#outerbanks chapter
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probably-writing-x · 2 years ago
Armour - Chapter Two
Rafe!AU x Reader
Summary: Having your heart broken was one thing. But Rafe watching somebody break your heart? That was something nobody could prepare for.
Warnings: Cursing, mentions/hints of a toxic relationship
Word Count: 3K
Author’s Note: I LOVE writing this series and this whole concept, I feel like I could carry it on forever - once again, this chapter was inspired by this gif so I feel like this might be an ongoing theme for this series <3 Thank you for the love y’all.
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After that night, you hadn’t thought of James. You and Rafe had returned home and, when Sarah asked how your night was, you’d told her you’d slept better than you had done in days. She’d probably tell you that you were crazy for going round to the house, and tell Rafe he was stupid for getting himself involved. She’d tell him this was too much like the old Rafe, the one that craved the power and the fights, and that he wasn’t like that anymore. But you knew that little spark in Rafe would always stay - for the few people that he cared enough about to make sure that nothing bad happened to them. And you’d seen that last night, the way he’d spoken about you; someone fighting your corner.
“Good morning,” Rafe groans as he walks through to the kitchen, dragging a hand over his face.
He’s wearing a pair of joggers that hang low on his hips, accentuating the V-lines around the bottom of his abs, his torso visible for the few seconds as he struggles to pull a hoodie over his head.
“Is it even still morning?” Sarah laughs, pouring out another cup of coffee and handing it over to him.
“I had a busy day yesterday,” He rolls his eyes, “You know, travelling and all that.”
He sits down at the kitchen island beside you and offers you a small smile just before his lips touch the coffee mug, his eyes warm in the steam coming from the cup.
“Did you get up in the night, Rafe?” Sarah asks, settling a hand over her growing bump and leaning back against the kitchen counter.
He frowns over his coffee and shakes his head, “Nope, slept like a baby.”
“That’s weird,” Sarah frowns too, “I could’ve sworn I heard the door open.”
“Probably just baby brain,” He clears his throat, “I’m going to hop in the shower.”
Sarah watches with a suspicious squint in her eyes as he disappears, “I swear he gets weirder every time I see him.”
You laugh and look down as you feel a smile spread onto your face, you’d have to thank him later for last night.
Sarah comes over and takes the seat that Rafe had been sat in, shifting herself so that she’s facing you, “So, I need you to be honest with me, how are you feeling?”
You turn so that you’re facing her too and Sarah stretches out her hands for you to take, both of you squeezing into the contact, “I’m okay, so much better than I was. It’s just weird, you know? For nine years he was the person I told everything to. Even when we weren’t living together or anything, I’d wake up and send him a text or call him before I went to sleep. I keep getting this weird instinct to just reach for my phone because I feel like I haven’t heard from him and then I realise that… I don’t know, I won’t.”
She nods reassuringly but doesn’t say anything else, letting you continue.
“I just want to know why,” You laugh a little, “Not in a weird ‘what’s wrong with me’ kind of way. But just… it was nine years of my life, you know?”
“Okay, I maybe shouldn’t be suggesting this because I think, as the best friend, I’m meant to tell you to stay far away from him, but maybe it would do you some good to meet up with James and talk it all through. Do you think?”
After last night? You weren’t sure he’d ever want to see you again, especially if he thought Rafe would be with you again.
“Yeah, maybe, we’ll have to talk about everything at some point, I guess I-“
You’re cut off as your phone pings on the counter and a message notification comes up from James again.
I think we need to talk after yesterday. I’ll pick you up and we can go for coffee if you’re free?
Sarah eyes the message too, “After yesterday?”
“Right, yeah, with the box and stuff, I thought that was his final straw or something,” You look down so that she can’t realise that you’re lying, “Um, I better go and get ready, tell him that I’ll be free.”
You squeeze Sarah’s hand as you leave, hurrying up the stairs as if running from the conversation. She probably wouldn’t be too mad if you told her about last night, but she’d almost definitely tell you that it was a bad idea, that Rafe is a bad influence even all these years later. It was the same way you didn’t tell her about the night at the beach with Rafe, or the countless other nights like that - she’d tell you Rafe was her brother but it wasn’t a good idea. And you weren’t exactly ready to hear that.
You go into the bedroom that had become your own and close the door behind you, just as there is the sound of the ensuite door opening. Rafe steps out, a towel wrapped around his waist, beads of water dripping around his shoulders, dipping down from his soaked hair.
“Oh shit sorry I-“ Rafe comes to a halt, glancing up from his phone in his hand, “The shower in the other bathroom is terrible so I just… I thought you were downstairs so I-“
“Rafe, it’s fine,” You laugh, “Not anything I haven’t seen before.”
He fakes a gasp, “You’ll embarrass me, (Y/L/N).”
You roll your eyes, “I don’t think anything embarrasses you, Cameron.”
He chuckles and drags a hand through his wet hair, “So, I was thinking we should get out of the house today. I miss the beach when I’m in New York, one of the few things to miss about this place.”
“I actually,” You clear your throat, “I have something to do today.”
Rafe frowns for a second, “Ooh, mysterious,” He stretches out a hand and pokes at your side, “What are you doing?”
“I just,” You shake your head, “I have a meeting, you know, to sort out the house and stuff.”
“Oh, okay, cool,” He nods, “Well, be back by sunset and we can go for a swim. Sound good?”
“Sounds good,” You return, “Now please go and get some clothes on.”
“Keep it in your pants, (Y/N), you know you love me,” He wiggles his brows, exaggeratively swaying his hips as he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Your eyes settle over the room, landing on the box still sat beside your bed. The rest of it was closed away now, but the shot glass and now your toy giraffe, sat on your nightstand. You smile a little at the sight, thinking only to yourself. It felt like a couple of brightened moments in a week you were sure wasn’t going to get any sense of light. Today would likely be another darkness, but you’d be coming home to another bright place.
Within the hour, you’re showered, changed and ready to leave, sat on the edge of your bed waiting for James to text. Twelve minutes after he’d said he’d be there, he texts to say he’s outside. You grab your jacket and hurry down the stairs, glancing back to see Rafe and John B stood outside in the garden. John B is pointing something out and he’s holding a plank of wood in one hand as if he’s preparing to build something. Rafe nods along and seemingly agrees, laughing at something John B says that seems to brighten up his eyes. Your heart sinks a little at the guilt that comes with the view, knowing he would hate to think of where you were going right now. But you open the front door and close it quickly behind you, hurrying down to the car waiting with the engine still running.
You open the door and climb in quietly, feeling oddly far when you don’t have to lean over to kiss him in greeting.
“Hey,” You breathe out when he doesn’t make any move to say it first.
“Hi,” James glances at you, “Where do you want to go?”
“Are there really many options?” You frown, settling your hands into your lap and picking at the skin beside your thumb to give you something to focus on.
James chuckles a little and moves to reverse out of the driveway, “Fair point, let’s go.”
He drives you the short distance across the island to the one coffee shop that anyone actually used here. It’s near enough empty as you step through, thanking James for holding the door open for you. You order your regular and he orders his, sitting at a table in the far corner as if sheltering yourself from the world.
“So, I would ask how you’ve been but that feels weird when I saw you yesterday,” James comments, dragging his finger around the rim of the coffee cup on the table, “But how have you been?”
You swallow down a sip of your drink, too hot so it scratches your throat as it goes, “I’m okay, and I’m sorry about last night.”
He shakes his head, “Look, it’s your house too (Y/N), at least until we sort everything out. I just don’t know why you didn’t text me. And why you thought you should just show up in the middle of the night with Rafe?”
You nod as if you’re being told off, “No, I know. It was stupid. It was late and we were just planning on getting in and leaving, I didn’t plan on you seeing him, and I especially didn’t want the two of you to argue, you know that.”
He’s silent in his agreement, pausing for enough time for it to settle before he says, “So why is he here?”
“He’s back from New York for a few days, just coming to see Sarah,” You explain, taking another sip of your drink and wincing as it burns at your tongue.
“Perfect timing,” James raises his brows momentarily as if being sarcastic, “I’m sure he was happy to see you.”
“Wha-“ You pause, reconsidering the idea of starting up an argument that he’s already ignited, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Come on, (Y/N),” James rolls his eyes, “I know the way he used to be with you.”
“We’re friends, we’ve always been friends.”
Perhaps that wasn’t so true, just maybe. Before you and James got together, you’d been so sure that you and Rafe would be inevitable. There was the night you kissed at the party, there was the night on the beach with far too much alcohol, there were countless days and countless nights. Just as you were losing hope of him ever reciprocating your feelings, you’d seen him kiss a girl at another party, and you’d used that as confirmation enough. Two weeks later, you’d gone on your first date with James. Nine years later, you’d still never told Rafe how you’d felt before that - especially since the two of you had started living such different lives.
“I knew how he felt about you, it was obvious. God, the first time I met those guys he acted like I was the worst person he’d ever met,” James scoffs, “I thought he was going to rip my head off when I said we’d be moving away for college. He could’ve done the same last night, too.”
“You know, you don’t get to talk like that anymore. You split up with me. So it shouldn’t matter to you how anyone feels about me, whether or not that’s true,” You defend, tucking your arms around yourself as if closing yourself away from him.
“I don’t think I noticed it when we were in college, it was just me and you in our own little world and for a long time I thought that’s what would make us last. But we moved back here and it’s like everywhere you turn there’s another memory of you two - another piece of him that you’re holding onto even years later.”
“We’re friends. He means a lot to me. That’s what friends are.”
You let the silence fall.
He’s silent too and it surprises you. Normally, he would find any way to keep an argument going if he’d started it, he’d argue back and forth constantly until you agreed - he didn’t just let arguments end.
“I didn’t come here to argue with you,” He takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry for the way I ended things. I know I probably didn’t go about things in the right way, but I think if I’d have tried to do anything else I… well, I don’t think I’d have been able to do it.”
You feel the lump grow in your throat, the way it seems to constrict your words just a little too much as you say, “Then why did you?”
He breaks eye contact then and looks down at his cup, his finger still swirling around the edge in continuous circles, “Do you remember the first time we went out?”
“Our first date?”
“I picked you up from your house and I had to wait down the road because your parents might see me. And we went out, and I knew then that this was it for me, like within one date I’d just already decided,” He doesn’t meet your eyes, “And then I walked you home and I stopped around the corner again so that your parents wouldn’t see me. And you walked up to your house and Rafe was sat on the steps up to your porch, just waiting for you to get home.”
Your heart sinks at his words, like a weird feeling of not knowing the inevitable.
“And I guess for the past nine years that’s how it’s always felt; like Rafe was just waiting for you to go back home to him.”
“You’re blaming this on Rafe?” You raise your brows, your words feeling coarse and dry as you speak, “We were together for nine years. I chose you for nine years, every fucking day I chose you, and you want to tell me that you blame this on Rafe? That Rafe’s the reason you broke my heart?”
“Broke your heart,” James repeats, nodding slowly, “Your heart didn’t seem too broken last night.”
You let out a scoff and bite down just a little on the tip of your tongue as if trying to calm the anger bubbling out of you, “Right, yeah. I had one night where I felt a little bit fucking human again, after not sleeping, not eating, crying until I thought I’d be sick. After asking myself over and over and over again - what did I do? what should I have done? what’s wrong with me? And this whole thing you’re just going to blame on Rafe?”
“Where is he right now (Y/N)?”
You stop in your tracks, your hand clenching around the heat of your coffee mug, your words seeming to sink in the air between you.
James takes a long pause, his eyes scanning your face as if waiting for you to find the answer, “Waiting for you to come home.”
It’s an uncomfortable drive back. Neither of you speak a word. So much so that the tyres suddenly seem to make too much noise on the road, and you feel like you can hear the sound of the wheel turning under his grip. There’s a welcome relief when you watch the car turn into the driveway towards Sarah’s house, and an overwhelming dread when you catch the sight you know that James has seen too.
Rafe is sat on the steps in front of their house, the copy of To Kill A Mockingbird in his hands, a third of the way through the pages. He glances up at the sound of the car, a slight drop in his features as he recognises the face behind the wheel. He sets the book down on the side of the steps and stands up, his jaw clenching as you watch him.
James doesn’t say a word, but there’s the slightest tiniest hint of a smirk on his lips as if he’s been proven right about everything.
You wait until he cuts the engine and pull your seatbelt off, pausing before you push open the door, “I didn’t know that he’d be-“
James opens his own door and pushes himself out before you have a chance to say anything else. You follow suit quickly, scrambling out like the car’s on fire.
“Couldn’t wait to jump on her could you, buddy?” James bellows, storming over to Rafe.
