#overall this was enjoyable though i always do love making something more fun to look at with paint/fabric
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lululeighsworld · 11 months ago
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completed a lil crafting project I've been working on!! I wanted my FE charms and pins to have a more permanent home in my shrine, so I customized a corkboard for them ✨✨
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michellesneptune · 3 months ago
disclaimer: forgive me if the series doesn’t cover all twelve signs, but i don’t think i’ve known enough people to speak about everyone’s way of loving. please be patient🤗
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aries moon/1H
ooooh those little devils🔥😈 you can see the mischievous twinkle in their eyes. they’re children of Ares - the god of war! when they speak of their loved ones it feels as though they’re ready to kill for them any minute, only waiting for the right (or any😂) reason.
(just my observation, please don’t come at me) i believe that these natives are prone to being more loyal, less selfish and flaky than aries venus. aries is known to be 'the baby' of the zodiac, valuing independence and self-fulfilment greatly. however, i’ve noticed aries moons to be devoted af!! you will never catch them bad mouthing a friend or a partner.
also, from my experience, both placements like to fight, however aries venus often does it for own enjoyment, the initial chase turns them on. as for aries moons, they’re more steady. they would go to great lengths for friends and partners. you can call them in the middle of the night and ask the craziest favor, they WILL come and help.
(please keep in mind that i mean unevolved aries venuses that still have a lesson or two to learn!)
PS. they love to be treated like the center of your world, please give them attention💕
taurus moon/2H
hmmmm how do i put it… 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍! i will say that i am biased bc my boyfriend is one and the way he’s attentive, always asks about the details of my day, pays attention to my routines and shows love through acts of service🥹 you’ve probably heard the rumours and they’re true. taurus moons make the best cooks ever. and i don’t mean putting together a couple of cheap pancakes, nuh uh. their sharp senses only let them buy the best quality ingredients and cook with great care. bonus points if they prepare a dish that they know is your favourite!
i will say though, they are not the most verbal lovers. but when they’re in, they mean it. when they say they love you, it becomes a fact so obvious that they don’t feel the need to repeat it over and over. they like to settle into a routine, so don’t expect them to be flaky, send mixed signals and stir things up just to feel something/for fun (sag moons cough cough😅😅).
they also seem brutal sometimes. but i believe it’s because they see honesty as the highest form of trust. they want to feel comfortable with you. they value silence, too. they’re the type to show you their appreciation not by telling you how perfect you are but by actually putting in the work to show you your value and show that they’re worthy of being by your side.
lastly, their homes are their sanctuaries, a reflection of their feelings. usually beautiful and they look for someone worthy of letting in, to match their belongings. they get a rep for being possessive and stubborn, nevertheless with the right person they can make a sacrifice and at least try to change their ways😂😂
virgo moon/6H
okay so i know they’re said to be critical, demanding, neurotic etc but hear me out. virgo is a mutable sign, ruled by mercury and in true mutable fashion they DO get wild, fun and unhinged lol. as a virgo moon myself i am well aware of the fact that i often act like i’ve got a stick up my ass. but when i get closer to you i want it all: karaoke nights, fast car rides, spontaneous trips! sometimes i even take those things to the extreme!
they’re also said to have the highest standards. and while i imagine it’s partly true, i believe that this placement is all about accepting the biggest, weirdest quirks of your s/o (as well as 6th house synastry!).
besides, i think that we get more so insecure and self-critical in relationships, analyzing the f outta our partners, wondering whether we’re meeting their demands! we’re about the overall quality of the partnership and just want it to be perfect🥺 we’re also quite anxious and require lots of reassurance.
lastly, everyone knows it: virgo moons are like the final boss of small acts of service lol. vacuuming your flat, folding your clothes. they notice the smallest things that could improve your life and happily do them for you!
capricorn moon/10H
this one is tricky. they remind me a bit of taurus but more rough in a sense that they probably won’t pamper you with luxurious baths and gourmet food but they will do things like pay your rent, get you a job or buy a car😂. i’ve noticed them to be a bit grumpy sometimes, definitely not the softest lovers.
they’re up to giving some tough love. pushing you into a scary path that they know will be rewarding in the end. teaching you that even in the hardest lessons of saturn there is light. they’re not the most cheerful on a daily basis but - surprisingly- they are the ones that keep calm in the face of crises. they’re like okay we can’t do anything about it now let’s appreciate what we do have and focus on what we can change.
it’s because they know all to well how karma is. they had to learn it the hard way which made them so strong and resilient.
what i’ve personally noticed: they will stick by your side no. matter. what. this isn’t always a good thing as sometimes it’s best to walk away but if you’re expecting a cap moon to give up on you, don’t.
i also feel like they’re used to being the oldest sibling, the mom friend etc. please take care of them from time to time!
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that is all i have for you! thank you for reading💕 i wish all of you lots and lots of love💋 see ya
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calibratemehard · 4 months ago
Alrighty folks I finished the game. I will put non-spoiler thoughts here and then put my spoiler thoughts under the cut. Again, these are MY OPINIONS. I am happy to hear your thoughts but I'm not arguing with you because you won't change my mind.
* holy shit this is a big game
* Mournwatch is the best faction in my opinion. Idk they're just cool and not problematic lol
* there is some retconning of established facts, but I take it this way: it's been a long time since the original trilogy's events. Origins was canonically sometime almost 20 years before Veilguard - think of life 20 years ago, it was very different. A lot can change and gods coming back changes a lot. Factions grow and change and become something different. Also this is NORTHERN Thedas, an area we've never played in. With few exceptions we've always had companions from the south and learned information about the north second hand. I think that's important to keep in mind when people complain about things not staying the same or 'lore accurate.'
* I still recommend picking the same faction as your projected romantic interest
* The cameos are ... Fine. Again, it's been a long time in game. Are you the same person you were 10 years ago? 20 years? I think Morrigan is the most disappointing but my headcanon is that motherhood has really suited her, also a decision she made off screen that is explained to you during the course of the game also made her personality make a little more sense
* I think I liked this game because I went in with an open mind. I have always loved Bioware games for the writing and the companions and this game has those in spades. I loved how fleshed out the characters were though it doesn't approach the levels that say, Baldur's Gate 3 reaches. But overall it was an enjoyable experience, around 65 hours for me to finish just about everything. Though maybe shave off about 5 hours for the character creator, which was great.
Okay so now for the spoilers. DO NOT OPEN IF YOU DON'T WANT SPOILERS!!
* I maxed out all of my companions and factions and nearly 100% every area. There was no quest undone. I think that's why I got a good ending, namely Solas agreeing to bind himself to the Veil, sharing a big kiss with Lavellan, and walking into the Fade together. I did lose one member, Harding, and that fucking sucked. I haven't looked into spoilers so I don't know if switching her and Davrin would have made a difference cause Davrin is a Warden and would have fared better against the blight idk. I'll have to look into it. Overall I was happy though.
* I ... Should have seen the Varric twist but I wasn't looking for it so it just passed over me. I was devastated, but I think that it was well done and well earned. Still sad though. That was the second time I cried during the finale, after Harding.
* This felt like a Bioware game to me. It felt big, it felt complex, and the humor was always there. The QoL improvements and expansion of classes and abilities made this so much fun.
* I felt the romances were lacking a bit in content, though Emmrich had suuuuch a sweet and gentle romance. I loved it so much. They banged in a graveyard in what I assume is a coffin. A+ love him, love Manfred. I just wish I had kiss options a la BG3. I got spoiled. 😅
* I'll play this again. And again. That's how my brain works. I think they need to patch a sort of 'golden nug' option into the game and a new game plus to make things better. If there are DLC, I'll happily play them.
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veliseraptor · 7 months ago
July Reading Recap
A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge. I can see why people said this one had Adrian Tchaikovsky vibes because in terms of the worldbuilding and the alien species involved it absolutely did. I was not super enamored of the part of the plot that wasn't on the Tines' world (which was...an important part of the plot), but my investment in the politics of the Tines and the worldbuilding around them made up for it. I'm curious about the apparent sequel and whether it's worth reading - does anybody know?
Thousand Autumns: vol. 5 by Meng Xi Shi. I have finished Thousand Autumns and my verdict on it mostly hasn't changed from what it's been throughout: enjoyable but not really fully clicking for me. I liked it! But I didn't love it, and I don't know that it'll stick with me the way other books have, or compel me to do a reread.
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome by Emma Southon. Maybe I just don't have a sense of humor, but I felt like this book was trying too hard to be funny/clever and it landed wrong for me. It was interesting, certainly! And I learned some new things from it, and probably will go on to read the author's other book (about women in Ancient Rome), but this one tonally was not a winner, for me personally.
Ballad of Sword and Wine: vol. 1 by Tang Jiu Qing. Rereading this one (Qiang Jin Jiu, they're really going off in their own direction title translation-wise there) with the official published translation even though I am also binding it, because I can, I guess. And I still deeply appreciate how unhinged Shen Zechuan is, but in, like, mostly a way where it's not obvious to most people until they've known him for a little while. Also the sheer amount of politics, which I'm following better on this second readthrough. I think it'll be rewarding to reread.
The Pomegranate Gate by Ariel Kaplan. One of two Jewish fantasy books I read this month, just by chance (I wasn't intending on a theme, they'd both been on my to-read list for a while). I liked it a lot! I thought it was going to be a stand alone and feel a little funny about it being a series (I'm always looking for more stand alones), but I am also looking forward to more of it.
The Devil & Sherlock Holmes: Tales of Murder, Madness, and Obsession by David Grann. I've really enjoyed the other David Grann books I've read/listened to (The Lost City of Z, Killers of the Flower Moon) but found myself fairly underwhelmed by most of the essays here. It's not that they weren't good (they were) or interesting (most of them were), it just didn't feel like they were that good or that interesting. Maybe I just like his full-length books better.
Five Broken Blades by Mai Corland. It was fine? Not as good as I'd hoped. I called the twist which was satisfying for me personally. I don't know if I'm going to be reading the sequel. Most of the POV characters I liked fairly well, which is the main thing this book had going for it, but one of them bored me to tears and that inflected my enjoyment of the book as a whole.
The Vanished Birds by Simon Jimenez. This book earned its five stars by making me cry in the last 20%. Overall a beautiful book, though, relatively quiet; I wasn't sure about it early on but then it hit a turn that really got me. Makes me want to read his other book. The summary on the back really does not do the book justice but I don't actually know how I would explain it better, and I recognize that makes it a difficult recommendation.
When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb. This one was really good and a lot of fun. Very Jewish, too, which was enjoyable and not something I run into all that often in fantasy books. Just...very charming, entertaining, a joy to read.
I'm currently reading Godkiller by Hannah Kaner though I should be reading Edenville since I have it checked out from the library (I'll get to it!). I keep meaning to get back to reading more nonfiction (or realistic fiction) and then getting distracted. My plan for upcoming books, though, includes The Ratline, To Shape a Dragon's Breath, and (after years of having it sit on my shelf) Beauty Is a Wound. We'll see how on task I stay or if I end up wandering off to other stuff.
I'm currently looking for horror and mystery/thriller recommendations, though, so if anyone has any of those I will take them.
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uyuartik · 1 year ago
bad idea, right? (obi wan kenobi x f!reader) part ii
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tags: same as before except more unhinged, (slightly sith coded obi wan, no use of y/n, my unhinged take on regency era, (blaming bridgerton and pride and prejudice), probably historical inaccuracies, SMUT), idiots in love, friends with benefits though it is more than that, oral sex (fem and male receiving), fingering, piv sex, overstimulation, thigh riding, dom!obi?, ANGST AT SOME POINT(S), tension so high that they should be on medication, me shortening every uncle-in-law phrase to uncle bcs english sucks in family terms, overuse of commas because editing 42 pages is hard
a/n: HELLO AGAIN, thank you all so much for all the love you've shown, i couldn't be more grateful. sorry for the *long* wait, i just thought the story needed a little longer than a week to do its trick, and frankly i am a busy person so 7 day gap wouldn't work for me. but i hope you can forgive me with this beast of a chapter, it is my first time writing such a long one. hope you enjoy it, and see you all again soon!
also not so fun fact: i totally misunderstood the "season", thinking it should be around summer- early autumn but it was the other way around, sorry, all the historical babes (i can no longer call myself that) for the frustration. but this timetable suits this story much better, does it not?
likes and reblogs are very much appreciated, and i can't wait to hear your opinions! i am also crossposting on ao3, feel free to interact there as well.
part one | part two | part three | ao3
word count: 19.7K
chapter two: it's a bad idea, right?
The morning or to be exact, the noon, is when you finally feel refreshed, ready for the challenges of the day. Lucky, because your relatives are more than understanding, has always been. They would scold you for going about your day as a ghost rather than miss breakfast or join only halfway to their other activities. You always try to honor their kindness, not to take advantage of the privileges as a guest, and do your best to spend time with your cousin Carolina, (The young girl has all the benefits of her young age, full of energy and excitement, fascinated by the stories she hears (from you, mostly)), and also avoid bringing a man into your room under their roof and absolutely ravaging each other-
The last one is an exception, which you are not proud of, yet not a single drop of guilt muddies your soul. None, considering the enjoyment or strengthened bonds.
Speaking of it, something tells you that you'd have been late anyways if you woke up early, thanks to him. There's indeed a mark on the side of your neck, just where it meets your shoulder. Also, your thighs share the same fate, though lightly, a few small bruises and red, irritated areas thanks to his neat beard. Thankfully, they're quite hidden except the one that's not that has you cursing at him. For how good it felt, and for his daredevil nature. 
You're scared to admit your fear for your future with him, not in the romantic expectations aspect, you would never, but for the simpler stuff like how are you going to look at his face and not be reminded of its presence between your legs. Or the unending tease he’ll become, even more so than usual, rightfully so. Make no mistake, you had pretty high expectations, and an overall picture of your relationships past it. Yet, last night was its own entity, reducing you to a mess in the most beautiful way, plucking every thought from your mind, yet dropping seeds of doubt like this.
Still, there’s a foolish smile on your face, and some soreness in between your legs, a welcomed ache.
Nonetheless, you’re not sure how to react when you descend the stairs, and he’s there, sharing tea with your aunt and uncle.
Obi Wan stands up in a blink, even before your aunt has the chance to react to your entry.
“Oh, here you are, sweetie! Just in time to join us in the gardens, and look, who’s here!”
“Hello, auntie. Uncle.” For what’s worth, you like being here, with them, and nothing changes that. You can feel the adamantine warm cloud of love in your chest. The reason you never doubted coming here.
“Lord Kenobi.” You greet him as well, though not with that big smile and sincerity you’ve just shown.
“My Lady.” His indifferent tone is interesting. Indifferent, yet indifferent as any other time, respectful and overly sympathetic. Maybe the situation isn’t as bad as you think? Yet, he’s here, isn’t he? His very presence is questionable enough.
“How good of the young man to join us, don’t you think? Though I fear it’s only due to work issues, and not out of courtesy.”
Yes, how good! And definitely not out of courtesy.
“You hurt me, Madam.” He objects, frowning his brows. “I must say this house, with its amiable hosts, has always had a great place in my heart. Last night once again proved it right, it was the best ball I’ve ever been to all summer. In fact, I was thinking of learning your contacts for the band and the cook, you inspired me to throw my own.”
You really, really try to not roll your eyes, and drop the tea that’s being offered to you now.
“Oh, no problem at all! I’ll write them down when we finish the paperwork in my study.” Your uncle says, and the absolute charmed look and excitation in his eyes have your stomach sinking. “And how are you, my dear? Haven’t you shaken out the morning chill yet?” He points to your shawl, wrapped tightly around your neck. You powdered the marks, and put on a big necklace, but then decided you couldn’t be too careful, and put on the fabric too.
“Yes, I think the weather change wasn’t quite easy on me this time.” You reach for the honey, making a show of it so they don’t put you in the center of attention.
“Did you sleep well last night?”So, it doesn’t work. And that’s about the one question you hoped to avoid.
“Despite the exertion taking place-“ Kenobi’s eyes widen, exaggerated by the teacup basically covering other parts of his face, and for a second you think he may choke on his tea. “downstairs, I say it was the best sleep I could’ve ever had.”
You hope your acting inspires the same in him too. He suppresses that little cough well, and the blush settling in his cheeks is faint, easily blamed on the warmth of the drink.
Strike one.
Irritation grows in you, rather than anxiety. Does he really think you’re that crude? That dumb? You make a point of not looking his way after that, an attitude clearly noticed by him in no time. It’s not like he has any chance of talking about it, but the alarm bell in his head rings continuously, busying his mind ‘til the opportune moment comes to talk about it.
Then, a gleeful screech of your name fills the room. In a blink, your cousin is right next to you, wrapping her arms tightly around your shoulder that you can’t properly stand up and hug her back in a normal way.
“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up all day long!” She says, hands reaching to hold yours, almost causing you to lose control of the fabric covering your neck. “We’ve got so much to do! And you were going to tell me all about Naboo! Did you really get to see the lions?”
“Sweetie-“ Despite the wildness of the affection you are given, there’s a huge smile on your face, and you almost make her sit on your lap- an old habit from her younger years.
“Come now- you promised to go riding with me. I want to show you how much I improved.”
“Well-“ your poor, poor legs are in no condition for that kind of activity. “I think it’s best if we do that tomorrow. You see, I had enough of it yesterday, I’ve been in a carriage all day.”
His smirking, twinkling eyes.
Strike two.
Your furious gaze kills that gleam quickly though. The faint smirk disappears, and he straightens his back, clearing his throat.
“Carolina, can’t you see we have a guest? Where are your manners? And give your poor cousin some space, for God’s sake!” Your aunt exaggerates like any mother of her generation, that high pitched voice screeching every ear in the room.
You should be glad to see the subject changed, but the condition of it is bitter. She bows her head down, taking a few steps away from you, but you hold onto her hand, keeping her near.
“Hello, young lady. I am Obi Wan Kenobi.” He sounds- sympathetic, though not overly. It is this sweet balance between respecting their being without the prejudices of age, but compassionate enough not to crush them under expectations they are yet to achieve. Interpreting this from just a couple of words seems a bit of a stretch, you know, still, his whole attitude screams he’s got some experience talking to kids, or considerable knowledge about the human psyche.
“He’s a friend of mine.” You explain further, trying to ease her.
“Welcome, Lord Kenobi.” She curtsies, yeah, she’s perfected that, you observe with proud eyes.
“I didn’t see you at the ball last night, I’m afraid.” Like he was there longer than an hour.
“It was past my bedtime.” The look she gives her parents tells him all he needs to know about her character, or precisely who influences her. He wonders if it was any similar to yours.  “I hope you had a wonderful time. You must’ve, because she’s an excellent dancer.” She turns at you, smiling so innocently that you can’t blame her for complicating things. “She taught me all about it, even better than my tutors.”
“Oh, no, we didn’t-“ The sentence synchronically rolls from both of your tongues, but you stop as you realize. There’s an abrupt silence in the room for a few seconds, causing anger to bubble up in you once more, and forcing you to make up an excuse to break free from this atmosphere.
“Hey,” You tug on her arm, “I’ve brought candy.” And just like that, she’s jumping all over you, bouncing with joy, “Sshh,” You warn. “First we need to go somewhere unseen.”
You see him again, days after, when he’s clearly learned his lesson, and gave you a window to breathe, calm your fury. The worst thing? It works. You can imagine (or in other words daydream) the next time you two see each other, which you desperately wish for it to be soon, and picture keeping yourself from stepping onto his feet, or shoving your finger into his chest. It all could not be forgotten but worked out through little warnings and explanations. Communication, basically.
And it turns out, you don't have to imagine any longer, and have the perfect opportunity to test your temper.
In a cafe. Where you sit alone. Blissfully ignorant of the couples (or to-be-couples) surrounding you. But most importantly, unchaperoned. (You had your tongue to defy any unwanted presence, and it's not like people came here alone like yourself. They came here for dates. And if anything, your presence was a litmus paper. What was to happen in marriage, if one couldn’t even keep their eyes from others in those little flirtatious rendezvous?)
(Though you knew some didn’t see it that way. A temptress, their choice of word to describe you.)
Obi Wan walks up to your table in quick, big steps that somehow don’t capture the attention of anyone but you. A further proof of that magic dust he sprinkles.  He’s dressed in browns today. It is a welcomed change. The smile on his face is unbeatably prominent, even as he follows the guide of manners, bowing his head and removing his hat before he sits in front of you. There’s no indication of his previous whereabouts in his looks and you wonder how he found you. Was he simply passing by the establishment before noticing your presence, or did he inquire about your engagements today, asking around?
"You shouldn't be here." It’s that sweet tone of yours, an alarm said in the softest of inclinations. “I have no company.” While it is redundant to both of your mindsets, the need of a chaperone for every conversation you have with strangers, you like to be cautious.
Then let me be it, he would’ve said, if it wasn’t literally the first time after your distasteful encounter. He’s not going to throw away that lesson for a shot of comedy. Or the fact that it’s hardly a request, but again- It’s not worth it. “I just wanted to say how sorry I was for the last time. It was- unadvisable to say the least.”
That- feels so good to hear, somehow. Far better than expected. You lean back in your chair, a sly smile on your face that you can’t help, and a subtle blush, a total contrast to your attitude.
“What can I say though? I don’t know if it’s still possible to be unsatisfied, but I sure felt like that if I didn’t see you again.”
Your fingers grasp the fork far too tightly, considering you have no appetite left for the desert in front of you. It’s the flashbacks from that night, and the undeniable effects it had on both of you.  
“Well, apology accepted.” 
He releases a breath after your words, visibly relaxed, amusing you further. You focus your gaze on the plate, in hopes of blending this conversation into the atmosphere around. 
You add. “Then again, don’t take my forgiveness for granted. None of my partners were this careless, and I seriously expected better from you.” 
(You're quite aware this is not the sort of conversation fit here.)
The interruption of “Oh, that will never even cross my mind.”, turns into “Partners?”, thankfully in a whisper, but sharp enough that it holds the same value as a shriek. He plays it off like it’s a frivolous question, a part of your ongoing banter, a mere thread to spin the conversation.
As if you gave the perfect impression of a blushing virgin that night. You flutter your lashes, as you take a bite. The silence is absolutely deafening, before you can continue. “There’s a reason I like traveling that much. Naboo. Correlia. Alderaan. God, even Hoth.” The discomfort in his face grows, and you fight it with an explanation, hoping that’s the reason. “Never at the same time, though, if it wasn’t obvious. It was just about having good company if I was to spend months in a city.”
“Yes, yes of course.” He shakes his head, an act of his nonjudgemental nature. “So, am I the Coruscant part of your little play?”
“No. You're the exception.” You laugh. “I haven’t- not here. I wouldn’t dare. Too little privacy. No trust. Above all, not a single soul that felt like a match of my own. Til I met you.” He deserves to hear that, right? “However I must say, the rules would be a little different here. Requires more caution. Fine work. For example, you couldn’t come and see me like this whenever you desire."
"Fair enough." He agrees, though makes little effort to follow the lesson. Actually, not even little, none. He just sits there, moulding into his chair further, a pleasant grin as he takes the world in, entertaining himself with the surrounding people. And you, of course. His piercing gaze travels back to you, every time.
Well, right. Not like you wanted him off of your table. "What do you want, Lord Kenobi?" And how did you know I would be here anyway? 
"Are you coming to the picnic on Saturday, in the Perlemian Park?"
You were certainly thinking about it. "Possibly."
"I'm only going if you are joining too." He wets his lips, an action you don't miss, and you continue to watch it long after he's done and see the next words coming out, before your brain can comprehend their meaning. "So, I'll need a better answer." 
The same lips that mapped out your entire body, whispered all those dirty things, tasted your hidden corners, drinking in the pleasure it provided…
He clears his throat, and you break out of the trance. He looks at you with a brow lifted, but the twinkles behind his blue eyes tell you it's not out of boredom. More like the exact opposite. 
"I'll be there." 
This is his cue to leave, with excitement for the said event, and a tinge of sadness for this interaction ending. You mirror his manners as he bids you a good day. 
Then, you're left alone, exactly as merely half an hour ago. Yet, the dessert in front of you is unsavory, nowhere near enough to satisfy your sweet tooth.  
It is still completely the same.
