#out of glamour (ooc)
mechahero · 3 months
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//Making Lambda in fashion based Ro.blox games again because I lack self control.
(bonus outfit under the cut. it's not too terribly suggestive (it is a Ro.blox game after all) but it's going under there just in case)
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vixlenxe · 9 months
Ivy in armor is a way of life 😤
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inkblot22 · 8 months
Woohoo Malleus woohoo! I'm making the trigger list a bit bigger because I keep thinking about how people will totally skip reading it if it's too small and then blame the writer for their own mistake. That shit is clown behavior but I don't want to be held responsible for someone else's case of stupid, so sorry to those of you who think this looks clunky. Line divider found here: @/cafekitsune. This is also a fic that is wildly self-indulgent, in that I mean that while writing I visualized my own physical form and quirks.
That being said, this fic is written with afab (assigned female at birth) readers in mind. No pronouns other than you are used for the reader, but the reader does possess a womb. Reader's chest is not described in the least, just the lower bits, and even then it's not at length. Malleus also refers to the reader as "beauty," but masculine people can be beautiful too so idk but here's a warning anyways.
This fic is DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT. TW for noncon, fae interaction rules used for said noncon, slight bullying if you squint, one (1) mention of blood (I'm beginning to think I have a problem.) Stay safe while reading. Possible OOC Malleus, I haven't read any of book 7 and if you spoil it I'll block you temporarily.
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This is absolutely not your fault, and you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. It’s awful. Crewel was for sure his namesake, because this whole thing was a steaming pile of-
Alright, from the top, just to organize your thoughts: you are the only non-magic student in a school of mages. The teachers are mages. Your best friend/roommate/monster friend is a mage. The plants here can do magic, but you? No. Thanks homeworld. Love the gift of nothing.
Thus, the faculty have seemingly created a game of “how to piss off and challenge the magicless student,” in which they give you various tasks to just make you lose sleep. Vargas had you running laps until your legs felt like jelly, doing pushups until your shoulders started sounding like glowsticks. Trein had you learning completely off the wall trivia, such as what type of fabric the Queen of Heart’s favorite bathrobe was made of and why it made her more powerful. That’s nothing, it’s easy because you apparently have so much free time in their eyes. But Crewel? Fuck that man. 
When you got the assignment, it sounded fun and exciting. He gave you seeds for a fast-growing rose thing. Honestly you weren’t paying attention to the name of it, but you retained what you needed to know. The plant only grew in moonlight, so you needed to cover it before you went inside at night. It needed a minimum of two hours of moonlight to grow per night. If the basket was overturned and it was exposed to the sun, then the plants would die. Moderate watering, no fertilizer, the usual.
Once the plants bloomed, you were supposed to take the flowers and make some kind of glamour potion, so here you are, failing at doing so. You only had four flowers, and you’re down to the last one. You wasted three tries and you still have no idea what the hell you’re doing wrong and it’s due next alchemy class and you’re breaking curfew on top of all of it. You glare into your cauldron with your latest failed attempt and hunker down to shoulder against the side so you can dump it out and try again. 
“Oh, it’s you.”
The voice makes you jump out of your skin. You turn around and you almost want to cry tears of joy, because if anyone can help you, it’s him.
“When I saw a little head duck down, I thought that something strange was happening. A crime, perhaps.” Malleus smiles, and it’s not a kind smile, but you’ll take anything remotely positive at this point, “What are you doing on the floor, child of man?”
“Oh, I have to empty the cauldron.” You puff out, still trying to throw your weight to push the cauldron. You did it twice earlier, so this must be the effects of mental and physical fatigue.
“Oh, that’s right. Allow me.” Rather than waving a hand or anything, Malleus strolls on over and uncrosses his arms, taking one hand and pressing his fingertips against the lip of the cauldron. The whole damn thing tips, the failed mixture pouring out into the nearby drain. With the same ease, he tilts it back and turns to you.
When he looks at you, it’s… weird. You know he’s lizard-like, as dragons evidently are, but even Sebek’s eyes aren’t this jarring. They aren’t soulless or cold or unfeeling, but it feels like he is looking through you. His emotions don’t reflect in his eyes properly. That’s what it feels like. They reflect, but it’s wrong. Fractured. His lips quirk into a smile and you blink.
“Uh… wait, what are you doing out here, Tsunotaro?” You ask, turning to gather more materials, following the transcript of your recording from class.
His smile grows, “Just on a walk. Will you tell me what you’re trying to make?”
“Uh, yeah. This glamour potion? I don’t know. Remember how I was growing those flowers?”
“Of course. And what happened to the rest?”
“I… uh… I messed up the other potions. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong here.”
“No. Do… do you think you could maybe… help me?”
“Of course.” Malleus plucks the flower up, twirling it thoughtfully, “Why don’t you gather the other ingredients?”
That was simple enough. Petals from your tediously grown blooms, some kind of floral oil with tiny white flowers inked on the label, a ball of clay no bigger than a pea, something that really resembled a severed finger, something that was hopefully just someone’s baby tooth, a handful of crystals in a rainbow of colors, and water. Lots of water. Malleus watches as you put all your ingredients on the nearby table and hums thoughtfully before dimming the lights and turning back to you.
“And where did you hear that you needed these things?” He asks. It’s not something that he says with any indication that you’re right or wrong. The tone is bland but the words say enough. 
He has essentially told you before that he believes you inept, a babe in the woods when it comes to this sort of thing, but it doesn’t stop you from looking as hurt as you feel, “The headmage visited class and gave me some pointers?”
“You personally or the entire class? I don’t personally recall concocting anything like this when I was in your grade.” He says.
You suppose you’re grateful that he’s so blunt, but his flat tone makes the sting of your failure that much sharper. You thought he’d be nicer, since you two are sort of friends, and Lilia has told you that Malleus is fond of you, but it also makes just as much sense for him to refrain from easing up in his flatness because he supposedly thinks so much of you. He thinks you’re an idiot, but he’s not willing to treat you as such.
“The whole class. And no one else in my grade is doing this.” You mutter, staring at your assortment of items on the table.
He approaches the table and plucks up the beaker of water, twisting it in his hand, “Did you distill this?”
“Tap water often has various minerals in it. If you haven’t been using distilled water, you’ve been adding an extra ingredient. Typically, most potions are much more forgiving and you can use tap water with little issue, but this particular potion is known to be disagreeable.” He murmurs, crossing the room with your beaker of water and setting it up to distill with a practiced ease. “That’s why it’s typically saved for fourth year students’ aptitude testing.”
The revelation hit you like a ton of bricks. You’d like to protest but it unfortunately makes sense. Malleus looks over at you, somewhat blandly, then turns around to face you, looking half concerned.
You answer his question before he can ask, “I didn’t… know that. I guess it’s my fault for being from a different world…”
His lips twitch into a smile, and for a moment you can see amusement in his eyes, fractured with the underlying coldness, “Oh, it isn’t. It may be your fault for failing to ask questions, but having someone who is unused to this type of work take on an advanced project is cruel.”
“You think so?” You ask, voice lilting with hope.
“Of course I do. Why you’re expected to make a potion of this caliber is beyond me.” Malleus states blankly.
“Uh, yeah. I- I don’t know either. But thank you for helping me!”
His expression flinches. It lasts for less than a second before it smooths into an odd grin. You’re not quite sure what that means, but you’re too happy to stop and think about it. The water finishes distilling and you carefully begin crafting, using the tips Malleus occasionally mumbles towards you. Don’t put that ingredient in yet, stir clockwise, you need to grind that up with the oil, don’t rush you have time, et cetera, et cetera, and then you have a gorgeous violet mixture, glimmering with a pearlescent golden sheen.
Your jaw drops. Somehow the few ingredients you threw together is enough to fill several bottles. Malleus is making a smug face as you rush to the shelves of empty bottles and choose several fluted bottles, quickly using a ladle to deposit the final, successful potion into the bottles. You’re so giddy with your success that you hardly notice as Malleus walks towards the door and locks it. But only hardly.
“What was that for?” You ask, not actually caring. You’re too happy to be worried.
“Oh, we’ll need privacy.” He responds.
That part confuses you enough into caring. You turn around from where you’ve safely wrapped the bottles and slipped them into your bag and shoot Malleus a frown, “Privacy? For what?”
Malleus doesn’t say anything. He walks over to the table and you feel your body stand up, void of your control, and stagger over to stand in front of him. If you were concerned before, you’re frightened now. Malleus looks down at you with his strange gaze and folds his arms.
“Wh-what’s happening?! Why can’t I move?”
“You really don’t know?” He asks. Something about his tone sounds mocking, but you’re certain he doesn’t mean it to be. It’s his version of sarcasm, he’s spoken to you like this before.
Your body hops up on the table, taking a seat, and Malleus turns to stand before you, looking down at you with a soft smile. You shift your hips- what the fuck is going on- and Malleus very gently hooks his hands in the pants of your dorm uniform.
Your dorm uniform is legit whatever the hell you want it to be, so it would change on the daily. Today it was a pair of jeans and a hooded jacket. He kneels to remove your shoes and stands back up, leaning close as he tilts your chin up. His breath fans over your lips.
“You didn’t tell me that you were so lovely beneath your clothes.” His hand on your chin shifted to your cheek, and his other hand laid flat on the table. “And… your smell is much stronger. Are you aroused?”
“You can’t just ask me that! I don’t know what you did but you’ve got to let me go.”
“I didn’t do anything. This is your doing.” He retorts, pecking your lips very chastely. 
“What are you talking about?” When he didn’t respond, instead pressing the tips of his hand that was on the table against your exposed sex, your heart jumps but your body doesn’t move. You can’t, “Don’t do that!”
“Lilia informed me that making someone climax is similar to binding someone to you.” He mumbles, kissing you again as his fingers slowly slip inside. “It makes them fall in love with you. Isn’t that the most binding contract of all?”
You don’t know why he isn’t listening, but even less than that, you don’t know why he thought you could handle two fingers, much larger than your own, penetrating you. You squeal, but your body is incapable of tensing. Malleus pulls back, looking at you in a soft confusion.
“What’s the matter with you?”
“With me? What’s wrong with you? That’s too many- it’s uncomfortable!”
He blinks at you and withdraws a finger, which feels much better. You sigh. If you’re going to be forced to do this, you may as well not get hurt in the process. You close your eyes and Malleus hums.
“Is this better? You’ll have to forgive me. I haven’t had a dalliance with a human before.”
“I- I don’t think I’ll be able to… to forgive you for this.”
“No?” You can hear his smirk and the squelching noise as he pumps his finger gets louder. He slips the second finger in again and the burn isn’t so bad as last time, “Well, maybe you can decide that for certain after the wedding.”
“The wedd-” You have to bite your tongue to keep from moaning. Your body leans back, laying on the table, and your gentle assailant curls his fingers, leaning forward to mouth at your neck, “There’s not gonna be a motherfucking wedding. You’re-”
You can hear his horn scraping against the table, “Hmm. I didn’t think you were so entitled. You’re squeezing around my fingers. Are you close?”
“No!” You’re a liar. A ragged gasp leaves your throat and you feel the drop in the pit of your stomach, the burst of euphoria traveling up your spine as his thumb presses against your clit.
Malleus laughs, then leans up off of you. The sound of clothing hitting the ground is the first and only warning you get, but you can’t move, so it might as well have been silent. You feel something on your stomach, coming up about a half inch below your belly button. It’s… almost cool to the touch. You would think it would be warmer, but it’s not. Your eyes round as you stare at the ceiling, and Malleus’s face leans into view, his eyes boring into yours as though he’s reading your thoughts.
“You’re very warm. I’ve always thought this. You must be boiling inside.”
“I- what?”
