#overblots are just each person's shadow come on now come on
marisashinx · 3 months
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"I am a shadow, the true self!" Twisted Wonderland x Persona!
The full portraits!:
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Sorry if you've asked this, but if you're not busy can you explain how overblotting works? To my understanding it's basically that you need to use a lot of magic and be in negative state and if you're blotted too long you become a monster, is that correct?
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Part of what you said is right, and part of it is wrong 😅 I’ll give you the facts though!!
The most information we get about the state of Overblot comes to us from Crowley in 2-3 and 2-4. Essentially, “blot” is a byproduct of magic. Blot is described as a highly toxic substance that greatly harms one’s mind and body. However, it naturally goes away with time if you eat and sleep properly. Negative emotions are NOT required to form blot; all mages create blot regardless when they use magic), but constant negative emotions can make it easier or faster for blot to accumulate. Additionally, Crowley stresses that the wellbeing and emotional state of a mage plays a significant role on an individual’s magic limit and blot accumulation.
The magestones each mage has serves as both an item that regulates blot + helps to direct magic, as well as a visual indicator of how much blot the magestone holder has at the moment. If the stone is clouded over with black, that means you should probably rest and recuperate before attempting any magic again. It’s still possible to cast spells without a magestone (which is a fact we learn in Vargas Camp), it’s just much riskier to do, as without a magestone, it’s harder to notice how much blot you have—and not only that, but it starts to build in your body instead of in the magestone, making it all the more deadly to the caster.
Something else to note is that most mages do not have a large amount of magical energy to expend. Each person has a different capacity! It’s important to keep an eye on one’s blot levels so as to not overdo it. (The existence of blot, therefore, indirectly limits mages from just spamming their most powerful spells whenever they want. Overblot occurs when the mage pushes themselves past their limits.)
Important to note is that Crowley says OBs are uncommon occurrences and that there aren’t many opportunities to study them. Enter STYX, lol 😂
Phantoms are the “shadows” that manifest from the negative energy and blot from the Overblots. Book 6 gives us more information on what Phantoms are and how they work. According to Idia in 6-27, Phantoms use blot to use the OB victim’s negative emotions as an energy source for themselves. When NOT in OB, blot is a toxic substance that limits one’s use of magic—but in the OB state, magic can be used without that worry since the blot now “powers up” that corrupted mage. However, this still comes at a great cost to the mage, as the Phantom is basically using its host like a battery pack or “food”.
Eventually the host will run out of magic to use… and at that point (Idia is vague with the wording here), it’s implied that the host is tossed away like “an empty juice box”. In the official English localization, Idia even says the caster is “gone” (which may go do far as to imply the death of the mage if their Phantom is allowed to feed on them without end). All that will remain is the Phantom, which will roam the world and destroy. In other words, the Phantom is NOT the same as its OB victim; it is a separate entity that acts like a parasite until it has finally killed of its host by draining them of their magic. After that, the Phantoms are free to stalk around and wreak havoc.
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The sweltering heat was a lot.
The sun was baking in heat in any and all forms of life from above.
Night Raven Students hurry to shades or run to class to hopefully get some cool air in their systems within the stone walls.
But alas, one student stood out from the rest on this hot day, leaning by one of the stones with closed eyes as one hand held firm his leather bound bag while the other rubs his sore meaty neck as people walk by is Leona Kingscholar waiting for something to happen it seems.
Come on you sneak, I won’t ignore you ditching me. He thought to himself in a scowl, a yawn showing off his fangs erupts his form as he cracked his neck.
His feline ears twitch at a certain sound.
His beautiful gem greens of eyes open a crack and look up.
His handsome face broke in a smirk.
Walking up to the wall is Jamil Viper wearing a short sleeved button up and a sweater vest to work well with the heat on the school grounds.
Well, guess you’re worth a wait…
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A few birds chirp afar, a distance ballad melody for prying ears to hear and enjoy or loath as they wander about this fine summer day.
The breeze was now just picking up and getting a bit cooler as if the Gods finally answered the pleads of many to come and settle down this blazing heat.
Tucked away in a beautiful green house of grass, hidden away with the scent of floral and soil, behind the soft shadows of large leaves and tall plants around, hushed away by the gentle flow of the stream two souls connect as two lips press against each other in sweet open mouth kisses.
The prince snakes an arm around the thin waste on top of him as the Viper’s son rubs his fingers through dense black hair.
A small growl leaves the kissing as a finger gently tugs at a hidden knot.
Jamil pulls away, cole eye staring at emeralds. “Maybe if you take better hygiene you wouldn’t be so knotted up.” He scolded lightly, ignoring the would be scolding of the lion undoing his updo but leaves the braids.
Leona rolls his eyes in response and merely leans back up to meet Jamil’s soft lips again, momentarily silencing the servant boy. Jamil hums softly in the kiss, pushing back to add pressure as their mouths open and they kiss with much more space and care for, their lips and tongue exploring and tasting this dish they’re both so familiar with already yet are trying new ways still.
It’s hard to pinpoint when this began with the two, when the barely edged line in the sand of schoolmates turned partners in kissing was crossed, but they can know when the first time their lips met in such a personal way. . .
“Hey, you wanna go to town sometime?”
Jamil looked up at the Savannaclaw dorm head and sigh, bag being fixed around his shoulders, he harbored his voice up to the surface in the sea of noise, “Again? Why are you so hooked on taking me to town someday?”
Leona shrugs and walks with him, “Cause I want to.”
“You ask me almost every day now…”
“I’m what some people call…persistence.”
Jamil rolls his cole eyes under his eyelids. Cole gray, like a fireplace burning down low with soft embers on a cold winter’s night, eyes that are cold to the glare yet have a deep rooted warmth hidden away.
Leona smirks, “What’s the matter, worried I might kiss ya?”
Jamil freezes as he stares up at Leona in shock that such words left those royal lips.
And there is it~
The hunger of new knowledge Leona craves for plenty.
The yearn to lick his teeth in thirst as he gets new information.
He has always been curious about his school chum in Scarabia since the first day he arrived. So isolating and cold, a perfect little snake hidden away in the grass blending in. But even small snakes can pack a mighty lethal bite, and Jamil was no exception after all as proven when the live feed of him trying to mind control Azul Ashengrotto was shown on his phone during winter break and his overblot right after.
This was the start of the journey Leona was aching for new things to learn in his boring school life and Jamil was just so beyond perfect to learn. 
Leona watches as Jamil looks away, smirking at the obvious warm glow on the younger’s cheeks. He bends his torso a touch as he gets close to the ear of his little prey, “If I were, I would gladly make your first kiss special~” 
Jamil blinks, “What?”
Leona tilts his head, “Huh?”
Jamil turns his head and stares at his upperclassman, his perfect eyebrows curved in a forever curious motion as he stares at him so intensely.
“Kalim was my first kiss.”
Leona’s ears turn down in a flat motion as he stares at Jamil in shock. Did I hear that right? He thought with eyes wide open.
He can’t possibly imagine those two faces merging together in any context or meaning of those translations!
He watches as Jamil walks ahead in the hall, away from Leona’s side, to the bright eyed little sunshine that steals all of his attention.
Images of their faces growing close and locking in broad daylight sneaks up in Leona’s mind.
Flashing imagery of Kalim’s arms wrapping around Jamil’s thin neck right there in the damn hallway burns Leona’s eyes with each blink.
Sicking sounds of their mouths moving and making gentle sounds hit his ears with his mind’s own personal record player on loop as he pictures Kalim’s face attached to Jamil’s.
Kalim’s eyes open as his tongue roams the mouth of his servant.
Kalim’s little smirk of victory as he so publicly claimed Jamil in front of him.
“Uh, Leona, you’re gonna stand there forever or–”
Leona pauses.
Leona looks to his side and sees Ruggie standing there confused.
Leona blinks for a second and looks back to the halls, seeing Jamil and Kalim walking away talking in clear imbalance.
Soon, Ruggie’s snickering takes him out of his entranced space, “Daydreaming much? That’s dangerous Leona~”
Leona frowns as his feet start walking. Stupid Viper, why did he have to spring that on me?! He growls silently as he ignores his friend’s calls out as he tries to keep up, his mind thinking back on the conversation just a few minutes ago.
How can he say something so matter-of-factly!?
Jamil glances over his shoulder as he crosses the mirror to Scarabia with Kalim, who is talking about whatever, watching as the lion prince of the Savannah walks into his mirror with a scowl on his face. His angry, handsome, face.
Jamil lets out a sigh as he accepts the different heat he’s used to in his dorm
Great, what was that all about anyways?
Leona watches Jamil’s face closely, watching how he breaths and how his face twitches some in emotions. Jamil’s hands dig deep into the fabric of his shirt as he cuddles close.
It was only a week since that hallway conversation when the two met up in this way, buried away in the back of an empty locker room after their club activities lips locked. 
All Leona had to do was be angry from that conversation for Jamil to be curious.
All Jamil had to do was bump into Leona for him to crack and crash their faces together in a lip bruising memory.
All they had to do was be so frustrated in their own curiosity they end up in this situation. 
Leona smirks as he hears Jamil’s voice gasp in a hitch as he rubs his ear shell as their lips meet in the kiss, keeping a mental note of the noise and what causes it.
Feeling annoyed he’s the only one shaking, Jamil shoves his tongue into Leona’s mouth without much warning. He smirks to himself as he felt and heard Leona be taken aback from the sensation and focused on this.
This is just like speaking, yes? Just focus on your Rs… He thought as he acted as if he’s taking a special conversation lacking sound but with lots of R related words to draw out.
Leona’s tongue lightly bumps onto his, the rough feeling startling Jamil some, both obviously curious and eager of the organs in their mouths. 
It takes so much of the other to not melt to the sensation of this kiss and seem weak in front of their momentary partner.
It takes so much not to grab and cling onto the body in front of them.
It takes so much not to let their vocal cords work freely at the warm feeling around them.
The two pull away, gasping for air.
Emerald greens stare deep into cole black.
Animal fangs gleaming in labored breaths matching the others’ less fanging canines.
One way of messy knots of black vines stands in comparison to the one that grew messy in the moment. 
They stare at each other, lips swollen and glittering in sweat from the intense kisses, hands on each other to keep balance but also to not let go. 
“From now on, I’m learning all your firsts, got that?”
True to his word, since then Leona learned new things about Jamil.
Jamil’s first move mark was made by Leona behind a pillar after the final class period.
Jamil’s first mature touch was given by Leona after a joint P.E. class.
Jamil’s first time touching someone else in such a personal way was thanks to Leona convincing him to swim in the watering hole in Savannaclaw’s lounge late on a school night. 
Despite the intense heat that oozes out of the two in their casual affair that’s what it was: 
Jamil doesn’t know when Leona will randomly appear in front of him.
Jamil doesn’t know when Leona will randomly kiss him again.
Jamil doesn’t know when Leona will suddenly take even more firsts.
Jamil doesn’t know anything and it’s killing him!
So now here they are, in the green house, locking lips when they should be in their final classes of their day, with Jamil sitting on the dorm leader’s legs. 
Leona rubs circles on the vice’s back as Jamil’s head lays on his chest, both of their lips reddish from their nibbles and puckering sucks.
Jamil’s eyes are closed, listening to the sound of Leona’s lungs and hearts make music under the hardened flesh of his chest, his body collecting and settling his breathing carefully.
Jamil’s eyebrow quirks slightly.
What is that-
Jamil sat up fast, cranking his neck to look up at Leona who looked at him confused in return.
“You purr??”
Leona’s ears flatten and he looks away to the side, his expression not fitting his words, “No-”
Jamil smirks victoriously as he feels the soft vibrations of a purr in Leona’s chest still.
“Oh hush up!”
The snake lets out a mighty laugh as Leona growls, cheeks flushed in exposed embarrassment. 
The two calmed down and stayed still after a moment, bodies close.
“So,” Leona started, “How was your first time ditching class?”
Jamil pressed his cheek against the bicep under him, so relaxed with the warm solid body holding him with the purrs. “Honestly, nerve wrecking…” He admitted, his eyes slowly fluttering to a close. “But at the same time, it’s calming…”
“Well obviously, you’ve been overworking so much you deserve to step back for a while.”
“. . . Are you falling asleep on me?”
Leona looks down and pauses.
He watches Jamil’s steady breathing.
He admires how the light through the glass and plants form lovely light beams and shadows across Jamil’s smooth dark olive skin and flowing silky black hair.
He looks peaceful…
Slowly, he raises a hand and places the palm against the younger man’s head.
Jamil hums softly and seems to openly accept the touch.
Leona smiles to himself, leaning his head back into the grass as his own tired eyes close and accept the warmth as well.
Maybe this heat isn’t so bad?