“Excuse me?” Rafe looks taken aback, glancing at you as your eyes catch, “This is the house meeting you were talking about?”
“House meeting?” James looks at you, “So you couldn’t even tell him you were seeing me?”
“I just- I didn’t-“
“So what is it? You’re trying to come crawling back to her?” Rafe interjects and you flick your eyes to him as if a warning, though now he is only focused on James.
“You want to talk about crawling back? It seems pretty fucking convenient that you show your face around here the minute (Y/N)’s not got a boyfriend anymore.”
“Right, yeah, that’s why I’m here. Maybe it’s a good thing I came home, to pick up the pieces of the shit you left her in.”
In a conversation about yourself, you’ve never felt smaller. It’s like you’re shrinking into the space around them, disappearing when all of their anger is fuelled by you and focused on themselves. You’re sure you could disappear and they’d remain - hot headed in their hatred.
“Pick up the pieces? That’s what you think you’re doing?” James laughs, both of them practically steaming in their anger, “You’re not doing fuck all to help when you’re trying to get into her pants two seconds after she’s singl-“
“Enough!” You yell, sounding like the word has come from someone other than yourself as you feel your hands start to tremble.
Both of the boys silence, finally looking away from each other to focus on you, their anger sinking into the same pool as your disapproval. Rafe’s eyes seem to settle back into himself, like a realisation of how he’d been acting - he’d been doing the exact thing that he hated seeing in James, the way he ignored you in favor of his own focus. He looks like his younger self when you watch him. That anger, that hatred, the kind that he’d had before he moved away. That kind that gave him a million more problems. He’s that boy again.
“Just stop doing this, okay?” You drag a hand through your hair, “Neither of you get to talk on my behalf. Neither of you get to choose what’s best for me, or force this narrative of what you think is going on in my life. I’m sick of it. Have this masculinity battle some other time but god do it when I’m not here.”
With that, you disappear around the side of the house, shortcutting through the garden gate and finally letting yourself breathe, the tension in your chest seeming to return.
Rafe looks at James as if he could go again but in that moment all he can think of is you. The disappointment in your face as you’d walked away, the way you looked at him like you didn’t really know him. He drags a hand through his hair and all he can think of is how you tell him you’re sure he could suit any hairstyle. He stops himself from smiling, the urge fading when he looks at James again.
“So, what? Maybe a week or so and you’ll ask her on a date?” James folds his arms over his chest, “Or is a week just too long to wait? Hell, maybe you’ll be engaged within the month.”
“You know what, James,” Rafe clenches and unclenches his jaw, “Just go,” He waves his hand in the boys direction, his body turning away from him as if it’s gravitating back to you.
And with only the thought of you, he backs away from the fight.
You’re sat on the half-made dock at the end of Sarah and John B’s lawn, your feet pushing through the surface of the water aimlessly, eyes focused on the way the water curves around your ankles. Your chest has seemingly settled now but if you let yourself think of everything for too long it seems to flurry in anxiety again.
“Can I sit? Or should I put myself in time out?” The words come with the sound of footsteps creaking along the wooden planks, pausing as if they’re sure they are a safe distance from you.
You don’t turn around, “Sit, as long as you promise to be quiet.”
Rafe mumbles a ‘yes ma’am’ and takes his spot on the edge of the dock beside you. You feel him looking at you, his eyes burning into you as they scan your face. You weren’t crying and it seems to relieve the tiniest bit of worry within him. But you looked drained. Not tired in the way you were when he first saw you - but drained in the way that life seems to have been just slightly pulled away from you.
He opens his mouth to speak but stops as you lean back, fingers linking between your hands over your stomach as you lay against the dock. The sun hangs bright above you and you close your eyes, a deep breath forcing a rise and fall in your chest. Rafe watches you, the innocence in your features. He’d relied on those exact features for a lot of moments in his life. Your smile when he needed reminding of a good memory, the way your jaw clenches when you’re angry when he needed reminding of when he was in the wrong. Your eyes when he needed to come back home.
After a moment, he leans himself back too, his shirt wrinkling against the wood as he lays down, one arm tucking underneath his head. He turns his face towards you, observing.
You poke one eye open and squint in his direction, “Stop staring, weirdo.”
Rafe smiles, “So you’re not completely ignoring me,” He nods his head a little against his arm, “Does that mean I’m at like a six on the scale?”
“The scale?”
“The scale. How mad you are at something, you don’t remember?”
Of course you remember. When the two of you had been at school, he’d used that ‘scale’ as a way of you telling him how bad your day was - on the days when you had exams, and your friends were being shitty, and your parents were having problems at home, you’d say you were closer to a 10. It applied to everything - when he annoyed you, when you and Sarah had argued over something silly, everything.
“I’m a seven.”
He laughs a little and it seems to sit welcomingly in the space between you, easing the clench in your chest just enough.
The two of you stay in silence for a while after that, watching the sun disappear momentarily behind a cloud, casting a welcome shade over the water. You focus on the rise and fall of your chest, breathing in and out deeply to avoid the discomfort coming from laying on the dock. Rafe stays still beside you for a while, before his leg slightly shifts to the side so that his knee knocks against yours. You fight back a smile and turn around to look at him;
“Yes?” You raise your brows.
He pushes himself up so he’s leaning over you on his elbows, his head blocking the sun out so you can look at him without completely squinting against the light.
“I’m sorry,” He nods, “I really did have no idea you were with him, I was just waiting until you got back. And I don’t know, as soon as he said that I just felt like I lost it. It was weird, I don’t think I’ve felt angry like that in years.”
You nod in response, watching the guilt cast a darkness over his features.
“How did it go with you two today?”
You push yourself to lean up on your elbows too, matching his stance as he settles back to his side of the dock.
“Well, he’s not your biggest fan,” You laugh a little, staring out on the stillness of the water, “I don’t know, it just seems like he wants to think our relationship was doomed from the start, like we were just putting off the inevitable.”
“Well, did you ever feel like that?”
You take a deep breath, “I don’t think so. I don’t know, I just thought we’d stay together. God, I think after our third anniversary I was pretty certain that this would be it. But after what he said today it just feels like the two of us had been in two different relationships for all this time. And now I’m thinking, why didn’t he ever propose? Why did he want to move back here when I had my whole life at college? I mean, shit, Sarah’s having a kid and I was still just a girlfriend after nine years.”
Rafe nods, “Yeah I know what you mean. He was crazy for not wanting to marry you after all that time.”
You turn your head to look at him but he stays looking out over the water dismissively.
“God, who wouldn’t want to marry you?”
You feel your heart swell for just a second and turn your head away from him to look back over the water, both of you letting the silence fill in the empty gaps of the conversation you hadn’t yet had, that you didn’t need to have just yet.
“So, the sun is about an hour from setting,” Rafe points out, “How about that swim?”
You make your way back downstairs with your swimsuit on, a towel held under one arm, your flip-flops slapping against the wooden steps.
“Hey! I feel like I haven’t seen you today, how did it go with James?” Sarah stands up from the couch as you come downstairs, “Are you going out?”
You glance out at the garden, Rafe not visible along the stretch of the lawn, “Yeah, I’m just going for a swim. And it went well with James, a little bit of closure at least. Still feels weird.”
“It’s bound to,” Sarah nods, reaching out a hand to squeeze your arm, “Did you tell Rafe that you saw him?”
“Um, yeah, yeah, he knows,” You scratch at the back of your neck.
“God, I’m surprised he didn’t flip. I don’t think there’s anyone he hates as much as he hates James,” Sarah shakes her head.
You’re about to speak again but are cut off by the sound of the garden door sliding open. Rafe appears on the other side, poking his head through the created gap between the door and the wall.
“You ready to go (Y/L/N)?” He looks at you, a soft smile on his lips, a sort of calm resting in his features.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” You return softly and he nods, disappearing again.
“He’s so different when he sees you,” Sarah shakes her head, glancing over at the spot where her brother had just been.
“Different how?” You frown, letting your eyes trail back to her.
She shrugs her shoulders and rests a hand over her bump, running her fingers over the skin, “Just like he’s grounded, like he’s home.”
You feel the lump form in your throat, the way it once again makes it feel impossible to think of anything to say.
“Go on, he might be grounded but he’s still impatient,” Sarah jokes, gesturing her head in the direction of the door.
You laugh and follow her instruction, closing the glass door behind you as you walk down to the dock. Rafe is sat on the edge, his legs dangling over into the water. In only his swim-shorts, you can see the contortions of his muscles across his shoulders, the way they dip in his skin and seem to make him look bigger than he ever seemed normally. His skin isn’t as tanned as you remember him being but you suppose he doesn’t get as much sun when he’s in New York - not the kind he got here, anyway. And part of you seems to remember just how distant he was nowadays, his return feeling all the more temporary.
You hang your towel over the edge of the dock next to his and pull off your flip flops, leaving them at the edge too before breaking into a sprint straight past him. Your arms outstretch in front of you and break the surface of the water first, submerging your underneath until your toes feel the cold of the still water too.
Your head breaks the surface and you drag your hands up to draw your hair way from your face, now slick against your scalp.
“Very graceful,” Rafe smirks, “How on earth do I follow that?”
You watch him stand from the dock, stretching upwards before taking a few steps back. Within a split second, he catapults himself into the air, drawing his knees upwards so that he lands in a cannonball into the water, spray dispersing into the air and all over you.
“Well, I wouldn’t call that graceful,” You laugh, blinking away the water from your eyes.
From where Sarah and John B’s house was, you could see the sunset through a clearing in the trees if you swam around to the right angle. And you and Rafe knew the islands well enough to know exactly where to go.
By the time you swim around, the sky is painted with a yellow hue, sun lowering down seemingly a few feet from the horizon.
“I’m sorry about today,” Rafe breaks the silence, turning himself in the water to face you.
You kick forward so that your body tilts back, head hanging into the surface water, “You already said that.”
“I know, I just hate when I feel like I’ve disappointed you,” He comments, watching the way your body floats in the water.
You smile a little to the sky, “You didn’t disappoint me.”
He pauses for a moment, “So, I didn’t ask you earlier but, did he tell you the reason why he ended things?”
Your body tilts to turn you upright once again in the water, hands pushing through either side of you to maintain your position, eyes locking onto him. His hair is slick against his head and there are small beads of water trailing down either side of his cheeks, looping around under his jawline. He’s home. For the first time in years, he’s back here and it feels like it’s actually him - not some replaced or changed version. You’re both back to being sixteen again, sneaking liquor out of your houses, staying up until the sun called you home, misfit ways of surviving life in this isolated haven. And you realise it then, for a fleeting moment where you let yourself accept it - it’s Rafe that makes this place home.
“He…” Your voice trails off then, considering every possible outcome that would come in return for telling Rafe exactly what had been said earlier, exactly what you’d come to learn.
But the moment is fleeting. And you’re back in seconds to a reality. To a broken heart and a broken home, to New York, to your future, to James, to Sarah just a matter of metres away, to everything and everyone that you didn’t want to lose. To Rafe.
“He couldn’t give me a reason,” You swallow the lump in your throat, your eyes not breaking away from Rafe.
“The guy’s an idiot,” Rafe shakes his head, turning away from you and towards the sun.
You watch as he does, watching the glow that radiates from his skin, the way it seems to warm the air around him.
James might be an idiot, but maybe he was right.
Taglist: @viianey
398 notes · View notes
itneverendshere · 2 years ago
I've had thots about Toppers girlfriend with Rafe and his wandering hands and yall are so turned on you both can't stop touching one another you're practically dry humping in front of everyone (ya know the whole hiding in plain sight)
i did something bad - r.c (18+)
warnings: rafe cameron x kook!reader; cheating; boyfriend!topper (not really lmao poor thing); public sex?; dry humping; mentions of alcohol and drugs; possessive!rafe; almost having sex in the middle of a party I guess;
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You don’t even know how the hell this happened.
How you ended up right here, right now, with him. You don’t know where to put your hands, your eyes, or your thoughts. You’re lost. Completely speechless.
Yet somehow, there's nowhere you’d rather be than sitting here, pressed against Rafe Cameron's thighs. And yeah, you're dating his best friend. And yeah, as if you’re not in the middle of a roaring party, filled to the brim, at Topper’s house.
He brushes his thumb over your hip, cautious, like he’s testing the waters. “You good?”
All you can manage is a weak, “Yeah.”
“Look at me.”
Oh god.
Of course, Rafe would catch every little thing you do. Probably been watching you the whole night. Your heart stutters when your eyes lock with his.
That hand on your hip grows bolder, fingers tracing your skin in slow, teasing circles. If you died right now, you’d die happy. And maybe, just maybe, your biggest turn-on is feeling understood. Feeling seen. Rafe does that for you. Topper? Not so much.
