vicsmusehub · 4 years
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[So I was playing around with a doll maker...]
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empress-lilith · 5 years
So. Sandra Foresten/Sandra Korneykova. How long has it been since the last time you made a baseless slander post? And against the same person who you’re never going to stop bearing a grudge against? Too long for your taste I’m guessing. But you listen here! Calling @magus-imperator and his friends cancer tumors is beyond messed up especially when you need to take into account that not only is doing that highly offensive and insulting to anyone who may have loved ones who could have passed away from cancer, but also take into account that Magus and his friends aren’t the ones going around harassing people and suicide baiting and whatnot. Has it never occurred to you and Plague that maybe, just maybe, you both should have minded your business and left them alone? If you in particular hadn’t kept picking fights with Magus and intentionally pissing him off and stressing him out when you know for a fact he never wanted to take part in any of that, then none of this mess would have ever happened. You’re the one to blame for all of this. Not Magus, and not any of his friends. Heck, not even Plague at first! YOU.
And listen sugar, nobody is obligated to remain as a follower or friend of yours when you shit talk about their other friends and constantly instigate them and if you seriously think that your actions against @magus-imperator were in any way justified then you truly are a horrible person and you need to grow up. If I was ever in his situation, guess what? I would have chewed you out and blocked you too! Honestly I think the only reason you got mad at Magus in the first place is because of the fact that he blocked you after telling you off. What did you expect to happen? That he was going to forgive you and let you keep treating him so horribly? Think about it. I mean it, seriously reflect on it and think about it. His actions were justified and the fact that you think you’re any better than him is completely wrong. As for that part about you saying to him that he wasn’t acting right for taking up for Fyregem because you were being nosy and talking bad about her over a damn Ask and the way she had answered it is completely baffling! You never explained to him how or why that wasn’t right and we all know why you didn’t: it’s because you know for a fact that he wasn’t in the wrong and you were just trying to make him feel bad for doing the right thing because he would rather not kiss up to you unlike certain blind, mindless sheep on here. You got angry with him because for the very first time in your life, somebody disagreed with you. Someone told you that YOU were wrong because guess what? You were wrong. For the first time, someone told you no. No is something you’re not familiar with. Not only that, but it was told to you by someone who writes as one of your favorite canon characters ---- a character who you have strong feelings for since you ship one of your OCs with him. So of course you’d feel twice as jaded and twice as angry and hurt. Which is never an excuse for the way you treated @magus-imperator!
Something tells me you’re one of those people who expects everyone to agree with you and always give you what you want. It’s pretty obvious that you are since you always present yourself in such an entitled way. That being said, it’s no surprise that you chose to continue to piss Magus off and expected him to give in to you. And you didn’t stop there! You not only kept overstepping his boundaries and antagonizing him, but you dragged everyone into it although nobody wanted any part in it, including a pregnant girl who shouldn’t have to deal with any stress at all! What is wrong with you?! You want to talk about bad people in the community yet you refuse to sit back and reflect on all of the actions that you did that were ultimately far more horrendous and toxic than anything @magus-imperator has ever done to you. And honestly I don’t care if you still think you weren’t wrong because literally everyone who isn’t your friend strongly disagrees with you, including people who aren’t in the TERA fandom! If that doesn’t open your eyes then nothing will. But you need to leave him and his friends alone. They never did anything wrong. Absolutely none of them did any wrong and I will always support them til my dying breath!
You and Plague are the ones acting like schoolchildren and screaming about how evil and wrong Magus is and how wrong his friends are for supporting him but you two are some of the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever seen and you need to stop. Both of you. Your morals are beyond questionable so for the love of God please go outside to get some fresh air and rethink the entirety of your moral compass and humanity (or to be more precise, your lack thereof) for once instead of harassing and arguing with people over the Internet over the smallest things! It’s not the end of the world when someone places boundaries, tells you to stop, and then calls you out and blocks you for it when you choose to keep harassing them and the sooner you and Plague both learn this, the better off you two will be.
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thxscarletwoman · 7 years
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So I put a ring-pop on a Deadpool cosplayer yesterday and they LOST THEIR SHIT! He was just so damn HAPPY! He couldn’t believe someone went out of their way to ‘put a ring-pop on it’.
FYI I was Scarlet Witch when I did it...and I may have put some ring-pops on a few spiders as well. Long story short, Wanda now has a harem of Spiders and a Deadpool.