He doesn’t respond, leaning back up. You feel the velvety head of his cock press against your entrance and as much as you want to jolt away, you can’t move your body. You can’t even look down to see what he’s doing. Your lashes flutter as the stretch sets in, the pressure worse than his two fingers. It burns, especially along the bottom, where his weight lays heavy thanks to gravity. You’re capable of wincing and letting out a whine, but nothing else.
“H-hey, that- that hurts.” You babble.
“Does it? You are squeezing me like a vice. I’ll stay still for a moment so you can relax some. Let me know when it stops hurting.” It’s very peculiar. Although he speaks with an animated tone, his voice is often detached. You would think he’d have more emotion since he’s inside of you.
You blink rapidly and decide that now is as good a time as any to ask, “What the hell is happening?”
“Must you tease me so?” He responds, his voice tense.
“What? I’m not teasing you. I can’t move!”
“Of course you can’t. You only just bound yourself to my will.”
“I what?” You shout.
“What, did you think I enslaved you? I could have, when we first met. You’re too free, giving people your name, thanking them, taking gifts freely… it drives me mad.” You feel a flash of heat, something warm rolling against your skin, like standing too close to a gas stove, “And now I find that you didn’t even know? I didn’t think you were such a fool.”
“That’s just called being polite!” You protest. “Oh my god-”
“I suppose I can’t blame you, really. Relax, lest I harm you.” He murmurs, rolling his hips further as though he can slide in deeper. 
You squeak, “N-no, that’s-”
“Too much, yes. Tell me, in your world, do faefolk exist?”
“I- I mean, if they do, most people don’t believe in them.” The oddity of the situation felt like a blanket. Having a semi-conversation while your friend- not after this- used you as a dick holster. It was almost comforting. “I don’t- I don’t understand.”
His voice was deeper than normal, an underlying rasp to his voice, as though it was coming from somewhere deep in his throat, “I will explain. I’ll tell you anything you’d like to know. But after I explain, I will begin to move.”
“H-hey, no-”
His voice sounded choked, half strangled as he stifled a groan, “I apologize for not being clear earlier. Among the fae, verbal contracts are common and binding. You do not give someone your name. You wonder why I never directly gave you mine? It is a way to bind someone to your will. You do not accept gifts. Invitations are fine, but a gift is a sign that you owe someone something. My help- a boon- is a gift. Typically it is repaid with another kind turn. And, most importantly, you do not thank someone without the sufficient power to break their hold.” 
You felt him draw back, that wave of heat rolling over you again, and then he slammed forward. The slick noise and dull smack were muffled by your squeal, his cockhead punching your cervix like it stole from him.
“Foolish little thing. I suppose it makes you cute.” He sneers, and your body sits up, arms wrapping around his shoulders.
The angle makes his motion a bit less painful. He’s no longer bumping against your cervix, thank the Seven, but the stretch remains. Your eyes flinch shut and Malleus tilts your chin up to kiss you again.
“St-stop- stop!” You whimper, “You’re hurting me!”
“If you would relax, beauty, that would not be a problem.” His chuckle is dark, the squelching from your coupling making a wicked duet that makes you feel dizzy, “And you said it to me so easily as well. Thank me again.”
“Wh-” One of his hands slipped under your hips, holding your bottom just under the split in your cheeks, and nipped your neck as a flat thumping echoed from where your bodies met, your legs bouncing with the motion. His member had gone back to bullying your cervix, and you wailed in the hopes that he would stop, “Thank you!”
“Heh… it escapes your lips so freely. Tell me, beauty-” He cut himself off with a grunt, panting against the column of your throat. “Tell me, what is it that you’d like? I would give you the world on a platter, should you want it.”
“I- ow! Y-you’re hurting me!”
There was a possibility that he was getting off on the pain he was causing you, just as much as there was a possibility of him not understanding that he was hurting you. With every motion of his hips against yours, despite the wicked pain, you felt that ever evil tug in your gut, like a stone growing heavier and heavier. 
You tried again, because if this had to happen, if you were under his control now, you may as well not get injured. You would not be pissing blood if you could help it, “It’s too deep!”
He listened. It was odd, but he listened, his voice warming as he slid back a bit and continued ramming into you, but no longer beating the hell out of your internal organs.
“I didn’t realize. Is that better?” His voice sounded warmer, echoey against your shoulder. His teeth grazed over your skin again when you didn’t respond. He choked out your name and you sort of came back to yourself.
“U-uh- I guess?”
“Wonderful.” He mumbled, his free hand reaching between your bodies and slicked with your sweat, to tweak your clit.
It should be embarrassing, how quickly you reached your height. Whoever he had been with in the past couldn’t have been so sensitive, since you felt his body jerk against you, an uncontrolled undercurrent to his motions. You let out a quiet, squealing moan and barely even felt the break when Malleus bit you to muffle his own groan. You didn’t feel him climaxing inside of you. You felt the control return to your body and flopped backward onto the table, your hoodie damp with sweat. Malleus took a step back, then carefully redressed you, then himself. You looked up at him and saw nothing but adoration in his eyes, not the fractured appearance of such. It was like he was actually looking at you.
When he spoke to you, leaning forward to cup your cheek, his voice was warm, warmer than ever, “Now, let’s start planning for the wedding, my beauty.”
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sageispunk · 1 year
Control (18+)
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gif from pinterest (@javier-pena i think)
Kinktober Prompt: sex pollen, thigh riding, forced orgasm (day 4)
pairing: Max Phillips x f!reader
summary: Drinking with your boss goes differently than you'd planned.
“Mm baby, I bet I could get one more out of you, what d’ya think? Can you cum one more time for me, like a good girl?” You looked into his eyes, seeing his hunger for you, it was carnal, lecherous.
wordcount: 2.3k+
warnings: no Y/N, this is sort of dark, DUBCON, max has a thing for reader, boss/employee dynamics, drugging (w/blood), intoxication, dom/sub vibes, teasing, nipple play, grinding/dry humping, voice kink, praise kink, magic kinda, making out, overstimulation, small visual hallucinations, multiple orgasms (2), use of “good girl”, dirty talk
A/N: max is a little OOC also my vampire science is slightly based on true blood–if a human ingests vamp blood (so not sex pollen exactly), they sort of trip on it BUT there are less extreme visual hallucinations + it just makes you feel rllyyyy good and very h-word. he can also influence you if you make eye contact for a few seconds (which is just glamouring in TB lol)
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“How’s it taste?”
Max watched as you took a couple sips of his fancy red wine (whose name you couldn't pronounce), eyes a bit widened in excitement. You let the taste linger in your mouth for a moment, before replying. “Not bad, it's a little strong, but smooth. Reds usually don't do it for me, but this, it's pretty good.”
He smiled at your candidness, subtly scooting a bit closer. The two of you sat on high stools in his kitchen, talking at the marble island. Max had invited you over early in the day, during your lunch break, stating that even though you'd been working there for a few months, he barely knew anything about you. Said it would be good to get to know each other, it would help ease you into the work culture.
“I’m glad you like it.. it's been fermenting awhile, probably longer than you’ve been alive!” He says, with a slightly obnoxious laugh, watching you giggle in response.
The both of you chat about random stuff, mostly about you– how long you’ve been in the city, where you came from, etc. Every time you want to ask him about himself, he sort of beats you to it, pulling bits and pieces of information out of you.
A few moments later, you start to feel woozy, more in your head and upper body. “Woah, that stuff was strong.” You’re giggling, reaching for the bottle that stood on the counter between you and Max, wanting to read it again.
“You feelin’ it?” He asks, eyes steadily trained on your face, his body turning to better face yours. A chuckle leaves your throat, “Yeah, it's…” You just shake your head and sit the bottle back down, at a loss for words to describe how your body was beginning to feel.
It was good, a sort of light feeling, as if every particle of your being was being lifted up by tiny little angels, washing away that heavy burden of being a person. No more stress, no more doubts, no more responsibilities, no more ego.
There was also a physical tingling slowly radiating from your spine to every other part of your body, your head, your tummy, your toes, fingertips..
You brought your hand up, eyes wide in amazement at the faint glowing you could see emanating from your nails. You eyes briefly left your hands, going up to meet Max’s, your mouth hung open as if to say do you see this? but nothing came out. He watched you, with a sort of amused, content look on his face, lips slightly upturned.
Your arm slowly reached out, hand stretching towards him, wanting him to see and feel what you were experiencing. When you touched, it felt like electricity– “Oh!” You gasped.
But the sharp feeling quickly turned into a soothing, warm sensation as Max fully took your hand in between both of his. He gently rubbed your hand, while you sat in complete awe. You met his eyes again, and this time you could see the darkness in them.
His orbs were almost black, gaze trained on you with such intensity that sober-you would've simply imploded. But right now– they were comforting, nearly tranquilizing.
“How are you feeling? Good?” His voice was deeper, more…sensual–it hit your ear in a different way than before. You wanted to hear more.
Nodding your head, you leaned your body in a bit more towards his, reaching your other hand up to his face. You were only slightly surprised to feel that jolt again, that static that seemed to sit on his skin. You stroked his cheek softly, soothing that electricity just like he did with you.
“Mmm..” Max groaned and his eyes fluttered shut, head tilting back slightly as your fingers graced his jaw. You watched as he reveled in your touch, leaning into your hand. Your fingers traveled along the outline of his face, going down until they were loosely grasping the side of his throat with your thumb stroking his cheek again.
Max’s eyes opened again, looking as though he was shocked that you could get him like this. “Come,” And then he was pulling you by your arms, so quickly that it didn’t feel real. For a split second, you stood there, in between his legs, with your faces only an inch apart, so close that there was equal static flowing between you two.
And then you were falling.
You’d been sitting for so long, you didn’t realize how numb your legs were. “Woah there, mama, let's get you up.” Max cooed, standing up to catch you and help get you upright. You weakly held onto him, less focused on your legs and more focused on how close you were to him, the woody scent of sage and cedarwood in his clothes, and the way he was holding onto your body, his own tall figure serving as a protector for you. “C’mon, baby, I’ve got ya.”
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The lights were low, the constant whirring of the ceiling fan lulled you in the background, and you were in heaven. Max had led you into his living room, sitting the both of you down on the soft sofa with you atop his lap. He firmly grasped your chin with his right hand, bringing your eyes back up to his. “Tell me how you’re feeling.”
His voice had a tone of dominance in it, and his eyes had you falling into that peaceful trance again, unable to focus on anything other than him and the wonderful sensations happening within your body. “Feelin’ good,” You meekly whispered, voice a bit hoarse from not having spoken in a minute.
“Mhm?” He looked pleased with your answer, leaning back into the sofa as you remained straddling his lap. His hand dropped from your face, both coming to rest on your hips. His eyes wandered, first to your lips, then your neck, down to the curves outlined in your short black slip dress, especially your breasts.
Max lifted his hands up to each of your breasts, gently holding each of them in his palms while you looked down at him, nothing but calm in your eyes. Then his thumbs lightly flickered across your nipples, drawing a gasp out of you. His eyes lit up at both the sound you made, and the way you jumped in his lap, subtly grinding into his hardening cock.
“Do you always wear such revealing clothing when at your boss’ house?
Your eyes widened at the question, head shaking in response, feeling yourself become needier the longer his hands were on you.
“Hm?” He stopped thumbing at your nipples, eyebrows raised with a stern look on his face.
You got the hint. “No, no I don’t..”
“It's just for me?” The touching resumed, now turning into soft groping.
You nodded your head, “Only for you.”
He squeezed and massaged your breasts, causing you to let out breathy moans above him. A cocky smile graced his face as he began to pleasure you. Max was now fully hard and slightly grinding his bulge up into your soaked panties, hissing at the feeling of your warmth, even through his pants.
“Fuck, baby…you’re so good, y’know that?”
