#outer banks songfic
mazzymoonlight · 2 years
Are There Still Beautiful Things?
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summary: inspired by taylor’s “seven”, follow JJ and reader through snapshots of their lives together.
warnings: mentions of the death of a parent, mentions of excessive drinking, mentions of abuse
word count: 9.9k
a/n: hellooo & welcome to my first fic :) some of this had been previously posted in parts, but after evaluation i realized this needed to be heavily edited & worked better in this format. this fic has a special place in my heart, so i hope you enjoy reading as much as i enjoyed writing it. (p.s, happy obx 3 eve!)
please, picture me in the trees, i hit my peak at seven feet, in the swing over the creek, i was too scared to jump in but i, i was high in the sky with pennsylvania under me … are there still beautiful things?
JJ Maybank thinks the last time he was truly, truly happy was when he was seven. At such a young age, anything seemed possible. The sky was the limit and the ocean was their backyard. He had his mother and his father, and even though it leaked sometimes, a roof over his head.
And he had his friends, his favorite people in the world. John B, who he had been sat next to on the first day of second grade and was now inseparable from, and y/n, the girl whose mother was his mother’s best friend, who he had known his whole life.
It was always the three of them, getting into trouble together and spending nearly every moment with each other. You rarely saw one of them without at least one other, and even at such a young age, it was clear they had a bond some people spent a lifetime searching for. They were lucky, and people liked to tell them that.
In their younger days, one of the moms (or more often, both of them together) would often take the trio around. Watching at the beach while they learned to surf, the parks while they played until red in the face, treating them to dinners at the local establishments, or ice cream on those extra hot and intolerable days.
But their favorite was camping in the backyard. They would set up a tent and a bonfire, and roast s’mores and stare at the stars.
JJ’s mom had a particular affinity for the mystery that hung above them and would spend hours teaching the kids everything she knew. She loved the moon, she would tell them everything she knew. She liked to talk about the phases and what they meant, what kind of full moons they were in store for soon.
But Saturn was her favorite, she would talk about any chance she could.
Did you know it’s actually a big ball of gas? That it would float in water?
The ring is made up of ice and dirt and bits.
It’s windy up there.
It takes twenty-nine earth years to revolve around the sun.
Time must move slowly up there.
And they let her talk too. And they listened to every word. They listened to the tales and myths and theories of space until they couldn’t fight the sleep back, and their eyes of wonder became sleepy, slowly blinking at the woman in front of them.
“Goodnight,” She’d say to the three of them, and then she would lean in close to JJ, and leave a kiss on his little forehead.
“I love you to the moon and to Saturn.” he would fall into sleep with a smile on his face.
Nights like that were always beautiful. Memories like that were beautiful.
JJ couldn’t help but wonder; without them, was there any beauty at all left in the world?
sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won’t tell no other, and though i can’t recall your face, i still got love for you your braids like a pattern love you to the moon and to saturn, passed down like folk songs … the love last so long.
The summer they were fourteen, JJ’s life changed. His mother passed, and he was never the same after it. It seemed like the entirety of the outer banks was aware of the light that had been lost.
y/n and her parents were right alongside Luke and JJ. None of them knew what was in store without her. Filled with anger, sadness, regret, and guilt, they all knew that she had so much more to give. Life was not kind, life was not fair, and although they all knew it, they never thought that they would get a reminder quite like this.
JJ stood in between his two best friends, y/n’s hand in his, she was struggling too, but she was holding back. She knew she had to be strong for JJ, she had lost someone special, but he lost his mother, and that was something that he would never get back, something that could never be replaced.
That night y/n stays with JJ, and they end up outside the same way they used to, but without a bonfire tonight. Tonight they stare in silence at the night sky, both thinking about all the things JJ’s mom had told them about the stars and planets above.
“I keep thinking she’s on Saturn,” y/n says, suddenly, the thought slipping out before she can think about stopping herself.
“I keep thinking about Saturn, how much she loved it.” She clarifies, “And I keep thinking how happy she must be to finally see it.”
There’s more she wants to say, but figures it’s nothing that JJ hasn’t already heard. What can she say, really? When she catches his smile, the first she’s seen in weeks, she leaves it at that. She’s said all she needs to.
“Yea,” he said, wiping a stray tear. “I bet she is. I like that thought.”
And he meant it. The thought of his mom, an angel on her favorite planet, he didn’t think there was any other explanation.
JJ’s fifteenth birthday creeps up, and y/n had worked extra to get him a special present. She had seen it in one of the windows of the fancy boutiques on figure eight and immediately ran in to look at it, begging the store owner to hold it for her after seeing the price on the tag. It had to be JJ’s, she knew it the moment she saw it.
So two weeks later she returned with money collected from babysitting and delivering groceries, the proudest smile on her face. Bringing it home and exchanging the chain for a longer silver one before wrapping it up neatly.
Everyone gathers at the Maybank home on the day of. John B and his father, y/n and her parents, and Pope and Kiara, who the trio had recently befriended.
Luke had even put in a little effort, putting up some simple birthday decorations he had bought from the dollar tree. It wasn’t very much, but all JJ cared about was that everyone he loved was there with him. JJ was happy, but there was a lurking sadness in the back of his head. This was his first birthday without his mom. There was an empty space that would never be filled, no matter how hard he tried. And he was trying very hard.
Despite the weight of loss, it was one of the best days JJ’s had in a long time. Luke had set up a slip-n-slide for the kids, really just a tarp with some water and some dish soap but the kids didn’t care. He grilled hamburgers and hotdogs and even stocked up on more sodas than they needed. y/n had made a cake and John B helped her decorate it. It was sloppy, but it was theirs, for JJ.
y/n had waited until later to give JJ his present. She found him still sitting at the outside table with his hand on his chin, looking up into space like he always did.
“There you are.” She says, siding into the seat next to him. She follows his gaze up toward the night sky.
“Looking for Saturn?” she asks.
“Always am.” He answers sadly despite the small smile on his lips.
She doesn’t say anything, only matches his sad smile with one of her own, and holds out the box shyly.
“Happy birthday Jay.”
He takes it gently, looking at her with a look neither of them can register yet. He leans into her a bit, nudging her softly before tearing at the paper.
When he opens the box his smile drops, and suddenly it feels like he can’t breathe, he feels caught off guard as his emotions blindside him. He had no clue what to expect but this certainly wasn’t it.
y/n sees his reaction and it feels like a gut punch. Why had she gotten him that?
She felt so certain it belonged with JJ but seeing him look so upset now she just felt stupid.
“JJ, I’m sorry, I can bring it back, I just thought … if you don’t like it I’ll take it back.” She tries to explain herself and reaches for the box, but he jerks away from her when she tries to take it back.
She freezes, confused now. He doesn’t catch her reaction, still looking at the necklace in his hands.
“I think I’m forgetting her.” He finally says, voice barely above a whisper, like he was scared to say it. Like this was the first time he was admitting it to himself.
“I’m scared y/n, it’s only been a year, and every day I’m scared I’ve lost another piece of her, what if I’m forgetting her?” And then he’s crying before he can stop himself, sobbing almost.
He clutches the box to his chest like he’s scared to let it go, like letting it go would be the end of the world for the second time.
y/n pulls him in, a few tears of her own falling, thinking of all the things she would do and the things she would trade to take away his pain.
“JJ… you’re not going to forget her, okay, I promise you. All you’re doing is healing, trying to learn to live a normal life without your mom, something that no child should ever have to do. You have so many memories of her, you have so many stories and pictures. You're a piece of her. When you’re older you’ll pass the stories on, and people who never got to know her will know her. And when you're older, older, you’ll tell your kids about their grandmother, the woman who was as strong as a hurricane and soft as a butterfly all in one. You won’t forget her JJ, you can’t when you’re part of her.”
She talks him down, and once he subsides he sees the truth in her words, he trusts her so he trusts what she’s saying wholeheartedly.
“You promise me, y/n?”
She holds him tighter
“Cross my heart JJ.”
“Okay,” He says, sitting up from her.
“Okay?” she questions, wiping the last few tears from his face “because you don’t have to be.”
“I know, but I will be.”
She smiles at that, she knew he would be, even if he didn’t fully believe it, he was the strongest person she knew.
She nods towards the necklace “so you like it then?”
He nods. “I think this is the best present I’ll ever get.” And finally pulls the chain out of the box, staring at the clip confused as he tries to figure it out himself.
y/n laughs, making a motion for him to come closer.
“Here, I’ll do it for you.”
She undoes the clasp and wraps it around his neck, closing it again before adjusting, the charm settling just above his heart.
Her fingers linger on the charm, smiling at the memory, the meaning of it.
“Now you have your own Saturn, always with you.”
His hand closes on hers.
You are my Saturn y/n, he thinks.
But instead, he wraps her in a hug, “wanna camp out tonight? I’ll get John B to come back, the three of us like old times.”
She nods in his arms.
That night the three of them all felt like things had gone back to normal, even just for the night both John B and y/n were glad that JJ could feel some type of relief, even if it was fleeting. They knew in the morning things would go back to the way they were, and JJ would struggle a little bit more than the average person, but if they could just give him a couple of hours, it was worth it.
And finally, when they’ve retired to bed and settled in their sleeping bags, JJ and y/n had the same thought running through their minds as they fell asleep.
I love you to the moon and to Saturn.
And JJ swears he felt something press against his forehead that night, exactly like old times.
and i’ve been meaning to tell you, i think your house is haunted, your dad is always mad and that must be why, and i think you should come live with me and we can be pirates … then you won’t have to cry, or hide in the closet and just like a folk song, our love will be passed on
The summer they were sixteen was one they had been dreaming about what felt like their whole lives. Finally old enough to roam freely, exploring all the nooks and crannies unsupervised. The trio had now officially graduated to a group of five, and now they took on the world with Pope and Kiara by their sides.
It should have been a dream. Granted, most of the time it was, but there were nightmares constantly lurking in the corner. JJ didn’t want to admit it, but he was pretty sure he had finally lost his father.
Luke Maybank was never the same after his wife died, but for a while, he at least attempted for JJ. He tried, he really did, to be there, and be something for JJ. But he was losing himself, and in the past year, he was slipping further and further away, turning into someone that even y/n’s parents, who had known him for so long, didn’t recognize.
The drinking was getting out of control, and the hitting started not too long after. When he was sober, he was sorry, but eventually, it became a rare occasion to find Luke Maybank sober
So JJ’s normal became sneaking around his own house, avoiding the last of his family, seeing how many family dinners at y/n’s he could get invited to each week, and saving everything he could from his oddball jobs to get out as soon as possible.
He didn’t like to talk about it, in fact, he never did. He let the pogues think whatever they wanted to and never gave them a real answer when they asked. As far as he was concerned, they didn’t need to be concerned about him, he’d be leaving soon anyways.
But y/n knew. She watched like she always did, she was observant. She watched his eyes get that faraway look whenever he rattled off his latest excuse and the way his smile would fall when he thought no one was looking. She watched him and knew he was hurting more than he would let on.
She had gone to his house to find him but only found Luke instead, and what she saw scared her. She did not recognize the stumbling drunk man looking back at her. And he didn’t recognize her either. The girl he had watched grow up next to JJ, the girl he had roasted countless marshmallows for when she was scared of getting too close to the fire. The girl he made pancakes for in the mornings and the girl he lit fireworks for on the fourth of July. None of the memories registered, he had run her off his property like a stranger had just trespassed.
It was when y/n knew that for the second time, JJ’s life had changed. The knowledge tormented her for weeks. She hated the small piece of her that still felt sympathy for Luke, he was a broken man with plenty of reason to be. She was holding out hope, that something good would happen to JJ.
But when JJ showed up with a black eye one afternoon, blaming it on a group of kooks, she knew she had to say something. She spilled half-truths to her parents, although she suspected they picked up on the unspoken story from the tears in her eyes.
“I’m just - I’m worried about him. I just have this feeling that things have been, I don’t know … harder than normal lately.”
Her parents had sensed the shift too, all her confession had done was confirm the suspicion. Her mother told her then that JJ was always welcome in the home, and her father told her he would try to talk to Luke the next day.
And that worked for a little bit, JJ had visibly perked up and for a minute things seemed like they were back to normal, and y/n was waiting for the right to tell him what she knew but it seemed Luke had beat her to it.
She had been waiting for him at the beach, but her smile immediately turned to worry when she saw him storming up toward her.
“What the fuck y/n?” was the first thing out of his mouth, and now instead of worried she was panicked realizing his anger was directed towards her.
“JJ, what-” But before she can get anything else out he’s talking again.
“What did you do? What did your dad do? What’s with all these cryptic messages of watching us and threatening to take me away? I mean what the fuck, what does that even mean? Take me away? Away from what, my home? My father, my only family I have left? How could you do this to me?”
