eternitysangel · 11 years
I'm sorry, I must have missed that.  Also I didn't even realize I might not have been able to participate anyway.  I was away from tumblr all weekend.
So, all.  The event is off, because I have a severe lack of participation from the group.  There will likely be a small event over Halloween weekend.  I hope more of you will take part and do activities that make Eternal Academia what it is.
I’m sorry to those who wanted to participate, but I am not using much of my time and effort just to have a small turnout.
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eternitysangel · 11 years
the only reason I haven't joined yet is cause I haven't decided who to use
So, all.  The event is off, because I have a severe lack of participation from the group.  There will likely be a small event over Halloween weekend.  I hope more of you will take part and do activities that make Eternal Academia what it is.
I’m sorry to those who wanted to participate, but I am not using much of my time and effort just to have a small turnout.
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eternitysangel · 11 years
Current Rank: Rank 1 Status: Traded Last One for In Paradisum Hello. Zig Kraft, nice to meet you….
((Normally, I don’t do this… But I cannot sit back and see one of my first RPers and dear friend suffer… She has been feeling neglect, and has been contemplating suicide. I am trying to get a hold of her right now, but I can’t seem to reach to her. Please… At the very least, send her love… It is all I can ask.))
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eternitysangel · 11 years
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there are guys in my dorm who decided to play cards in the elevator
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eternitysangel · 11 years
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Hi guys! I’d like to take a break from my regular funny posts to tell you about one of my best friends Lauren. Shes beautiful, kind, sweet, and absolutely wonderful. The thing is, she has a disease called diastematomyelia, a defect where the spinal cord divides into 2 cords. 
The doctors predicted that she was never going to walk again. She had to go through 3 neurosurgeries.  Even though the doctors predicted she’d never walk, she is walking! Now, you might be thinking “Well, your friend is a-ok! Whats this post about then?”  The thing is, Lauren wants to go to college. She wants to become a neurosurgeon herself and help other people. The problem is her mom is extremely tight on money. Her parents are divorced and her mother has to raise not only her, but her brother as well. Because of Lauren’s recent surgeries its even harder for her mother to juggle not only the cost of hospital bills but Lauren’s college tuition. Her father is an alcoholic who doesnt pay child support. 
What can you do to help? Its easier than you think! She isnt asking for ANY donations. All you have to do is click a “vote” button. Dr.Pepper is holding a tuition giveaway. Theyre willing to pay up to $100,000 dollars in college tuition to the person who gets the most votes in this competition. 
Please, CLICK HERE and vote for Lauren in this competition. It only takes a few seconds. If you cant do that, please signal boost this! Lauren is such an amazing person and it would bring me so much joy to see her be able to go to college so she can help out others in the future. Shes gone through SO much in her life, and just one second could make a huge difference.  Thank you so much for reading this. 
(Lauren’s blog) (My blog)  (Dr.Pepper website)
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eternitysangel · 11 years
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"NO MORE" from the SVU Squad (These pictures are not mine. Creds to NOMORE.ORG )
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eternitysangel · 11 years
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eternitysangel · 11 years
Serah was nervous. She had been since the couple announced the wedding. No scratch that, she had been nervous since she met them. But it was no matter. The day had approached and she would be a member of its procession. Quietly the young woman found her way to Riku's side.
"I just wanted to say thank you..."
Instructions: This thread will be a bit of a free-for-all until the bride is ready to enter. In which case for t he ceremony part it will only be Gaia, Riku, and the officiator. Then the reception will continue as a free-for-all. Please write in BOLD the url of the person you are addressing to...
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eternitysangel · 11 years
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I am giving away a blue 3DS along with some other special things! Here’s how it will work: It ends August the 14th and you guys can reblog and like how ever much you want, just don’t spam your followers.
Rules: ~American people please! (I’m sorry it’s that fee is so high) ~Don’t have to follow me, but it would be nice! ~you can enter as many times as you like! ~you have to be okay with giving me your address ~depending on the cost I can TRY to see if I can ship to Mexico and Canada ~No giveaway blogs ~Have fun!!!
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eternitysangel · 11 years
We are all connected We are all collected here Now change the world!
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7K notes · View notes
eternitysangel · 11 years
When she had found Hope in that hospital room in his bruised and broken state, Serah had been nearly beside herself.  She was very scared.  Scared that he might not make it.  Scared that he could be so badly injured he might not be able to do the things he loved.  So she kinda kept her distance for a little while.  But after two weeks had passed she decided to return to see him again.
This time the nurses didn't question her.  They knew exactly who the pink haired girl was, and who she had come to see.  So one kind nurse led her to Hope's room.  As she entered the first thing she saw was Hope's smile.  And that was certainly a good thing.
"Hello Hope.  Are you feeling any better?"  Perhaps it wasn't the best of openings.  But it was the best she had for the moment.