A pang of electricity shot through your stomach, making you feel even weaker. His hands, his eyes, his cock hard under you, and his fucking voice… everything had you so far under.
“Jus’ wanna be good for you,” Your voice was so soft and hushed, but you knew he’d heard you. “Yeah?” He asked, and you nodded in response, your eyes low and focused on his.
He sat up to come in closer to you, his firm hands coming up to your face, pulling you in until you were an inch apart. You stared into his eyes, the depth of darkness pulling you in, enticing you. All you wanted was him. To become one with him.
You kissed him, a bit too fast, with a sort of hunger, and then you quickly pulled back and leaned your forehead onto his. He panted, a feral, frenzied look written all across his face, letting you know that he needed this as much as you did.
Your faces pulled back together and his hands shot down to your ass, pulling the bottom of your dress up above your hips. Feeling that you only had a thong on underneath, Max hissed in pleasure. His hands grasped each of your cheeks, squeezing and groping, more obviously grinding his bulge up into your heat. “Y’feel that baby? Feel how much I want you? How much I need you?”
“Yes,” You let out a breathy moan, your head swimming in clouds. “It feels so good.”
“Show me. Show me how good you feel.”
Your hips began to move, rocking back and forth on his lap, your clothed clit rubbing against the hem in his jeans. Every time it hit that one spot you let out a moan, each one getting louder than the one before.
His right hand came down on your ass hard and fast, feeling like a lightning bolt shooting through your backside. You yelped, now humping a bit more frantic. You could tell you were nearing your peak already, though it felt much different than when you normally do, alone and in the darkness of your bedroom.
It was more intense. Your body trembled and your eyes kept fluttering shut as the waves of pleasure amplified. “M-Max, I-”
“I know, baby, let it out,” His voice grunted out, hands tightly guiding you back and forth on his lap, getting you closer and closer, until all you could feel was static electricity, all over your skin, on Max, inside of you…
He brought a hand back up to your jaw, holding your face up to meet your gaze. “Cum for me.” His eyes pierced yours and you felt yourself let go, hips stilling for a moment then twitching uncontrollably. You cried out as your eyes rolled back into your head, immediately feeling overstimulated all over your body.
“Good girl,” He cooed in your ear, his body stilling under yours. “You did so good, baby.” Your body continued to twitch slightly, still coming down from the most intense high you’ve ever felt. “So beautiful, all soft and sweet like this. I’d pay–no I’d kill to see you break down like that again.”
You whimpered at his words, his voice still having a strong effect on you and your body. “Mm baby, I bet I could get one more out of you, what d’ya think? Can you cum one more time for me, like a good girl?” You looked into his eyes, seeing his hunger for you, it was carnal, lecherous.
You wanted to say not yet, you needed time to recover, to fully come down. But his eyes, they bore into you, taking over every thought of denial your mind came up with. Ignoring your oversensitive clit and tired hips, your fuzzy head nodded.
Max patted his right thigh, “Up here,” You straddled his thigh and a shiver shook through your body at the feeling of the strong mass under your panties. “Look at me. I want you to keep your eyes on me, okay?”
You nodded, once again. He grasped your hip with both hands and began to pull you back and forth on his thigh. He kept it slow at first, only beginning to slowly speed up once he noticed your sensitivity wasn't as high anymore. “Touch yourself,” He ordered.
Your hands moved immediately, both gravitating towards your breasts again, this time you slid the straps of your dress off your shoulders. You gasped at the feeling of your own fingers pulling at your hardened nipples. You twisted and pulled until they were too sensitive to the touch, and resorted to simply groping your own tits.
“So fuckin’ beautiful…” His praise hit your ears and sent shocks down your body, right to your slick pussy. You were dripping, thong completely soaked and ruined, as were Max’s pants. Your hips found their rhythm again, wanting to chase that peak he had you nearing again.
Back and forth, and back and forth. You even added in a small circling to create a different feeling than before. The closer you got, the more your sensitivity intensified. It was twice as strong as your previous high, and you didn’t know it you would be able to take it. Max could tell, he could see the way you were beginning to doubt yourself, a nervous look written on your face. “Don’t think about it baby, just let it happen. You’ve got it, doing so fuckin’ good.”
“Max, I don’t know–” Your gaze began to fall from his, but he grabbed your face, not as gently as before. “No, you’re gonna cum for me. Right now, you’re gonna cum like the good girl that you are, and you’re gonna fuckin’ love it.”
“Ohhh, my…” Your voice trailed off into a high-pitched wail, your second orgasm hitting you, causing your body to completely lock up for a few quick moments. You watched Max’s face as you came, he had a proud look on his face, and you felt it within yourself as well.
You slumped in his lap, unable to hold yourself up at all. He rubbed your back and tucked your face into his neck. “You did so well for me baby, m’proud of you.” Strong butterflies pounded in your chest, his praiseful words aiding your harsh come-down.
The longer you laid there, the more you realized how exhausted you were. Your head felt heavy again, eyes low, nearly closed with drowsiness. Your body was tired and sore, in several different places. You didn’t focus on the pain though. Max’s hands on your back and head, rubbing in rhythmic circles, had you falling deep into a peaceful slumber.
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A/N: that was so hot to write omg. it took longer than expected but i'm still proud i got it out:) max was a little difficult bc i don't know his character super well (i've only seen the film once) but it was still fun playing around with it. please like and reblog (and leave plenty of comments) if u enjoy reading this. feel free to send requests/suggestions!! <333 (follow @sageispunklibrary + turn on notifs for updates)
i do not give permission for anyone to copy, translate, or repost any of my works. 18+ ONLY -- i am not responsible for the content you consume.
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buryustogether · 2 years
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johnny silverhand x reader (not v)
word count: 8.5k
summary: despite being the newest groupie for samurai, you work hard to pull more than your weight and ensure gigs run smoothly. after a run in with a crazed fan goes awry, johnny silverhand offers you a bit of comfort.
warnings/tags: pre-relic johnny, reader is not v, violence, blood, age gap romance, non-penetrative sex, first kiss, first time, virgin!reader, mention of arranged marriage and running away, smut, swearing, alcohol consumption
author’s note: he may be a bit ooc but he’s my dreamboat so
If you’d have known how the night would have ended, you would have done things differently. You would have said more, said less, perhaps. Stepped further left, taken two more paces back. Anything and everything, you would have done differently.
Anything and everything would have been for nought - because the end of the night transported you to the stars invisible above your head, and beyond the crescent moon hanging from a weathered thread. You hadn’t known you could go that high - and you owed the jump to none other than Johnny fucking Silverhand.
It started with a woman - of course, that’s what all the old-world love stories say. But this woman wasn’t a princess waiting for a king to come down from his tower and save her and make her his; she was a plastered drunk with ugly-as-all-hell bangs on her forehead and a tank top so thin and skimpy her tits would have hung out even if she tried to keep them covered.
You had been watching her from the corner of your eye the entire show from your little perch beside the stage, headphones clasped over your ears and a tablet with the set list in hand. From the shadows, because that’s all you were, really in comparison to them, you had tracked her as she downed drink after drink and got closer and closer to the edge of the stage. Of course she was decked out in their merch - hell, everyone here was, but there were hearts inked onto the Samurai logo across her chest. Just what this gig needed - a crazy-ass fan hammered out of her mind.
It was when she’d disappeared to get herself another shot when you’d allowed yourself a glance up to the stage on your right. Christ above, they were so fucking cool. You didn’t care if that made you sound like an awestruck teenager; they were the only words you could conjure up at the moment. You’d never been one for poetics.
A band of rough and rowdy outcasts, torn at the edges in all the right places and ragged at the ends, they stuck out in a city like this. Especially the guitarist; god, you’d had a massive schoolgirl crush on Johnny Silverhand since you were sixteen and had first discovered their music. He was everything you found enticing; attractive, but without the superficial glamour Night City was held under; charismatic, charming, confident; maybe a bit full of himself, which you had discovered after being pulled into their crew as the newest groupie, but it didn’t phase you as much as you thought it would.
Your younger self would have fainted if she knew you were a groupie for Samurai these days. You were new - the youngest by far they’d ever taken on, but god above knew you pulled more weight than the older assistants who’d gotten used to the feeling of trailing in the shadows of stars. You stayed late into the night and early into the morning to clean up and pack after gigs, set up arrangements for desirable venues, arrived early to prepare so they only had to get up there and sing. Hell, you even cleaned their instruments when you had the time; you’d restrung Silverhand’s prized guitar enough times to have the same calluses on your fingers as his.
Of course, it had taken a snapped string, a sweat-inducing dash to the nearest music store, and an approaching meeting with a business partner for him to give it up to be repaired by someone else than him. Eurodyne had certainly had a hand in convincing him to part with the damned thing; he’d given you an appreciative nod and a charming wink when Silverhand had left his case at your little station.
Back in the present, you found your gaze pulled from your set list to watch as Silverhand kicked up a foot on a speaker to twist out a solo that left goosebumps trailing along your skin. Below him, fans hollered and screamed their approval; his lips quirked up in that Cheshire grin of his, the crinkle of his eyes hidden behind his aviators. You swallowed thick. Despite working for Samurai for nearly a month now, you’d never spoken to Silverhand once. He’d never even glanced in your direction, too caught up in his own business or too distracted by fans to pay you much mind.
You wondered what his voice would have sounded like feet from you, soft and gentle, instead of strained with his cries as he appeased his crowds.
Your spine straightening, your eyes at once flicked back to the woman you’d been watching as she reappeared at the front of the crowd. She was barely able to keep herself on her platform heels, eyelids drooped and movements sluggish. Your lips twisted themselves into a frown; some hangover she was going to have in the morning. You glanced back down at your tablet for a moment, then back to the chick. At once, your chest thundered.
She was leaning against the wall of the stage, hand outstretched in an attempt to touch Silverhand’s pant leg. He kept his cool - surprisingly - and continued the song as he took a step back so that he stood just out of her reach.
You cast a quick glance around the dim venue. Where the hell was security? The bodyguards you’d hired to keep a perimeter at the stage? You found them; they were both slumped at the bar. Perfect; this night was throwing in all kinds of elements that made for a perfect bomb. The question was - when was it all going to blow?
The rest of the gig, you kept your eye on the rowdy fan, never letting her stray too far from your vision. She paced back and forth about the stage, trying to touch even the boot or pants hem of one of the players. It raised the hair on your neck at end as a hot, lava-like sensation filled your stomach.
Were you… jealous?
God, no, you told yourself as the last song of the set came to a close. You didn’t get jealous of blackout drunks practically sobbing over a couple of rockstars who probably didn’t even know your name. And yet… every time she cried out Silverhand’s name, every time she blew him a kiss, that sensation worsened. It coiled like a serpent in your belly, forcing your jaw to clench and your blood to boil.
Shit. You needed to get a serious grip.
Slowly, as the bar began to clear out and final tabs were paid at the bar, you found yourself in conversation with the owner of the place. You sat at a table and watched as she did the math for the band’s share of the profits of the night, cradling an iced concoction you’d been dying for since you got here. Up on the stage, Silverhand and Eurodyne were speaking in hushed tones, motioning back and forth.
“You know,” said the owner as she tallied up her data, “you seem pretty young to be a manager for those fellas.”
You forced yourself to smile and chuckle softly. “Oh,” you said, “I’m not their manager. I’m actually a groupie. I just, you know, move their things back and forth and hook up their systems for them.”
“You seem to do a lot more than that.” With a flick of her hand, she deposited the eddies into your account; a moment later, they showed up on your vision screen. When you got the chance later tonight, you would divide up the earnings between the band, the hired muscle, and yourself. You didn’t think those meatheads had done anything to earn the scrap, but you were terrified to be the one to tell them so.
“I guess someone has to,” you murmured quietly.