Her face pales immediately, her head shaking.
“JJ, that is not what happened, that’s not what he meant -”
“So then it’s true, he did come by?”
“Yes but he didn’t threaten your dad JJ, he -”
“You know what y/n, I don’t care. I just came to tell you to stay out of it. I don’t know what you think you know, but my dad and I are fine. We don’t all have a picture-perfect family to go home to at the end of the day.”
His words stung, leaving her nearly speechless. “That’s- that’s not fair JJ. You are family.” She chokes out, but he was already walking away.
“What if it was me?” She calls out, frustrated.
He stops, and she keeps going. “If I were you, and my dad was putting his hands on me. If I started showing up with marks and bruises, wouldn’t you do anything to protect me?”
“I don’t need you to protect me y/n.” And that’s the last thing he says to her before walking away.
JJ’s not around for the next couple of weeks, and it drives y/n up the wall not knowing where he was, or what he was up to.
She spends time with the pogues, but she’s never fully there at any time, part of her mind was constantly on JJ. She finally broke one day and told the pogues to please go find JJ and make him go out on the boat with them. They tried to argue with her but she told them that she was pretty sure that if he didn’t blow off some steam soon, he was going to start getting into trouble, and it wouldn’t be good for him.
She gave them space for a few days, and just assumed that they had picked up JJ and got him out of the house for a bit, so she nearly lost it when the pogues finally confessed that they hadn’t seen or heard from JJ since they had been tasked to go find him.
“Are you sure he’s not at the house?” she asked “Sometimes he just won’t come out, or if you ran into Luke then -”
“He wasn’t there, and we didn’t see Luke either. We checked inside.” Pope answers.
She could feel herself panicking.
“Why did you say something sooner?” She stressed, looking mostly at John B.
He looks down, away from her gaze. “You know how he is y/n… and you were already worried enough. We thought he’d turn up soon, he always does.”
She shakes her head, “maybe, but haven’t you noticed that when he does there’s always a new bruise?”
The three of them exchange looks while she closes her eyes, taking a breath and trying to think for a moment.
“Okay, why don’t you guys go check some of our beach spots maybe? There are a few places I can look and just keep me updated if you find him and I’ll let you guys know too.”
They part ways and y/n knows she’s going back to check the house first. Even if he had left, he was never gone from the house long, there was too much to leave behind.
She parks a little way down from the house, she hadn’t been back since the day Luke had yelled at her and if she was being honest she was still a bit scared. She crept up to the house carefully, freezing she hears shouting, the noise becoming clear once the door swings open.
“Boy, I tell ya, that’s just about the funniest thing I think I’ve heard you say.” y/n hears him laughing maniacally.
“You’re not going anywhere, you won’t leave her, you know you won’t. You’re stuck here, just like me.”
Luke stumbles off towards a trail and y/n waits until he’s out of sight before dashing into the house, finding it still and quiet. She wonders for a moment if Luke had been talking to himself the whole time, not finding it entirely impossible considering how drunk he seemed.
And then y/n is suddenly realizing that the last time she had been in this house was JJ’s fifthteenth birthday, and she was suddenly very aware of how empty it felt. It had lost the warmness and comfort it once held, feeling more like a ghost town than a home now. She felt out of place, which was something she never, ever thought she would feel in the Maybank home.
She notices a slightly open closet door at the end of the hallway, and she swore she could hear sniffling, muffled cries like someone tucked away and hiding in there.
“JJ?” she called out, and when it suddenly went silent again, she knew, rushing over to the door and opening it delicately.
And there JJ was, curled up in himself, knees up to his chest and a photograph in his hand. She knew exactly what photo he was looking at, and she immediately dropped next to him. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want to scare him, but looking at him broke her heart.
So instead she starts talking.
“I remember that day.” She says. “That was one of the fourth of July parties, we were all there, even John B and his dad. And this was the year the full moon lined up with the holiday, and your mom was so excited, she talked about it all day and got us excited too. Our dads bought way too many fireworks like they always did. And we ended the night with s’mores, of course, because it wouldn’t be one of our nights without them. You always were so messy. There she is again, cleaning you up.”
JJ falls into her then, and y/n catches him like she always does, and always will. She has tears too, staring at the picture of an innocent JJ, a smile plastered on his face, stacked s’more in hand, staring up at his mom who he loved so much, with no idea he was going to lose her in the next few years. And there was his mom too, beautiful as always, her own s'more in one hand and the other attempting to wipe the sticky marshmallow from his mouth, laughing because she knows it’s useless. But she was his mother, so she would try regardless.
She wraps him up in her arms, her grasp firm so he knows she’s there but not tight enough to hurt him.
“I know why you won’t leave. I know why you won’t leave him, why you always come back. You’re holding on to that last piece of normal. It’s okay, it’s okay to hold on, but not when it’s hurting you like this. This house is full of memories, but it’s haunted and full of pain too. I would never ask you to leave what you know, but please just come with me for tonight, maybe a few days at most.”
JJ has always trusted y/n, so even now, when he was upset and jumbled with emotions he trusts her.
She lifts them both up gently. “Let’s get some spare clothes, okay? I can pack them for you if you want.”
They both walk into his room but he makes no effort to pack. Instead, he picks up another photograph that was sitting on his dresser before sitting at the end of the bed. Without saying anything else she grabs one of his duffle bags, and starts putting in a few extra shirts and shorts, and even grabs a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt just in case. When she’s finished he’s still staring at the photo like he’s in some kind of trance.
She throws the bag over her shoulder and reaches her hand out to JJ. That seems to break him out of his state a little, standing up and pocketing the photographs. He takes her hand and they walk out of the house together, out to her car.
She pulls into her driveway, and they walk into the house together and up to her room.
“Why don’t you shower and change?” She can tell he’s still dazed, and she’s hoping a shower will relax him.
While he showers she makes her way back downstairs, her parents are out of town for the next few days, so she figures she’ll cross that bridge when she gets there. She does, however, text the pogues, realizing just how long it had been since they all began looking for JJ. She keeps it simple and just lets them know that he’s okay and with her for now.
And then, she makes two sandwiches, one for herself and one for JJ, because she knew he wouldn’t eat if he thinks she had made something especially for him. When she walks back up the stairs into her room, JJ is already out of the shower and changed. He looks up when she walks in and she lifts up the plates of sandwiches slightly.
“Eat with me?” she asks.
They sit and eat the sandwiches in silence, and when they’re both finished she runs the plates back down before returning with two classes of water.
“Okay,” she says after a few sips. “Just try to get some rest, okay? I’m going to shower, but I’ll be quick.”
Long after the shower turns on, JJ is still hesitating and realizing how stupid their fight was. All that he knows is that he missed y/n, and now he was here with her, everything felt like maybe it would all be okay.
He had just made it under the covers when the water shut off, and a few minutes later y/n came out, not hesitating to lay down in the bed beside JJ. It didn’t matter that they had been fighting, or not speaking, or had not seen each other in the past few weeks. They would always be there when it was needed.
“I’m sorry y/n,” he says suddenly. She had thought he had fallen asleep.
She shakes her head, even though he can’t see her.
“It’s okay.”
He rolls over, and now they’re both on their back, staring blankly at the ceiling as if staring long enough would make it disappear and show them the night sky just on the other side of it.
“But it’s not.” He starts, “You were just trying to protect me. And this whole thing has been so stupid - I’ve been so stupid. I didn’t like that, us fighting, us not talking. It just feels like … a storm sometimes. In my head, and it scares me when I’m not in control.”
His hand finds hers in the dark, “I know you were just trying to protect me. I was just mad at myself because I feel like it’s my job to protect you, and I wasn’t doing that.”
She squeezes his hand. “Maybe it’s not okay…” she starts, “but just know I understand, and that I’m always going to be here.”
She looks at him then, reaching up and finding his chin, turning it gently.
“And we protect each other, okay?” There’s a desperation in her voice that he picks up on. One that he understands, deeply.
He gives her wrist a soft squeeze, “okay.”
Then he’s curling into her, and she lets him. It’s silent for another moment before y/n breaks it this time.
“JJ?” she says quietly.
He’s barely awake but he still answers her with a tired “Mhm?”
She hesitates, “to the moon and to Saturn.” She backs out, but the unspoken meaning is still there.
He smiles.
“You are my Saturn.
please, picture me in the weeds, before i learned civility, i used to scream ferociously … any time i wanted
y/n blinks and suddenly it’s graduation. She’s never been happier, a swirl of excitement and pride all in one stirring in her stomach. For herself and everyone but mostly for JJ. Things had been okay enough, but no one could deny the hand JJ had been dealt. He faced it every day, the sideway looks and the backhanded comments and the flat-out insults. But he had done it, proved them all wrong.
Luke had even made it to the ceremony, sitting tucked away in the back as he watched his son walk the stage, and afterward y/n eyes them as they had a conversation before finally parting ways.
JJ runs over to the rest of the group, scooping up y/n and spinning her around, cheering and causing a scene.
“We did it, we’re done!” He’s yelling, “we’re free!”
They continue to chat for a while and joke around, taking photos until the parents are all satisfied before parting ways with plans to meet back up at the beach later in the night.
JJ goes home with y/n and her parents, where there’s a small celebration set up for the pair. They eat cake and flip through old scrapbooks and photo albums. He’s happy, but there’s a sting in his chest, wishing his mom was there.
He imagines briefly, what it would have been like had his dad never changed, if he would have been there in the living room with them, or if he would have had his own afternoon planned. He decides not to dwell on it, instead, he wraps his arms around her from behind on the couch. He focuses on her, and her parents, the photo album of past memories. He understands he’s still lucky.
It gets later, and before JJ and y/n leave for the beach her parents call them into the kitchen again, they have something for JJ. He blushes at the statement, although he tries to hide it. He’s handed a small box and is shocked when he sees a silver key sitting inside.
“We hope we aren’t overstepping,” your mom starts, “really, it’s a bit overdue but we just thought - we just want you to know you’re welcome here anytime.”
Her father places a firm hand on his shoulder when he sees JJ getting choked up, “just if you ever need anything. Hell, if you ever just want to come bother us. You know you’re family.”
He laughs a bit, trying to lighten the mood, shaking his head, “Aw man, now you guys got me all emotional.”
Then he looks up at her father, “thank you, really.” And then he turns to her mother too, and she pulls him into a hug that he gladly accepts. “This means a lot to me, really… I don’t … I don’t know what I would’ve done without you guys. Where I’d be… just, thank you.” He tells her.
“You don’t need to thank us, honey. We’ll always be here to take care of you.”
The moment passes, he pulls away, clearing his throat in an attempt to hide his emotional state and he turns to y/n. “Alright, soaps over.” He announces, “you ready to go?”
They make their way to the beach, talking about summer along the way. JJ keeps listing all the things he wants everyone to do together before it’s time to part for school.
They find a spot on the beach, sitting and talking about how strange it is to be done with high school, and the future. Everyone is leaving, even John B. But JJ and y/n decided to stay close to home, not ready to leave yet.
“After college,” he says, “that’s when it’ll be time to go.”
“You would leave Outer Banks?” She asks, slightly shocked.
“Yea.” He says, confused as to why she was so shocked at his statement
“I’ve always said that, why the face?” He questions.
She looks down, realizing that he was right, he had always said that. She never thought about it in detail, never pressed him on it. Maybe she thought all this time that he never really meant it. Everyone always says they want to leave their hometown but how often did they really?
“nothing it’s just, something I heard Luke say once.”
She catches the way his face drops and she tries to backtrack
“No, no, it was nothing bad I promise. I heard him say ‘you know you won’t leave her’ and I don’t know, it’s just the only thing I’d ever agree on with Luke. That you wouldn’t leave your mom behind, and I understand that. You could build something better, be something better.”
He has a pained look on his face, his hand reaching up to the Saturn around his neck.
“Did you mean what you said, about me being a part of my mom?”
She rests a hand on his shoulder, “of course I did JJ. Everyone knows. You’re the best parts of her.”
“Then it won’t matter where I go. She’ll always be with me.”
Then the look on his face turns into a smirk.
“Besides,” he starts, “it wasn’t my mom he was talking about.”
y/n pulls her arm back from JJ’s, retreating into her own space.
“Oh.” She says simply, starting to wonder who would keep him tied here.
The only other girl he really had in his life was Kiara, and they had been awfully close this past year. She had even gifted him a locket for his seventeenth birthday and it now sat right next to his Saturn charm. It took everything in her not to ask what it was, her curiosity was killing her but she respected his privacy more. But truthfully, y/n couldn’t blame JJ even if she wanted to. Kiara was special, she wouldn’t want to leave her either. She didn’t want to leave any of them.
