#out scruffy on YouTube. his videos are very thoughtful and interesting to watch so I can 11/10 recommend
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puppppppppy · 2 years ago
Get sillay
Xīn Yá (left) belongs to me, Little Sailor (right) belongs to @crow-cap
Song: piranha creeper creek from super mario 3D world
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craftypeaceturtle · 4 years ago
My True Identity
Summary: Thomas has started university. His lessons haven’t started yet but he agreed to help out and do a YouTube channel about the student experience. And like the true student, he’s already having an identity crisis. 
Note: Not written to be overly shippy but read either way! This series is a little weird, no idea if it’ll translate well. The idea is just Sanders Sides retold. Feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!
Next Episode!
The kitchen was silent. Thomas was completely engulfed in darkness with only the faint glow from the streetlights outside. The floors were already speckled with dirt and the hob was decorated in fine splatters, he noted already knowing he couldn’t be bothered to clean it. They had only all moved in a week ago! But then again four teenagers trying to live independently would always be messy. He groaned loudly before burying his head in his arms. “Oh woah! Oh, Thomas! What are you doing!” Logan’s voice interrupted the stressed silence. 
“Hey...” Thomas muttered back and, without looking, wiggled his laptop mousepad. The screen blasted a harsh blue light against his defeated lump sitting on top of the kitchen stall. Logan paused at the door before actually walking up to him.
“That does not answer my question,” Logan sighed as he leaned against the work surface. Their quest for a glass of water for bed promptly forgotten. 
“I have no idea who I even am...” 
“Yes. Not many people do. The concept of identity is an ongoing struggle. To expect you to have all the answers at the age of 18 for the rest of your life is ridiculous.” They answered with a quiet smile, their shoulders drooped with tiredness but they already knew they were going to do whatever it takes to Thomas through this, “Why, can I ask, is this bothering you?” 
“This stupid YouTube thing I said I’d do,” Thomas actually sat up and explained once he saw Logan’s confusion, “The uni encourages students to creatively express their experience here and essentially promote the university by doing YouTube videos. I thought ‘hey that sounds fun’ and here I am! God, I don’t even know! I thought it’d be a fun idea to do a video about who I am and why I wanted to go to uni. And now I realise I’m not even sure I have a personality.”
“Ah. Well I’d love to help you. That’s a complicated topic when you truly delve into it and well... Believe it or not, I was quite the nerd in school and it’d be fun to help!” Logan smiled and sat themself next to Thomas’ dramatic form. 
“I’m sure that’s a surprise to no one,” Thomas muttered, sounding more harsh than he wanted to. But they were both too tired to really mention it. As he untangled himself and actually sat properly, another of his roommates burst through the kitchen door. 
“Greetings wonderful citizens and you nerds!” Roman winked as he fingergunned Logan, to their immense confusion.
Despite how open and chatty Roman was, they were all still fairly new to each other and some awkward tension flooded the kitchen as well. Already Thomas felt a little squirmy at Logan helping him but this was so much more embarrassing with the actual stereotypical jock flouncing around the kitchen. Not that Roman was bad or anything! Just... Thomas was a true introvert at heart. 
“Hi!” Logan squeaked while Thomas gave a weak salute.
“Now what are we muttering about at 1 in the morning! You’re disturbing my beauty sleep!”
“Oh sorry! We were um... it’s just the YouTube thing again... It’s not important, I’m so sorry!”
“Hey it’s okay! We’re students, what makes you think I was getting any sleep anyway!” 
“Well that just seems unhealthy, why would you del-”
“What’s going on kiddos!” Patton smiled with a giggle as he rose up from the other side of the table. Now, Logan and Roman positively shrieked while Thomas totally remained totally calm thank you very much. Patton was the only one that he had properly warmed up to. The kiddo thing got annoying but he knew that Patton didn’t mean it insultingly. He was the first to move in and so the first one to meet him. He immediately helped him unpack and sat with him when his parents finally left. While he wasn’t sure they had any real shared interest, Thomas was already clinging on to Patton. 