“I mean it,” she said. She gave you a gentle, motherly smile, one that made your heart and ache and pang for home. “You’re playing practically every role in this little game of theirs. Movement, tech, cash flow. And I’d bet they don’t even know your name, do they?”
You felt yourself blanch a little. Casting a glance over toward the rockers, your stomach flipped slightly as Silverhand threw his head back and barked out an echoed laugh. “They do,” you lied.
“Sure, kid.” The woman patted your arm before hopping off her stool and taking your empty glass. “If you’re going to survive a life like that, at least make sure to claim the respect you deserve. You’re not a doormat, girl. Don’t act like one.”
With that she left you to your own clouded thoughts, mind a hell scape of troubles and conflicting wants and needs and desires. You pursed your lips and stared down at your lap. Maybe she was right; maybe you should talk to them. Ask for better pay. Throw in a couple set ideas you’d been saving for the past weeks. Yet as much as you wanted to, the queasy feeling in your belly kept you from advancing too far.
You’d always been an anxious kid; too scared to voice your opinions. Your parents said you were well-behaved. You thought ball of nerves was a better way to phrase it.
You had just begun to kick off your stool and begin the tedious task of packing up the equipment when a flash of movement caught your eye. That woman - the one who had tried to touch the band on the stage - was jittering across the floor toward Silverhand and Eurodyne as they made their way to the backstage entrance. Her tits swayed as she bounced in their direction, feet dragging in her drunken state.
Fuck - some people just didn’t know when to quit, did they?
Feeling that simmering boil arise in your chest again, you quickly stride across the floor to intercept her aim toward the men. She was just behind them when you reached her, her arm outstretched and palm open to grab a handful of Silverhand’s ass. The serpent in your belly flared.
“Hey.” You grabbed the woman’s wrist in an iron-fisted grip, stopping her fingers just inches from their prize. Her head drunkenly lolled over to glare daggers at you. “No touching, you got it?”
“Get the fuck off me, you fucking kid.” She ripped her hand from your grip, and the numerous rings slid along her fingers scratched along your skin. You refused to flinch at the pain, instead pulling yourself to your full height and clenching your fists. “What the hell’s your problem?”
Your eyes flickered to the door backstage. The men had disappeared, and you felt a short little something burst inside of you. Disappointment? Surely you weren’t thinking they would come to your aid? That Silverhand would tell this bitch to scram and then say, ‘Damn, kid, thanks a lot. Want to come backstage and sign to become our mascot?’ God, you were a fucking idiot.
“Go home before someone knocks you on your ass,” you said, trying to mimic some of things you’d heard street kids say in back alleys. “I’d hate for your lipgloss to smear any further.”
“And who the fuck do you think you are?” Now she was angry. Getting up in your face. And you were alone - the venue owner had vanished, and the band was backstage. You suddenly wished you knew how to mind your own business. “You know where you are? This is fucking Heywood. Lose an eye for saying something like that.” She sniffed and looked you up and down. God, those bangs were ugly as all hell. “What are you, sixteen? You better run home to mommy before you get smacked.”
To your dismay, and fury, and horrified embarrassment, you felt tears beginning to pool in your eyes. You could count on your fingers the number of times someone had yelled at you like this, and each and every one still made your heart thunder like a drum. You weren’t cut out for this kind of shit; you should have taken her advice and run home, begged your parents’ forgiveness.
But suddenly the owner’s words were resurfacing in your mind.
You’re not a doormat, girl. Don’t act like one.
Gathering what little courage hadn’t dwindled away, you squared your jaw and said, “Get out and don’t come back, or I’ll call the pol-“
You weren’t able to get anything else out before suddenly a fierce, solid fist connected with the side of your face. You went sprawling, sending a table a a stool clattering into their sides, your hands clutching at your nose. Hot, tangy copper flooded down from your nostril, dripping onto your shirt and staining your palms. Holy fuck - she’d just punched you. You’d never been struck before - is this what it actually felt like? Your nose throbbing, your eye aching in its socket, your lips open as you gasped for breath?
Vaguely, through the blood pumping in your ears, you felt the woman kick your foot and scoff before the door swung shut behind her. You were left in silence, still in place where you lay propped on your elbow on the floor, with nothing but the scarlet falling from your nose and a painful watering eye.
With a coarse gasp, you sat up. Your head pounded like someone had delivered a bullet to your temple and it had come out through your jaw. Now that they weren’t being held back, tears cascaded down your cheeks freely and fell from your chin. You touched your nose, the skin around your eye, and let out a small sob as the pain flared through your skull.
Your attention was pulled from your attack to the backstage door, where a peel of laughter reached your ears. The band - you could ask them for help. Explain what happened. They could clean you up, take you to a ripper doc to make sure everything was still intact.
“Fuck, no,” you whispered to yourself. You’d eat lead before you let them see you like this; before they realized that, shit, you may have had your nineteenth birthday a few months ago, but goddamit, you still were just a snotty-nosed kid who needed her hand held when things got rough on the playground. They couldn’t know that. No one could.
You felt yourself rising, using the bottom of your shirt to gingerly wipe off the excess blood on your face. You needed to pack up. Load the equipment into the truck. Call the venue for tomorrow’s gig and make sure the show was still on.
Then you would wander, see if any rippers were still open. And if there wasn’t, well… you’d just have to deal with it.
Your mother’s words rang in your ears, still as sharp as a razor as they were when you left home. “No one’s going to take care of you out there,” she had said. “No one will help you. No one will care about you. No one will love you. You’re going to be all by yourself.”
Fuck it - you didn’t need any help. You didn’t need anyone to take care of you, to love you. You’d do it all yourself.
The pain was too much to acknowledge that was a lie.
It wasn’t but a half hour later that you were winding up speaker cords and wrapping them in their protective cases, gritting your teeth against the panging ache blossoming from your face. You were nearly done with the front half of the stage, a small tower of equipment stacked behind you and waiting to be dragged to the truck out back. You were already sweating your ass off, not to mention that the scab in your nose kept breaking and bleeding. You were sure you weren’t looking like much of a model.
You exhaled a long, exhausted breath and took a seat on the edge of the stage. Your toes barely touched the ground. Head bowed, you fisted the material of your blood-stained shirt and bit your lip to keep a fresh wave of tears at bay. You failed; they escaped, trailing down your cheeks like twin rivers.
What the hell were you doing? You were miles from home, miles from anything you knew. You’d had a life, a future planned out for you. Money. Comfort. Everything you didn’t have now. And you’d run away from it all.
“Hey, kid,” said a voice from further down the stage. “You seen my pick around here? Dropped the fucker after the show.”
Oh, holy fuck. Johnny Silverhand was speaking to you - and you were sitting here crying about being smacked around once or twice.
You cleared your throat once, twice, that the same time turning away quickly and pawing away the tears clinging to your cheeks. “Uhm, yeah.” Keeping your face turned from him, because frankly, you couldn’t take one more thing going wrong tonight, you fished out the obsidian-colored guitar pick you’d found on the stage while packing up. You had planned on leaving it beside his case when he and the others went out for a drink like they always did; it had been burning a hole in your pocket since you’d stuck it there, knowing it was the very pick he often stuck between his teeth after songs.
You held it out in his direction, refusing to let him see your tear-streaked face. He took it from your outstretched palm with his cybernetic hand, the metal fingers clicking together as he accepted it. You began to pull your hand back before suddenly those metal fingers were wrapped around your wrist, keeping your palm turned upward.
“You cut yourself or something?” he asked. He was looking at the blood you’d wiped off with your hand; fuck. Couldn’t you do anything?
Sniffling again, you pulled your hand away a little more forcefully than you meant to and cradled it in your stomach. “Yeah,” you murmured quietly, but you knew he heard you. Your voice echoed here in the empty building. “I’m fine. Sorry for worrying you, Mister Silverhand.”
To your surprise, he released a mumble from the back of his throat as he came closer and settled himself on the edge of the stage beside you. You immediately stiffened, your wide eyes trained like a magnet to an empty spot in the corner. “Christ, kid, I’m not that old. Johnny’s fine, as long as my hair’s not grey and I can still piss on my own.”
You listened as he lit up a cigarette, the lip of his lighter clasping shut before he tucked it back into his pocket. Was this actually happening? Was Johnny fucking Silverhand actually sitting down with you? Maybe that chick had knocked you clean out after all.
“You’re the new one, aren’t you?” Johnny asked as he took a drag of his smoke. He said your name, and your heart sprang like a bird screaming to be free of its cage. He did know your name. “What do you think of this shitshow? Not exactly what you expected, right?”
You reached up to wipe your nose - and quickly hid your hand when you brushed off a fresh swatch of blood. “I don’t think it’s a shitshow,” you admitted in a shy voice. You sniffed. “I think it’s great. I think you all are.”
From the corner of your eye, you saw him tilt his wrist - he was offering you a drag of his smoke. You stared at it for a moment before gingerly taking it and holding it like a joint; you felt his gaze on you, you could see the edge of his faint smirk. Obviously you weren’t holding it right. Nevertheless, you hesitantly brought it to your lips. How bad could one drag be?
As soon as the smoke tumbled down your throat and into your lungs, you pitched forward and hacked out a number of dry coughs. It felt like ash was steamrolling down your spine, tasted like a bad dream you couldn’t wake from. You felt like you were going to be sick.
Beside you, his feet crossed at the ankles, Johnny gave that deep, drawling laugh you’d heard time and time again - and had practically fallen for - and took back his cigarette. “First smoke, kid?” You heard the smile in his voice as he placed it back between his lips. “When you throw up, just don’t do it here.”
You raised your hand to cover your mouth, your bleeding nose, but you were too late. You bent your head and coughed into your lap - with enough force to send a spattering few droplets across the tops of your thighs. Your hands scrabbled to wipe them away, but the man beside you was quicker.
“Jesus,” he said, all traces of amusement wiped like a slate from his voice. “Didn’t think it’d kill you.”
“Sorry,” you gasped.
There came a short, yet stifling moment of stillness, of silence. It felt as if the world had gone still, had come to a stop on its axel or the spinner or whatever the hell it rotated on. If it even did anymore.
But then it all came back full force, like a slap to the face, like a bullet to the chest. Johnny reached his hand out and grabbed your chin - gently, but commanding; forcefully, but gingerly - and forced you to turn your head and look at him. It was the first time you’d met his eyes since he’d walked into the stage - his aviators were pushed up on his head, his smoke dangling from his lips, his oak-colored eyes hard and steely and rough to disguise the shock lying beneath them.
“Fuck me.” He tilted your head slightly, his gaze traveling over your face. “Someone do this to you, kid?”
You felt as though you couldn’t speak. Even if you wanted to, you just couldn’t. His artificial fingers were cool against your flushed skin, his grip harsh but forgiving all at once. Fireworks were exploding across your face where he touched you, rendering you speechless. Did he… actually care? Give a shit you’d taken a clock to the skull?
When you didn’t answer, his fingers tightened slightly on your jaw. Your eyes found his again, lips parted and heart skipping beats. “Hey,” he said more firmly, then pulled his cigarette from his lips with his free hand. “Who did this shit to you, huh?”
Ignoring the thrumming and singing and screaming of your heart, you swallowed thick and averted your gaze. “No one,” you replied. When his grip didn’t let up, you finally caved. “Just… just a fan, a little bit ago. She was, uh…” You hesitated. “She was trying to catch a grope of you, so I stopped her. Guess I caught it instead.”
Your small, forceful chuckle wasn’t met with the kind of response you were hoping for; maybe a laugh, or at least a tug at the corner of the lips. But it did not happen. Instead, you were met with a stony glare. A hard gaze. A deeply-set frown that bordered on a scowl.
You became suddenly and deeply intimated of Johnny Silverhand, aware now of the tight grip he had on your jaw and how close he was to your face. You bowed your head to the side, and he at last let you go. “Sorry to ruin the after party,” you murmured, then swallowed thick and hopped off the stage. “I’m fine, really. I just need to finish packing up and I’ll get out of here.”