Comes Saturday, and does it come slower than possible… The weather seems like it's making one last show before the summer ends and scorches the earth, leaving everyone a sweating mess, little to no words coming out of their mouth, sprawled on the nearest surface. You seriously debate whether calling the offer off, the choice of fanning yourself to a lazy nap sounding better and better. It is in these extensive relaxations that you uncover the horrid truth- your fingers fell short in bringing you pleasure now, making you an even more sweaty, frustrated mess rather than the relaxed, drowsy mess you want to be. It is an awful revelation, bringing along many questions that haunt your every waking hour. You fear it's got something to do with him- and the best prescription for you is to stay away.
Alas, you keep true to your promise and show up. 
Thankfully the air has calmed down on said day, and sorbets are refreshing, making it more than a bearable experience. Bearable is actually an insult in this case, for it is more than that. These people are some of your oldest friends, close to your age, and share your opinions. It is hard not having fun when you are allowed to be free (just a little more than normal, though it is enough). None cares about the obscene gossip, or juices of fruit staining faces, dripping onto the expensive fabrics you all are adorned in. Laughs are loud and constant, never letting three minutes go without them. Hands are all flying around, hitting each other as a joke, reaching for the last piece of cake, taking the very dangerous road back without spilling a drop of the drink (which is, once again, a target of pranks).
Obi Wan enjoys it as much as you do, despite the fact that he doesn’t know them like you do. His life doesn’t allow much leisure time, and his choice of friends is mostly unfitting to these kinds of events, but he doesn’t have a problem finding joy in these kinds of events. Maybe it is mostly due to you, watching you in your nature, admiring the way you handle yourself among the crossfire of jokes, or what foods you prefer the most, making silly expressions as the taste of them hits just right. With every little thing he learns about you, he’s drawn closer to you. Once, he would name you a mystery, yet that would indicate the thrill was all in revelation. Now, it is the exact opposite. He gets more excited with each new question, like what is the actual story behind the “donkey joke” you are hinting at, or why do you pick some of the seemingly perfectly looking strawberries aside and pick others- or why you blush when you catch him looking at you, only to do the same yourself?
It is only in the afternoon that the buzz leaves its place for something serene. Conversations diminish, replies take longer, bodies sag and lean on the nearest surface, be the tree trunks or picnic baskets or their loved ones.
C’mon then, let’s take a walk. One proposes, and others follow, albeit slowly and with protests. You are among the latter, every cell in your body refusing to produce or use energy.
Maybe that’s one of the reasons you end up at the very back of the group with Lord Kenobi, and while you manage to stick with him unlike your friends, the distance between you and them grows and now, you can safely say that you’ve lost the sight of them. Twenty minutes ago.
So yes, you’ve been walking alongside him in silence. Far away that you don’t brush hands, yet so close that it would raise questions if someone were to see.
“I don’t think this is doing much for my somnolence.” He basically yawns.
"Should I take that as an insult, my Lord?" 
"Why would you- what did I say to make you think so?" He shakes his head, as stubborn as he's apologetic, ready to accept the accusation if your reasons are firm. Still, his heart is already pacing up, distressed. That must be the wine taking over.
"Well, am I not the only reason for your presence? And I must be boring you, if you are still feeling drowsy." 
"No- Absolutely untrue- “ He stutters, a panic to find the right words, not to be buried under your claims, he is not going to lose his chance to be by your side- only to realize the grin on your face too late.
"You little minx." He breathes out, and is rewarded by the sound of your tempting giggle. 
"Seems like I successfully rid you of your problem." You take pride. "And now, I suggest walking by the lake, to ensure its permeance."
"You mean to dip my feet in the water?" Again, he shakes his head, already rejecting the proposition.
"If you don't do it I shall." You skip, prancing like a nymph before he grabs you by the arm. 
“I don’t think that is safe.”
“It perfectly is.” You state, bewildered by his anxious urge. One look into his hand, and he remembers to let you go. The said hand flies to his hair, with an exasperated sigh.
“Okay, but – let me be by your side. And make it quick.”
The fact that he thinks you need his approval is downright funny, though you’d take issue with it any other time. Now, you are amused by his good intended worries and don’t have it in your conscience to break his heart over it, or bring up a quarrel.
So, you start undressing. Only your socks and shoes.
Still, the blush settles on his cheeks, and the light behind his eyes burns brighter as he sees the skin just above your knees naked. Not for the first time- still, he feels like turning his back on you, but does no such thing. And that is not because it defeats the purpose of his presence.
God, how could you even make you believe he wasn’t planning on having these impure thoughts?
You feel your temperature rising, and it has nothing to do with the sun. You meet his hypnotized eyes, and can still feel it focused on you. After days of dissatisfaction, its effect is multiplied by ten, making your heart race. You pray none of it is visible on your face. the last thing you need is for him to know.
He laughs when you lay the white fabric in the old woods of the docks, like the spoiled child you are. It is more than likely to stain, but more importantly, it is definitely old, creacking under every step, hence his aversion to sit beside you with a head shake. You shrug in return, and pull your skirt slightly above your knees, swinging your legs back and forth.
“Oh, this is lovely!” You say, sprawling your toes in the water. “Truly, you are missing out.”
“I believe you, my Lady.” His tone is joyful, just the right combination of trust and mockery.
You turn to look at him, a big mistake. The excess part of your dress brushes the surface, wetting the fabric, though it is the last thing you care. He is looking at you, with that charming grin, and subtle hunger etched into his gaze, screaming worship, in complete awe of the scene he's beholding, the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, holding his hand, her dress bunched up like in those ancient paintings of fairies, and endless passion for the leading role of it. It swirls the emotions deep inside your belly, the only reaction you want to avoid. Yet, you’re not immune to it. your heart skips a beat, the tingles overtaking your skin.
“Look- I see fishes!” You whip your head, the one thing you can do in hopes of breaking the tension. You lean forward, trying to get a clear view, or try to do so because you are stopped by his grip.
“That’s enough.” The command sends a shiver down your spine. “You shouldn’t go any further.”
“Fine.” You huff, the simplest protest you can manage. His touch softens as he realizes you’re going to follow his words, though takes long to let go.
A few minutes pass in the silence of nature.
“How long are you going to stand like this?” You ask, exasperated that this isn’t going anything like you imagined.
“I feel like I’m also standing, this is hardly fun.”
“That is only the result of your own choice.”
Narrowing your eyes, you huff and climb back on your feet, disregarding the objections of the offended dock. Then, you push past him- 
He suddenly pulls you back, promptly disrupting your balance, a tactic he uses to pick you up into his arms. You scream as your feet meet the air, hands grabbing anything they can reach which ends up being his clothes.
“What are you doing?!” You yell, burying your fingers into him. With how strong your grip is, you can feel every muscle tensing under your touch. 
“I’m not gonna let you walk in that mud, after all.” He explains like it was the problem you were referring to.”
“My shoes! – and-”
“Don’t worry, I’ll get them.”
He adores the pout you have as he fetches them.
He leans his back on the tree, and you rest your arms on your knees, propped up.
“So, we are to sit here and sulk?”
“If you name it so.” His smile is borderline insulting, ear to ear. With one look, he points at the reason- your wet feet. There’s literally no choice but to wait for them to dry up. But by proposing the only solution, he infuriates you further.
“Very interesting.” You snark. “I would’ve just stood back if I knew this was what we would be doing.”
“And now it is I who might take those words as an insult. Have I somehow proven my companionship to be loathsome in the times we spent together?”
Times you spent together… The flashbacks are, as implied in their name, flash before your eyes at such great speed that by the time you realize it is not something you should ponder upon now, your heart rate is already up, the flame deep in your belly ignited once again, and even the sounds of the past are echoing in your ears. You turn your head away from him, cursing at the color blooming on your cheeks.
Oh, but the action is enough to let him know exactly what you are feeling, a song of “I thought so” on his tongue- yet he doesn’t sing it yet, realizing the underestimation of his own emotions. He brings it upon himself- a glance at you, taking in your red face (as much as possible) and bare legs, let out to the sun to dry up.
“Well, I’ll think that’s the case if you don’t say anything.” He opts to say this instead, loving to taunt you further. 
“It’s not.” You mumble, still turned to the other side, fingernails digging at your palm.
“I can’t hear you, dear.”
“I said-“
The moment you move your head, you are met with his face, so close to yours, a distance he promptly closes by placing a hand at your neck, and tugging at it, ‘til your lips crash. You lose your balance once more, gripping his collars to not fully crush him with your weight. You gasp, the only protest you have in yourself, because for all your resolve to stay away, here you are, falling right into his arms. And it feels so damn good.
You gasp, pushing him. He laughs as his back hits the tree, never once breaking eye contact.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You whisper-scream, suddenly aware of the fact that while you are all alone on this field, your friends are still very much around.
“Oh, what am I doing? It is you, darling, don’t think I haven’t noticed the way you were looking at me.”
You direct your gaze to the ground, embarrassment getting the better of you.
“What is it?” He questions your lack of defiance. “You had no problem before. Don’t tell me you’re scared of being seen. They should at least be like, a mile away.”
Yeah. That’s absolutely correct. Besides, you’re shielded from any unwanted visitors by the thick line of trees, and the sheer distance between there and the path. It is a secluded corner of the lakeside.
“Or is there something else that’s bothering you?” This, is said in a more suggestive tone, and its effect is only amplified by the way he holds your chin to refocus your attention. You burn under his grasp and insistent watch.
Say farewell to your pride.
You let yourself fall over him once more, kissing him with a whimper you can’t quite suppress. You feel his smirk at that, but neither of you dwells on it, for he too lets out a sound of desperation, panting as he pulls you close, placing you on his thigh. (You hear your dress positively rubbing against the grass, and dare not to imagine the green blotch that may appear.) You don’t know whether to celebrate your newfound closeness or chastise your weak will, for it creates a new wave of desire in you as you delve your fingers into his beard. Your skin lights up against his coarse hair, so familiar yet so unyielding under your touch, and to be holding his face in your hands like this only blinds you more. So blind that you only realize the movement of your hips, seeking pleasure, when he holds them.
“See? That’s what I’m talking about.” A kiss right on the left corner of your lips. “Are you haunted by that night so deeply that you are unable to satisfy your needs on your own, like me? Or hell, with another?” Even in the midst of haze, you don’t miss the way his eyes darken at the mention of a third party.
“No- only you.” You whisper, too afraid of things ending.
“Fuck.” He can’t help but burst at your surrender. “That’s my girl. Lift your hips a little for me, darling.”
You oblige without question, raising yourself on your trembling thighs. Holding your breath, imagining all the things he can do to you… He is bewitched by your neediness, the way you moan at the first contact his hand makes with your skin after lifting your skirt just above your knees so you have more freedom to move, and can directly sit on his thigh.  
Speaking of it, why? Your eyebrows scrunch as he pushes you down like that, though the actual questioning part comes a second after your clit rubs against the fabric, not his cock, the first jolt of true ecstasy you experienced in a while, but that can’t be the case for him, right? “What are you-?”
“Trust me.” He takes his sweet time to relish the expense of your neck, so close for his taking, partly to ease your nerves, and frankly it is too much fun for his own good to feel you twitch in anticipation, and your breath getting stolen away at his open-mouthed kisses, panting when he lingers on a spot for too long at the fear of him leaving a bruise. “No marks, I perfectly remember.” He has to confess after a point, and only after that point, you begin to truly relax, and have your heart beating so fast at the same time, noticing your wetness is positively seeping into his clothes.
Your jaw hangs open with a silent pant as he decides it’s enough, and guides your body, rocking onto his. It’s not something you haven’t done before, but there’s something so unique about now, maybe the scandalous location, or your depraved state, or simply everything regarding him, that you are convinced it looks like your first time. Shit, it may even be your first time, considering the previous examples are nowhere close to this, the stakes, the desperation, the payoff… You’re holding onto his shoulders like a fucking virgin, pressed so close to receive every bit of affection he's giving. It’s the damn heat, the greatest excuse on your lips for the last couple of weeks, invalidated by the nonexistence of space between you and him. It only causes sweat to pour out of both of you, like the constant drip out of your cunt, sabotaging all your attempts to gain control, and create the slightest of frustration. 
“Obi Wan.” You chant his name, unable to form any other word, and he drinks it all in, valiantly ignoring the ache in his cock. It is a hard task, a growing challenge as your knee brushes against it from time to time, especially when you try to take initiative and escape the rhythm he’s trying to create.
“Ah-ah-ah- Let me take over. You know we’re short on time, darling.”
Then, he does justice to his words as he bounces his leg, the added pressure claiming a gasp from you.
“Do that again.” What your efforts can't get you, maybe your pleads can. After all, you're just as stubborn as him, giving up easily is not on your book.
“Only because you asked so nicely.”  
You roll your eyes, though it is totally due to annoyance, and let out a moan, throwing your head back. The fresh air does nothing for your lungs anymore, just an outlet for your scandalous noises. Which, he has no complaints too, your erratic breaths warmed his neck enough, and blessed him with those sweet sounds, right under his ear. Oh, but in any other case, this was anywhere else, and he had to silence you, also which he has no complaints too. Perhaps the sole problem is missing the blissed out expressions of your pretty face, and the light in your eyes, burning for him.
“Are you close?” Like he even needs to ask, like he’s not aware of your moans turned whimpers.
“Hmmh.” Is all the answer he gets, and that’s enough for him, laughing quietly, as you feel the vibrations of his chest.
When you cum, it is indeed an earth-shattering moment, and an end to your misery, the first drop of water after thirst- so much so that you don’t care about it happening in such a short time. Your legs squeeze his firm thigh, shaking over them like the rest of you. His one hand travels to your waist, holding you steady and pressed against him. You swear you can feel every aspect of his hand over three layers of fabric, yet he’s not actually exerting that much power, treating you like a delicate flower, afraid to crush the silky petals.
You sigh as the trembles die down, your senses coming back to you one by one- the first and foremost the tension in the body beneath you. Your fingers loosen from his collars, and travel the expanse of his torso slowly, a kiss to his throat in the meantime.
“Don’t you worry about me.” His voice is slightly shaky, though it may very well be due to his exertion.
“I think I should.” Its trueness is further proven when you palm him, and he groans. Though he is insistent.
“Look at you, you sweet thing, concerned with me walking around with a hard-on.”
That has you rolling your eyes, and removing your hand. Removing your entire body, even. You settle on the grass, leaning on your elbows. Your dress is already ruined, so you’re past the point of worrying.
“On the other hand, you may want to think about this.” He points to his wet trousers, the dark stain visible even though the fabric is black.
Uh oh. That is indeed a problem, if you are to return soon. Unfortunately, your brain can’t grasp the danger, coming up with solutions like soaking him entirely in the lake… 
So, it’s no wonder that your next words are a joke.“You marked me, I marked you. We're even.”
To your surprise, it works. His laughter fills the entire forest, yours a whisper in comparison. The idea that maybe, just maybe this can be repeated every now and then, that it wouldn't harm anyone fills your chest with a different kind of cheer, a hopeful sensation that suits the summer. He's proven his carefulness, making the best of the situation without risking either of you. The rising hope in you should scare you, but it doesn't. It only makes you sprawl under the sun like a cat enjoying the heat, and join his laughter with a big grin.
“Fair. Absolutely fair.”
The next time you see each other again, things seem to cool down a bit. It is entirely a civil dinner, always at a respectable distance, the number of times you lock eyes are countable on one hand (though some border the edge of being a little too long), and it is all not so surprisingly, plain. Maybe it is about both of you trying to contain one’s self, so much so that the other core aspect of both of you, the humorous side is buried that night and no other person can live up to its ghost. Perhaps it is due to the upcoming end of summer, bringing out a tinge of melancholy, already mourning the past, thus your impulses dwindle down, the sparkles absent.
That is, ‘til, you are the only occupants in the saloon, after the other guests have left, and your aunts retreated to their rooms. You are reading a book, barely aware of the fact when he, sitting next to you in that single armchair drops whatever pen he’s holding, just by your feet. You’re pulled out of your trance by the sound it creates, raising your gaze from the page just in time to see him bending over to retrieve it or- ending up completely kneeling in front of your legs.
He raises his head, and you watch the way his face softly being illuminated by the candlelight, a smile you can’t decide whether charming or devilish, long abandoning his mission.
That’s the moment the air shifts, and the room feels hotter like the cheminee is lit, the heat wave has returned, and taken both of you to that lakeside, and the week before it, the frustration and despair that came with being unable to take care of yourself. You haven’t felt such a thing after, perhaps, it’s due to your fulfilled state and therefore lack of trial, but now, the need returns, like adding more to an already full cup, realization only hitting after the drops spill from the sides. The cup demands to be emptied, - translation: your soul demands whatever pleasure you can get your hands on- and the image of him causing it is certainly a preference.
(Again, it is your soul that’s demanding it- your brain would very much like to lock you away in the furthest corner of this house, or kick him, if that’s all you can manage.)
“Excuse me?”
“I just remembered how I failed to say how beautiful you look tonight.” 
“Thank you.” Your mouth speaks before you can protest the improperness of your situation. Color settles on your cheeks for accepting his compliment first. “What are you doing?”
“Collecting my pen.” He shrugs, and demonstratively takes it to his hand, yet it is once more left to the ground instead of the nearest table, with the rest of his papers. He adds, “I admire how you are an expert in navigating every social situation, whether it's a boring dinner like this, or a ball.
Your eyebrows raise at the boring part, after all, it's hosted by your relatives, and it wasn't exactly boring, maybe a little uneventful. “Not every occasion has to be full of adventure, Lord Kenobi. Slow nights like this are beneficial for the soul. Gives the mind some rest.” 
He purses his lips, like he’s been told on his bluff, the one part he emphasized to sound strong. Because, he is. He had fun tonight, the type that fills one’s heart with sweet lethargy. “I suppose you’re correct. But you’re missing out on an important detail.”
“And what is that?”
“The right company.”
You’re glad that your hands were pressing against the book, holding the page, because if they weren’t, they would be visibly shaking.
“I have underestimated how much I missed you, that much is clear to me now.” Barely speaking, or barely speaking anything important with you throughout the evening, yet he feels rejuvenated, the ache in his chest becoming prominent as it starts the heal. He doesn’t say the last part, but the sentiment is reflected in the soft sparkle behind his eyes, the hypnotic storm, pulling you towards unknown chaos, but beautiful, and promising safety in its center. That’s why you don’t protest as his hand reaches for yours, brushing your knee (he wanted to do that for some time, to feel the soft fabric that basically decorates your body), interlocking fingers, and reluctantly retreating them in favor of taking the book that sits in your lap, setting it aside. You don’t protest, despite the screams in your head, saying he’s right there why is he still there-
 “And the other thing I missed terribly, the sight of your legs.”
Your shaky inhale echoes.
His fingers gently close over your ankles, and travel upwards slowly, lifting your dress alongside. “Though I’ve only seen them twice, they might be my favorite view, ever.”
“Is that so?” You are perplexed by the confession, with a lazy grin, very much enjoying the seduction. His way with words seems like a constant threat to your sanity, but damn do you adore it dearly, a voluntary victim to its spell.
“Why would I ever lie to you?” He whispers, hands tightening. “I like them very much. But I think I would like them better around my shoulders.” He pulls your knees slightly, causing you to yelp as your back caves in, and grasps your ankles once more, proceeding to demonstrate exactly his words.
“What are you doing?” You ask, like you don’t know the answer. It is a statement, an acknowledgment, the last chance to bring some sense into any of you. You’re in the living room, in a house that is not your own, filled with people who are still very well awake, and can just decide to come in.
“Having a second dessert, if I may?” And how can you refuse, after the image is served to you on a golden plate?
“But at the lake - You were-” 
“You think I'm doing this for recompensation?”
“No, I didn't mean to imply that.” God, this is embarrassing. “I just wanted to say I might miss having my way with you.”
“I’ll be glad to take that as a promise.”
Then, it is settled. 
Still, he waits for your small nod and takes in the way you bite your lip, wishing he was the one to do so, but- priorities. Time is a valuable asset, especially now, and he has to honor his offer. That’s why he opts for a few small, open mouthed kisses to your inner thighs, actively fighting the desire to leave bruises, evidence, a memory. Judging by the rapidness of your breath, it seems he has reached his goal in some way. It’s the beard- scratching your skin even when his mouth is not doing something, sensitizing the flesh and making it all too susceptible to the incoming assault. Your hand flies up, absentmindedly reaching for his hair, yet stopping a second before, landing on the couch instead- if you messed up his hair, there’s no coming back from it. He chuckles at your struggle, the warm breath making you squirm. Even if you don’t, he’s maddened by action, despite the laugh. He has you- but not really. He’s enveloped in your heat, taking in your scent, and seconds away from tasting you, but is not able to be blessed with the slight pain he'd felt if you tugged on his strands, or the untamed sounds you’d have sung in a more private setting.
So yes, he’s as torn and desperate as you. Slow nights, you said? 
Truth be told, it doesn’t matter what adjective comes before the word; slow or fast, boring or exciting as hell, freezing or hellishly hot; if it is with you, it is a good night. Otherwise, it is lacking. The world may be painted gray forever, considering you two mostly don’t get the chance to spend more than two occasions together in a week, but there can be no comparison to colorful scene of those moments.
And this is the night Obi Wan admits that fact.
You both moan, when his tongue finally meets your cunt, licking a messy stripe. It is more of a vibration than a noise- possibly for the best. It makes you jolt, and his hold tightens, and again, it is for the best, because when he decides to pay attention to your clit after his time exploring your folds is done, your limbs start to shake, threatening to fall. Your eyes roll back when things settle, and pleasure starts to build up, your juices flowing, and he drinks it all in before they have the chance to make a mess of your dress.
That is the first time he takes a break. “Eyes on me, darling.”
What is with him and that special request?
Your whine doesn’t mean anything to him, except make his cock twitch in his now tight trousers- but that has other reasons too. He waits ‘til your eyelids open once more, and you meet his gaze, and a second longer, unable to resist the urge to get lost in your hazy expression. Then, he dives back in, swirling the muscle around your bundle of nerves. In any other circumstance, you’d have thought this would be too indelicate, so straight to the point, no fun or respect, yet his way to do so is anything but those qualities. His movements are precisely designed for you, slow enough to not cause discomfort, fast enough to make the best of your unknown time limit. You’re afraid to deduce that one time was enough for him to learn you, one time to turn your world upside down, and leave you to deal with the memory of it. 
“Sweetie?” That’s the first time your eye contact is broken. The world freezes for a second before it does, and your head whips to the direction the sound has come from, to find your aunt by the door. Miraculously, she continues to stand there, unbothered by the long and protective distance which compromises of the dining table and the back of your couch, a perfect cover for the scandal that is taking place. Obi Wan stills, perhaps even stops breathing, yet he’s the one to snap you out of your shock with his grip around your skin. It is ridiculously encouraging, knowing he's not abandoning you on your own, even at the expense of getting caught, and the dread it would surely follow.
“Yes, auntie?” You gulp. Trying not to sound breathless is a clear effort.
“Have you seen Lord Kenobi?”
Your reputable smartness lags, the answer of yeah, he’s right here IN BETWEEN MY LEGS, occupying your mind.  “I think he went out to get some air, I haven’t seen him for some time.”
“How odd.” She comments, “And what are you doing there on your own?”
“Reading my book.” You smile, and hope your cheeks’ tremble isn’t too noticeable. “It’s quite good- couldn’t tell the time.”
She scorns. “Oh, now I see- he must’ve gotten bored as you were buried in your book. You truly should work on your guest etiquette, dear. And Lord Kenobi, of all people!”
“Auntie!” Your eyes widen, and you squeal a little, and feel Obi Wan giggling quietly.
“I’m just saying, that you should treat him better- he’s a good person, and obviously fancies you.”
“I mean, I like him? Don’t you like him?”
The urge the scream has never been stronger.
To escape the subsequent questions should you answer otherwise, you give in, and sag.” I do.” And the worst thing is, you actually do. Objectively, you like him, all his little jokes and sweet tongue (no pun intended), the elegant form he carries himself in, and the kind nature he never fails to live up to. Except for the dangerous extent your relationship is getting into, there’s nothing about him that you don’t like. And truthfully, even that is barely a matter you care about, proven by your current situation. 