“I’m just trying to get a video done! It’s just a general about me thing and why I chose uni. I just need to have a sit down with myself, figure myself out and maybe come to a better understanding that we could all learn from,” Thomas said strongly, puffing out his chest with a plastic smile. 
“Well maybe they would know you if you’d post YouTube videos more often,” Roman snickered while Patton whooped, Thomas deflated with an embarrassed smile. 
“Hey I have posted! I’ve got two videos so far! That’s not bad for something I only started like two weeks ago.”
“Yeah but you’ve been stressing about it for every second of those two weeks. Plus, people don’t watch uni channels for the person. They just want to avoid going to the open days and find out about the campus,” Roman said while Logan frowned. 
“Wait, if all you’re looking to answer is general information about yourself then that’s easy! You just start with the basics. Introduce yourself,” Logan prompted.
“Well... I am Thomas Sanders. I go by he/him pronouns and am proudly gay. I’m taking English literature...” He trailed off. Feeling that same sense of dread and nothing slowly grip him again. Great, met these roommates only a week ago and he’s having a breakdown in front of them. 
“That’s a promising start! Topics like gender and romance can be a challenge in of themselves to figure out. You could try and answer some light hearted meaningless questions as well. Like... um, something like what’s your greatest fears?” Logan smiled as he twiddled his hands. 
“Oh! Rejection!” Roman gasped and clutched his chest while slowly sinking to his knees. 
“Spiders!” Patton shuddered.
“I always get nervous about the idea of what exactly is at the bottom of the ocean...” 
“Nope! Not doing that! I’m perfectly aware of my greatest fears. I know that’s fun and all, but I want to keep it fairly serious. Like, what are my flaws?” Thomas shrugged them all off, his shoulders tensing again. 
Logan now lit up completely. Pulling a notepad from nowhere (his pyjamas?), he flipped to a previous scribbled page and pointed out a checklist with a pen. “Oh we’re talking flaws. Well, I’ve noticed you procrastinate a lot! I mean, it’s only your first week... Lectures haven’t even started and you’re already behind. I mean why else would you be planning a video at one in the morning!” Logan panted as they spoke all in one breath but the determined shine in their eye refused to let them go without saying this. 
“Do you just... list all our flaws like that... or...” Roman mumbled.
“You can be pretty selfish with your food...” Patton looked away but his mischievous smile remained firm. 
“Really Patton? I’m like 90% sure that milk was expired!” Thomas huffed and threw his head back, his already scruffy hair whipping wildly. 
“Didn’t stop you from drinking from it...” Patton muttered again with his hands held out. As if Thomas couldn’t be sucking any more at university, it was only his first week and lessons hadn’t started yet! But here he was with flatmate drama, a breakdown at 1 in the morning and a growingly filthy flat. 
“You aren’t very adventurous either...” Roman interrupted before any room mate war was launched. He was hoping to at least get past the month mark before any wars. Not that that was saying much for him. 
“Okay, maybe this was a bad idea!” Thomas sighed and slumped back into his ball on top of the kitchen stall. Legs drawn up to his chest and head buried firmly. 
At that, all of the roommates froze. The kitchen seemed so much harsher without any of its lights on. If someone had closed the curtains then the only light would be the oven timer that was flashing the wrong time. They could all hear the faint slamming of doors and whoops from students outside. All of which were actually enjoying their fresher’s week and having fun outside. Patton felt a little mean for joking so much with him. Thomas was still a very new friend and he just criticised him when he clearly wasn’t doing good. Roman looked awkwardly around before busying himself by going to make toast while Logan kept fiddling away. Patton wished, not for the first time, that his parents were here. 
“Well, everyone has flaws. That’s what makes us human,” Patton smiled, hoping his tone made up for the weak childish message. 
“Of course. As long as you’re aware of them and working through them, then I’d even say that flaws are what keeps us improving and doing our best,” Logan happily took over. 
