#outofspirits ;;
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compassion-incarnate · 7 months ago
[tapes mic] this thing on
jesus christ hi hello i don't think anyone still following me is currently active, but regardless - hi! i have not touched this blog in almost a decade but with veilguard coming out soon (and basically ON MY BIRTHDAY) and thanks to a mishap from tumblr, i got reminded of this blog and decided i'm gonna try and revive this thing. most of my pages have been edited already, though i will still be changing things around because tumblr is ""functional"" and likes to break things.
i last wrote on here when i was 15 (im 23 now. lol) and i don't have the strength to delete all of my cringe, so just like. disregard anything written prior to this post ig lmao. i have no idea how active the tumblr rp community still is, but if you wanna write with me, go ahead and read my rules/about!
that's all <3
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phantom-air-pirate · 2 years ago
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“R.I.P. to my youth, And you could call this the funeral”
Independent/Selective/Private Fandomless OC blog.
Follow back from @ycungmagick
DNI if: Racists/Homophobic/Ship canonical lesbians with men/Terf/Swerf/Under the age of 18/Proshipper/Anti-Anti/Panphobic/Acephobic/Arophobic
Art by: myself & @polaroidxcamera!!
Personals & Non RP blogs are free to reblog my art and aesthetic posts but do not interact with my RPs
promo template by: @noahsresources!!
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askspiritfukase · 6 years ago
//Updated Spirit’s known information page! Not a whole lot of additions were made, the most significant being Arusu’s info. 
Also I hit the bottom of my inbox for the first time since 2013 on my first voca ask blog (there’s 2 asks left but they both start events I’m not ready for yet) so feel free to send in some more!
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trickstcr-villagc-blog · 6 years ago
//Apologies for the overwhelming amount of rules here. I just want to make sure things are perfectly clear to everyone. Just so everyone is aware, No password is required to be sent in order to rp, but if you interact with me I will assume you have read the rules. Letting me know you’ve read them in any way is greatly appreciated.//
The mun is over 18. All Kitsune are 18+, but Tsukiko and Hikaru are already in a relationship.
I’m semi-selective, but I usually rp with just about anyone
I greatly encourage other types of relationships besides romantic ones. Throw any ship at me and they will (Usually) be accepted with open arms.
There is going to be Mpreg on this blog! Tsukiko is a dual gendered Kitsune, so if you don’t like that stuff then my blog isn’t for you. 
The only Kitsune currently open for relationships is Kotone until I decide to add more to the village
Apparently, some people still don’t understand what godmodding is, so this has to be in my rules to avoid drama. My characters are not super powerful, and they have limits on what they can and can’t do. If the character in question is supposed to be very powerful, whether defined by a canon series or just an OC then please talk to me via IM so we can work out a way to keep our characters in character.
Infomodding is also not allowed here. For those who are unfamiliar with this term, it’s when your character knows things about another that they shouldn’t know about. Anything on my muse pages that isn’t directly obvious or stated as know by others is merely for other muns to get a feel of my character. Feel free to IM me if you have any questions or are unsure.
I will always reblog memes from the source, and politely ask that all my followers do so as well. I don’t need reblog notifications of memes when I’m looking for thread responses. It just gets annoying and cluttered.
I don’t participate in reblog karma. Just don’t reblog memes from me. I am not a meme source.
Please trim your posts. Nothing makes me more annoyed then having to scroll down a massive untrimmed post to get to the content I want to see on my dash.
Anon hate is not tolerated here. It will either be deleted or if I find it funny, I’ll post it with joke responses.
Someone who is blocked will get three tries to make things better with me. I’m willing to compromise and forgive if the behavior stops. Any more than three and I will permanently block them. No exceptions.
I will never send anon hate and my blog is a hate free zone.
My IM is always open if you need to talk. I may not be able to respond quickly at times but know that I am listening.
OC’s, crossovers, and AUs are usually eagerly accepted. Just IM me to plot about it!
I am autistic, so please bear with me if I have trouble understanding what you are trying to tell me. I would never purposefully offend anyone, and if an incident arises I would prefer you talk to me privately about the issue than making a vent post about it.
I will delete or edit any post that triggers anyone or offends them. Just talk to me and I will either edit or delete the post without complaint.
I only have one serious trigger, and that is pictures of hypodermic needles. Talking about and using them in rps is fine, but pictures scare me.
Don’t be a dick. I play my muses how I want to play them. If you’re going to nitpick without giving constructive criticism then don’t follow me, please.
Discord and Skype will be given to mutuals only.
Bear with me when real life kicks my activity in the ass. I will get to things when I can. I will always understand when real life kicks in. All I ask is that you do the same for me.
Please do not reblog my threads, asks and posts if you are not involved in them. Personals need to ask to reblog ooc posts and may not reblog asks or threads. This includes asks I send with this blog to another user. I usually plan to make new threads with them. Anyone who jumps into a thread without consulting myself and the other mun will be asked to delete their reply.
All asks will be turned into new threads if you are interested in continuing the interaction. I will not continue threads on an ask.
I try very hard to tag triggers, but sometimes things slip through the cracks. Let me know if you need something specifically tagged for your mental health.
If I move an ask to a thread, I’m doing that because I want to someday continue it into a proper thread. My partners aren’t required to respond to every single one, but it’s there if they want to.
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videnox-archive · 7 years ago
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     A taste of power, what it would mean to  c o n q u e r  --           it feels like honey on his tongue. (cred.)
I wanted to make a small thing for @antimundi , as thanks for all of our RavNoct shenanigans. When we first began interacting I never imagined we would get so deeply into this ship. Which I know sounds silly, but it’s true, and I wouldn’t change a moment of it. I suck at writing thank-you things so I hope this is enough to convey how much I adore our ship, and how much I hope it continues for many years to come ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️        -- Ruby.