And then y/n started to realize that she always thought it would be her and JJ. Whenever she imagined the future, JJ was there too. She was realizing that maybe it was selfish of her to just assume he’d always be there. She knew he had dreams of his own, and who was to say that she was involved in any of them?
“Hey now,” he starts when he notices the change in her demeanor, grabbing at her face and pushing at the corner of her lips, playfully trying to force a smile.
“Why’s my y/n so sad?” He says with a pout, putting on a dramatic voice like he’s talking to a hurt child.
She pushed his hands away, trying to look annoyed but failing miserably, not being able to control the smile that follows her laugh.
“Well I’m sorry, my best friend just dropped a bomb that he has some mystery woman he’d follow to the ends of the earth. I guess I’m just a piece of moldy bread to you now, huh? I’ve been replaced.”
She overplays her sadness, saying it dramatically, but truthfully deep down a part of her is hurting at the thought.
His hands have moved to the side of her face.
“Come on now y/n, you’re supposed to be the smart one.”
She places her own hands on his, turning her head to the side slightly in question.
“Oh my god y/n,” he laughs, “are you going to make me say it?”
She remains silent, her face reflecting her deeper confusion, wondering what he was on about. She honestly felt like she had missed something, feeling like he had moved on to a whole new topic all together.
“It’s you, you big dummy!” He exclaims, shaking her a bit to emphasize his point.
Suddenly y/n is shocked and embarrassed, moving her head down, trying to hide from JJ’s gaze.
He laughs again and pulls her in, “I would never leave you y/n. You’re stuck with me.”
She doesn’t reply, but she doesn’t need to, instead, she lets him tuck her into his chest. Her eyes land on that locket of his, and she can’t stop her fingers from playing with the charm.
Then suddenly his hand is running up her arm and grabbing hers.
“Why don’t you just ask already?” He says and she immediately freezes. “I know you want to know.”
She still doesn’t say anything but she shrugs her shoulders a bit. Yes, y/n was dying to know what was in the locket but part of her also felt it was an unspoken line that she shouldn’t cross. It was Kiara that had given it to him, so it was probably something that meant a lot to the two of them, and she didn’t want to pry at their relationship.
Of course, he would tell her if she asked but she never let herself.
“Just open it y/n.”
She looks up at him, still hesitant. But the look on his face reassures her, so she pinches open the locket and immediately smiles when she sees the photo inside. That photo from that fourth of July all those years ago, sitting with his mom on the banket, marshmallow all over his face. She can’t help the bittersweet tears that prick at her eyes, thinking about all that JJ had accomplished, and wishing more than anything that his mother had been there to see it.
Then silently JJ reaches up and opens the locket the rest of the way, and when y/n sees the photo on the other side it feels like all the air has been sucked out of her. It’s a photo of him and her from when they were little, looking like it’s from the same night. There they were, standing next to each other with wide eyes and beaming smiles, sparklers in hand. Trails of light surrounded the sparklers, the children unable to keep them still.
And that was when y/n knew. She knew that it would always be the two of them, somehow and someway. She knew that she would go wherever he wanted or needed to go at the drop of a hat and that he too would follow her without hesitation. And most of all she knew she was lucky. She knew how lucky she was to have someone like JJ in her life.
She closes the locket with tears in her eyes, and rests her palm on his chest, feeling his heart beat wildly. When she finally looks up she sees him tearing up too. She reaches up and wraps her arms around him, holding onto him tightly and he does the same.
“I love you JJ.”
He squeezes her tighter for a moment.
“I love you too y/n.”
And maybe the words meant more to both of them. It seemed like over the years that the lines between loving platonically and loving romantically had blurred. Best friends, soulmates, twin flames, they were always something to each other. But the one thing that they did know was that they had time. They had so much time to figure it out and neither were in a rush to figure it out. What they were now was good, who were they to question it?
sweet tea in the summer, cross my heart won’t tell no other, and though i can’t recall your face i still got love for you, pack your dolls and a sweater, we’ll move to india forever … passed down like folk songs our love last so long
It’s Friday night and the Fourth of July. y/n has been cleaning the apartment all day, needing everything to be perfect. Everyone lived busy lives now, but they were coming tonight to celebrate. She even decorated. A few balloons tied to chairs and red, white, and blue streamers hanging from the doorway.
She hears the front door opening but doesn’t look up from the counter she was wiping down.
“Are you still cleaning? It’s just the pogues y/n, relax.”
“I know,” She says, folding the last blanket and placing it on the edge of the couch “I just want it to be nice. It’s all going to be so different soon.”
There’s a beat of silence and a bittersweet tension hanging in the air.
“Why are you home so late?” She asks, changing the subject quickly.
He lifts the grocery bag in his hand, “beer” he says simply.
She rolls her eyes. “JJ, we have plenty of beer.”
She starts walking towards the kitchen and JJ trails behind her, pulling the pack of beer out of the bag.
“Oh y/n, you can never have too much beer.” He places the pack in the fridge and then starts taking out a few more items.
“Plus, we can’t do the fourth without our favorite.”
She smiles at the contents on the counter, “how could I forget the s’mores?”
JJ turns back to her and puts his hands on her shoulders.
“Because you’re in overdrive, and stressing yourself out. Go take a nap before they get here. You’ve been up all day and I know you had a late night, you’re tired.”
“No, I was going to make some snacks and -” She protests.
“You don’t need to make anything, Kie said she’s bringing dinner from The Wreck.”
“Well, what about the fireworks?”
“John B has it covered”
“What about -”
JJ cuts her off again, “everything is done y/n, we’re ready for tonight. Go rest.”
She pulls him in, wrapping her arms around him.
“Are you sure?”
She looks up at him, admiring him for a moment. It was something she caught herself doing often, and if he noticed he never commented on it.
College had been kind to JJ. Once he got a handle on it he thrived in the freedom of it. They were coming up on a year since graduation, and JJ had since shed his childlike habits. He was still himself, the light of the party and loud and still sometimes impulsive but underneath it all, he was a man now. It was evident in the way he carried himself now, broader and more confident. He took his life seriously and was happy to do so.
She smiles up at him, “I’ll take a nap if you come with me.” And when she looks at him with those eyes of hers, JJ simply cannot resist.
“Okay, come on.”
They walk over to the couch, JJ picks up the blanket and unravels it before laying down.
“JJ! I just folded that.” She says, slightly irritated but laying down nearly on top of him anyways.
He only rolls his eyes at the comment, dropping the blanket over them and wrapping his arms around her, y/n melting into him as soon as he does.
Minutes of silence pass, and JJ thinks she’s fallen asleep until she speaks up.
“Are we sure about this?”
“y/n, we’ve spent months talking about this. I promise you we’re doing the right thing, okay?”
She sighs, knowing deep down that he was right, so she lets herself relax and catch up on the much-needed sleep.
Hours later and the night has finally begun. They’re all sitting in the living room, chatting. JJ and y/n exchange a look, and they know it’s time. 
“Alright guys, we have something to tell you all.” Her smile is spreading, but she still turns to JJ for reassurance. He takes her hand in his and the pair turn back to the group.
“We’re moving.” They both spit out at the same time. 
The other four drop their mouths in shock, it wasn’t the news they thought they were getting, but it was still enough of a bomb to catch them completely off guard. 
But the speechless shock only lasts a brief moment before they start bombarding the pair with questions.
“Okay, okay!” y/n shouts, trying to calm all the voices talking over each other. 
“San Francisco, California. That’s where we’re going. I got a job offer and JJ found a few places hiring where he can teach surfing lessons.”
Kiara and Sarah are nearly jumping from excitement, pulling her into a hug. 
“y/n, that’s amazing!” 
“Congrats, baby!” 
“When do you have to be there?” 
y/n’s smile drops and she pulls away. 
“Well, that's the thing…” She starts, glancing towards JJ again, and that’s when he steps in. 
“Our lease for here is up at the end of this month anyway …” 
“You’re moving across the country in less than a month?” 
“We didn’t think it was going to move this fast but things just seemed to line up that way…” 
After the excitement and explanation, they’ve migrated into two separate groups, the boys still lingering in the living room. 
“So that’s not the announcement we thought we were getting tonight,” Pope says, nudging JJ. 
JJ looks at him confused, “what do you mean?” He asks. 
“He means,” John starts, sitting up, “when are you gonna ask y/n to marry you?” 
JJ nearly chokes on his drink at that, even spitting a bit of it out. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He asks, “we’re not even dating.” 
The other two glance at each other for a moment before back at him.
“What?” The other two echo back, just as confused. 
“And I thought two of my best friends moving across the country was going to be the biggest news of the night,” John says, taking a swig from his beer. 
“What have you two been doing the past five years then?” Pope asks.
“We’re just … She’s my best friend, you guys know that.” 
“But aren’t you guys more than that?” John asks. “You know, you could have told us you’ve been dating since high school and we’d believe it. You really aren’t together?” 
JJ shakes his head, trying to explain what he doesn’t fully understand himself. 
“No, not like that. We’re just… we’re JJ and y/n. Like we’ve always been.” 
The other two share a small laugh. 
“What?” The blonde asks.
“It was never JJ and y/n,” Pope answers. “It was always jjandy/n.”
“Have you guys really never?” He pries. “... At all? Anything? This whole time? Have you talked about it ever?” Pope continues as JJ shakes his head.
“No… we haven’t, we’ve never had to. I just know I’m always going to have her, and she’s always going to have me. We’ve never questioned or talked about how or in what way.”
“But what are you going to do if she meets someone? If you meet someone? Will you move out? Do you two even know how to function without the other?” Pope spits the questions out at a rapid-fire, genuinely curious.
“Of course, we can function without each other, we aren’t codependent.” JJ sighs, taking a breath, “I don’t know what’s going to happen if we meet people, we’ve never had that problem. She’s never mentioned guys past a hook up so I don’t know.”
“And what about you? What if you meet a girl?”
“I don’t know! Good god, what’s with the third degree?”
“You’ve seriously never thought about the future?” John presses. 
“Not in, that sense I guess.”
“Okay, here, close your eyes. Don’t give me that look, come on just close them.”
JJ rolls his eyes but does as he’s asked. 
“Okay, now, imagine yourself five, maybe even ten years from now. What do you see?”
“I don’t know… I just - I just see y/n.” 
In the kitchen, Kiara and Sarah are giving y/n a similarly hard time, although it seems to be phasing her a little less. 
“You know we totally thought the two of you were going to tell us that you were finally engaged, right?” 
y/n rolls her eyes at Sarah, jumping up onto the counter to sit, “I’ve told you guys, we aren’t even dating. I don’t know where you keep getting that.” 
“Still?” Sarah nearly shouts, “You guys still aren’t dating?” 
“Ha!” Kiara cuts in before y/n can reply, “You owe me ten bucks.” 
“Oh, so you guys are betting on us now?” 
“Sarah’s betting.” Kiara says, “I’m making a profit.”
The other two are still standing, leaning against the counter inches away from y/n.  
“What have the two of you been doing this whole time?” Sarah starts asking. “I thought for sure after we graduated college the two of you would finally get together.” 
“They’re their own thing, Sarah, I keep trying to tell you.”
“But you guys are basically together, aren’t you? Is it just a ‘we don’t want to put a label on it’ thing?” Sarah presses.
“No, we aren’t together romantically at all. As I’ve said, I don’t know why it’s so shocking to everyone whenever I remind you.” 
“But do you want to be?” Kiara asks, shifting the tone of the conversation a bit. 
“I don’t know.” She says quietly, thinking it over. 
“I mean, Sarah is right you guys have been together for, well your whole lives really. You guys are moving across the country together. The two of you are pretty much starting your lives together. What if he brings someone home? What if you meet someone?” 
y/n just shrugs, starting to feel the tingling of emotions. 
“To be honest with you, I don’t like to think about it. I mean I’ve dated here and there, and I know JJ has too but it never became anything serious for either of us.” 
That day on the beach all those years ago had been enough to hold her over. The thought of always being together in some way, but now that they were getting older and a new part of life was starting, would that hold true? 
“I just know I want him in my life.” She continues, “I mean, I think part of me always did think that maybe we’d end up together but… I don’t know I just, I guess I just want to make sure we’re together because we want to be, not because we’re all we’ve ever known. Sometimes I get scared that we’re holding each other back, that there’s something or someone we’re missing out on.” 
She looks back up at the two girls, shaking her head at her emotions that seem to be building up. 
“But most of all I just want him to be happy you know? I need to be prepared if it’s not with me. I guess I don’t know. I don’t even know what I’m saying.” 
Sarah places a hand on y/n’s shoulder comfortingly. 
“No, we get it. I think a lot of this is just anxiety from the move, from this big life change coming up. I can tell you, the one thing that’s never going to change is you and JJ. You guys are absolutely not holding each other back. Trust me, one of us would have said something if we were worried.” 