“Yeah! Plus, you have a lot of good in you.” 
“You value your friends above all else,” Roman butted in. It was awkward, but the eye contact and his gentle tone did a lot. Thomas found himself smiling on instinct. 
“You see the good in everyone!” Patton chirped, seemingly bursting from happiness before sending an expecting glance at Logan. Not that they needed it.
“You’re extremely passionate and stick through every project. I mean, look at this YouTube channel. You’ve committed to a project that you understood is difficult. You’re still powering through despite the adversity.”
“Well, that’s very nice, you guys,” Thomas replied, eyeing the clock as it ticked to half past. 
Thomas heaved a deep breath. The blank word document no longer seemed as intimidating but he could feel his standards tutting at the weak script he was thinking through. Yeah, this was all good stuff to talk about but how on earth was this going to connect with people. How was this going to even connect to university? 
“Oh but you should also talk more about why you are filming for the channel!” Patton squeaked, Thomas uncurled and looked on with a sceptical look, “I’m guessing you want this to be a bit more than an intro video. If you talk about why you’re running the channel then people will understand you and your content a lot better. Like, what positive impact did you hope to inevitably bring with this channel?” 
“Woah... Patton that was genuinely deep and exactly what I was lo-”
“Hey! We have the same glasses!” Patton suddenly lurched forward, pointing an accusing finger. Logan blinked sleepily.
“Okay well,” Thomas cleared his throat, “Being able to put out silly light hearted content into the world is kind of a good start, it makes me really happy to do that!” 
“Wait! This is supposed to be happy!” Roman gasped with the bread popping from the toaster soon after. Thomas wilted again under his withering gaze. 
“Just because the topic is serious, doesn’t mean the video has to be serious. I think I would’ve liked to watch a light hearted joking channel when I was looking at unis. Identity is a serious topic but I want to joke about it,” Thomas explained to the table, slowly drawing out of the crumbs a smiley face. Roman melted and turned back to his toast. 
“That’s easy! You don’t even need answers to make that video then. No one watching your videos knows who they are and if you’re making fun of yourself for not knowing, it shows that it’s kinda okay. Y’know to be unsure and stuff.”
“Self deprecating humour is very popular at the moment,” Logan reported. 
“Just as long as you don’t go too far with it! Make sure to keep it light hearted!” 
“Yeah...” Thomas had immediately perked up and starting clicking away at the keys. 
They all sat there for a couple of minutes. All of them taking pride in how quickly Thomas pulled himself together again. The words quickly filled the screen and Roman finally clicked on the light, despite all of them hissing tiredly. 
“See, you’ve got this,” Patton smiled once Thomas took another careful to pause to proof read. “You may not entirely know yourself yet but that’s okay. You know who you are at this moment, even if you just know you’re confused.”
“Yeah, I guess I do know myself better than I think,” Thomas laughed off. 
“Right, Tony?” Patton gasped with Roman and Logan whipping round. 
“Not my name.” Thomas didn’t flinch.
“Then what is it!” Patton collapsed on top of the table with a gritted guilt expression. 
“Thomas! I said it earlier in this conversation!” 
“It’s really late!” Patton winced, feeling extra guilty. 
“He does have a decent point, at the very least, I am going to sleep. Please try not to make much noise,” Logan waved before disappearing from the kitchen. 
Patton joined them shortly after while Roman and Thomas talked quietly. The project also sinking into his mind before he even realised. And now he has to make sure that Thomas even knows about proper lighting and ideal times of the day to record himself! Roman was already stealing his laptop to make amendments to the script while Thomas awkwardly laughed it off. 
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scruffynuzlockespokemon · 6 years ago
Scruffy is back, to take the Professor Oak challenge in Let’s Go, Pikachu!
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Hi, everyone!
It’s been awhile since I last did any Pokemon blogging, and since then I’ve done two Avatar: The Last Air Bender challenges in the Unova Pokemon games: an Air Nomads challenge for Pokemon White, and a Fire Nation challenge for Pokemon White 2. After that I did another RPG (Random Pokemon Generator) challenge, this time for Pokemon X. 