“I’ve been trying to get your attention all night,” he murmurs.
You exhale, trying to sound casual. “Really?”
This thing between you two — it’s like a storm you can't escape from. No matter how hard you try. But in moments like this, you can’t run. It pulls you in.
“’Been trying to get your attention all night, you know that?”
You are just about able to breathe out a quiet, “Really?
This attraction between you two is everything you’ve ever needed and wanted, and yet in moments like these, you panic all the same.
You know it’s safer to run from him than to run to him like you always seem to do, but the truth is, you can’t stop. Your steady composure evaporates around him.
Rafe nods, utter confidence in the gesture. Not that you’d expect any less from the kook king himself, he always knew what he thought and felt, and wasn’t afraid to let people know. He owns every single bit of himself.
Unlike you.
“Why are you surprised, flower?” he murmurs, “You know I only got eyes for you.”
You stare back at him, mouth dry and head empty. You want to call him out on his bullshit, put the truth on a silver platter, and hand it to him, but you’d be a hypocrite. How can you tell him you hate seeing him with other people when you’ve got a boyfriend yourself? His best friend. You’ve got no moral high ground here.
So you just nod. Close your eyes, block out the world, and pretend this is fine. Pretend you’re anywhere else but here.
“Is that so?”
He's now grasping both your hips, “Don’t look at me like that. You know I mean it.”
A thrill shoots through you. His touch is scorching your skin, “Not doing anything.”
But fuck, this feels like everything. Cheating on a relationship is a distraction, a self-delusional addiction. This will end in a breakup or breakdown... or worse. You haven’t crossed that line, not physically at least. Not yet. But you feel like you are about to.
“Trust me, you’re doing just enough.”
The way he says it, like it's the easiest thing in the world to want you this bad, makes your pulse quicken. You’re crazy. His lips are so pretty, just the thought of them has you dizzy. Of course, your blush is a dead giveaway.
“Where’s your date?”
“Don’t know,” one hand moves down, “Don’t care.”
“You should.”
His lips twitch, fingers skirting down, “Yeah?”
His eyebrows rise, eyes flickering over the room curiously.
“Where’s your boyfriend, flower?” He all but purrs in your ear. Your face is most definitely on fire. 
He stares at you, and you simply stare back. The tension that clouds the air is almost too much. 
“Now, what would he think if he walked in here and saw you in my lap?” Rafe’s voice is raspy, “Hmm?”
Every bit of confidence you had is nowhere to be found. He always knows how to play your strings. It’s twisted, but the thought only makes you want Rafe more.
“You think about that?” You ask breathlessly, and the hard outline of his cock through his jeans is confirmation enough. You should shove him away. You should feel guilty. But instead, you press yourself against him, his thigh between yours, your brain already melting at the feeling.
“You are really trying to make me fuck you right here, aren’t you?” His voice is lethal, he all but groans, leaning down and sinking his teeth into the side of your neck, just above your pulse, “I’m trying to be good, flower.”
“You’re not good, Rafe Cameron.”
The solid press of his body on yours is all too much. His lips on your neck are everything you’ve fantasized about and more.
“I could be,” Those blue eyes fill with mischief, “For you, I would.”
Your stomach drops and you shove him off, ignoring your flushed cheeks. But then he grins, that shit-eating, sarcastic grin of his, and your glare pierces through him, attempting to keep some space between you.
“Don’t be an asshole.”
“You think I can’t be good?”
“I don’t think,” Your reply is mockingly sweet, and for once he doesn’t smirk, in fact, his grin is half-hearted now, “I know for a fact, you can’t.”
“Right,” His hand works its way from your cleavage, down to your stomach where he lingers for some time, “Good thing you’re dating a good guy, yeah?”
The urge to touch, to be inside you is overwhelming. He’s never felt so desperate to feel someone. The laugh that escapes you is almost bitter, and he knows it. He knows he’s got you. And the worst part? You’re letting him.
“Yeah, good thing,” You breathe, body pressing into his.  Your heart thumps wildly between your ribs and you know you’re going straight to hell.
“Do you want me?” he whispers, arm snaking around your waist to bring you even closer. Again.
In one swift movement, he pulls you down to the couch he’s sitting on. He supports your body with one hand under your upper thigh, whilst his free hand cups the back of your head, fingers interlacing with your hair. The way you situate yourself on his thigh so quickly is too natural, and he does give a little condescending laugh.
There are people everywhere. The party rages on. But it’s like the world has shrunk to just you and him.
You stare into each other’s eyes, panting shakily – lips inching closer and closer together. Rafe lingers there, flushed lips parted, waiting patiently for your move. 
“Rafe?” Your voice is quiet, and yet he still hears you despite the music. You’re not sure how much longer you can stand so close without devouring him whole.
His eyes flicker to yours, “Yes?”
“Kiss me.”
Before you know it, his lips crash into yours roughly, almost bruising them. He’s so hungry for you. For your touch. He has wanted this for so, so, so long. And fuck, so have you.
The hard press of his cock pushing right against your center is torturous. As if his stupid muscular thigh wasn’t enough. You ground yourself down on him, breathing a moan against his lips. 
“My flower,” He pants into your mouth, tongue swiping against your bottom lip, “Gonna be good for me?”
“So good.” You rock against him, your teeth grazing his lips. His fingers untangle from your hair, and cup your cheek, pulling you in closer to deepen the kiss. You push yourself further against him, rocking your hips. He groans against your cheek, thrusting up. 
A large hand slides down your neck and grips it gently, earning him a sudden, breathy moan, “Want me that bad?” 
Your legs tighten around his waist, “Yes.”
“'Y'sure, flower?”
“More than him?”
“Don’t tease,” you whine lengthily, frustration so pent up it leaves you breathless, “You know my answer.”
“Do I?” Rafe hums, fingers rubbing tight circles into your clothed clit.
“Keep talking.”
You try hard to focus on the budding feeling in your core, to chase it so you can finally know what a proper orgasm feels like. Can’t remember the last time you had one, delivered by a man. 
“I want you,” You mumble, grazing your teeth on his pulsing throat as you suckle on his skin, leaving behind a bruise-like mark, “Always want you more.”
“Fuck—” he gasps, hips giving an involuntary jerk, “I’m never letting you go back to him, you know that right?”
Your grip around his neck tightens, fingernails digging into his tanned skin, “All yours.”
You’re so, so wet and you haven’t discarded a single piece of clothing. All he wants to do is replace his thigh with his cock but, he can’t. Not here anyway, so he settles for this. He’d settle for anything you give him right now. Lost to the sensation his head falls back, his eyes screw shut, his breath coming out in short pants. 
“C-Can we–Oh!– Can we leave?”
“Easy,” He hums, eyes still squeezed shut, brows gathering, “Not yet.”
“Please,” you beg quietly, squeezing his waist with your legs as your body tries to shove him closer.
Your pussy swells with pleasure, moans becoming deeper and more strained. He knows you’re close. He’s not far behind and there’s something so primal about making you cum in a room full of people, who’ve yet to take a second look at you two. The alcohol and the drugs in their veins become your accomplices. 
He feels the tension in your body, the way it seizes up, trying to fight the unbearable heat pooling in your pelvis. The sound of his husky moans in your ear is about to send you over the edge – heated coil unraveling, stomach muscles relaxing.
He relishes in the way you’re staring into his eyes with your mouth open. It feels so good, so right. The way his body completely envelopes yours.
You can’t believe you’re about to cum from dry-humping Rafe Cameron.
“This what you want?” He mutters.
You nod as best you can with his palm on your throat.
“Couldn’t fuckin’ wait, huh?” His jaw ticks. “That desperate?”
You nod again. Fuck, you’ll tell him whatever he wants if he’ll just touch you.
Focusing on the budding feeling, your hands grip his veiny forearm. His sleeves are shoved up to the elbows, cuffed there and you can feel a muscle twitch in his forearm. 
It turns you on. You let go of any thoughts, allowing your body to take over. You moan into his shoulder, grinding erratically into his hand.
“Good girl,” His voice is thick with desire, shaky from the buck of his hips. He has your face in his hands before you can shrink away. He's gripping your jaw between desperate fingers and tilting to your chin up, “So fucking good, flower.”
When Rafe begins to bounce his leg up and down and you bite your lip to silence your moans.
“If you ever let him touch you again, I’ll break his fuckin’ arms.” 
A whine seems to be the only thing that your brain can come up with.
You can feel the fire pulsating through his lips; you can feel it radiate off his body. 
He leans in to brush his lips against yours—feverish and light. His tongue swirls through your mouth from desperation starting to lock inside his chest. You have made him feel all kinds of things over the years. He needs to feel you, needs to touch you, constantly. After the searing memory of Topper’s hand on your waist, lips dangerously close to yours, he needs to be close to you.
"M'gonna come—baby, please let me,” You cry out and dig your nails into his skin, chest heaving rapidly.
"Go ahead," He gulps, ready to take you home, he presses his forehead against yours and you wrap your arms around his neck, "'M right here."
Your stomach churns as the thin thread that is holding your composure together snaps. The tip of his nose drags over your jaw, a soft kiss pressed there as he nudges your head to fall back onto his shoulder.
And then he has you shaking, hurtling towards an orgasm that leaves your mind spinning. His lips move to your neck, tongue, and teeth stinging and soothing, mumbling praises and filthy promises.
“Oh, my fuckin'—God!”
He doesn't let up, not when your clit begins to throb, or walls pulse.
Not until you're shaking so hard through your orgasm that you are all but crawling up his lap, leaving you unable to breathe.
“C’mere,” he says, softly, although you haven’t moved. He lifts a hand to your face to brush the hair back from your eyes, lingering for a moment before his gaze slides up to yours.
“You’re mine.” 
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rafeinterlude · 10 months ago
୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Sarah Cameron : District 1 (The Moodboard) 💎
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-Sarah Cameron, sister of a past victor, Rafe Cameron and daughter of the district 1 mayor, Ward Cameron. tags : @rafecameroninterlude @rafecameronsgun @haven247 @lustnluv @redhead1180 @hewwokitti -(idk if you wanted to be tagged or not)
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rotting-inkblot · 2 months ago
Kicking my feet and giggling writing Barry cooking for Rafe and Rafe being fucking mesmerised cause the only other person that’s cooked for him were his bio-mom (and sometimes Sofia) and he never learned how to do it himself so it legit looks like magic to him
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hardlypartying · 2 years ago
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“You don’t know who he is,” Ward shakes his head and dismisses her.
“With all due respect Ward, I don’t think you know who he is,” Kiara drops her shoulder and stands a little taller, she doesn’t let the fear of what she’s about to do get to her. “I don’t think you’ve even given him a chance to show you who he’s always been.”
The little o-shape of Ward’s mouth would be comical if not for the fact Kiara is hyper-aware of the fact she’s just indirectly called her best friend’s and fake boyfriend’s father an idiot.
Well, seeing as she’s already in this hole, why not dig some more?
Fic: KRCG Chapter 13
Spotify playlists
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suncoved · 8 months ago
SALTWATER BLUES ! 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𓇼 ࣪ 𓈒ㅤׂ𓆡 ⭒ㅤ𓈒ㅤׂ
pairing; childhoodbestfriend!rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary: You return to the outer banks after moving away with your mother at 13, leaving your best friend Rafe, alone and confused with no way out. Now you're back, 6 years later.. and it's an absolute shit show.
series masterlist !
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Rafe threw his head back as he snorted his first line of the night, the rush quickly making its way to his brain as his body relaxed. He sniffed more from the intrusion, scanning his eyes over the crowd of people at the party on a normal night in the outer banks.
"My boy knows how to party!" Topper enthusiastically claimed, walking up to Rafe who was sat around the glass table on the balcony.
"Shut up topper" He grumbled in reply, glancing over at the girl following behind his blonde friend. "Rafe, this is Marley. Said she wanted to get to know you"
The girl batted her eyelashes at Rafe, her legs glistening in her very short skirt. "not happening" Rafe replied, preparing the next round of his supply as he waved his hand at the pair in front of him to go away.
"Well, the king has spoken. Sorry Marls, he's been a bit grumpy for well.. always."
Rafe rolled his eyes at Topper's words, not even bothering to watch as the girl walked away begrudgingly.
"When are you gonna move on man, I mean we all loved her but.. she's not coming back." Topper sighed, sitting on the chair next to Rafe. "Shut the fuck up, you don't know the first thing about me and her. " He snapped back, his blood boiling at the mention of you, as it always did.
He was so angry.
So angry that you had left him without a goodbye. So angry that he couldn't hold your hand or cuddle you. So angry he couldn't just have you back.