“You can’t see it from the outside.” Kiara jumps in. “It’s not always bad to have someone like you have JJ. Never once have either of you held each other back. You’ve always brought out the best in him and he’s always brought out the best in you.” 
“You really think so?” She asks, looking between the both of them. 
They both nod, pulling the girl into a group hug best they can, just as the boys are walking back in from the living room. 
“Hey!” JJ immediately shouts, walking over to the three girls. “Which one of you made my y/n cry?” 
Sarah wordlessly moves from her side and next to Kiara, making space next to y/n for JJ to slide into, sending a look to Kiara at the words my y/n while doing so. 
“Kiara was telling me a story about work.” y/n says quickly. “You know how I get about the turtles.” 
“Oh yes,” He says, lifting a hand and wiping away the few tears, “that would explain it.” 
“What about you boys?” She asks, nodding at Pope and John as well, “What were you all gossiping about, huh?” 
“John was telling me all about the fireworks he brought. You ready to go light ‘em up?” 
She jumps down from the counter excitedly. 
“Yes, let’s go!” She says, grabbing the large plate that contained chocolate and graham crackers in one hand and a large bag of marshmallows and skewers in the other. 
The rest of them follow the pair out, watching as JJ takes the plate from y/n so she doesn’t have her hands full. 
“Okay,” Sarah says, “I’d put money on a year from now.” 
“Oh my god, Sarah,” Kiara says, giving her a playful shove. 
The rest of the night is good, y/n makes sure to take a moment to let it sink in, all their smiles and all their laughs. 
They set off fireworks, and sparklers, throw poppers at each other’s feet, watch the boys run from one another with roman candles in hand, and JJ and y/n eat their weight in s’mores. The night runs longer than intended, especially since the girls decided to bring the alcohol back out. 
Finally, long after the night has settled and everyone has lingered for as long as they can, the group starts to say goodbye to each other. Dishes and trash are brought back inside, excess fireworks and belongings collected, and goodbyes dragged out until JJ and y/n are left in their apartment.
y/n lets out a long sigh, feeling the night and the drinks and the reality of them leaving catch up to her. It felt a lot more real now that they had told their closest friends. 
JJ notices her lingering by the door and tugs her gently on the arm. 
“Hey, you wanna sleep with me tonight?” 
She nods silently, a grateful smile on her lips. 
“Go change and meet me in there, okay?” 
She moves a little bit slower than usual, weighed down by exhaustion, doing the bare minimum to get ready for bed, simply changing her clothes and brushing her teeth lazily before pulling her hair up and walking to JJ’s room. 
He’s just climbing into bed and she follows without hesitation, curling into him. She thinks about how easy it is with JJ, or maybe natural is the better word. Everything just is with him. 
He notices the way she’s holding his hand tightly and to her chest.
“Hey,” he starts softly, “you know if … if you’re second guessing this whole move, just say it and we’ll stay. Or… just tell me and I’ll stay.” 
“No,” she says quickly, holding him even tighter now. “It’s not that…” She pauses, trying to gather her words and her courage. 
“It’s just, you know that I love you, right? But do you know that I love you?” 
JJ thinks he can’t breathe and worries for a second that his heart beating as fast as it is can’t be healthy. He wonders for a moment if he’s already fallen asleep and if this is all just a dream. 
Because this is the moment he’s been waiting for his whole life.
“I’m starting my life with you. Moving all the way across the country… away from our home, our family, and our best friends. But the thing is, as hard as I know it’s going to be … I don’t care. Because I’ll be with you, JJ. I’ll have you. I don’t want anything else. Anyone else. I never have.” 
It’s more of a confirmation than anything else.
There’s a moment of silence, and she holds her breath. Then another, while JJ tries to find his words. His mind races, processing her precious words. Pieces of their life together flash through his mind.
He’s crying before he can stop himself, overwhelmed.
“Just… come here.” He says desperately, pulling her in and locking her into his hold. 
“You’re going to make me cry.” She says, muffled in his chest. 
If it was anyone else, maybe the tears would be alarming. She would’ve read the situation differently, and taken it as a rejection. 
But it was JJ. And tonight is more of a confirmation than a confession. 
He pulls her even closer, tightens his grip in hopes of emphasizing his words, and just how much he means it. 
“I never told you outright, but you had to have known, right?… that it was always going to be you? I’ve never been good with my words but I hope I’ve shown you. I hope you’ve felt it this whole time. How important you are to me. How much I love you.” 
She escapes his grip, pulling away only so she can see his face. 
“I have never felt anything but loved by you JJ.” 
And then JJ blacks out he thinks. Or maybe it was just a mind-numbing rush of adrenaline. Or maybe it was natural instinct that had been lying dormant this whole time, just waiting for the right moment. 
Because one second he was staring at her glossy eyes, and the next his lips had found hers. 
It’s soft and slightly desperate, dizzying and intoxicating. 
A sensation that both of them had been the feeling they had simply been waiting for their whole lives. 
They only break away to relieve the burning in their lungs. 
“Say it,” she begs softly, a little out of breath and a little drunk on JJ. 
His mind is in a haze, a smile still adorning his lips as he tries to get back to hers. “I love you.” 
“No,” She says, pulling on him to get as close as possible, “the other one. Tell me again.” 
He doesn’t even hesitate, knowing what she means in an instant. 
“You’re my Saturn, y/n.” 
She smiles into his chest, “again.” 
His hand finds her cheek, guiding her face to look up at him. 
“You are my Saturn.” 
“Never stop saying it?” 
He kisses her again, then pulls her back into his side, tucking her into the spot that she’s always belonged in. 
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fairydvsts-blog · 1 year
"i love you" in Taylor Swift’s lyrics ‧˚˖ ꒱꒱
some Rafe Cameron & JJ Maybank's stories inspired by Taylor Swift songs.
ꕤ — personal fav. ღ — fluff. 𐐂 —smut. ϟ — angst.
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O1 — he looks up grinning like a devil ღ ϟ Rafe Cameron
O2 — i could see you being my addiction 𐐂 ꕤ JJ Maybank
O3 — say my name and everything just stops 𐐂 Rafe Cameron
O4 — i was enchanted to meet you ღ JJ Maybank
+ more coming soon...
All rights reserved, @fairydvsts-blog 2023 ©
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demonicdust · 3 months
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Hey all. My name is Penelope (or call me Aime) and I hobby in writing. I take requests usually, and sometimes will write randomly. I major here in romance. A Swiftie and an artist too. I write songs sometimes as well, and am willing to share some upon request. :)
My specialties are:
x reader fanfiction
themed fics
sometimes! headcannons
I might do NSFW (from time to time maybe), but will do more intense scenes. We'll see. I will write with cussing and some suggestive things, that's at most so far. But that's only to fit the style of the world I'm writing in. I love embracing it.
Some of my fandoms are (the ones with a star next to them are my specialties/what I'm currently into most):
Outer Banks☆
Hazbin Hotel☆
Helluva Boss☆
The Amazing Digital Circus☆
Fundamental Paper Education
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
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rudysrings · 4 years
Easy - JJ x reader
A songfic based on Camila Cabello’s Easy
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Summary: You’re a complicated girl, but JJ know this. He loves you anyways. It takes you a while to realize that he doesn’t love you in spite of your flaws; he loves you because of them.
You tell me that I'm complicated And that might be an understatement Anything else?
The two of you argued very rarely. You understood each other too much to actually get into an argument. The problem was, however, was that when you did fight, it was a huge ordeal, and you had trouble backing down, instead just adding fuel to the fire.
At one point in your argument that night on the beach, JJ closed the distance between you, grasping your shoulders and shaking you in frustration. “Fucking hell, you’re just so complicated!”
You stopped yelling. He was right, of course. He rarely yelled back, but when he did, he was right. Honestly, crazy might have been more accurate. You knew you had issues. Your family life was tough, your past relationships had molded you into a ball of caution, ready to lash out at any sign of disloyalty. At the same time, you knew it was no excuse for you to act out.
You admired JJ. He had waded through so much shit and come out of the end of it relatively okay, he came out of it perfect when compared to you.
Every day, he inspired you to be better than you were yesterday, because even if you were stupid sometimes, the one thing that you knew with absolute certainty was that JJ deserved the best. You knew you weren’t the best, but you would fight tooth and nail to be better.
Tell me that I'm indecisive Fickle, but I try to hide it Anything else?
You were constantly contradicting yourself. You asked him to leave and then yelled at him when he didn’t stay.
JJ called you out on it, saying that you didn’t know what you wanted. “You keep pushing me away and then you keep coming back only to push me away again. C’mon, darling, you’re giving me whiplash.”
Your shoulders slumped and you looked down, squeezing your toes together and gathering sand. “Jesus, JJ. You shouldn’t have to deal with this—with me…” You looked up at him. “Maybe you would be better off with a girl who’s got her shit together.”
JJ’s arm flinched, angry, as if the very thought of being with anyone other than you made him uncomfortable.
You tell me that I overthink 'Til I ruin a good thing Anything else?
He shook his head, chuckling sadly. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts and looked out at the waves crashing furiously on the shore. “Man, you think too much. You keep trying to find something wrong with us. He cocked his head as looked at you. “When are you going to accept the fact that we’re a good thing?”
You tell me that you'd rather fight Than spend a single peaceful night With somebody else
You stepped back and scoffed. God, he just kept criticizing your character today. “Wow. You just never stop. You got anything else to say about me?”
JJ walked over to you, nodding. “Yeah, I reckon I do.”
You quirked an eyebrow, shocked at his nerve.
Then he smiled, tilting your chin up to look at him. “As much as you keep trying to ruin us, I know we’re beautiful. You’re my girl and I’d rather fight with you every night of my life than spend it peacefully with anybody else.”
And then he kissed you, melting away your anger just like that.
You really, really know me The future and the old me All of the mazes and the madness in my mind
You really, really love me You know me and you love me And it's the kind of thing I always hoped I'd find (yeah)
You tried not to smile, but you did, and he smiled back against your lips. He really did know you inside and out, knew what made you tick, what made you cry and exactly how to make you smile.
You said to him, barely at a whisper, as if you didn’t want him to know. “I guess I’m just trying to prepare for when you leave me.”
JJ frowned. “Don’t say when. It’s not going to happen.”
You shuddered. “I’m just afraid.”
You pulled you closer, so that you were standing on his toes and brushed you nose with his. “I know, darling, I know,” He whispered against your mouth. “I love you.”
You grinned. “I never thought I’d get this, J. I always hope but, I really never dreamed that I could be so in love with someone.”
You weren’t prepared for the blinding smile he gifted you, almost falling back at the sight. “It’s terrifying isn’t it?” He asked.
You nodded, humming in agreement.
He took your hand, leading you off the beach. “Let’s go,” he said, nodding towards the dirt bike you had gotten here on.
Always thought I was hard to love 'Til you made it seem so easy, seem so easy
Though you had driven the two of you to the kick-back at the beach that night, you were too physically and mentally drained to drive now so JJ took the job, you wrapping your arms tightly around his middle as he drove. With your forehead on his back, your thoughts wandered. You were difficult to love, your past lovers had made sure you knew that. It became a truth in your head, until JJ. He made it seem like loving you was natural, it came easy, rolled off him in delicate waves. He never seemed irritated at having to deal with your overthinking mind and easily triggered imagination. He had the patience of a saint when it came to you and it never failed to amaze you. When you asked him about it, he would shrug and say he didn’t have much of a reason why he was that way with you. “But if I had to guess, it’s because it’s easy to love you.”
Touch me 'til I find myself, in a feeling Tell me with your hands that you're never leaving
That night, JJ took you in his lap, your hair a curtain around the two of you, making your private moment in the spare bedroom of the Chateau even more intimate. You spent of a lot of time just feeling you, and you him.
His warm, familiar hands brushing across your shoulders, your back, your hips, your thighs. Gripping you tightly, saying without words that he was always going to hold onto you. He was physically grounding himself to you, kissing your neck as he whispered. “There’s no when. I’m always going to stay. You’re my girl.”
You blinked away the tears, kissing his jaw as he mumbled. “Never gonna leave…I can’t.”
I never liked my crooked teeth You tell me they're your favorite thing Anything else?
The next morning, JJ woke you up with a series of kisses all over your face, ending at your lips. You pulled away and smiled wide, before quickly covering your mouth with your hand.
JJ wrinkled his nose. He swatted your hand away, pecking your cheek. “Don’t do that. Your crooked teeth are my favorite thing.”
His hands wandered, sliding over your hips and around your thighs, which he hooked around himself, pressing himself closer to you.
You saw what he trying to initiate and you shook your head. “No, no, no, J. You know morning sex isn’t my thing.”
