#ovbs the teams could go different ways
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stonedsoul · 2 years ago
this one like i said is definitely gonna be different, not only because of the obvious having a whole different person, but also peoples relationships in the band will have changed as well. i don't necessarily think at this point mick and keith would look to each other as the obvious choice. mick especially is not caring about friendships when it come to this, and 1975 keith richards deep in heroin addiction could be seen as more of a liability to mick. keith as well probably doesn't wanna have to deal with mick's shit, especially when he has someone like (drumroll please) ronnie!! so yeah i'm calling the first team as keith and ronnie. keith works well with ronnie, he knows that he's not gonna be a lot of stress, and ronnie would probably be happy to go wherever he's not gonna cause much of a fuss. mick on the other hand would go for charlie. charlie's smart, he's level headed, i think mick could see him as a good companion. bill he doesn't get along well enough with to a) see that he actually probably would be good at this and b) not get annoyed by. by 1975 there's too much bad blood with mick t and i don't think mick would view ronnie as someone actually able to help him much in the competition. and charlie just wants to get tf out of here, would mick have been his first choice, probably not? but charlie knows that mick would be good at this so. that leaves our leftovers as mick t and bill.
so we have: keith + ronnie mick + charlie bill + mick t
the first team i'm ruling out here is keith and ronnie. now, you all know i love ronnie but he has been described as being kinda dumb multiple times. he's good for the teammate aspect, probably not so much for the challenges aspect. and as previously mentioned, keith in 1975 would be kinda out of it most likely, although i still think he could do quite well, just not well enough. as much as i want to root for them, i don't think they stand a chance. once again i'm putting it quite close between the remaining teams, probably more so than the last scenario. this may sound like a bit of an odd choice, but i genuinely do think that bill and mick t can make it. bill as i previously mentioned does have a good skillset for this imo. mick t would be mainly motivated by spite, but i think bill would understand that energy and together they would be able to win. mick t while not amazing i think has a good head on his shoulders and would be able to focus and get the job done. mick and charlie would also do quite well, i just don't think charlie would be as suited to deal with a panicking in life or death mode mick as keith was in the last scenario. there is going to be clashes. especially since. while charlie would do alright in the challenges? i can see him being a bit hit or miss depending on what they are, which would annoy mick and cause rifts even tho mick's not fucking perfect either. what can you do.
thank you for the ask!! it was a very interesting question, i'd be curious to know what other people would say for this as well since obviously i am not a personal knower of the rolling stones and how they react in life or death scenarios. just my opinion :)
The rolling stones are put on an island, separated into teams of two (including Mick Taylor to make it even...) and made to strategize and do challenges until only one team makes it off the island...
who's teaming up with who, who would win, and why......
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OK sorry for taking a while to answer, i've been thinking very hard about this... so first off you probably meant the stones w/ ronnie + mick t, BUT i also started thinking about it w/ brian + mick t instead, so i'm gonna do both possibilities, with the stones either being taken to the island in 1969 or 1975, which would ofc change my answer SCENARIO ONE: 1969 what's immediately apparent about this is that no-one would fucking want brian. they didn't like him, he was going through it majorly, i don't think anyone would look to him as someone who would be able to help them in this. the first team that i think would get together is mick and keith. i do think at this point they would still look to each other as a first choice? or at least. a safe choice. then bill and charlie both i imagine would be so -_- about having to do this shit, obviously all of them want out but they especially want this over with and done as quickly as possible. so they're not looking to make any fuss, they would pair up with each other as the easiest option. they don't want to deal with brian, and mick t is an unpredictable option since at this point they would not know each other well, leaving the last team to be brian and mick t. so we have: mick + keith bill + charlie brian + mick t the first team i'm gonna rule out is brian and mick t. their asses are not working