Attempting to hide the flush in your cheeks and the hammering of your heart in your chest, you bent over to gather up a speaker in your arms. When you stood straight again, you found Johnny standing just feet before you, his aviators clutched tight in his grip at his side.
“I’m not fuckin’ with you here, kid,” he said, bringing his face close again. You felt your knuckles paling around the speaker, clutching it tight to your chest. His hair framed his face in a darkened curtain, the stubble on his cheek pronounced in the dim lightning. “Nobody fucks with my band without feeling it later. You know what this bitch looks like?”
“There really isn’t a need for more violence.” Eyes down, head bowed, you shifted the speaker’s weight in your arms. You tried not to dwell on the sensation that arose in the pit of your belly over being included in his band. “I just want it to be over with.”
Johnny watched as you set down your load, reaching up to wipe at your bloody nostril. As he crossed his arms, his foot began to tap gently - a sign of agitation you’d come to recognize. “Fuck all, kid,” he rumbled, then pulled the bandanna from his back pocket and tossed it to you. Raising the cloth to you nose, you tried not to inhale deeply as his scent overpowered you. “If you’re not going down that road, you at least got liquor at your place to soften the blow that shiner’s going to give you tomorrow?”
You clenched your jaw, wrapped your free tightly over your chest. The blood from your nose was stained into the fabric of the bandana; your grip tightened around it. You murmured a soft reply.
Johnny cocked his head, hands planted on his hips. “Speak up, kid. Use that voice of yours like it’s meant to be used.”
“I live in my car,” you said again, louder, then immediately cleared your throat and began to drag a box toward the door. “Listen, uhm… Johnny, I appreciate it, but I really need to finish packing -“
“Fuck packing.” Johnny crossed the small distance you’d put between the pair of you, stopping so close you felt his breath fanning across your face. “Let those other dickwipes pull their weight for once.”
Your gaze tried to avert itself again, but something within the hallows of your chest forced your eyes to stay trained on his. Were those flecks of hazel in the brown of his irises? You blinked a few times; you’d never been this close to him before. Hell - you’d never been this close to a man before at all.
“I…” You hesitated, gripping the bandana so tightly you were sure you were about to tear it in two. “I didn’t think you cared so much.”
“I told you, kid,” he said, then reached up to grab your shoulder. Explosions; fireworks; detonations where he touched you. “I take care of my band.”
And that was how you found yourself holding an ice pack to your face in Johnny Silverhand’s apartment in Pacifica, with the night sky and the stars taking up the space between peering in on you from the windows across the room.
You brought a small glass of liquor to your lips as you took in the living space; it was quaint, but not a shitty little hole in the wall either. You knew he didn’t care for aesthetics or shows; he was a man of practicality. Whatever served him well - pretty or not - he kept around.
Maybe that was why you’d lasted this long so far tailing the band as their little runt groupie.
You shifted slightly in your seat on the couch, pulling the pack slowly from your face. A television was set against the far wall, where the news station spewed some commercial for the latest body mod people were just ‘dying for!’ Clothes lay discarded around the bed set in the alcove in the corner, and a trio of electric guitars stood by dutifully in the corner amongst a mountain of expensive speakers and stereoes. Mounted on the wall were half a dozen framed magazine covers that featured Samurai - and a few were only his face occupied the page. Photoshoots, interviews, covers… he had it all done and displayed.
The star himself stood at the miniature bar pouring himself a few fingers of vodka, hair tied up in a half knot at the crown of his head. He set the bottle down and crossed the room to take a seat on the opposite side of the couch, then kicked up his feet on the coffee table and crossed them at the ankle.
“So tell me,” said Johnny and sipped at his liquor. He extended an arm across the back of the couch, his fingers just a few inches from your head. “How’s a kid like you end up in this shit city? You certainly aren’t built to be a street kid, so you didn’t grow up here.”
Consciously, you reached up to touch the area around your eye. You’d used the bathroom when you first arrived here to clean the blood off your face, but the black eye steadily blossoming across your skin wasn’t going to wash away as easily. As if you didn’t already feel bad enough; you were sitting on fucking Johnny Silverhand’s couch in a bloodstained shirt and the confession off your lips that you lived in your damn car.
When he tilted his head to look at you expectantly, you felt your throat run dry. You knew how he - hell, how most of the street kids in Night City - felt about where you came from. Surely you didn’t have to tell him the entire truth. Besides - even if you lied, you were expecting him to come to his senses any time now and tell you, his month-new groupie, to get out of his house and scram.
“Well,” you said and gingerly placed the ice pack on the side table, “I guess you’re sort of right. My family was pretty… well-to-do. I grew up on the top floors of the snottiest buildings -“
“You used to be a corpo kid.”
Your blood ran cold in your veins. Fuck; this was it. Your run with Samurai was over. With any band, really. Surely word would spread you were a corpo brat trying to slum it as a street kid.
Johnny shrugged a shoulder and brought up his glass to take another sip. “You don’t hide it well, kid,” he told you bluntly. “The way you talk, walk, hold yourself. You reek of that high-brow lifestyle, no offense.” The corner of his lips quirked slightly. “But surely mom and dad didn’t drop their precious little darling on the street, now, did they?”
You couldn’t stop the zipping, electric sensation that pinged off the walls of your chest. “Not exactly.” You finished off your drink and set it aside, eyes focused on the corner of the television. You had no idea what the anchor was talking about; you didn’t really want to know. “My parents are oil investors. Old money types - they both came from countryside mansions and absent fathers - heh.” You smiled slightly to yourself. “They always told me I was a, as they called it, ‘soft soul.’ In their native tongue, that means weak. Not able to make those cutthroat decisions, you know? I don’t think they ever planned on including the stocks and the oil fields in their inheritance, so they went off and found the son of another tycoon who they could give it to.”
“Holy fuck,” said Johnny and lifted a stunned brow. “You’re telling me they arranged a marriage for you and this asshole?”
“They tried, I guess.” You hesitated, hand fidgeting with a stray loose end on your shirt. “I told them I’d rather splatter my brains on the wall - and they told me I could either do it their way, or leave and not come back at all.” You turned your head and gave him a wry, tight-lipped smile. “So I haven’t gone back.”
Johnny hissed out a breath through his teeth and tossed back the rest of his vodka. “You’ve got balls, kid, I’ll give you that,” he said and set aside his glass. “NC’s sure one hell of a place to hit the ground running.”
“Mm.” Maybe it was the liquor in your systems talking; or maybe it was the fact that slowly, as the evening went on, you were becoming more and more comfortable around him. “When I was younger, I heard your music for the first time and I just couldn’t get enough of it. My parents fucking hated it - tried to take away my vinyls, block the streaming websites, but I always found a way to keep listening. I guess… it was the only way I felt I could rebel.
“I got dragged to parties to be seen and not heard; I was given piano lessons at five, and when those didn’t stick, they put me in sports. They always wanted me to be some, I don’t know, incredible prodigy. Like I needed to be amazing to call myself their daughter. And I guess when they realized I wasn’t anything to be proud of, they just gave up.”
As soon as you shut your mouth, you regretted what you had said. When you’d left home, you had vowed to leave your past in the past. What the hell were you doing?
But then Johnny was barking out one of those laughs of his as he rolled his head back against the couch cushion. “Oh, come on,” he said and eyed you incredulously. “Nothing? You can handle your way around eddie negotiations - you sure they didn’t try to shape you into a corpo biz manager?”
“Believe me,” you said, finding yourself snickering along with him. “They tried everything. Nothing I ever did was good enough for them.” A loosened giggle escaped your lips as you gestured vaguely around the apartment. “Hell, I think they’d keel over and kick it if they knew I was at Johnny Silverhand’s place - the most infamous rockstar in Night City.”
He smirked coyly. “What?” he said and scratched at his throat. His eyes stayed trained on yours as you watched his tattoos move with his ministrations. “Your old man doesn’t like bad boys and tech fuckers?”
There was another one of those still, silent moments between the pair of you, like the string attached to your fingers had pulled taunt. The television played quietly across the room. Car horns blared and wailed outside. Your gazes were locked together, unable to pull apart even if you wanted to.
Then he was moving. Pulling his feet off the table, standing to his full height. Stepping closer - resting a silver hand on the couch arm beside you and the other on the back near your head. Your breath hitched in your throat as he leaned over you, enveloping you against him and his ow shadow.
“Listen, kid,” he said, and you realized his voice had dropped a baritone. In the pit of your belly there came a fluttering, one that traveled further, lower, straight to your core. “I might be getting some off vibes here, but I’m not going to be a pussy and say I wouldn’t be disappointed if I was.” You felt your breath slam from your lungs as he leaned closer, closer, and dragged his tongue along the short expanse of your cheekbone; you swore your heart stopped. “Tell me if I’m wrong, but I think there’s a thanks in order for saving my ass earlier.”
Ice - your blood had frozen and turned to ice beneath your skin. Did he know you were holding your breath? Did he know you’d never been this close to anyone like this? Did he know you’d never kissed before, never fucked or gotten fucked or known what real, true devotion felt like?
After what seemed an eternity - a forever of him staring at you from inches away, awaiting your green light to advance - you at last found your voice. “I didn’t do it in exchange for this.”
“Yeah,” he said, “but let me spoil you, sweetheart.”
Then his lips were melded to yours, and your mind, your senses, your body - they all burst red and green and purple and every color across the spectrum you didn’t even know existed. His knees came to rest on either side of your legs and he bent down, so that he hovered over you and you stretched up in order to keep your mouths connected. His kiss was rough and demanding, the reins held tight in his hands, and he took up every last gasp of breath you had left in your lungs.
He pulled back for a quick inhale, leaving you shell shocked, but only for a moment before he was pushing his lips back against yours. “Fuck, honey,” he slurred between deep, passionate kisses, “you taste even fucking better than I thought.”
When his mouth moved down to the column of your throat, his touch anchoring your hips down beneath him, you realized this wasn’t supposed to be a one-man show. Your movements felt foreign, unknown, as you brought one hand to thread through his hair and the other to cradle the back of his neck. His tresses slipped through your fingers like feathers or silk or some other poetic shit - you didn’t care enough to think of the right metaphor.
Johnny found a spot on your skin where your neck met your shoulder, his hand moving your shirt collar out of the way, and attached his mouth to that area. He sucked and pulled at your vulnerable throat, using his sharp teeth to gently bite at the skin. You gasped aloud, your grip in his hair tightening, as he licked at the place he’d bitten, almost like apologizing or making up for the pleasurable pain.
And fuck, was it pleasurable. With every moment that ticked by with his mouth lavishing your neck, with his touch roaming across the planes of your body, you felt yourself growing wetter. Your belly was flip-flopping with nerves and excitement, your core suddenly aching from the attention you were receiving. And, if you shifted your hips just right, you felt the growing erection in his pants pressing against your thigh. You gave a hesitant, experimental buck of your hips against his - and your heart leaped when he pulled off your throat to groan low and gravelly into your collarbone.
“Oh, fuck, sweetheart,” Johnny growled as he sat up. He peered down at you with blown pupils and an almost animalistic gaze, his hands working the clasps and buckles of his bulletproof vest. “Keep playing games like that and you might get your prize sooner than you expect it.” At last, he lifted the vest over his head - and you didn’t stop yourself from staring. His stomach was a flat plane of muscle, riddled near the hip and the pec with a few puckered scars. His dog tags clinked against his chest, hanging like ornaments over the line of hair that began at his belly button and became thicker as it disappeared beneath his waistband.
“Impressed?” he crooned, drawing your eyes back up to his.