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ghcstlydoll-blog · 5 years ago
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((Hey whats up I got a new laptop and forgot my logins))
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cacophonyofsoulsa · 7 years ago
"...Is that crying coming from inside the tower?"
//the wailing heard in the hallowed tower is not from spiritomb, but from the 108 spirits that are latched onto her. these spirits are the people she massacred in solaceon town, and they are vengeful. they are attached to her soul and follow her around wherever she goes, whispering to her. some of the words are just repeated babbling, while others whisper their wishes of her death to her.
at first, she was a bit scared by this, though she’s gotten used to it and blocks it out for the most part. sometimes, she gets overwhelmed, though she tries to hide it especially if she’s around other people. 
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corinanis-blog · 8 years ago
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⊰ ♈ ⊱ I let my cousin dp my hair lel ⊰ ♈ ⊱
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deathshxnds-blog · 8 years ago
this blog might get updated into a Xayah and Rakan blog. 
and by might I mean most likely, oops. 
- Lamb mun
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tyranicalking · 6 years ago
    I found a song for all Heroic Spirits, Chosen One. And also if Servants were in their ‘true’ form not in classes the world would not be able to handle them at all.
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genkinopurikyua · 7 years ago
If you do decide to make a side blog for Precure icons, can you please make icons of Kurumi Erika/Cure Marine from Heartcatch Precure? I'm in the work progress of making a side blog for her.
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//I’d be happy to, anon!
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miko-kagome-higurashi · 8 years ago
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It’s been a while but I’m making a comeback! (again)
♡ Here’s a Kagome I drew for my blog! ♡ (click for better resolution)
please do not repost
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phantom-air-pirate · 2 years ago
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Tag dump: Other!
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askspiritfukase · 6 years ago
    //I haven’t updated Fukase’s about page since March of last year so I updated it a bit! For people who have trouble keeping up with blog updates and asks, I compiled some new information about Fukase from asks posted since March which you can check out at the bottom of its about page here! It’s always appreciated if you could glance through it before sending asks! (I italicized information that have already been talked about repeatedly for if you don’t wanna read all this info!!) 
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spiriitualism · 8 years ago
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I miss my old rp partners sometimes.
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videnox-archive · 8 years ago
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     After Niflheim’s invasion of Tenebrae, it was quickly decided among the council and Ravus that he would join its forces, with the end goal of attaining a position of high power so he would have some level of control over Tenebrae’s fate, even without his position as its Prince or King. Even despite his blindness (self-inflicted approximately two years after he joined), he was quick to prove himself and maintain his facade of loyalty to Niflheim, and was promoted through the ranks until he was given the position of High Commander.
Throughout these years, efforts have been made to cultivate a certain reputation for Ravus. Niflheim didn’t care who he was, but rather what they could make him into. A deposed Prince was useless to them, but an inhuman-seeming force of nature? That was of far more use, and so they worked to shape the public’s perception of Ravus into this very weapon.
Not long after the blindness was when Ravus began to hide his face, and Niflheim was ‘kind’ enough to provide one for him, and he took to wearing it whenever he wasn’t in his room. It was shortly after this that the hooded robes became just as common, for comfort as much as deception - in those robes, the shape of his body was so much harder to discern, and nobody would expect a hooded and masked man to be a threat. It soon became a daily habit ; Ravus would be masked and hooded at all times when not in his room. Over the course of ten years, nobody would recognise him if they saw him without the hood or masl by the time he was twenty-eight.
Another part of their plan was to carefully monitor all scheduled public appearances. Ravus wasn’t given scripts, but he was briefed beforehand on what to say and how to say it. MTs would be posted, the events would be recorded (at times edited, and rarely to paint him in a favourable light to the public), and he was only seen in public for three things - to give or listen to speeches, to attend formal functions, and when being sent out against Niflheim’s enemies.
Ravus was also taught to use his magic as a weapon. He despised using it against people, but it was something he knew had to be done if he was to maintain his lies of loyalty. This was another way of separating him from people - it would be a constant threat, the possibility of Niflheim sending their dreaded Sorcerer out to deal with rebels or foes, and he quickly earned a reputation of mercilessness.
Nothing about Ravus’s identity was ever made public. If anyone suspected Niflheim’s Sorcerer of also once being Tenebrae’s Prince, steps were taken to ensure such suspicions were never voiced. If anyone was ever curious about who he was, they knew better than to try and learn more. Tenebrae was cut off from the other nations, so anyone in Tenebrae was generally unable to speak up about the fact that Niflheim’s newest ‘weapon’ was using magic from their stolen Crystal.
Over the years, Ravus’s isolation became self-inflicted as much as subtly encouraged by other Niflheim personnel. Nobody had any wish to be near him, either out of fear or anger, and he quickly learned that there would be no warmth there. He was assigned guards, but they would always keep their distance and Ravus made no protests about this treatment. He was more than happy to make no attempts at friendship, when the guards were so obviously against it - though, the guards knew not to be overly cruel, after one attempted to harm Ravus and was burned across the face and chest with his magic.
It was also during these years that Ravus taught himself to avoid all physical contact. He would keep a deliberate distance from people, and was visibly uncomfortable with any form of touch. He gave no thought to how this would make others perceive him, the fact that he was always deliberate in placing space between himself and other people.
As time passed, it became easy for people to view Ravus as nothing more than something Other, just another weapon created by Niflheim and made for war. Ravus hated every moment of it, but he had learned to play his part. No protests were voiced. All orders were completed swiftly. Deaths were ruthless. He learned not to be gentle, to never flinch or hesitate, and failure was to be feared and avoided at all costs.
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