#over and over again i meey couples
queen-thick-dick · 2 months
"I'm autistic and aromantic, and that is really starting to annoy me as someone who shares intimate relationships with a bunch of romantic polyamorous people."
"Oh, do you struggle a lot to understand people's romantic feelings, or do you wish you had their kinds of connections?"
"Neither, I'm mad because I can't stop perfectly guessing exactly how everyone is going to let their feelings go too much and ruin their relationships. That or watching people continue the same self destructive spiral out of some bone deep terror of not dating someone. I understand everyone's relationships, usually more perfectly than they do."
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Nervous to Meet the Others [K.A.R.D]
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After dating 3 months, Taehyung suggested that his girlfriend, Monica, should stop by the dorms to meet his members. No one knew about their relationship except close friends and family, so it was only natural that he told his band mates. However, since discovering their relationship, his band mates bugged him about meeting Monica.
When he mentioned meeting his members, Monica grew nervous. She feared to meet them. They were basically his family. What if they didn’t like her? Or if they tell Taehyung to break up with her?
Her mind swirled with the thoughts that scared her. She stood outside the dorm door froze. She couldn’t even reach the doorbell to let the household of her arrival. Part of Monica wanted to turn away and leave, but just as she began to back away the dorm door swung open and revealed a tall man.
He looked down at Monica as he grinned, “Hey! You’re Taehyung’s girlfriend, right? Monica?”
“Ah yes..” She replied shyly. “Nice to meet you” she nervously shot out her hand for him to shake.
He looked down at her tiny hand before he engulfed it with his, “Nice you meey ya. I’m Matt.” He let her hand go and opened the door wider, “Come on in! The girls will be excited to see you!” He ushered her inside and walked into the living room where Somin and Jiwoo sat with Taehyung.
Taehyung waved at Monica who slowly crept inside the living room. Before she greeted her boyfriend she was hugged by Somin.
“Hi, Monica! I’m Somin, I heard so much about you” she let Monica go as she brushed her hair behind her ear. “Wow! You’re so pretty. Why are you with oppa?” She teased and earned a protest from Taehyung. Monica’s nerves melted gradually as she listened to the upbeat Somin.
Jiwoo cut in, “Don’t hog her. You’re not the only one who wanted to meet her.” She shooed Somin before she gave Monica a smile, “I’m Jiwoo.”
Taehyung watched Monica as the girls talked to her. Matthew sat beside him in a huff as he complained about how the girls hogged her. Taehyung shook his head, “That’s why I didn’t want to introduce you guys to her. I knew she’d be snatched up by those two.” Monica met his eyes and he gave her a finger heart and puffed his chest in and out. Monica smiled and let out a small laugh.
Somin shot Taehyung a look, “Go away, oppa! We just wanted to meet your girlfriend, you’re taking her attention away from us!” She clung to Monica and held her close to her protectively.
Taehyung slumped his shoulders. “But she’s my girlfriend. Plus, she’s nervous being with you.”
Jiwoo hugged Monica as well, “Are you nervous being around us. Moni?” Monica let out a laugh and shook her head. “See she doesn’t need you anymore.”
“Come on, let’s go to our room, Jiwoo” Somin took Monica’s hand and pulled her with her.
“Hey! That’s my gir–” There was a loud bang of a door and Taehyung signed, “I’m never getting her back.” Matthew patted his back in comfort.
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Emma was in a long distant relationship with Matthew. She was one of his childhood friends and started dating him before he even moved to Korea. K.A.R.D knew of her, but they never met her due to the distance. The times that the couple was together, K.A.R.D was usually either in Korea or they were busy. However, Matthew was coming back home to see his family and Emma while his group was on a break. When the members found out, they begged to come so they could meet his family and girlfriend and he agreed.
However, Emma was nervous of meeting them. She wasn’t the most confident with her Korean and she worried of saying the wrong thing or pronouncing something wrong. Matthew knew Emma would be nervous, so he thought he could at least introduced her properly to them over the phone first. They had seen her on his facetime, but with the distance, he wanted to spend all the time he could with her by himself. So, after getting through airport security he called her.
Emma had just gotten in bed when her phone went off. She yawned as she answered the phone. “Hey babe? What’s up?”