You felt yourself smiling, albeit a bit nervously, and slowly reaching out to touch his abdomen. “Maybe,” you murmured. Your fingers trailed over his chest, his nipples, his belly. His muscles flexed under your touch, and every few moments he let his head fall back and released a low-throated moans. They sent shivers up your spine and an ache down to your core, clenching around nothing.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Johnny said, coming to his senses and hooking his fingers beneath the hem of your shirt. “I can’t exactly do this the right way if I’m the only one playing skins.”
Your nerves jumped wildly as he began to pull up your shirt; you partially lifted yourself to aid him, but as the fabric began to clear your breasts, you felt your blood spiking. “Wait!” You grabbed his wrist, halting him in place. “Wait, Johnny, wait.”
Obediently, he paused where he was. He peered down at you questioningly, searching for a sign of whatever he’d done wrong. “Don’t get cold feet on me now, kid,” he drawled gently.
“No,” you said quickly, and you panicked because he looked like he was going to pull away, so you surged forward and kissed him hungrily. He gave a muffled grunt of surprise, but returned it nonetheless. When you finally leaned back again, you knew your face was flushed; how attractive you must have looked, with a violent blush and a black eye coming in. “I want to, Johnny, I really do. More than…” You shook your head slightly. “More than I think I’ve ever wanted anything?”
“More than you want to tell those fucking parents of yours where to shove it?”
A nervous, wobbly smile wound over your lips. “Yeah,” you replied. “More than that. But…” You swallowed thick and averted your gaze, letting your eyes fixate instead on his dog tags. “I, uhm… I haven’t exactly… done this before. At all.”
“Hmm.” It was all he said for a long, quiet moment. You could tell he was staring at you, but you didn’t want to know if his gaze was full of reproach or unease - or the wild, suddenly feral look some men got around virgins. He shifted his weight atop you slightly. He spoke again. “You’ve at least cum before, haven’t you? Used one of those toys you women like so much?”
For a fraction of a second, you realized the gravity of it all - you were lying beneath Johnny Silverhand, talking about your previous use of sex toys. But before you could begin to register the situation, you said, “I mean, I’ve used vibrators before. I didn’t ever… didn’t ever orgasm on those. It just wasn’t enough. And my mom always said I didn’t want to lose my virginity to a piece of silicone. So…” You gently tightened the grip you had on his wrist. “No. I haven’t. I didn’t… I hadn’t even kissed anyone before this.”
“Fuck me, kid.”
You waited for him to roll off you, to tell you that you were a nice kid, but he suddenly wasn’t feeling well. It seemed forever. Then, that feeling - that sensation that was growing familiar - of his metal fingers on your chin drew your attention back up to his face. He was gazing down at you with a look so understanding, yet so teasing and coy it seemed as though the painter who had sculpted his features changed his mind half way through.
“If I’d known that was your first,” he rumbled to you, “I’d have made sure to bite.”
With that he dipped down to recapture your lips, his artificial hand coming up to cradle your cheek affectionately. A tidal wave of relief flooded through your systems as you reached up to tangle your hands in his hair again, your body beginning to act on its own accord. Your leg twisted around his to pull his hips closer to yours, and you felt his erection bump against the apex of your thighs. You both groaned into one another’s mouths, sharing breaths and panting into throats.
“Hang on,” he ordered you, and once you had locked your legs around his waist, he braced you against him and hauled you up into his arms as if you weighed nothing. He continued to bite at your lips and shove his tongue into your mouth as he carried you toward the bed.
When your back hit the mattress, he pulled you further up toward the pillows and crawled over your form. “I’ve got an idea,” he drawled, nipping at your throat. When you made a noise of acknowledgement, he slowly began to undo the button of your trousers. “We’ll save the fucking for the next time. Tonight we’ll stick with basics - swear it’ll feel just as fucking good.”
You felt your heart rate pick up like a methodical tick. Your grip on his shoulders tightened, nails digging into his bare skin. “The next time?” you murmured, dammit, hopefully. You knew Johnny Silverhand was a womanizer, that a different girl fell into his arms every other night. A part of you felt stupid for hoping this would be different; now you weren’t feeling quite as foolish.
Johnny smirked down at you, his hair curtaining you both. “What?” he said. “Thinking this was going to be a one-time thing?”
“Let me tell you something, sweetheart.” He pressed his forehead to yours, his human hand trailing down to the space between your thighs. A small squeak escaped your lips, one that melted into a moan, when he pressed his thumb down on your trousers right above your clit. “I’d be fucking stupid to find a little thing like you and let you go.”
You hitched out a gasp. “Let me go?”
“Oh, yeah, baby.” He inched down until he was level with your exposed belly, then licked a stripe up to where your shirt was bunched just below your breasts. “You’re all mine now.”
Your world was flipped on its head, like you were watching the scene play out from above instead of from your own eyes. Johnny helped you pull off your shirt, and then your bra, and you finally let yourself moan unabashedly when he pulled the peaks of each breast into his mouth. Then he removed your pants, and your panties, and then he had practically picked you up and pulled you into a position that had your core aching like never before.
Johnny sat his back to the headboard with you seated between his legs so that your shoulder blades laid flat against his bare chest. He’d hooked his ankles around yours when your legs spread, keeping them apart and open for his touch that was slowly, torturously making its way down your body.
“Johnny,” you moaned as his metal hand cupped your breast, alternating between kneading and pinching the nipple. His warm, human hand was dragging his fingers over the tops of your naked thighs, occasionally dipping between them, but never where you needed him the most. “Johnny, please…”
“Ooh, my poor thing sounds so good when she cries for me,” he chuckled in your ear from behind. His voice was low and came from deep in his chest, sending goosebumps over your flesh. “I bet she’d sound even prettier singing.”
Without warning, his hand dipped toward your center and dragged a finger through your wet folds. In reply, as if obeying his command, you released a garbled cry and leaned your head back against his shoulder. Fuck, this was so goddamn good. You’d never known letting someone else touch you like this could feel so fucking amazing.
“That’s right,” growled Johnny, then found your clit and began to rub circles around it. “Cry for me, sweetheart.”
You squeezed your eyes shut in pleasure as he played with the bundle of nerves, your hands gripping onto his thighs for support. Your legs instinctively tried to snap closed, alleviate the heightened need for friction, but his ankles locked around yours kept you from doing so. Feeling your pull against his legs, he quickened the speed of his circles, increased the pressure ever so slightly.
“Oh, fuck!” you whimpered. Your pussy was clenching around nothing, your slick smearing across your thighs. “Oh, shit, Johnny. Oh, my god, please don’t stop.” Quickly becoming overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure and sensation, your body began to react on its own. You squirmed in his grasp, hips attempting to buck and feet kicking. There was a sort of coiling feeling building in your abdomen, like a pressure from within, and your body was chasing after it like it was the sun it had never seen.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” With every buck of your hips, his own chased yours, practically humping up into you from behind.
You couldn’t reply, only whimpered and whined and buried your face into the musky-smelling crook of his neck.
Johnny applied just the smallest bit of more pressure, his free arm wrapped securely around your middle to keep you anchored to him. “Come on, kid,” he whispered against the shell of your ear. “Give it to me. Give me this first one.”
Whatever kind of effect his words had on your systems, it was immediate. That coil in your belly snapped, wound too tight, and your vision tore white as you threw your head back against him. “Oh, god, Johnny! Johnny, fuck!” Your words melted into hoarse cries and moans and gasps. You felt a warmth pooling from your entrance and his fingers gingerly gathering it up; if you had been able to open your eyes, you would have seen him suck your release off his own fingers and smirk to himself in satisfaction.
For a long, quiet few minutes, you simply sat there between his legs, feeling your chest rise and cave as you tried to regain your breath. Behind you, Johnny craned his neck to press open-mouthed kisses to the back of your neck, your shoulders, the jut of your spine. He unhooked his legs from yours, allowing you to draw them together and to your chest as you gripped his thigh with a grip that refused to let go.
“You with me still, kid?” Johnny shifted his weight a bit, then wrangled you until you were sat sideways in his lap and he cradled you against his front.
Your head rested against his bare pec, fingers unconsciously gripping onto the dog tags around his neck. “Mm,” you hummed, because you felt as though you couldn’t form words anymore even if you wanted to. A sudden and powerful tide of exhaustion had washed over you, leaving you feeling hollow and full all at the same time.
“Use that pretty voice of yours,” he insisted and flicked a piece of stray hair from your sweaty forehead. “Tell me you’re alight. That I didn’t go too hard.”
So - because you would do anything for him, after he just did everything for you - you scraped together what was left of your vocal cords and said, “I’m alright.” You skimmed your fingers along his chest, and again, his muscles flexed beneath your touch. “Johnny.”
“Yeah, kid.”
“You won’t…” The next words caught in your throat. You thought of your parents, who had tried to sell you off because they believed you were nothing. You thought of that woman who had clicked you like it was a second nature to her. You thought of your own doubts and fears that taunted you like bad dreams that wouldn’t go away even after you woke up. “You won’t leave me… will you?”
Johnny’s grip around you tightened, and he pet your hair soothingly. “Fuck, sweetheart,” he said, and there was something about his tone that made you believe this wasn’t just a promise to you, but to himself, as well. As if he’d loved and lost before; as if he refused to let this crash and burn, even if it killed him in the end. “I’m never letting you go.”
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noroamenial · 1 year
So this is another one of my beginning drabbles writing about Raphael and Haarlep. It feels a little OOC for me, but I was playing into the obsessive parts of it, not too much though.
Summary: Raphael storms boudoir to see wtf is going on with Haarlep, he is greeted with the pleasant surprise that Haarlep has gotten Tav's body out of a manipulated deal. Raphael is pleased abt it in more ways than one.
Spoilers for Raphael in Act 3 and the Tav is ambiguous but I wrote it with she/her pronouns
Cw: suggestive
“What were you doing?” Rahael stormed into the boudoir, much more composed than he was earlier, but a rage only the prince of the hells had was bubbling up from him.
Haarlep, the devil’s dearest body double, was sprawled out on the silk sheets of the room’s master bed. They were clad in the usual skimpy leather and had an expression—one Raphael could make but never did—on their face that of most fond yet affectionate amusement. 
“Oh, why only your newest contractee.” Haarlep shrugged, “That little thing, quite the darling. Her friends were so insistent on fighting me, but she…she was quite the little delegate.”
Raphael’s arms tensed as his hands balled into fists. 
“What did you tell her?”
“Nothing important,” they shrugged, “It’s more like what she told me.” There it was, his own signature smirk on Haarlep’s body, Raphael’s body. He reserved that smile, yet Haarlep gave it so easily. 
“What did she tell you?” Raphael’s voice wavered, the wrath behind his eyes sharp and clear.
Haarlep laughed, heartily like a flame.
“What didn’t she?” they stood, before lazily taking the few steps to reach Raphael. “For such a strong leader she’s awfully soft.” their hand trailed across Raphael’s chest, as Haarlep pranced around Raphael they disappeared from the devil’s gaze and reappeared from behind him as Tav. “She gave her body to me.”
Raphael’s heart was pounding in his chest. Haarlep in tav’s body stood before him. Tav’s body in a barely covering skimpy leather outfit, smiled up at him.
“I can feel her desires, Raphael.” Haarlep spoke with Tav’s voice. “Did you know…” 
Their hands trailed up the devil’s chest, and Raphael had to hold back an exhale. “...that even when I was fucking them—even when they knew it was me not you—they cried out for you.” 
Raphael’s hands hesitantly trailed up Tav—no—Haarlep maneuvering tav’s body. Her hips were soft. He knew that everything on Haarlep’s new glamoured body was precise and exact to what Tav looked like barely hours ago. Haarlep didn’t speak as Raphael carefully explored, though a smile tugged on their lips.