together - brian is pissed off about being stuck with the new guy and mick t is pissed off about being left out of his new group. if they were different people at different times they might be able to bond about this? but i don't believe in them that much. then, i do genuinely think it would be fairly close between the remaining two teams. bill and charlie would both be very focused, they are not messing about or getting into drama at all. furthermore, i think would have more skills at this sort of thing than you expect, i think his air force days would help him out at this sort of thing, also he just seems like he'd be good at it idk? i can see him and charlie clashing though however, mainly cos bill is annoying and i don't see either of them being able to communicate well with their teammate. now mick and keith could very well have that same problem of clashing with both their egos, but obviously they have a lot of practise working together with their song writing and so i think would be able to be more collaborative. furthermore, mick has the physical fitness and strategy to really be able to excel at these challenges i think. much like bill his downfall is his personality, but keith would be able to successfully deal with that i think, he's done it often enough. and you know keith himself would be quite good at the challenges i'm feeling. he seems like he's got good survival skills. SO because of this i think that mick and keith would be able to pull it off and take it all WINNERS: MICK AND KEITH 🤩 (will be continued in a reblog since this got too long for tumblr)
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ausietigerqueen · 7 years ago
Voltron High School Musical AU (Shance)
Hear me out here
So I was thinking about this and oh boy do I like
So Shiro is Troy Bolton (bc ovbs) and he’s a jock, he’s the best the school has and the whole school adores him bc he’s just so cool
He’s the star of the school and everyone expects him to go on to great things with some kind of basketball scholarship, and his father the coach is right behind him, definitely wants him to go and make it big
Lance is Gabriella (Thornton?). He’s quiet, he’s shy, and he’s in another new school. Every school he enters they find out he’s ‘a genius’ and therefore they treat him differently. Most just are awkward around him or expect him to belittle them for their intellect. Those are the schools that no one bullies him. But he has been bullied. So he comes and he’s nervous. His mother tells him it’ll be fine. They’ll stay until he graduates and once he does he can choose a college and go on. He’s nervous and a little excited. He makes his way to class after he has all his stuff and he smiles at everyone and tries to figure out what to do and he stumbles upon Shiro
They both recognize each other from the party a few weeks before where they were forced on the same stage to sing. Lance sings beautifully and he just does it. Shiro has more trouble being slightly nervous especially since it was a song set for a man and a woman
But they push through and it’s almost like it’s where they meant to be.
But Shiro notices Lance in class and calls the number lance had given him.
It works. And Shiro almost shrieks in happiness.
Out of all the schools, Lance somehow made it to his.
Their phones get taken away and they are forced into detention but Lance and Shiro both stop outside the room to talk and they hit it off again, not really believing their luck.
They spend time together and they slowly start to gain feelings for each other. Lance had been cracking pick up lines since the beginning but they were mostly a tease until later.
Lotor is Sharpay and the reason for this, is bc he is totally sharpey, the hair, the clothes, the attitude - the 'I’m important and you know it’ thing. He’s very rarely kind, but he’s not a horrible person.
But Lotor isn’t mean, he’s a little stuck up, but he’s actually had a crush on Shiro for years and been trying to date him when Lance comes around and Lotor is a little star struck. He asks Lance out but Lance turns him down lightly, telling him he’s sorry but the mans just not his type. He does promise to help Lotor find someone else and also promises to talk to Lotor more.
Ezor plays Ryan, she’s supportive of her brother, almost everything Lotor does unless he goes a little too far and then she tries to midigate the damage. She likes Shiro and Lance a lot and definitely thinks their relationship is cute, but tries to mediate how much she approves bc of how it semi hurts Lotor.
Keith is Chad, because he’s very close to Shiro and they got into sports when Keith became Shiro’s adoptive brother - not that many know that - but he likes Lance and sees what a good fit for each other they are, but he also doesn’t want Shiro to give everything he’s worked for away for well a boyfriend. And honestly Lance sometimes gets on his nerves with his carefree attitude.