Matthew flashed her a grin, “Did I wake you?” She shook her head. “I wanted to introduce you to the others as we wait for our flight.” He turned his phone to the other three.
Emma waved at the other members, “Hi, hope you guys have a safe flight. I thought of somethings we could do when you all get here” Emma smiled softly.
“Oh, she’s cute! Why is she dating you?” Jiwoo laughed as she snatched the phone from him. Ignoring his protests, Jiwoo waved, “Hi! I’m Jiwoo!” She turned the camera to another guy who was playing a game on his phone. “Pssstt, say hi!”
He looked up and grinned, “’ey, I’m Taehyung. Can’t wait to meet you in person. I heard you’re a pro at video games.”
Emma chuckled, “I don’t know about being a pro, but I’m pretty good.”
“We’ll find out when I get there.”
“Game on” she replied confidently.
Somin moved closer to Jiwoo and Jiwoo flipped the camera back to her. “I’m Somin” Somin held up a peace sign. “I can’t wait to hang out with you! We have to go shopping, maybe we can find a man right up your alley. Someone way cuter than oppa.”
“Okay, give me back my girlfriend before you corrupt her!” Matthew took his phone back from the girls. He looked at Emma silently pleading for her assistance.
Emma bit back a laugh. “You’re on your own, bud” she teased.  
He continued to get roasted by his members. “You okay with meeting them?”
Emma shrugged as she shifted in bed, “Maybe meeting them won’t be so bad. They seem pretty funny.” He was glad she agreed to meet them even if she only agreed because they were roasting him.
“Goodnight, I love you.”
Emma blew a kiss, “I love you! I can’t wait to see you.”
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Somin had one mission she refused to give up. Her mission… get Dana to agree to meet the other K.A.R.D members. Somin hadn’t hung out with all four of them together before and she wanted Dana to get use to them. She knew how shy her girlfriend was with strangers, but she swore up and down that she would be with her the entire time so Dana wouldn’t be alone.
“Just meet them at our dorm! They aren’t terrible people. They really want to meet you” she pleaded. “It would be cool if we could all hang out more often.” The members wanted to meet Dana and they asked Somin often about meeting her. So much to the point that now it became her goal.
Regardless of all the begging and pouting from Somin, Dana weren’t caving. She was just too scared of meeting them. “No way, babe.” Somin pouted at her with big puppy dog eyes. Dana could feel her resolve sway as she watched her. She shook her head of the thought, “I’m sorry, babe, but what if they don’t like me.” Dana gave her a small smile, but Somin continued to pout unmoved. “You’re being a baby” Dana whined. Somin didn’t reply. That’s when a finger appear from the side of the video and poke Somin’s face.
She looked off camera with annoyance written on her face as she look at her attacker. She looked at Dana again, “The only thing you should be concerned about is you liking them because they irritate me. Especially Taehyung oppa and BM oppa.” She cleared her throat, “This Saturday. You’re coming even if I have to drag you out of bed to get you here.” Matthew poked her again, “Okay, that’s it. I’ll call you later, babe. Bye.” She hung up to attack Matthew.
Dana just stared at her home screen in disbelief before she bursted out with laughter. Her girlfriend would definitely succeed in her mission. She let out a sigh, “That woman… She’s lucky I love her.” She shook her head.
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After dating Ava for six months in secret, Jiwoon finally decided to tell her group members. The moment she told them, they insisted on meeting Ava. Jiwoo liked the idea, but she knew her shy antisocial girlfriend wouldn’t be keen to the idea of meeting her friends. It was hard just to win over Ava when Jiwoo met her, so she thought of a plan. Instead of bombarding Ava with three unfamiliar faces and watch her shut down like an overloaded robot, she decided to introduce them one at a time. Ava agreed, but her bundle of nerves made her stomach turn in fear.
Ava wasn’t a very open person which was a big reason she wondered why Jiwoo ever decided to date her. She was shy, introverted, and avoided groups of people where as her girlfriend was popular and outgoing. Ava never understood how Jiwoo could do it. Getting on stage to dance and perform in from of hundreds of people. Ava never attended a single concert due to her fear of loud noise and crowds, so when Jiwoo asked her to meet her members, Ava agreed. She needed to meet Jiwoo half way if she wanted their relationship to work. Doing something like meeting a band member at a time wasn’t a big deal.