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merakiui · 2 years
Ooh I love the reverse isekai idea! Ok but consider that when their memories start to return, along with their personalities and quirks, so does some remanence of their OB selves. And considering that the only thing on an OB’s mind is their desires, so u can imagine how bad it gets when they start crushing on u. At first their just little urges or voices in their head but they chalk it up to being intrusive thoughts. But it just keeps getting worse, sometimes they see passing glimpses of monstrous versions of themselves when they turn a corner. Till one night while u both sleep on the bed, he wakes up unable to move but can clearly see their OB selves hovering over u, and they start to taunt them, touching u in all the ways they can only dream of ur body reacting in such a delightful way they can’t help but get turned on. They curse the monster calling it despicable for taking advantage of u but the monster keeps taunting saying that they are him except they have the balls to get what they want. In conclusion, the OBs cuck the boys (and Azul‘s bullies shouldn’t be limited to the tweels, so why not make himself his worst enemy) - I did this at 4 am and I didn’t have any sleep bc of midterms so excuse the mess that is this post
Yes!!! I considered something where the Overblot manifests itself in the characters’ shadows, hardly noticeable at first. But eventually you’ll see characteristics in the shadow that don’t align with your friend. Azul’s seems to have extra limbs. Leona’s seems to have animal-like ears and a tail. There’s always a halo-like crown bordering shadow Vil’s head. Thorns border Riddle’s shadow. You’re certain there are snakes coming out of shadow Jamil’s head. Idia’s hair seems to be more unruly than usual. And is it…made of fire in the shadow? You’ll point out these peculiarities and he’ll shrug it away, laugh it off, tell you the light’s too bright and you’re just imagining it.
But it becomes impossible for him to push it away. He’s remembering more and more of his past life and he’s so close to figuring out how he died and ended up in this magic-less world. When he peers at any reflective surface, the face of his Overblot smiles back. It’s getting harder to ignore this pressing issue, especially when he starts coughing up a thick, dark substance that resembles molasses-like ink. He has a sneaking suspicion that he’s dealt with this before. This thing… This blot. Right, that’s the word. Now he remembers.
And when it gets to an unbearable breaking point, the Overblot is birthed from his shadow, having existed in the dark for so long now, silently observing, growing, learning, feeding off of his desire to have you, to love you, to trap you, to protect you. All of these obsessive behaviors, each masked under the guise of a caring friendship, give the Overblot its power, and soon it no longer wishes to be the shadow the flame casts.
The Overblots exist as separate entities, which means you’re stuck with another version of your friend. And this version is cruel, detached, and very verbal about his innermost desires, especially when it comes to you. The original will tell you that that’s not him. That…thing is nothing like him. He’s not actually this disturbed. You’ll believe him because you trust him and you know nothing of the world he came from. Besides, he wouldn’t lie to you, right? He’s just as lost as you are… Right?
For now, you have to put up with a very troublesome Overblot and a very annoyed original who wants nothing more than to skewer his Overblot for ruining his chances and crossing lines he’s been trying to ease into.
The Overblot adapts rather quickly. He’s still very rooted in desire, but he uses it to his advantage. If you want him to behave, you could grant him a kiss or a hug or something more and he’ll be on his finest behavior. If you want him to stop sneaking into bed or the bathroom with you or locking you in a dark room until you’re begging to be let out, all you need to do is comply with whatever he wants from you. Though he’s still unhinged, he can be somewhat reasonable if it’s on his terms. But if you say or do the wrong thing, he’s quick to anger. Step delicately around him and choose your words with the utmost care, otherwise you might just be putting yourself in danger if he goes into a rage.
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decemebercircus · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland/Yuuta WORLD
Synopsis: It's time for Yuuta to go home (finally) but of course it's NRC and something goes wrong. Just as Yuuta is about to transport into the mirror Malleus appears distraught that not only was he left out again, his only friend is leaving.
Leona tries to stop him and unfortunately the power harnessed from the last overblot crystal which Yuuta was carrying exploded-- aside from hurtling everyone into what appears to be a Octahedral dimension
(A world created from Yuuta.) Of everyone Leona and Malleus seem to be the only ones who switched bodies.
Characters: Malleus, Lilia, Leona
Warnings: the swearing/profanity, probably inappropriate topics (I don't really remember rn.)
Word count: um... According to Ao3 it's 1967 words... That's not very impressive...
Chapter 1: "If I Were You for a Day....."
Leona begrudgingly woke up. The last thing he remembered was the herbivore-- Yuuta Origami the one everyone called Yuu as a nickname preparing for leaving their world. Then the lizard showed up and everything went to hell from there.
There was a explosion followed by a light and a shattering sound. Like a gem --or a mirror-- being broken.
As soon as he saw Malleus he was gonna smack him. Preferably hard enough to knock him off his feet. Rubbing his face he suddenly noticed how pale his skin was. Did the explosion whitewash him? He didn't know that was possible.
No the skin felt weird like barely concealed...something.
"So you're awake. You certainly took your time about it." Odd. His own voice sounded weird.. It also sounded like it wasn't coming from his mouth. Slowly coming to terms with the green vest he wore and looking at the shadow looming over him....
Wait green vest--? The only person who wasnt wearing the ceremonial robes was Malleus which meant, horrifyingly.. That Leona was--
Oh no. No no no.
His form donned the ceremonial robes he clearly remembered putting on for Yuuta's supposed return to their home.
But why was he looking at his own body.
"The fuck?" He blurted out as he gawked at his body a neutral expression set on his face as they stared at each other.
He stared at his hands again. Those were scales.
"Oh fuck NO" he muttered cringing as his voice came out sounding like Malleus's. Which was to be expected, it was his body.
This meant of course that Malleus was in his body.
"Oi! how'd this shit happen??" He grabbed the shirt collar of "Leona" or rather Malleus in Leona's body.
"Oh calm down. If this was my doing I would have been able to reverse it by now." Malleus snapped, Leona's voice sounding more formal and composed than it had in years.
Lilia approached them "ah so you still haven't changed back. That's a problem." He looked dismally at Malleus in Leona's body. "But at least no else has switched bodies."
Both boys seemed to glow with rage. Leona's entire form had a golden colored aura around him and looked like he'd rather be elsewhere.
Malleus on the other hand looked to be actually angry. The sky filled with dark grey clouds and occasional lighting strikes.
"Oh." With a quick flick across the forehead Lilia effectively distracted Leona in Malleus's body enough to cause the weather to clear, with the clouds turning normal grayish white.
"This a predicament though, it's probably for the best if you two stay together--" Lilia began.
"Have you lost your mind??" Leona snapped irritated and Malleus in Leona's body reached over presumably to hit him.
Glancing at him he hissed "uh uh dont touch me" and ran off to go find a place to nap.
He didn't care that he could hear footsteps of Lilia and the real owner of this body... Trapped in his own, chasing after him.
They caught him on one of the school towers' rooftops. He was just lounging there and wasnt particularly in a mood to move.
Well seems you're well adjusted" Lilia remarked cheerfully.
"I've been thinking and What about food? Sleeping?" He snarked glaring at Lilia.
"Dammit I can't catch a break" he grumbled slowly getting used to the low rumbling in his throat that happened when he got angry. In his own body he could ignore it since it had no meaning. Growling and roaring solved nothing. But in Malleus's body, near as he could figure, letting out a ear deafening roar might cause a few more problems.
"We lead very different lives it's gonna be hard to adjust." "Leona" added as if that made things better. He caught a glimpse of "Leona" pushing the hair out of his face as the wind blew. Seems both he and Lilia had no problem standing on a tower like it was the sidewalk.
"I suppose you'll have to get used to be each other, you did switch bodies. Why not keep up appearances for the time being?" Lilia offered and immediately was rejected.
"You want me to sleep in CLASS?!" Malleus voiced his complaint first.
"I know you aren't expecting me to sit through lunch listening to that annoyance prattle on about Him. Are you?" Leona retorted wishing he could flick his tail still.
"Have you seen what Leona eats for lunch??" Was the next protest from Malleus.
At that Leona snapped his-- Malleus's head up to glare at him for questioning his dietary habits.
They icily stared at each other, their expressions reflecting their refusal.
Lilia clearly regretted suggesting.
Leona and Malleus had seperate classes which proved a whole new problem. Keeping them from making a scene. At least they wouldnt be bickering. But that would make it hard to keep track of both of them. The school day was technically over which meant they could argue and bicker as much as needed to get it out of their system.
For tomorrow was a new day.
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"Here. bed clothes." He remarked reaching into his wardrobe and tossing Malleus a matching set of silky orange yellow pajamas. "Don't forget the hole for the tail-"
"Oh you'll be sleeping in my room, so don't throw away or damage the pillow for my horns." Malleus suddenly remarked. Leona had to mentally take a step back and process the instruction before saying any comments. So it was completely understandable that the only thing he could think of to say was "... What"
" were you not listening--" Malleus started unfolding the clothes. Paying no real mind to Leona's face.
" I heard you, I just... What..?"
"Surely you didn't think they were pretty decorations did you?"
"..." Leona didnt think it was wise to answer that. The weight of the horns was certainly not a decorative illusion.
"Have a peaceful night in Diasomnia" his voice said almost cheerfully scaring him with how happy his own voice sounded.
"You're coming with." He grabbed "Leona's" arm dragging him through out the entire dorm and to the mirror. He completely ignored Malleus so he honestly wasn't sure if he protested or not.
Didn't matter. This body was... Way too fucking strong. He normally didn't mind this but it was currently telling him his own original body didn't weigh much more than one of the chairs back home. While this would have been something he could laugh about it wasn't fucking funny when it was him.
"Which room is yours"
"Obviously the one marked dorm leader" Malleus snarked the smartass tone dripping from his voice.
"Thanks Prince Helpful. I meant which floor"
"Oh last room on the second floor" Malleus answered as they sped past the kitchen.
Upon entering Diasomnia Leona had so many questions about this Damn dorm...
Most of them boiled down to "what the fuck?"
In Malleus's room Leona thought it would be smart to just grab any "night" clothes and sleep in them. Didn't matter if they matched or whatever.
He took off his pants and stopped. He didn't notice earlier from how agitated he was, and there was likely some spell to keep them from being obvious. But what the fuck even is this body.?!
"What is this?"
"Leona" now completely changed in the pajamas he gave him, tilted his head like he didn't see the problem.
"What the fuck is this shit?" He snapped pointing at his crotch area.
"Leona there is no way--" Malleus started sighing as he did so.
"NO I mean why is there TWO?" He interrupted running his finger over the both of them, immediately stopping due to not wantung to admit how good it felt.
"Born this way?" Malleus offered Leona's body shrugged and his lips curved into a half smirk.
"You're enjoying this."
"Might as well" Malleus replied collapsing on the bed.
"Hey. There better not be some sort of routine for these things"
"Want me to do it?" Malleus offered but he'd rolled over so he wasn't facing him anymore.
"...do what?" Leona asked without thinking.
"I'm not gonna do anything---" Leona mentally cringed at the thought of asking for assistance.
"Then Don't worry about it" Malleus interrupted sounding way too much like Leona.
Not really able to handle everything the day dished out he pulled on pajama pants and turned off the light.
"You're not gonna put a shirt on?" Malleus asked. He didn't think it mattered.
"Do I have to?" He sighed irritated.
"... No"
"Then shut up" he snapped.
He tried. He genuinely tried to fall asleep. But something about this body felt weird. Like now that it was night time it was time to get up and do stuff. He felt more awake now. One hour turned to two, two turned to three.
Must be a fae thing.
"Ok we got a problem."
No response.
"How do you sleep at night?"
He sat up. Oh Great seven Malleus could see in the dark. This meant that Leona could see in the dark. He could see where everything in the room was. And unfortunately that Malleus had curled himself into a tiny ball and fell asleep in such a rigid position.
Pulling him out of the uncomfortable looking position was really easy and Malleus seemed barely aware it happened.
"..now what"
He closed his eyes hoping to sleep. At least a little.
¤¤¤¤¤      ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
"Hey Leona, get up we have to go back to class at some time. Preferably today."
"Mm fuck off. I didn't get any sleep last night. I shouldn't have to get up" he complained.
He glanced up and stared at "Leona", that is Malleus in Leona's body wearing the school uniform all formal like. "How'd you get dressed so fast?"
"I'm going to stop Lilia from making breakfast. YOU get showered and dressed" Leona groaned in reply.
"Ugh wearing the clothes like this is just bothersome and stupid" Leona complained as he pulled at his collar and then loosened his tie.
"Grin and bear it-- hey don't unbutton your clothes!" Malleus looked over his shocked expression morphing on Leona's face. Leona deadpanned at him in response.
"Why not?"
"I-- nevermind. Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Malleus commented. "Right back at you" Leona rolled his eyes waving "Leona" away. Leona grimaced he wasn't sure how he liked this body, even given that he was supposed to be only borrowing it.
¤¤¤¤¤¤        ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
Back in Malleus's room in Diasomnia Leona was supposed to focus on Malleus's homework but a noise distracted him. He went to the room "Leona" was in. "..." After what felt like five minutes he had a question.
"The fuck you whining about." He meant to ask it but it somehow came out as a statement.
"Yuuta abandoned me." Malleus-- "Leona" sniffled hugging the pillow. Leona internally cringed as he looked at himself crying, even if it was someone else in his body.
"My only friend. And they abandoned me. Without a thought. Were they really not my friend at all?" He cried. Seeing himself cry... Even if it was for what he considered a pathetic reason; was kinda... Leona shrugged off any shock he felt since realistically, Malleus would be in his own body crying like it would bring Yuuta back.