Hunk is Zeke, plays for the basketball team, but is absolutely into cooking. He spends most of his free time cooking and baking. He sneaks the treats he makes into people’s lockers as treats and does it constantly for the team. He immediately clicks with Lance and they become best buds. Lance helps him accept that cooking and baking isn’t girly. And that it’s amazing. And so Hunk always puts a bag aside for Lance to have and try of whatever he makes.
Allura is Taylor for sure and Lances best friend. They spend a lot of time together and Lance shows her beauty routines he’d learned from his older sisters. And he helps her do her hair in crazy styles every day. They spend a lot of their time talking theory and science which confuses others a lot
Pidge is obviously Kelsi and she is the composer, very talented and smart, she enjoys it and is passionate about it but she’s also into hacking into things and totally part of the science team with Allura. She enjoys having Lance around bc he helps release tension. He isn’t as tense as the others and just tries to help everyone relax at all times. He’s also super smart and a genius and understands when she goes into wild theories and actually gives her advice and ideas to help her think more.
• Shiro is getting slightly tired of being pushed into basketball and scholarships and all the pressure is getting to him. Until he meets a beautiful boy on vacation. They sing together, and it’s the most free and relaxed Shiro’s felt, in a long time.
• Lance is tired of being bullied. Is tired of being the weird genius kid. He just wants to have some friends, people to lean on like the family they had to leave because of his mother’s job. When he met Shiro he felt at home again. Singing with Shiro, was like singing with his cousins and mother, he was relaxed and he wasn’t weird. And he automatically clicked with Shiro.
• When they start spending time together they start smiling more. And their friends notice.
•Pidge and Allura both find out about Lance’s brains and they both try to get him to enter their scholastic decathlon team.
•When Lance decides to do the audition even though he’s considering the decathlon team, he isn’t thinking about anything but how much he wants to feel the way he had on vacation. And especially with Shiro.
•They get turned down by Coran - he wants to let them audition, but his sense of honor to the theater won’t let him. He leaves and when Pidge falls down Shiro and Lance rush to the stage and help her pick them up. Lance asks if she wrote the original of what Lotor and Ezor sang and she nods asking if they’d like to hear it.
• They’re awed and sing it and get the callback. Which pisses off Lotor. He doesn’t have much, but damn it, he has the musicals and he won’t stand for it.
•Keith is furious. He just doesn’t understand why, and he tries to 'reason’ with Shiro, he doesn’t want him brother throwing away his chance to greatness. His chance to succeed at something they’d worked for together for years.
•Shiro brushes him off. He doesn’t know why he wants to do it. He just knows it always makes him lighter after singing. He always feels happier after his times with Lance.
• When Hunk comes out to the rest of the team as the one who bakes all the treats. And other students come out with their 'secrets’ - Keith and Allura decide they need to make sure their friends keep their minds on what they think is most important. To save them from themselves.
•They set up the camera and wait for Shiro to say what they know they can get him to say. Allura meanwhile talks to Lance - trying to get him to realize that the smart people who have come from science and how stupid jocks are. Pidge is absent from this and any planning.
•When the video comes on, Lance tries not to believe the words slipping from Shiro’s mouth. He truly wishes he could erase them from his memory. But he can’t. Shiro said them. And he lets his insecurities slip in enough to make him believe it all. And it hurts. Allura leaves him to his thoughts, to think about the decathlon. Lance watches Keith and Hunk and Shiro all dancing in the courtyard. Happy and carefree as Lance sits there heartbroken and feeling led on. He decides there to accept it and fake that he doesn’t care either. If he does maybe it won’t hurt as much.
• Shiro is at a loss. He doesn’t know why Lance’s attitude suddenly changes. He can’t play anymore. Nothing works. He’s a mess and he doesn’t know how to fix any of it. Least of all a relationship with Lance when he won’t even talk to him. He tries to get him to talk to him, over and over. But Lance just won’t.
