brickercupmasterx3 · 11 months
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Remake of this older pic on my dA~ [Link] (I used to be so proud of it back in the day, now it's just... Nope. *shudders*)
Anyways, this is early stages Outcryshipping, where Paul's still denying his feelings... even though the blush gives him away!!!
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I also received another commission from @drawnbynic for advancetsunshine 🥺 I think they’re so cute!! <3
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seadolph · 3 years
all of these kiddos are so cute!!! may i get a paul/may? thank you in advance ;;
thank you so much! yes, you may!!
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Name: Eileen, sometimes nicknamed Lainey
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Purple-ish brown hair, tied into low pigtails. She wears one of her mother's old bandanas around her neck like a scarf. Hunched and slouched posture, like she's trying to make herself smaller. Generally wears neutral greys and blacks - darker colours. Baggy clothing.
Personality: Extremely driven and determined. Delights in praise, compliments, and kind words. Perfectionist, the type to obsess over her own mistakes into the night. Doesn't really talk to people much, because she's too busy, but tries when other people engage her in conversation.
Special Talents: The brainpower to do both contests and the League challenge, and to do rather well in them. Of course, the tradeoff is that she doesn't get enough sleep at night, but manages to function remarkably well in the mornings.
Who they like better: May, but it doesn't stop her from constantly seeking Paul's praise and approval. She just hasn't figured out that she already has it.
Who they take after more: On surface level, kid Paul. But the snappiness is mostly because she's running herself into the ground, and general kid brattiness. After she grows up - well. Who knows?
Personal Headcanon: She has a pair of Applins - one shiny, one not. The shiny one is her starter, and often hides in her scarf.
Thank you for the ask!!
(meme link here!)
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gengarfamily · 8 years
Water and earth. Sea and land. Legends and logic. Everything is defined by what they are not, and so they define themselves through each other. Faraway/Outcryshipping; May and Paul.
Read from the Prologue HERE
So I never posted about chapter nine, Beget: Illusion, but that went up a little while ago also. Slowly but surely, I’m trying to get back on top of writing while also keeping university work and post grad applications afloat. (It’s not easy.)
Pretty soon, everything vaguely positive in this fic (not that there is much at the moment?) will burn and die, so if you’re up for some angst I would keep an eye out for any upcoming chapters!
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hi-imrachel · 8 years
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Too much angst with this ship
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pileontheyears · 9 years
Edited by: LoveAndHeartbreak
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itstimetodrew · 11 years
I love contestshipping but I have my days when I'm just in love with the idea of May and Paul (don't judge me they're cute) like I have a headcanon that, when May gets lost when trying to find the Ice Rock and then bumps into Paul. When she asks him for directions he just kinda stares her down until she dejectedly walks off in some random direction--the wrong one. Paul, who doesn't know why he feels so guilty all of a sudden, finally just brings her there and watches over her from a distance.
aw dude I love some Farawayshipping/Outcryshipping!! (and i know there’s a fair chunk of amvs for it, surprisingly. i might have done one of them)
But that is such an adorable headcanon!! Really believable, oh my gosh. You should write a little drabble on it or something. :’)
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brickercupmasterx3 · 2 years
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I wasn’t expecting to get something done so soon, but I managed? Here’s a lil’ Outcryshipping, since I was in the mood for them~ I tried a more Pokemon-ish style and while I’m NOT super proud, I’ve spent too long on this to not post it. I know I can make improvements, but I tried... so here, have a Paul & May interaction~ First meeting type practice, maybe?
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incompleteromance · 12 years
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OutCryshipping - Paul/May
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brickercupmasterx3 · 3 years
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Been a while since I last drew my favorite Pokemon rare pair/main OTP~ <3
The idea I had in mind was Paul basically asking May to travel with him, to which she’s still sorta in disbelief. ;P
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brickercupmasterx3 · 5 years
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Another repost from my dA. This is my underrated Pokemon OTP. <3 I’ll give it all the love I can! :3
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brickercupmasterx3 · 5 years
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brickercupmasterx3 · 6 years
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Two of my favorite May shippings. <3
I love both, but personally prefer Outcry to Contest.
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gengarfamily · 8 years
Water and earth. Sea and land. Legends and logic. Everything is defined by what they are not, and so they define themselves through each other. Faraway/Outcryshipping; May and Paul.
Read from the Prologue HERE
Firstly, holy heck this update is late. I can blame many things; work, hospitalisation of boyf and then separate hospitalisation of myself, but mostly I found this chapter quite hard to write (and I think that shows).
I’m hoping I handle Big Event chapters a little more delicately in the future.
(please tell me if there are any typos and mistakes - point them out to me because I can never see them until it’s Too Late and there’s probably fifty million of them)
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gengarfamily · 8 years
Water and earth. Sea and land. Legends and logic. Everything is defined by what they are not, and so they define themselves through each other. Faraway/Outcryshipping; May and Paul.
Read from the Prologue HERE
so much Team Magma exposition. so much of just people...talking about their feelings. g r o s s��
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