Raphael spent a few minutes looking over their body with a deep curiosity. He had a puppet now, carefully crafted. He didn't often let one of his victims become a body in the bed of his boudoir. He leaned into Haarlep, his face nuzzling into the new body’s nape.
“You are so smart,” he breathed in, enjoying the vanilla sandalwood that was Tav’s usual scent. “What did you trade for this?” he murmurs softly, surprisingly gentle.
“Barely anything important,” Haarlep responded, their own soft cadence reflected in Tav’s voice. “It was a simple trick to get this.” The incubus didn't want to ruin such a tender yet obsessive moment from the devil, so they led them both back to the silk sheets of the bed. Haarlep was here to serve, and in a fond comradic partnership they would extend this pleasantry to Raphael for now. After all, Haarlep knew Raphael’s desires, had felt them in full. 
Raphael brushed hair behind Haarlep’s ear. He kissed the soft skin along her neck. 
             “You know she will feel all this.” Haarlep mutters.
             “I know.” Raphael hums, “That is the point. Let her know I am fucking her form. Let her want me. She stole my orphic hammer and she stole my heart, the least I can do is repay the favor.” Raphael’s smug air returned as he dominated over Haarlep, kissing the cheek of the form of the lover he truly yearned for. “I will know every dip and span of her body, so when she comes to me wishing to break her body from your double, I will only do so in return for her.” 
Haarlep laughs, it is Tav’s laugh and it sends the most embarrassing flush to Raphael’s face. In the moment of hesitance he couldn’t decipher Haarlep from Tav and it had taken him back.
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erissheiress · 11 months
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Warnings: slightly ooc Rhysand and Cassian, kissing, secret relationship, mentions of objectification, mention of Lucien's past, slight angst, fluffy ending.
Summary: Your hidden relationship comes to light, but you won't allow your mate to be disrespected.
Requested by anon
Word Count: 1911
Taglist: @reetriestbr @pandabiiissh
. . .
You blended in seamlessly into the walls of the Autumn Court, your black attire allowing you to blend in with the shadows. Today, however, there was no need for spying, or sneaking around. As your brother’s emissary, you had access to other courts when needed, when Rhysand needed you to represent the Night Court in his place. You had become quite comfortable travelling between courts, making friends with the nobility of some, such as Helion, yet the Autumn Court still sent a slight shiver up your spine.
Perhaps it was Beron’s cruel nature, or his several sons’ objectifying gaze, that made your job so difficult at times, of course not excluding the treatment of your friend Lucien. Not that you’d ever allow your brother or friends to learn of your discomfort carrying out your job in the Autumn Court, lest their protective natures damage the peace between courts. 
This particular task had been quite quick to resolve, a simple matter of deciding better trade routes between the courts, and you were quite content to finish up early, thank Beron for his time, and make your exit. Quick and easy, just as Rhysand liked it.
“Y/N?” Your brother’s voice spoke in your head. “Are you finished?”
“Almost, Rhys, no problems. I’ll let you know when I’m leaving, alright?”
“Okay, be safe, love you”
“Love you too,” you managed to reply before the conversation was cut. You adored your older brother, but a bit more faith in your abilities as a diplomatic emissary would be appreciated. 
You swiftly exited the house, smiling at passing servants that bowed to you as they passed. As far as they knew, you were preparing to leave, to go back to the Night Court. Taking a deep breath, you let yourself winnow to where you wanted to be more than anything.
The woods of the Autumn Court were breathtaking, a palette of colours filling your senses. Here, in the safety of the trees, you finally focused on the heavy weight on your chest, allowing it to melt away. Before you could take a deep breath, another voice filled your mind.
“My love?”
“I’m here, Darling.”
Strong arms encircled your waist in response, pulling you close. “I missed you.”
Turning in his arms, you looked up into the beautiful amber eyes of Eris Vanserra.
Your mate.
His red hair shone in the sunlight being filtered through the foliage above you, his eyes full of warmth as he looked at you, so different to how he usually was around people. 
“I missed you too… it’s getting so difficult to keep the glamour on at all times… it’s beginning to hurt.”
Eris looked at you in concern. “I know, my love, I’m sorry. The bond isn’t supposed to be hidden like this.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Eris.” Reaching up to stroke his cheek, relishing in the feeling of the bond pulse between you both, waves of love pumping through. “I don’t have much time, Rhys will get worried.”
“I know… are you attending Helion’s ball for the courts?”
You nod, resting your head against his strong chest. “Looking forward to it, actually. Will you?”
“In my father’s place, he has no love for social gatherings. Perhaps… we could spend some time together.”
“We will, no matter what, I promise.”
“I love you.”
The words that ring in your mind morning, noon and night. That come with nothing but sincerity.
“I love you too, Eris.” 
Reluctantly, so reluctantly, you remove yourself from his hold. “Kiss me?”
His lips on yours was his response, as you both tried to mask the pain of having to keep your relationship a secret. “Goodbye, Y/N.”
“Goodbye, Eris,” was all you could muster, before winnowing away, ensuring the weight on your chest had returned before going back to your family.
Appearing in the main hallway, a voice came from your left.
“Y/N? You didn’t tell me you were leaving.” 
“Shit, sorry Rhys. I forgot, I was just eager to leave.”
“It all went well?”
“Of course, brother, some faith would be nice.”
“I just worry about you, sister, the Autumn Court is dangerous.”
“I can handle myself, Rhys.”
“Alright, come, there is food left… if Cassian hasn’t finished it all.” Laughing, you follow Rhysand to the dining room, where Cassian, Azriel, and Feyre sit around. These are your family, you love them, and yet all you really want is for Eris to be part of it, to be accepted as your mate.
As always, his voice rings in your ears. “I love you.”
By the Cauldron, you fucking love him too.
. . . 
With your arm in Cassian’s, you follow Rhysand and Feyre into the Day Court’s gorgeous ballroom. Helion himself greets you at the door, kissing both of your cheeks.
“Y/N, don’t you look ravishing.”
Indeed you did, in a sleek silk dress, a deep forest green, with the jewellery to match. You truly felt confident and beautiful, and most of all, powerful. Only you would know who exactly you were trying to impress.
You felt his eyes follow you across the room, even without the bond. Eris and a few of his brothers stood against the far wall, surveying the room. Eris held a drink to his lips, his eyes on you over the rim of the glass. His gaze was piercing, making your skin feel warm in the best way. His eyes landed on your arm in Cassian’s, eyebrows furrowing in such a slight way that only his mate could notice.
“I’m going to get a drink, I’ll be back.” Unlinking your arm from Cassian’s, he hardly notices as he laughs at something Helion says. Azriel watches you go, but says nothing, unsuspecting. As you intended.
Getting a glass of wine, you let your eyes flicker to Eris, now standing by himself, as many other guests try to avoid him. It sends a surge of annoyance and anger through you. How dare they ignore your mate so easily, he is nothing like his father, as you would learn after nights and nights of whispered promises and tearful secrets, secret meetings whenever you could get away from the Night Court.
Taking a slow sip from the glass, your eyes roam over the room. Various faces you recognised stood out to you, conversing and laughing among themselves. It was your own family that caught your attention. Cassian was by Rhysand’s ear, whispering something that made them both laugh subtly. Then you noticed how their eyes kept straying over to where Eris was standing, still alone. They were laughing at him. Laughing at your mate. A flash of anger surged towards you, pushing you forward.
“What is so funny, brother?”
“”I don’t understand why he would even come, surely he knew he would not be accepted”
“Who?” You asked, feigning ignorance to see what his reply would be.
“Eris. It’s not like Beron is liked, I don’t understand why Eris is here.”
“He isn’t his father, surely the peace treaties have proved that to you.” Unwillingly, the bond opened a little bit, not enough to be noticeable, but enough to feel your mate. Enough for him to feel your anger. Gentle streams of serenity flowed through the bond, slightly settling your nerves.
“We don’t truly know him, Y/N, or like him..” Cassian remarked.
Your fingers tightened around your glass, a sign of how fuming you were. It took an extreme level of self control to bite back the words you wished to say. How dare they make such cruel assumptions about him.How dare they mock your mate, just as much of a loved one as Feyre was to Rhys. Instead, you swallowed them. “Excuse me for a moment,I just need some air.”
You excused yourself quickly, avoiding the slightly questioning looks from your family, walking as swiftly as your dress would allow down the nearest corridor, out of sight from prying eyes. You kept walking, until you found an empty room, presumably a guest room. You sat on the chaise, taking deep breaths, running your hand over your face lightly. 
The door gently opened and closed behind you. “My love?”
“Eris! You shouldn’t be here…” you said, although your actions contradict your words as you wrapped your arms around his chest, holding him close.
“My mate is upset, of course I’m here. What happened?”
“Just my family’s hypocrisy. I love them, I just wish they’d open their eyes. They… were unkind about you.”
“That explains why the glamour faded a bit.. It doesn’t bother me, my love.”
“It bothers me, you’re my mate, you should be as accepted as Feyre is.”
Eris gently kissed your forehead, before tilting up your chin, looking into your eyes.
“Thank you for protecting me,” he whispered, before leaning in and kissing you, holding you close.
“What is going on here?”
Your brother’s voice rang through the room as you and Eris jumped apart, him instinctively pushing you behind him.
“Rhys, I can explain,” you began.
“What did he do to you?” He was fuming, as the rest of the Inner Circle realised what was going on. “What have you done to her?”
“He’s done nothing, Rhysand! Calm down!” This wasn’t your High Lord speaking, this was your brother and you were not going to let him talk to your mate like that. “Eris is my mate, and you will listen to us.” The bond opened, an unmistakable scent that none of the Illyrians could ignore.
“He cannot be your mate, Y/N! I won’t allow it.” Rhysand said, and Feyre visibly flinched, the only one of your family that didn’t look disgusted.
“Won’t allow it?” You said carefully, enunciating each word. His words were the wrong ones to say to a mated female.
“You don’t need to allow anything, my lord. Can’t you feel the bond we have? Do you not realise that I would leave you all to be with him. Like you would for Feyre.”
Your brother flinched at his title being used so bitingly, and at your declaration. “We can’t trust him, what if he’s like his father?”
Behind you, a pang of pain struck down the bond from Eris, staying silent as he knew he could be of no help in this argument.
“Don’t you dare compare him to Beron! You are such a hypocrite, Rhysand, think about our own father. I will not allow you to disrespect my mate, not now, not ever.”
Before Rhysand or any of the Inner Circle could interrupt, Feyre walked forward, taking your hand, your shoulders heaving with anger. “Eris is welcome in the Night Court, as your mate and as one of us.”
“I am High Lady, my word is law. Y/N, you are my sister, and I can tell that what you have is genuine. It is settled. Come, Rhys, Helion will wonder where we are.”
They looked like they wanted to argue, but a few harsh snarls from you silenced them. Your family slowly left, and you all but fell into Eris’ chest again.
“You were brilliant, my love, truly.”
“They’ll come around, thank the Cauldron for Feyre.”
“I can love you in public now, whenever I want. No more concealing the bond.”
“Never again. You’re my mate, Eris, any obstacles that come we’ll face together.” Pressing your forehead against his, you allowed yourself to relish in the euphoric feeling of the mating bond.
Your Eris. Your mate. 
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s4mu-k41d3n · 5 months
by juan karlos
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TYPE 2 <> YAN!CHUUYA X GN!READER〰️sypnosis: he’s a lunatic for you. you, only you under the glamour of the yellow moon, under the white light that flicks each breezing step he took, so just only he will love you, yet did you hear his screams? your beauty, reaching the moon lurking at the dark soaring above.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 〰️disclaimer: obsessive behavior, stalking, violence, blood, mentions of guns, stalking, bad writing, ooc!chuuya?, sexual themes, not proofread.