Thankfully, the first member Jiwoo decided to introduce was Matthew and he was easy to talk to. Jiwoo knew Taehyung would probably rely on his jokes which Ava would probably not get as she wasn’t the best at understanding comedy. Somin was the last member Jiwoo wanted to introduce Ava to because she knew Somin would probably scare Ava off with her bubbly and excited ways.
When Matthew got on the phone with Ava, he flashed her a smile before he started talking. He was a natural at starting conversation with Ava and making her laugh when he got on video chat with her. It helped that the two had something in common, their hometowns were in California, so they talked about their home state. Jiwoo didn’t want to admit it as she was the one who wanted this, but seeing Ava easily interact with Matthew made her a bit jealous. It took her weeks to get Ava to carry on a full conversation without trying to flee and yet here was Matthew getting Ava to smile and laugh. Jiwoo nodded her head half listening to the conversation before she finally acted out. She opened her mouth and went to bite Matthew.
Matthew was finishing his sentence before he looked back at her in disbelief, “What was that about?”
“You’re stealing my girlfriend and I want her back” she replied as she held out her hand wanting her phone. “Get out and don’t come back.”
Matthew stood up with a smirk on his face, “Nah, I don’t think we’re done talking just yet, right Ava?” Ava bit her lip as she watched her girlfriend get red in the face.
Jiwoo stood to take her phone, but Matthew held it up higher before she could get it. “She’s my girlfriend! Go get your own!” She whined as she struggled to get her phone back. She regretted introducing Ava to Matthew because after that conversation Ava became close to him. He would often pick on Jiwoo and would often get her girlfriend to team up against her.
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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orbemnews · 3 years
After the Pandemic, Will More People Wear Masks for Colds and Flu? Once Americans return to crowded offices, schools, buses and trains, so too will their sneezes and sniffles. Having been introduced to the idea of wearing masks to protect themselves and others, some Americans are now considering a behavior scarcely seen in the United States but long a fixture in other cultures: routinely wearing a mask when displaying symptoms of a common cold or the flu, even in a future in which Covid-19 isn’t a primary concern. “I will still feel a responsibility to protect others from my illness when I have a cold or bronchitis or something along those lines,” said Gwydion Suilebhan, a writer and arts administrator in Washington who said he also plans to continue wearing masks in situations like flying on airplanes. “It’s a responsible part of being a human in a civil society to care for the people around you.” Such routine use of masks has been common for decades in other countries, primarily in East Asia, as protection against allergies or pollution, or as a common courtesy to protect nearby people. But until the coronavirus crisis, there had seldom been a cultural push for the practice in the United States and several other Western countries. Though masks proved effective in helping mitigate Covid-19 transmission, they now carry weight as symbols in the red state-blue state culture wars, with segments of the country seeing them as an affront to their freedoms and others considering them a demonstration of caring for others. Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, reflected this week on the future of mask wearing. “It is conceivable that as we go on, a year or two or more from now, that during certain seasonal periods when you have respiratory-borne viruses like the flu, people might actually elect to wear masks to diminish the likelihood that you’ll spread these respiratory-borne diseases,” he said Sunday on “Meet the Press.” Other leading American health officials, however, have not encouraged the behavior. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — which at the beginning of the pandemic advised against wearing masks, and only changed its guidance a couple of months later — does not advise people with flu symptoms to wear masks, and says they “may not effectively limit transmission in the community.” That’s partly because there’s no tidy scientific consensus on the effect of masks on influenza virus transmission, according to experts who have studied it. Nancy Leung, an epidemiologist at the University of Hong Kong, said that the science exploring possible links between masking and the emission or transmission of influenza viruses was nuanced — and that the nuances were often lost on the general public. Dr. Leung said the strongest evidence for a connection came from studies that had demonstrated how surgical masks reduced the amount of influenza virus that an infected person emitted, an effect that epidemiologists call “source control.” These studies showed that masking was particularly effective at stopping emission of influenza droplets, she added. Measuring the impact of wearing surgical masks on community transmission of influenza has been