With three months left to go until Pokemon Sword and Shield come out, I wanted to give another Pokemon challenge a try. But what should I do next? I didn’t really have the stomach to try and tackle another Nuzlocke – they’re just too stressful. But about a month ago, my friend Jay asked me if I’d ever thought about doing the “Professor Oak challenge”. I’d never heard of it, so he explained that the basic gimmick of the challenge is that you have to register all possible Pokemon in the Pokedex before battling each gym. Sounds easy enough, right? But then Jay pointed out that this also includes all possible Pokemon evolutions. I took a minute to process that, thinking about what that would mean just from playing the original Pokemon Red and Blue games. So you’d have to catch all the Pokemon on routes 1, 2, 3, and 22, as well as Viridian Forest, then evolve them all – including your starter Pokemon – with the highest level wild Pokemon available to get experience from probably being around level 6 or so. I told him, and I quote, “I don't think I would have the patience for that. Trying to raise multiple Pokemon to mid-30's levels, with only level 5 wild Pokemon as the maximum opponents to grind against? No thank you. :P”
…anyway, a month later and I’m eating my words. So thank you, Jay, thank you very much for the agony I’m about to put myself through at your suggestion. Remind me to mail you a thank-you bomb. xD
A lot of the credit also goes to John, whose YouTube videos detailing his progress doing the Professor Oak challenge through Pokemon Red, Pokemon Gold, and Pokemon Sapphire got me much more interested in the idea and got me to actually entertain the idea of trying it for myself. …but Jay is the one who linked me to those videos, so it’s still his fault. I highly recommend checking out John’s videos though, as I think they’re a really interesting watch.
Another link Jay was good enough to find for me was SingingShyGuy’s guide on the Professor Oak challenge subreddit. I’ve made my own checklist for each chapter of the challenge, but I will be using the guide to ensure I don’t miss anyone on my way through.
So, let’s have a look at what I need to do for this challenge.
Rule #1: Complete the Pokedex as much as you can before collecting a gym badge. As stated before, this includes evolutions of any Pokemon you get your hands on.
Rule #2: Only one game can be used. The Professor Oak challenge does not allow you to connect to, trade to or transfer from any other Pokemon game in the series. Because of this limitation, it will not be possible to get a full Kanto Pokedex.
There’s also an unspoken rule #3 stating that no glitches can be used, but considering that I will be doing this with the newest game in the series, Let’s Go Pikachu,there aren’t any glitches I know of that would have made this easier anyway. There’s certainly nothing like a Missingno glitch in this one.
There are 186 Pokemon you can have in the Let’s Go Pokedex, although the Pokedex will only technically list it as 153: - the original 151 Kanto Pokemon - 15 mega evolutions (yes, I’m including mega evolutions for this challenge) - 18 Alolan variants - and Meltan and Melmetal
Due to the second rule about not using any other games for this challenge, that immediately disqualifies several Pokemon from this challenge. I won’t be able to get the four Pokemon that evolve from trading, any Pokemon that are exclusive to the Let’s Go Eevee version of the game, any mega evolutions of Pokemon you need other games to get, or Meltan or Melmetal, since that would mean using Pokemon Go. I’m also not going to be catching Mew as part of this challenge, as that requires connecting to a Poke Ball Plus. I do have a Poke Ball Plus, but you can only get one Mew from it, and I sent him to my original file the day I first got Let’s Go Pikachu. So all of the following Pokemon will not be available for this challenge:
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With 26 Pokemon eliminated, that leaves 160 for me to catch in this challenge. So tomorrow I’ll take the first step, beginning a new game in Pallet Town, and attempting to catch all of the following before I challenge Brock in Pewter City:
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( Pokemon sprites credited to Ziella, on The Spriter’s Resource.)
I hope you enjoy this challenge, and feel free to give me any feedback along the way!
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