You can feel him smile, the coarse facial hair biting into your skin, rubbing like a cat, and the sensation is followed by a kiss on your thigh. 
“Then you know what I am saying is the truth.” She raises her eyebrows in a motherly manner, a loving attempt of intervention. “Don’t stay up too late, no matter how absorbing that book is. We are invited for breakfast to the Mon’s Estate.”
Thankfully, she’s gone like that, saving you the act.
When you turn to your front again you find the need to come up with a warning to make him shut up unnecessary for he kisses you, silencing both of you. The action brings color to your cheeks more than ever in this entire evening. The fact that you can taste yourself on his tongue aside, he’s so gentle about it, like congratulating your success, or admiring your talent, pouring out his affection for you. You can’t help but wrap your legs around his wide torso, it is how good it feels. When you two part, the lack of breath gets the best of you, only then do the swarming butterflies in your stomach begin to disturb you again.
But you’re not so quick to forget the last couple of minutes. Perhaps you've spoken too soon back then at the lake, thinking this could be continued. You’d imagined the rest of this scene a little differently, letting him follow you to your room, returning the favor, but that scare has only helped you to brew a storm inside you.
“Obi Wan…” You whisper, brows cinched in concentration as he towers over you, claiming all your senses. “We can’t- we have to stop…”
“Sshh, calm down.” His thumb draws circles on your skin, trying to soothe you in one aspect, if not every. He’s not going to let you go to your bed shaken like this, for starters. “Take a deep breath.”
You try, twice before you can manage to fill your lungs in their entirety, and your achievement is rewarded with a peck to your neck. Some of the air leaves you in an abrupt exhale because of it, and he curses himself for it.
“Follow my lead.” He tries again, reclining on his knees, giving you space. It is another challenge to look into his ocean eyes, and match his pattern, but you manage, your heart beat semi-regular after a minute or so.
Semi, for said eyes and your bare pussy are face to face, and all common sense loses its importance, burned by the fire inside you.
“Obi Wan- please…”
“You sure?” He will be very disappointed if you change your mind, but he has to ask, play the sensible part. And ignore the constant throb in his trousers that has become even more unbearable after you confessed your feelings.
“Just… make it quick.” Oh, are you seriously requesting an orgasm like ordering a cake in a café?
“As you wish, love.”
He starts out the same, just playing his game a little faster, and he holds your hand as he does so, the small detail as efficient as his moves. But, the final blow is his other hand, prodding against your entrance. The flood of memories doesn’t help either, as you remember that night. A loud moan threatens to leave you, and you slap your palm against your mouth. He stops ‘til you are secured, praise in his eyes, and pushes the two digits in, stretching you out in the way. Your fingers are nothing in comparison, and he notices it immediately, the way your walls hug him. 
Though, he’s an expert, and can absolutely manage to take care of you properly, so there’s nothing but pleasure, your slick channel welcoming the intrusion. It is not long before he feels the resistance fading and returning in a new form, as your climax approaches, and your muscles begin to quiver.
With your noises secured in your throat, the only form of communication is your connected hands, squeezing each other sometimes enough to risk breaking fingers. He understands what you mean perfectly, reaching up to a certain speed, then keeping it the same ‘til you start trashing, legs violently shaking around his body, and juices dripping, this time more than he can clean up. If any other time, he wouldn’t stop ‘til he feasted on every drop of it, but he withholds himself, respecting the clouds of danger. He’s glad to have helped with your anxiety, yet he doesn’t want to carry the ease to dangerous level and make you susceptible to be swayed in whatever direction.
Well, the image of his messy, wet beard certainly sends you through the wrong one, but already your nerves are not able to take more risks tonight, so you just bite your lip hard enough to draw blood, and lower your legs to the ground as he starts by cleaning out his fingers. It is hard to believe any man would try this much to indulge in your every aspect, but here he is, careful about even the smallest part.
Damn, you want to take him to your room and let him have his way with you so bad- but this is enough adventure for a night.
“Good night, Lord Kenobi.” You say, fixing your skirt, and standing up on shaky legs with your book clutched in the tightest grip against your belly.
“Good night, darling.” He nods, a content smile. “Send my compliments to the chef. “
“Lord Kenobi?”
You’re justified in your shock, enough to express it out loud in the middle of the jewelry shop, the last place you’d expect to run into him. Of course, he’s a neat and subtle man, and his appearance reflects his statue, though in a very calculated yet effortless manner. His pocketwatch is a family heirloom, so you’ve been told, a chic piece he takes great care of, and while his cufflinks are always elegant, it is never that eye-catching. It only compliments its wearer, you dare say, a final addition to an already completed painting.
(You never denied his handsomeness, and this is an objective opinion. Don’t read much into it.)
His supposed loneliness coupled with the fact that he looks utterly lost and bored, your curiosity is aggravated further.
Also, bumping into each other? What is this, a trick of fate?
“Madame.” He bows, and moves to press a kiss to your hand, the tradition not forgotten. His shock is easily ridden, unlike yours. The small blush on his cheeks and the wide grin on his lips tell contradictory stories, not that you’re judging, but the evident thing is his excitement.
“What are you doing he-”
“What a coincidence-“ His interruption is most unexpected, along with the high pitch in his voice.
You tilt your head, further dazed, but before the suspicion creeps in (you would be terrified to turn your gaze and find women’s accessories laid out for his picking on the table, for somebody else or for you; the latter being the lesser evil, but still disturbing), another joins, though he doesn’t seem to notice you at first.
“How helpful you are being, Obi Wan!” The tall young man with light brown hair calls out, necklaces hanging from both hands. You have a feeling that if he wasn’t busy, there would’ve been a physical reaction as well, a friendly pat on his shoulder, perhaps. “Don’t you know this is important? I need-“
His sentence is broken when he catches your attentive gaze, and realizes you are a part of this conversation as well. You’re amused by how glass-like he is, full of emotions and not afraid to show them. He looks at you, and back to Obi Wan, who finally decides it’s time for an introduction. The expression of recognition flashes through his face in a second as your name is revealed, but you can’t reflect it back fully. You have heard of Kenobi’s best friend or as some call it, brother, although barely from the man himself. You've witnessed how Kenobi's eyes lighten up with pride whenever Skywalker was mentioned, and stories- summaries of their adventures together that he told. The shortness of them wasn't a result of his unwillingness to tell them, but the circumstances of your company, never long or alone enough to visit them in their deserved entirety. 
To be honest, Anakin doesn't know much about you either. He and Padme prefer the countryside by the sea, especially during the summer, thus he and Obi Wan hadn't had the means to talk often lately. He senses the situation, by the slight tension in the older man's voice; this strong, confident man crumbling into pieces for some unknown reason. 
“Pleased to meet you, my Lady.” He makes a small cursty, which you mirror.  
“Likewise, Lord Skywalker.” 
“I’m afraid I’ll need my friend back to keep his promise.” The chains in his hands shake as he speaks, reminding the absurdity of it all. You’re not disturbed by it though, for all is concealed under his charismatic voice and mimics. He’s pretty and he knows it, which gives him all the tools to captivate others. Now you understand why people speak about him like that, moved by hearing his name alone.
“Oh, not a problem at all. We were just saying hello.” Entertained by the interaction, your anxiety is somewhat diminished, enough to let him go without an explanation. Also, the way that he rolls his eyes, and clenches his jaw is very cute, you dare say.
“Promise? I never promised anything.” He murmurs, but it is still audible for you as he follows his friend. And the rest, which makes you laugh whenever you remember it. “Anakin- she's your wife, you know her better than me. How exactly do you expect me to help you?”
“You always had a vision when it comes to beautiful things. Not like my eyes, which are only accustomed to the dirt and grease of machinery.”
You have to bite the inside of your cheeks to stop grinning, while you start talking with the salesman about the bracelet you’ve given them to restore. They make you sit and wait for a couple of minutes, all of which you spend trying to not spy on them. Fortunately, the shop is quite crowded, and their conversation is a part of the low grumble. A cup of tea is placed in front of you, as well as some new pieces they think you might like.
The one that catches your attention is not among them, however. It is a ring with a blue stone, the tone too similar to something you can’t put your finger on. It is too big to be for a woman, clearly designed for the other sex, but you admire its elegance nonetheless.
“Here is your piece, Madame.” The young salesman returns with a package, just in time to stop you from reaching it.
“Thank you.” You take the precious item back into your hands and inspect the handwork. It is shining once again, polished, and the place you accidentally broke it is now attached, the handwork barely visible.
You release a deep breath, praying graces. You would’ve never forgiven yourself if the family heirloom was forever damaged from the incident. You almost cried when it happened, a stupid game you were playing with Carolina before a ball, when you had already gotten ready and she was counting the minutes to her bedtime.  
“That is beautiful.” Obi Wan joins you once more, now looking more relaxed. Your eyes search for Anakin and find him waiting for a package, reaching for his wallet. Mission accomplished. “May I?”
The chain slides into his hands, and wraps around your wrist under the watch of the young boy with a wholesome smile. He must think you two are engaged in some way, and there’s no turning back from it.
“Would that be all, Madame?”
“Actaully I-“ You remember about the ring, and even if you just want to unravel the mystery around it, the words have already left your mouth, and the entire tray is placed on the table.
Oh. Oh. With him next to you, suddenly it all makes sense. You’re holding the color of his eyes on your palm.
“That is beautiful too.” He remarks, embracing his role a little too much.
“I think it would suit you.” Now it is your turn to accessorize him. He is silent while you do so, taken aback by the unorthodoxty of it all.
“I’m not sure-“ Is all he manages to say, though can’t stop looking at it. It is ridiculously so well fitted around his finger, the fate pulling all strings to give a message.
“It compliments your eyes.” You defend yourself, perhaps a little too lively but you have no shame. It is the truth.
“The Lady is correct.” The boy joins your side, or does his job. “It is a most excellent match.”
“I might think about it.” Is how far he budges, returning it, and checking up on Anakin from where he’s standing. 
“How much do I owe you?”
“Please, allow me-“
The audacity? The though is reflected in your face, which makes him blush at his unnecessary offer.
“With the ring.” You add, and it is all said and done ‘til he has time to get rid of his embarrassment and intervene.
Then, you make him take the package from you, your fingers wrapping around his. “You’re allowed to have nice things, you know?” There’s not an ounce of sarcasm in your tone, only gentle suggestion. “You don’t have to wear it, but I want you to have it.”
“Thank you.”  
And you’re gone before Skywalker can catch up.
You truly don’t expect to see him wearing it, you really don’t.
But you’re proven wrong so, so badly.
He doesn’t take it off.
When he takes on his promise, and actually starts working on the ball he’s supposed to throw, the first thing he does is request for your uncle’s help. Then your uncle entrusts the job on you, and you’re spending hours with him like that, securing the musicians, bargaining for the food supplies, preparing invitation lists… Truly, that’s it. You too are surprised to accompany him that much and engage in nothing outside of the mission. Truthfully, a little concerning in the grand scheme of things, the inevitable result of your relationship improving, real sincerity. Although you have zero problems with the fact, enjoying it far too much. You don't care about how your contributions are secret, for your efforts surpass the limits of help that are considered friendly, and fully acknowledge that it is gonna be a damn good ball. 
Also, while you hate to see him distressed, it is a look on him that you are guilty of adoring. The nervousness is like a little crack in his shell, a way to see a part of him that rarely sees the daylight. And it is for something so feeble? Only half of his effort would be enough for a wonderful ball, and he still tries to do more, and gets agitated over that? You are cruel for laughing at that, you confess. But it is more of a balancing act, rather than a mock. Somebody's gotta play the sane part, lower the tension. 
You're ready to help with that, too.
“Do you think I should hire-” 
You're at his study, the place you've been sitting since the morning. Time flies with every cup of tea, and plates of biscuits, but after a while, things inevitably get boring. For you, at least. He's quite focused, brows scrunched, tie slightly loosened. You see him looking at the list that you've put together in the beginning, the possible ways to entertain his guest. 
You've already arranged the services of more than half of them. Twice the amount that would be considered enough.
And he's still going over it?
“That's enough!” Your open palm lands on the surface. 
Obi Wan doesn't expect your outburst. He doesn't flinch, but his mimics change in an equivalent way. His lips part, causing him to relax that clenched jaw -oh, you might have a point. 
“You. Need. To. Relax.” You’re now less frantic, due to his irresistibly clueless expression, though still firm in your cause. Fuck, how can he look at you with those doe eyes and expect you to… do anything! 
You get up, and reach for the papers, sending them in a far corner of the desk. While you do so, you are basically halfway in between him and the table. Putting the teacups and the pot back on the tray (it has grown cold a long time ago), you turn to him, almost sitting at the desk in order to fit that narrow space. The bashful smile on his face (as if he wasn’t enjoying the perfect view of your ass seconds before) breaks your heart once more.
Putting your hand on his shoulder, you mirror his emotion. “It’s gonna be a splendid night. The kind that people will talk about it for years. And I’m not exaggerating on that one. I would’ve said the same thing days ago, all before the last additions, too.”
It is a challenge to feel the warmth of your skin, and not lean against it. “You’re right.” He tugs on his collar, taking a deep breath. “But you know- I’ve never planned a ball in my life, and- I just need it to be perfect.”
You giggle, and replace your hand on his cheek that is colored with the confession of his little perfection obsession. You welcome the slight sting of his beard, like a habit, and caress his cheekbone. He dares not move, or even take a breath, only watching your pretty face focused on his, and relish the feeling of your thumb across his features.
“It’s going to be just that.”  You might’ve said, or a joke about his troubles, but words scurry off of your mind as you stay like that, squished in place as you try your best to comfort him.
“Can you kiss me?” The thought seems lunatic when uttered on a whim, but it has crossed your mind too, you must admit. 
“Only because you asked so nicely.” There's an undeniable urge to use his words back at him. 
Your back has to bend in an uncomfortable way for your lips to touch, but you have no complaints about it. The touch is so soft, laden with affection in the purest kind. It is obvious in every way, the movement of your mouths, determined to preserve the sweetness and sweetness alone, and the itch in your palms, mapping each other out over and over again, and the determination of your lungs, using every last drop of oxygen before demanding an exchange. 
“T-thank you for that, dear.” His eyes open after a few seconds, with a sheepish smile that causes him to speak in whispers.
It’s about to get real dangerous for you, if he keeps being this cute. 
“I’m not about to say we should've done it sooner, for it is a complete waste of our time repeating a truth well known, and I've already used that trick before, but maybe we should do it again.” 
Okay, but how does that kind of sass sound cute from your perspective?
“Don't push your luck.” You say, fingers smoothing his hair, and his complaint dies on his throat visibly. He purrs, eyelids closing. That's the moment you decide to press a small peck to his lips for all his troubles. It lasts longer than intended, and while it's definitely different than the previous one, him gripping your waist telling a different story. The weight of them is welcome nonetheless, and it serves as an anchor, like you two could be molded into a statue if he held it long enough.
However, he is the one to break the stillness, shifting in his chair- first of all, how dare he, you're doing the acrobatics here-
He notices that you've noticed it. Clearing his throat, Obi Wan lets his hands slide to the table, just a centimeter away from your body. “It’s been some time.” His face remains focused on the floor.
Didn't he even take care of himself?
You push his shoulder back, and he takes it a step further without a blink, sliding away with his chair. 
What he doesn't expect, is for you to stay exactly where you are, only this time on your knees. He has to gulp once, then twice, because he finally looks at your face, smiling back at him. 
“May I help?” Admittedly, your fluttering gaze was unnecessary, and tips him even more. You don't miss the way he stabilizes his hands.
“By all means.” 
You start by unfastening the buttons of his tan trousers, letting your forearms rest on his thighs. He aids your quests by lifting his hips a little, being freed from the constraints of the fabric-
There he is.
You bite your lip at the sight, and the sight is not just his huge cock, already hard and weeping for you. It is about him, and the redness that creeps up his neck, the way he hisses and bites his knuckles at the cool air hitting his sensitive skin, how he claws at the armrest waiting for your touch. His head nearly hits the back of the chair when you finally do, a small moan leaving his exposed throat.
Well. You really should’ve done this sooner.
Your thumb swirls around his head, more fluid leaking out as you do so. Thus your fingers slide down his shaft easily, and he is coated in his slick in no time, along with your palm. It twists around him without rush, leaving him to wander in that dream like state without mentioning a finish line. You want to ask him, ask him how he likes it, or make him cover your hand with his, guiding you, but you also want him to stay just like this, eyes fixed with that heavy lidded gaze, partially obscured by that infamous strand of hair that refuses to be tamed like others. His mouth hangs open with loud breaths and sometimes graces you with sounds of his pleasure.  
“Harder.” The only instruction you need.
You clasp tighter and shudder like him, taking pride in your work. He can feel the strain in his muscles fading second by second, the problems in his mind are plucked out one after the other, replaced by your soothing words you repeated constantly for days at this point, and expert hands, creating the same effect on his body.
“Like this, Lord Kenobi?” You require you still acquire his opinion, a feedback, and his title rolls off of your tongue unintentionally. Honestly, there’s no explanation you can make even to yourself, but you are already over it as his cock twitches under your palm, and his groan fills the room.
“Y-yes. You’re doing- so good.”
That must be some sort of karma, for he is above the concept of revenge, but you’re left with an itch to grind your legs together at his praise. If you do that, you’ll probably feel your wetness smearing all over your skin, you’re sure of it.
And you’re determined not to be distracted.
Your other hand joins the game too, starting to massage his balls. That makes him tense under you for a moment, but the tension dissolves quickly, leaving him dizzier.
“Fuck-“ Even the simplest swear word sounds hypnotizing on his lips, “you’re perfect. Don’t stop.”
Like you had any intention to do that.
On the contrary, your intentions evolve in the direction after his words, perhaps even a little bit further. You lean in and lick a stripe up his length, the tip of your tongue dancing around his head, fully tasting him, before you take him to your mouth fully.
His hand flies up, shaking as it comes down, held back by the strongest of wills from delving into your hair. Instead, it inches closer to your cheek, and returns to the position before (because he may have just lost five years of his life feeling the way you swallow him), half-stabilized over the armrest. His head rolls back once more, unashamed to release his moans with your every move. The most sinful one comes out when you use your throat, gagging around his thickness. You repeat it, and he whimpers, earning an equal sound from you too.
This time, you don’t have to ask him anything. The eye contact as you recover your breath, and continue to stroke him tells you everything you need to know, tells how much he enjoys it.
“Please- darling-“
You don’t try to choke on him again, but keep a rhythm with your tongue and your palm. He reaches climax quickly nonetheless, throbbing in your mouth and coating it white. Obi Wan feels sorry for not warning you, a sense of guilt rising alongside that pleasure, but it once again came over with lust as you gulp it down without a blink. He even fears he might go hard in a second, against all the rules of nature. You provoke that in all ways possible, pressing small kisses to his shaft, occasionally licking it, and letting your head rest on his thigh.
“Thank you.” It is so out of place to say that for this kind of act, but it is the sentence that is spoken, breaking the silence.
“You’re welcome, my Lord.” Thankfully, you raise your gaze just in time to miss the way his cock moves. You straighten your back and throw your shoulders back, stretching like you’ve just woken up.
So cute and so filthy.
“I’d like to return the favor.” He says, the action fueled only by his kind and generous soul.
“Some other time.” Your smile reflects the acknowledgment, not mocking his advances. “I am expected from home.”
“Ah, pity. Send my regards to your family.” He can’t help but feel envious of them. Do they know to treasure your company, not take a second of it for granted? Do they know what you did to him, before joining them? Would they be as accepting as ever, aware of your scandalous affairs?
Of course not.
But even then, you’d deserve much better than what they would treat you like. Your courage alone is enough to make the world bow down to you.
And what if your family means something other than your blood, your relatives? What if it was a stranger, a man undeserving, but had you to himself every night, when you returned home from your daily activities? A lucky fool who had the blessing of knowing you’d be by his side soon, every damn day.
His fingers turn into fists as you clean yourself up, so pretty in your ignorance to his gaze, brows slightly furrowed as you smooth out the wrinkles on your dress.
“Shall do.” And with your cheery voice, he doesn’t even notice his grip is unclenched.
Red isn’t his color. Some say it suits him well, that the stark contrast is eye-catching, but he doesn’t like to carry it. At this point of his life, it’s not even about his clothing choices, he prefers anything over that pigment in every possible scenario; the sheets, the carpets, the flowers… He makes a point of avoiding that powerful color.
Not today, though.
He has no word over how you dress and for once, tries very hard to stay neutral, not verbalize his choices when you mention the outfit you’ll be wearing in his ball, and it is a successful endeavor. (Knowing you and your stubbornness, it would probably only damage the bond between the two of you, something you’ll quip for years, or God forbid, keep you from attending at all.)
In the end, you wear it, and he ends up where he doesn’t want to be. Drowning in that bloody cloud. Without remorse, for the first time in his life.
For once, he finds himself chasing after it, taking joy in its liveliness, surrendering to the dangerous promises it makes. Your presence brings energy to every room you enter. The candles seem to burn brighter, and the warmth in his chest is not solely a result of both of your accomplishment of the spectacle. Obi Wan smiles ear to ear, eyes almost closed because of it, and he wants nothing more than to dance with you all night long, bury his hands in that expensive fabric and feel the burn in your cheeks, painted with the same color. He doesn’t even mean it in a perverse way. He wants to celebrate the payoff of your efforts, let the pride be felt, and enjoy the treats like all the guests, or even more than them (it would be more than fair to do so), together.
Alas, the society you both live in isn’t the type to accept such things. In order to not taint the event with the bitterness reserved for that principle, he doesn’t ask for more than six dances, or follow you around the saloon like a lost puppy. While it is never enough, he counts and cherishes the accidental eye contacts, and your hands holding his in dances, or the different circles you ran into each other and have snippets of various conversations. He accepts every compliment with your name tied behind his tongue and feels relieved with each passing hour, realizing how perfect everything is going, thanks to your pieces of advice and restrictions. He is light as a feather underneath all those layers he had to put on for the evening, without the pressing intention of taking it all off as soon as possible.
But, there are two sides to every coin, and here comes the other side, halfway through the night, the prejudice he had returning sinisterly.
He does a decent job of suppressing his jealousy, for all the purposes he’s thought of before. He can glance over when you dance with a stranger, or two, ricocheting on the stage and putting on a show for everyone. He chooses to admire the beauty you’re radiating, shining like a rose after the rain. It keeps him occupied for a while. But when an hour passes and you’re not even looking at his general direction, way too engulfed in your conversation with them, he feels a distaste rising in him. The red bleeds into his heart, poisoning him. It slowly takes over, and by the time you throw your head back with a burst of laughter that echoes in the room, he’s entirely filled with it. His hands twitch with every dream of ripping the source of that poison from your skin in a cove meant for just the two of you, away from all the vultures that eat and drink and savor his doings and yet ready to crucify him at his slightest flaw.
Obi Wan is one step away from sending everyone to their homes when you escort that man to the garden. Honestly, the only reason he doesn’t is because you return in a minute or two, the tip of your nose giving away all he needs to know- it’s chilly.
And he didn’t even give you his jacket?
On the second thought, it’s best that he didn’t, because then Obi Wan wouldn’t even bother to get rid of the crowd to have his way with him.
“Lord Kenobi.” You manage to catch him alone, on the balcony. He’s up there to calm his nerves, over you, unbeknownst to you. Unfortunately, his progress is lost the second he hears your voice, and it is truly an effort to act otherwise.
The night is on the brink of ruin for him, and it doesn’t have to be that way for you. This is why he tries so hard.
“I must congratulate you on this beautiful ball. It is a night to remember.”
“Don't say it like the honor doesn't belong to us both.”
You shrug, as if whisking all the credit away. But your eyes twinkle with pride. 
“I haven't had this much fun in ages,” You chirp,  “I would've begged for another one already, if I hadn't witnessed the toll it took on you.” He covers his face at the mention of the state he has been in for the last couple of weeks. “Oh God, don't.” 
“Oh God, you just didn't expose yourself like that! When will you start enjoying this?” Your laugh is a hidden giveaway of how many glasses you had tonight. “Don’t worry, my lips are sealed for those who may inquire.” Your lips. Wrapped around his cock. Mapping out his neck. Keeping his secrets.  “Remember that every word that comes out of my mouth is said by a person who attended all types of feasts all over the continent for a decade now. I grew up around these circles.” Shrugging, you add. “Perhaps that was my undoing.”