He silently stared as Malleus buried his face in the pillow again to quiet his sobs. Evidently heartbroken about Yuuta leaving. Leona sighed and sat down next to him. Malleus had stopped crying and turned to face him.
"What?" Malleus asked.
"Just go to sleep and quit crying" Leona snapped.
"How do you think it's going to be for us if we don't switch back?" Malleus suddenly asked. Leona didnt answer. He faked being asleep hoping Malleus would take the hint and fall asleep too.
*Chapter End*
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Evolnation Chapter 6
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Before classes Rouge woke you up with a loud sound as you barely opened your eyes as the book floated before you. 
"Wake Up fool… let's for now focus on the task at Hand. Given we work for these contests I wanted to look through what these Idols think of each other so we can see if something like in the last dorm might happen. I can't see who would be the most likely though. Spark always seems happy and ignores any negativity towards her but how long does it take for her to break? Echo was the number 1 before as I heard from other students and now stands in the shadow of Spark, no wonder she was disappointed yesterday as she heard they would Go as a duo again. And I don't know what to make of this Pulse dude… He literally only goofs around when we see him but stays strong in their place. And then there is this Mysterious Shade we hear about but never see… I barely could dig up anything about her…. For now let's continue to accompany them and hope this so-called Overblot won't happen again." You nodded to Rouge and went out of your dormitory, However as you came to the lobby you saw a small red haired Girl among the group… She looked very similar to someone you know.  
"Hey Bethany, you shouldn't be here today." 
She pouted as Aosuke called her out.
"My room is boriiiing…. You guys at least have games here. And even so… Mom is busy, I will be fine. " 
Akabei jumped up excited.
"So you are part of the Plan today? We tried to snuck into the Cafeteria today." 
"Awwww yeah!" 
Rouge gave a small noise. 
"Doesn't she look like…" 
As they wanted to say something, Shadman came in again, making some odd head movements. 
"Oh no it's [little demon] Bethany… you are not supposed to be here." 
She looked annoyed. 
"Can't you make an exception today, Janitor… It's my birthday…" 
Shadman shrieked up lightly. 
"I haven't seen anything I [made deals] do my job." 
Bethany smiled and then walked out the dorm with the 5 other ghost kids. 
Meanwhile on your way to class you saw Gregory talk to Rubina.
"Ru-Ru… you don't hafta worry about me… I check my Gem with Tiam and Taron each day…" 
"I know it's just… I have seen someone exhaust their limits with this gem and… I just don't want it to happen again…" 
He placed his tall hand on her head. 
"I know ya don't wanna talk about it but we both are after the same person to get our revenge… so I trust ya to take care of me. I will not end up like that person you saw." 
"J-just don't get Into trouble and be more careful alright." 
"Is It that ya worry too much about it because ya like me?" Greg chuckled while Rubina with a red face punched him lightly. 
"You are an idiot…"
"Right you are eyeing that Brandy guy from the other class, or Is It that Christo dude from RSA… man Ruby you really fall quick for people…" 
Although he laughed wholeheartedly Rubina clenched her fist at him.
"Jeez I am joking. Anyways Ru-Ru… you keep my Secrets I keep yours, got it." 
You quickly withdrew not to get seen.
Today's class was the first time you joined a Combat class..  mainly under the special condition of a makeshift weapon and Rouge as your magic catalyst assisting you. 
Valeria Diavello was, as a teacher, more strict with the other students. However, given you weren't experienced in the d.first place she slowly took the time to show you some tricks with some weapons while with Rouge they practiced some targeting. 
However as you looked to the side you noticed Emma sparring with a Blonde haired boy. It was like boxing was a natural thing for her. She also smiled much more than she usually does when it comes to her career. 
After the lesson Emma approached you. 
"Well then… let's make our way to the concert. Peko is already waiting at the scene, she had classes done earlier."
And so you two made your way to the harbor.
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mention of Brandy by @forestwispocs​ and Christo by @rookvonhunt​
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fur-movedd · 4 years
Why i personally think the Heartslabyul TVCM was the creepiest out of the current 5 dorm TVCMs of twst
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C. All rights reserved to Disney, Aniplex, and Yana Toboso
Okay hlb is my favorite dorm so this may seem... a bit biased but i just wanted to talk about how this tvcm creeped me out more than the others did.
So let's start with what happens in the tvcm and of course the very obvious details will be pointed out later on. The tvcm starts with a very lovely and calming atmosphere with the 5 heartslabyul members, Riddle saying the perfect tea party lines ("the roses in the garden are red....") with nothing eerie going on.
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Just as he opens his eyes to say the line, 「さあ、完璧なティーパーティー」 (Well then, let the perfect tea party begin), the other members turned to rose petals and disappeared, his expression quickly changing
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After this part, we see the transition from Riddle -> Ace -> Deuce -> Trey -> Cater -> Riddle
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Though, this just may be one of those, "oh the members get introduced" part of the cm, the background actually gets darker and darker for each students. See, It starts with Riddle having a bright background, then transitions to Ace having a bright red background with a bit of shadow on the top, and the shadow started to take over as it transitions to other characters (Say, Ace and Cater both had red, just different shades of red, but Cater's had more shadow going on in the background as it ends with Riddle, his background just completely dark with blue light coming out from the top as he falls)
The next part of this is just darkness where Riddle falls at the center while the other members start counting down in the background (just their numbers, Cater being 4 of diamonds, Trey -> 3 of clubs, Deuce -> 2 of spades and Ace being.. well, Ace of hearts)
(Not going to lie, if we take out the other members in the background, it's like Riddle is falling in a hole, just like what happened to Alice)
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Now, the most f*cked up part in the cm is Riddle's transition to Riddle overblot
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Now this... personally scared the crap out of me... I mean... I don't even have to explain myself anymore..... do I
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Anyways.... that's just it from me today..... thank you for listening to me...........
Edit: okay so i forgot to point out the other stuffs because i got distracted with the details but, in the "well then, let the perfect tea party begin" part and the members vanishing in rose petals, just an interpretation, may show that the 'perfect' tea party = other members being gone
In the falling part, i pointed out it looked like alice falling down the hole. Except, if you take out the other members... it's not really a hole, it's just pure emptiness and darkness surrounding riddle with little light on the top.
Also i have nothing to say about the overblot transition anymore except it really did fuck me up
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silvanable · 4 years
Overblot Theory (pt1?)
okay okay all my twst darlings, i bring forward a theory. and please bear with me because this is written in the middle of the night-morning & i am thriving on sleep drugs that aren’t doing their job, so there’s likely a million typos and half of it or more might sound like drunk rambling the irony of never being drunk lol.
also i’m tagging now that this contains spoilers i guess? i haven’t finished chapter 5 ( i’m still fairly early in ) yet but i’m literally going to be talking about everything i’ve seen thus far regarding overblot and those effected by it.
so we all know how overblot works right? nasty emotional build up, using too much magic, and then sNAP!
that’s great and dandy, it seems like a build up that gets to a tipping point and suddenly that last drop cracks the glass and everything comes flooding out— right?
but what if overblot isn’t actually that flood point where they turn? what if the overblot is the whole process, not when they are consumed by the negative energies and black magic that force such a violent change on them?
so in every chapter thus far, there is always a few scenes were were see the ink dripping. gradually as we progress through the chapters, we watch as the character begins to spiral and is consumed by negative emotions. each time we see the ink, it splotches more and more, growing and forming a larger puddle each time.
BUT— each case is slightly different from the others, despite having the same trends with each dorm and the inevitable overblot, each character has a different way of reaching that.
so we have the general order everyone overblots for plot purposes, but in my opinion the fact riddle didn’t overblot sooner was fucking astounding. we’re shown how liberally he used his magic and the super strict and toxic mindset he had which was forced on him since childhood. then after each scene we saw of the ink pooling, riddle would gradually become worse in the chapter, until the moment he snapped and became a homicidal maniac.
leona was similar, except instead of him using his magic, he was consumed by his own emotions more and more. it was his hatred from his brother, his family, and his home that started it. then the issue of being second still in nrc to someone like malleus. many reasons to why leona is a lazy ass but i love him still oof but because he kept these things contained, letting it boil and seep into him, it made these things so much worse than they should have been. so ultimately when his plan fails, after trying so hard and becoming so desperate, there’s a surge and he transforms.
azul goes down a combined path, he uses his magic constantly, even with a buffer like a contract and his crystal, and is consumed by his own self loathing and emotions that send him spiraling. the final straw is the moment when his contracts are stolen and disintegrated by leona. but it was already shown throughout chapter 3 that azul has a moment of breaking, despite his composure, was spiraling the moment yuu started poking around. and being outsmarted did nothing for his barely existing pride to begin with.
jamil, out of all of them, but far hurt me the most because all of his sly tactics and underhanded tricks were really because he was trying to fight so he could be himself. fully heartedly believe if grim and yuu never showed up, he would have never overblotted. granted what jamil does is a big dick move but his entire life he’s been repressed and he has no freedom to himself what so ever— essentially he was forced to be an adult since he was a child and lemme tell you that ain’t fun. the one thing i consider a key part here is not the fact his emotions got the better of him in the end, but the fact he used his unique magic on the entire fucking scarabia dorm.
as for vil, granted i don’t know much, but pride and especially vanity will no doubt play a lot into his overblot all because of his rival neige. he’s already a very strict and disciplined character who holds himself very high and strives for nothing less than perfection... so we all know how that ends.
each one of them showed similar tendencies. all of them have some sort of inferiority complex, repressed emotions, and magic is always involved in small or excessive quantities. what i think is going on is not that suddenly they are overwhelmed— no, the overblot starts before anyone notices. that’s what the ink represents.
let’s assume that everyone, no matter what, always has blot, regardless if their magic crystals are ‘clean’ and ‘clear’. after all, the crystals are supposed to be an extra barrier between the user and magical backlash, but emotions have to play a part in this too. so while the crystals protect from magic blot, emotional is different... they just kind of soak that disgusting ink right up and channels all their magic right through it and the crystals only soak up so much of it.
so everyone has some blot? great. but what’s the point of this? i’ll tell you! it’s that each person handles it differently. our boys here all swallow their complaints, the crap they deal with, disagree with, or have been served, and try to shove it into some deep, dark, forgotten pit to never see again. except it doesn’t work, because the more they use magic the more it warps those feelings, feeding off of it. it uses emotions as a sort of super charge for the magic, which creates more negative magic and amplifies the emotions.
so the overblot had already started by the time yuu and grim show up, just some of the boys had decent wraps of it all and didn’t have a nosy human ruining their fucking plans.
okay, kidding, i don’t believe that yuu and grim play a super major part, as eventually the overblots would happen with our without them. either way, i don’t think there would have been a way to stop it without knowing and solving the problem before the transformed and needing anyone in the near vicinity with ability to beat the shit out of the monster controlled student & knock some sense back into them.
i think that by the time yuu shows up, it’s already too late. that first moment we see the ink drip and gather? that’s the start and there’s no stopping it. why? because that was the overblot, the end of filling up and the beginning of tipping without a way to reverse it.
instead of having their emotions all tucked away, the magic has morphed into something nasty, too strong, and they might not even know it. at this point, it’s less about them actually accumulating blot and more that every negative emotion and burst of magic they let out begins to accelerate the build up attracting every little bit of negativity and magic whether or not they actually feel or do anything. the transformation is not the overblot finally happening, it’s the completion, when all that black magic, blot, and emotions burst free from its cage and utter consumes the host.
now i’m not going into the theory i have about the overblot forms and the shadows, because that’s an entirely different topic for me about possession and the great 7, but what i’m trying to say here is—
the overblot is the whole process, not just the transformation and monstrous shadow lurking behind the newest asshole victim.
the ink forming, the unstable spiral each character falls into, and finally the explosion that transforms them. it’s the magic and emotions that muddled together taking on an intent of its own, a will of nothing but chaos and destruction, taints their magic crystals, and uses the host as a means of executing it by clouding their minds and giving them the power they always wanted and needed.
after all, when you’re drunk on power and fed by trauma, are you really going to listen to reason or do what you want because you finally have the ability to do so? of course you’re going to listen to the little voice that says to destroy and take it all for yourself!
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wingblade1357 · 4 years
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I was doodling a scene for Kalim’s personal story part 2 and it suddenly turned to a novel illustration. I was aiming to use Shiro Amano style’s but asdfghjkllll painting is so hard.
I’m still debating whether to do it in a story or comic (since till now I still haven’t finish drawing Azul’s part 2 asdfghjkllllll😂😂😂)
EDIT: I added the draft of Kalim’s personal story part two! It’s right down after the read more because it ended up pretty long.
Before Hikari could turn, someone tackled her from behind, embracing her in a warm hug. She almost stumbled, but she quickly balanced herself and the extra weight on her back.
“Funyaaaaa!” Grim yelped in surprise at the sudden movement. “GAHH It’s him again!”
Hikari patted the person’s arm, “As lively as ever, Kalim-senpai.”