more complicated, she said. So far, Dr. Leung said, there has been no clear evidence from randomized controlled trials — the gold standard in scientific research — that masking reduced transmission of influenza viruses in a community. There was some evidence from observational studies that masks reduced community transmission of influenza viruses, she added, but that research had a caveat: Observational studies cannot isolate masking from other possible factors, such as hand hygiene or social distancing. “You can’t really decipher whether that observed reduction in transmission is due to face masks alone or not,” Dr. Leung said. For similar reasons, the fact that the flu all but vanished in the United States during the coronavirus pandemic — and that many Americans anecdotally reported that they caught fewer colds than usual in 2020 — is not evidence alone that masks were responsible. Updated  May 13, 2021, 5:39 a.m. ET In East Asia, the historical use of masks is based on more than just medical research, and the steps that led each country to adopt them vary widely. “The mask-wearing culture in the East is related to collectivism,” said Chen Meei-Shia, a public health professor at National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan. “When people face the pandemic as a group, wearing a mask is a way to reduce the individual impact on others.” De Kai, a computer science professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology who has studied masking etiquette, said that for people in the Chinese territory and elsewhere in East Asia, not wearing a mask while sick would be roughly equivalent to a person “sneezing all over the subway” without covering his or her nose in an American city. “Of course, nothing’s black and white,” he added. “Clearly it’s a matter of degree. But there is a matter of difference in the East Asian cultures on this versus the very, very libertarian U.S. culture.” (A reminder: Please sneeze into your elbow, not your hand.) Others pointed to institutional differences, including a history of anti-masking laws in the United States that were implemented during periods of social unrest in order to discourage violence. New York State, for example, passed an anti-masking law in 1845 to prevent tenants from demanding land reform, according to research by Sharrona Pearl, a professor of medical ethics at Drexel University in Philadelphia. And from the 1920s to 1950s, several states passed similar laws in response to violence by the Ku Klux Klan. Several East Asian scholars said in interviews that the region’s mask-wearing customs varied widely because people in each country had responded over the years to different epidemiological or environmental threats. Jaehwan Hyun, a professor of history of Pusan National University in South Korea, said that ignoring the nuances could be dangerous. “It enforces the idea of an Asian as a single race maintaining a single mask-wearing culture,” Mr. Hyun said. “I think that’s an easy way to develop discriminatory or racist arguments against Asians.” In 19th-century Japan, some people wore British-made respirators to guard against colds, coughs and respiratory diseases, said Tomohisa Sumida, a visiting researcher at Keio University. Mask wearing became common after the 1918 influenza pandemic, he added, and again when many people there began to suffer from hay fever allergies in the 1980s. When South Korea was a Japanese colony in the early 20th century, it inherited some mask-wearing habits from Japan, Mr. Hyun said. Masking was also common in the South Korean capital, Seoul, at points during the 1980s because of factory-related air pollution and the tear gas that accompanied protests against authoritarian rule. Still, Mr. Hyun said, masking on a regular basis was not common in the country until the mid-2000s, when the government advised the use of an N95-like mask to protect against the seasonal dust storms that sweep into the country from Mongolia and northern China. “Generally speaking, Koreans until recently believed that mask wearing was a sort of ‘Japanese practice,’ not ours,” he said. In Hong Kong, where 299 people died during the SARS epidemic of 2002-3, the experience of universal masking against that coronavirus helped create a “cultural familiarity” with a practice that was also common during episodes of severe air pollution, Mr. De Kai said. “It was a big reminder to people that masks are important not only to protect yourself from the pollution but also to avoid infecting those around you,” he said. In Taiwan, SARS and recent air pollution were the two main factors that prompted people there to develop the habit of mask wearing, said Yeh Ming-Jui, a professor of public health at National Taiwan University in Taipei. Professor Yeh said he believed mask wearing was not more widespread in the West because people there had no immediate memories of a severe pandemic — at least until now. “The experience and health practices of past generations have been gradually forgotten,” he said. Amy Chang Chien contributed reporting from Taipei. Source link Orbem News #colds #Flu #Masks #Pandemic #People #wear
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