JJ pouted adorably. “Well, why not?”
You laughed, “Well, it’s light out. You can see everything. All the stretch marks around my thighs and the scars on my knees.”
JJ shook his head, smiling sadly. He leaned over you, crawling down your body and finding said stretch marks. He looked up at you coyly before looking back at what was in front of him, slowly placing open mouthed kisses all over your bare thighs.
All I know is you, heal me when I'm broken Heal me when I'm broken, oh All I know is you, saved me and you know it Saved me and you know it
He moved to your knees, frowning at the marred skin. He kissed those, too, even more fervently, as if he could heal them with sheer passion.
You were surprised to find yourself crying, tears filling your eyes at the tender gesture. JJ noticed immediately, moving back up to you as soon as he noticed. “Hey, hey, hey…what’s wrong?”
You shook your head against his shoulder. “You saved me, JJ. I don’t know where I’d be without you. I don’t know how you do it, I make it so damn hard for you—”
JJ tilted your mouth up to meet his, stopping right before your lips met. He smirked. “It’s not hard at all. It’s simple really. It’s easy to love you.”
You giggled. “You spoil me, Maybank.”
He simply nodded, flipping so that you were on top of him. He tucked your hair behind your ear as he looked at you with absolute adoration. “I know.”
Always thought I was hard to love 'Til you made it seem so easy, seem so easy
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caitlyn-winchester · 2 years
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Song!fic: Pasta- New Rules
Summary: JJ takes the reader out for a date at the local country club. When the reader is left alone, she overhears some unsolicited comments from Kooks about her body. This causes her to spiral down a self-loathing path and questions why JJ is someone like her. After a week of odd behavior, he needs to find out his girlfriend is acting so different.
TW: body-image issues, self-hatred, bullying, mentions of calories and calorie counting. angst & fluff
A/N: this is my first song fic, I hope I did it right! Feedback is appreciated because it helps me write better!
All she wanted was a bowl of pasta
Without anybody lookin’ at her
So I asked her “Baby, what’s the matter with that?”
JJ recently got promoted from bus boy to waiter at his job at the local country club. As part of his promotion he was rewarded one free dinner with a plus one at the restaurant. He took you, his girlfriend, of course and you were both really excited about tonight. Kiara helped you get ready for the night, picking you out a red spaghetti strap dress. She styled your hair as you applied some makeup. You felt really confident after you were done getting ready. You don't remember the last time you got to dress up for anything.
You and JJ were both seated at the restaurant, looking over the menus.
“Babe, you gotta get their Mac-n-Cheese. It's go good. I snuck some the other day. Its like 5 different kinds of cheeses. They put bread crumbs on top and they toast it in the oven.” JJ said as he looked over the menu, licking his lips. He was like a kid in the candy store. “Actually lets get one order of that and split it. I think I want the steak and we need some appetizers too.”
“That does sound good.” You hummed, eyeing up the fried chicken sandwich. “Isn't this going to be a lot of food though?”
“It’s free.” JJ shrugged. “Plus a beautiful girl like you deserves whatever the hell she wants.” You blushed at his comment, fiddling with the menu. Even after all this time, JJ still has the ability to make you blush.
The waiter came up and took your guys’ order, leaving a complementary basket of bread and butter. Why is restaurant bread so good? Your food came and you both dug in immediately. You scooped some of the infamous Mac-n-cheese on your plate. You took a bite of it and the flavors immediately melted on your tongue.
“Holy shit.” You moaned out, “This is really good.”
“Told ya.” JJ sent a wink, digging into his steak. You and JJ continued eating your meals, having casual conversations until JJ excused himself to go to the bathroom.
“Stephanie,” You heard a kook, Tiffany Ardmore, speak up from the table behind you, “Do you see the girl JJ Maybank brought here?”
“Yea.” Stephanie Ray said after a beat. “Is that his girlfriend?”
“Think so. Don’t know why, so not his type.” Tiffany snickered.
“For real. I mean look at her.” Stephanie said with a venom in her voice. “JJ is like one of the hottest guys in Outer Banks. Even for a Pogue, he could have anyone on this island and he chose that.”
“Look at her dress.” Tiffany scoffed. “It’s out of season and look at the straps digging into her skin. She needs to lose some weight before JJ leaves her for someone more prettier.”
“Yeah that’s not going to happen.” Stephanie laughed. “Greedy Pogue. She ate so much tonight and that Mac-n-Cheese probably has over 800 calories in it.”
As the gossiping continued, you felt worse and worse about yourself. You wanted to speak up but you didn’t want to cost JJ his job. Their words sunk in and you couldn’t help but over analyze everything they said. Suddenly you could feel how the straps dug into your skin and how it clung tightly to your body. The confidence you had merely an hour ago has diminished.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw JJ walking back to the table. He looked so handsome in his dress shirt and black pants.
“Did you know they have deodorant and fancy hair shit in the bathrooms here?” JJ asked as he gave you a kiss on the cheek before he sat back down. “Kooks, man.”
You hummed, pushing the mac-n-cheese around your plate. Your appetite is suddenly gone but you don’t wanna ruin the night for JJ. He was so excited about this and so were you. You were looking forward to a night out with your boyfriend alone, something that is very rare. But now you could get Tiffany’s and Stephanie’s words out of your head.
“….everything alright?” Your head snapped up once you registered JJ’s voice, his features laced with worry.
“Yea, sorry.” You put on your best poker face, smiling to your boyfriend. “I was just thinking about my Psychology project that’s due in two weeks. I haven’t started it yet.”
“Don’t worry about that tonight.” JJ held out his hand for you to take, which you did. ”You’re like super smart. You’ll get it done.”
“Thanks JJ. I love you.” You squeezed his hand.
“I love you too, beautiful.”
Sweat pants, hair up on the sofa
Swear down, yeah that’s how I know ya
She said that I look alright, I
I don’t wanna go out tonight
So can we stay in and I can make you something,
We ain’t gotta dress up for nothing
Feet up with the TV on, and all she wanted…
You were currently sitting on the sofa, in JJ’s hoodie and some sweatpants. That’s all you have been wearing lately, loose fitting clothes. It covered up all your insecurities. You scrolled through the calorie app on your phone. You were so hungry but you were almost at your calorie limit for the day. You sighed, jamming your phone on its charger and turning on the TV. A knock come from your front door. You got up and answered it, the door revealing JJ.
“Hi pretty girl.” JJ stepped into your house, leaning down to give you a kiss. “There is a kegger at the Boneyard tonight. Wanna go?”
“Oh,” you faltered. “I kinda wanted to stay in tonight.” You bit your lip, scared he will be disappointed. This is the third time you rejected hanging out with him this week. “You can go though. I don’t wanna ruin your fun.” You patted his chest.
“I wanna spend time with you.” JJ pulled you close to him, resting his hands at your waist. “I miss you.”
“I’m right here, babe.” You gave out a dry laugh, trying to play off what he is referring too. JJ gave you a look. He was conflicted, he knows something else is going on but he doesn’t want to push you.
“Okay,” He sighed, “How about we stay in, order take-out and Netflix n’ Chill” He smirked at you, wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile at him. Both of you settled in on the couch. JJ threw a blanket over your two, putting his feet up on the coffee table. JJ sent a quick take-out order through his phone, not telling you from where. It’s a surprise, apparently. You cuddled into his chest as he played with your hair and rubbed your back. You were looking at TV but your mind wasn’t completely there. You were too worried about JJ’s hand on your back and how he probably felt your fat.
All she wanted was a bowl of pasta
Without anybody looking at her
So I asked her, "Baby, what's the matter with that?"
She said, "I know it's stupid, but it's complicated
There's been a lot of pressure on me, lately
To wake up everyday and look amazing"
So I said "You're the prettiest thing in the world"
“Alright.” JJ guided you to sit up 30 minutes after you two laid down. “I need you to be honest with me. I know something is wrong, so don’t even try to say you’re fine.” JJ stressed. “What’s the matter?”
”I-“ You started, looking away from JJ. “It’s complicated..and probably stupid.”
“Well, uncomplicate it them. I want to help you. Whatever it is you can tell me.” JJ pressed.
“It’s just…You’re you and I’m me.”
“The hell is that suppose to mean.” JJ’s eyebrows pinched together.
“JJ, you are like the hottest guy ever and sometimes I don’t even know why you are with me. I mean look at me! Im not your type.” you cried out, built up emotions pouring out.
“First of all, I’m with you because I love you. Second, I don’t know where the whole ‘type’ thing came from but you’re the prettiest girl in the world.” JJ cupped your face, wiping away your tears.
And I'll tell you everyday, I love you just the way
You are, so don't you change, don't you change, no
There's only who you wanna be
'Cause you're everything you need
You're everything I need, oh
“No,” you shook your head. “You deserve someone prettier, like some hot surfer chick or someone like Tiffany Admore.” You mumbled out, tears still escaping.
“Woah, Tiffany?” He questioned. “What the hell does some kook have to do with this? Did she say something to you?” He growled out. Your silence was the only answer he needed. “That fucking bitch!” He snapped, standing up. He looked at you and saw your face. Tense, scared and sad. He knew you needed him now more than anything. He took a second to compose himself then turning to you. “What did she say to you, baby?” He crouched down, putting a comforting hand on your knee.
“She was gossiping with Stephanie at the table behind us when you went to the bathroom. They were making comments about me and my body. Basically they were saying you should leave me for someone prettier.” You sniffled. “And they are right.”
“The hell they are.” JJ scoffed. “They are just some stuck up kook bitches who are jealous because I am with the hottest girl ever.” JJ sat down next to you again, pulling you into a tight hug. “I don't want someone like Tiffany, I want someone like you. I love you just the way you are. So fuck Tiffany’s and Stephanie’s opinion.” He rubbed soothing circles on your back. “I should of known something was off but I just chalked it up to stress.” JJ sulked, annoyed at himself for not confronting you earlier.
“Its not your fault.” You looked up at him with sad eyes. You went to confess something else, but you couldn't. The pain of self-pity you caused yourself all week made you break down again.
“Hey,” JJ shushed. “It’s alright, pretty girl. Let it out.” He held you tighter, kissing the top of your head. “Tell me when you’re ready.”
“I haven't been the nicest to myself this week.” You confessed after a moment, wiping your tears with your hoodie sleeve. “I haven't been eating enough. I cut out a lot of foods and calories because I wanted to be skinnier. I wanted to be prettier for you because I was scared you were going to leave me. Their words really hurt me and I don't love myself like I use to.” JJ’s heart broke at your words and he became more angry at himself but mostly Tiffany and Stephanie. They hurt his girl and no one hurts his girl. He can’t do much besides ‘accidentally’ spilling water on them at the restaurant but he will get his revenge..one day. But first his priority is you and fixing what was broken inside you.
“Look at me,” JJ gently lifted your chin so you would look at him. You noticed his eyes were red and watery. He was crying too. “I love you and I think your beautiful. Please never forget that.” He stressed. “I’ll tell you everyday how beautiful you are. I don't care how long it takes for you to yourself like you did before. Somedays will be good and some days will be bad but I’ll be right there to remind you of your beauty.” He started to rub your cheek and temple Both of you are crying at this point. “I love you just the way you are, so please, please don't change. Don't you ever dare change, not for me or anyone else. You're everything you need and you’re everything I need. I love you.” JJ finished by leaning in to give you a kiss. This kiss was sweet and passionate, but not passionate to the point where he was greedy. He poured all the love he had into the kiss. Silently retelling you all the things he told you moments ago. It definitely made you feel loved and made sure it was reciprocated so JJ knows how much you love him.
All she wanted was a bowl of pasta
Without anybody looking at her
You two kept making-out until there was a knock on the door.
“That would be the food.” JJ gave a slight chuckle as he pulled away from the kiss. He ran a finger over your kiss-swollen lips. Even red-eyes, swollen lips and messy hair (courteously from his hands), you still looked so beautiful to him. You would always look beautiful to him, no matter what. “You stay here, don't wanna ruin the surprise.” Moments went by as you heard JJ answer the door then some faint clanging in the kitchen. “Ok babe, close you eyes. and hold out your hands.” JJ pipped up. “Are they closed?”
“Yes.” you answered, holding out your hands. You felt something get placed in your hand. It was definitely a bowl and it was warm. It smelled really good...and familiar, you noted.
“Ok open them!” JJ said. You opened them and looked at the contents of the bowl.
“Is that...” You trailed off, looking down in shock.
“Fancy Mac-n-Cheese from the country club? Yes it is.” JJ said triumphantly.
“JJ, this is like $40 Mac-N-Cheese.” You gawked. “How did you even get this delivered?”