But what made him the most angry, was that it wasn't angry at all.
He could never be angry at you. All he wanted was you back in his arms, but he knew that was never happening.
And he was yet to make peace with that fact.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
"I've missed you so much!" Kie squealed as she ran into your arms, pushing you back as you giggled and hugged her. "I've missed you too Kie. It's been too long," you replied solemnly, pulling back to look at her face for the first time in years.
"Outerbanks hasn't been the same without you" Kiara replied, squeezing you extra tight as she pulled back. You just smiled in response, taking a deep breath of the fresh Obx air you didn't know you missed so much.
"Well c'mon, we have swimming to do." You giggled, pulling off your shirt and shorts to reveal your bikini underneath, feeling the soft sand between your toes.
You couldn't wait for her as she shimmed out of her clothes, looking at her and smiling before running to the water.
You had only been back in the Obx for a matter of hours, digging through your suitcase to find the first bathing suit you could see before running out of your house.
The feeling of the fresh, clear, water on your skin as you dived under waves was unmatched to anything you had felt before. Like before this, you had never even lived before.
All the worries and panic about coming back home dissipating the second you touched the sea.
You don't know how long you were swimming, but the second you came back to consciousness the sun was setting over the horizon.
As you swam back to the shore, you heard a bustle on the sand in front of you. You narrowed your eyes at the commotion, your feet finding their way to the sand below you as you walked out of the water.
Having only spent about 6 hours back in the Outerbanks, you hadn't yet become acquainted with the nightlife of the teenagers of Kildare.
You heard your name being yelled behind you as you walked up the beach to your towel and clothes, turning around to see Kiara now fully dry and fully dressed.
"Oh my god, you were swimming that whole time? I thought you went home!" Kie gasped as you noticed a red solo cup in her hand.
"I always lose track of time out there. What's all this?" you questioned, looking around at the crowds of teenagers and music pumping in your ears at the once peaceful boneyard.
"Kegger, Wait! C'mon, The boys will be so happy your back!" She enthusiastically replied, pulling you towards the crowds while you were still drying off with your towel.
"Wait Kie!" you gasped, much preferring that she gave you the chance to put on some clothes first.
"Guys! Look whose back" Kiara exclaimed, pulling you out from behind her to see the trio of troublemaking pouges from your childhood.
"Hey, no way! The kook princess is back in town" JJ gasped, pulling you in for a hug as you smiled. "Hey J"
You were never that close with the Pouges, because well you were never in the same circle as them. Though, Pope's dad Heyward knew your father from childhood and was at your house from time to time.
After exchanging hugs with the rest of the boys, they soon went into a conversation about god knows what, letting you have the opportunity to slip away unnoticed.
You sighed to yourself as you walked down the beach, attempting to escape the commotion of the Kegger. It wasn't dark yet, so you found yourself sitting in the soft sand, staring at the waves in peace.
You were yet to see or hear of the Cameron boy you had been thinking about your whole life.
Wondering what he had been up to for the last 6 years of your life. Was he in college? What did he look like now? Was he tall, handsome?
You had endless amounts of questions, but you were still undecided if you actually wanted them to be answered.
You brought your legs into your chest as you wrapped your arms around yourself, letting your head rest on your arms as you stared into the horizon.
You looked behind you as you heard voices, watching a girl climb onto a red buoy that had washed up on the shore. You squinted your eyes as you saw a familiar boy lend her a hand to get down.
As Sarah looked over the shore from her view, she noticed you sat alone. And i mean, you're someone people never forget, and along with the fact she hadn't stopped hearing about you from her older brother since she could remember.
You hear your name from behind you as you turn, seeing Sarah run up to you with Topper following cluelessly behind.
"Hey Sarah" You sigh, trying to be as enthusiastic as possible but you can't help but crave silence right now.
"What're doing back here, I thought I'd never see you again" She exclaims, leaning down to hug you. "Can't get rid of me that quick"
"Hey Topper" You spoke, watching as he nervously peered at you behind Sarah.
As much as you loved Sarah, you guys were never close. Sure you could have a good conversation with her occasionally, but you were always closer to Topper, because well, where you went, Rafe went.
You watched as someone called Sarah's name, making her turn around and walk towards the voice. Leaving you and Topper alone on the shore.
Instead of following her, he took a seat next to you on the sand.
"We've missed you a lot y'know" He sighed, shuffling closer to you as you turned to him "He's not doing good, at all. He needs you"
You felt a tear making its way down your cheek at the mention of Rafe, turning away quickly to wipe it off your face. "See him soon alright, please"
With his last statement, he got up and left you to your thoughts.
When your mom decided to whisk you away back to the mainland, you didn't only lose your father and all you knew, but the love of your life as well.
You and Rafe were inseparable, and you had always wondered what your life would be like if you never had left.
You looked over the crowd at Kie, who was having fun and laughing with her friends. Deciding against having the whole 'I'm going home now' conversation where you knew she was going to try to get you to stay, you walked the length of the beach back to your house.
You didn't even know how you would go about seeing Rafe again. Were you gonna show up to his house and offer milk and cookies, or hide from him for the rest of your life until you could have plastic surgery to change your face so he couldn't recognise you?
Probably the latter.
You held your shoes in your hands as you walked up the staircase to your room, your dad nowhere in sight, and the house as quiet as it was in your childhood.
You sighed as you flicked the light on in your room, the sky outside now pitch black.
You immediately start pulling off your shirt and shorts which were over your bikini. The mixture of the sand and the still-damp swimsuit making you squirm.
You look over to your balcony and realise your curtains are still open, making the wise decision that you should probably shut them before completely stripping, you walk over to the window.
You reach to each side of the fabric, beginning to pull them into each other before your eyes are cast to the light in front of you from outside.
You look over to the bedroom opposite yours out the window, clothes strewn across the floor, the bed unmade... Oh! and your childhood best friend staring right at you in utter shock.
Shoot, there goes your master plan.
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tanjamikaelson · 4 months ago
BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER - MASTERLIST | Rafe Cameron x fem!reader |
Summary: You are Sarah’s best friend, and you’ve shared everything with her for as long as you can remember. But when you secretly start dating her older brother, Rafe, the one she warned you to stay away from, things get complicated. Navigating a passionate yet forbidden romance, you find yourself torn between loyalty to your best friend and the undeniable connection you have with Rafe. As secrets unravel and tensions rise, you must confront the consequences of love that defies all warnings.
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TAG LIST (if you want to be added let me know):
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ivysprophecy · 3 months ago
Am I Okay? Masterlist
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summary: y/n moves to the outerbanks thanful for a fresh start away from a very heavy past. once she gets there she falls into this diverse crowd of kooks, pogues, and everything in between. north carolina may be the south but she shows them what texan looks like. shockingly, rafe takes interest in his sisters friend. someone so drastically different from him. girl next door. what ever will he do?
authors note: im gonna be honest a LOT of this fic is gonna be self serving. i know its not gonna be everyones cup of tea but i started making it for my friends and i and its really grown so i decided to post. there will be a lot of names you wont recoginze and with that being said its got quite the back story so i will be posting a sort of 'key' if that makes sense.
throughout this fic i will be touching on some sensitive subjects such as physical abuse, drug addiction, drug rehab, being drugged, ptsd, sexual assault and more as we go on. this is something thats going to affect you please continue at your own risk.
some other notes will be that this is not show accurate entirely, as i said this was VERY self serving and very, fanon, if you will. the pogues and kooks get along, no to little topper or kelce mentions.
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[ read before starting series! ]
key | profiles part one | profiles part two | profiles part three | moodboard
[ smau series are labeled as 'part's and written series are labeled as 'chapter's ]
| part one | chapter one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | chapter two | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve | chapter three | part thirteen a | part thirteen b | part fourteen | part fifteen | part sixteen | part seventeen | part eighteen | part nineteen | part twenty | part twenty one | part twenty two |
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imrkos · 2 months ago
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synopsis after the infamous scandal involving Yn and her now ex-boyfriend goes viral, Yn is forced to leave the only world she's ever known and adjust to her new life in the Outer Banks. Sent to live with her aunt, uncle, and cousin Kiara, Yn finds herself hanging around the type of people she swore to never be seen with and quickly becomes entangled in the rivalries between the Kooks and Pogues. And one thing Yn doesn’t take is crap from others which only catches the attention of Rafe Cameron who seems to be seriously smitten about her despite her association with his sworn enemies. But to Rafe’s disinterest Ward seems to have a new idea involving Rafe having to make Yn head over heels about him and use her elite status to cover up what he’s been doing behind everyone's back.
pairing famous nepo baby!Fem reader x Season one!Rafe Cameron
warnings strong language, underage drinking, yn and her mommy issues + rafe and his daddy issues AND drug problems (oh my) + to be added.
content this is a SMAU + irl fic. yn will lowkey be a bitch to Kiara + other pogues at first (don't worry she comes around), will be mostly canon to season one but with a few minor changes, HEAVILY inspired by gossip girl as it contains gossip girl who always has tabs on yn.
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chapter one : looks like our it girl is getting sent away for the summer, poor yn i guess she really hurt Caleb’s feelings! see you in the outerbanks yn.
chapter two : seems like yn has found herself a tour guide! but wait, sources are saying Kiara isn’t happy about it.
chapter three : gossip girl is currently offline
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probably-writing-x · 2 years ago
Summer Heat - Chapter Two
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Summary: Rafe had met his match when he met you. Both completely opposite and all too similar - the Kook and the Pogue who worked for his father; the hot headed boy and the girl who never backed down. And as summer rolls around on the island, tensions run high amongst the hottest enemies that OBX has ever seen.
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: Sexual references, cursing, alcohol, and ngl just a hell of a lot of tension
Author’s Note: This series is so fun to write so I hope you’re still enjoying it - I have so many ideas … including some smut to come in the next chapter …
The heat still isn’t letting up over the islands, and living on the Cut meant no air conditioning, and likely one fan to share between your entire house. Your sister, Lea, was currently sat out under the shade of your porch, her legs stretched out over the old couch so far that her ankles hung just over the edge - she had a textbook in her hand, reading over the notes she’d already highlighted. She’d always been naturally pretty, always looking softer and more approachable than you ever had. She was just over a year older than you, but had the sort of head on her shoulders that meant she felt it was certain she had to take care of you. It seemed apparent sometimes that she still refused to believe you had ever grown up. Lea had gotten older but she wouldn’t admit that you had too.
“Are you working today?” She asks you when she hears the door creak to signify your presence.
“No, I just need to go over there and drop something off,” You comment, leaning against the doorframe and picking off some of the peeling white paint from over the wood.
Lea sits up a little and looks at you, “And afterwards?”
You shrug, “Probably just hang out with the guys.”
“You know you don’t need to spend every day with those guys?” She frowns at you, “All they do is sit around, drink and smoke, right?”
“What else do you want them to do?” You scoff, “There’s fuck all to do on this island.”
Lea pushes herself up to stand, fanning her face with her hands, “Maybe you could all afford to be a bit more productive, it might give you more of a chance to get out of this place.”
You roll your eyes at her, “I have to go.”
It would never fail to irritate you when she said things like that, the kind of mindset that you were ruining your life just by the people you stuck with around here. The two of you were Pogues, and your Dad had been too. But Lea was reluctant to admit that, convincing herself that you could get away from all of it if you just pretended to not be one of them.
You turn the key in the ignition to your car and start your drive towards the Camerons’ house, passing the other battered houses in the cut that looked almost completely identical to your own - all on their last legs.
You’re stood in front of the Camerons’ house waiting for the door to open with a silent prayer in your mind that their air con will give you a moment of relief from the sun beating down on your back.
“For fuck’s sake I-“ You start to mutter to yourself just as the door swings open.
Rafe is stood on the other side, a smirk on his face. He’s wearing a green t-shirt and a pair of slack trousers, “Can I help you?”
“I was just coming over to drop the keys off,” You comment, glancing down at his outfit once more, “How the fuck are you wearing that today?”
You were stood opposite him in a blue halter neck top that you’d stolen from your sister, with a pair of gym shorts that had ridden high up on your thighs. And, even then, it felt like you were going to boil if you stood in the sun for much longer.
“Air conditioning is a wonderful invention, (Y/N),” He offers you a sarcastic smile, “Or have you guys still not heard of that invention?”
“I hope it breaks, I really do,” You roll your eyes at him and he laughs.
He’s got one hand on the door like he’s prepared to shut it at the first opportunity, but he is yet to make the move to do so. Instead, he’s letting his eyes trail over you, lazily like he doesn’t care if you notice - dipping over every curve of your body and the way your clothes leave little to his imagination.