“I thought I told you to call me just ‘Kalim’? No formalities needed!” Kalim said with a huge grin. He released his hold on her and he glanced around when he noticed two of her friends are missing. “Where’s Ace and Deuce?” He asked, tilting his head curiously.
“Those two got club activities.” Grim answered.
“And you two?”
“No club activity for me today.” Hikari said. She also noticed Kalim was alone. After the whole Scarabia fiasco, the two friends sorted things out. Jamil was free to be whatever he wanted and not Kalim’s shadow. The tradition between the Asim Family and the Viper family has changed. Kalim also tries his best to be independent and not rely on Jamil too much. It was a drastic change, but they’re taking it slowly. Step by step. “What about you? You’re in the Light Music Club, right?” She asked back.
Kalim grinned, “Yup! I was on my way when I came across you two!”
“As always, this guy’s easily distracted.” Grim deadpanned, sighing. “Anyways, c’mon!! We need to go to Sam’s before he closes!!” He whined, ordering for Hikari to hurry it up.
The white-haired boy blinked, “Do you need something? I can pay it for you!” He offered genuinely.
Hikari quickly raised her hand to decline. “It’s okay! Don’t worry! I can pay for it.”
Kalim pouted. Hikari was always declining his offer. One time, he even offered to renovate the Ramshackle dorm, but again, she declined saying that was the Headmaster’s responsibility. The other time, he offered jewels from his Treasure room, but again, she declined saying that she doesn’t need jewelry or money. She was strange, but in a good way.
“Gilbert, Ted and Jasper are not in the dorm today! It’s their monthly ghost gathering.” Grim said with a grin. The ghosts often offered to make dinner for the Ramshackle residence, though it was mostly them giving the leftovers from the cafeteria for free since they know the Cafeteria Ghost very well. Hikari and Grim didn’t mind as long as they get free food and still keep the dorm’s budget. “It’s Hikari’s turn to cook!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Hikari sighed, patting Grim’s head. Grim favored her cooking more than ever. He said it was tasty and she should cook everyday, but she declined. To a certain degree, she likes cooking, but she does have those days when she’s too lazy or just don’t want to cook. Her profession wasn’t a chef like her brother.
“Ehhhhh!!!! I wanna eat your cooking too!!” Kalim exclaimed, his eyes sparkling like a thousand stars.
“You’re welcome to eat dinner with us.” Hikari invited. Kalim invited her plenty of times and sometimes, she has to decline since she doesn’t want to trouble them. It was mainly because each time Kalim invites her, he would go overboard with the party. She though it was just going to be a nice dinner, but turns out it was a full party with a parade. “I was thinking Filet Mignon Poêlé and maybe for dessert... coconut cream pie?” She remembers one of Kalim’s favorite thing is Coconut juice, maybe something related to coconut will make him happy.
“Ohhhh! Sounds delicious!!” Both Kalim and Grim cheered.
“We better get going and buy the ingredients from Sam. See you later then Kalim-senpai!” Hikari waved her hand goodbye to her upperclassman.
“Yeah! See ya!”
Kalim stood there, waving his hand above his head.
“No! You can’t!”
“Why not?”
Kalim pursed his lips, closing it tightly. This was the first time he ever disapproved of Jamil’s decision. He would always agree with Jamil’s way since whenever Jamil takes care of it, things would go as planned. Not this time.
Jamil sighed, “I understand your feelings, but things will remain the same if we don’t move.” He said with his arms crossed. “She’s here and you’re doing nothing?”
Kalim stayed quiet.
“I don’t understand why everyone but you forgot about her...” Jamil said. For years, Kalim kept mentioning a name—a person, but no one believed him. “Aren’t you tired of waiting?”
After Jamil overbloted and saved, there was a long forgotten memory that resurfaced. He remember someone—someone who was always there for him and told him to be himself. The person who told him he was free to express himself the way he wanted.
The hands he felt save in.
Finally he could understand what Kalim was talking about all these years.
Kalim’s imaginary friend wasn’t imaginary.
She was real and there with them.
He wants to know. No. He needs to know.
“Hikari... doesn’t seem to remember as well...” Kalim confessed, looking down to his hands.
“You said it yourself and she did as well back then. As long as our hearts are connected—“
“I know! But I.... I don’t want you to use your unique magic to force her to confess... it just seems wrong.”
Silence basked the two.
“...Fine. I suppose you’re right on this one.”
The brunette could hear Kalim all the way from the kitchen. “I’m in the kitchen!” She was too busy preparing for dinner that she didn’t even realize it was already time. Grim was busy doing his homework, but ended up taking a nap in the common area. She turned her head when she heard footstep coming closer. “Sorry, Kalim-senpai! Looks like you have to wait a little longer for dinner.”
“Uwaaaa! It smells so good!” Kalim peeked inside the kitchen, a big smile across his face.
“We bought some snacks. You can eat that first if you’re hungry.” Hikari pointed to the box of biscuits she bought from Sam at a special price. She turned her back on him to continue cooking.
“Thanks!” Kalim sat on the stool and propped his head up, leaning over the island and humming a tune he learned from his club. He stared at the brunette as she moved around to grab some spices from the cabinets.  He remembered everything. She looked the same as she did ten years ago—as if she didn’t age a bit. She had cooked for him and Jamil a few times during the short period when she was his bodyguard. Neither once did he get poisoned or kidnapped when she was around. “You know...”
When was the right time to ask? Jamil had warned him there was no second chance.  And he was right. Tomorrow or the next, who knows how long she was going to be with them.
There was a chance... that she might disappear again.
Everyone will forget her.
And this time, maybe even he will forget her.
“I think I’ve told you that aside from Jamil’s food, I always get a stomach ache, right?” Kalim began.
Hikari glanced over her shoulder, giving a reassured look. “Don’t worry, Kalim-senpai! I didn’t put anything funny—“
Kalim laughed. “I know! I know! I trust you!” He jumped off the stool and stood beside the island, staring at the ingredients on top of it.  “I’ve been poisoned more times than I could count.”
“But there’s one remedy that always healed me. She was the one who taught me how to make it!”
“That remedy is Panacea.”
Hikari turned to look at him with wide eyes.
Kalim smiled. “That person... It really is you, right?”
Cliffhanger lol
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fic: the heavens in your eyes [azul ashengrotto/reader]
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you simply go out to gaze at stars, but after inviting azul, you find yourself lost in another beauty.
word count: 2788 content notes: azul/reader but it’s more friendship; lowercase for aesthetic; additional notes at the end content warnings: none
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no soul should be sauntering along main street at this time, particularly because the dorms have set curfews to keep students from going out too late. but you have no such restrictions, and you regularly go out at this time of the night when you seek reprieve from your daily responsibilities plopped onto your shoulders.
such weight is replaced by the straps of a backpack that carries thick old books, your camera, a folded blanket, and a pillow, and along with those things, a silver telescope sits comfortably in your hand. despite the heaviness of the books, you walk with a certain lightness in your step, like a cloud freely moving with the wind as it travels across the sky.
in the corner of your eye, you spot a shadowed figure, and you stop in your tracks, turning towards it, leading you to the statue of the sea witch, where the person stands, appearing to be deep in thought. you almost do not recognize the person, until you squint and see wisps of silver hair caught by the little illumination from the lamp reaching them.
odd, you think for a split second, but you don’t know what exactly is odd about him. however, you quickly banish the thought as azul stiffens slightly before turning his head to face you with a surprised expression.
“oh, i didn’t expect to see you here,” he says, schooling his expression to his pleasant smile. “what are you doing here?” as he asks, he steps out into the light of the lamps, illuminating his figure. 
ah, now you know what exactly is odd about him. he sports the octavinelle uniform, but his coat and hat are absent. the two articles of clothing are so distinct on him that seeing him without it gives him the appearance of a crab without its shell, yet the lack of it gives him a much more youthful appearance.
“i was just on my way to look at the stars tonight. it’s a thing i do a lot when i need time alone,” you say before azul suspects you of staring, as you slightly move the arm that cradles your telescope. “but what about you? aren’t you on curfew?”
“they lifted curfew for tonight,” he answers. “it is the last night before we go on spring break, so the headmaster allows the students to spend time with each other before they leave.”
oh, that’s right. you forget crowley has such a rule regarding nights before breaks.
“but really, what are you doing here?”
“i go here when i need to clear my thoughts,” azul says. he’s not quite looking at you while he speaks. “sometimes, when even work or the twins don’t help, i take a walk out, at least before curfew. though tonight...” a sigh of perturbation comes out before he shakes his head and turns to you once more with a smile. “not that you would want to hear my complaints.” 
ah, so he has his own worries. the thought shouldn’t be so surprising as it is, but you always found azul to be perfectly capable in everything he does, never mind the sketchier side of his actions. but in retrospect, you have witnessed the madness that consumed him months ago in the form of overblot. 
“say,” the next words flow out of you before you can completely process them, “do you want to go stargazing with me?”
he turns back to you with a questioning gaze. “stargazing?”
“yeah.” you nod your head. “it helps me clear my mind. maybe it can help clear yours.” you pause to wait for an answer, but not a second later, an afterthought hits you: “but of course, you don’t have to if you don’t want to!”
he places a hand on his chin as he contemplates your offer. “how long do you plan on stargazing?” 
“well, you can leave anytime you want.” you shrug nonchalantly.
“and where do you plan on going?”
you pause at the question before nervously looking away. “well…” you don’t know how to respond – azul is a dorm leader, after all.
he smiles amusedly at your reaction. “i take it that it’s not around the school campus, am i correct?”
the silence from you confirms everything. 
azul pushes the bridge of his glasses up with two of his fingers, keeping them there for a little while. “i don’t usually break the rules of the school.” a part of yourself doubts that. “but i’m curious to know this place that you go to. i would like to know a little more about you, after all.” okay, doubts confirmed, but now you find yourself regretting asking him to go with you as you look at that certain glint in his eyes. 
“so, that’s a yes,” you ask. 
“i suppose i can go with you,” he answers. “i’m sure you know that not a word should be spoken about this, correct?” he smiles pleasantly at you, but it unnerves you, and you nod wordlessly at him.
and off you go. 
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it leaves you humored how a gate can look so imposing that one would dare not open it, yet it’s so easy to open with just a push. azul sighs at this, mumbling something about crowley’s incompetence, not that he’s wrong in any way.
down the rocky path you travel, the trek is easy thanks to gravity bringing you down the slope, with the occasional pebble bouncing on the ground as it gets kicked by either yours or azul’s feet. you stop somewhere in the slope situated between nrc and the bottom of the cliff, where a long abandoned pickup truck stands. 
the prefect blinks in surprise upon arriving at the truck. “is there a reason as to why a pickup truck is in the middle of this path?”
“i don’t know,” you answer with a shrug. “but no one uses it, and it’s really comfy, so i go here to have a good view of the stars while staying comfy.”
he casts you an incredulous look. 
“it’s not like it has an owner, or it’d have been long gone otherwise.” you approach the pickup truck, unloading your backpack onto the open back side of it. “i’ve spent nights here on this truck, and no one’s ever caught me or anything, so we’ll be fine.”
azul remains standing in hesitation.
“hey,” you say with a sigh, “i’ve done this at least 30 times. nothing’s gonna go wrong. and if by off chance, someone does see us, you can book us out of here with teleportation or something.”
“that’s not–” azul stops his sentence with an exasperated sigh and a hand on his forehead. he reluctantly boards the back of the truck, watching you take out your blankets and books out of your bag. azul takes one look at the cover page of one of the books, and he turns to you as you set up your telescope.
“ah, i see you’re into astrology.”
“mhm,” you hum while making adjustments to your stand, “it’s pretty cool, since here, there’s actual science that backs it up. back home, it’s not like that.”
“back home, you say?” intrigue shimmers in his eyes like the stars above. “you speak as if you’re not from this world.”
your hand pauses.
oops, you forgot that only a select few know of where you come from.
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you had no idea how homesick you really are until you ramble to azul about a world where magic is myth and the great seven is a nonexistent concept. it’s funny, really; never had it ever occurred to you that you would share a condensed version of your life story with azul ashengrotto for a while in your secret haven wrapped in blankets of cloth and stars, yet here you are. perhaps you may regret it one day, knowing the type of person he is, but you hate to admit that you can’t help yourself. he’s an excellent conversationalist, able to listen attentively while asking interesting questions and adding his own remarks. perhaps this is how he was able to bewitch more than 200 students. 
“so i really got to learning about the stars after getting that constellation book,” you continue to narrate, “and that’s when i really started hunting for constellations. and when my dad bought me a telescope,” you pat your silver telescope beside you, “i was so happy, you have no idea. i could finally see the constellations i thought i’d never see with only my eyes. like cancer for example!” 
you adjust the position of your telescope to point at a certain direction in the sky.
“it’s because of the stars of cancer being dimmer than the 4th magnitude, am I right,” azul asks unsurely.
“yep,” you answer. he’s good at memorizing information, you’ll give him that. you peer into the lens of the telescope before smiling and nodding. “nice, i found it.” you bring out your camera from your bag, aiming it at the direction the telescope is facing and snap! a photo comes out of the camera, and you pull it out, placing it down on the truck. 