“Undoing? I could never call you “undone��.” Ironic, how you make him forget about before and continue to concern him with totally different subjects.
“You’re right.” Thoughts come out a little slow, but your effort is evident on your face. “I just had too many opportunities to start over in new places, experience everything that I was curious about, and that all led me to discover exactly what I liked, what I wanted from life.”
“How’s that a bad thing?” 
“I’m not willing to let that go anytime soon.” You can’t help but notice that it sounds like some sort of prison of your will, but that’s not a discussion you can have tonight. “Anyways, Obi Wan. I must be going now, just wanted to pay my compliments and wish you good night.” 
“I thought you’d stay the night-“Well, that’s definitely not the case, “But it is so early?”
“You know our houses are not so close, any later than this and I’m going to fall asleep on the road out of habit.”
Yeah, that’s why he thought it would be perfectly reasonable for you to stay over. 
“I see.” And he wishes he had gone blind and deaf. “Then, allow me to bid you good night, my Lady.” 
He takes your hand, placing a kiss you can very much feel despite the fabric. What he doesn’t expect, is for you to press your palm against his chest in return, because he doesn’t know of the urge you have to not leave. It is a split second of override, before you can command your feet to move again, blissfully unaware how tender that moment was.
A day. A full day. That’s how long he can refrain from seeing you. Funny, the meetings have become a habit for him, and although he needed you back then, he needs you more now, for completely different reasons, and you’re not there that morning- and why would you be? There’s no arrangement that demands your assistance anymore. Your praises are all said and done, and if to be repeated, it wouldn’t certainly be a matter that required urgency for you to show up at his door.
And maybe, you have other places to be, other doors to knock. Perhaps you’d enjoy a change of air.
So, he has come to yours.
Naboo. Aldreaan. Correlia. The cities churn in his mind, alongside your image in every one of them. The flowers in your hand as you roam the fields of Naboo, the coat that doesn’t do much for the redness on the tip of your nose while you lodge in the mountains of Alderaan. The exquisite jewelry you wear to a Correlian masquerade, outshining every debutante in the room. He imagines the people hypnotized by your presence (what can they be, other than blessed), or you gliding among them (after all, discretion was your powerful suit). And the worst of all, he thinks of the man escorting you, claiming their dances, bringing you a glass of their rare wines, walking with you in the natural scene, their savage arms around you, their hands groping your curves, pulling sweet sounds from you.
(No, the purpose of his visit was not that. )
He invites himself in from your open balcony, catching you as you start your nightly routine. You’re taking off your hairpins, when he does the courtesy of knocking on the glass, startling you just a little. You jump, but thankfully do not scream, the reflex somehow suppressed. Truth be told, it’s not because your shock actually dwindles. If anything, it is redirected into a different question, going from “What the fuck was that?” to “Why the fuck is he here?”
“Good night, darling.” He gestures for you to sit again, and you do, returning to your chair in front of the vanity. Your head has to crane in a strange way for you to see him, but thankfully, he comes closer and solves the problem, eyes meeting through the mirror. And his face lights up as he sets foot in the room, like he too has forgotten everything but this moment, his jealousy and desperation left behind the walls. That’s how the question of “What are you doing here?” is not immediately articulated.
 Instead, you say, “Good night, Obi Wan.”
“I see I managed to visit you just in time.” Look at him, fixing his beard, laughing nervously. He just climbed to the second floor, and his heart only got racing now.
“Lucky you.” Honestly, you don't think there's a “wrong time” in his perspective, at least when it comes to you. A few minutes later, and he'd see you in your nightgown. Would that deter him from setting his foot in here? Most, most, most likely, no. Don't dwell on that thought, though. “And what do I owe the pleasure?” You try not to focus too much on the fact that you have him and your bed in the same frame, through the reflection. 
“I thought I would see you today.” Is that sarcasm in his tone, or a little bit of self-humiliation?
This must be some sort of a Shakespeare play, right? 
Oh my God, it is. 
“Ah.” You fiddle with your hairbrush, the eye contact broken, your attempt to stop any matter from escalating this night. Any matter. Not that you had any questions when it came to his morals, he probably was the one person you’d never doubt, but in terms of his intentions to be here tonight startled you in a much different light. “I slept in late today. Didn’t even leave the house.”
Oh. That makes quite the sense.
“Actually I still feel a little bit exhausted.”
“That’s because you had too much fun without me last night.” A treacherous scoff falls from his lips as he shakes his head. The moment that the tides turn. The one that brings back all the crude questions.
“What? No? What do you mean?” For all your effort to remain calm, you look alarmed, that tired face with doe eyes showing it all, and he feels sorry for a second, troubling you over his overthinking ass.
Then, he spots the bracelet you wore last night, lying haphazardly over a piece of paper on the corner of the table. It looks very much like a letter.
It’s not hard for him to advance his speculations.
“I think you know it already.”
“Obi Wan.” You twist to actually face him, your arm on the back of the chair. “Why are you here?”
He takes a few steps back, as if the air is stolen from the short distance between the two of you. He runs a hand through his hair, undisturbed by its messy result. You can see him biting into his cheeks, trying to select the right words. In the end, all that effort seems unnecessary, because when he speaks, the sentence can’t be any simpler. “Who was the man you spent an hour with last night?”
Wincing, you take a few seconds to process. It’s not about the answer, but his motive, his audacity that irks you. You stand up and speak. This time, your voice is sharp as ice. “That’s none of your business.”
He blinks a few times, so sure of his righteousness, and determined. “You were in my house, at our ball, dancing and talking with strangers and not even glancing in my direction for the better half of the night. I think it’s some of my business.”
“I was by your side for much longer than it is acceptable, Kenobi, do I need to remind you? We danced six times and greeted the majority of guests together.” You’ll not let the truth be ignored. “Any longer than that and there would be rumors all over the society today, and even I would’ve heard about it despite staying here all day. I didn’t come this much by pushing boundaries at every fucking chance I get. I picked my battles, the thing you seem incapable of.”
“So, am I to understand, this thing between us,” The look on his face dares you to deny the existence of it, “is not worth picking?”
This is the possibility that scared you. And for good reason, it seems. You close your eyes, in order to not roll them, and purse your lips. He uses the moment to reach for your arms, like he could appeal for an answer from you. “Don’t you love what we have?”
You couldn’t feel any worse under the warmth of his hands, affection pouring out of them despite the rage in him. “I love what we had.”
“It’s obvious that we can’t keep doing this, is it not?”
Confusion leaves its place to anger once more, for all the wrong reasons and his face darkens. “Oh, I see. You secured yourself a new entertainment, and now you have to get rid of the old one.”
You shrug out of his hold, distancing yourself from him. The source of the problem is not what he claims it to be, and it infuriates you, along with the accusations he taints you with.  “Don't you dare reflect your own degeneration on me like that! It’s not about my damn cousin’s damn friend, it’s about you!” It is nearly a scream, the highest pitch that wouldn’t grab attention. Still, reflectively, you turn your head to the door, which you had luckily locked. “Leave now, you bastard!”
Honoring the part he was assigned in that theatre play, he focuses on the wrong part of the words, the crumbles of information giving him hope, and dim his doubts. “So there's nothing between you and him?”
Seething, you are red with fury, taking a sharp breath, pointing your finger at him like a gun. “Get. Out.” 
“Is there?” 
Your tongue is determined not to let him hear your words, despite the truth in them. It will not lead to any good. 
But so will his closeness.
When did he get so close? 
The moment you look into his ocean eyes, the decision to say anything is deemed impossible. The decision to do anything, actually. His arms cage you against the cluttered table, and yours end up on his chest, though without any intention of pushing him away.
“Answer my question, and I will.” 
How could you? How can you be able to resist his utmost sincerity, the desperation in his behaviors and the brutality of his words contrasted in the way he looks at you, the caging without actually touching you. Your suffocation is only a result of your inner turmoil, the desire to spit out the truths, clear his heart and give in to the love he's handing out, but terrified of the places it will take the two of you.  
“I’m waiting, darling.”  You can’t help but watch his perfect lips move, his voice licking your skin. 
You gulp, an action he doesn’t miss, and dares to laugh at it. Obi Wan can see the exact moment your gaze returns to being that of an eris, though the flames remind him of a different time.
A very different time. 
“I hate you.” It is perhaps the most childish thing you’ve ever said in years, and it shows. 
So, that’s his cue to kiss you.
For all your claims, still, he doesn’t miss the small moan you let out, swallowing it with pride. Your soft lips move against his like a habit, anticipating every move and the next, a choreography you both know all too well  albeit in a much swifter tempo. Your hands wrap around his neck, pulling him closer but his stay in the same spot, afraid to disturb you, though gripping the edges hard enough to turn his knuckles white. Though, when he tugs at your bottom lip, asking for more, you grant him that, your tongues joining the dance. You whimper, the action triggering your inhibitions to loosen up, like each second wipes the doubts away. It is a sugared water, only serving to increase the thirst instead of quenching it. So you don't stop drinking it.
Not til you absolutely have to.
“No, you don’t.” 
Two seconds have to pass for you to understand his response. With his breath still warming your cheeks, even brushing them with his nose, yes he dares now, the statement is the undeniable truth.
However, not that you're ready to admit it. He already knows too much, all the things you like, all your weak spots, all of your soul.
“Yes, I- oh” And he's not the one to endure your lies. His fingers delve into your scalp, putting traction into your hair ‘til you have to tilt your head back to release the tension, forcing you to look at him through your lashes. Still, eye contact is not what he seeks, for he has as much a chance of getting lost in it as you. He uses the expanse of skin you offer, and dives in for that specific spot that has your legs going limp. It has two consequences: Firstly, you are stuck between him and the table, the latter supporting you too little that the weight rests almost entirely on his body, every plane of him touching yours. Secondly, the angle puts the mirror in the corner of your sight, and you have a maddening view of what’s happening. It is enough to make old ladies screech and faint, and artists to slave to immortalize the scene.  
“You’re a bastard.” You murmur the last bit of objection, solely for the object of throwing it out of the tip of your tongue. He hears, though quite unbothered, the retort to break you further leaves his mouth readily.
“Call me whatever you want, dear, you’re the one begging for it.”
Of course, you only pant in return. Even when he threatens to nip and bite at the sensitive nerves, you don’t stop him. Furthermore, your calf twists around his as much as it is able in that impossible posture. An invitation.
“And what else would you let me do to you? Would you let me take you to your bed?”
You nod, frantically. “Yes, please Obi Wan- take me”
That’s a sentence straight out of his dreams.
The second your feet touch the ground, both of you gather the ends of your dress, yanking it out to throw it haphazardly on the floor. Your stays and chemise follow the same fate, then it is his jacket and shirt. He taps on your thigh, like he would let you walk the five meter distance between there and the bed, you jump, a little shakily (not that you ever had questions about his strength). Fuck, it excites you how easily and softly he lands you on the edge of it. You reach for his trousers, but he stops you and urges for you to scoot back, and lay down.
Because that’s the best way he can rid you of your shoes and stockings.
Your knees stick together as he works on one foot, and the other. The shoes drop with a loud thud, making you bite your lip, close your eyes for a moment and pray nobody investigates. It’s no wonder that after that small break, your pupils meet once more. How ironic that it is the cause of your concern, and the only solution.
You can feel his fingertips skimming the top of the only clothing left on you. While the touch is stimulating enough, it is the fact that you have to spread your legs a little to allow him to undress you, giving him a view of your wet pussy.
Nothing that he hasn’t seen before, but that doesn’t affect the way you tremble.
Throwing your head back, you let him slide the stretchy fabric down. Slowly. Like his piercing gaze isn’t enough. You’re squirming by the end of it, all thoughts of getting him out of his outfit gone (-or delayed, should you still believe yourself.)
Thankfully, he takes care of it, the sounds of his buttons unfastened echo in the room. 
Though he has no rush to join you. 
You turn your face to search for what's taking him so long, a whine in your throat when he kneels. That's unlike him. 
You feel cold without his body looming over yours. And he has a hard time not to do that, not falling for the flush of red and your hard nipples. Especially when you're so gone that you may come undone just from that.
He'd like to see that. 
But he has to make you understand how you keep him in that state, ignorant of his troubles, even as the solution is obvious and wanted by both sides, however the other can't accept it out of simple stubbornness.
Thus, he plays the deaf now, as he grips the supple flesh of your thighs, squeeze and move as he pleases, exposing your core to air while he busies himself with other parts. He claims you with his lips, mapping out, pushing you down to the mattress every time you jolt because he’s so close just a little to the left- But perhaps the worst is his vulgar taunts, whispered, to himself mostly, a way to speak out the anger.
“Are you this wet for all the men you hate?”
“No.” You cry, not able to stand the accusations. “It’s you.”  And it is the truth. There are no other men on the planet that you would bear being treated like this by, or attempt to change their opinion of you. But now, you need him to know that. You can’t imagine a future with his back always turned to you, or be subject to his very much forced small talk with empty, or worse, hatred filled eyes. It is a reveal of a side of you that you had to keep hidden and downplay, to be free at the end of the day, give both of you an opportunity to walk out, but it doesn’t matter if the said fallout leaves his judgment of you sour. You care about his perception, and would do your best to change it should it be mixed with lies. Truth, and nothing less, is what he deserves.
A wave of relief floods his heart, that simple answer is all he wishes to hear. There’s also a bit of rage, for knowing you’d never admit it in any other circumstance. Alas, the smile appearing on his face is unstoppable. Even as he finally begins to eat you out.
A moan leaves your mouth at the first contact, which is nothing more than a small kiss. That bad, uh? As he licks everything he can reach, it turns into a whine, because it is evident he has no concern about making you cum quickly, or in a normal amount of time. He just continues to do whatever he was doing before, exploring every nook and cranny, and marking, like he intends to commit this moment to his memory. It may not have been his first time, (or the second), but he’s doing it for himself now, your desperation sadly not a priority. You also suspect he’s doing it to drive you mad, using his previous experience and remembering how sensitive you got when his beard rubbed against your skin.
“Obi Wan-“ Your back arches, a hand reaching for his hair. He stops it all by jostling your legs with a hold that could leave imprints. It takes half of your willpower to stay in the place he put you in, and that means you only have the other half to process the indescribable pleasure he’s giving. It is gonna be fast, whether he plans it or not.
“Could you actually throw this away? How can you pick anything else over this?” You knew it would be a hard transition. The magic he created is haunting and ready to jump on you in those dark corners, even after many years. There is no cure for ghosts, after all. The thought now seems impossible, the last thing that could cross your mind. Simply impossible. He emphasizes by nudging your clit, every single movement forcing a sound out of you. “That's right. I’m going to remind you how good we are together, make you feel so good that you'll forget anything but us.” 
The passion in his words scares you, but it would be a lie to say they don't excite you in some way, making your heart flutter in your chest at his devotion and to be able to still feel safe only supported by the honest bond you two have. You chant his name as he smothers himself in your folds, sucking and flicking your raw bundle of nerves. He loves to feel you twitch when you are overwhelmed, but not enough to climax. 
Then, he scrapes your clit with his teeth, and you're gushing, head thrown back, a silent scream in your mouth. The hot lava inside you doesn't cool down, paying its visit to every part of you, making stars explode behind your eyes and body trash against the sheets. To be perfectly honest, he didn't expect this much either, his strong muscles tightened to keep you from closing your legs, a string of curses muttered at the obscenity of it all. As always, your bliss only augments his own, especially at the sight of your essence flowing out of you. He has to drink it all in. Thus, he doesn’t stop, unbothered by the subtle sway of your hips, or the slight tug at his strands. He has no objection to them, on the contrary, he would encourage them if he didn't have to abandon his task to say the words. The slow movements of his tongue create constant stimulation in your already delicate nerves. Your second orgasm crashes you like a clap of thunder, leaves you sobbing and shaking. It uses all the energy in your already spent muscles, wipes every argument from your mind and removes those troubling emotions from your soul. The interesting thing, is that you have no oppositions to the matter. Why would there be? Could there be a sweeter arrangement? Isn’t it better than a dream? You speak the truths, and he worships you. You pay him the respect he deserves, and he tries to honor it in every chance. You don't complete his personality, you enhance it, and in return, he uses everything in his power to make your day better. 
It is not that simple, a voice speaks from the back of your head, but it's too silent to have an importance. 
Likewise, some of his ideas are dismayed just as easily. Pity. He had every intention of taking you from behind, not letting you get away before painting your ass red, and watch you crawl back to him still even when he teased you that badly, but you seem too gone, too weak to lift your hips up. And it is not a big deal anymore, because he's equally excited to have you like this, lying on your back, legs hugging his torso. Like your first time. The parallel is unintentional, but more than welcomed. How much and how little has changed since then? He leans in for a kiss, and fuck, your mouth is greets him too purely, like he's not covered in your slick. There's something more than lust that drives you, evident in the way you move, like you’re carving out a promise on his lips. The sounds that you produce are not in desperation, but gratitude, not weary of the periods of suspense but glad that it is over. His fingers travel the length of your abdomen, all blame on him for the coldness of your skin and the way you shiver. When he circles your nipples with his thumb, you sigh, and press yourself to him. 
“You take care of me like no other, Obi Wan.” You whisper as you cup his cheek. You should’ve told him sooner. It was the least you could do. 
He has no answer, and he doesn’t need one. Holding your wrist at the sides of your head angrily and meeting with your tongue is more than enough of an explanation, just like the one you made a little too late, beautiful controversies. You both are unaware of how your hips rub against each other, without hurry, ‘til his cock catches your entrance. Your breathing becomes erratic, considering you didn’t get a prep or had any in some while, and he’s big. 
“Are you gonna let me in, sweetheart?” 
“I need you.” You almost wail, despite knowing it will be too much. It’s not about pleasing him, either, for these things are not given up as sacrifices, ever. What matters is that you’re together, and that is always good. “Please, I want you.”
Could he ever refuse?
He takes his time, relishing the surrender of your tight walls, and brave noises, replied with his own moans. Your pants are guiding as much as they are troubling, making him even harder. He swears he’s about to burst when you outright sob while he brushes your areolas. Your back raises, an attempt to get his fingers a little higher, and your eyelids flutter close with the movement.
Make no mistake, your face scrunched up in delight is a sight to behold, but he can’t compromise having your eyes closed, sparing him from that glossy, burning gaze you have when he tears you apart. He needs to see them lose all coherent thought, see those doubts fly away and light up with pleasure.
“Look at me, dearest.” Right, aren’t you more than acquainted with his most important wish? He pleads, the softest tone that spilled from his lips tonight. Your heart skips a beat although you’re not exactly capable of processing that information. Needless to say, you don’t oblige to his wish, not when you are so spent. 
Obi Wan groans, his hand flying up to turn your chin. At that moment, all fall silent. You get lost in his stormy eyes, and so does he. Though his cock twitches in your quivering channel, that’s not the point.
“I can’t get enough of you.” He blurts. Then, the other truths demand to be told too.  “I don't like the way they look at you. I don't like how they don't know how blessed they are by your presence. Shit, I hate it when they know it too. I hate to think those who got to memorize you this closely, even those you knew before me.” 
Even those you knew before me. “Obi Wan, you're-” 
“Crazy? I'll admit, I am crazy when it comes to you.” 
“I never-” You have to drown a whimper as he continues his deep, slow strokes, “asked for any of it.”
“Of course, dear. I know, I know it's not you, but them. But I can hardly stop myself from reaching out and pulling you out from their sigh. Or wrap my hands around you, let them see what we share. They wouldn't dare anymore, if they knew the lines you left on my back.” It takes an incredible amount of will not to thrust into you faster, with where his ideas lead him to. “Would you let me mark you from the inside?”
Fuck, why does his words make their way into your heart without ringing those alarm bells you have ready at all times? How does he move past them so easily? 
Or do you let him, and take those rings as a cheery tune of his nearing presence, and not a warning as they must be?
“Yes!” The feeling of him finishing anywhere but in you suddenly sounds so disgusting. You want his warmth, even though you're burning already. 
His lips find yours, kissing you so hard that you'd thought he wanted to silence you. But surely, you know better, that's definitely not the case. You get to drink his sweet moans as his hands envelope you further (like it's possible). In return, he's right there to swallow your gasps, the proof of how you push yourself for him. The rest of the world stops, the urge to fill your lungs no longer necessary, nothing but the rhythm you've created, and clouds you've climbed on. 
He senses your peak before you do and gives you a brief space to breathe, praises falling from his lips that you can't hear, as you shake and let out whimpers, quite loud, for you've grown used to him muffling them. He follows suit, not able to resist your walls clamping down on him, painting your insides with a heavenly moan. 
It takes a second for both of your bearings to return, for the night to evolve into a chilly summer night it was simply meant to be. The coldness is especially remarkable as sweat cools down. A towel wipes them rather quickly, but it's never as warm as having the other around. Your usual remedy, a nightgown, is no use either, even if he helps you put it on. It is such a whiplash that makes you question everything about the last hour. You're left with burning cheeks as he collects your clothes from the floor, hanging them on the divider, then his- but he does the same to them?
“What are you doing?” You croak, a minute of silence for your vocal cords. “I don't cuddle.” That's a harsh sentence, but it's the truth.
“And I don't leave the person I love in the middle of the night to freeze.” He's holding a candle, the only lit candle in the room, and his face is illuminated beyond anything else and it could be said that he is the source of light. 
The person I love. His words break down the last resolve you have, and you're left to figure out how you feel about it as he kills the flame, and slides  into the sheets behind you. You'd think the sensation of his chest pressed to your back would keep you wide awake, but no, it's weirdly new yet familiar, enough to lull to sleep. Also, his scent is mesmerizing, and you never had it this close and constant. 
And for him, he had no trouble whatsoever from the start, but this is far better than expected, that he is sure he is living the best moment of his fate. The softness of you, in his arms, drifting into heavy dreams. It is a treasure for him to see that you can relax beside him, allow him to feel the regularity of breaths, showing your most natural self. 
But the morning is anything like the night.
You wake up from the orange lights of the rising sun, when he gently combs your hair out of your face. There's a fatigue in your muscles, alongside that sweet tinge of pleasure still lingering, making it all bearable. Your skin runs hot where he holds you, your back, your waist, your intertwined legs… The slight prickle of his beard is not pronounced when it's rolling on your shoulder, especially as it's followed by small pecks. He's unable to resist, your intoxicating smell pronounced in the cove of your neck, right under his nose. Only when he feels somewhat satisfied, and you seem a little more conscious, the tonus of your body increasing, he talks. 
You weren't ready for his morning voice.
“Good morning, love.” His hand rises to soothe the redness rising where his chin was pressed. Delicate all over. “I’m afraid I must get going, for both of us’ sake.” 
You give an affirming hum, and swiftly roll out. Your body betrays you without delay, a shiver seizing you, protesting the lack of his heat. You shake your shoulders, not so subtly but it's not like you can cringe. It is your band aid, and you're ripping it out. 
You reach for a robe and put it on rather easily for your questionable nerves and state of mind. 
“Yes, you should really get going, Obi Wan.” Fuck, that sounds still more aggressive than you are, or you ever intended, a mirror of the storms in your mind. 
“What's the matter?” He's awfully quick to put on his trousers and come near you once again. He looks into your eyes, unobscured by your hair, and then there's that look of reveal on his face, the point of no return. He says your name, a final plead and a warning.
“You must leave soon.” This time, you’re a little softer, but it is nowhere near normal, considering what you shared.
“You think last night was a mistake.” He’s never sounded colder, and you have to focus not to bite your lip. The stern expression on his face is unbecoming of him, but it’s also a great reflection of his fidelity. Now, the other side of the coin shows itself, with his icy eyes and clenched jaw.
“I never-“ said that. Though, is there any possibility of you explaining what you feel? The doubts, the unfamiliarity of these feelings. Could you say, I’m not sure about this thing in between us, without creating the same effect of his claimed words?
There’s a second of silence, as he’s giving you one last chance to speak up. You know, you know that the moment you try, he’s going to break that heartless look, and put his loving hand out.
“For someone who thinks it was a mistake, you don't seem regretful at all.”
“Because it's not, and I don’t!” The confession is for him, but it is hard on you. But that doesn’t mean you’re willing to repeat it. “But it can become one. This has to stop. We can’t go further than this.”