“My Dad needs you to work tomorrow. We’ve got some business partners coming over and we’ll need you on the boat to keep everything in check. Be here before five.” Rafe comments, his eyes dragging themselves back up to yours.
“Some manners would go a long way Rafe,” You roll your eyes, “But yeah, I’ll be here.”
“See you tomorrow, Princess.”
Like the loyal worker you were, you’re at the Cameron’s house just before five the following day. You still weren’t exactly sure what today would consist of, but Ward had mentioned that he’d pay you extra - who were you to say no. Oh, and he’d told you to dress ‘smart’, which in Kiara’s words meant he expected you to wear a dress. You’d stolen one from your sister that she’d had from a few years ago, a royal blue fitted dress with thin spaghetti straps - it was a little shorter on you than it had been on her, and it was tighter around your chest, so you’d thrown a white baggy linen shirt over the top.
“(Y/N)!” It’s Ward that opens the door to you, “Thanks for coming.”
As much as you weren’t his biggest fan, he’d never been the worst boss to have. He paid you half-decently, he didn’t really expect too much from you, and he wasn’t as much of a dick as his son was - that had to count for something.
“Hey, I hope I’m not late,” You smile.
“No, no, right on time,” He encourages, “Come through.”
Their house never failed to amaze you, the winding staircase and the maze of doors, the antiques littered around every corner of the room, the slight hints of history that still remained over their repainted walls. There was no real sense of family in the place, no photos over the walls, no memories amongst their belongings - it was a house, not a home. But, damn, it was a big house at that.
“So we’ve got some business deals going on at the minute and so a few of the guys have come over today. Just some drinks, and some poker on the boat, nothing much,” He explains, “And hopefully them drinking enough that they agree to do business with us.”
You force yourself to laugh at his half-hearted attempt at a joke, certain you would never relate to when he spoke about his life like that.
“We just need you pottering around really, drinks, food, sorting out some stuff on deck - sound good?”
Realistically, you weren’t sure at what point you’d agreed to become a waitress. But business men likely meant they’d give you tips too, and bills were due next week. So you swallow your pride for just a second and accept his offer.
You follow Ward onto the boat and notice that Rafe is already there, leaning back on one of the couches with his arm up on the back of the cushions. One ankle is up and resting over the knee of his other leg, his chinos tightening around his crotch. He looks up at you and cocks a brow, waiting for his Dad to leave before he says;
“If you’re going to wear a dress like that at least wear it properly,” His eyes haven’t left you, tracing the way it hugs your figure.
“Why? So your pervert friends can stare at my tits all night?”
He swallows the lump in his throat and clenches his jaw, “Wear what you want, I don’t care,” But he looks away from you then, and you’re sure his cheeks are a little redder, his tan failing to hide it.
It’s later in the evening by the time the guests arrive, the small group of them spilling onto the boat just as the sun was beginning to set. They all ask for whiskeys when you walk over to them and shoot Ward comments like ‘where’ve you been hiding her’. You ignore it, pouring out five glasses of whiskey. Rafe eyes you as you bring them over, setting them down on the table they had all set out for poker. You don’t look at him, sure that your cheeks will redden more than they already have done.
They’re chatting between themselves and you hear one of them make a comment about not being sure which yacht he should buy. Fucking rich people. They drink their whiskey’s too quickly and you’re filling them up again before any of them even ask, hoping to go as long as you can without speaking too much to these guys.
“So, Rafe, is this lovely lady your girlfriend?” One of them asks.
You look up over the table and stare directly at Rafe. He has his jaw clenched and he doesn’t look at you. There’s a difference in his demeanour when he’s around these kind of people, like he’s trying to convince himself he’s capable of being more like his father.
“You know me, I don’t date,” He returns, making sure that his eyes never once find yours, looking down instead at the liquid that he is swirling around in his glass.
“(Y/N) works for us, on the boat,” Ward explains, “Keeps this thing afloat.”
You force yourself to smile at them, feeling the need to pull the material of your shirt around your dress, like the thought of this group looking might make you sick right on the spot.
“Alright, what do you say we start a game?” Ward clasps his hands together, “(Y/N), Rose should’ve made some food in the house, do you mind bringing it over?”
You take a deep breath, all of you relieved to be able to leave the situation even if for just a minute, “Sure.”
When you get back, they’re onto their second round, and it is just Rafe and one other guy left. He must be one of the mens’ sons - only a six or seven years older than you. You’d learnt his name was Shane but didn’t know much else. You set down the food onto the table and step back.
“(Y/N), you know a thing or two about poker?” Shane asks you, a smirk dancing over his lips, “What would you do with this?”
You glance down at his cards, and look over at the four already laid out on the table, “I’d say it couldn’t hurt to take a shot.”
He raises a brow at you and you see his eyes slip a little lower than they should, looking back up at your face, “Alright, I raise.”
He throws a stack of 1000 chips onto the table.
“Oh I don’t-“ You go to retract your suggestion but Rafe throws in the same amount, keeping his eyes away from you like before.
Ward leans forward to burn a card, putting it onto the second pile before turning over the next one to line it up next to the others.
It leaves Shane with a three of a kind.
Rafe tosses his cards onto the table, only two pairs in his hand, “Well played,” His eyes are cold when they stare at Shane, like he could reach over the table and punch him at just the sight of the guy.
“Well, thanks for the tip, Princess,” Shane cocks a brow at you, “I should keep you around.”
Rafe grips a hand around his glass to tight you’re sure it would break in his grasp, his knuckles turning white under the tension. He’s staring at the cards on the table, fixating on them as if it is the one thing that will stop him from cracking. In that moment, you know it’s not the game making him lose all cool.
It’s late when the guys finally decide to leave, you tell Ward you’ll clean up and let yourself out and he thanks you, tucking a few hundreds into your hand like it’s just pocket change. You pick up a few of the stray bottles from around the deck and go back inside, letting out a sigh of relief you felt like you’d been holding for hours.
At the table, Rafe is still sat, swirling his finger around the rim of his glass.
“Shit, sorry,” You say quickly, “I didn’t realise anyone was here.”
“Sit down,” He commands, “Play a round with me.”
You set down the bottles onto the counter and frown at him, “What?”
“You heard me.”
You clear your throat and sit down in the chair directly opposite him, feeling strangely out of your depth when you were so close under his focused gaze. Rafe gulps down the last of his drink and leans forward, dealing out two cards to you and another two to him.
“What are we playing for?” You ask him, lifting up one side of the two cards on the table to see what you had.
3 of clubs and 6 of hearts.
He doesn’t answer your question, instead burning a card and then turning over three to face up. There’s a four and a seven amongst them and you fight back the urge to smile at the possibility of actually beating him.
He throws in a couple of 100 chips and you follow suit, though not exactly sure what it meant when you wouldn’t be giving him any money, and you wouldn’t be caught dead taking money from Rafe.
The air between you feels warmer now, you can feel it tingling against your skin just slightly uncomfortably. You move your hands up to pull the material of your shirt away from your shoulders, fully exposing the dress underneath.
Rafe looks up at you and cocks a brow, “Are you trying to distract me (Y/L/N)?”
You lean your elbows onto the table in front of you and clasp your fingers together, resting your chin atop them, “You tell me.”
He keeps his eyes completely locked on yours as he pulls out another card, lining it up against the others. Not what you wanted.
You wince, looking down at your cards as if you weren’t absolutely certain of what was there. Rafe narrows his eyes at you like he’s trying to see past your face, before taking the rest of his chips and pushing them into the centre of the table.
“All in,”
“All in?” You smirk, “I guess I have no choice.”
He turns over the last card and leans forward, like all that matters is watching you move. It’s a five. Rafe reaches a hand to turn his cards over, no hand amongst them. You turn yours over and line them up underneath the five in the middle.
He smirks at you and sits back in his chair, “Well done Princess.”
You roll your eyes, “It’s not as if we’re playing for anything anyway.”
He pushes himself up from his chair and walks around the width of the table until he gets to your side, in the few agonisingly slow seconds that it takes him to reach you. Rafe towers over you, his frame blocking the moonlight from outside and leaving you both in an oddly tense shadow. You crane your neck to look up at him, gulping down the thickness in your throat like it’s going to help you find any words to say to him.
“You see, if I’d have won, I’d have told you to never speak to that asshole Shane again,” He speaks slowly his voice deep and quiet.
You can’t bring yourself to move, too focused on the way his eyes seem to have darkened.
“I’d have told you that he shouldn’t be allowed to look at you, or touch you, or call you his princess,” He emphasises the last word so much so that it seems to hang between you as if there is something so unsaid about the word.
You stand up then, somehow gathering the force to do so, even under his gaze that seemed to freeze you in your spot. When you stand, your height only draws you to his shoulders at a push, your head still craning up towards him, the way his hair wraps around his temples. His eyes are still dark but their colour is just starting to pierce through now you can see them so closely.
“Why do you care so much about Shane?” You ask him, quieter than you had planned to speak, a smaller voice than you ever used around Rafe.
He looks between each of your eyes, like he’s analysing the features, looks down to your lips and then back up to your eyes, “I don’t.”
Before you can speak, Rafe brings a hand up to brush your hair back from your face. His fingertips graze your skin, drawing the hair back slowly and gently - a softer touch than you ever expected from him. His hand doesn’t make any move to disappear though, instead turning to rest against your jaw, his thumb at your chin. Rafe brushes the rough pad of his thumb over your lips, pressing a little stronger until your lips part around his finger. He instinctively clenches his jaw when you do so, his thumb dipping into your mouth as it grazes over your teeth.
“I don’t want him looking at you princess,” He says thickly, low and certain, before dragging his thumb away from you, leaving his hand lingering over your jaw.
It’s like a part of yourself comes back to you then, a self-assurance you were annoyed that he would ever let you lose, a stubbornness that was normally unwavering;
“I don’t think you get a say in that.”
You pull away from him, enough that it seems to break the tension in between. Like it drops five degrees in the room just from that. Your heart realises it needs to beat again. Rafe watches you, his eyes tracing your movements, this time with a hunger in them that you couldn’t quite place. You pick up your shirt from the back of the chair and pull it over your shoulders.
“I’m working tomorrow,” You state, like it’s normality amongst whatever the hell had just happened, “I’ll see you then.”
“Yeah, tomorrow,” Rafe drags a hand through his hair, oddly flustered beyond how you were so used to seeing him.
He watched as you leave, trying to convince himself that there wasn’t a desire to follow after you, convincing himself that his mind wasn’t running over a million possibilities of what he wanted to do to you - these possibilities now stretching beyond a hatred, and perhaps closer to a lust he hadn’t given into.
You hurry down the dock and across the garden like you’re running away, your hands gripping at the material of your shirt to pull it around you. Why was your heart racing? Why were you clenching your core? Why did your skin so feel strange without his touch? Why did you want more of him? You push the thoughts out, forcing the million questions away from you. He wasn’t thinking of you. Right? He just wanted a power that he thought he could have over everyone. Right?
But why had he looked at you like that?
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itneverendshere · 2 years ago
should've said it - rafe cameron (part two)
requested: "a Rafe x reader smut where she cheats on her bf with Rafe and at an event where she's with her boyfriend she notices Rafe staring at her and all the flashbacks leave her horny and needy for his touch and his touch only. Maybe some angst with her boyfriend catching them in the act."
part i. warnings: cheating; smut; ex friends with benefits; friends with benefits to lovers; angst!!; heartbreak; happy ending <3
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After that night, every day felt like someone took a fire to the inside of your stomach.
It was hot, burning even. You were uncomfortable whenever it came because it was a feeling you couldn’t suppress. You’d felt it ever since that night, and it only ever grew as the days progressed.
You’d think a smart person like yourself would stop. Realize that what you did, what you were doing to Blake was wrong, but alas…It was hard to make any coherent thoughts or decisions when you were full of Rafe Cameron.
As in every day, every time you two crossed paths, even when you woke up, all you could do was think about him. And that stupid mouth. So, it wasn't exactly a surprise to you when it happened again, and again, and again. 
Really, at that point, you should've known better. You should’ve left this forsaken town the moment you fell into his right back into his trap. You didn’t intend to spend another night with Rafe’s cock inside you, pistoling his hips back and forth vigorously. You swore to God you didn't.
You couldn’t remember how you ended up with him. His hand was wrapped around your throat, squeezing just enough so you would keep quiet, for your own sake. You were sure he wasn’t the least bit concerned about getting caught. Your lips broke away from his, but you were still an inch apart.
“We, we can’t—" You tried to say, but words turned to mumbles as he closed the gap, hips grinding into yours. His free hand tightened around your waist as your hands found home in his hair. You wanted to tense up, push him off you, to give a speech about how good your life had been since he broke your heart, but you also wanted this.