“Pulled some strings.” He shrugged. “My special girl needs special Mac-n-Cheese.” You felt yourself blushing. There goes JJ again, always finding new ways to make you blush. He sat down next to you with his own bowl in hand, giving you a fork. “Now go on. Beautiful girls like you deserve to eat.” JJ ushered. He turned the show back on and took a bite from his bowl.
You followed not long after, feeling comfortable around JJ. You know JJ would never judge anything you ate. You may never love yourself they way you did before hearing Tiffany and Stephanie. We all know once someone points something out, that’s all a person focuses on in the mirror. With JJ by your side, you think you can build up that confidence that you once had. Tonight was the first building block of that process and you are so grateful for having a wonderful boyfriend like JJ to help.
Look at what we've done to the girl.
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littlebunnygold · 3 years
Cherry (JJ’s pov)
so not only is seasonal depression kicking my ass, but my bf and I broke up so I'm feeling sad girl and have been listening to Cherry by Harry Styles nonstop for a whole ass week so you best believe I'm gonna write a sad breakup fic about it. 
is this what they call a song fic?
summary: after a nasty fight, you and jj decide to take a break. after almost 6 months later, jj see’s you with another guy.
warning: swearing, arguing, heartbrokenjj
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“I just can’t do this anymore J, I can’t” she said quietly as she sat down on the bed in the room they both shared at the Chateau. He fiddled with the ring on his finger, the ring she bought him for their 4 month anniversary. Oh, how he wished he could go back to that day. 
He stood above her, looking at his shoes. He knew he had a temper, and he knew it could get out of control sometimes, but he thought she would always be able to handle it. He can’t blame her, he hasn’t exactly been the best boyfriend recently, but he thought it was just a rough patch. 
He watches tears roll down her cheeks, her leg bouncing anxiously as she comes to terms with what she’s about to say.
“I think we should take a break”
That’s when the tears really started coming down. He kneeled beside her, reaching to touch her hair and face, “Y/n, look, I know things have been rough for a little bit but I promise this will pass. This isn’t over” he said, trying to catch her gaze. But she wouldn’t look at him. “This can't be over. I love you so much please don’t do this” he said, crying more than he already was. She leaned into hug him, gently brushing through his hair and kissed him on the head.
“I love you too. Baby, I love you more than I ever thought was possible... but I'm not going to be treated like this any longer. I can’t JJ. I won’t” she said. They both sat in silence for a couple minutes, the only sound in the room was muffled crying and the odd sniffle. Both of them just trying to enjoy the last hug they will share for a while. 
Before he knew it, she grabbed all of her stuff out of their room and left, leaving him alone, thinking of everything he did wrong.
6 months later 
Not a day has gone by that he hasn't thought of her. At first, he didn't think it was really over. He though in a week she would forgive him and they could move past this. But weeks became months, and suddenly he hasn't spoken to her for half a year. He avoids the places he knows she likes to go, like the local ice cream store, or her favourite restaurant. Hell, he hasn’t gone surfing in months in case she was there. 
The break up was hard everybody, all of the Pogues had grown to love her and accept her as their own, especially when they saw how well she handled JJ. How calm and comfortable he became when he was around her. How deeply in love he was with her. They didn't think he would make it out of this breakup alive. 
They had finally had enough and decided to drag him to the beach to go surfing with them, reassuring him that they hadn’t seen her in a couple weeks and it should be safe. Although it took some convincing, he did miss the feeling of surfing. All of the shit that happens in real life, and all of the shit you have going on gets forgotten when you stand up on that board. 
They all laughed as they got out of the Twinkie, ready for a fun beach day. Even he let out a laugh when Pope got concerned about the height of the waves, as-per-usual. He was ready to hangout with his friends and try to have a good time surfing and drinking. That was, until he heard a familiar laugh coming a little ways away from him. A laugh he hadn’t heard in nearly 6 months. A laugh that he missed more than words could describe. 
He quickly snapped his head to the direction he heard it, his knees almost giving out at the sight of her. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Everything about her was perfect in his eyes. Before he could fully take in that she was less than 10 yards away from him, he saw the guy she was laughing with. The guy who made her laugh loud enough he could hear it. 
They all went silent when they realized what he was staring at, not knowing what to do or what to say. He still loved her, and they knew that. And she was here with another guy. John B. tried to talk to him, standing in front of his vision towards her and attempting to distract him. But it was too late. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, or the guy who’s arm she was now rubbing.
He couldn’t stand to see her play with this guys hair the way she used to do with his, or the way she kissed this guys cheek, how he wished she was kissing his. The way she used to kiss his. He was so reeled in by her that he couldn’t hear the voices of his friends trying to distract him, he couldn't feel their touch on his arm as they tried to pull him away from looking. He could barely breath seeing her acting like this with someone who wasn’t him. 
“Okay baby, let’s go swimming!”
That’s when he felt his whole body go limp. He looked away from her and was met with John B. who was still standing in front of him. His eyes big and watery, feeling like he was going to collapse at any moment. He watched her run into the ocean, looking so carefree and happy. 
“She called that guy ‘baby’” he said, quietly as John B. reached in to hug him. He could feel the emotions pouring out of him. After seeing her for the first time, missing her every single day and loving her more than ever. She had moved on. All of the sudden, all of the laughs they shared didn't matter. All of the sleepovers, shared secrets, cuddles, adventures, everything.. it didn’t matter anymore. He accepted the hug from John B. and closed his eyes when the rest of the Pogues joined in.
“She called him what she used to call me”  
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Permanent +1
OBX AU - kind of? Post S2, JJ x Pope
It’s JJ’s first Christmas without the Pogues. John B is taking Sarah to New York (he thinks he’s going to propose to her again), Kiara’s visiting relatives with her parents in sunny California, and Pope… well, Pope’s going to a wedding. JJ is spending Christmas alone.
Until he isn’t.
It’s Pope’s first Christmas that isn’t at home. His first few months of college were daunting and intense and he was looking forward to relaxing at home with his parents and JJ— he was always invited— until he got the invitation to attend his cousin Lou’s wedding. He loves his cousin Lou, and always trusts her to bring fun to family gatherings, but Lou isn’t the problem. It’s his aunts and uncles and grandparents and everyone else in between trying to find him someone nice to settle down with, despite the fact he’s barely nineteen.
So, naturally, he invites JJ as his fake date.
(link in reblog)
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anonymous0writer · 4 years
I Love Him II JJ Maybank
Author: @anonymous0writer​
Request: Yes!
“song request: i luv him. by catie turner x jj maybank“
Warnings: Angst dude. angst. 
A/N: This was amazing to write lol. also it’s a tiny bit confusing bc it’s all different points in their relationship meshing into this one, so the times are confusing. 
But basically it’s just now, before and after. i guess. I put “Before” “After” “Now” before the text so y’all know :)
Tags: @jayjaymaebank @rudys-pankow @maaybanks@everydayimfangirling @outrbank @thelocalpogue @decap-quadrant @ahhireallydontknow @never-ever-too-many-fandoms@kylosleftbuttcheek @insanitysparkles @divcrdown @youfookendonut @dpaccione​ @outerbanksbro​  @jjs-housekeeping​ @teenwaywardasgardian​ @traumaflavouredjuulpod @magnuolia @sarapage89 @emsma11 @bxbyyyjocelyn​ @teamnick​ @jjmbanks​ @thesurfingsnail @lulubutton34​ @obxsummer​ @katiaw2​ @poguecollins​ @notaninstagrammodel​ @danicarosaline​ @timmyswrld​ @gmwlover100​ @koufaxx @bellaguarneri​ @diverrdown​ @drewswannabegirl​ @lordsagittarius​ @drew-starkey​ @mahleeyuh​ @starkeymarkey​ @mcarignan @copper-boom​ @jessica-112​ @alternativehp​
(if your user is striked, that means i can’t tag you, message me and we can try to fix it!)
Song lyrics look like this
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He's what I want But I'm not what he needs He needs to wake up and look in the mirror And like just what he sees
You stared at the boy in front of you, lip caught between your teeth as you bit it, your eyes giving away what you were feeling.
You felt like reaching out, so your fingertips could brush his skin and you felt the heat of his skin and made sure he was still breathing and safe. You needed to know the exact heat of his skin and feel the living boy, but you refrained, keeping your feelings on a tight leash. This was for him. And if you ruined that, shattered that moment, you could never forgive yourself. Yet you found your fingers twitching and a tear pricking your eyes. 
Your lips trembled, but you closed them together, letting the boy leave. Tears threaten to spill over your cheeks like waterfalls. Pushing them back you swallowed the lump in your throat, trying not to cry because you knew that if you started, you wouldn’t stop. And he didn’t need that. Didn’t need to hear your erratic, uncontrolled sobs and your heart break. Plus, this wasn’t about you. This was about him. All of this was for him. He needed to get better and you loved him too much to not get him help.
A sob tried to escape your lips, so you bit down on your lip so hard it drew blood. You didn’t even wince as the tangy flavor filled your mouth. You just watched his blonde head bob as he ducked under the doorway and his feet carried him away. The sobs were silent, but they racked your body, tearing your strength away slowly. 
You wanted him. Wanted to keep him safe and happy and love him. You wanted him more than anything, but you knew that you weren’t what he needed. And that broke you the most.
And it kills me That I have to leave To watch him go get better 'Cause I'd set myself on fire If it meant he'd come back after
The warm, embracing air did nothing to soothe or warm you. Your feet shifted against the gravel of the driveway, unable to keep still. Your heart ached, breaking in the tiny cavity in your ribs. Every fiber of your begin weeped. Screamed for you to run back to the blonde, wrap him in your arms and let him kiss you. To feel his lips work against yours, everything around you fading into a haze of nothing. 
But you need to leave. So you bit your lip, trying to keep the wave of emotions in your gut at bay. You needed to leave so he could heal and get better. So you gripped the door handle a little tighter and without a second thought, you ripped the door open. The cool seats slid against your thighs as you climbed in and you started the car, the engine rumbling to life as you stared blankly ahead. The car lurched as you pressed on the gas and you sped off, gravel spitting behind your tires. The car left the driveway and disappeared, you with it. 
Clean break. That’s what this was. You needed to leave the boy so he could heal and grow. And love himself. And it was better to rip off the band aid fast rather than painfully slow right?
You would leave him alone, let him heal in solitude and then hopefully, he’d come back to you. You prayed and hoped so much the words were almost empty in their meaning when you whispered them into the dark. 
As you turned onto a long road, the car moving smoothly, a sob slipped from your raw lips. Tears fell without warning, dripping down your cheek and dropping along your neck. You tasted the salt of your tears as they touched your lips. With a shaking hand, you clicked on the radio, music flooding the cabin of the car. You needed the music to drown out the sound of your weeping. Needed it to drown the sound of your broken heart and the roar of the world around you. 
But hope still fluttered in your chest like a caged bird. You hoped and prayed that he would come back. Back to you. Because, god, you needed him back.
Because I love him I love him That's why I'm letting him go I love him and I want him But we both need time to grow
“This is the right thing,” You spoke, your voice even except for the slight waver at the end. You swallowed your emotions and nodded, as if you needed to say the words to believe them. As if you said them enough- like you said your hopes- they would create a foundation. Become real and solid, and true. 
Your eyes flicked up to meet his, knowing you needed to look him in the eye for him to see that. To see the truth to your words. His cerulean eyes swam with tears, matching your own. His bruised hands gripped each other so hard they turned white and his jaw was clenched tightly. He was trying to keep it together, just like you. The similarity broke your heart. Soon, you’d be saying goodbye and praying he’d get better. 
Your lips tugged into a frown that seemed permanently etched on your face as your eyes found the scars and memories of a bad life littering his skin. His black eye, dark and fading into a deep purple along the edges. Cuts marring the soft skin, red and short, but stark and angry. The fading, almost gone bruises that were like patches on his skin, yellow and old, but with slight pressure still hurt. His face and skin were littered with the memories of a young kid flinching away from his father’s hand or wincing when he took too sharp of a breath because his ribs were still recovering.
“We,” You paused the words coming out of your throat sharp and jagged. “We need time. Time to heal and grow.” You closed your eyes, eyelashes resting on your cheek. “We- I need to let you go. So you can heal.”
The words sat heavy in the air until JJ took a big breath, his chest hitching and his eyes rapt on your face. “What does this mean for us?”
You knew what he was asking. So you gave a smile. As big as you could muster, eyes shining with sadness and lips widening. But the smile dropped and your hand darted forward to grip his own. Naturally, your fingers threaded with his, yours fitting into the divots of his and he squeezed your hand. 
“I still love you, J. Nothing’s gonna change that.”
