer and what he mostly runs on, he indulges himself and makes a whole meal. A classic sunny-side-up of eggs, ham, bacon, biscuits, and/or waffles. Yes, he is the type to pour syrup ALL OVER his dish.
Erika really loves pastries. So coffee with a pastry is her dish. She doesn't mind sweet fraps but she prefers the bitterness of her drink. A flat white with an Ube pie pastry. She values simplicity with her meals.
Stu loves quick and cheap fast food/snacks. His diet consists of mostly snacks and not full meals. He can't cook to save his life unless you count using the microwave as "cooking". So his dish would be a Ham & cheese sandwich w/ the crusts cut off, a fruit punch soda can, potato chips, and snack cakes. One homemade meal but still a lot of processed garbage.
Claude is a great cook who knows what he's doing. Being the pompous asshole that he is, he only gets the best and freshest ingredients for his meals. In fact, he used to make meal plans for his brothers back in the day. His dish would be parsnip gratin, freshly pressed juice with a shot of liquor, and a cigarette.
Much like Claude, Jules is also a good cook. He loves comfort/homemade food and is always delighted to cook it. He is the type to go a little overboard and was told by Claude himself that he "wastes food when cooking". But he only sees it as a plus because he has leftovers to feed him the next day. He loves stews and soups the most. A hearty and filling meal. His dish would be a creamy clam chowder bread bowl.
James is similar to Alan as he does indulge himself with food. But instead of breakfast, it's either lunch or dinner. Since he is Texan, and grew up in a rural part for a good chunk of his life, a classic Texas BBQ and a long-island iced tea is his dish.
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latibulesims · 3 years
Hi Lati :) I'm a huge fan of The Rivers! I read in one of your responses to another ask that you record with FRAPS on a low-end laptop, but your videos always come out flawless! Whenever I try to record let's plays like this, I always come out with lag. May I ask for some of your tips for avoiding lag when recording? Thanks for all your amazing work :)
Hiii! I am so sorry I am just seeing this, I havent looked at my tumblr notifications in so long! I hope these tips can still help even though they're so late! But thank you so much 💖💖💖 I really appreciate it!
Tip #1. Keep the downloads folder small: For me, I feel like my game lags less the smaller my downloads folder is, so I make to sure to keep at least my gameplay folder small. A great tip ive been using to do this is to go into my game and delete swatches I dont care about. If you use pooklet recolors of hairs especially, you'll find that each hair color (Black, Brown, Blonde, Red, and Grey) usually come with 3+ swatches. So after downloading a bunch of hairstyles, I make sure to go into my game and keep 1 swatch from every hair color. That way, the game goes from 15 swatches of the same hair to just 5! It has helped me sooo much, without forcing me to abandon hairstyles that I like. The same with clothes: when a shirt, for example, would have 5-10 swatches, I make sure to keep just my 3-5 favorites! Does wonders.
Tip #2. Keep the sets simple: With filming, I've found that sets that are heavily packed with CC drop my FPS (which causes lags) way more than sets with simple CC - so i make sure not to go overboard. I know you asked as a lets play player, but just incase any machinima filmers are reading this, here's a trick i do: Instead of building huge sets, I film little boxes that are decorated from the inside and not at all from the outside. Take a high school set, for example. If I want to film in a classroom, I'll just build that classroom instead of a full on school with exteriors and unnecessary rooms that I won't use but would otherwise be found in a school like hallways. And, if I need an exterior shot, I'll just build a seperate lot that I wont mind how big it is because ill just need for that one shot. Its basically like real life shows, where they film exteriors of homes for example, but the actual set is just in one of those warehouses? Hope that makes sense. As for lets players, I would suggest to keep things simple and confined to one floor! Don't go overboard with CC, though I for one LOVE a cluttered house :'( But we gotta do what we gotta do!
Tip #3. Keep the neighborhood simple (or remove it all together): As a lets player I would of course recommend that you keep it simple as opposed to removing it all together, since that would look terrible for gameplay. Of course, its sad because a nicely decorated neighborhood does wonders for that "open world" feel that Sims 2 is missing, but ive found that doing too much CC wise in the neighborhood lags the game terribly. Also, you can turn off your neighbors while keeping the decorations on. I've found this to help immensely, especially in neighborhoods that have a lot of sims living in it. As long as you decorate your neighborhood right (while not going overboard), then you wouldn't even be able to tell the difference - except when it comes to the lagging! I havent played a game with neighbors on since those sims 4t2 deco homes were converted!