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amarexestxanimas · 6 years
Ennegram Test
Type 4: The Individualist (or Romantic)
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Ego Fixation: Melancholy Holy Idea: Origin Basic Fear: They have no identity or personal significance Motivations: To find themselves and their significance Virtue To Learn: Equanimity (Emotional Balance)
The Holy Idea of “Origin” is to do with the understanding that everything derives from our Soul, or source of consciousness. The distortion here occurs when our personality or ego is searching outside of itself for an “Origin” and in doing so, romanticizes a quest for the “holy grail” that never quite seems to be attainable.
The Individualist is usually a self-aware, sensitive, and reserved person. They are emotionally honest, creative, and personal, but can also be moody and self-conscious. The Individualist has a tendency to withdraw from others due to feeling vulnerable and defective, and often feels disdain for ordinary ways of living. This type of person typically has problems with melancholy, self-indulgence, and self-pity.
The main obstacle for The Individualist is that they believe themselves to be “special” as a result of their longing for the origin of everything, or their perpetual search for that which will finally complete them (think of the stereotypical poet).
This defense mechanism of feeling “more special than others” can often be rooted in feelings of abandonment in early years (either physical or emotional) resulting in doubts of self-worth. In later years this results in the desire to compensate for these feelings of inadequacy by becoming important in some way.
Tagged by from: @firejugglinghobo Tagging: @whosxafraid, @romanxff, @skinnybrooklynxpunk, @clxsh-ofthx-titxns, @giveninservice
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tenebrishexis · 7 years
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birdsofahexer-blog · 8 years
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test test test
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I know I have hardly been on but if you haven’t guessed it, this blog is now dead. It will remain around in case I have the muse to bring her back. However, I feel there is enough and plenty of more active Wanda’s out there to roleplay with and to be honest, my muse for Wanda has just completely been sapped dry. I will be making another indie (most likely June Moone/Enchantress) and I will post the link here if I decide to go through with it or not. However, this isn’t to say I will never come back to this blog. Just right now, I won’t. To all those I roleplayed with and had amazing plots with and those that follow me, I say thank you for your time, effort and support.
My skype is str8upb1tch if you need me and I am more than happy to talk to anyone who wishes to. So this is goodbye for now and I wish everyone the best!
- Patch
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vicsmusehub · 5 years
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OOC Tag Dump!
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empress-lilith · 5 years
You have no idea how correct you are when you said that SFK is someone who expects everyone to agree with her! I'm not sure if you saw it but her reaction being legit surprised at the good number of people who reblogged that one post of hers telling her off and correcting her is priceless! Seriously, she edited it revealing that side of her because she legit thought nobody supports Auron and the rest of the fam! lol.
Yeah I saw that! It gave me a good laugh! She has no right getting surprised and telling people to not reblog her post since for one thing, no one likes bullies. Period. And the other thing is, she can’t expect people to not reblog it because she has no authority over anyone and people can do whatever they damn well please! This is a public media platform after all and if she didn’t want people reblogging her posts then she have made a private sideblog and posted it there. Moreover, Tumblr is the last site you’d ever want to behave in the way she has because you’ll be torn apart for doing so. This site may be annoying at times but a good chunk of it consists of survivors, and survivors look out for each other and never condone immoral and violent behavior by any means! It’s one of the things that Tumblr is notorious for! Tumblr is nothing like VK and she needs to understand this.
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thxscarletwoman · 7 years
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Belated mun-day...
...I am Scarlet Witch
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birdsofahexer-blog · 8 years
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     starter call!
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reddustwander · 9 years
I’m probably going to delete a bunch of my misc blogs.
I dunno it gets hard to break into some Rp groups these days.
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// Working two jobs is a nightmare and I don’t want to go to work tomorrow but so glad all my shifts are only 4 hours thank god.
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empress-lilith · 5 years
So what I’ve gathered so far is that a certain bad apple in this fandom is still high on her bullshit and refusing to stop harassing @magus-imperator and his fam (girllllll you seriously need to get a better hobby. Geez! Leave them alone!), we have another Dakuryon rper who from what I’ve seen so far is so gosh darn cute that I wanna hug him so hard that his head pops off (oops that came out violent sorry) and him along with another cutie (talking about you, @emperordakuryon  and @the-queen-bitch! Ily two so much) are headcanoning my muse and @goddessfyregem‘s lovely OC as Northern Arun’s official pop idols with Dakuryon as their music producer and DJ and I don’t know how to feel about all of this except happy for the fun and cute things while being tired and exasperated over Plague’s bullshit. Not that I’m surprised that she refuses to shut up even though it’s been nearly a whole year since all that stuff went down since drama queens are always like that.
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