“i also got into taking photos.” you watch the image in the photo slowly coming to life. “originally, it was because i needed a reference for the constellations, but it got me into appreciating the things around me. so now, i take pictures of the things i find beautiful.” 
he nods, humming as he does so. “i see.”
“you wanna try?” you gesture to the telescope, moving so the spot by the lens is free. 
wordlessly, azul moves forward, leaning towards the telescope lens. 
“hm, can you see without your glasses,” you ask him. “it’s easier without them so that you can lean a little closer without hitting the lens with them.”
“my sight is blurry without them, but i think near enough objects are okay to see.” he takes off his glasses, carefully placing them down next to him before peering into the telescope once more. 
oh my god. you inhale sharply. azul looks so beautiful without his glasses–! 
he’s silent at first as he tries looking for cancer, an eye searching for the faint pattern of the stars. but after some time, his mouth forms an o, awe etched onto his face. “i think i see it?” he then frowns. “wait, is it…? yes, it is, i see it now.” 
for a second time, you take in a sharp breath. azul is always all smirks and pleasant smiles, faces meant for business appointments with clients, and you forget that he’s a 17-year old who still has much to learn. but in that moment, a certain quiet envelops you. it is the quiet of a moment when you bathe in the sight of people laughing together, when you work with calm piano music playing in your earbuds, when you gaze at nature’s wonders, contemplating on how such beauty can exist in this world. in that silence, all you can see is how entranced you are by azul, whose coat and hat are absent, whose glasses are off, whose expression is one of childlike awe. 
i should still have enough to be able to take a few pictures… you lift your camera, aiming it carefully…
azul jolts slightly at the sound of a camera snapping a picture, and he faces you, greeted by the sight of a camera in front of him that is producing a photo right now. his eyes widen in shock. “did… did you just take a picture of me?”
sudden guilt weighs on your gut at the expression on his face. “oh wait, did you not want me to take a picture of you?” you awkwardly look away from him, feeling your embarrassment warm up your cheeks. “i’m so sorry, azul. i got too carried away.” 
“i’m not exactly comfortable with photos,” he says. it’s subtle, but something clouds his eyes. you can’t tell if it’s sadness or shame, but it makes you remember when you had to take the photo from the museum for him months ago and why he wanted that photo. 
“oh… i’m sorry,” you apologize once more. “do you want me to get rid of the photo?”
“it’s alright.” azul shakes his head. “i won’t ask you to do something so wasteful. just as long as you keep it a secret along with us sneaking out of the school.”
“oh, okay.” you smile in relief over being able to keep the photo.
“i just want to ask…” he picks up his glasses, placing it elegantly on his face. “why did you take a photo of me?”
“huh?” you flash a questioning look towards him. “i just told you, i take photos of things i find beautiful.”
surprise flashes across azul’s face for a second, his glasses moving slightly askew, but he quickly fixes his expression to a more neutral one. “i see…” he adjusts his glasses as well, making sure they fit him properly. “thank you for seeing me that way, i suppose.”
you tilt your head, his choice of words odd to you. “eh? but you really are beautiful, azul.”
the corners of his lips turn upward to a bemused smile. “flattery isn’t going to get you anywhere,” he says. “i always try to look my best no matter what, so it’s nothing much.”
a frown forms on your face. “you did this before.”
he furrows his brows. “come again?”
“remember in the museum when you returned your photo,” you say, and when he nods unsurely, you continue, “i was complimenting your hard work, but you also deflected that. i’m not trying to flatter you or anything like that, i’m really just saying what i have in mind.”
for the first time that night, azul does not respond when you pause in your speech. 
“you don’t need to accept my compliments, and that’s fine,” you add in, “but hey, i’m saying them because i want you to know that this is how i see you. and,” you pause at first, pursing your lips as you wonder if you should say your next words or not, but something urges those words out of your mouth, “maybe this is selfish of me, but i,” your voice increasingly grows softer, “i just hope that whenever i give compliments to others, they can find a way to appreciate themselves a little more because i want to see them happy with some part of themselves.” 
azul’s eyes gaze at you in mute shock, and you bite your lip in nervousness. “sorry,” you say. “i think i said too much.”
“ah,” he blinks out of his shock then clears his throat. “you don’t have to say sorry for anything. i was simply thinking of...” he stops and shakes his head, before saying, “never mind. the things you said, they’re something i needed to hear.” 
a part of you is curious about what azul almost said, but you don’t say anything, for there is a layer of vulnerability you could hear under his modulated voice. instead, you smile. “i’m glad to hear that.” 
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you and azul finally return to the tall gates of nrc, your eyes a little heavier than when you first left. you walk together in silence until you reach the front gate of your dorm, and for a moment, you stand there awkwardly, not quite ready to say goodbye.
“thank you for inviting me to watch the stars with you,” he speaks, breaking the silence. “that and speaking to you did help in clearing my mind.”
“oh, no problem,” you say with an awkward chuckle. “and thanks for accompanying me. stargazing is really fun with company.”
the quiet returns to settle between the two of you. you take the time to remember each detail of him, for you don’t know when else you’ll see him without his usual attire. it’s still odd to see him without his coat and hat, but his face looks much more relaxed, a crab out of his shell who perhaps found a little more confidence outside of it. he’s beautiful, you think to yourself for possibly the nth time this evening. 
you bid your farewells to azul before watching him leave, yet it continues to feel quiet. it’s the kind of quiet that you don’t like because it means leaving behind something you found yourself getting attached to, no matter how small or short it is. 
but that’s also why i love photographs, you say to yourself as you bring out the photo of azul, now completely colored and clear, and gaze at it. in such a small piece of paper, a beauty that rivals the expanse of the heavens can be contained.
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additional notes: hjSKJSDK omg yehey 3rd fic. This actually was something I was scared of because this isn’t a scenario I’d see Azul in lmao– I see him stargazing, but not in a pickup truck SSKFDJFKD so it was difficult trying to get him in character :’DD all in all, I’m kinda proud of this one heehoo
I just want to say here now, for those who actually do read my Azul fics :’DD I may not update daily like I hoped because school is swamping me hhhhhh :(( I have some fics ready but not all of them sob but I hope they’ll still be enjoyable aaa;;
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lovee-infected · 4 years
By my side
♥Leona Kingscholar ♥
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Art credit
Well it still isn't too late to offer our dear Lion a bitter-sweet birthday gift , right ? Let him let go of his sad past and find happiness in this birthday night
...Sometimes I wondered why would I be even given birth to if this was the point life was going to drive me into ? If this was how it was supposed to be , I wished to never be born . Living without needing and to be needed , wanting and to be wanted , loving and to be loved was nothing different from death , some are given birth to by mistake , could it be that I as well was a mistake ? I was pretty sure that I was until something later changed my mind
Preview : Years has passed , each filled with dread , hatred , loneliness and dishonor . Unwanted pains shattering his heart to pieces , unexplainable emotions no one around him would ever care to imagine , endless tears fallen from his eyes over the years on his lonely corners , injured heart of him which no one ever cared to heal... But from now , things are going to be different . This year will be his new start because he has you by his side
Why did I always have to be the second one ...?
They say you've got to live your and only your life , that the only one holding you back from your dreams is you , that you can be anything if you try your hardest , and I tried
No , it wasn't only trying . I lived for my goal . I lived to become the strongest , I lived to be the one who brought honor to my family's name , I lived to pull myself out my brother's shadow , I lived to change my unwanted fate...but I couldn't . I cut back on my everything , my free time , my friends , my family , my own self . All to have my time to focus on my powers , to be an almighty magician . As I grew stronger , I begun to bring fear along myself. I got warned that I'm going way further than I ever should but it didn't matter . I still needed to be stronger , strong enough to prove that I'm worthy of being the next king
Farena brought light wherever he went and I brought...shadows . Shadows reflecting the terrifying darkness taming into my soul . I thought these would turn me into a worthy heir to my kingdom but they didn't , they turned me into something others called terrifying . Fearful . Greedy . Monster
My brother himself tried to hold me back for many times but I didn't listen , thinking that he was afraid of my strength which I thought had surpassed him so far . Even if it wasn't his purpose , this wasn't going to hold me back from the path I'd chosen ; it was too late
All they could see was my stunning powers growing more and more fearful day by day , slowly turning into a threat . No one ever saw what it took me to get to this point , no one ever cared . While children were playing outside and enjoying their short lasting carefree days , I had locked my self inside my hidden training spot , spending hours each day all alone there . Learning everything on your own isn't really pleasant , specially when no one's there to tell you how harmful magic can be . I was covered in dust and bruises each day after training , I even passed away of tire too many times right there
I have to admit...It doesn't really matter how much I grow . A part of me will always remain child because I sacrificed my time to be a child when I had to enjoy it . Yeah , there's an extremely annoying cry baby hiding inside me... It came clear to me again on the day of my nephew's birthday , the day life proved me that I can never change my path , no matter how much I try , no matter how much I lose , no matter how much cry , no matter how much I suffer
All those pain , loneliness , hours of crying and wiping blood off my body was a waste . Not because I didn't try , no dear it wasn't ever my fault . It was this life . It wasn't ever fair...
That child...This was the end of me . The only thing I fought for , my very last chance to get all I ever wanted out of my life . Why?...why?? I gave up my all just to be respected ! To be looked up to ! To be wanted !! Didn't I lose enough...?
I couldn't take it anymore , I couldn't . I had lost my purpose to live , to breath , to exist . Suicide would've been a pretty simple and shameful way to end it all , but you won't believe it if I tell how many time I was too close to doing it . The story of the infamous king Scar was getting reflected into my life . I was becoming what I refused to be , I didn't want to be like him , I didn't want to be the monster he became but...Not everything always goes as you expect , right ?
When I announced that I'll be heading to Night Raven College , everyone knew that I'd finally given up to my dark side . I was no longer afraid of becoming the monster they warned me about ; this was my path
I started a new life with entering Night Raven College or this is what I thought . No was there to look down to me for my neglected past and that was enough for me , enough to not suffer much more . My mind finally came to a more stable zone , somehow I could pull some parts of my shattered personality together and that seemed to be good...but the holes in my heart , there was no way to get rid of them . Loneliness , pain and , isolation took more than having a more stable life to be forgotten , but I never knew that my medicine would one day come to me on their own
I used to think that you were just as empty as I was , perhaps even a lot weaker with not a single sight of magic inside you . May seem rude but I believe that was the first thing that made me have an interest in you : You made me feel superior . Don't hate my dear , but that's just how I grew up . Being compared to my brother my whole life and receiving endless critiques and blames on it . You do understand , don't you ? Told you , those holes in my heart needed to be filled . Bullying you was just a small part of it
Back then , you were nothing more than a child in my eyes . Your will to make a change and save others sounded pathetic to me ; not just because I looked down to you as a human , but rather because I saw myself inside you ; my unfulfilled wishes and useless tries . This was how I expected you to end up , just like me . But you didn't
Overblot may be counted as my most terrifying form , but it isn't the only the thing you saw through me . That was the very first time I show you the others how empty I was , how weak I felt . I revealed my holes and that made me feel unsafe
Considering how I was wrong about being superior to you and the way you saw how measurable and weak I could be , I wouldn't have been fascinated if you too had started looking down to me as a loser . It was odd of you to try and get closer to me instead , no wonder why I kept rejecting you at first . You were stubborn and I was moody , I didn't really like the two of us getting much closer . Helping you take back the Ramshackle dorm was supposed to be our very last business together but , I'm thankful that you didn't give up on me . I accepted the two of us becoming friends since you insisted , but I'd never imagined what great changes were coming to my life by letting you in
Your powerless self which I used to make fun of , became a way for me to spend sometime forgetting how strong my magic would be or how important it can be in my life . Having ice cream together , taking walks , talking like two friends would , these were nothing special but they were all new to me . I had to accept that it was nice having you around , finally someone that wasn't as annoying as the others
Finally I gained enough self-esteem to speak of my personal issues , stuff that were bothering me over the years . I didn't want you to do anything about them , I just needed a listener . But to see how you cried hearing my pain... I- I wasn't ever expecting that . You were not only the first one to know but also the first to care...that shook my heart
When you said that you wanted me to spend more time with my family specially brother and nephew , I couldn't help but to laugh it off . But the way you actually forced me into doing it seemed to by quite childish at first . I was too selfish to even call my brother but you were there to force me into doing it - It felt like you were my mum sitting next to phone to see if I talk politely or not, but it worked out anyway
As the time passed , many things changed . Our small friendship was now way further than were it once was , specially now that I look how you changed me and my life over
Farena and I are now much better than we used to be , I can now really feel like I have someone as my older brother , not a symbol to be compared with . My family now check on my casually asking how I am doing . I still refuse to go home since I still have a lot to take care of here , but I can somehow feel that I as well missed them too . For so long I thought that I was forgotten , invisible and unwanted . But after you showing up in my life , I can finally see what it means to be alive
My dear (y/n) , I'm still learning to be a better me and need you by my side to learn me how to , so I'm not yet prepared to tell you how I feel . I kept on learning to be a great magician for years and now , it's time for me to learn to be a great lover , someone worthy of your love and attention , someone you'd like to remain by his side for eternity
I love you (y/n) , not just because of giving me all I needed for my whole life , not because of making me feel like I have a real family after the years , not because of helping me gain all respect and honor I always wanted to have , but for showing me that my path as well can be changed
Tonight here I am with my family , friends and you by my side , celebrating a date I called filthy for the past 20 years of my life :
" Happy birthday Leona! "
The crybaby inside me isn't going to shut the hell tonight- I know that I shouldn't cry but , I can't help it . My first tears in front on someone else than myself fall not because of pain this time , but due to the unbelievable happiness and joy my heart has drowned into . I look at you , your bright smile giving me straight and your beautiful eyes keeping on bringing light to soul . Even if my birth was a mistake , I would mow say that it's the most beautiful mistake that could have ever happened in my life
My family , my friends , and my beloved (y/n) , I need them all , and I'm glad to see that they as well need me . I want them in my life , and I'm proud that they as well want me . I love you (y/n) and I would die to see that you too love me , but even if you don't , that will never change my feelings for you . For the first time in my life , I feel alive . And it's all thanks to you , because of you by my side
I can't help but to hug you tight , feeling your warmth close to me . Digging my head into your shoulder as I let go of heavy tears in my eyes : " Thank you , (y/n)..."