•It’s a couple days before Allura and Keith decide they went to far. They confront Lance and Shiro and tell them the truth of what happened. Lance denies that it’s their fault. Shiro was the only one deciding what he said. Not them.
•Allura went to Pidge and asked for advice and Pidge outright slaps her. “you are almost worse than Lotor. At least he’s only stuck up.” She leaves her and seeks out Lance. She grabs his hand and drags them to Shiro. She grabs his hand and drags them both to Shiro’s rooftop hideout and she sits them both down.
•"You’re both almost adults. Fucking act like it. I know you both adore each other. It’s easy to see everytime you look at each other. Your other friends are assholes who should have supported you, but now they do. But you seriously need to fix this. Otherwise you’ll both lose not only the audition, but basketball, or the decathlon.“
• They talk it out and Lance forgives Shiro. He accepts that in the same situation he’d probably tell them what they wanted to hear.
• Lotor hears them singing together again and is automatically worried. They sound wonderful and it scares him. He and Ezor blackmail Coran to putting the callback day on the same day as the big basketball game and the decathlon day.
•he’s happy with himself but also sad. He likes Lance, he just doesn’t know why he doesn’t like him back. He’s great right? So why doesn’t the pretty boy like him?! He’d try to sneak in small touches to Lance’s hand when they talk. Constantly trying to just be acknowledged by Lance.
•Ezor is sorry for Lotor. She can already tell that Lance and Shiro are meant to be. Even if it hurts Lotor. She can see how cute they are.
•Lotor on some level understands but his jealousy gets the better of him.
•Lance is horrified when Shiro shakes him head and says his idea. They go with it and on the big day they mess around and do little things for each other as they await the time. They win that step of the decathlon and start to make one of the burners go haywire. They all shuffle out as they say they have to clean it up and make it safe before anyone can come back. And they mess with the scoreboards in the gym, causing them to halt play. Shiro rushes to the theater. Almost all the students there following after. Thace stumbles after them wondering what the hell.
• They make it there and Pidge immediately comes back to play for them. Lotor is impressed at her devotion. He finds her adorable in a way he hasn't before.
• Lance sees this and as he promised to find someone for Lotor, he thinks he's found the perfect person, especially to help mellow him out. But he has to get to singing. He takes off his lab coat and throws it to the side as Pidge starts playing.
• Shiro freezes and can't sing after Lance. He immediately has Pidge stop and walks up to Shiro. He tells him just to look at him. Just like the vacation. It's just them on the stage.
• The music starts again and it works. Shiro sings and so does Lance. They dance around the stage more open and happy than their friends have ever seen them.
• Lotor smiles as Pidge jumps up while playing and dances with them. He accepts that they're good. And he's happy that they love the theater too. Ezor notices him smilin at Pidge as she cheers for Lance and Shiro. She makes a note to herself to talk to Lance and see if they can get them together.
• Keith and Allura are shocked at how talented their friends are. They cheer wit everyone else and are so proud. Hunk knew Lance could sing but he's so glad how happy Lance looks after all the bullying he'd been through.
• They finish and everyone applauds as they all zoom back to their things.
• Shiro's team wins - and so does Lance's. They all celebrate.
• Ezor asks Allura out and she says yes.
• Hunk asks Keith out - the boy agrees and then semi freezes. He seeks out Shiro a little freaked and unsure.
• Lance asks Ezor what she thinks about Lotor and Pidge and they start to concoct a plan to get them together.
Lance and Shiro stand together and smile as they kiss and everyone cheers.
Other characters
Iverson - Principal
Ulaz and Thace - Shiro's and Keith's parents
The mice - Allura pets
Kaltenecker - Lance's pet cow. They take her everywhere bc she was a present from his late father.
The lions - will prob come in as pet cats at some point
Shiro and Lance are totally Troy and Gabriella, and it's so cute ( I watched it last night to make sure that it was the same and they fit so well HOLYSHIT)
I just adore this now omg
//semi fixed
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