“Why?” He’s trying his best not to raise his voice in this quiet, quiet hour.
“Because this is just- just an infatuation. It will go away. And to remember this time as a good one, we have to be careful, and we’re starting to lose that sense.”
An infatuation. That is the strangest insult he’s ever heard, but the worst nonetheless. An infatuation. The more he repeats the word in his mind, the more his anger grows, with a goal to show you otherwise.
“This is not what happened last night, and you know it.” He was as clear as day, and you honored that likewise. There was no lie. “If this is about you getting pregnant, I swear -”
“No, that's not it.” For once, you show something about the bond you have. “I have no concerns about you, or the whole society, should that happen. I’d even happily move away somewhere nobody knows my name and raise them.” 
Why is that option uttered, when there are far easier choices to make? “You’d rather build a new life than marry me?”
You remain silent once more, owning the coward you are. This is exactly why this wouldn’t work, anyways. He shakes his head, catching himself still thinking of ways to convince you, to work through the problem. He even thinks of walking out of the main door, and running into your father's study, forcing your hand in marriage.
You can see that thought play in his head as his gaze becomes fixated on the door.
"See. That's why.” You beg. “This is just an obsession, and you are maddened with it. You can't see reason, or listen to the sound of it, and I can't watch you make decisions like this. Is this how you actually want to treat me? Blackmail your way into marrying me?”
“So, this is what you think of me.” Blackmail. 
“No, Obi Wan, are you even listening to me?” You cover your face with your hands, a moment to recollect yourself. “Do you know when my next trip is scheduled?” 
Oh. You and your infamous life on the roads. 
“In three days. And do you know I already postponed it once?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean we have very different lifestyles, and they are not compatible.”
“Or maybe, you are running from something so long that it has become a habit.”
“I do it because I like it. Because I promised people that I would see them before the end of autumn.” The latter part of your answer is not in your favor, but his, a product of overthinking. You discover that a little too late. He sees it too, along with the fragile curl of your lips, but doesn’t use it against you. Not anymore.
“I wish you a safe trip, then.” That’s the closest you’ve ever gotten to regret your preferences, as he takes a step back, and dresses himself in a blink with perfection. It causes you to feel vulnerable, like his stoic face and impeccable outfit which somehow looks even more put together than yesterday, when he was helped to put it on, paints him like a statue of a Greek god who is putting you on trial.
A trial that you fail.
Yet, by not punishing you, he gives you the worst sentence: Incarceration with your conscience.
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ellstersmash · 4 months ago
Veilguard loves & hates:
Love It:
the banter!!
overall the armor is very cool looking
don't really have to take a balanced party (but detonations help A Lot)
enjoyable mix of linear quests and exploration
at least some puzzles
more qunari lore that isn't "qun bad chantry normal"
GORGEOUS locations fr. like under the sea? you kiddin???
a lot of the quest location and actual quest designs were intriguing and engaging
the soundtrack on the quests was better than the main theme, in most cases
only experienced one bug (on PS5) so far and it was fixed with a reload
THE HAIR!! love that I can change it often—and I DO because there are so many cool options!
honestly the whole CC is very excellent
im in love with all my friends 🥴 and my friends love each other!! much more successful found-family vibes than Inquisition; more akin to DA2
so much talk about food and using food to come together and show love!!! big fan of that
I CAN PET AND HUG ASSAN (and will. all day.)
I do wish I could hug or interact with my romanced companion....but the overall romance and amount of references to it were acceptable. more than enough to get me daydreaming about my Rook and Taash 🥰
Rook's idle animations near the edge of something make me smile
the final battle (like the whole set of quests) felt appropriately dramatic and significant
my completionism paid off :}
the emotional stakes!! I cried like a baby more than once.
the ending (the one I got this round anyway) felt relatively satisfying, even though **
Hate It:
no lighting swap for the Inquisitor CC
no warning before the first major decision point/point of no return. never had my coffee date :(
no armor/outfit dye mechanic, and my god some of the color combos are.. certainly choices
no crafting system
very few legitimately casual outfit options
the main theme sounds like Harry Potter to me
so few meaningful callbacks to past games and choices... it felt impersonal and disconnected from previous game experiences
the way certain areas are walled off (either exploration areas during quests or vice versa) by some nebulous white haze is lazy
I love a DIY home base in my viddy games, but the decor mode is basically pointless. like that's time that could've been better spent elsewhere (like maybe improving the above point??)
loading a save drops you at a respawn beacon, so I'm always forgetting what undiscovered location I was gonna explore next
combat can be fun but is often an exhausting mash of swipe-and-dodge, since unless you use a companion's Taunt skill, every enemy will prioritize Rook for no reason, minus a few swings at the companions here and there (in Adventure mode)
no dedicated Open Map or Open Journal buttons
can't talk to solas whenever I want :(
the evanuris altars are boring. at least the fen'harel ones have some challenge to them, even if it's not a very difficult one
Davrin's talk about the Dalish is.. idk. mixed bag (update: I like his arc though, and Bellara provides another great perspective!)
the Crows are a good and benevolent organization now?? I thought Caterina abused Lucanis? I need to reread his story but it really felt like the writers didn't.
humorous dialogue options are rarely actually funny
dialogue trees don't flow very well, especially if you take one of "more information" options. they need better transitions
too much mythal 😤
**the ending left me with quite a few unanswered questions AND made my Lavellan look a whole-ass fool (I will be headcanoning otherwise, because I am a whole-ass fool)
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omghallucinations · 4 months ago
if when you read an idol's chart without their birth time what aspect of their chart would you be able to know? I'm not that good at astrology but I imagine that maybe i would be able to know the general traits like analytical, eccentric, serious etc. but not where they put that energy towards?? maybe??? like maybe capricorn mars is all about that discipline and work work work but Where is the work though? something like that perhaps.
I love your enhypen reading so much baby. you're really great at making everything easily digestible in a fun way, i especially love the conversation between the planets in your enhypen readings. its Very entertaining.
and I know you're probably busy but if its not too much to ask could you maybe probably possibly do a reading on Leeseo IVE's birth chart? you don't have to of course, i know it might not be as enjoyable to read for a group you don't stan and you might not have the time. love you and have a good day and night <3333
aw thank u i'm so glad, this makes me happy to hear !! <3 and sure i can add leeseo to my list of charts to look at! i don't mind doing people i don't stan esp if they have an interesting chart.
and with time unknown, i talk about it a little bit in hyunjin's birth analysis, bc he doesn't have a known birth time! from a purely practical perspective most planets don't change much, so the degree sign and aspect will be pretty much the same no matter what time of day it is for almost all planets, unless there is a planet at like... 29.99 pisces in the morning that will move .01 degree by the evening to aries. the moon is the only one that moves a lot and sometimes it's still only within the one sign. so moon aspects will be vague, and ascendant and the angles and the houses aren't known, but every other aspect is consistent, even if it might change intensity a little bit (like an exact square at 1:00 am is not exact but still close at 11:55 pm).
it's hard to explain succinctly exactly bc astrology is always a big mix of things, but i don't really see the houses so much as straight up "where in your life you see this", it's more mixy mixy to me--tbh i really do think a house gives your shit a flavor, like an aries sun in the 5th house acts WAY more leo-y (the 5th house is the leo house and also the sun's favorite house) than an aries sun in the 4th house (cancer house) would. and that flavor influences your priorities, so that 5th house aries sun is much more interested in creativity and expressing themselves and like... theater and shit (5th house things) than an aries sun in the 4th, but they are both aries suns so they are both in this world to Act and Shine and Assert Themselves in some fashion. idk if i'm explaining this well it's like very chicken or the egg i guess?
the houses also influence how important different planets can be and other overall Life Direction/Personality/Energy takeaways too--having all/most of your planets in fire houses (1st, 5th, 9th) is very different from having lots in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th), and that is going to influence a reading a lot. if i read jake's chart without his birth time his scorpio placements would give me some idea that there is going to be some like need for self-healing and facing up to his issues, but having those scorpio placements in his 4th house (cancer house, foundation/home house) amplifies it and shows his need not just to deal with his problems but to establish an internal sense of security. with just the scorpio placements and the trines i might not see how big that need is. i'd still see the need though, just not as much, u know?
or like sunghoon's venus-mars conjunction in the 11th house looks like he often acts in a fairly logical way, he wants connection but it's hard for him to really take the plunge. his social exchanges (venus) can sometime feel a little alien or removed, detached-feeling in an aquarius way, but he tries to act in a fair, democratic way that aligns with his ideals (mars, 11th house). if we just saw the venus-mars conjunction in scorpio without the house we'd know he has a like... Pull Towards the Depths and intensity of action that is softened a bit by venus, but we wouldn't see that detachment there. same thing with his pluto-sun conjunction: that's a real pull towards the depths and an issue with his identity, but in his first house it's even more that.
a lot of the time, ideas in a chart repeat over and over and over in aspects and placements and degrees and stuff, so we might see it somewhere else. we see sunghoon's Pull towards the Depths in his scorpio placement, his pluto-sun conjunction, and his tendency towards detachment/reticence/abstraction with saturn opposing mercury and neptune square mars-venus, and other things aside from his 11th house. astrology really likes to hammer themes on the head lol.
basically i'd say my shorter answer is: you can read a lot about someone's tendencies and needs and energy even without the birth time, but some flavors are missing and u don't know if a planet is gonna pop up like BOO, i'm ACTUALLY VERY IMPORTANT AND LOUD, SURPRISE. like bang chan, without a birth time you don't see his jupiter conjunct MC or his pluto-mars conjunction on his descendant, and anything on the angles (asc, dsc, ic, mc,--those 4 lines that split up your chart) is gonna shout. you see a lot of other stuff, but there might be a big piece missing. on the other hand, sometimes u don't have anything on the angles or in the 1st house, so the missing piece would not be quite as big as someone who does.
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year ago
whike I mentally prepare myself to make a whole damn comic, it's time I talk about the FNAf movie because fuck you I am going to write what I want
cw: spoilers for the FNAF movie!!
At base value, I loved it. I felt the pacing was a little slow, but I love it. From the little refs to the games, to the in general plot, it was just very enjoyable, even if most of the plot is just from the fact Vanessa didn't tell Mike wtf was going on.
NOW! let's talk technical!
For a pg-13, it was pretty good! I feel it matches the games really well! It's not too scary, but it can give you a startle, especially to any newbie! My mom was startled by the balloon boy lmao. Also it had blood so it's a plus.
The acting, dialogue, and overall set is really good. Scrumptious if I do say so myself.
I loved how the animatronics looked. Freddy and chica being my overall favorites. Idk they made my boy Bonnie blue so I had to take a few points. The cupcake running around was weirdly funny to me lol.
Now lemme touch on the plot!
I liked the plot! Like I said before, it was a LITTLE slow, but nothing too bad. I found it really interesting with what they did with Micheal and the whole dream thing.
And the idea that the children communicate in pictures rather than words hit me pretty hard, because that how I myself communicate. Although I can be.. pretty good with my words, drawing, and art as a whole is relatable to me, making Abby a really relatable character to me.
I really don't understand the hate for the movies bc it's not lore accurate. So what??? A lot of movies based on games don't! I mean- look at the Sonic the hedgehog movie!! Or the Mario movie! So your point is invalid. And also- I'm pretty sure this is a lot more entertaining than watching Micheal do five nights at Freddy's smhhh.
Though I'm sitting here in complete wonder bc like- WHO WAS THE 5TH KID?! WE SEE HER IN THE PICTURES!!! BUT- IS IT CASSIE?? OR CHARLIE MAYBE?! IDK
Also what happened to Derek I need to know.
Did he get turned into a animatronic what the fuck happened to him
Let's talk about the cons of the movie.
I keep bringing this up, but the movie was slow. Not unbearably slow, but still slow.
Also, the whole aunt subplot- idk I felt it wasn't really needed except for the mat pat scene (he fucking embraced that scene it was great the theater I was in started cheering and I had to explain to my mom why everyone was so happy)
Also I felt the one major jumpscare we get, of foxy, was waisted. It looked like he was rolling into the security guard on roller blades. I would have liked it if maybe foxy like jumped at the guard or something. Idk just a me thing
I also feel the 'i always come back' line was rushed, same with shaggy's- sorry I mean WILLIAM'S death. It didn't really feel satisfying ig?
also, I felt that Vanessa was more of a plot device than a character. Because most of the plot literally is riding on the fact she doesn't tell Mike the truth.
But anyway
What would I rate this movie, and should you watch it?
I give it a 8/10. It's fun, and nostalgic for old FNaF fans, and a fun intro to new ones. Go check it out
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magicaleggplant · 10 months ago
extremely belated montreal worlds impressions, part 2
part 1 (pairs and women recap)
finally finishing this a whole month after worlds... i'm traveling again over the next couple of weeks and i've barely recovered from montreal! anyways, here's the (very rushed) ice dance and men recap.
...is a fake sport, but i enjoy the vibes? i don't know a lot about the technicalities of ice dance despite having watched it for many years, so it mostly comes down to whether i like a team or not. overall i enjoyed the event, the free dance more than the rhythm dance (there are only so many 80s RDs i can take...) there were a lot of enjoyable free dances, even in the early groups! i actually enjoyed them more than the final group, in a way. the podium in ice dance tends to be too predictable.
chock/bates: i've never had much of an opinion on this team. i liked them best when they were doing character pieces like the snake charmer fd, but i also found myself enjoying their rhythm dance at worlds. they skated it very well and it was fun and engaging. the free was a bit of a question mark... i thought they had a lot of interesting positions throughout, especially in the lifts and choreographic elements, but the whole program felt a bit disjointed to me. it was fine, it didn't leave much of an impression. the whole did not feel like more than the sum of the parts... their speed was also not the best.
gilles/poirier: i can't remember much from their rd except that piper's costume was amazing, i loved her holographic leggings. their free was a MOMENT, though. wuthering heights has been one of my favorite free dances all season, and it was so good to see it live in front of a home crowd. they are such good storytellers, and when their choreo hits, it really hits. i love when they do something unusual like this program - it doesn't always work, but in this case, it did. the placement of that curve lift was perfect. i will note, however, that they are also not particularly fast.
guignard/fabbri: nearly swore out loud when her dress caught on her skate right in front of me. that was a nerve-wracking few seconds until the end. their free dance was beautiful and suited them really well, i especially loved the choreo assisted jumps near the beginning. their skating skills are clean and precise. i just wish their rhythm dance didn't have such a godawful music cut. none of their RDs have suited them well in the last few seasons.
fear/gibson: no thoughts, head empty, vibes only. in all seriousness, i enjoyed their rhythm dance, it's fun and it's a great fit for them. i did not enjoy rocky. i would have loved it as an exhibition, but not as a competitive program. i can see how it's a crowd-pleaser, though. they were definitely popular with the audience.
lajoie/lagha: probably one of, if not the most popular team with the audience! they are one of the teams i'm most looking forward to seeing in the coming years. i became a fan when i saw them live at last season's skate canada. they skate big and fast, they have good skating skills and both programs were well-choreographed. their rd is a lot of fun - that's how you incorporate a theme and commit to it! i love how most of the dance moves are choreographed into the step sequences instead of stopping and posing. the fd music is a little one-note and i still prefer last season's white crow fd, but their skating quality makes up for it. i'm so glad they were still able to skate at worlds after marjorie's concussion earlier in the season.
carreira/ponomarenko: loved both of their programs, especially their fd. i never knew they could pull off drama so well. their growth in the last two seasons has been phenomenal. it was hilarious that the audience kept getting faked out by the music in the end and clapping before the program ended. i probably would've had them a place higher in the standings.
other notes:
i came out of worlds with an unexpected appreciation for lopareva/brissaud. i never paid much attention to them before, but their skating skills were impressive. i don't think the audience really "got" their rd, but props to them for choosing to do something different. the fd was a snooze, though.
i also enjoyed demougeot/le mercier's free dance. some really interesting choreo moments.
turkkila/versluis: enjoyed their free dance as well, it's a nice look on them.
lim/quan's fd was another Moment! i am super excited for this team and how far they've come in their first senior season. hannah's acting and expressions are god-tier... they need to work on speed and SS, but their fd was gorgeous and one of my favorites of the event.
felt so bad for the taschlers' fall in the rd. i think they were the fastest team in the whole ice dance event, it's so impressive how powerful their skating is. i have questions about their packaging sometimes but i really like this team, and i hope next season goes better for them.
orihara/pirinen's fd was another favorite of the event. they are both SO expressive and fun. in any other team, yuka would outshine her partner, but juho not only keeps up with her but complements her perfectly!
this was the event i was most looking forward to at worlds, and it did not disappoint. as chaotic as i was expecting it to be, i did not anticipate that it would be quite that chaotic. men be menning, as always.
ilia: i wish it were otherwise, but his competitive performances were just not doing it for me. his weaker skating skills were very obvious live when compared to many other top men. i like his sp choreo but i feel like he's put less performance into it with every competition. it was disappointing to see how much he slowed down during the step sequence. (granted, he did have an undisclosed injury at worlds, so that could have been an exacerbating factor.) the free was...historic. i genuinely wish i felt something while watching it, because the audience was losing their shit with every jumping pass lol. and why shouldn't they! like...what the fuck! this is the most incredible jump drill the world has ever seen! who knows when or if he can replicate it again! ...but it's still a jump drill. (side note about how irrationally annoyed the choreo sequence makes me. it's just randomly tacked on the end, the music cut is so abrupt, it has nothing to do with the rest of the program, shae lynn why.) and then i watched him in the gala and he was like a completely different skater. complete 180. the difference was so stark, i could hardly believe it. he can perform! he was giving more in that teenage-angst-ridden exhibition than i've seen in all his competitive programs combined. i can only hope that he brings more of that energy to competition someday, because that's the kind of skating i want to see, that's a skater really connecting with the music and the audience.
yuma: i'm about to heap an embarrassing amount of superlatives on this kid. it was my first time seeing him live, and he was everything i'd hoped for. jumps light as a feather, running edges for days. (you should have heard my ungodly shriek when he landed his 4F in front of me! it looked so easy.) skating skills - sublime, every stroke effortless, excellent speed. but what i'm most impressed with is his artistic improvement this season. he's always been an incredible technician (and i have a lot of thoughts about how ilia is being branded as The Technician and yuma The Artist now, when in fact yuma's technique is just as good, only with lower base value, and his SS are far superior, but i digress) but he has really put in the work to become a better performer and fine-tune everything from his body movements to his interpretation of music. jokes about making me like imagine dragons aside, i think his sp helped him explore music and sharp movements that were out of his comfort zone. loved that step sequence. (the only criticism i have is that he needed more swagger. he needed some more of what adam was serving in his sp, a certain cockiness and suaveness. but yuma has always been a more introverted skater. i think that kind of expression is still difficult for him.) the free was simply glorious. i didn't think i would like yet another rain in your black eyes program, and i was side-eyeing lori nichol for giving yuma this music after she used it for sui/han. but yuma made it his own. there were so many beautiful moments perfectly timed to the music. (ina bauer! spiral! and the step sequence, ahhh) he was so close to being clean, there was an audible groan in the audience when he fell on the 3A, but then they cheered him on until the end, which was heartwarming. what an incredible comeback season from yuma. i'm so excited for his future, i think he has so much potential and many bright moments ahead. now i've written a goddamn novel already, but i haven't even mentioned werther yet. i'll just say that his exhibition is one of the most beautiful programs i've ever seen, competitive or otherwise, and it shows off everything good about yuma's skating. perfect. no notes.
adam: where the fuck do i even start. honestly...if i could only remember one moment from all of montreal worlds, it would be his free skate. it was THE skate of the event. the mounting excitement as he landed all his jumps. the way i said "oh my god" out loud as he set up for the backflip, then landed it in front of me. the audience in complete hysterics. i can't even describe what the arena was like after his free skate. it was. insane. it genuinely felt like there was electricity in the air. the screams were deafening. my heart was pounding. it took me an entire group of skaters to come down from that adrenaline high, lmao. meanwhile, adam sat there in the green room...for hours and hours...and then ended up getting bronze because why the fuck not lmao. it was kind of the perfect conclusion of a chaotic season and a chaotic worlds. yeah, that free skate was THE moment. on another note, i don't actually like his free that much from a choreo standpoint. i think he's one of the most expressive and unique skaters in the field today, and he can pull off a lot of benoit's weirdness, but this free just isn't one of my favorites. it's extremely memorable though, for sure. his sp, on the other hand, was a disaster, but i really appreciated how he kept performing despite the messy jumps. he skated the step sequence like the jump mistakes didn't even happen. that's the sign of a committed performer. i'm very excited to see what else adam has to bring in the future, though i hope he doesn't start throwing in backflips too often - they're only fun when they're infrequent and unexpected.
shoma: shoma has a particular way of moving that is so unique to him. where yuma's skating is springy and light, shoma's skating has weight. it's very difficult to describe, but i mean it in a good way. it's the way everything he does feels so deliberate. he has excellent upper body carriage and his movements really project out into the audience. his sp step sequence was a highlight. he has an innate musicality that is natural to him. truth be told, i haven't liked his programs as much since he moved to stephane, but it was good to see his skating live again. i don't know if shoma will retire soon or keep competing, but if that was his last competition, i'm glad to have seen it, jump issues aside. i first heard of him as a novice skater back when i was first becoming a skating fan. i've been through quite a few generations of skaters' retirements, at this point. still an odd feeling when it might be someone you first saw as a tiny child, though. i also enjoyed his exhibition, it was a different style for him.
i wrote way too much about the top 4, so i'm going to try to keep the rest of this short:
jason: i'm just glad he's still skating. the world needs more of him, for as long as he's willing to give it.
lukas: very fun, i enjoyed him quite a bit.
deniss: finally! a clean short! more of that and fewer quad attempts, please.
kao: ugh. the collective wince in the arena on those falls... i wanted him to skate a clean attack on titan so badly, i love that program for him. he's very talented and INSANELY fast (cannot stress this enough, his speed is mind-blowing) but still lacking in control, and his performance skills need work as well. i hope this worlds was a good learning experience for him.
nikolaj: he's...so tall lmao. amazing lines. good musicality. terrible spins. looking forward to his improvement.
junhwan: the way i put my hands to my face as he fell on the 3A right in front of me... i just hope next season is healthier for him. he's a very, very quality skater and he deserves better.
don't talk to me about boyang
last but not least, shoutout to donovan for those incredible personal best skates! he still needs a lot of work on his SS and speed, but i really hope his jump consistency keeps improving.
all in all, worlds was just...a tornado of emotions. some bad, most good. it was my first time seeing the world championships live, and i'm really glad i had the experience. for anyone thinking of going to worlds in the future, please be aware that the days are LONG. i skipped all the practices and some earlier groups of the short programs in order to explore the city, and i was still completely wiped out after every day of competition. it took me several weeks to recover, lol. thanks montreal! i definitely won't forget that week.
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areuils · 2 months ago
Me shipping kongjian be like (unexpectedly long post and just general retrospective about what I like about it):
Introspective me (20% of the time): The strange blend of different myths, legends, and books that establishes the characters is my favourite version of them. I find the versions who have achieved their goals successfully and become stablised characters more interesting than them rebelling, especially when the stories that do so don't acknowledge what will happen to the three realms. It's very old adage "Heaven and earth are ruthless, and treat the myriad creatures as straw dogs; the sage is ruthless, and treats the people as straw dogs."
Wukong actually become a great sage equalling heaven who has achieved true immortality (a buddha is equal to the jade emperor) at the end of jttw after losing his arrogance and viciousness is a nice conclusion to his character arc. Taking away the lotus throne from him makes his character progression unsatisfactory and makes buddhism cruel while breaking buddhism own tenets. Also it's just unfitting for him to call himself great sage equalling heaven constantly when he stops doing it after getting humbled. Victorious fighting buddha is a higher title anyways. Also I just find it more romantic that even after letting go the five senses, love still lingers in the heart.