Tagging : @ji-yaaan @lilyholo @yandere-wishes
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oasis-hunter · 4 years
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This one took me a bit! I’m not the most well versed in regards to Azul or Riddle, but I tried my best to properly represent how I think they would handle the situation (the same can be said for Rook, but I’m a bit more familiar with him).
These ended up being a bit more like scenarios with bullet points, but hopefully they will suffice!
Edit 7/28: Had to repost cuz tumblr didn’t want it in the tags..
-- Mod Spitz
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▷  Yandere Azul, Rook, and Riddle w/ a Darling that avoids them out of fear
▷ Content Warning: Obsessive behavior, Stalking, Intentions of Abuse(?)
▷▷ Azul Ashengrotto
Azul was not initially interested in Darling. In fact they were rather uninteresting to him. No magic, no exceptional skills, no athletic prowess. Certainly not the type of person who would cross his mind more than once. Yet somehow they managed to slowly draw him in.
Maybe it was the way they looked at him with such disdain upon their first encounter. They saw him as nothing more than a spineless con man, getting by in life through cheap tricks.
It certainly made the taste of victory that much sweeter as he watched the realization of their hopelessness spread further across their face with each failed attempt at besting him.
And it made him all the more ravenous in his desire to see more. He wanted to toy with them. Have them rely on him for a feeling of confidence and security only to have it torn down once more. Break their spirits over and over.
However, his toy gave him little thought following his overblotting. Why would they want to return to the Mostro Lounge, especially to see him?
He needed to draw them in once more, but his busy schedule allowed little time for chase. Fortunately for him, Jade and Floyd were eager to assist.
It was rather obvious to Darling they were being watched. It was hard not to notice the two large eels in their peripheral, especially after they had so many unpleasant encounters with the two mere weeks prior.
It seemed with every minor inconvenience one of them slid to their side, inquiring in an eerily casual way only to lead to suggesting Azul’s assistance in the matter. Darling rejected them at every turn, but their persistence was unyielding.
Sometimes they would take further measures that forced Darling’s hand. Late into the night they would have to cautiously enter the lounge in order to retrieve Grim, who had been bribed into staying with the promise of complimentary snacks. Like clockwork, Azul would corner them.
Darling would fidget nervously, desperately trying to pull Grim out as quickly as possible. Azul attempted light conversation, his sultry voice sending a chill through their spine as he feigned surprise at their arrival.
Their responses would be short -- if they even responded at all. This was irritating, but it was nothing too concerning. A measure of respect for his power was needed to instill a reliance after all. Why would they come seeking aid if they didn’t think he could give them something significant in return?
As they hastily retreated, he let out a sigh, slightly disappointed but satisfied. While they had left him once more, the initial barrier of getting them to return again was overcome. Now the true pursuit could begin.
▷▷   Rook Hunt
Rook had never had the pleasure of being formally introduced to Darling, and for any other typical human, he would not have felt any reason to pursue them. However, after discovering the unique conditions of their arrival, how could he stay away?
A mysterious individual brought to the school with no recollection of themself or their origin. Perhaps they weren’t even from this world. How mystifying! How intriguing!
Rook longed to analyze them, but from afar there was nothing to be seen. They blended in with the crowds so easily, the cat-like monster perched on their shoulder being the only part that made them stand out.
If Rook were more naive -- more careless -- he would have dismissed them, but his hunter’s blood boiled hot in his veins. He knew there was something more. Something deeper.
Had Darling been his prey, he would simply capture them and inspect them thoroughly by hand, inside and out. Truly the temptation burned in the back of his mind as he took every free opportunity to shadow them from afar.
Yes, he had become rather obsessed. More so than with any other creature he had pursued, but how could he not? Never before had someone like this existed, and that in itself was the truest embodiment of beauty.
It was not Darling who first realized they were being followed. It was Jack subtly warning them of the continued pursuit that had made them fully aware of the piercing eyes that had tracked them from every angle.
They had heard of Rook in fleeting conversations, and each victim of his interest had the same horror story to tell. From what they could gather, his observations were harmless, but the chill of anxiety they felt under his eyes told them a different tale.
They threw a glance over their shoulder, feeling his ever present gaze immediately falling upon them as they left the classroom. Their eyes locked for the first time, and a wide smile stretched across his face, Rook disappearing into the mass of students filing into the hallway. With the warmth sapped from their body, Darling realized at that moment they were most definitely not safe. But what fun was the chase if there was no fear mixed in?
▷▷   Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle was no stranger to being dodged. Aside from a handful of friends, his presence was often met with fear. Students fled at the possibility of losing their head for any misstep. While he had improved, he still needed to maintain some semblance of order lest his dorm fall into chaos.
Darling was no exception. As he entered the dorm’s common area, he saw them, sitting with Ace and Deuce, chatting away merrily. With one glance he could note every flaw in their posture, their tone, their grammar...Everything was in need of adjustment, and it festered inside of him like a desperate itch he couldn’t scratch.
It was Ace’s face slightly faltering that caused them to look his way. Seeing their eyes widen with worry and their smile wither away was always painful. They had such a lovely smile. Riddle couldn’t help but frown bitterly, which surely didn’t help him appear any more welcoming.
He resented how unpleasant he had become to them. His first impression wasn’t ideal, and it seemed even in his improved state there was tension.
Riddle simply wanted to help them. Oh, how he longed to help them. Fix them and turn them into the perfect being. One that followed every rule with flawless execution and could serve as the partner to his queenship. He had imagined it everyday, and with each averted glance and snuffed bout of laughter, he felt his heart chip away.
By instinct the words fell from his mouth. “Sit properly!” “The study period is for studying, NOT socializing!” “Properly enunciate! How do you expect me to hear you if you’re mumbling!” He felt so cruel, but the desire to correct was overwhelming. Increasingly so with them.
He could not overcome the irritation that gnawed at him incessantly as he witnessed what he believed could be the perfect companion conduct themself so poorly, and with each criticism, he could feel them further slipping from his grasp.
Riddle had to realize that if he truly wished to have his Darling, he would need to find a gentler means of easing them into his world. Only when they trusted him -- felt safe around him -- could he begin to mold them into his ideal. It just took a pinch more patience.
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pan-of-light · 4 years
[Originally posted on AO3]
 Riddle was sure he hated it when Floyd’s attention was on him. Nothing good ever followed, and the worst part was that Floyd was so volatile there’s no way for Riddle to even predict what might happen until he’s as red as a rose and shouting unbecomingly at the other. Actually, no, that wasn’t quite right. There was something even worse than being in Floyd’s line of sight: It was being completely ignored.
 Of course, with someone as moody as him there had always been moments of peace and disinterest, but this had been over a week! After almost two years dealing with that giant shadow behind him, threatening to wrap around him and devour him entirely, to go so long without even a “Goldfishie!” echoing behind him was unthinkable. Riddle didn’t believe Floyd could be planning to do something to him, specifically, but every day that passed when their paths crossed and he didn’t even receive a glance seemed to add to the weight in his chest, to the point it became unbearable.
 He tried not to think about him. The school had been busy enough as it is, from everything like the normal hassles of a new year to Overblot going to “rare condition few had even heard about” to nearly half a dozen cases in as many months. Everyone was busy, and as Azul’s right hand man, Floyd should be, too. Even though Riddle constantly saw him loitering around and doing weird things, well, Azul’s success even after his contracts were destroyed proved the man had a method to his usage of the Leech siblings. He had to, right?
 Shaking his head, Riddle tried to focus on something else. Summer was approaching, and with it, swimming exercises constantly in PE. Last year he'd done… Acceptably enough, but he had to try harder to set a better example this year. Of course, thinking about swimming reminded him of mermen, but Floyd was not going to magically appear before him, and his formal request to access the pool to practice before classes wasn’t going to magically write himself. And Riddle could only force one of those things to happen.
 Floyd would never follow his will, anyway. Same grade, different dorms, Riddle had nothing over him, and even if he did, he doubted any of it would work. Floyd was someone who didn’t go with the flow, seeming instead to be outside of it entirely, reaching in to mess with his head and make his stomach do nervous flips before retreating back into his own little world, where Riddle could never reach.
 Being around Floyd felt a lot like drowning in feelings Riddle wasn’t familiar with and didn’t know if he wanted to be. And he hated not knowing himself.
 Professor Vargas accepted Riddle’s paperwork with ease, praising him for demonstrating the extra initiative to tone his muscles. After paperwork came the key, the empty locker room before morning classes, and finally, the pool.
 It was a large, heated indoor pool, filled with mineral water to minimize chlorine exposure to non-human students, and maintained clean and warm thanks to volunteers in the sports clubs, solar panels, and a small but well applied use of magic every now and then. Despite the best efforts of exterior illumination, Riddle still couldn’t see much when he looked down, staring over the edge into the pool. There was no reason to be scared. He’d been here several times the past year for class. The fact that the early hour left the water looking like a polished black mirror, only giving back his own stare and nothing else was unsettling, but could easily be explained by the time.
 The water was calm, until it wasn’t. Riddle was supposed to be alone. He thought he was alone. But as he’d been distracted by his own contemplation, something cold and strong shot up from the water, grabbing his ankles in a vice grip and dragging him in.
 Riddle barely had time to hold his breath, and it didn’t matter much. The water wasn’t heated at the moment, and the sudden cold knocked what little air he’d managed to hold onto out of him as he was dragged all the way down, until he could feel his feet touch the bottom of the deep end of the pool. And as suddenly as he was grabbed, he was free, kicking himself up to the surface to breathe.
 He turned his head around frantically, searching for whatever had grabbed him, cursing his carelessness. His pen was back in the lockers, and while he could use magic without it, in an unfamiliar environment under attack by an unknown assailant he was at a disadvantage. Especially when he’d been dragged to a part of the pool he couldn’t stand in, having to bob awkwardly to avoid going under. He couldn’t even begin to imagine who it could be. Even after he began making amends, Riddle was under no impression he’d gotten his dorm mates, or the rest of the school, to forgive him. There probably wasn’t a single person in the school he could think of that he hadn’t exploded at or threatened, and generally just driven away. A few Unbirthday Parties didn’t make up for his time as a tyrant. He knew that better than everyone else.
 But without proper footing and lighting, he was little more than a sitting duck in the water. He’d see a ripple here, a bubble there, but whatever caused them was always nowhere near the area by the time his eyes could focus on it. By the time the panic and cold left his brain enough so he could think clearly, so that he could realize how his attacker could stay underwater for so long, it was too late, and the great wave formed by Floyd emerging behind him and leaping onto him pushed him underwater again.
 Bubbles sprang around him as Floyd tried to say something that Riddle couldn’t hear, even though Floyd’s mouth was so dangerously close to his ear, even though he was wrapped tightly in a hug against the merman’s smooth skin. Every fear and worry he’d felt the past few minutes vanished, being replaced by a familiar irritation. He was angry, of course. Angry at how being treated like this was making him smile, like all was right in the world.
 And a bit angry he couldn’t breathe. He tried elbowing Floyd to get let go, and while his attempt was a valiant failure, Floyd got the point and released him, surfacing right next to him with the same dopey grin he always had when it was Time To Bother Riddle And Fill His Stomach With Butterflies. Angry butterflies, Riddle’d insist, if he ever tried admitting it out loud. (He would not).
 “F-Floyd!” Riddle sputtered, ungracefully, “What are you doing here?!”
 (Riddle thought this was a valid question. Considering Floyd’s attendance records, he hadn’t even been totally sure the other could be awake at this hour).
 “Ehh? But I should be asking you that, Goldfishie~ Me and Jade always use the pool since the leg potion gets uncomfortable at times. You’re the intruder here, you know?”
 Shit, Jade. Riddle had been so caught up in Floyd’s unusual behavior that Jade’s usual behavior had slipped his mind entirely, and he started looking around for the less openly evil twin, earning a laugh from Floyd.
