fademirrored · 1 year
whoops, didn't mean to disappear as soon as I first appeared. I moved recently and thus had to replace my entire stable of doctors with a whole new stable of doctors, and all of them decided they wanted to meet me in the same month. it was A Lot.
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iokanchieftess-blog · 7 years
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((Hey there, Hero here with a new muse again. lol. Kindly like/reblog this post if you would be interested in roleplaying with an Ayla from Chrono Trigger. ^^))
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eternitysangel · 11 years
OutofChronology - Two things
The first is that I recently made an account on HexRPG and I was wondering if anyone else had an account.  It's a Hogwarts Roleplay site.
The second is that I have a Hogwarts AU open starter if anyone is interested.
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fademirrored · 1 year
i made an interest tracker??
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fademirrored · 1 year
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It's time to spread positivity!
eyyyyyyy //fingerguns// right back atcha
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fademirrored · 1 year
in general
Hi, I'm Elsa. I'm 30. I've been RPing on tumblr sporadically since 2012, and I am Too Tired (TM) to make this look pretty anymore.
No godmoding, no power playing, blah blah blah. All that basic stuff.
I have a life. I have a job--sometimes several. I am going to be slow. That is not a possibility, it is a GUARANTEE. Sometimes unbearably slow, even! I’m not going to apologize about it.
I don’t stick to one specific style. I could post three sentences. I could post a couple paragraphs. I could post twelve paragraphs. Posts aren’t formatted, other than my ask banner.
I'll attempt to remember to tag common triggers. If I forget, feel free to give me a poke. Personally, I have no triggers anyone needs to worry about.
This blog is multi-ship. Some of the characters are polyamorous, and as such may be in more than one relationship in a single 'verse. Some of the characters are monogamous, and I don't plan on making them cheaters. Regardless, everything will be discussed behind the scenes.
Not exclusive.
I will auto-ship with a given muse's canon love interest, but beyond that, no auto-shipping.
Theoretically open to NSFW, but it's not a priority. I am incredibly asexual, and while I have no issues with sex on a conceptual level, the smut doesn't actually, like, do anything for me.
Please respect a character's stated sexuality.
out of character
If I follow you, it's safe to assume I've read your rules.
If we've played together a bit or just, like, chatted, I'll probably be fine with giving you my Discord, just not, like ... immediately.
I have played the games. I have not read any of the comics or books. I have not seen basically any of the supplemental material. I have general knowledge of a lot of it courtesy of wiki pages, but that's about it.
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iokanchieftess-blog · 7 years
A headcanon I have is that during their adventures, Marle and Lucca introduced Ayla to many traditionally 'girly' things that, considering how she acts, you wouldn't think she'd like, like facials, make-up, manicures and pedicures, but she actually really likes them. Also during the downtime she would stay in shape by bench pressing Robo.
What is the cutest headcanon you have for my muse?
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||Headcanon Accepted!||
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iokanchieftess-blog · 7 years
Just out of curiousity, do you have any other blogs? I just know someone else I follow uses Bartz as a Mun FC and your tagging style seems really familiar.
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((Yes anon, i have three other semi-active blogs atm. Minwu (whitesorceroroffynn), Angelo (templxrcasxnova), and Tifa (curvispugnator).))
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iokanchieftess-blog · 7 years
❥ ❥ ❥
Send ❥ ❥ ❥ if you're enjoying the portrayal of my muse.
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((Ah, thank you. This muse is still pretty new for me, but I’m glad to hear I’m doing a good job so far. ^^;))
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iokanchieftess-blog · 7 years
Examine! 1 Steak
Send “Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them.
Steak. A type of red meat, the most common form of which comes from cows. The term has also been applied to the meat obtained from certain primeval or fantastical creatures.
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eternitysangel · 11 years
OutofChronology - Minor Change
I made a minor change to Serah's blog that people might find amusing.  There is a little Snow kitty in the corner.  It works just like Xkit's kitty.  But you have to click her first.  Hope you all enjoy the little bit of ADD on Serah's blog.  She came from http://webneko.net/ .
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