assumedasperity · 2 years
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//If you haven’t guessed - kinda on a hiatus. RL has gotten very stressful after some serious layoffs, art business is mildly demanding and family stuff. Just know I’ve got my app on, so please feel free to shoot msgs and such.
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Hiatus Update
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((I hate to say this but...I'll have to throw Toadie into a full hiatus status.  He's refusing to cooperate with ANYTHING RP related.
THIS DOESN'T MEAN HE'S GONE FOREVER, MIND YOU.  The blog will just be...inactive.  Thus, all threads with the squeaky fungus will be ONHOLD.
One day, he'll rear his head again and get angry over something dumb.  For now, I'll be hanging out on the space spaghetti blog.  Love you all.  <3))
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notafossil · 10 years
[so my activity page is playing up and tumblr still isn't letting me go on people's pages so I'm gonna have to set up a new account on chrome and get all my extensions and stuff done then I'll get to replies]
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//Welp. Sick. Dumb. So Ima eat soup and go to bed. Sorry loves. Replies will have to wait.
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//Doing drafts. Hit up the ask with crack, or memes, or whatever!!! Kara wants to play :D
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Working on drafts. But there’s crack on my dash...Throw stuff in my inbox :D Kara’s feeling chatty!
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((*trips and falls back into blog*
Hey guys.  I haven't abandoned this guy, don't you worry.  Sadly, my muse for him hasn't returned completely.  But!  I'll still be getting used to a few things on my totally rad ToeJam blog.
I'm such 90s trash.  You have no idea.))
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((As of right now, Toadie's on a semi-hiatus.  That is, if I get the inspiration to RP, I'll do the thing.  But for right now, I caaaaan't.))
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((Currently, I'm trying to decide if I should add a bit of ToeJam's personality from the third game that apparently exists.  I'm watching a few cutscenes and he's quite...ehhhh.  I'll just keep him as 90s as possible.
Also his redesign scares me.))
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((I may have started to develop a muse for a certain funkadelic alien from a video game in the early 90s for the Sega Genesis.  Can you guess who it is?
For now, I'm trying to think of a url, blog theme, and how to go about icons.  I'll probably have to draw my own.  Luckily he has a really simple design.))
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((Sorry I haven't been doing much lately!  I've been trying to keep to myself after noticing how irritable I've been lately.  Still not sure what's going on with me...Like for the past few days, one word about Smash and I would go from excited (with legs showing) to teen hankgst.
BUT I'll try to get to replies soon.))
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((In other news, that "You're not groovy.  You're a nerd." post is getting notes again.))
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((Wow, I just realized that I'm complaining a lot about Smash IC.  HA HA ha ha...sorry.))
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