 “Jade’s busy helping Azul this week. I was thinking it was going to be totally boring to swim alone, but then you showed up, Goldfishie~! Isn’t this great?”
 This was the worst possible situation. At least warm water would have given Riddle as excuse for his outrageous blushes, but of course someone used to living under the sea would have turned off the heaters. He was tempted to just call Cater to come paint him the proper color for “still in cold water”, honestly.
 “Not great at all,” Riddle tried to maintain his composure, and he didn’t even need to look at Floyd’s smug grin to know he was failing. “I came here to practice swimming, and I won’t have you bother me.”
 Floyd muttered a lame okay as Riddle swam to the edge of the pool, grabbed the corners to stabilize himself and kick off, trying to at least start one lap down the pool. It shouldn’t have surprised him that when he opened his eyes to make sure he wasn’t veering off his lane that Floyd was right below him, matching his pace easily and even giving him a little wave when he realized Riddle was looking, almost making him choke on pool water in frustration.
 It was a small miracle Riddle reached the other end, clutching the pool’s edge as Floyd popped up behind him like the world’s soggiest Jack-in-the-Box and crowded him against the wall. It felt kind of odd. Usually Riddle had to strain his neck to get a proper look at Floyd’s face, even in his dorm uniform, but in the pool like this, he could actually look straight into his mismatched eyes. Far too close for comfort. Or not close enough. He couldn’t tell.
 “You really need to swim more if you already can’t breathe just from that…” Floyd teased, poking Riddle’s cheek. It had nothing to do with swimming! It was just too much. Closeness. Nerves. Something he could never command or push away. No matter how little Riddle wanted, Floyd just gave him more and more.
 So Riddle decided to take more, interrupting whatever was coming out of Floyd’s mouth next with a kiss. He had to move from gabbing onto the pool's edge to Floyd's shoulder to not go under, but it just meant the kiss was even closer. It was even a small victory, the first time he managed to make Floyd stop and stay still, even if for a second before the other responded with more, pushing Riddle against the tiled wall and trapping him there with his larger frame, while his mouth opened just a bit, inviting and dangerous and completely willing. Riddle wasn't discouraged by the sharp teeth, even trying to show off his own with a bite to Floyd's lower lip, which was responded to in kind before the kiss progressed into a more 'proper' thing, with lips and tongue and just the tiniest taste of blood that neither of them really knew who came from and neither of them cared, too invested in taking in more of each other.
As small a thing as it was, Riddle considered it a loss when he had to pull away from the kiss first to breathe. Even if he could see Floyd cheating, keeping his neck underwater and feeling his gils move, it was a loss he didn't like. So he kissed back, again and again, letting Floyd aimlessly drift them around the pool as they slowly tried to explore each other. At one point he even found himself completely submerged, only able to breathe the air Floyd gave him, unable to hear or see anything else as the water muffled and hid away everything but the two of them. He felt a bit sad when that ended, as Floyd had gotten bored and tried to change the positions of their lips again and finally remembered Riddle couldn't breathe underwater unassisted.
 It was only when Riddle surfaced and saw the sun shining in from the skylights at the edge of the pool area that he realized how much time had passed. The wall clock told him he hadn’t missed any classes yet, but that yet was dangerously close to going away entirely. He let out a curse under his breath, trying to untangle himself from Floyd, who’d used his unfairly long tail to wrap around him so  thoroughly   it was a wonder Riddle hadn’t noticed how close they were before. Or maybe he’d just been too intoxicated in finally getting something from Floyd to care.
 Floyd, however, refused to stop squeezing him.
 “Let go, Floyd, we have class!”  
   “Ugh, don’t wanna.”
 Riddle was gonna strike that expression from his vocabulary someday. But first, he needed to find a way to regain use of his legs. And arms. His whole body would be preferable, actually.
 “I’ll cut you a deal, how does that sound? Let me go now, and after classes and club activities are over, you come by Heartslabyul and I’ll entertain you as long as you want.” thankfully, not an empty promise. He had no outstanding prefect duties to work at, he could do his homework while Floyd was at basketball, and if any troubles arised, well, Trey could handle it for a night. Part of him trying to change should include him getting some nights off to himself, after all.
 “Hmm….” Floyd seemed deep in thought for a while, before releasing Riddle entirely (and leaving him a bit disoriented without the giant merman holding him afloat), getting out of the pool with practiced ease as the potion he used to look human took effect again now that he was no longer submerged. Thankfully for Riddle’s heart, it also came with pants. He wasn’t sure what he’d do if he ended up staring at a stark naked Floyd right now.
 “I’ll hold you to that, Goldfishie~” and with that, Floyd was gone, leaving Riddle alone in the cold pool. The temperature did wonders to rapidly ice his teenage libido as he considered the consequences of the deal he’d proposed Floyd. Idly, he traced the bite marks on his lips with his tongue. Those consequences would surely be worth it.
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halloweenismyfav · 4 years
《 Here's Mallory's relationship list! Up next is Thorn's. I included my other OCs here too, along with RSA! (You can clearly see which ones I've thought of more) This is a long one, so buckle up. 》
Mallory Robinett's Relationships
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Riddle Rosehearts: Mallory has a strange fascination with Riddle. She was a Disney gal when on Earth, Alice in Wonderland being her favorite movie they made. She kinda hated the Queen of Hearts since she was all high and mighty, but when she saw Riddle...all she thought was "omg smol tsun tsun". After his overblot, she held him close and allowed him to hide his tears. Riddle finds her obsession fascination with him a bit odd, but he's seen weirder in his own dorm, so he just lets her do her thing and is her friend nonetheless.
Trey Clover: "Big brother Trey". That's pretty much it. One time, Mallory told Trey about chocolate-hazelnut wafers and how she loved them back on Earth, so he made them for her after. She was delighted and it's become tradition for them since. He's basically her big bro. It's pretty wholesome.
Cater Diamond: Mallory finds Cater a bit annoying, she won't lie. She just finds the whole "influencer" thing a bit odd. Other than that, she doesn't entirely mind Cater. They don't talk all too often however, so they don't know each other too well. Mallory hopes to have that change before they graduate or before she goes home.
Ace Trappola: If these two are seen together, you may wanna run. Mallory and Ace are pretty much inseparable after finally getting along during Heartslabyul's episode. Mallory will admit, she finds Ace attractive, and she's said it to him before on a couple occasions. She may feel more than just that, but she doesn't like love and stuff like that, so she tries to ignore her rapidly beating heart whenever she's with Ace...
Deuce Spade: Deuce is one of the few people who sees Mallory's sweet side. She always makes sure he stays in line and if he starts to go all delinquent-mode, she pulls a "pull it together major". Of course, that's only if he starts to go overboard. Mallory knows what it's like to feel like a disappointment to a parent, so she reassures Deuce that it'll get better if he's truly wanting to be better.
Thorn Valley: Oh, these two despise each other. The only thing they can agree on is that they dislike Leona and that's pretty much it. Some people at NRC like to say they're like an old married couple(mainly Cater) and they always have to clarify that they hate each other. They can tolerate each other during events like Fairy Gala and such, but even then, they'll still bicker.
Leona Kingscholar: Another person Mallory hates! She finds Leona's laziness a menace, while he gets a kick out of annoying her. Their relationship is similar to how Vil and Leona act to put it bluntly. They do have similar humor though, so it's strange whenever someone else sees them laughing together.
Ruggie Bucchi: One time Ruggie stole her sandwich and she makes sure he'll never live it down. Knowing he had a rough time back in the Afterglow Savana however, she tones it down by a lot. She knows he's a gremlin, but she also knows that he's a human like anyone else and tries to treat him with some kind of kindness and respect. They don't talk all too often, but they've talked enough to be considered a bit more than acquaintances.
Jack Howl: He gives her piggyback rides more often than you would think, but it's always cause she asks if he can. He can't say no to her face, he doesn't know why, so he goes along with it. He finds her more as his sister than anything, Mallory finding the feeling mutual. She loves to hang out with him and Epel, but the one time that Jack offered her to come with him and Vil to jog, she backed up ten feet and said no.
Azul Ashengrotto: Mallory was infuriated when Azul took Ramshackle away from her and Grim for those couple days. She was doing that thing where she was telling Adeuce and Jack to "hold her (nonexistent) earrings" or to "hold her back". After finding out his backstory however, she softened, even if only by a bit. Her relationship with him got better after Scarabia's incident.
Jade Leech: Mallory doesn't like Jade, but she doesn't hate him either. He's probably the most tolerable person in Octavinelle to her. She was also close to slapping Jade once. She doesn't interact with him too often, so she can only go off of how he was during Octavinelle and Scarabia's episode.
Floyd Leech: Floyd is the vain of Mallory's existence. During the Octavinelle episode, she almost slapped him into oblivion. She honestly can't tell who she hates more, Thorn, Leona, or Floyd. He's constantly trying to "squeeze" her like he does with everyone else and she can't stand it. She doesn't like to talk to him and tries to avoid him when she can.
Marius Seymour: Mallory doesn't entirely mind Marius. She kinda finds his sadistic-ish personality a bit annoying, but she's learned that it's a reoccuring thing in Octavinelle. Marius' sadism isn't as bad as the other three. She lowkey ships him with Ashe and isn't shy about it. She finds him kinda fun to be around and likes to eat with him at lunch from time to time.
Kalim Al-Asim: The first time she talked to him, she knew that he was so precious and was wondering if he belonged at RSA. He's also one of the few people to see Mallory's sweet side. She can't bring herself to be sarcastic with him, so she acts almost entirely different with him. It basically goes as such...
Mallory: *being all sweet it Kalim*
Everyone else: Wow...
Mallory: What?
Everyone else: You're just so nice to him...
Mallory: Oh, I'm sorry, do you want me to yell?!
Everyone else: No-!
Jamil Viper: Mallory's...indifferent to Jamil. She almost slapped him after his overblot, yes, but she doesn't entirely hate him. She knows he was in Kalim's shadow for so long, so she doesn't have too much against him. She still isn't happy with how he treated and hypnotized Kalim, but she tries to let it go as much as her heart and brain will let her. She doesn't talk to him much after his overblot, but if she needs to talk to him, she won't throw a tantrum.
Vil Schoenheit: At first, Mallory thought that she'd hate Pomefiore, especially Vil. But...she saw and heard how much effort it took for Vil to get to where he is now, so she has a lot of respect for him. For Ghost Marriage, he chose an outfit for her so that she fit the theme of the event and she actually liked his outfit choices. It was a dress, which she tends to hate, but she genuinely enjoyed wearing it. She may not talk to him a whole lot, but she respects him greatly. After his overblot, that respect and empathy went up even more.
Rook Hunt: Mallory, like many others at NRC, finds Rook weird and creepy. She already found the fact that he has photos on his walls creepy, but then he lists off her, ADeuce and Grim's height, class, and seat number. She tries to avoid him at all costs, similar to Floyd. She hates how he randomly pops up behind her and the others too.
Epel Felmier: Mallory loves Epel! She likes to hang out with him, Jack, and Deuce. She's trying to learn how to carve apples, though she's gained many cuts on her fingers because of it, the cuts always bandaged up by Epel. Since she's taller than him, she likes to use him as an arm-rest from time to time, much to Epel's demise. All in all, she adores him and wishes the best for him.
Ashe Aspen: Mallory finds Ashe fun, but they don't talk as often as she'd like. He's really tall, so she likes when he gives her piggyback rides too. She's witnessed his truly scary side, and she's sworn to never make him mad since. Similar to Ruggie, they may not talk much, but they've talked enough to be considered a bit more than acquaintances.
Idia Shroud: Best of friends. Specifically BGFFs, "Best Gamer Friends Forever". Idia introduced Mallory to a bunch of games in Twisted Wonderland and she couldn't put them down. They talk whenever they can and everyone is shocked when Mallory says she's Idia's friend. She likes his hair a lot too.
Ortho Shroud: Mallory finds Ortho like the younger sibling she never had but always wanted. She always makes sure he's ok, telling him that he can come to her if he ever needs to talk. She also thought that he did amazing during the VCD Auditions.
Malleus Draconia: She knows for a fact that if she was still her same seven year old self, she'd want him to give her a piggyback ride so she could hold his horns. Mallory finds his innocent outlook on some things adorable, but more in a sense of "wow he's pure" rather than romantically. For the most part though, their relationship is the same as it's portrayed in the game.
Lilia Vanrouge: They have a relationship like Mallory does with Riddle, just flip it around. Lilia seems to be fascinated by her, seeing as she's a human from another world while he's a fae who's lived for hundreds of years. She may be taller than him, but he always floats above the ground so he's at least her height. She finds him fun to hang with, so she's fine with his strange fascination.
Sebek Zigvolt: She finds him too loud, but she appreciates his devotion to Malleus. Sometimes it concerns her, but other than that, she respects it. They don't talk often, but she kinda wants that to change soon. Other than that, he's the member she's the least close to.