Two weeks had passed since Hope had found himself in this new- at least to him- version of Academia. Two weeks, still hospital bound, and confined to his bed so as not to stress himself. Heavy lidded teal eyes dipped low as a sigh escaped his lips. Given his position he was well cared for, new mattress, soft sheets, a mountain of pillows, decent food and enough medication to leave him sedate and calm. But what he lacked was nothing the doctors could give him- companionship.
For someone who at work tried his hardest to avoid the stresses and anxiety that came with dealing with others- he was strangely alone here. He had visitors, Lightning had been by a few times, same with Noel, and his newly found brother and his budding family. But they all had lives that eventually caused them to leave the hospital for the outside world.
‘Helicopter Nurse’ as he had taken to calling her behind her back, finally was leaving after an exhaustive checklist of vitals to monitor. He wanted company- but not her, even though he knew she was only looking after his well being and making sure he was stable for the surgery he was slated for at the end of this week. The first in a string of surgeries to repair the collapsed vertebrae of his lower spine. His pain was about to get worse before it got better.
"All right dear. I’m all set here. There’s a nice young lady out there waiting to see you," she said patting his blanket covered knee.
He lifted his head up off his pillows slightly, straining to see who this visitor was as the nurse departed. His heart leapt a little at the sight of pink hair and a girlish frame. Cracked lips curled into a smile.
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eternitysangel · 11 years
When Fang had called Serah and told her that Lightning was going to have her child soon, the young woman had sprung into action.  She was at the hospital as soon as she could make it there.  Softly she knocked at the door and jumped a step or two back at the tone in her sister's voice.  But still she went in the room and found her way to her sister's side.
"Light...  It's just me."  She said softly.  "Fang told me you were in labor.  I just wanted to be here for you."
Family joins the party!
The very moment that she had started feeling small contractions, Fang had been sweeping her away to the hospital in Academia, where They had been brought into a room and told that she was only in the early stages of labor- that she likely still had a while left to go, but that incase things did end up happening quickly that since she was here- it was likely best that she stayed- Light didn’t know exactly what she had been expecting would happen -but one of the things that she hadn’t, was how long labor ended up lasting.   The apparent early stages of her labor had lasted nearly 8 hours- that meant 8 hours of sitting in the hospital, with a worried Fang, whom she had to stop from calling everyone  at that point. she didn”t really feel like they needed to be there at that point- and didn’t want to interrupt their day.
however, the moment that the contractions had gotten more frequent and were suddenly painful she had kind of stopped caring about what anyone did.  the doctor had come to see her once more and confirmed that she was indeed in active labor at this point although not yet completely dilated. They had offered her something for a pain- but worried that any normal dose wouldn’t have worked, she refused- figuring that it wasn’t really worth it to find out.  So when it was nearly 5 hours later, she was irritated, uncomfortable and in pain.  there was a knock on the door to her room- Fang likely wouldn’t have knocked coming back from getting something to eat- "what?" she barked out grimacing as another contraction hit.   
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eternitysangel · 11 years
"Boyue?  Well, it is nice to meet you as well.  We should board..."  She said softly as she got on the train.  They ended up in the same compartment and chatted on and off all the way to the school.  Serah had startled a little at the size of the gamekeeper.  He was ginormous.  And then there was the castle.  It could only be called as such.  With it's towers and grand doors and things.
Then they were inside.  It was just as big, if not bigger on the inside.  Not to mention it had the air and feel of magic flowing through it, even just in the main entrance.  Serah couldn't help it.  She was staring open mouthed at everything.
Journey To Another Time (Hogwarts AU) (open)
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eternitysangel · 11 years
Tsukinowa, such in interesting name!  But it was kind of a mouthful.  "Lapin it is then."  She replied with a laugh.  She liked the name.  It was quite cute...
eternitysangel started following you
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eternitysangel · 11 years
"I was offered a home with Gaia and Riku.  But if you would like me to stay with you...  I wouldn't mind in the least."  Serah was pleased that her sister had offered her a place in her home.  It was the last thing she had expected.  
eternitysangel has followed you-
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eternitysangel · 11 years
"Thank you Gaia.  It will be nice to be able to have a place to stay.... In the meantime I'll look for a nice place.  It can't be that hard."  Serah sounded genuinely pleased with the offer that had been given to her.  It was so kind of the other woman to offer her a home.  Her being a stranger and all...  Yet it felt like she had known Gaia forever.  Perhaps it was simply fated for her to end up in this timeline.
Angel Out of Time: Visions of Eternity’s Angel
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eternitysangel · 11 years
"...My name is Serah."  Serah asked sounding very much confused.  "Now what do you mean?  What is this consensus you speak of?"
Far too many Subjects...
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"…. All Subjects Unknown… Your labels will be required for the Consensus."
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