You wanted more. 
The first-floor bathroom you stumbled in, in the country club, was dangerously close to where everyone, all your friends and boyfriend, were hanging out. You could faintly hear the music blaring from the other room, the chatting, but you knew you would’ve been heard over all of that if he wanted to.
The squelching noises were probably loud enough to be heard just outside the door. This time, the sex was messy, quick, sloppy but so good you could feel your toes curling. Rafe’s mouth was attached to your neck, biting down to try to muffle his own noises.
You almost came on the spot every time he’d accidentally let out a moan. You were too far into your own pleasure to care about anything else at the moment, more specifically the set of knocks at the door.
It wasn’t until Blake’s voice sounded through your ears you snapped your head up, eyes wide.
“Baby, everything good in there? You’ve been gone for ages.”
Rafe lifted his head from your shoulder, merely looking at you. You could read him like an open book, so you mouthed a quick “Don’t.”
Which he ignored. You could see it in his eyes, they had this mischievous tint to them, one you hadn’t seen in years. You would’ve cursed him right out if it wasn’t for the fact your boyfriend was just inches away while your ex-something was inside you.
Every nickname that came from Blake’s mouth felt like a stab to Rafe’s heart. If he didn’t care about you as much as he did, if he wasn’t in love with you, he’d go back to his old ways and make sure your boyfriend heard you cum around his cock. But he played good for you…as good as Rafe Cameron could play.
He loosened his grip on your throat and nodded his head at your unsure, terrified expression.
“Y-yeah. Everything’s fine!”
“You’re sure? Want me to get you some water?”
He brought his thumb down to your clit and you gasped before you could even process his actions. His smirk was telling enough that he was enjoying this a lot more than he should. You bit into your bruised bottom lip so hard you felt like you drew blood, “I’m fine! I’ll be out in a second.”
“Okay. By the way, did you see Cameron? That Topper dude is looking for him.”
Oh, you’d seen him all right. 
“Better answer, pretty,” Rafe whispered in your ear, amusement lacing his tone. As if he wasn't dragging his cock inside you just the way you liked. Your eyes were so far at the back of your head, you shouldn't be that aroused. Your hands clamped down on his firm biceps, pussy squeezing his cock like a vice.
“H-Haven’t seen him.” You answered with whatever self-control you had left. 
“Alright, well, I’m gonna go back inside. Hurry up, you’re missing all the fun.”
You were not missing all the fun.
Rafe let out a huff of amusement at that because he knew.
One look into your fucked up expression and he knew the damn fun in question was right there, between your two bodies. That should’ve been the last time. You should’ve seen it as a warning, but you didn’t. Because whatever you and Rafe had was too good to let go. You barely spoke to each other, only lingering looks and then you found yourself on top of him, under him, on top of a counter, wherever, whenever. 
You were doing more damage to you and him than you’d like to admit, but at least you had something.
Attempting to convince yourself it was a meaningless fling was stupid. Attempting to convince yourself that you didn’t love him anymore was even more stupid. You made sure he never got the chance to open his mouth again and confess his undying love for you, otherwise you’d walk out the door.
Your mother, save her terrible kook tendencies, always told you: love was comfort and protection, nurture, and acceptance, calm and passionate, stoic, and spontaneous, generous and forgiving.
Somehow, even with no words, only actions, that’s exactly how you felt when you were with him, dreading the moment you had to make your way back to Blake’s arms. Truth to be told, you hadn’t touched your boyfriend in months. It was a miracle he was still around.
Sometimes you wondered if he got his fair share somewhere else, which you didn’t care if he did, but he seemed too nice to do that to someone.
You’d only found love with Rafe, and even then, you weren't sure if you could call it by its name since the outcome was disastrous. In your terrible efforts to cage your heart from his touch, you’d come to describe Rafe as a monster over the years, but now…now that you’re gambling with so many hearts, you’re not sure if you are any different.
You don’t feel an ounce of regret in your heart. That flash of love, anger, lust, with him…how could you ever regret something you’d been longing for? How could someone regret something that felt right? 
No matter how fleeting the moments with him were, you’d never felt so close to your element, in years. Rafe always brought your true colors, the part of you that was hidden from others. The thought of him, all of him, just the whisper of your imagination was enough to leave you in shambles. You had no thoughts, no focus, only desire and the pain of waiting since that night. You’d get your refill, and then you were back to aching. 
But the big question remained: Were you two fucking in love or fucking each other up?
Honestly, you should be mad. Furious. How could you let him stroll back into your life with absolutely no consequences? No fight? So easily? 
After the last time you were together, your phone rang for days.
Missed calls, voicemails left unanswered, texts left unread. You weren’t sure how he got a hold of your new number. You weren’t keen on finding out either. You couldn’t face him. If you pretended he didn't exist, maybe it would ease the pain.
You’d never be embarrassed about being with someone you love, but being caught cheating on the man you were dating, a rich, influential man, wouldn’t look too good to the public eye. 
Sarah’s wolf whistle shattered your daydreaming, heart jumping right into your throat, heart beating even more rapidly than when you two had been running to the party venue. 
Another stupid kook event. Couldn't say you missed them. 
“Are you even listening?”
“No? I can’t believe you dragged me out. You know I hate the country club.” You grumbled as Sarah Cameron dragged you through the doors. 
The flimsy light blue sundress suddenly felt tight around your torso and limbs. Although she guaranteed you that Rafe wasn’t attending, you couldn’t help but scan the room for his face. The last time you were here…A faint blush dotted your face as you walked past the so-called powder room and recounter a much more intimate meeting with the older Cameron sibling just days ago.
No. Stop thinking about him. 
“The country club hates us back, so what? It’s summer, you’re finally back and we’re going to get shit-faced now that I’m legal.”
“Because you’ve never had a drink before,” you sighed, sarcasm lacing your tongue as you loosened your hold of her arm. Your body automatically rested against the bar’s counter, “You forced me to come, you’re paying.”
Sarah gave you a look at that, “You’re older.”
“Fine,” She rolled her eyes as she turned her attention to the bartender, “Two pornstar martinis, please.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell her you to needed something stronger. It wasn't like you could tell her you were accidentally fucking her older brother, more times than you could keep track of...in a stranger’s bedroom, in a bathroom, in the out open sea, while your current boyfriend at the time was somewhere close waiting for you.
You really needed something to stop you from thinking, but the martinis would be sufficient for a while.
She sat beside you, leaning into your left shoulder close enough to smell her sickly-sweet perfume. Some things never changed. “So…” Sarah paused, taking a sip from her drink, honey-brown eyes seizing you up.
“Can’t believe Rafe had to do the walk of shame because of you.”
A little embarrassment you could take. Not that though. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, something thick and rough curling around your stomach.
“What?” You tried to keep your voice light, steady even. You played nonchalantly with your fingers, trying not to pick your nails. A nervous habit you had yet to grow out. 
“He told me.”
You struggled to keep your face neutral, feeling the sinking realization that this, whatever this was, was no longer your dirty little secret. The Rafe you remembered despised his little sister and would’ve never confessed something so personal to her. 
“Told you what, exactly?”
You could barely focus on the conversation, your mind racing as Sarah moved in her seat to explain.
“I know what happened between you two when you were in college” She was frowning even as you tried to give her a trembling, sad smile, “And trust me when I say you had every right to walk away. He was a train wreck back then, as awful as they come.”
“He’s different now. Better, he even stood up to dad you know?” Sarah chuckled, knowing there was no other reason for you to be drinking that fast unless you were upset or mad, “So imagine my surprise when he barged through my bedroom last night, completely shitfaced and crying his heart out.”
Each word felt like a knife sinking into your chest. The realization that you’d hurt him suddenly, thick and sour. He cried? God, what were you thinking. You opened your mouth, but no words came out, you know you have fucked up majorly.
“He didn’t go into details, obviously,” She assured you, taking in your frenzied expression, “But I think you should talk to him.”
You felt bile rise in your throat, “I don’t think I can.”
“I love you, you know that. And I know that he hurt you, but hurting him back isn’t going to do any good to your sanity, or Blake’s.”
You grimaced, closing your eyes at the way her voice seemed to boom in your ears, “I can’t.”
You stood up then, the floor shaking beneath you. Your hand was tight around hers, your knuckles white but with every silent second that passed your fingers loosened, falling limp.  
“I don’t want you and Rafe to hurt each other.” Her voice was sharp, and in your overthinking moment, it almost sounded critical.
“I can take care of myself.”
“Do you love my brother?” She asked, attitude easing up. “If you don’t, it’s not worth it. It’s not worth ruining a relationship for someone you don’t love, trust me.”
Your shoulders sagged. You felt so tired, defeated. You softly smiled at your friend, and she smiled back, but you could see the concern in her eyes “'Course I do.”
You’d been good at pretending with Blake. Pretending you were happy when you were clearly not, pretending you were calm when you were downright furious. You pretended because, sincerely? It didn’t matter. As harsh and cruel it may sound to someone else, Blake didn’t matter, not like that and you could no longer lie convincingly to yourself.
“Have you told him?" 
“Don't need to,” you said, defensiveness creeping into your voice.
"I think he would like to know."
“We’re not really on speaking terms.”
Sarah clasped a hand on your shoulder, she knew better than to argue. She was sure you were going to figure things out for yourself, but she couldn’t help but push you in that direction, “He’s home.”
A spark of hope and fear appeared within you, waiting to ignite into a flame. You expelled a shaky breath. “Sarah,” You said, frustration rising in your belly, breaking your barely composed face, “I don’t know.”
She only hummed in response, compassion clear in her warm brown eyes as she studied you, “Just think about it.”
And think about it you did.
For another entire week. You’d always known what you really wanted, at this point you were just making up excuses to avoid the inevitable.
In the meantime, breaking up with Blake was easy and the smartest idea you’ve had in years. Straight to the point, understanding even. It wasn't like he was head over heels for you either, but you could tell he was still hurt, so you chose to omit the entire truth. You were in love with someone else, that wasmore than enough to end a relationship and should've been more than enough to not start one. 
You were a terrible person. But you were much more worried about Rafe than about your ex. You played him along the entire summer, for sex and he obeyed. Didn’t even question you or the situation once. As if he’d take whatever you gave him. But you’re going to fix it.
It was dizzying, it was terrifying, and entirely disarming. Your frantic eyes sweep back and forth between the keys in your hand, the ones that granted you access to TanneyHill’s front door and the road behind you.
In disbelief or denial, perhaps. 
How many times had you walked in here for a family dinner, betting on who would start a fight that night? How many times had you walked into this house together, bumping his shoulder playfully as you chuckled at a joke he told? How many times had you both drunkenly shushed each other, trying not to laugh too loudly after a party?
Everything in this house reminded you of him. Of you two, together.
The fight was lost the moment you walked in. Your footsteps echoed on the marble floors as you made your way to his bedroom, trying to ignore the thoughts that hounded you. You reached the hallway, intending to have a very long inner dialogue before knocking on his door. But then, you hear your name uttered so softly, from his lips. 
Slowly you turned, afraid that if you did so too fast the vision was going to disappear from your eyes all at once. You saw him standing at the threshold of the room as he had done so many times before.
A shy smile pulled at his mouth as his shocking blue eyes locked with your own. Running a hand through your disheveled hair briefly, you breathed slowly. I’m going crazy. You thought to yourself. I’ve officially lost my mind.
Rafe stepped into the room with you, closing the distance, “You’re here.” he breathed out in disbelief. 
His bedroom used to be familiar and comforting, but now it reminded you of the years you’d spent apart. You remembered how you’d sit by his window when you were fourteen and in your hunger games phase, reading the books whenever you had a free moment. 
You were his girl, and he wanted to hold you, but he fought the urge to relax into you. He didn’t realize it was going to feel like this, like his heart was screaming and wailing until it could no longer, only to start back up again as soon as it could.
You tried not to look at him, staring down at your hand instead. Your chest was heaving, and your expression had morphed from frustrated anger to one of disbelief, as you stared down at your palm.
You tried to ignore the anxious thoughts as if they are some kind of distant radio. “Sorry, I’m—I’m sorry,” You were muttering, voice timid. “I shouldn't h-have— sorry. I-I shouldn’t have—"
Rafe wrapped his arms around you in a moment and you let your head rest upon his chest. All your thoughts stopped, as if your heart took over your head when you were this close to him. Next, he squeezed you like he needed to check you were real, that you were really there with him, and you were, body and soul.