Silver: They're cuddling buddies and don't even know it. Mallory spends a lot of time in Diasomnia, so naturally she is close with the dorm's members. She likes to crash in Silver's room at times, so that's how they became secret cuddle buddies.
Dire Crowley: Mallory finds it kinda fun to toy with Crowley, but found it incredibly annoying when he left to go on vacation during Scarabia's episode. Although it's something she'd never admit, Mallory sees Crowley as that fun and strange father she never got to have.
Divius Crewel: She hates him with a lot of her being. She hates how he treats them all like dogs. However, when there are those few times he's nice to her and makes sure she doesn't make an explosion in Alchemy, she's thankful.
Mozus Trein: She finds his class pretty boring, but she loves playing with his cat. She does appreciate when Trein gives her extra help if she doesn't understand something revolving around Twisted Wonderland's history.
Ashton Vargas: Mallory is a bit indifferent to Vargas. While he can be nice to her, she finds him a bit odd. She does however appreciate how Vargas makes sure she takes care of her physical and mental health.
Libi Koko: Libi and Mallory are pretty much the best of friends. Since Libi is one of the few females in NRC with Mallory, it feels nice that she can talk to someone who understands some issues they may have that the guys don't. They have a lot of inside jokes and, again, Libi is one of the few poeple who have seen Mallory's sweet side.
Che'nya: Prank duo, right here. If they're together, it's like an Ace and Mallory situation, but worse. Since they go to different schools, they can't talk often, but they managed to exchange numbers who knows when just a bit after the Heartslabyul incident. Sometimes, Che'nya likes to give Mallory hugs, but he's always invisible and know one except Mallory can tell he's there. He likes to tease Mallory a bit, much to her slight demise, so she's started to do the same. It's an endless cycle now.
Neige LeBlanche: Mallory already adored Neige the first time she met him. Her first thought was "he's baby. I must protect". They may not talk often, due to being in different schools, but they exchanged numbers to ensure that they still had the ability to talk. Neige is in a situation similar to Kalim in terms of how sweet Mallory is.
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darkspellmaster · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Theory 2: Could Yuu be Mickey’s heart and Grim be connected to The Blot
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I was talking to my sister yesterday evening and something she came up with jumped at me, and we both think this sort of fits within the context of both worlds. At the very start of Twisted Wonderland, after your battle with the evil giant Cat (which probably will be a later battle with Grim, though I’m still trying to figure out exactly what’s going on there and why everything is destroyed), our player comes to learn that they have been brought to Night Raven College with no ID and no phone. 
Gonna put it below the cut due to spoilers just in case! 
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It’s said by Malleus that Yuu is a child of Man, which would indicate that you appear for all intents and purposes a human, like all other characters that you meet. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you are a human. Well how can that be? Well in Disney there are a ton of characters that are human looking but are not human, and being a Child of Man, doesn’t equate being a human like you and me. This could indicate that the person comes from earth, but may be very much like the humans from the Disney Cartoons. 
There are Three games in the Epic Mickey collection: Epic Mickey, Epic Mickey 2, and Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion. It’s the third game that I want to focus on a bit. In that game several Disney heroes and villains get brought to the Wasteland by a witch named Mizrabel, who was the main antagonist in the Castle of Illusions game, because her castle was brought there. According to the game’s creator Warren Spector (got his name right finally!) the world where Mickey is from is Toon World, where character’s don’t know they were created by humans. Toon World is a multiverse connected to the human world as per shown in Roger Rabbit. And, more than likely, this means any Toon is a child of man by a definition. 
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So how does this all connect to Mickey’s heart? In Epic Mickey it’s shown that a Toon’s heart can be removed. In Twisted Wonderland, which could be coming off the Power of Illusions game, it’s not that hard a jump to assume the following: 
Mickey could have easily been separated from his heart at some point. Given that this could be connected to the wasteland and there’s magic afoot, it’s not hard to believe that the positive heart could have taken on a form of a human, since that’s where Toons get their hearts from. This could explain why the MC, Yuu can’t remember where they are from or why they don’t have a phone or an ID. It would also explain why Mickey is unable to cross over the mirror. If his hearts already there, then there’s no way that he could come across, and with the heart already there, it could also explain how Yuu knows about the stories of the movies, given that Mickey would know about it. 
Of course this is all speculation on my part, but would easily explain some odder factors, like why Yuu can’t do magic, since Mickey can’t without help from objects, and why Yuu can see into the past of the students. Also let’s be honest here, if Twisted Wonderland came from some sort of mistake that Mickey made, it’s not a huge leap that Yen Sid would expect him to clean it all up!
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One key thing is what Mickey says when they meet Yuu. From kanadesmusingsblog 
???: … Hey… –me…? ???: Is someone… Is someone there?
–> YUU: A voice came from the mirror…? –> YUU: What was that just now…?
So this brings up the question, what is Mickey seeing in the mirror. Is he seeing himself as we see him, or is he seeing a human form. In Japan there is a ton of art depicting Disney characters as human. 
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(Source: https://www.deviantart.com/chacckco/art/Mickey-646342424)
This is art work by @chacckco​, who you can find their deviant art here, and their tumblr here, and under Tumblr About there is a ton of their social media links. 
As you can see here a human version of Mickey is possible, and creating a split off with his heart would fit in with the idea of the twisted world and each of these characters representing different aspects of characters from our movies. And if you need a female version they have you covered with Minnie Mouse.  And it does match Yuu’s personality, while Mickey is known for being kind, he’s also stubborn, can be a trouble maker, and also Sarcastic. 
Warren Spector mentioned that too in the Game Informer, that Mickey is not just a simple mouse here, he’s based more on his older short counter part. In Twisted Wonderland, Yuu also is sarcastic with the comments back. 
Again this is all speculation, and Yuu very well could be a human from Toon World that got deposited there because of Yen Sid needing someone to clean up the mess. 
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As for Grim, this is a little bit easier to explain. In Epic Mickey, one thing that the Blot did was create various blotlings. 
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Shadow Blot was the most powerful, and proved that the Blotlings could become more sophisticated.
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 Now, it’s not a huge leap to assume that Grim is that monster Cat creature at the start of the game that you can’t beat.( @brwolf1995​ pointed this out in their post about Grim) It’s also not that hard to see that he has dragon like make up, which connects to a lot of the twisted aspects of the Wasteland, specifically the idea of the blot creating some sort of Chimara based around all the overblotted characters you defeat.
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 Grim already is eating a bunch of blotted crystals, this could lead to him gaining enough powers. The only other person I can think of that could do this to him, in regard to making him into a monster like that is Cherabog, but it’s hard to see them decide to put the leader of Bald Mountain. So I’m guessing that maybe Grim could be a aspect of the Blot’s magic? 
The question begs then, why is Grim turned into that creature and why is the mirror room destroyed? 
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twistedapple · 4 years
Bianca Bosconero - Snow White stayed in the wild
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Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Age: Rude.
Birthday: November 1st (Scorpio)
Height: 158cm
Eye colour: Golden
Hair colour: Black
Homeland: Valley of Thorns
Family: Neve Bosconero (twin sister), unnamed parents
Professional Information
Dorm: Pomefiore
School Year: Second 
Class: 2A, Student no.5
Occupation: Student, Part-time worker (NRC’s library)
Club: Writing/School newspaper
Best Subject: History of Magic, Defensive Magic
Petite but fit and light on her feet, Bianca moves gracefully and learned to look regal in most circumstances. If one were to solely judge by appearances, it’d be very obvious that she is in Pomefiore. Her natural beauty is amplified by the various contrasts between her snow white skin, hair dark as night, red lips and eyes like golden amber. Unsurprisingly, she learned to work around it all to enhance her features with the help of solid routines and a proper knowledge of makeup. As a personal rule, she favours styles that are simple and efficient, that create a line, a memorable silhouette. It is both reflected in a rather minimal makeup - smoked, deep brown and some eyeliner to intensify her cat eye look, some clever pin point correcting and a bit of red added to the lips - and her choice of outfits, especially in the way she wears her regular uniform. 
Her school uniform underwent modifications, either subtles - such as the higher collar of her dress shirt and the sharper waist line of the Pomefiore purple vest - or straight up individualised, with a skirt tailored to emulate Edwardian walking skirts with a shorter, more modern length right below the knees, but the ever present pleats in the back to give her silhouette an iconic S-shape (also achieved with the use of boby shaping underwears). Opaque black stockings held by garters, as well as black high heels in a fine suede leather to maintain a visual continuity, complete the overall tailored look, elegantly mixing a rather masculine top with a more feminine bottom for a sharp look. 
Her dorm uniform matches the standards, with long purple robes over a black adjusted outfit. However, she deemed the height of the boots over her ankle ill-fitting and managed to have them become thigh-high instead. There may or may not be regular bickerings about that.
Her PE uniform has a purple, long sleeved undershirt to protect as much skin as possible, as well as matching leggings under the school overall - which she wears with short sleeves and legs. With this outfit, she wears grey trainers with orange details and laces.
Her ears are pierced - she removes her earrings for PE class -, she has a beauty spot below the right eye and she uses a deep red nail polish on her carefully manicured nails - not too long, not too short, the ideal length for her slender hands without having her nails in the way on a daily basis. Her long hair is partially pulled up in a cleverly messy bun, with braids and golden ornaments to animate the updo. She keeps it in a simple braid for PE.
Bianca knows how to provide a good first impression and as such tends to be fairly laidback and willing to interact with her surroundings. Polite and pleasant, she enjoys having fun, be it with other people or at their expanses. This relaxed, go-with-the-flow type of behaviour makes it easy for her to fit with all sorts of people, and she’s probably that one person who’s more or less familiar with half the school, since she’s decent with people and excels at them. 
Perceptive and adaptable, she keeps going back and forth between an active behaviour and a more observant position. Her habit regarding people watching means she pays a great deal of attention between what is said and what is shown. With a detail-oriented nature, she tends to pick up on subtle cues and signs that quietly provide her informations regarding the persons she interacts with - whether they like it or not. Paradoxally, it puts her in a situation where people may be tempted to question her logic and wonder if she’s dense or whimsically clever. It’s especially visible in her not-so-equal results as a student: she may be clueless while facing simple tasks, while pulling a full mark off on delicate exercises, because she possesses an out-fo-the-box line of thinking that isn’t always suited for the conformism required by a school. This is because being perceptive is fine, but being interested matters just as much for her. If she’s not interested and/or doesn’t get the logic behind what’s presented to her, failure is more likely to happen. As such, despite her adaptability, she can also demonstrate a fickle, stubborn nature that’s not the easiest to handle. 
Independent and bold, she has a good head on her shoulders and is quick to take informed decisions. This behaviour is especially informed by certain events in her life, that forced her to grow up faster in order to move forward and deal with certains issues. As such, she’s a fast learner and demonstrate a level of wisdom and maturity that isn’t exactly common in a school full of teens. In consequence, her insight tends to be valued, especially since she tends to provide her opinion while considering as many angles to a problem and its solution as possible, thanks to her out-of-the-box type of thinking. She has the grace to provide her advices without giving a judgement - unless one abuses her patience and keep slamming a wall without considering her suggestions, in which case she’ll be prompt to tell that person what she personally thinks. This side of her personality has been feeding her Local Reliable Big Sister sort of reputation. 
However, while people tend to come to her to talk about their problems - and she’s not going to spill anything out -, she remains very secretive as far as her own life is concerned. The smallest handful of people knows what’s going on privately, and half of that handful if the NRC staff because certain events recently affected her to the point she had to put her school life between parenthesis for a time before coming back. Despite her pleasant, if quite fickle, personality, she tends to bottle a lot of things up and isn’t a fan of nosy people. She’s quick to catch up of these people, and even quicker to tell them to mind their own business. As far as she is concerned, she picks who she’s going to confide to, and that choice will be carefully informed. Nobody decides for her, not anymore.
Her Unique Magic is called Forest Queen. It allows her various levels of summonings on a “territory” she can expend up to a certain degree to make the summons appear. She can declare herself the territory (which she usually does because it’s the most economic method magic-wise) or make it as large as a magift stadium (though she’d only do that as a last resort for now, as it’s really taxing). In this territory, she can bring forth up to seven dreadful beasts - each having its own characteristics and appearance. Some can hide and strike before retreating to the shadows, others can straight up be wild, brutal beasts out for a hunt. When fully expanded, her territory takes the appearance of a dense primal forest where one could easily feel lost. 
She very rarely deploys her full strength because it’s dangerous for her and puts her at a very high risk of overblotting - however when it happens, don’t expect her to pull any punch. She will become as wild as her territory - revealing that side of herself she usually keeps in check to put people at ease.
Most of the time, she declares herself the territory and summons up to two beasts. Using the territory recently added new strange effects, as she improved her skills: it seems she’s become “closer” to her magic and gained a passive ghost-like presence, while the forest itself seems to act more and more like a locked space. It seems she still has some things to uncover in regard to Forest Queen.
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (initially left-handed)
Favorite Food: Apple and cinnamon tart
Least Favorite Food: Anything greasy or overly sweet
Bad With: Authoritarians, noisy places, mathematics
Hobby: TTRPG, reading, people watching
Talents: Writing, singing
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