My preferred version of Erlang Shen will always be the two faced bastard heavily based off of fengshen's version of him. Due to acknowledging fengshen Yang Jian as Erlang Shen, the whole rebel with monkey who is actively causing harm in the three realms is something I don't particularly like. Fengshen's main theme is after all "If the king is not upright, his ministers will defect to foreign countries; if the father is unkind, his son will follow his example" (google translate of 君不正,臣投外国;父不慈,子必参商). He would've rebelled a long time ago instead of serving as a tributary state to the jade emperor. Also the ruthless arrogant young man who enjoys incense from the lower world and is too proud to acknowledge his family in heaven is much more enjoyable of a character to me than a serious guy who suffers internally yet serves heaven loyally. Side note, monkey really got scammed by being destined for buddhism when daoism is just objectively cooler than buddhism.
Them being equals who don't need each other and parallels is just fun. Also strays away from my love for codependent pairings for once. Though it does feed into my corruption kink with the little golden flower prince seducing the pure innocent monkey.
Nonsense me (80% of the time): Alcohol and meat pass through my gut, Buddha remains in my heart baby; Wukong just a young monkey he can't be expected to resist so deeply Tathāgata. Now go little monkey, plow the little sage into the ground! [cheer]
Ah lore, version, characterisation? What's that? As long as it's hot, I acknowledge it as a version that has some merits that can be eaten. It's all just different versions of the same pairing :)
With both parts combined, I somehow don't explode due to cognitive dissonance.
I don't reverse this cp due to a lot fanworks drastically having different chracterisations than kongjian. Realised this after I realised I could tell in 80% of arts who tops without looking at the tags. I don't think it's a universal thing but I also don't care for jiankong enough to looking into it further outside art that floats across my feed. Some adaptions that reverse works for me but overall it isn't to my taste and also I just like pretty boys getting fucked.
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tiptapricot · 2 years ago
Moon Knight City of the Dead Issue 1… why…?
So. New MK side run has begun, the hyped up full on debut of Layla/new Scarlet Scarab in the comics, with a premise that most writers would twist into an epic and breathtaking journey.
We don’t get that here.
And I have a lot of thoughts on why and how I feel so frustrated with what we got. There’s pieces of something awesome, potential to go to some really fascinating places, and yet it is held back in almost every aspect, creating something messy and clunky that makes me mad to read.
(This is long btw)
First off though, some things I did enjoy!
I really love the art and coloring of this issue. The anatomy and movement and shadows, the stylization of character’s faces and costumes, the sprawling city with its deep reds and blues that feel saturated and weighty. It’s great. Besides a few moments that it comes out of left field with some bad stuff (Layla’s whole face at the end or the MK mask w teeth during the memory slideshow like whaTtt is that), it’s super solid and made for a very enjoyable looking comic.
It was also really fun to see Badr for a little. I think it would’ve been cool to get more, and the pacing of things as I’ll get to later sapped his importance in the story for me some, making him feel more like a prop or a plot device to get it going, but overall it was lovely to see him again. And it was cool to see him being a doctor as well, as we haven’t seen that as recently in MacKay! Always a joy my dear sir please come back soon.
The story in concept. Going to the underworld, detaching a headmate supernaturally to journey to a different plane of reality to save one life, and meeting a dead ally along the way is fascinating stuff, an idea that inspires me to want to explore it myself.
Because (and now it’s time to get into the stuff I didn’t like) the writing doesn’t do this idea justice at all.
This is not the worst MK comic ever rn, not their worst writing. It’s not as violently ableist or antisemitic as things like Bemis or making a joke out of MK like some others, but it’s just stupid, and what it glosses over or gets wrong is weird and uncomfortable and harmful in its own right.
To start this isn’t my Marc. His guilt is not one of punishment for penance, of believing he’s sinned and needs to be washed clean by pain. He is a man stuck in bad coping mechanisms and trying to pretend he’s not. He’s a man who hates himself and uses violence as what I would describe as a form of self harm. But it is not with the goal of erasing his past.
Yes, he runs from the person of Marc Spector, he runs from the idea and the responsibility, but Marc doesn’t try to forget. He holds onto things with a vice grip and never lets himself drop it. He believes in his own mythos and is grappling with his complicated and traumatized history to remember he can love and care and trust people again, that the work of making his life better is not solely on his shoulders. That’s what MacKay’s been dealing with.
MacKay Marc is guilty and self flagellating but in a way he tries not to think about, that he brushes over. He puts on an air of confident collectedness and has more hate for Marc as a concept then specifically his actions, and he’s still able to move forward and find a type of momentum and bravado in the MK suit.
Or in simpler terms: yes Marc has guilt. He does not have this kind of guilt.
The first few pages read so strangely, just this over dramatic spiel that feels more like daredevil than moon knight, like a rehashed dramatic intro to a moody sad 90s comic. And not in a good way. It’s not deep it’s just annoying and tedious and the prose is clunky and again, extremely off in its vibes and message. I think it could’ve been alright, if some of the talk of his guilt had been shifted and the narration hadn’t continued constantly throughout the rest of the issue (which I’ll get to later), but as is in its full context it’s just… weird.
In addition to the weird guilt vibes, there’s further issues with the Khonshu religiosity in this.
Khonshu isn’t something Marc worships, he’s something he uses for his own means. He’ll call on him or talk about being the priest of the mission, but that’s because Khonshu doesn’t have oversight, he’s a tool and form of direction and theming, and at the story’s core Marc is the priest for his mission, not this god’s.
At points in this issue he genuinely sounds dedicated though, and it shifts the flavor of earlier pieces more in line with his usual monologuing to seeming more like strange spiritual devotion. Especially calling Khonshu the greatest of great gods, or saying that him being in the underworld is Khonshu’s mission. It changes his actions from that of Marc to that of a real Khonshu follower and its…. Just weird. It’s all just weird and very ooc.
On top of that, there’s no mention or interrogation or even presence of discussing Judaism alongside all of this. I’m not Jewish myself but have had multiple convos around the topic w those who are n who have made their own posts discussing it and can add on more nuance n info to this should they like (bc more thoughts for discussion are always awesome), but just on a surface level it’s strange. It’s strange to have a plot revolving around going to another belief system’s afterlife and not at all bringing up how it clashes or relates to Jewish beliefs. Yes Marc isn’t really actively practicing anymore but I’d hazard Jake probably is, and Marc has still talked about his connection to his faith and how it’s impacted his time as moon knight and serving Khonshu.
The text treats the Egyptian pantheon belief system as the True and Accepted default here, with Marc not even discussing anything about going to an afterlife he doesn’t belong in (and shouldn’t even have) as a Jewish man, or even thinking about how Badr discussing Ka conflicts with Jewish beliefs on the soul and how Neshamah differ.
And yes, Marc works regularly with the very real Egyptian pantheon and mystical systems but it’s in a different way, and under a different context and understanding by readers of his acceptance of it.
A whole other layer of depth, conflict, and exploration could’ve been added by really digging into the theological implications of this plot, of a Jewish soul in the Egyptian afterlife, and yet it’s not brought up at all, not referenced or mentioned and it makes it all feel weirdly out of place, or like stuff is being glossed over.
That, on top of Jake and Steven (not to mention the entire rest of the main mission cast) being completely absent in mention, consultation, presence, or anything just feeds into this strange sense of Pepose wanting Marc to be the idea he has of him in his head, this guilty, sad, and violent merc serving a moon god with not a ton else. And yes again those are all aspects of Marc, but there is nuance to each of those aspects and treating him as a singlet with no thoughts on the conflicts in faith of his present is… just weird.
I don’t know if he’ll be treated as a singlet the whole run, but the fact that the body’s soul being sent into the afterlife has not already brought in any system conflict at all is an issue. Is it their collective soul? Is it just Marc’s? How does this comic understand alter soul distinction? Has it thought about it at all? I mean the answer is no but the thing is it should’ve.
That’s where so many of my issues with this come from though: choices just being… not good. Not thought out or in line with the characters and world. The writing is off and out of place and gOD THE CONSTANT NARRATION IS GRATING!!
I don’t know why it was chosen for Marc to novel write his thoughts and observations the whole issue but it’s bad. It goes past introducing plots or observations that can’t be shown in text to either:
1. Filling space that doesn’t need to be filled
2. Restating what has just been said or shown in a panel (“we have the power of the four horsemen” “wow they just got the power of the four horsemen”)
3. At worst, telling us stuff that was not indicated at all by anything else (“oh I know something is wrong here even though I have not been given enough reason to pique that suspicion” “oh I reunite with Layla and hold her and take her in but haha you don’t see that ig”)
It’s annoying and makes reading things difficult because he’s blabbering on the whole time in places he DOESNT NEED TO!! And it makes the action and emotional movement feel awkward and forced. I don’t need to know every second of Marc’s thoughts Pepose I can parse out things with my eyes I promise you that. Also can he stop talking about penance for TWO SECONDS!!!
The worst part is narration works when done well! When it highlights things that can’t be shown in art or gives some bits of exploration into feelings or exposition, but we don’t need it in every panel. It actually confused some parts of where to look for me by telling me what was about to happen before it did. Stop being like “I thought it was over but—“ JUST LET US SEE ITS NOT OVER!!
Another moment (similar ish to the start) where the narration would’ve worked for me (if it was not surrounded by just more constant narrating monologue) is when Marc first arrives in the Duat. The prose is pretty, it’s vibrant, it describes things the audience wouldn’t be able to pick up from static pictures and helps to set the scene. The only issue is that it doesn’t stand on its own, it’s not an interjection of observations and thoughts, it’s another entry in the never ending cycle of Marc just talking. And it loses some of its luster because of that.
There’s also just a handful of pieces of either dialogue or thoughts that (in the context of Steven and Jake being absent at the moment despite not being absent at the point in time this should be taking place) make me feel very uncomfortable with Pepose’s vibes on their mental health. Some lines that rubbed me the wrong way in context include “The rage fills within me—and suddenly I have a plan. That said, it would help if my plan wasn’t dangerously insane.” “You know me Badr, mental discipline is my middle name.” And a few similar ones I don’t want to reread again for.
They’re just unnecessary man. We don’t need vaguely or directly ableist vibes in words with MK anymore. It works if it feels like it’s coming from Marc’s internalized ableism IE when he was talking about being called crazy during the discussion with Steven and Jake and Jake called him out for it, but when it’s obvious it’s just how the author sees things it sucks!
Stop using insane, stop using crazy, stop being like “oh I’m so good at keeping myself in check,” WE DONT NEED IT!! ALSO THEY R AT A GENERAL POINT OF SYSTEM COMMUNICATION N HARMONY RN!!
Which also just… man this feels like it’s trying to introduce MK instead of continuing an already established and well under way arc. Yea, this isn’t MacKay writing it, but it’s still in the continuity and set up for his run and like… sorry not sorry but I think you should take that context into account if you’re going to be working within it???
Instead the story props itself up by trying to introduce everything at once and Marc feels like he’s starting from the bottom of development.
And speaking of introducing everything at once! Oh boy the pacing!
No one besides Badr is consulted before Marc goes into the Duat, Badr just. Sends him there. There’s no real build up for why there’s a need go that far, for what the threat is or why Marc would go to these lengths so suddenly. Like yeah I know he wants to save a kid who’s a traveler of the night, but like… Others have died or almost died on his watch and he’s never gone to this point before, even though it seems like it’s always something they’ve had as an option. Like… ok ig if Soldier hadn’t been vamped he would just be dead lmao (though also hey! Why and how do souls end up in this afterlife? Do they have to believe in the gods? Do they have to be in some way tied to the pantheon? Is it just where souls go if they’re near moon knight lmaO? If you want to have your afterlife plot you have to do the worldbuilding for it)
And while yes, a lot of this is because This Plot Wasnt Thought Up During Earlier Parts Of Mackay, it also isn’t introduced in a way that feels natural or makes sense.
Events just Happen. Mysteries or drives are just Said without a good basis for why they’re there. Again, this cult was talked about as just kinda a sadistic gang but then they’re a big deal? And oh the kid is dying and oh he’s worth going to the afterlife for and OH WERE JUST HERE NOW and “oh there’s a conspiracy I’ve decided with no real evidence” and HEY FOUND THE GUY and—Suddenly a whole lot of what is happening. God heart full on cult horsemen of the apocalypse memory flashback and BOMBS NOW APPARENTLY and LAYLA and MK BIG PAST BADDIES BOSS FIGHT INCOMING!!
Like ohhhh my god stuff is so rushed and happens so inorganically and with no time to really understand what’s happening. It’s a type of story where my suspension of disbelief isn’t there and it fully just feels like seeing the writer trying to get to the end goal of what they want to write about (moon knight fighting old villains) as quickly as possible. And it SUCKS! Like this genuinely should’ve been more than one issue, there should’ve been at least sOme more build up to gEtting to the city of the dead in the first place, no matter additionally uncovering a plot of some sort happening and Layla turning up.
It’s just…. It’s so rushed and strange and forced and it didn’t have to be and IT MAKES ME MAD IT IS and it’s just not enjoyable to read. It all feels so shallow and stilted and weird, all while having this underlying idea with so much weight, some generally gorgeous art, some moments that could’ve been really awesome, and last but not least…. Literally a good reference to doing a Duat plot well.
This whole mini run is for MCU synergy, bringing Layla in, exploring the Duat and it’s lore, and again yes, the run isn’t done, but it just…. Compared to the MCU plot for the Duat this feels so…. GraaggHhggh. Especially when it comes to system interaction and exploring different painful memories that effect headmates in different ways.
It’s just. It was an extremely frustrating read from both a technical writing standpoint and a character exploration standpoint, and it worries me and doesn’t excite me at all for future issues. Like we’ll sEe but goddamn this is not a good start no matter how it plays out and it doesn’t give me confidence if it turns out I have to read several more issues of this kind of stuff.
Petty nitpicks speed run because there wasn’t enough enjoyable padding for them to not stand out!
I don’t know if Pepose could’ve specified or not but Marc’s not drinking vodka in the opening scene, it looks more like whiskey or something similar by the bottle, again nailing home how strangely off this Marc is from the Marc he’s meant to be with how Mackay has built him up.
Why do they use Duat and City of the Dead like they’re interchangeable titles it’s just the Duat like I get calling it “the city of the dead” since it is that but like. Let that just b the run title they shouldn’t be calling it that like it’s a final name.
They misspell Dr. Alraune’s name lmao
How did the kid get… hurt..? The only point in the opening fight I can think he maybe got hit was with the gunfire but it didn’t seem like that was aimed towards him and there wasn’t any moment of having a detail in the background showing him get injured. And he wasn’t lethally injured at the start so ???
What… is the continuity between the Hydra vs Karnak Cowboys fight we see in MacKay and the flashback here. They were on an empty road there when they crashed? And now they’re in the heart of the city? AlsO bOMBS???
Anyway all I’ll wrap it up with is when the only thing I genuinely smile at is the cameo and namedrop of Apocalypse you know something is wrong with your story lmaO
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Hey Raven! 👋🏻 I just went through your #my art, and i wanted to tell you that i really really really like your artworks of Miss Raven and Co. You truly put a lot of effort into your artwork, and it shows! With each new drawing, you seem to be getting better! ✏️💕
As i mentioned earlier, i really liked your Miss Raven drawings! they're so cute! especially when you drew Miss Raven in alternative clothing. I also like how much detail you put in your designs for Miss Raven, like the ones for the Fairy Gala or Masquerade Ball are so beautiful 🥺 and still fit her character!
The one you did with her wearing different dorm uniforms from each dorm was such a cool idea! it was interesting to see how she may have appeared if Miss Raven was transferred to said dorms! call me biased, but i liked the octavinelle design the most 😂 but poor Miss Raven. If she had to work part-time in Mostro lounge, she'll have to avoid two predatory Eels 😭 One wants to tease her while the other either wants to squeeze her or dump all his work on her cuz he isn't feeling it today, then there's Azul who takes advantaged of the fact that Miss Raven is close to headmaster Crowley and makes profit 📈 Run Miss Raven Run!!!
Anyway, I think i'm going to steal her away and fight off a certain dangerous and manipulate Eel, a Skilful Hunter, a Lazy Lion, and a dude with the power of christ (idk is Rollo x Raven even a thing?!).
I always look forward to seeing a new artwork of yours truly~
[Referencing this tag!]
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Wehhh 😭 I’m glad you find enjoyment in my silly little doodles! Art is definitely an area I’m less comfortable with, but I do like dabbling in it when the mood strikes.
There’s something therapeutic in designing a new look for your OC! You take the time to consider their individual style, the overall theme, and how you can marry the two to create a cute outfit~ I’m really happy with how Raven’s Fairy Gala Couture came out; it’s definitely one of my favorite looks for her. The Masquerade outfit was also fun for me to assemble, but it seems a lot less cohesive in hindsight (probably because I didn’t line + color it, so it’s harder to distinguish individual elements??).
The NRC dorm uniforms (+ the sequel with RSA and NBC uniforms) was another cool project! I think my favorites from those are the Heartslabyul look (just because I’m a sucker for the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic + Raven is twisted from the raven in its infamous riddle), the Diasomnia look (it gives “fairy tale princess turned knight” energy), and the Noble Bell look (because the extra fabric is nice and flowy). You can see how the environment and the personality of each school/dorm influences her, right? ^^ It’s also interesting to think about how differently Raven might have turned out if each of these places had more of an influence on her life.
Bruh 💀 I think she’d die if she worked at the Mostro Lounge, dealing with customers and shady coworkers and employer… though that’s not to say that any of the other dorms would necessarily be better! Miss Raven would have gripes with or rivals in each of them somehow. It’s the Night Raven College way, I guess??
One of these things is not like the other… Looking back on it, 3 out of 4 of those are basically predatory-prey dynamics there there’s a type developing and I don’t know if I like it/j 😂 I’d say Jade’s the “main” love interest, while Rook’s the “oh, he’s cute” one… L*ona kind of started as a crack ship but now I think it’s more of a one-sided thing?? Like, Miss Raven still sees L*ona as sort of a rival, whereas he’s grown a little fond of her but knows he can’t do much to sway her… It’s the eternally “second place” syndrome… 😔
Rollo has the most complex relationship with her (sure, call it a ship if you want 😂), built primarily on a strange savior complex. He did some heinous stuff and dislikes her because she’s very pro-magic—but I think there’s a part of him that feels like she’s a lost lamb that’s been led astray by Draconia and therefore he needs to “save” and “correct” her. Problem is, he’s bad at Emotions so his anger gets redirected at Miss Raven herself. Meanwhile, Miss Raven realizes the similarities between herself and Rollo, so she wants to be a friend to him. She sort of forces him to be her pen pal (thinking that writing down how he feels will help him cope with what happened). So weirdly enough, Raven wants to “save” Rollo and Rollo wants to “save” Raven (but both suck at communicating well).
Who knows, we’ll see how things play out from here Nd when the whim to draw strikes next 📝
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unhappytimeleaper · 2 years ago
I love love your Eichi works, but one thing I wondered while reading through them. Why would Eichi take an interest in his darling? What kind of person would capture him? What was the start of it all? 
requested by @diarykeeper
Word Count: 1,000+
In general, I’m going to be editing my writing list here soon/making new separate posts regarding character lists, and along with that, I started working on my own yandere profiles/summary sheets that I’ve seen some other creators make for their own works. My goal is to try to eventually get what I have in my out, which is nearly all Enstars and one twisted— which isn’t bad— it’s just my list will likely be changing soon. Enstars will stay; don’t worry, though. 
P.s. if you have a character you like as a yandere and you see something like this and think, ‘Oh, they aren’t describing me at all,’ who cares? I say this with positivity. Stuff like this is meant for fun, for indulgence, and enjoyment, and while I like writing the analysis side of things, don’t take it overly serious. Enjoy the characters you like and how you want. I’m only saying this cause I had someone who said they get upset when people mischaracterize characters different from how they perceive them??
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Tenshouin Eichi; Unedited. Gender Neutral Reader.
Warnings; what? Fairly normal Eichi? No. It just doesn’t go into many detailed warnings. Overall just keep in mind this is still yandere content; mentions of jealousy and very subtle mentions of manipulation. 
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
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I’d say there are three main things, and really two are more general factors in someone’s life, while one can manifest in a variety of personalities in different ways. While there are some whose specific traits in someone might drive them, Eichi comes off as more of a slow burn who becomes interested in others, not in personality but in different ways that can draw him to you, which leads to establishing a connection based on your own sense of self. 
I’ll start with the general factor since this is probably the most out of your control/lack of personality traits. For one, Eichi has always been a very jealous person. He’s envious of so many things; fundamentally, look at the start of his relationship with Wataru for proof. Eichi was jealous, envious of what Wataru could have that he didn’t, even if there was admiration underneath. Eichi ironically mentions how he wants to step down from power, from the over looming presence he has in the industry but coming from such an affluent background and being a pillar in the industry— not only as a performer but as a business executive. Everything you have, everything you do essentially can be put up in the eyes of Eichi, which gives him a lot to feel envious of. Your closeness with other idols and staff, even more, if you aren’t as involved with Fine. Eichi might not regret his actions, but if it’s so easy for you to seamlessly get along with others without the need for manipulation and control, he’d likely become more invested in you. Getting closer and, in turn, building up those key blocks that he eventually uses against you once unlocking his feelings. 
Similarly, this could be applied to other things like having closeness to your family or, in some cases, a found family; Eichi states his family is not loving. He’s even to an extent disgusted by them so openly being able to see factors of how you might have a positive relationship with people in your family; parents or siblings creates a jealousy that, for some reason, draws him in. Alternatively, a found family is no exclusion if you aren’t on or don’t have the ability to connect with your family; it’s just the compassion and love without expectation he has rooted envy of that brings him closer. 
Just consider the ideal Eichi notes of how he’s been someone who’s lived ‘standing alone’ his whole life, comparatively to someone who maybe it’s only recently, but does have strong support or foundations in others as one thing that would draw him in. You can take this for many different things as long as it’s somewhat public within the company, which would cause Eichi to get involved, which would be an easier way to get to know your personality and cause the events of his behaviors to increase. 
So that’s one way to get him close; in terms of more defining traits, Eichi isn’t someone with a bleeding heart [at least not in the sense of overtly sympathetic]. However, he does tend to have a soft spot for those who also tend to struggle with sickness or other issues. We see this in his relationship with Chiaki and Leo, people who have struggled with various forms of sickness have brought them closer. If it’s a chronic illness or some form of mental health issues— someone who gets common colds or even says something that might only affect once and awhile like allergies, Eichi instinctually finds it easier to bond with those who can have similar life experiences. 
None of this is to say he sees it as babying or that it necessarily makes you weaker. Look at him, how he’s well aware of his limitations but has turned those into his strengths. Something like this isn’t a major make or break factor, but this does lead to a much more common segway to see him and converse that would establish a bond over time to use your specific personality to interest him. 
So the last reason, as I mentioned, can manifest in different ways. What I mean is someone can be loud and brash in how they choose to handle situations they feel passionate about, just as much as someone might be quiet, logical, and reserved in their actions for the same outcome. In this case we might consider these polar opposites, so what could make both or anything in between draw in Eichi? The answer is that it’s someone with passion and a fighting spirit for what they want to see a difference in especially if this comes to the industry. 
Eichi, more than anything, mentions how he wants a playmate. He wants a challenge, someone who can counter and entertain him. I’m not sure how many people know this, but Eichi mentions how he specially worked to groom Anzu into being someone he considered a worthy enemy, someone who could challenge his structure and power ideals. It’s something that likely would continue to draw his eye, someone who he knows can fight his yandere tendencies and, despite being a partner, be a foil to his ideals. Of course, he works to always be one step ahead and have the upper hand, which is reasonably easy for him, but that doesn’t change the fact that he likes an intelligent ‘rival’. 
Being able to counter him doesn’t need to be in a specific way; someone might be much more quick to handle a challenge he throws at them or verbally be loud when calling out specific actions of his. But this doesn’t mean someone who is willing to lose or forfeit some of these challenges for a more significant victory doesn’t entice him more in either as an idea of being the counterbalance to him. As long as you have somewhat of a fighting spirit for what you think is right in the industry and within the relationship that he can shape into what he wants, then it doesn’t matter in what ways it truly shows. 
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joshuamj · 5 months ago
Thoughts on Echoes of Wisdom
This is for the full game, so spoilers ahead!
My non spoilery overall thoughts: Really good and enjoyable game! Unfortunately the echo combat just really wasn’t for me.
I’ll start off with a list of positives! I’m probably missing some specific stuff, so keep in mind i like this game more than just these bullet points.