Your eyes met and everything dropped. The sounds around you, the soft crashing of the waves, the calls of the birds. The hum of other people laughing and chattering. The crunch of gravel under a tire and the squeal of cars as they rushed past. No sound seeped into your ears, and your surroundings faded away to nothing. It was just you and him. Eyes locked and hands locked. Souls locked. 
“I love you.”
And if the world was kind I could make him stay It pains me to think of a girl Who gets to trace his veins I love him But it's better off this way
You lay in bed, legs tangled with the sheets, chest rising and falling softly and a big shirt hanging off your frame. However, the shirt wasn’t yours. It was his, and it still smells like him, sea salt and a hint of weed mixing in your senses. You had found the shirt tucked in the back of your dresser without a second to think about it, you slipped it over your naked body and pulled on underwear, sinking into your bed. You had meant to fall asleep hours ago, but he tormented you. 
Thoughts of his eyes and smile searing behind your eyes when you closed them. The sound of his laugh and the click of his tongue in your ears. The memory of his fingers trailing along your skin ghostly.
You stared at the ceiling, blinking against the dark. By now the dark was welcome, for you had stayed up till the dead of night and the rise of morning far too many times to be afraid by the blindfold it provided. You took a deep breath, hand on your chest moving with the rise and fall of your ribs. You gasped as you trailed your hands along the bare skin of your stomach that your shirt- his shirt- exposed. Goosebumps raised on your skin, brought on by the cold of your fingertips against your feverish skin. 
I bet she gets to trace his skin. The thought slipped past your defenses and had brought you to your knees. A broken, dry sob escaped your mouth and your hand fell flat against your hot skin. The noise was a strangled cry of desperation and pain. 
Tracing his skin and running her hands up and down his skin. His golden skin was so soft and smooth. His golden skin peppered with the occasional freckle.Freckles you hunted for, finger tips running along his skin, and when you found one, you attacked it with a kiss, making the boy beneath you huff a laugh. She gets to follow the crevices and plains of his chest with her fingers, like I did. She gets to kiss and explore his skin. She gets to please him and locks her fingers with him, where her fingers fit into the divot of his. He’d close his eyes as she giggles against his skin and kisses him, snuggling into his warmth.She gets to trace his veins and map his skin like the constellations in the sky. Constellations he taught her just like me, pointing them out with a soft, far away smile on his lips. 
But the thought that killed you the most?
She gets to love him.
We had the best time And he was all mine And I never wanna leave We'd stay up all night And when he drifts off I can't help but watch him sleep
You giggled and your fingers tighten in his luminous hair. You smiled down at the golden locks, running your hands slowly through them, twisting and curling them. The boy smiled, loving that he was in your grip. His speech flowed easily, coaxing laughs and comments from you. You two were cuddled on the couch, laughing and grinning like fools in love. Because you were fools in love. Madly in love. 
You two stayed like that, JJ laying between your legs and your fingers in his hair as you talked, for hours. Until the sun started peaking behind the edge of the horizon. But you were the only one awake, hands stalling in his blonde locks and eyes dropping to watch the boy in your arms sleep. His mouth was slightly agape, soft, even breathing filling and leaving his chest. You smiled at the sight, warmth and love blossoming in your chest as you watched the boy drift into a dream. That’s when you realized. Really realized. 
You loved him.
I love him I love him That's why I'm letting him go I love him and I want him But we both need time to grow
“Goodbye, JJ.” 
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lokiqueenofasgrd · 4 years
Credit (JJ Maybank x Reader song fic)
A/N: this is the first part of me transitioning all my older writing to this account, so if you’ve read it before don’t freak out. I just found it easier to manage one account instead of seven. -K 🖤
Song: credit by Meghan Trainor, I got this idea while listening to it.
Warnings: none.
Lately I'm feeling stupid and crazy ‘Cause I saw him with his new baby And he treats her like she's the one
Before you even started dating JJ you knew that someone had hurt him and badly. He accidentally fell in love with an awful Kook. She was probably the worst person you’d ever met and was always trying to get back together with JJ. The sad part was, if you hadn’t have joined the Pogues after running into John B on one of his “solo adventures”, he might still be with her. She was crazy beyond compare and really abusive toward him. He accepted it because he thought that’s what he deserved. Until the two of you broke Pogue code and John B caught you macking on eachother behind a shed on the boat docks. To be honest he wasn’t mad. He liked that JJ finally found someone who treated him like a human being. JJ basically worshiped you, but in the non toxic way. He was always there for you when you needed things and you were always there to patch him up. The crew thought that he had actually grown softer with you around which was something that they never thought could happen. He was utterly in love with you and you were him.
It's not that I want him back, ain't trying to be mean But I bought them brand new clothes and burned the skinny jeans She'll never know that I made him better for her So, give some credit Where it's due, give props to you know who
Before you met JJ he went into a downward spiral. John B, Pope and Kie filled you in on everything. He had a very difficult time taking care of himself before you came along. His previous girlfriend always yelled at him for getting in fights and never listened to his feelings. You on the other hand were always there with open arms. One night after JJ got in a particularly bad fight John B brought him over to your house. He was stumbling through the door. His eye was swollen shut and lip split open. To say you wanted to cry seeing him in such a state was an understatement. You guided JJ to your bathroom and had him sit on the lid of your toilet. You could tell he was drained because his head hung lowly. You grabbed a wash cloth and a first aid kit and walked back into the bathroom. You ran the wash cloth under some warm water and began dabbing at his eye. Listening as JJ was telling you what happened. You just nodded and let him continue to voice his opinion. You pointed at JJ to take his shirt off so you could check for any collateral. He was very visibly struggling to lift his shirt above his head so you helped him. “Up, up, up.” You said to JJ motioning for him to lift his arms so you could remove his shirt. He was severely bruised but nothing needed stitches. You were thankful for that. You reached his lip and grazed over it with the wash cloth looking him in his one unswollen eye. You could see he was hurting. Before you could even fix his lip though he sweeper you into a kiss. You felt him flinch under the pain. “Alright JJ. That’s enough.” You said semi-sternly not wanting him to hurt himself even more than he had. Despite being bruised he wrapped you in a tight hug and burried his head in your neck. “Thank you for not thinking I’m crazy. Thank you for listening.” He said barely audible. You felt a tear on your shoulder. “I love you JJ. Don’t ever forget that. Now let’s finish getting you cleaned up.” You said motioning for JJ to get in the bathtub so you could sponge the remaining dirt and dried blood from his body.
He holds her hand at the movies Never ever stares at other boobies I bet she thinks he's the one
Before you met JJ he was a bit of a player. He was never one for PDA when you first started dating because of Pogue code but when he realized that everyone was okay with you guys he definitely loved it. He also stopped flirting with other girls when you came around because he was determined to get you alone. When you went on your first date he didn’t even try to take you home. The two of you went to see a movie. It was actually quite scary which you were not a fan of and you accidentally jumped right into JJs arms. He smirked a little and pulled you in closer wrapping your shared blanket around your shoulders and kissing your head. He wished he could stay like that forever. When you were around other people he tended to get more jealous. You weren’t complaining though. He would always have his hand in your back pocket or around your waist. He would squeeze your hand if he got upset and you’d squeeze back to say that it was okay. It was your own secret language.
You and JJ were made for eachother whether he knew it or not. He was utterly in love with every inch of you.
Tag list:
@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @bricksatanakinswindow @rayskates @softstarkey @starkeysgirl @infinitewalker
Let me know if you wanna join the tag list! Should I write more OBX??! 💖
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I'm in the Corner
Summary: Being best friends and liking the biggest flirt on Outer Banks sucks.
Word Count: 537
Note: I wrote this at 1am within thirty minutes since the song "Dancing on My Own" by Calum Scott inspired me to be in a sad angst mood. I've never really written a songfic before and I know that if I don't post this now, I'll never do it...SO I HOPE YOU LOVE IT AND FEEDBACK IS KINDA COOL, JUST SAYING.
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Somebody said you got a new friend?
Does she love you better than I can?
"Helloooooo!" Pope sings, waving his hand in front of your face. You force out a laugh, "I'm sorry. What's up?"
He rolls his eyes before he repeats himself as he refills someone's drink, head pointing towards the made-up sandy dance floor. "I asked you and John B if you guys think our idiot friend will bring his new lady friend back to the Chateau."
"He better not try to lock me out. It's my house." John B hands you a filled cup, smiling softly at you. "You look like you need this."
You give him a quick fake smile. Luckily he understands that he shouldn't have heard your confession last month during a late night girl chat in the hammocks.
There's a big black sky over my town
I know where you're at, I bet she's around
His laugh gets your attention.
It's like a car crash, you can't look away as JJ pulls the touron closer to his chest and leans down to pull her hair aside to say something in her ear. You watch as her face turns red and wish she could get embarrassed- like how you do when he is being his flirting and goofy self towards you- and walk away. But she doesn't. Instead she smirks when his grip on her hips tighten.
You can't blame her for being happy to think she finally got his attention. You clutch onto your red solo cup harder for remembering that yesterday, during lunch at the Wreck, she didn't hear him telling Kiara to please write down his number on her recipe.
He didn't notice Kiara glancing over to you but he did hear her saying, "fuck off JJ." Before she went back to work.
You shrugged your shoulders as a response when he asked, "What the hell was that about?"
And yeah, I know it's stupid
But I just gotta see it for myself
Kiara jumps to your side when you slam the cup down on the table.
"I'm gonna go dance."
Sarah shoves her way to stand between you two and interlocks arms together.
"Perfect, let's go." From the table, John B can barely hear Kiara yelling at a group of guys to make some room as Sarah shoves them away.
He watches as his best friend looks up towards you. The girls make sure you're not facing him but after jumping around, you turn and you drop your arms to your side and mutter, "stupid" to yourself.
I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her
I'm right over here, why can't you see me?
You look at each other as soon as the first note comes through the speakers. It's the song that you love humming to and he always turns up the van's radio all the way and get you laughing over the noise as he sings badly and mocks the dance moves he has seen you do.
JJ looks away as soon as a guy taps on your shoulder and held out his hand for a dance.
Tag(you're it)ging people that I know love reading my other stuff: @pixelated-pogues @jjsbxtch @latenitewolves @softstarkey @harrysbbby @dpaccione @jjmaybanksbaby @mahleeyuh @mrsmaybankhere @poguequeen @poguestyleskye @baby3456 @sadserenadex @wildflower-obx @afterglowsb-tch13 @softstarkey @katie-avery @ktwiobx @sexualparkour
Maybe one day I'll write a part 2 that's so much better than this.
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1heartfanfics · 4 years
OC fics
Jackson and Kaiser
Nathan and Hazel
Spencer and Hazel
Tayden and Julius
Andrew and Zayn
Oliver Ollie sick on a date Oliver sick at work Ollie stomach flu Ollie nightmare
Alex Alex sick from soda Alex upset stomach Alex airsick Alex sick alone Alex has a fever and asks Charlotte out Food poisoning (caretaker Charlotte) Alex tummyache (slight nsfw) Alex tummyache pt. 2 (nsfw) Alex upset stomach and allergic to pepto Alex eats too much (very mild nsfw) Charlotte car accident
Supernatural fics
Marvel Fics Here
9-1-1 lonestar Sick Carlos part 1 Sick Carlos part 2 T.K. ‘Euclid’ songfic (TW: references to past drug addiction)
Outer banks Sick JJ
Criminal Minds Reid with the flu Reid Anthrax exposure (this one sucks I’m sorry lol) Reid food poisoning drabble  Reid sick on a case Reid sick pt. 2 Reid gets sick from jumping into a lake Reid migraine Sick Derek Derek with stomach flu (garcia caretaker)
13 Reasons why Let down your walls (Sick Justin with his brother Clay) Sick Justin Justin sick at school Justin stomach flu Charlie Stomach flu (caretaker Alex) Alex migraine Alex upset stomach (caretaker Charlie) Clay upset stomach
Hunger Games Peeta PTSD flashback 
Harry Potter (no longer writing for) Burpy  Migraine Upset stomach at Weasley’s Tummyache at Hogwarts Harry sick on the train
Dan and Phil (no longer writing for) Dan sick during an interview Dan food poisoning Dan sick during radio show Dan stomach ache
Percy Jackson (no longer writing for) Stomach flu Stomach flu on a quest Seasick Jason Airsick Percy Poison sickness (Percy with Jason and Leo) Poisoning scene from BoO (caretakers Nico and Jason) Percy fever (Jason and Nico as caretakers)
IRL Stories (mostly my bf but a few friends as well)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
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This is a multi-fandom masterlist that's part of a larger anthology series. None of these stories are connected (unless otherwise stated) but all of them are based on songs from Taylor Swift’s ninth studio album Evermore.