He held you so close that your own chest rose and fell with each breath he took. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, pretty,” he muttered into your hair, “I was the one who fucked up everything. I'm sorry. I hate that I didn’t fight for you. I hate that I wasn’t enough, I hate that you had to see me at my lowest point. I hate that he was with you all nights. I hated that we didn’t speak and that you didn’t look at me and that you were looking at him and—”
He was rambling now, all nonsense and tight breaths. It was heartbreaking how messed up this whole situation felt. He shook his head almost mournfully, like no matter what he’d say to you, you’d never forgive him, almost as if he was preparing himself to say goodbye to you and the possibility of the two of you.
You smoothed your hand down his back, following the curve and dip of his spine, rubbing soothing circles into the base. He seemed to melt into you at the touch, though he was careful not to rest his weight on you. You don't think you’d mind it, really. You tugged him closer, still.
“I broke up with Blake.”
Rafe couldn't help his soft gasp. Because everything he’d ever wanted was now closer than ever. But despite the growing giddiness, he needed to know what it meant, what it means for you, for him.
“What? When?”
“A week ago, after the last time we—” you paused and sighed, involuntarily stroking his back with your thumb, “I realized that this is what I want.”
“I—" he coughed, clearing the heaviness out of his lungs, “I love you. I loved you then, I love you now, and I know I didn’t deserve you, I don’t think I deserve you still, no one does. And I’ll understand if you walk away.”
His voice was so soft, and without looking at him you knew that there were tears forming in his eyes. “Don’t say that.”
“I was— um…I was an addict, pretty, you know that. I was drowning and I couldn’t let you join me,” He trailed off, timid and low as if he was afraid of scaring you off again, “I understand now, that I should’ve let you make your own decision, but I knew you were hurting, I felt it. I hated that you had to see the things I did to myself, the way I treated people.”
“You were hurting,” you grumbled, eyebrows furrowed as you placed your hands on his strong chest, pushing yourself away from him, as if his words inflicted pain in your heart. You watched a frown take over his pretty face at the loss of contact, missing your touch already, “I’m not making excuses for your behavior, you should’ve done better. But you’ve always been good to me, despite everything.”
“Not good enough baby,” He took a step forward, bringing your body flush to his once again, his hand dropping to his side as his pinky brushed delicately just across your hip bone, “I’m sorry.”
“When I got home that night, I cried my eyes out. I sat on that couch for hours, staring at the door, half-expecting you to burst through the door at any moment with an apology and kisses.”
Rafe’s eyes welled up as you spoke, biting down hard on the inside of his cheek to stop himself from crying. He almost did exactly that. You were, you'd always be, the most important person in the world to him and he’d hurt you so much. Your own tears threaten to spill. You felt his heartbeat pound again as your hands rested on his chest, “But I understand now, it’s okay.” 
You whispered, pushing your body onto your tip toes to bring yourself closer to his face. His arms found home around your waist, resting his rough hands on your lower back, now with the physical ability to hold his world in his arms, you. 
“I don’t deserve you,” Rafe admitted as if you were in your own little word. He was staring down at you, reaching down so his fingers ghosted over your cheek, brushing a piece of hair back behind your ear. You felt the flush in your cheeks instantly as if he'd never seen you naked before. “But if you let me, I’d like to spend this lifetime and the next, proving I’m good for you.”
“I’d like that Rafe,” your heart rate was so loud it would be embarrassing at any other given moment, you felt like you were going to run out of excuses and just let him take you, "A lot."
His lips twisted, trying to stop them from trembling. He’d been trying so hard, for years, to be better, to keep himself gathered, to find himself again. At the sound of his name falling from your mouth, sounding so much like love, he was able to pull himself together.
His head was swirling with a newfound desire and relief to hear you admit your feelings for him so willingly, that what he felt for you was requited in the same amount.
His hand drifted up until it cupped the side of your face, overwhelming you as he cradled you so gently. His thumb traced your jaw as his eyes bore straight into your being.
“Lemme hear you say it.”
You sighed, “I want to be happy, I want to be loved. And you’re the only person I’ve ever seen that happiness with. I love you.” Both of you close your eyes, your lips barely brushing over each other. “It’s always going to be you, Rafe.”
In a strained voice, he asked, “Really?”
You looked into his ridiculously blue eyes and nodded before he loss any sense of reality. Your heart clenched in sync with your thighs and suddenly there was nothing left to say, no other excuse to be had. 
He couldn't stop himself as his hand firmly took a hold of your neck and pulled you forward. His lips found yours and for a second you barely registered the pressure. It was delicate as if you were both sixteen again, trying to savor the first touch. 
His lips moved effortlessly against yours and you felt yourself melting in his arms, legs close to buckling beneath you if it wasn’t for his strong hold. A whimper escaped from your mouth and at the sound, Rafe pressed his lips harder against your own. You couldn't stop yourself from letting your head lull back as you felt his thumb press against your pulse. 
With a flick of his tongue, your hands digged into his back, and it pulled a groan from the back of his throat. Your hips bucked forward into his, desperate to feel anything, everything. 
At the feeling of your movement, his teeth took a firm hold around your lower lip and pulled back, releasing it with a pop. His eyes traced the way some of his saliva pooled along your lower lip and he wished for nothing more than to have this view for the rest of his life.
“I love you, pretty,” he whispered lowly, finger twisting around the string of your mini skirt, as his eyes scanned your face with the utmost softness you’d ever seen, “But I need to fuck you."
As his lips found your collarbone, his hands took hold of your thighs, and before you could process his words and you were up, legs around his hips. A small noise escaped your mouth at the sudden feeling, your feet coming off the ground, his core meeting yours. 
“Is that a threat, Cameron?”
Teasingly, his hands trailed down the outside of your thighs before firmly wrapping around your ass. He glanced up at you and smirked as you arched into him, his breath fanning across your breasts through the thin material of your top.
“It’s a promise."
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rafesbuzzcutseason · 1 month ago
chasing city lights
chapter 3 - and you are?
synopsis: you move to new york to start fresh, hoping to find comfort in the city’s atmosphere. that’s when you meet sarah cameron, where she takes you to a concert and you catch sight of the lead band member, rafe cameron. it only takes a moment for you to realize you’re captivated by him. as sarah helps you navigate your new life in the city, you start to get pulled deeper into rafe's world—the music, the fame, the chaos. the more you get to know him, the more you realise that rafe is not just the rock star he seems to be. he’s wrestling with his own demons, and the last thing he needs is someone like you getting close.
cw: language
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carrying all 3 drinks, you found your way back to the entrance where sarah told you to meet. a rush of nerves coming over you after the realisation that the most handsome man you had ever seen in your life was not only your new best friends brother, but also the lead singer of city lights. and you were about to meet him.
"y/n!! over here" sarah called for you.
"oh hey guys, here are all your drinks" you passed them around. "so what's the plan?"
"ok so, as you have just found out, rafe is actually my brother" sarah started. "he's asked to come say hey as he saw my story and didn't recognise you."
"rafe has to know everyone in my life. over protective brother and that. anyway, we'll wait until the boys have finished packing everything up and then we'll meet them out the back entrance."
"ok cool cool."
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"he's just texted me now actually, you ready guys?"
"yea lets go!" kie replies.
you followed the group as they weaved their way through the crowds of people leaving the concert, adrenaline levels hitting high. you've never been in this atmosphere, of course you had been to concerts, but going backstage and meeting the band? you were living out your wattpad fantasies.
you finally got to the backstage area, sarah presenting a badge you didn't know she had "they're all with me" she explained, and the security guard let you through.
you walked through the long corridor until you finally reached a door that said 'city lights'. sarah knocked on the door, and your heart rate picked up, feeling like everything was about to change.
and it did.
rafe opened the door, eyes instantly finding yours.
"and you are?" he smirked, leaning against the framing of the door. "i know most people around here, but can't say i've ever seen your face before. i would remember"
heat flusterd over you with this words, "i'm, y/n. just moved here from obx."
"an outerbanks girl huh?"
"that's me" you returned his smile.
"well now introductions are out of the way" sarah laughed, "should we get going?"
"yea let me get the others. jj, top, you coming?"
two other blondes popped their heads out the door, almost as handsome as rafe. almost.
"kie, john b, bring it in!!" the first blonde, came out with wide arms bringing the two into a hug. "nice to meet you?"
"y/n! well sarah rarely lets us meet her new friends so you must be special" he says as he also brings you into a hug.
"and i'm top" the last boy grins as he shakes your hand. "it's nice to meet new faces, especially when they're as pretty as you"
you giggle at his words, but out of the corner of your eyes you could see rafes breath slightly hitch, like the words didn't sit right for a moment. but before you could turn to look at him, his face changed back to neutral and he was leading everyone out the door.
"i have a quiet bar we can go too, security will follow so hopefully papperazi shouldn't be too bad" rafe spoke as you all followed him out the venue.
a few fans lingered out the back, but you quickly cut your way through and made it to the bar.
you found a table and took your seats, everyone went up to buy their drinks, except you and rafe, who lingered behind.
"so what bought you to new york?" rafe asked you, his head tilting and direct eye contact making you nervous.
"just needed a fresh start." your gaze looking away from him, not willing to tell him the truth, a conversation not needed to have just yet.
"this is a big change then a little beach town. you think you can handle it?" he challenges you.
"what you think i can't?"
"i don't think anything yet."
"hm" you respond, just as everyone starts to return with their drinks.
"let me get you a drink. what do you want?" rafe asks.
"i'll take a rum and coke. thanks"
"no problem sweetheart" he gets up, the nickname leaving your cheeks red as sarah comes to sit next to you.
"ignore him y/n. he'll try to get under your skin"
you laugh in response, "it's fine, i don't mind"
"good." she said with certainty, a hint of something else under her words, like he's someone she doesn't want you with.
someone out of bounds.
rafe returns with your drink and sits down the other side of you, as the rest gather round and pull chairs from other tables to sit.
the rest of the night goes well, learning more about sarah and the people she's introduced you too. becoming close with jj and top, who make light conversation with you and make you laugh, unlike rafe who remains slightly reserved, yet staring at you constantly throughout the night, feeling his gaze like heat on your skin.
as the evening comes to an end, you say your farewells outside waiting for an uber, now knowing sarah and john b live together, kie lives with her other friends you're yet to meet, and the band members all together.
"it was so great to meet you y/n!" jj once again pulls you into a drunk hug "you'll fit in well with us" he grins as he lets you go, the reassurance making you smile as you've bonded with these people.
top does the same, giving you a hug goodbye, as rafe watches you from the side, almost waiting for his turn.
you turn to him, unsure if he was going to go into a hug, which he doesn't, much to your dismay. he half smiles at you and says "i'm sure i'll be seeing you again" "would you like that?" your bold statement taking you, and him by surprise.
"can't give all my cards away" he smugs, as he finally pulls you into a brief hug. "bye y/n" he steps into the car waiting for him, taking one last glance at you.
you hug goodbye to the rest, sarah promising to text you once she's home, and kie and john b thanking you for a great night.
your own uber arrives, now left with your own thoughts and reminiscing about the night. the thought of rafe and how he was to you tonight leaving you puzzled. was he flirting with you? is he like this with everyone? you couldn't deny you felt something their, a slight chemistry only time could tell.
shit just got a whole lot more confusing.
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a/n: aaaaah here is chapter 3, their first meeting. any love on this would be so greatly appreciated as it's my first ever time writing lol so kinda scary
taglist: @hoefordrewstarkey @marleymarleymarleymarley @bee-43 @cherryhoneybabe @skye-44 @drewrry @drewrry  @yesterdaysproblemm @pogueprincesa @dylsdaily @rafeysworldim19
(to remain on the taglist, you must interact with the chapters!)
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tuesdaykiss · 2 months ago
“touching toes”
rafe cameron social media au
“he’s over more and more, had to give him a whole drawer. to be honest, kinda like seeing his trainers by the door.” — olivia dean, ‘touching toes’.
synopsis: after finishing her fashion studies at college in nyc, y/n moves to outerbanks to live with her grandparents. she worries about the loneliness that comes with being in a new place, knowing only her cousin topper and other relatives… that is until she is acquainted with a certain cameron.
part — intro | 1 | 2
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liked by topthornton and 1,593 others
yourusername goodbye, lady liberty! 🗽
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topthornton see u soon, cuz
yourusername can’t wait!
user she’s no longer a city girl 😔
user2 no more concrete jungle wet dream tomato
user3 where are you going??
user4 i think to see her cousin idk
yourusername off to live with my grandparents in obx!
your story
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topthornton replied to your story:
i’ll be waiting at the airport - safe travels!