For machinima makers I'd go one step forward: If you have scenes that are inside, turn off your decorations all together! Instead decorate around any windows your set might have, and even use one of those mural CC thingies of landscapes should your series be set be in a city. I cant remember the last time I filmed an interior scene with neighbors + decorations on!
Tip #4. Dont overwork your laptop: Make sure you dont have other "demanding" programs open while you try and film. For me, I've found that the game lags a lot more when the laptop is being overworked and getting heated, so closing programs like Sony Vegas (or other video editing programs) and Photoshop (or other photo editing programs) helps a ton! Really, I make sure to film with just the game and FRAPS open
Tip #5. Lower the quality: Push comes to shove and you've found that your computer just isnt handling it? Lower the quality of your game. Nothing drastic of course, nothing that would compromize your quality too much, but some small things like turning off shadows, for example, can come a looong way without making the game look too weird. And, if you do use it, stop using reshade. As a machinima filmer, this is my last resort when everything else I've tried hasn't worked: to stop using reshade and edit post filming. It sucks, but we can make it work :')
I'd also recommend looking up other programs should the screen recording program you're using not work with you. I personally have found that Fraps is the most user friendly, and I cant be bothered to learn new programs, so its what I stick to, but there are other alternatives that people swear by (i hear a lot of sims people recommend Bandicam because Fraps lagged too much for them, so you can always check that out). Hope these helped, and again I'm so sorry for not seeing this sooner! 💖
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daisybaeks-archive · 6 years
wise men say | baekhyun
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Not an idol!Baekhyun x reader (gender neutral)
Hi! Can I request a fluffy Baekhyun, Suho or Jongdae falling in love at first sight after listening to the other person sing?
I really had to think hard about who to pick for this one anon, but I rarely get requests for Baekhyun, so you know I have to do that for my boy. Hope you enjoy!
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Jongdae bowed onstage after he was finished with his set, smiling at the applause the cafe’s customers were giving him. No one was louder than Baekhyun and Chanyeol though, who cheered and whooped like they had just witnessed their favorite idol group strip onstage and not their best friend sing some acoustic covers (much to the annoyance of everyone else). Jongdae hopped off the little stage and went to join them.
“You guys are so embarrassing,” he grumbled, taking a sip of his iced macchiato.
“You’re the one that invited us,” Chanyeol snickered into his hot chocolate. “So whaddya say? Head back to my place?” 
Baekhyun shrugged, slurping up the last of his frap obnoxiously until Chanyeol hit him over the head. “Sure, I don’t care,” Baekhyun replied, overdramatically rubbing the spot where he had been “hurt.”
“Cool,” Jongdae said, standing up. “We can order a pizza or something.”
“H-Hi,” came a voice from onstage. The next performer was already up. “Sorry, this is my first performance,” you laughed nervously. “But I’m Y/N, and I hope you enjoy.” 
“Ah, we should wait,” Jongdae said, sitting back down. “We’ll look like assholes if we leave.”
Baekhyun sighed. “Fine, but you’re buying the pizza,” he said as he clapped along with everyone else.
You cleared your throat and nodded at the pianist, who started playing soft chords. Baekhyun recognized the song, it was the slower version of that Elvis song, the gum commercial one...
All of Baekhyun’s inner commentary screeched to a halt once you opened your mouth and began to sing.
“Wise men say.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Baekhyun saw Chanyeol’s jaw drop. He felt his own eyes widen and he sat forward a little bit, suddenly paying so much more attention.
Your voice was sweet like honey, clear and unashamed despite your shy and nervous disposition earlier. It was a beautiful voice, but that’s not what captured Baekhyun. Your eyes were closed, your hands clasped around the microphone. Your body swayed ever so slightly as you sang. You sang the words like you wrote them, like they had manifested under your skin and were just begging, begging, to be expressed. The pure and raw emotion gave Baekhyun chills.
You sang like you were falling in love.
“Take my hand, take my whole life too.”
Baekhyun felt his heart clench as you opened your eyes and looked straight at him. He knew it was only the performance, but he could have sworn you were looking at him with all the love in the world. 