Request a songfic | Who I Write for
← Folklore Masterlist | Midnights Masterlist →
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Willow - Ivar the Boneless (Vikings)
Champagne Problems ✰
Gold Rush - Kiara Carrera (Outer Banks)
‘Tis the Damn Season - Jay Halstead (Chicago PD)
Tolerate It ✰
No Body, No Crime ✰
Happiness ✰
Dorothea ✰
Coney Island ✰
Ivy ✰
Cowboy Like Me - Tom Davidson (Walker, Independence)
Long Story Short - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Marjorie ✰
Closure ✰
Evermore ✰
Right Where You Left Me - Jiara (Outer Banks)
It’s Time to Go ✰
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rudysrings · 4 years
Happier - JJ x reader
Just a lil songifc based on Ed Sheeran’s Happier
Summary: JJ didn’t mean for things to end the way they did between you two. If he’s being honest, he didn’t mean for things to end at all. He can’t help the longing when he sees you’ve moved on. At the same time, he can’t deny that you look better, happier.
Warnings: I’m such a sucker for angst jiokdfnijhwuerfhi I’m sorry…
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Walking down 29th and Park I saw you in another's arms Only a month we've been apart You look happier, you do
The HMS Pogue was docked and JJ walked towards the Wreck, where his friends were waiting. It had been a long day of surfing, fishing, and drinking and he was just about ready to collapse after some good food.
He flicked his lighter, tossing it around in his hands as he walked up the street. He stopped short when he caught sight of a ghost. He swallowed tightly, trying to push down the feeling of his stomach rising to his throat at the sight of you. Of course, that was just his luck. The moment he managed to get you off his mind through pure exhaustion and hunger, he had to see you. The part that made him want to yak the empty contents of his stomach, however, was seeing you tucked into the arms of a guy. He was tall. Taller than JJ, maybe. He was blonde and smoking a joint.
He smiled inwardly. Guess you had a type, after all.
He didn’t want to admit it, but you looked more content, your shoulders relaxed, your hair down and a slow, unhurried pace in your step.
Taking in a shaky breath, JJ shoved his hands in the pockets of his shorts and continued walking.
Saw you walk inside a bar He said something to make you laugh I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours Yeah, you look happier, you do
Imagine his surprise when he saw the guy you were with open the door to the Wreck, gesturing overtly for you to enter before him, even bowing theatrically. You giggled, but obliged, walking through.
JJ wrinkled his nose, deciding that the guy’s name must have been Kyle. He just looked it. Kyle. God damn it, Kyle, why’d you have to steal my girl?
What he did next made JJ shake in his boots. Kyle followed you inside, his hands reaching for your hips as he ducked into your neck, whispering something in your ear.
JJ swallowed thickly, raising his hand to slightly rub his chest through the cotton of his shirt, feeling an uncomfortable stinging sensation in his heart. It didn’t stop the ache.
You laughed and JJ felt like he was back at the bar where you sang gigs here and there, your laughter as you interacted with the audience his favorite filler. Your laughter was always generous. You were never shy to smile at a passerby or chuckle at his lame innuendos. And whenever you did completely let out that contagious, musical laugh of yours, bubbling up and out of your mouth like it was meant to be freed, JJ knew that he’d do anything to keep you just like that. Happy. The kind of candid happy that you rarely saw in anyone older than 10. That was his favorite thing about you, JJ decided, how you were still a child in the ways that mattered.
The part that killed him, however, was he couldn’t remember when you’d last smiled at him that big, the way you were smiling at fucking Kyle.
Ain't nobody hurt you like I hurt you But ain't nobody love you like I do Promise that I will not take it personal, baby If you're moving on with someone new
JJ quickly tugged his hair, scrunching his face in anger before relaxing, walking through the doors behind you. Cool as a cucumber. Sure.
He made sure not to look at you, trying to swallow the memory of the last time you had talked to him.
You weren’t one for yelling. It wasn’t in your nature. Maybe it was because of your family life which molded you into someone who couldn’t stand to yell, maybe it was that it not only hurt the other person but you as well.
That’s why it shook him so much when you yelled at him. JJ knew he hadn’t been doing right by you. He knew he had been reckless. He knew he wasn’t there when you needed him the most. He knew he was hurting you. What he didn’t know, was that while he was losing his mind trying to make his way back to you, you were giving up the fight.
“I can’t do this anymore, JJ!” You screamed, pushing at his shoulders.
“Why not? Because I can’t always be there? Because I like a little adventure in my life?” He glared at you, not able to stop the words he would regret saying. “You know my life style, Y/N! I can’t be your little bitch for the rest of my life. I want to live! If you won’t let me do that then…”
You leaned in, raising an eyebrow in challenge. “Then? Then what, JJ? You’ll find someone else who will?”
“Then I’ll find someone else who’ll be my little bitch. It’s better than having a self-destructive asshole for a boyfriend.”
JJ saw the instant regret in your eyes, but your pride had taken enough of a beating from his words for you to apologize. You approached him carefully. “Are you saying…are you saying this is it?” He asked, terrified now.
You smiled sadly. “It doesn’t look like we have another choice.”
“We always have a choice!” He refused.
You nodded. “Right, and you never chose me.”
All he remembered after that were his tears and mumbled apologies, his pleas to the air as you had already said goodbye and left. Left him.
'Cause baby you look happier, you do My friends told me one day I'll feel it too And until then I'll smile to hide the truth But I know I was happier with you
JJ found the rest of the pogues at their usual table in the back and they greeted him heartily, John B slapping his back playfully as he sat down.
“You leave anything for me or has everything been shoved into your maw already?” JJ asked with a fake smile on his face.
Kiara handed him some food and he thanked her, but he couldn’t bring himself to eat it, instead pulling out a joint, hoping he could then blame the redness in his eyes on the weed.
Pope slapped it out of his hand, scolding him. “Bro, you know you can’t do that in here.”
JJ’s shoulders slumped and he looked at Pope with absolute surrender, a pleading look on his face as he asked quietly, “Please, man. I just—” His eyes flicked over to where you were sat with Kyle, trying to braid his hair.
The pogues turned to JJ’s line of sight, seeing you and understanding completely.
“Oh,” Pope said simply.
John B ruffled JJ’s hair, trying to comfort him in the few ways he knew how. “Hey, man. You’re better off without her, alright?”
Kiara scoffed at that, probably knowing as much as JJ did that you were the best thing that ever happened to him.
Pope squeezed JJ’s shoulder. “You’ll find someone who makes you happy.”
JJ shrugged, nodding and giving his friends a tight smile. “Yeah, you’re right.” His lies tasted bitter in his mouth for the first time. It felt wrong to even say that he could be happy without you when he knew that he had never been happier than when he was with you.
Sat in the corner of the room Everything's reminding me of you Nursing an empty bottle and telling myself you're happier Aren't you?
The rest of the pogues had left for a late night surf, JJ giving the excuse that he was exhausted and would meet them at the Chateau later.
They left reluctantly, knowing JJ was bound to torture himself some more by watching you and your new boyfriend Kyle, which ironically enough, was apparently his name. Kiara had confirmed.
JJ had an empty beer bottle in his hand, rolling the neck of it between his fingers every now and then, putting it to his lips just to have something to do as he lost himself in the memories.
You hated this beer. It was always too watery, you had said.
I know that there's others that deserve you But my darling, I am still in love with you
JJ saw Kyle take care of you, wrap his jacket around your arms, press a kiss to your forehead as you smiled.
Maybe Kyle was good for you. JJ had never deserved you anyways. When Kyle leaned down to kiss you carefully, JJ was glad that he was sat in the corner of the room, out of sight from the two of you because he couldn’t help the tears that sprung to his eyes, his hand coming up against his mouth as he tried to physically force the whimper down his throat. He finally tore his eyes away from the two of you, not sure if he could take the sight of you two macking on each other right there in front of him.
He quickly flicked away his tears with his fingers. Fuck, he was still so in love with you. The feeling hadn’t dimmed after a month and he didn’t think it was going to dim in another month, in another year, maybe never in this life.
JJ smashed the bottle against the trash can as he threw it out, the violent action only releasing some of his aggression.
He pulled his lighter out again, looking back up to see you staring right at him, probably startled by the sound of the bottle breaking.
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new But if he breaks your heart like lovers do Just know that I'll be waiting here for you
A soft expression settled over your face. You looked guilty…and sad. JJ didn’t want to dwell on the thought too much, because false hope would most definitely destroy him. But the look in your eyes reminded JJ that he would always wait for you. There was never going to be anyone else; that, he was sure of.
He watched as you pushed Kyle away, saying something harsh to him. Kyle rolled his eyes but didn’t respond. You stood up and walked away from Kyle, towards JJ.
JJ straightened, trying to discreetly make sure there weren’t any more tears on his face. That was the last thing he needed, the last piece of his dignity. Not only was he watching you with your new guy while all alone, but he was crying? Just perfect.
You stopped just a few feet shy of him, crossing your arms over your chest, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
The look in your eyes gave him hope, hope he tried so hard to stomp out. “Hey,” You said.
After hearing your voice after so long, watching his name roll sweetly off of your lips, JJ didn’t trust his own voice, simply raising his eyebrows in greeting.
You played with one of the many bracelets on you wrist, a habit you had picked up from him, actually. You bit your lip, before saying. “I miss you, J.”
And JJ thought he could finally breathe again.
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rudysrings · 4 years
Nova’s Masterlist
So I finally compiled all of my shitty content in one place! Please let me know if any of the links aren’t working lol.
Last Updated: 05/24/2021
Twin Pogues of the OBX (JJ maybank x fem!reader, John B x twin!sister!reader) - ON HIATUS 
Summary:  It’s basically just a jj maybank x reader + outer banks rewrite and I’m too lazy to write a summary or a blurb… 
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Teach Me
Summary: The reader has to train a new lifeguard, a certain blonde who can’t seem to stop hitting on her.
High Confessions
Summary:  When you two get baked on a hammock, JJ tells you that his religion is love, and happens to admit something else you’ve been waiting to hear.
Easy (Camila Cabello) - JJ maybank x fem!reader
Summary: You’re a complicated girl, but JJ knows this. He loves you anyways. It takes you a while to realize that he doesn’t love you in spite of your flaws; he loves you because of them. (Angst & Fluff)
Happier (Ed Sheeran) - JJ maybank x fem!reader
Summary: JJ didn’t mean for things to end the way they did between you two. If he’s being honest, he didn’t mean for things to end at all. He can’t help the longing when he sees you’ve moved on. At the same time, he can’t deny that you look better, happier.  (Angst)
Napping In Public     Part One     Part Two
Summary: Peter falls asleep on you whenever you’re in public :) (Just a lotta fluff lol)
Peter gets jealous over stark!reader’s close friendship with Harley (Angst & Fluff)
No Strings Attached
Summary:  Bucky tells you that he can’t keep doing the no strings attached thing with you anymore.
Someday Soon
Summary: Timeline - The Western Air Temple. Zuko x reader. You and Zuko separated when he chose to retun to the Fire Nation in Ba Sing Se. You don’t know if you can ever forgive him. You can’t help but miss him, though, and you are faced with him far sooner than you expected when he returns, tail between his legs, to turn to the light side?
Summary:  While Fate was an epic fail of record-breaking proportions for obvious reasons, I did like the idea of empath powers (don’t like that they just cancelled Musa’s powers from the animation tho), which is where I drew inspiration for this lil blurb. (Not really a summary but ok, Nova)
Take it Slow
Summary: Jeff and you have just started dating and you guys have it in for each other in the best way, but maybe the two of you aren’t ready to be attached at the hip yet? And maybe that’s ok?
Drunk Texts     Part One     Part Two
Summary (Request): Okay but if you’re still taking requests how bout one w Jeff wittek w the whole billboard thing w Todd and Natalie but instead it’s Jeff x y/n and David accidentally exposes their relationship and maybe have y/n be the drunk texted since Jeff doesn’t drink 👀 I hope that made sense lol.
Jeff is insecure about the age difference between him and the reader
Summary (Request):  maybe you could do a jeff one where the reader is a little younger than jeff (legal, of course) and after one of the others says something backhanded about it, he keeps questioning it in the back of his mind and maybe gets a little distant? literally just anything though, love a good jeff fic regardless! haha
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I'm still overwhelmed with all many of y'all loved "I'm in the Corner" and asked for part 2...so just now I've said "fuck it" to myself and I've already found a song for inspiration.
It'll be posted as soon as possible! Mostly because I'm gonna try to write it on one go 😅 If I don't, I'm gonna overthink it and never finish writing it.
But this is practice for me to get out my comfortable zone! I normally don't like writing anything more than 100 word, never wrote a part series before, and this is my second time writing a songfic!
Here it is if you haven't read it and have no idea what I'm talking about:
I'll tag everyone who has commented or reblogged it 😊
Thank you.
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