I loved the intro where you get to play as Link with all his hearts n stuff. If makes me think of like an alternate universe where the game was never revealed to be a Zelda Game, and so the switch to Zelda is a complete surprise…
It was heartwarming to see the townsfolk and guards seem so fond of Zelda :’)
Also Link!! It was so so nice to hear people appreciate Link.. made me feel bad for wearing his cloak and making a few people almost think i was him.
Also just learning about Link was really cool. Got to see his house, his hometown, his motivation for fighting… was all really cool
Was cool to have him be canonically incapable of speech… Was very surprised when they outright said he couldn’t talk. Later in the game though when you're traveling thru Null with him and he just kept giving u weird little nods i kept on thinking “we gotta get this kid some sign language lessons, stat!” I do love his stoic little face, its really funny. Paired with no speech, he truly is a weird little guy…
Favorite echoes time:
Water block water block water block my beloved. I used those fuckers to skip the entire stealth portion of both hyrule castle and the gerudo stealth minigame thing. (so u can imagine how much i sucked at the deku one :( )
Flying tile. I loved when someone would be watching me play and clearly think I didn’t know what i was doing or that i surely couldn’t make it to a certain area and then boom. Flying tile.
That one spider fella who provides webs to climb on
CROWS. I used hordes of crows to rob monsters blind it was awesome.
When you get ur first outfit, some people will say different things to you depending on if you're wearing your disguise or not! I only really tried this in castle town, so idk if it works anywhere else, i kinda doubt it.
Also people begin to talk to and comment on Tri and its cute. It was fun to see Tri become more social. Also theres tons of comedic potential when it comes to who can see Tri and who can’t.. We did have that happen a few times where only like half the people there could see them. I want fan comics of funny moments springing from that
It was so nice to have the King of Hyrule be a good dude and a sweet dad. Made it even more frustrating when he Got Got and was replaced with an evil echo
Was very glad to see the deku scrubs back… they’re just funky little guys
Also!!! It seems that in this game deku scrubs go by they/them!! At least 2 or 3 of em do, i have evidence. Also they they/themed Tri iirc, so thats some nice confirmation to have too.
Absolutely loved when the hyrule field themed slightly changed and had the Zelda’s Lullaby notes at the beginning. When I first heard, my jaw dropped and i was wondering what the heck was going on. Such a beautiful start to the track…
Very fun getting to play alongside Link, and was especially fun to have to do all the puzzles for him lol. It was great getting to grab him with Bind
Null was sick, and dang when they started absorbing the Tris and started looking like them… gave me chills man
Also shoutout to Null for being a cool non-ganon main big bad! It'd be cool to have them come back for another game someday… usually ganon is the only recurring one, but Vaati came back like twice, so its not out of the question.
I’m glad Zelda got to keep the Tri staff :’). I was prepared to say goodbye to Tri since that's what always happens to Zelda companions, but I was really happy to get something to remember them by.
It was fun to have the triforce be a fairly big thing! It was barely in botw/totk, so I had been hoping for a new game to bring it a little more to the forefront again.
Overall, the game was beautiful and cute, was engaging and had an intriguing story. I really really enjoyed it!
Okay, negatives time. This portion looks really big, but I swear the positives far outweigh the negatives to me. My biggest gripes with the game itself are mostly just quality of life things. Otherwise, the issues I faced were more “me-issues”. It wasn’t the game, it was me. I’m not a super creative person, like in totk I really didn’t do much with the Zonai building stuff, so I wasn’t doing crazy stuff with the echoes either, and I think I was probably downright bad at using echoes, so that's a skill issue on my end. Also just game mechanics preference, I just prefer to go up and wack things. It was very strange and slightly annoying to have to stand aside while other things fought for me. But honestly, I was able to guess from the trailers that the combat gameplay probably wasn’t going to be for me, so I went in knowing that, and that helped me not be too upset about it. So while I do complain about it, i absolutely know that not everyone feels the same and that its not the game’s fault, so pls don’t come at me lol
(anyway, list of negatives:)
Combat using echoes was really hard for me and not really fun ngl… Part of it’s definitely on me, but also like. Many echoes are just so damn slow to attack, and often times other things will dodge while they’re winding up their attacks, or just straight up kill my echoes immediately. A few times i was actually seething with rage because of how annoying my echoes were being….
That stupid fucking echo select menu. Whose idea was it to bring back the weapon cycle menu from botw/totk. It wasn't bad in botw, but with all the things you could fuse to arrows in totk, the flaws of that style of select menu were definitely showing. Yet they used it again here???? It wasn't bad at all at first, but there’s almost 130 echoes in this game and god is it a nightmare to cycle through them. 
The lock on system. As far as I can tell, you can’t like cycle through things to lock on? And i’m never a fan of doing that anyway as i often fumble the controls in the process. But it would've been real helpful cuz god the lock on system was frustrating. It would often lock on to my own echoes or some random thing when I was trying to target an actual enemy and Cause Many Problems
I couldn't seem to turn down the music? Using headphones, even the lowest volume on my switch was too loud, but I couldn't find a way to lower the game’s music, which confused me, since many games have like, audio settings to mess with stuff like that. Like all i needed was for the bg music to be quieter, the sound effects weren’t too bad (thankfully only had this issue with headphones tho, and was able to find places to play alone and have the sound up)
Also maybe this is me imagining things or just me not being creative enough with my echoes, but i swear as you went on some fights were definitely made for sword fighting in mind. Which is strange cuz the game’s whole thing is echoes and wisdom and whatnot.
Was very bummed to have to give up swordfighter form to give Link back his weapons. Cuz then I just spent a lot of those final fights just kinda running around trying to not get hit while Link did most of the work. Like, i get it. Logically, Link needs his stuff back, and since the game’s who Thing is Zelda and Echoes and Wisdom, so theyre gonna want you to embody that aspect of the game in the final fight and use echoes. So i understand why. Doesn’t stop me from being sad about it.
Why not more outfits :(? Like I had quite a bit of extra rupees toward endgame, they should have added regional clothes to all the stores to give you something else to spend ur money on, cuz this far into the game u probably have tons of smoothie ingredients, and those only cost 10 rupees, so ur not spending that much on healing or buff supplies.
Honestly besides some quality of life things, if I could just be in swordfighter form the whole game, it would be near perfect. Really wish you could have gotten like, a reward of a sword you can fight with normally, for finishing the game… Like i would totally start a new file if I could replay the game but now with the option of either non-temporary swordfighter form, or just, like giving Zelda her own sword.
Also i wanna know what they were saying in that last cutscene when Zelda and Link return, and the King and townsfolk are there. Cuz at one point everyone looked at Link really shocked?? And i don't think it was him talking, cuz i think he had already been talking before
Also mixed feelings on Link getting his ability to talk back. I would’ve liked him to stay canonically mute, since it's interesting to have a Link that doesn’t just not talk much or something, but actually be incapable of speech. But I also get it, it seemed like losing his speech was a part of his motivation to do what he did, and it seems like he wanted the ability back, so it's not nearly as bad as if Link had just been naturally mute yet was magically “fixed” or something. But if they're gonna make Link speak again, I wanna see it! We see his mouth move and him make talking gestures at the end, but if they're gonna show him speaking, i wanna see :(. But even with that, I’m of 2 minds… Link is such an interesting character, but him speaking would really characterize him differently… so i didn’t actually really want to hear him speak, but they showed it on screen, so i wanna know what he said!!
Also wish we had gotten an explanation for the swordfighter form…. It was so cool and intriguing and it made me think we were gonna get Lore (™) for the sword and might crystals and everything, and if we were lucky, some Link lore too. But eh, as much as I wanted an explanation I did suspect that it truly was nothing more than a game mechanic, thus we weren’t going to get any explanation. Still ever so slightly disappointed tho.
So yeah, those were my thoughts! They’re very fresh, and clearly just kinda word-vomitted on the page, so maybe someday in the future I’ll have more like, overall things to comment on, but for now, this is it! Really good game that i just wish i could wack things in more <3
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legion1227 · 10 months ago
Tekken 8 Review
Released on January 26th this year, Tekken 8 was an early contender for my GOTY and still is, months later. 
Let the record show that my following thoughts are more of a summation of my overall experience with the game as a fighting game casual. I love fighting games and the Tekken franchise, but I'm not a big fan of hopping into online matches and battling against others only to get washed. When it comes to fighting games, I look for how well they deliver on the single-player experience, or basically, every aspect of the game that doesn't involve hopping online and fighting against players out of my league. On that front...Tekken 8 is sensational. I'll try and make this quick. 
Starting with the story mode, it's a vast improvement over Tekken 7. I enjoyed 7's story, but there are plenty of flaws for T7, including the narrator's grating, lifeless voice or how most of the cast in that game plays little to no role in the story. Characters like Paul, Law, Eddy Gordo, Xiaoyu, and too many others being relegated to the character episode section sucked. The character episode section was also a far cry from the franchise's typical arcade mode. One fight against one opponent with a cutscene playing afterward was mildly entertaining but a typical trademark of Tekken was the sometimes over-the-top, sometimes beautiful, always enjoyable arcade endings. Tekken 7 lacked notable arcade endings as well, but Tekken 8 brings to the table a return of character episodes, though more closely aligned to a typical arcade mode. When it comes to telling a story in the story mode or through the mode that focuses on singular individuals, Tekken 8 blows 7 out of the water. 
The story mode picks up 6 months after Tekken 7's ending, with Kazuya Mishima defeating his father, Heihachi, in combat and tossing him off a cliff as they have done to one another for years. Now, as Kazuya shifts gears to focus on war against the world, it's up to his son Jin Kazama to stop him and end the chaos that's been torturing the family lineage for generations. Throughout Jin's story, others have reclaimed more of a prominent role to assist either Jin or Kazuya, including Claudio, Xiaoyu, Lars, Lee, Asuka, Lili, and others to boot. With a fun cast of returning characters and new ones alike, Tekken 8 utilizes most of them well, as they don't feel like too much of an afterthought. The range of people you get to play throughout the story varies, which I appreciate. Some moments pop the hell out of me, such as the return of the final boss and main antagonist of Tekken 6, Azazel, of which many fans were not fans at the time, or the final battle between Jin and Kazuya themselves. Countless moments lead to scream-inducing, shirt-ripping bits of hype, most stemming from the father-son battles towards the end of the game. There's also the return of the Tekken force mode, implemented in such a wild way that I was grinning the whole time while beating up hordes of goons. As someone who played Tekken 4's force mode earlier this year, this mode washes 4's and was a lot more fun to play. 
Tekken 8 is just an overall more fun game to play and one of the best fighting games I've had the pleasure to get my hands on in a minute. The presentation and graphics are outstanding, as the style enhancement is stark in opposition to Tekken 7. The story mode is better and more memorable, the character episodes and character endings are worth viewing, the actual gameplay itself is tight, the arcade quest (while personally not for me) is cute and offers even more content for those looking for more stuff to do besides going online, and the return of Tekken Ball? The game has reached almost all my standards of something I want in a fighting game, as a casual. With the release of more story content later this year and more characters besides Eddy, I cannot wait to consume more Tekken content. 4.5/5. 
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7ban-sama · 2 years ago
please give me your opinion on all the tsukasas / yashiros / amanes from the different aus aidairo makes ….. (feel free to just pick one character though if you want skdjfvns)
Forgive me if I forget anything egregious-!! There's so many AUs, I'll do my best to browse through them, but AidaIro are industrious... I might miss something. u.u
You will be getting my opinion on all 3 of them per AU though. It's fun to consider the OT3... :3 Subsequently, I think I'll be skipping anything where we don't see all 3 (like ah, that standalone idol Hanako from earlier on.) Just to streamline things. Here we gooo!
🔍Phantom Thief 💎
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I'm including this one out of fairness sake... but I will be real. I do not really think much about it, nor really care about any of their designs here. Unfortunately, idc about, detectives, criminal investigation, that sort of intrigue. Whether it's serious or funnay-sillay, I can't say it's very interesting to me. The most aesthetically pleasing one here is just Hanako, with hims fancy crane fabric and mask etc... (Kind of cheating though, bc he's just in his gakuran otherwise.) I know Aida-sensei really had fun drawing this guy whorishly covered in jewels. Tsukasa being a little boy-lad, funny. Nene-chan in some sherlock cosplay dress, bad. My eyes glaze over.
It's amusing to see their roles be stripped down to like, Nene INVESTIGATING Hanako's CRIMES, and Tsukasa being an INFORMANT, giving her TIPS because he knows Hanako's IDENTITY. That's what's happening in the manga, yes. It's so crude, in this way, I have to laugh.
🦇Ghost Hotel🩸
For this AU, I really love going over the interview of the people coordinating it, because you get to hear reports of AidaIro-sensei being very enthused about the theming of the cafe. They decided the theme, menu item names, and explained aspects of the world to the staff. It's very cute to me lol, it feels like they were having so much fun. The first cafe they did was more 'typical', with the characters as waiters/waitresses serving you. I think GH is a clever concept, finding a way to transport you into a whole other world, and also still justify that you are 'going' to an 'establishment', and going to be eating there lol. You still get the delight of experiencing the characters be 'staff', even — just in a more creative and stimulating way. An evil hotel manager is a lot more fun than just being your waiter-!!! Etc.
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Seeing Amane as an evil vampire, it's almost like seeing a frog on a lilypad. Suddenly it's like we're putting a pin on the whooole look, the Halloween cat vibe, black and gold eye'd scraggly shota. B'caped, villainous, but so cavalier. The villain of a point and click adventure game. His ah, many rows of buttons are a lil silly, but overall I like his 'fit. It's like Amane was always meant to be this... Running some sort of honeypot to ensnare innocent, poor wanderers, and seeming to do it simply for the love of the game. Glib, while watching you lose your memories and become brainwashed.
This Amane is INCREDIBLY FUNNY and an INCREDIBLY DIRECT representation.. In a way that just makes me feel like I'm gonna barf. Like every layer of it lol, the, I'm never going to let you leave❤ Mmhh I love to consume beautiful women (so what does it say I sucked my brother dry?) Anyways I will take your life tonight. Ehh, the fact that he doesn't seem guilty or troubled at all by what he did.. Well, it's maybe been so-? Many years-?? And he's become so established, he's just at a point of-?? A-acceptance? Enjoyment? With what he did... does-??? He's decorating Tsukasa's grave playfully, I dunno...
Also the, fact that Amane is a vampire, means you have to, basically conclude that killing Tsukasa was... pleasurous... in the way that eating a delicious meal would be... It's a biological urge. And also killing Nene, again, will be, pleasurous. Hm... What does this mean for their situations in canon... Aha hahahahaha hahaha
So yeah overall I like this guy a lot. I think I would have a lot of fun RP'ing this one.
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As for Nene here, I'm not really big on her starting look... It's liiike, not doing it for me, a bit too. Fancee lady. Victorian flavor etc. which just isn't my bag... She doesn't look awful or anything; I like her lil parasol. That being said...
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... this nightgown is wonderful. I love her hair adornments too. A sleepy little lady, bride material. Thank you Amane for, assaulting her like this, I agree with your decision. I've envisioned her becoming a ghostie just like Tsukasa, as a result...
She's at her sweetest here, too, just innocently letting Amane in without thinking too hard about it. I like that she thinks over her day, and smiles, noting that she had fun, despite the strangeness. (Despite the scariness...) It's very Nene-chan of her. I think she'll take to her fate graciously, as she is always destined to... I see a lot of potential in her. ❤
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Now, the original victim, in HIS frilly nightgown, ready for beddy-bye. Isn't he sweet... He's actually my favorite out of this AU, out of the three. Far too precious, it really hurts me. I like to think that, in the past, when Amane was a newly-formed vampire, he was a lot more self-hating and afraid to feed, prone to starving himself. (Closer to emotional profile of the more troubled Amane in canon.) Despite this, Tsukasa was always gracious and encouraging, permissive. In true Tsukasa fashion, he was so encouraging and loving that Amane one day couldn't stop. That was that. His ah, nubby right hand is also a remnant of that interaction (as much as the pillows and blanket...) Bit clean off.
So much time has passed and they've been bound to one another like this. Tsukasa is found lingering outside of room 87 / Nene runs into him instead when trying to seek the Manager / Amane's key is definitely to room 87, just blurred... They must share a space and interact. I feel like after 'work', once everything's quieted down, Amane must simply retire to his special ghostie boy at the end of the day. And does god knows what.
It's quite scary that not everyone can see Tsukasa... yabai. I always feel like Tsukasa's existence gets buried and obfuscated by Amane's actions... Isolated, locked away. *frantically gestures at the Antares speech also* Much to be concerned about. It's eerie, then, that Nene is one of the few that can see him. And ah, of course, again Tsukasa is simply willing to aid and guide Nene through this. I like when he's this counter-force... A rogue agent, someone who'll answer questions if you just asked. He'll help you.
My overall feeling for the AU is, I like how ship is here! It's fun! Whereas Phantom Thief feels crude with how 1:1 it is, I think GH is more like, a gd riot, while still managing to be sexy too. I'm simple, I like vampirism, I like the direct correlation of Amane predating on Tsukasa and Nene. Makes me feel endless concern whenever I look over the details. Much in store for the canon.
🎭Hanako of the Opera🌹
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IDK what it is about me, but I can admit, I struggle to parse this event. It's not easy for me to follow everything that happens... Perhaps just the nature of it being one of those 'game' type events, with randomized elements, and also it being a story with present 'roles' being inserted. It's limited in ways, ,,
Okay but, as always, it's funny what is conveyed in a couple details. Amane is looking so crazy during scenes, maniac. Tsukasa ?? kitty cat?? Lurking about??? Enigmatic. The twins matching rings (which, in the original story, are given to Christine to represent her loyalty to the phantom) — OK. Matching jewelry symbolizing twins devotion to one another, check ✅ And all three of them have roses? Wonderful, something threading Tsukasa and Nene-chan, as Amane gives both his girlies roses. Overlapping romance check✅ (This ship is always too much lol...)
Rating the looks: Nene is lovely 💕 Shining star of the opera. The boys are more *noncommital hand gesture* but I like the fanfare of the cape, and I do. *sigh* I do think the half mask is cool, I've always thought it was cool. Fsr I vibe 'split' face situations (even specifically having sonas with large white face markings...) so yeah I'm into it. I wonder if? They are-? Both disfigured under there-?? Mysteries.
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I distinctly like the shawl Nene is wearing here. Kiss kiss. (... I also just really love this image lol, this is so funny of AidaIro-sensei... to explain the delays within the narrative like this...) wait why am I just realizing in this image Amane has like. A laced up boot up to his calf. That's not what the twins are wearing in their character profiles ? Wait why does it look like he's only wearing 1? What? hm okay. Anyways I love this image
🐉Kamome Monster Nursery🍭
This is one of those really wild AUs... Though I feel like it's iconic, perhaps just as an example of how Iro-sensei can invent unpredictable worlds. Overall I really like their Halloween AUs; both Aida and Iro love Halloween, and since JSHK overall is so ~spookeh ghosts~ it kisses well with Halloween mischief.
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The twins. Let's evaluate them both at once!!
This is one of those Amane's that's more on the 'subdued' side, along with being more academically inclined. To me, it feels like there are a couple 'sliders' that move around in relation to one another. If Amane is more studious, he's lessss... ostentatious, with his look and personality. He's too busy looking at clipboards and taking notes. In this way I think he's a loser with no game (lol) but at least he has Tsukasa with him to keep him on his toes. Tsukasa meanwhile seems to be having lots of fun here! I like that he's the more capable one, I feel like that's a consistent truth, deep down... That Tsukasa is actually smarter and more talented, overall. He's just so 'odd' that people don't notice... ww
I like the thickness of Amane's turtleneck, and I like that Tsukasa's in shorts and has such thick purple socks. So fun!! I also like how 'blue' the shades of purple on his outfit are, I really love the dark purp and black stripes on his top. His stripes make him match Amane's turtleneck's ribbing. Harmonious. Tsukasa's stethoscope feels horny to me though, in a way that makes me, mad-? (I don't trust AidaIro and their thing with hearts.) Aside from that, lab coats are whatever, not my thing. They're not super fun to draw but I can forgive it. (I have drawn these goons.)
They're kind of enigmatic to me, in that I wonder how they wound up here, doing this specifically...? But the world is so odd lol, I think it's odd how the class of 'monster' feels like they-? Don't... have rights-?? They're raised and studied, not treated like people-?? As a result, I feel like the twins kinda have broken lizard brains in this world, regarding monsters as specimens purely, and not forming deep attachments... They are engrossed in their research. Tsukasa is playful as a person, and good with raising monsters, but doesn't bat an eye as they get shoveled along through the system. This place perhaps outright facilitates that kind of detachment, so they're a perpetual motion machine doing this. So ultimately they only care about one another...
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Small detail, but the drawing looks like Tsukasa's art to me! Aida-sensei bothers to be consistent with characters having a 'style', so ah, I think the point is it 'looks' like a little kid made it, but it's actually a gift from Tsukasa.. We don't see them interact much, but I like to think they must collude throughout the day, and then after the workday is over they retire together. They have matching seals too which means-? Some-? Thing-? Critical about their connection to one another...?? So they have to be entangled...
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But we need a Nene-chan to come into their life and shake things up-!! Hahaha. I'm glad she has the ability to burn this whole place to the ground herself... A creature with a lot of potential!
As a lolicon I'm SIMPLE, and I love to see LITTLE GIRL. Lil girl, baby girl, baby baby baby. Soo freakin' cute, ugh, acting like a little feral beasty... and that we can just put her in a thick collar. Whatttt?? Sexy... Are there really no limits here? I get to watch Nene-chan be bitey and demanding?? Ourghh
Also, the fact that she's being raised by Tsukasa and taking after him, while dressed up in 'his' color... Sick & twisted. Showing me Tsukasa playing with Nene and giving her whatever she wants and them going on rampages together??? Sick & twisted-!! The fact that she has a little red heart earring on her, corresponding her to Amane, SICK & TWISTED!!! It's worrisome you know, because Nene is Amane's bespoke love interest across every world... They HAVE to collude-? He has to be interested in her, he has to. Find her attractive...?? Inevitably!? At that point, it's suspicious to me that monsters also develop faster than humans. Hmm, so she will be sexually mature soon enough. (Lol, Renesmee swag?)
You can't just show me Nene being Tsukasa-like, resembling Tsukasa, acting like Tsukasa, and Amane's just also in the room. Dragon loli all dressed up and collared, and being hand-reared by the brother of her love interest. DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT WHERE THIS TERMINATES-?? I sure do. *sucks in drool*
The set pieces make me pretty horny. I think I am a bit weak to esoteric research labs and, like dehumanizing situations for sapient(?) beings. Nonhuman behaviors, hand rearing, the aesthetic of daycare and baby toys etc... fun, I like it. I like to explore the space.
🏫Teen School Drama🪄
This AU is like. Lol where are we-? This boarding school and the overall aesthetic is giving a kind of Western-slay. Ahh I've been transported back to Angelland lol. There's a photo on AidaIro's twi tter featuring a Harry Potter mug (the Marauder's Map lolll) so ah, this combined with some of their other work gives me the impression they like... That sort of Vibe, ~wizarding school in London~... regardless of whether or not that's the actual setting, I just think it's worth noting. The particular stink going on.
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This Amane... he makes me laugh. Who is this-? Little nerd? An even more subdued, sciency-aligned Amane than the guy in Monster Nursery.
He's so stripped down feeling, and his palette has mysteriously become black/blue/gold, instead of black/red/gold. Why's that... The way no one could have guessed he was that little blue apple. Like— obviously people would sooner guess the ghost cookie or devil cake, etc. Even the fanciful king, thing, Teru was, because like. You would think Amane is devilish or has some sort of imposing presence... so it's the funniest reveal he's like, a quiet nerd who tinkers with RC cars and drones... I would even say fandom at large is more apt to see canon living-Amane as more shy than I personally would, but this still came as a shock for many. This little meep. (Octavius rex i guess, since Nene is barking up this tree.)