“For I can’t help falling in love with you.”
“That was a good one, wasn’t it?” Jongdae said, five songs and many thunderous rounds of applause later.
“You’re telling me,” Chanyeol replied. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone sing like that. No offense.”
“None taken. Hey, Baekhyun!” Baekhyun tore his gaze away from you to look towards his friend. “Watch it, you’re drooling.”
“Seriously?!” Baekhyun wiped at his chin, glaring at the other two when they roared in laughter.
“Oh my god, you should have seen your face,” Chanyeol laughed.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, looking back at you. You were talking to your pianist, your body angled in a way that told him you were about to leave. “Hey, uh, maybe we can hang some other time?”
“What, really?” Jongdae asked.
“Yeah, yeah,” Baekhyun replied distractedly. You had just ended your conversation. Now was his chance. “See you guys around,” he said, before bolting as inconspicuously as he could towards you.
“Hey!” he called.
You whirled around, startled. “Hi,” you smiled (beautifully).
Baekhyun stammered, suddenly shy. “I, um, I really liked your performance. It was really good, like wow, you know.”
You laugh, a tint of pink in your cheeks. “Thanks. I was nervous about going up there at first, but I think it went pretty okay.”
“It was more than okay! I was sitting there and you started singing, and I was like whoa, and then you kept going and I just sat there with like my mouth open and my friends kept teasing me because they thought I was drooling, but really I wasn’t, although I might be a little bit in love with you or something.” Oh my god, stop talking.  
You stared at him weirdly and Baekhyun mentally kissed any chance with you goodbye. Then you started laughing, but it wasn’t a mean laugh, it was more like if a fairy and a summer breeze had a baby and that baby was your beautiful, beautiful laugh. (Apparently Baekhyun’s ability to be sane and coherent reduces to an absolute 0% when facing someone that he is almost positive he’s in love with.)
“You’re cute,” you practically giggled, as if Baekhyun hadn’t suffered enough tonight. “But before you decide if you’re in love with me or not, we should sit and have a coffee first.”
“You don’t have somewhere to be?” Baekhyun asked.
You shook your head. “I was just heading home, but I’d rather be with you.”
Baekhyun smiled. (Though internally, he was doing front flips, back flips, somersaults, and cartwheels all at the same time.) “Alright. I’m Baekhyun.”
“I’m Y/N,” you replied.
“I’ll buy,” he said, trying to salvage at least some of his charm back. “Meanwhile, why don’t you tell me about yourself?”
Oh my god I went so overboard. Don’t look at soft Baekhyun selfies before writing a soft Baekhyun fic, or else this mess happens.
Also I can’t resist writing Beagleline and I will do so until I die, sorry
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tracelii · 7 years
mimimai for that ship stuff ;3c ♡♡
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you....:
Mai is a hunter with a mercenary side job, tasked withprotecting Mimi, a daughter of a very important family. TOO BAD MIMI IS AWEREWOLF
Mimi is out fishing with her family (not fishing herself,because ofc why would she) when she makes friends with mermaid Mai who followsthe ship around and only contacts her (and then later yanks Mimi overboard byaccident, stranding her out at sea)
Mai is a red-haired witch and Mimi her familiar who wouldrather sit still and look pretty than help out magically. Mai gets along just finebut Mimi usually fucks something up on accident, usually when she gets mad oris in her cat form and is like >:3c /pushes jar off of table
Mai is the barista and knows all of Mimi’s complicated mochafrap with no milk but steamed which doesn’t make it a frap but whatever thefuck put it over ice with only one dollop of whipped cream on the side drinksby heart and always brings Mimi her drink and chats her up at her table untilshe gets chewed out by her boss for slacking off.
Mimi is the sarcastic ‘I just need this for the money untilsomething better comes along’ TA and Mai the overly enthusiastic Professor whoknows all of her students by name and at least 3 facts about them. Shes reallyexcited about teaching people shit ok, Mimi wonders where the fuck this energy is coming from.
Mimi is the teacher and Mai the single parentand they accidently meet up at a gay pride parade a year later and they startdating and Mimi spoils Mai’s daughter I s2g mimi pl s
Mai is the writer and Mimi is her unforgivingeditor who keeps her the fuck ontrack and Mai appreciates it in a way but holy shit mimi let her rest don’t workour girl to the bone!!!!
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