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liked by rafecam, heywardpope and 575,084 others
sarahcameron on my way back to my babies! #p4l
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jjmaybank we ain’t no babies
heywardpope true, you look old as hell
jjmaybank excuse me, i moisturise!
itscleo missed you 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
sarahcameron can’t wait to kiss your face
kiaracarrera what if i kiss yours? 😏
sarahupdates i love their friendship omg
johnbr am i interrupting something?!
rafecam it’s okay i didn’t want to be included anyways
user poor rafe
user2 it’s okay daddy, the kids miss you
user3 i want a friendship like these guys
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liked by sarahfan101, johnbr and 89,352 more
sarahupdates sarah cameron spotted at the airport, ahead of her return home to outerbanks! #sarahcameron
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sarahfan101 jarah reunion pending!!!
user obx sarah is my favourite sarah
user2 she looks so good omg
ilovesarah she always does!
sarahupdates we see you lurking johnb
user3 we love a supportive boyfriend
you spent the best part of two hours in the cramped economy section of the plane, armed with nothing but your ipad packed with downloaded disney+ shows. yet, barely resisting the urge of diving into them, you found yourself staring out the small circular window to your right, lost in thought. you couldn’t help imagine what was waiting for you at your destination, as the vast stretch of clouds and blue sky began to blur into the possibilities of your new life.
it wasn’t until the older man, located in the seat next to you, broke the silence that you were snapped out of your trance-like state. with a calm and reassuring demeanour, he struck up a conversation that quickly became the highlight of your flight.
he shared endless stories about his family back in outerbanks, and spoke of his work, which had brought him to new york in the first place. the hours melted away, before you knew it; the journey felt surprisingly short as your exchange grew more comfortable.
“well, anything you need,” he said, his expression warm as he leaned into you slightly, “you come to me, you hear? whatever it is, i got you.”
you were grateful for his unexpected kindness, causing you to smile. leaning into him, in a joking manner, you spoke, “how about you introduce me to that son of yours?”
“i’m sorry but… our pope’s off the market,” he winked, “but hey, he’s always around to be a friend.”
a friend; that’s exactly what you needed. aside from topper, you didn’t know anyone your age in outerbanks. but now, even before you’d reached the island, you already had the promise of one. it felt like a small victory, a glimmer of hope in the midst of all the unknowns awaiting you, but it meant the world to you.
“i’ll make sure he shows you around,” he continued, “gives you the full pogue tour!”
you grinned at the thought of being welcomed so warmly into this new world; your anticipation slowly outweighing your ever growing worries and fears.
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a/n: a little chapter to start off with, to ensure everyone is where they should be — obx!
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thxtmarvelchick · 12 days ago
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JJ Valentine’s Fic Recs
in honour of Valentine’s Day (weekend bc i’m posting this late), here are my favourite fics of JJ Maybank that made the holiday a little less depressing <3 (this was originally supposed to be all obx characters but i got carried away but trust i have SO MANY MORE for the rest of the pogues (and more jj) so i’ll do a part 2 eventually)
only got the courage to post this because of @tinypinkrobot so this is for them <3
most if not all fics are x fem!reader and some are 18+ (therefore i would prefer minors not to interact with this post but i do not have the time nor the energy to check everyone’s acc), the authors are NOT responsible for your internet consumption (nor am i); be responsible, pay attention, and respect the authors boundaries! (all 18+ fics will be labelled! MINORS DNI)
JJ Maybank
full length fics+series
His To Keep by @pankowperfection (18+)
smut, kinda dark JJ, oral (f receiving), branding
i first read this fic almost three months ago and i still think about it all the time (i have the link in my notes app im not kidding), this author is so talented go read all their fics tbh they kill it everytime, i go to their account and reread everything all the time
summer lovin’ by @murdockcastleslut (18+ blog)
ongoing series, kook!jj, pogue!reader, if jj was raised by larissa, rafe and reader have some history
look… i will eat up every kook!jj fic that is thrown my way. the way the author writes jj and the interactions between him and reader😩, the plot is so intriguing and im always so excited for every new chapter. ALSO reader is SO jj’s girl like he is so down bad, expect cute petnames (HE CALLS HER PRINCESS ICANYSIAKSKSOSIJWIDISJSKS and then he pulled out a “my darling angel” once and im pretty sure i passed out). honestly go read all of her works bc holy shit every single one of them is fantastic.
teach me please by @mrsriddlenott (18+)
smut, bsf!jj, innocent!reader, oral (m&f receiving), reader overhears someone talking badly ab them (indirect bullying), use of good girl🤭
this is another one i’ve had in my notes app since it was posted, since then the author has written a part two and both parts are so incredibly written. their dynamic and the way you can TELL they’ve been wanting each other for so long is EVERYTHING
love on the island by @papercranesandinkstains
ongoing series, love island!au
if you follow me and pay attention to my reposts you knew this was coming… i have said it once and will say it again this is my favourite SMAU (tied with rhythm&revelry) i’ve ever read and it’s not even finished yet. the amount of time and effort put into this fic truly pays off because WOW. the graphics are beautiful. interactive polls. BANTER. jj is fumbling over himself he is so into reader😭enough said go read it.
Rhythm & Revelry by @darlingchronicles
ongoing series, university au, SMAU
the creativity is simply insane, i can’t even imagine how long it takes the author to do these chapters because she’s truly created a whole world to the point where sometimes i forget it’s not actually an app and is actually a fanfic. the relationships between characters is so beautifully developed and it’s not all romance. you get really amazing insights into the friendships between the reader (nicknamed blue) and sarah, cleo and pope. honestly i can’t even explain in words how much i love this fic. definitely a comfort fic (and i LOVE making up theories in my head as to what happened in the past iykyk). this is a long one so great for passing time (or if you’re me, ignoring your responsibilities and binging the whole thing bc you’re simply too hooked)
Kildare University by @papercranesandinkstains
completed series, two different endings (JJ or Rafe endgame depending on your preference), university au, jj plays football, reader is in band, rafe is readers ex, SMAU
ok i couldn’t just put ONE of her fanfics on here let’s be real everything this author writes turns to gold. immaculate build up, amazing chemistry, the way you can choose who reader ends up with is everything to me bc i might’ve curled up in a ball and died if i didn’t see a jj endgame. BUT everyone can be happy (ADDITIONALLY if you’re a jj AND rafe person you get double chapters sooooo what’s not to love)
narcotic by @thebestjjenthusiast
completed series, SMAU, bsf!jj
you can tell the author has an elite sense of humor bc they have me cackling at 3am. also JJ is DOWN BAD for reader it’s so funny, like expect CONSTANT flirting… this man is practically begging reader to get with him and reader is OBLIVIOUS😭, the flirting has me blushing so hard i have to pause reading sometimes just to giggle into my pillow AND the ending is perfect
summer was my first love by @vampiriito (18+) pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5 pt.6
ongoing series, shy! reader, reader has social anxiety, READER WEARS GLASSES (glasses girls rise), reader has secretly had a crush on jj for like ever but he’s always been “out of her reach”… or so she thought
the build-up. readers characterization and the depiction of her social anxiety are everything to me. jj is so soft for her and he doesn’t even fully know it or understand why at first. i’ve cried multiple times reading this series AND NOT EVEN BC ITS SAD just because i feel so seen and represented. this author genuinely writes so well i cannot wait for the next part🥹
Biker!JJ Oneshot by @highpope
biker!jj, motorbike stunt
this had me blushing and giggling i’m not kidding. jj is so soft with reader and reassures her when she gets scared. when he called her pretty girl i think i passed out. the flirting in this makes me flustered no matter how many times i read it😭
First Date Oneshot by @jjsloverre
bsf!jj, sweetheart!reader, fluff, mentions of sex but no smut
the dynamic between bsf!jj and sweetheart!reader is one of my favourites. they are honestly everything to me. he’s so sweet and caring towards her (but expect innuendos and cursing bc it’s jj we all know he can’t help it). additionally you have to check out their other bsf!jj and sweetheart!reader fics too!!!
Gossip Girl by @maybejj (18+)
ongoing series, SMAU, pay attention to the trigger warnings at the beginning of each chapter
DRAMAAAAAAAAAA. the plot will grasp your attention and not let go and next thing you know it’s 5am and you have class in 3 hours (not at all speaking from experience that’d be crazyyyy id never do that…🥲). JJ LOVES reader and would probably kill for them. readers friendship with kie, sarah and cleo is EVERYTHING, they are truly readers ride or dies.
secret admirer by @voidangxls
part two
kook!reader, pure fluff, jj is DOWN BAD, part of a valentines special
hands down THE CUTEST thing i’ve ever read on this app. jj gets teased by the pogues for not being able to talk to reader😭 the dual pov makes it so interesting bc you can see how in love jj is and wonder how the hell reader hasn’t noticed him staring them down 24/7😭😭 will be rereading everyday.
-blurbs/drabbles/texts (not gonna make notes on these ones but know i have every single one in my notes app and reread them CONSTANTLY, these authors are so incredibly talented <3)
Boy in Love by @everydaydreamer (18+ blog)
pure fluff, valentines blurb
texts with jj by @lillymmb
boyfriend!jj, fluff, jj LOVES reader
breeding kink concept by @moremaybank (18+)
implied but no smut, breeding kink (duh😭)
black cat!reader by @ervotica (18+)
black cat!reader, use of daddy, once again jj LOVES reader, reader is grumpy
texts with jj and desi!reader by @deadpcnned
desi!reader, jj in a kurta😩, established relationship, i just love this
boyfriend!jj by @lovelyjj
“wear whatever you want i can fight”😩, jj can throw a punch, fluff fluff fluff
passenger princess by @rubiehart (18+)
jj being fine, groping, use of “my girl”🤭
valentine’s day with jj by @seasprincess
established relationship, jj saves up to buy reader gifts, pure fluff
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7s3ven · 1 year ago
ATHENA'S GIRL. luke (pjo) / trailer
( master list )
series , reader ib rory gilmore + chilton
"Have you forgotten to turn off your heart, this is not you. I see you changing from how I've designed you. Have you forgotten your purpose?"
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part i - Luke's hardest mission in life is attempting to befriend a snappy demigod who treats books like her friends and thinks the only thing in life is Harvard.
part ii - Luke, Chris, and Y/N's trip back to Camp Half-Blood has been rough but Y/N is met with a pleasant surprise when she is claimed the moment she steps into camp.
part iii - Luke is slowly falling for Y/N L/N, Athena's pride and joy. However, Athena refuses to accept their forming relationship because she designed Y/N to be an independent, classy, and intelligent girl.
part iv - Y/N and Luke have finally put their differences aside and after months of practically begging Athena to let them date, the goddess of wisdom finally steps out of the way.
part v - After spending a good few years at Camp Half-Blood, Y/N is ready to begin a new chapter in her life. While she attends Harvard, Luke remains at camp, never really knowing what’s happening in Y/N’s life until he receives a call.
PJO TAG LIST : @lostinhisworld @julielightwood @outerbanks-stuff @jennapancake @csifandom @evrybodydies1 @kkrenae @s0ulsniper @annispamz @justanotherkpopstanlol @soraya-09 @simpforeveyone @papichulo120627 @corpsebridenightamare @lilacspider @prettylilsimp @urmomsbananabread @ur-lacol-dsylexic @hottiewifeyyyy @kamiliora @be-bap @finnickodaddy @th0tblckgrl @shoyofroyoyoyo @uniquely-her @imafrkinsimp @syraxesrevenge @ahh-chickens @dracoslovergirl @midnightstar-90 @8812-342 @liv1104 @krkiiz @arialikestea @ch16rles @lizziesliz @maryclx01 @lukecastellandefender @yuminako @coryoskywalker @julielightwood @crybabysbakery @jsbabyyy @liviessun @p3pperm1nttea @angie-esc @purplerose291 @prettylilsimp @10ava01 @froggiesstalks @happy-jj @czennieszn @gisellesprettylies @loveyava @csifandom @luvvfromme @mashiromochi @kamiliora @yorksyree @mqg125 @jamesmackreideswife @niktwazny303 @2hiigh2cry @user021099 @living-in-my-imagination88 @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @randomgurl2326 @niktwazny303 @inlovewithcarsthatrunreallyfast @luvvfromme
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tanjamikaelson · 18 days ago
MEDDLE ABOUT - MASTERLIST | Rafe Cameron x fem!pogue-reader |
Summary: You and Rafe had always hated each other because he is a kook while you are a pogue. Every time you saw each other there was no shortage of yelling, barbs, and arguments, but maybe things can change?
A/N: Every chapter is connected I just split it up because they are already too long, but I like writing long chapters hahah. (every chapter has 5000+ words)
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CHAPTER 4 (soon)
TAG LIST (if you want to be added let me know):
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