It's pretty novel though... to be able to think of an Amane that is this hobbled with social interactions. I like to imagine he struggles with making eye contact. A guy of few words... not practiced with having conversations. If you read his mind, he would be slowly disassembling and reassembling devices. *staring at nothing, waiting for class to end so he can go back to his dorm and do this*
But as much as he amuses me, he also frustrates me... How to word this. I find it suspicious that this Amane can command Tsukasa to manifest to him, without even a word, just sending a drone at him — and Tsukasa would drop everything to do so. Okay, so you have this very powerful wizard at your beck and call... and Tsukasa is typically quite obsessed with Amane, so. Hmm. Just simmer on that. And then you have fact that Nene is, putting herself out there, being CUTE about it, and he's like. Mnnn. Please don't. You'll draw attention to me... thinking moreso about the social discomfort, not like, Nene's gesture.
... to ME, he feels kind of, 'stuck in his comfort zone'...? I'd say it's pretty generous to see him as 'just shy'; if I think about Amane across worlds, I'd guess this one is probably just as asocial and disconnected from valuing people as individuals... He's always had Tsukasa, there, reliably, and has never had a reason to do anything besides funnel into his interests. Eh, it's kinda like if Amane could just blithely read about constellations AND just have Tsukasa by his side, super OP, catering to his whims. And then if later down the line, Nene was pursuing him on her own terms, so he didn't have to lift a finger or put the moves on her... This is all insane to me... kslkfksdg.... I suppose this Amane feels like a LESSON in, how COMPLACENT he can BE... It is possible for him to be this withdrawn, this uhh, stubborn, this placid. Not oozing anyyyy charisma, it's crazy, lmfaofdj hgdks I really think if you dated this one, he'd absolutely suck. Negative one thousand points, bad boyfriend material.
(As an Amane kinnie it's like, watching myself be kind of insufferable like a spoiled child LOLL where is your GAME man... lol but you're still gonna get it i guess...)
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Now... this girl. I want to fuck this Yashiro so very badly. She exists to torment me. Hruu.
The look is lovely. Her blue knit top, her red jacket, short plaid skirt, tall socks. The absolute territory...! Since she's usually so shy about her legs, and covers them up, it's amazing to see her showing some thigh. Ehh... scandalous. And then pretty twin tails, decorated in hearts, makes me feel weak. I really like twin tails...💔 Her witch outfit isn't appealing to me, but I don't mind rly, since her base look is soo good. I don't imagine she has to get fully decked out all the time anyways.
Her status as both a cheerleader and a witch intrigues me... Such a confident girl! I wonder if having magic abilities helps her feel more capable? It's incredible to me she just, attempts to talk to Amane regularly. That she would be like heehee❤ I'll cheer for you~... She doesn't feel so uncertain about whether or not he'll be interested in her-?? Even though he's quiet and avoidant of attention. So fascinating... With the right tools at her disposable, perhaps Nene can do anything.
Hmm, I often like to envision her... getting in over her head, with the whole witch thing... Onene inflating her head a bit! The 'downside' to that gained confidence. It's easy to imagine that Nene wouldn't be above using magic to gain favor in the pursuit of love... If Nene would swallow a mermaid's scale out of desperation for a relationship... I think being a witch capable of spells would provide unfathomable temptations for her. Along with Amane being a challenge to court, I ah, feel like the situation is rife for Nene to create, schemes, plans, to bag him. With the confidence that she could definitely succeed... and that he would be none the wiser, about it. There could even be an angle of, feeling like she's doing him a favor by being forward, he's just so shy, I bet he's never had a girl like him before ❤ I'll take care of it all!!
Which is funny, because I think this is exactly the way Hanako thinks of his 'flirting' (sekuhara) in canon. This AU flips things around, but in a way that I enjoy. ^^ I like that Iro-sensei is capable of scrambling the main cast around, but still keeping things so interesting! Allowing me to witness the girlish version of simping and the wear down method lol...
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Now... Wizard Tsukasa-!!! The catalyst of the event!! The capable, full-fledged magic user... He's enchanting💜 In his nice white sweater, and untucked undershirt... Would love to see him put on that hat. Sigh
I love seeing a Tsukasa so capable. I like to think he's a prodigy, and no one on campus who uses magic could hold a candle to him. The great and powerful TsuTsu!! Bare with me for this flight of fancy, but in settings where the twins are in a 'normal' setting (going to school and all), I still like to factor in Amane's heart condition. I like to believe he was still born with it, though technology is advanced enough that he was able to be saved through surgeries at a young age. That being said, it leaves him with a weak constitution, still being the sickly twin. I like to think that Tsukasa's nature of fetching Amane gifts to his bedside persists, and he's by Amane's side constantly, helping with little things. For magic to exist in this world... I feel like, of course, Tsukasa would pursue it to be able to service Amane even better. It's in his nature... when granted power, access to grant wishes, he simply wants to use it for Amane. So, the reason he gets so good at it all is for Amane 💜 It's what sets him apart from others.
... haha, okay, personal delusions aside, I think Tsukasa exudes a sort of... pleasant serenity here. I like the music notes in his text, like he's humming or speaking melodically. Fun, playful boy... Someone who speaks with hearts❤ Similarly to Nene, I think being able to wield magic gives him a bit of a confidence 'boost', so he's less self-conscious than some younger versions of him (that feel clumsy or like a burden...) Comfortable with his position in life currently. He's by Amane's side, after all! Hum humm, might as well have fun then, ne? There's no harm in it~
Argh, you know, it's an AU where things are atypical/shuffled around, so I think Tsukasa looming over Nene and taunting her is closer to something 'unusual' and unexpected (he's not purposefully ominous in canon ww) ... but like, it's sexy to see here, heurr. I feel a little messed with, when I have to consider TsuNene like this... It's as if I'm being baited lol. But I LIKE IT so oh well. As much as I think about Nene getting up to shennanigans behind Amane's back, I like to think of her having to deal with Tsukasa, who can observe and thwart her with ease. He doesn't do it mean spiritedly or anything, but I feel like sometimes he is watching her like...~ It would be fun to meddle. Just a tiny bit... <3 Able to give Nene a run for her money. The fact that Amane likes her is interesting to him <3 and maybe there's a little bit of flirting on Tsukasa's end too... <3 Ahee...
The fact that Tsukasa is able to intercept Aoi and Nene's combined efforts to stop him, and, that Amane then interrupts — and Tsukasa just goes ohp, ok, Amane needs me! Bye! & drops everything... feels like it says so much about the ah, flow of 'power' here. Despite Amane being The Mundane and despite Tsukasa being OP magic user... Tsukasa still defers to Amane-!! Ugh it creates this visual in my mind, where Nene's POV is one where Tsukasa might as well be Amane's big pet tiger curled around him. Lounging, languid, but... intimidating...
I like this AU overall lol. It just makes me horny very effectively. At least I feel like I'm not alone, because fujoshi are distinctly distressed about this AU and the implications of. Amane like, sending a drone to get Tsukasa, with the? Head of the? Rabbit costume he is horny about now? It literally feels like he's just ordering Tsukasa to come help him out with this, problem. Like why are they about to have weird sex through this conduit. Yamete kudasai...
Nyways final note is, I think Amane can eventually tempted by poon, between the forces of Tsukasa and Nene both, and then he will start to metamorphasize into a nastier guy, thinking about suck fuck fuck fuck suck suck & fuck. Which is good for him. He will be healed.
📞Kamome Valentine Company💘
This AU came out of nowhere and really sucker-punched us for Valentine's day... One swift sock to the gut. I barely survived February because of this all. My god. Where to even start.
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At first glance from the twitter icon, you don't get much of an impression of this Amane. I was mostly surprised to see that he had angel wings, as so far, it's usually been the inverse (other illusts having Amane be a devil while Tsu is holy aligned...) However, once the event started rolling out proper, I felt my gut sink as we got a better look at this guy. Promising that he can polish your love and make it shine... That lidded gaze, the look of an Amane that is trying to WORK YOU OVER... I could not BEGIN to trust this creep, ueeuahhh!! Makes my skin crawl. He actually is a devil. (Avvy's proposed he might actually be identical Tsukasa, and it's just an illusion he has going on... good possibilities.)
Alright but what's this looooook??? The metal... collar? The corset-!? The boots, the one glove... All this fetish gear, why are you looking like this! Running this shop with your brother! Ackkk! Oh and of course, to top it all off, you and Tsukasa both have matching jewelry, as some, expression of your commitment to one another… While you endlessly make bets and squabble for fun, in this warehouse full of jewels... It's really yabai that they have some sort of, hearts in cages, while their power itself is the ability to make love into jewelry. Their hearts look different from what's present in the cages, so I feel like whatever extraction process was done was different...
It's extrapolating a lot, but eh while I'm here, I might as well say — I like to think of the twins as having once been human. Some... dirty raggamuffin orphan boys... And one day, they effectively tapped into a kind of magic, some sort of dark ritual, etc. that effectively cursed them into their current forms... It was an act of commitment, equivalent to canon's shinjuu, and they've been bound eternally since. The end product is they've really become cursed beings who cannot, think or love properly. Avvy's described them as having a sort of emptiness to them, and I agree. It feels like they're locked in their obsession... Ermm, and much like how, it feels like the canon circumstance is one where, the twins can't help but want to reenact the shinjuu — Amane just wants to kill Tsukasa / Tsukasa just wants to be killed by Amane — again and again... I feel like once the twins get on a tear, they're kind of endlessly looping their desires, and they almost can't conceive of anything beyond what they are doing. Just slamming the button that says MORE. Do it AGAIN.
Obsessed with turning love into jewelry endlessly... obsessed with playing with each other... so it goes... sigh
(also I hate that he's likely evoking Eros... Ughh, god of sex and love, urghhhh... I'm gonna hurl... *has had a sona named Eros since I was 14* Whatever.)
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It is time to have much pity in my heart for this Nene... She's a VICTIM of this establishment... one of MANY. They have cages lining the walls of what they do to girls like her. So scary... Excessive! Diabolical!!
I do wish we had more time to spend with her. I hope somehow she makes her way back here, through some thread of fate... I don't want to believe she'll be gone for too long... *worried for her* At least, she's technically unburdened from her last circumstance...
This is again not ah, the sort of look I personally would choose for her — too 'mature' feeling? A type of formal clothing I'm not especially into. That being said, I like the hair framing her face mostly emphasized as the rest is pulled back. (Still, not into the braid it's in...) She's pretty in some close ups... Not bad looking, just not my favorite look for her. This is a nicer hat than GH girlie tho. I'll kiss her still~ chu...
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Mmmh, once again, out of the three, I'm most bewitched by the Tsukasa of this set. First getting a glimpse of him in the header, brutal for me. Horns! Devil wings!! Pppuuushed back hair, white frilly top, shorts, baby blue socks... Girlie on the phone? *0 brains* call girl... *even less brains* Phone sex. Sex with this one. Sex between work. *stops having a stroke* anyways.
To me, pragmatically speaking, the idea of my unrequited love being destroyed and forgotten about is the most appealing. I trust Tsukasa's proposal more... well, I at least feel as though he's being more honest. Assuming that Tsukasa had a different path laid out for Nene, I would trust it more than what Amane did.
I kinda waffle back and forth on it though, because Avvy's brought up a good point, that perhaps both the twins functionally do the exact same thing — part of their game might just be about whose proposal wins? In that case, ugh, twins-!! I guess you shouldn't trust either of them lol. That might just be the reality of this world. =.=
Yk. Despite the twins having such an intertwined existence, and surely doing this sort of thing all the time... I like how Tsukasa, at the end of this all, is staring quietly with small mouth big eyes, as he feeds Amane. That's the sort of expression I often read as Tsukasa being... overwhelmed, or kind of subdued, his mouth practically disappears. It's like he's really focusing on Amane's mouth eating the chocolate. I must see. His hind brain is tingling, due to what Amane is...? Insinuating? With his comment? But it's Tsukasa, so I think he also can't fully grasp what is being said. I'll do something for you later? Okay, Amane. ⬅ It's aspects like this that really mess me up though. Because a world like this is like, urgh, ugh, ok, the twins are? Definitely fucking? Or inbound, about to fuck, maybe fucking all day, or like, on the precipice. Perfect 50/50 split, what is the reality. Fucking today for the first time on Valentine's day? Suck your fingers while you feed me c hocolate. Ahh... *you lose me in the mist*
🐈‍Bakeneko Ryokan♨️
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Our most recent cafe event to date, and honestly, what feels like the most luxurious one. It feels embarrassing to say (since it just came out) but this is my favorite AU of them all, currently-!!! It's far too decadent in every way... Just look at this map!! Eh, ahh! I wanna go here so badly! Ehhh! Everything feels luscious and beautiful...! It's crazy Aida-sensei made this... This feels so involved and over the top... Meanwhile, I'm enraptured by Iro-sensei's description of things, like how it feels to approach this place.
"The air outside is cool and fresh. A deep fog enshrouds this place… The only light you can see is coming from the Ryokan." (Translation by DBS Scans!)
I'm just like UGH, atmosphere!! Makes me want to immerse into this world so badly! Traveling up the mountain side, as the fog encloses around me... A light in the distance, my only hope... Again, I really admire the integration of ah, an entire narrative alongside the theme of, cafe, food establishment, being served by the characters, etc... Transported to another world while you come here to eat. And again there is an element of danger to your visit here. A place you won't likely be returning from... Will you get eaten, or will you get turned into a bakeneko yourself-!? Such a fun set up omg
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Hmm, another Amane that looks like a too-pleased maniac... why am I not surprised. :I It's so devious he is a nekomata amidst bakeneko... it's like ah, Amane is decidedly the more evil and dangerous version of this yokai — almost to make sure there's no misconstruing that you shouldn't trust him ww. I think it also conveys that he is perhaps more powerful than we can observe, hiding a slew of abilities... maybe even a more extravagant beast form, larger than his typical kitty cat body. No way to know... (typical for Amane though... he won't let us know...)
But much like his vampire self, being a naughty kitty really suits him. If there was anyone destined to be a shitty tom cat, it's just, Amane... He's just got that sort of nature, don't he. Patrolling his territory, pissing on your things. Rubbing his scent glands on you. Because you are his. Enjoying that silvervine... Meanwhile, the texture of his hair and ears make me feel like he must be a very scruffy feeling black kitty, if you saw him up close. Hmm, it's just a very compatible charisma... the Halloween cat swag once more.
Always fun when Amane is in yukata. :3 Get all silked out... and I like his black tabi socks, they are cool. They further obfuscate slivers of skin, making him feel very clothed, toe to tip. The cut in his high collar, so that his bell comes out, is very crazy looking. I'm into it. Also like the extra gold band and bell on the tail, and the teal ribbon with it... The red and white rope on his zori, and for the keys slipped in his yukata, are the same as Tsukasa's shimenawa obi he is wearing. A little something connecting them here. I have to assume the keys he's keeping are to Tsukasa's room directly. Ugh, lock you up. I get it I get it... *exhausted, threadbare*
As for this Amane's nature, it's kinda fascinating... because, I feel like having been Tsukasa's pet kitty means, he kind of, couldn't have the same sort of problems he typically does when they are human brothers... It's just? Hard to imagine that he struggles in quite the same way. Wasn't he living a simple life once, getting chin scratches... He would surely just purr and rub up against Tsukasa... and then, why would that change, after their escape from the circus? Just so easy to imagine the twins are very, pet pet rub rub, nuzzle purrrrr purr mrr... The way their life has gone, there's also no pressure of 'the future', in the sense of some impending career or pressure from parents. They are freed from such things. Maybe he still wouldn't be the best at uhh, verbally comforting you lol, but I think he would be openly affectionate. Oozing out, condescending sounding, but very much enamored. Kitty lurvvve...
Another thing: I've seen JP fans theorize that Amane chose to emulate his human form after Tsukasa's, which I totally love the thought of. He's so distressed in that shot of them running away... I like to think he was less capable with magicks once, so it took a lot to finally congeal his human form — so it comes to him in the moment of adrenaline, saving Tsukasa from the fire. But it's cute to choose to match... I want to think that's how it went. :3
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Mmm oooh I was soooooo looking forward to seeing more of this Nene, after the few glimpses of her from promotional art (and the original shikishi...) She seemed so, gormless, empty shiny gaze. Yet lovely and pleasant, happy kitty. I'm so happy the more we've seen of her. Her yukata is gorgeousss.... Love the petal-y frills at the end, the pink inner fabric, the long embellished sleeves and tassles! Light blue/green, pink, red! Yes yes yes!! Colors that totally suit her! Mmm she would be so nice to touch... I prefer how her hair is done up here btw, no braid, just tied up! I disprefer the tightness of a braid. A small bun like this is nicer to think about playing with, pulling loose. *Amane voice* I ah, also like that she has little bells in her hair, and they feel like they thread her design with the twins' ostentatious big bells... It's a nice touch. A little something.
She really lives up to her name... She really is Pretty-chan! Ackkh.... by the way, I'm still dying every day over the name PRETTY-CHAN!!! It's that thing, that rule almost, where Nene is considered beautiful when she is nonhuman... Becoming this fanciful, large breed of cat, long fluffy fur, and her seafoam green tipped tail!! It makes so much sense she was once a beloved house pet.
Though, true to form, a platonic guardian cannot mean much to the romance-focused Nene... Off into the mountains she goes! Searching for guys to fawn over her... Only to! Wind up with this shitty, scruffy mans harassing her! Such is her destiny...
I like that she does dances :) fun, I would love to watch. Shake that tail around for me, girl... Ahh. She's so fun. I guess I understand actually why Amane can't resist sekuhara... With such a nice girlie walking around, it really makes you want to nip her heels and chase her around lol
With the release of this story card, I've been kind of arrested though... Learning that even Pretty-chan is like, slobbering over the idea of eating a human... A-ah, okay, and Amane is stoking her? Playing along? Even though he's harboring his human brother-!? Whyyy... 😭 I do n't understand... What do you mean there's a world where Nene could desire to eat Tsukasa-!?!??Fg h gg./h. fhg... why is she also i nsan e... help... I still feel like I'm falling out of my body. I 've literally always wanted to explore Nene being 'crazy' but now that I have the chance it's like sits on my hands . This is too much. The potential here... I shudder violently thinking about it. I'm in a dream I can't escape...
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*biiig sigh* Glorious images of Tsukasa-chan in this AU... Much color and splendor... No shoes of any kind, because he's probably mostly indoors! The long decorative sleeves tucked away, because he's gotta be ready to scrub the floor. Little miss mittens. Nya. Even if you're not really a bakeneko, you've got all the charm of a kitty, don't you? Rolling around while your 'brother' dangles a cat tail above you...
I feel like this Tsukasa lives quite a fun life. Padding about, RPing as kitty, meeting nice girlies who talk to him and might find him novel and cute. Hiding in closets, getting dragged about by his tyrant master. Random naps, lazing in hot spring water, enjoying the food here... Considering where his life started — as some unwanted child performing labor for a circus... This is probably more than he could've ever dreamed of. Life is good and life is fun!
I have to assume the details of his disguise were by Amane. I feel like if it were up to Tsukasa, he'd just match identically with Amane... it's probably Amane who is like 'no, you're not a nekomata... and actually, you could never even become one, ever, you'd be some kinked tail little thing'. Fetishistic perception of Tsukasa. The fact that Tsukasa could complain about his ears and tail is like, so funny to me, it makes it feel like it really is mostly for Amane's sake... He's the one trying to keep you his tasty little secret, shhh. I have to assume it's also Amane who wanted the reciprocation of giving Tsukasa a collar, since he's earing the one from when he was Tsukasa's pet in the past. Ugh, I swear it just represents that they own one another, mutual feelings...
So much going on here... and I have to accept this is just another world where Tsukasa is some tasty morsel. There is a biological urge to consume him. Again. Because it just feels so good and he is so delicious. Thanks I guess, iro... *i am frowning*
!! Bonus section for AUs featured in stand alone illustrations !!
🐹Hamster Owners🐭
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Attached to one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE VOLUMES, is this baby. It's such a simple image, isn't it? But this is one of those things where I feel like, Ah. This was made for me, specifically... I love rodents... I love this style of little ferals, where they still have human heads — little sphinxes! Nene-chan hamster!! Tsukasa as some sort of little, mousey-wousy!! Incredible-!!!! The way Tsukasa is helplessly licking the outside of the water... he no understand. Ack... and then this young Amane!! 8 yo boy!! Peak boy!! In his shorts and with bandage booboos... clutching hamster cage bedding! Nrghhh! Pet owner Amane... yes, he's the 'owner' in the situation, and they're the pets. Ra urhghg!!! It's all so 'simple' but it's for me to adore!! It looks amazing!!!! It's feeding me endlessly, as a standalone image... (I've drawn too much porn of this AU... LOL)
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Haha, these feel like some random sketches Aida-sense did one day, just for fun. Maybe without much of a 'world' behind them... but they still give me pause! The Yugi's fancy rich lad quality coming out... Perhaps they are home schooled. While Nene is a servant to their household-!! God it's a good age gap here, she is very onee-san. The despicable charm of Amane splitting a donut with Nene and going shh, secret... Maybe it's unprofessional and not the sort of thing your parents would like, maybe you'd get in trouble for interrupting her from sweeping. But must do it still... Hehe. And Nene of course is like, oooh, okayyy~ Going along with...
Unforch at these ages, it's too easy to imagine Nene being like lol, handsome lil guy lol, teeheee, maybe he has a lil crush on me, so cute. Far too seamlessly going to make jokes like, ahh, well mayb e when you're older❤... Ohh, Amane-kun, how charming... I'll wait for you❤... (A particle of Nene's brain: but it would be nice if he grew up all handsome and I got to go from being a maid to a mistress of the house... swag...) All of this will get out of hand quickly. It's like a, give a mouse a cookie problem, you fuel this crush/concept, you will make Amane sick and entitled. He will like incel rage about it almost. I don't want to wait over a decade... I want my slaw
I'm tunnel vision ofc, would love to see Tsukasa tugging on Nene's dress as well. He's here too, he will have a crush too. Onene-san should have a lot on her plate.
❄️Kamome Skating School⛸
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Splendid... incredible... marvelous... This image blessed my crops, as they say. In one fell swoop, it introduced me so many things. Simply, a world where the twins are alive, and together, and we're watching them about to skate together? (It's usually more ambiguous, where they overlap...) B-bandaged boy-!? Bandaged Amane-?!? Even just aesthetically, that's crazy, he's such a specific boy that is featured in highly specific contexts... but wait, so is living Tsukasa! He's really a rare sight! Double rarity! And then Tsukasa is, looking, amazing, with skates on his hands, I want to see him SKATE LIKE THIS!! I think he could do it.
And then, you just have Amane dazzled by this increble Nene... The super capable Nene, look at her! Amazing!! Show stopping! I'd love for her to be super good at skating, distinctly... Ah, again, a Nene confident enough to show her bare legs ;; I love when this is the case... Rare girlies... Ugh and I'm like, actually very attracted to figure skating and the kind of attire that goes with it, so I feel very very very very serviced. We really just barrelled into this AU and RP'd it excessively the month we got this illust... good times✨
🎶Idol Cup🎤
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Much delight had here. To reiterate, I'm a simple idol otaku. I mostly like female idols but I'm into the general concept enough to be allured by the twins as a duo. They look amazing ww, it feels like Amane stans Tsukasa so hard here...
In the past, I was mostly keyed in on Tsukasa being mic'd up, but I realize Amane is as well, and they must be singing together. Duets... that's almost too much for me. I like to think the twins have 'the same voice' in reality, like how they work in the anime, just for ah. Some sort of eerie, unusual element to them. I wonder how much that would make their singing fascinating to hear... Would they blend seamlessly? The same voice, twice, harmonizing, echoing... IMO the twins are very talented and good at dancing/singing, but they can't win #1 because they are too creepy and incest vibes. It's like hmm it almost feels too scandalous, trashy. If only you two would gyrate less... but the women in the crowd ARE screaming.
Meanwhile: Nene back there makes me wanna cry, little cupcake. Littel cake topper wife. Help-!! !!! I want to talk to her backstage and invite her into our room lol, like come to our studio. Let me watch you sing and harmonize with Tsukasa... Really, I'd love to abduct her for a 3way routine, let's all have matching black and purple 'fits. And then I'll fuck you after the show just like I do my brother. Yaaaaaaa the crowd is going wild back there... Mmmm doesn't it just feel so good.
OK that's all I got in me. Enjoy
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