౨ৎ₊ ⊹ 〰️notes: I still like have 1 drafts but i have no idea how to start with well ermmm. by the way the song is in a different language/in filipino, i apologize if you don’t understand the lyrics but i can’t think of any more songsD:
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He’s yours, you’re his.
You look pretty to his bored sight, the blank eyes deceiving his filthy intentions he discreetly covers your eyes, blinding the rational truth he keeps dead end in his pockets. Are not you his precious little doll? Small words may be spoken, simple acts may be acted, yet it treasures a deeper meaning when he’s along with your bittersweet accompany. Something tingling in his rumbling stomach each time you’re close beside, before, after him. There’s no meaningless difference, merely how his eyes dilate and shape into a beating heart whenever he catches you in his borderline—is a golden routine for every single arise of light and dark. When the moon sets above from the abyss, wherein the sun reflects its glow to light.
He surely adores this part of the day, it never goes out missing in his crumpled calendar. Punctured to his cracked wall. Whether it be the clouds wail, the sun burns, the moon turns to dust—it’s a cycle he would never get tired of despite how many times it repeats in a two’s arrival nor leaving. Who was he to stop loving you? He’ll be the one to chase after you in a zigzag pathway even if led to the below. He’ll sacrifice the world for you, he’ll sacrifice himself just for you. He’d banish from existence just for you and he snaps from delusions.
The moon glamoured your beauty, painting him a canvas of elegance. Chuuya’s eyes shot towards your figure, how alluring you are to trap his heart in your lively aura. An unknown gaze observes, the way your blouse plays with your movements. The way your eyes glimmer in excitement, he watches from afar. He noticed a man in a suit, before you he stands. As if like he’d take you away from his presence, no, no he won’t accept that. Chuuya’s hands slip into his pocket as the glint dies down into envy. Jealousy, arises from his heat. He gritted his teeth, “I’ll break that man’s fucking spine.” His hands clenched, fist forming as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
The ceremony was along to finally cease, yet Chuuya remained vigilant. He pries to search for that man, who’d be the one receive you first before his? How dare he, he’ll acknowledge his efforts once he sees you again. Softening as he captures you sitting from a distance away. The ceremony came to a halt as guests exited the building, Chuuya leaned against the wall as he only bargained his upcoming plan to murder that disgusting man. He was an executive after all, it’d be an easy job. Won’t it? He excused himself in the crowds of passers as he pinpoints his target, silent as he followed the man’s tracks. Drawing a gun he pockets, lurking in the shadows. Blood spewed out of the victim’s head, falling to the ground as red spills the pavements. Chuuya withdraws his gun as he eyed the dead body lying on the ground as he flees from the scene.
Luckily, he’ll move on to the main part of the day. He strode over to your house as he peeks by the window. He saw you, pupils dilate as you sat on the couch. Removing your shoes you stood up, “Fuck…” Chuuya mumbles under his breath as you went into your bedroom. He knew what was about to come as he trailed towards the room, he’s entertained by your show. Breathing heavily as his hands trembled in anticipation. Your fingers pulling your blouse up as Chuuya’s eyes widened. Cloth dropping to the floor as he saw your semi-naked body. Your skin seemed so flawless, your curves displayed so beautifully. Your pants being slid off only to be in your undergarment as you fold your clothes. Little did you know, a shadow piques to stalk your prints. You let out a breathy sigh, stretching.
“You’re really mine, aren’t you…” Chuuya mutters as he looks at you up and down. So bad, his gloved hands desires to claw on your skin—fangs to bite on your flesh to claim you as his. You dressed a loose shirt and simple shorts, too bad now covering your body his thrill wore down. Your features, he just imagines his hands traveling all over your warmth, his lips pressed up yours as he savors your sweet taste. Tongue exploring your mouth as his sight closed, to just run his tongue along your skin, teeth biting into your delicate neck to be filled with his markings. Yet his time was up, he has to get back to the headquarters—now isn’t this fun? He groans in annoyance as he spared you one last glance of lust and obsession.
He’ll be back for tomorrow, he’s sure.
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uraharasandals · 8 months
more girl food just dropped, enjoy teehee
but yes, I got carried away with making Aventurine as slutty as possible (again) :D In all seriousness though, I really really think this man would look amazing in thigh highs and a skirt, no I do not make the rules
Ratio is slightly OOC here, but as always, they love bickering with each other until he loses his patience <3 oh, I also added more….lore detail after that trailer drop (which, like, wow Mihoyo that was amazing), but only slightly. Anyways, hope you enjoy the ride ;) The ending is a little ambiguous, so if anyone wants a sequel do let me know
pairing :: dr. ratio x aventurine word count :: 3.2k warnings :: r18/nsfw content (minors don't interact pls), unprotected sex, aventurine is a huge whore and wears 1) a skirt 2) a garter 3) thigh highs 4) panties 5) a plug, praise kink, subspace, overstimulation, bickering, bratting (aventurine is the brat), teasing, aftercare, mild ooc ratio, written before 2.0 update
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Many people say Aventurine is beautiful. Or at the very least, pretty. Pretty is a good word, he thinks, because it's not so serious, not so heavy of a word as 'beautiful’, which seems to have an unhealthy association with tragedy. It's casual enough to toss around without any implications or baggage, and it rolls off the tongue easily enough too. Fitting for someone like him, who prefers no fuss, no baggage, no attachments, nothing. Just the glamour and blinding lights, completed with a splash of music, and the illusion is complete. So many sparkles that no one gets close enough to pick him apart or even try to analyse him, which works perfectly well. 
After all, when you're mesmerised by the exterior, why would you even think of the interior? 
But Ratio begs to differ. Perhaps Aventurine prefers it that way, and he would've complied and let him be, had he not been allowed a glimpse of…the other Aventurine. 
Equally as beautiful, luckily not associated with tragedy (at least, not collective tragedy - Ratio mourns the gradual loss of his rationality and control whenever he's around him), and best of all, vulnerable, bared, and compliant. 
Maybe not that suggestive, but what else should he say when the man is sitting on the table, all dressed up, flushed with anticipation and looking at him with hooded eyes?
He's surprised his mind is still intact. 
Ratio swallows as he closes the door behind him, kicking it shut as he drops his keys somewhere on the cabinets. Aventurine notices immediately - of course he does, that crafty bastard - and decides to cross his legs together, rubbing his thighs in an almost deliberate motion. 
And that's when he notices the lower half of his ensemble.
“What – ” Ratio finally finds his voice. “What in the name of Nous are you wearing?”
“Do you not like it?” Aventurine delicately uncrosses a leg and inspects the white stocking that hugs it, ending below the pleated end of the skirt that barely covers his thighs. He notices the man is wearing a corset too, a black one with golden embroidery and clasps that accentuates the curves of his waist, and it took all of his willpower not to reach out and pull at the golden ribbons that keep it together, to undo the white dress shirt that's deliberately unbuttoned to show the smooth expanse of his chest and collarbone. “I thought you had a thing for this.” 
Ratio frowns at this, mild annoyance replacing the flush of arousal running through his system just a moment earlier. “What do you mean by that?” He demands. “Are you suggesting I have…certain perverse tendencies?” 
The blonde chuckles, sliding off the table, the flutter of fabric offering a tantalising glimpse at what he couldn't have - yet. “Everyone has certain perverse tendencies, Veritas.” He hates how calm he sounds, as if he's a toddler in need of education. “They're called kinks.” Aventurine reaches up to cup his face, but he merely scowls. 
“I'm aware of what the term and concept is,” Ratio snaps back, irritated. “What I'm asking is, why – ”
“I know what you're asking.” This is punctuated by a small but firm pinch of his cheek (again, being treated as if he's in need of more braincells). “You're not letting me finish.”
“Speak any slower, and I'm not letting you finish,” Ratio mutters under his breath, but the blonde continues anyways, purposefully ignoring this. 
“As you know – ” Aventurine reaches out to grab his wrist, guiding his hand to his thigh, and Ratio resists the urge to squeeze, the soft and supple flesh fitting perfectly under his palm. “– I deal with people on a daily basis on this job. It demands a lot from you, you know, especially on the people reading front.” He muses, as if they were talking about the weather and he wasn't driving him crazy on purpose. “It's not hard to figure out your likes, your hates, your preferences…” He deliberately enunciates this. “You think you're so hard to read, Veritas.” He smirks up at him, trailing a finger down his jawline. “In fact, you're as open as a book.” Aventurine leans up, brushing his lips against the shell of his ear as he whispers into it. “You want to fuck me right here, don't you?” 
Ratio blinks, momentarily unnerved, before snapping out of it. “It doesn't take a genius to figure that out,” He retorts, painfully aware of the bulge in his pants. 
Aventurine laughs. “Maybe not, but it does take one to figure out how to get you so hot and bothered the moment you walk through the door.”
There is some truth in his statement, Ratio concedes – but his patience was running thin by listening to his yapping at this point, and honestly he just wanted to get on with it. Instead of replying, he leans forward and captures Aventurine's lips in a rough and almost bruising kiss, deciding to ignore the delighted sound that came out of his mouth whenever he pissed Ratio off enough to do whatever he wanted. Perhaps the blonde is an expert at reading people, Ratio thinks to himself as he carries him to the bedroom, lifting the petite man easily as he wraps those pretty legs around his waist. Or perhaps he just knows him better than he knows (and wants to admit to) himself.
Whatever the case was, Ratio decides to push all rational thought to the back of his mind as he pushes Aventurine down onto the sheets, capturing his lips in another passionate kiss. The blonde moans against his lips, tangling his fingers into his purple locks as he greedily devours his mouth. Ratio finally gives into temptation, sliding his hands down the curve of his waist and slipping under his skirt, groaning with satisfaction at finally being able to squeeze at his thighs and the silk of the stockings, unable to keep his hands off anymore. “Fuck…” He curses, dipping his head and licking at the exposed expanse of skin of his neck, breathing in his lover's scent. “I fucking hate you.” 
Aventurine chuckles, spreading his legs to give him more room to touch, to squeeze, to fondle – whatever he wants, and Ratio takes the offer, running his hands along the man's inner thighs, and he almost groans again. “Any particular reason why?” 
“You drive me crazy,” He mutters, reaching the apex of his thighs, before his eyes widen. “You – ” Ratio swallows, tries again. “Where did you get this stuff?” He fingers the black lace almost in awe, enjoying how it snaps back onto his skin so easily. Before he could toy with it again, the blonde's voice comes, sharp and sudden. 
“Don't ask questions you don't want answers to,” Aventurine says firmly, reaching out to lightly grip at his throat, a warning. Ratio takes the hint, deciding to push his legs further apart instead to expose the panties under his skirt, soaked with precum and tented by the obvious bulge underneath it. He reaches out to cup it, eliciting a small moan from the other man, who decides to retract his hand and use it to grip his bicep instead. “O - oh…” 
“Good?” He prompts, giving it another squeeze. 
“Stop teasing.” Aventurine frowns back, and Ratio raises an eyebrow at this. “Continue talking, and I'll leave you like this,” He snaps in return, pulling back completely. The blonde opens his mouth, likely to make another biting remark, but it's quickly replaced by a soft gasp as Ratio hooks his fingers onto the waistband of the black panties. “May I?” 
Aventurine nods, his cheeks flushed with anticipation as he lifts his legs, making it easier to pull them off. Gripping the back of Aventurine's thighs, he's rewarded with another soft gasp as he leans down until his face is next to his lover's cock, swollen with need and wet with precum. Ratio lets out a low groan of appreciation, pulling at the garter with his teeth, deliberately undoing the ribbon and sinking his teeth into the plumpness. “V - Veritas…”
“Patience.” Ratio pulls away, before bringing his cock closer so it's aligned with his lips, opening his mouth, taking the throbbing organ in, suckling and licking. Almost immediately, Aventurine bucks his hips forward, chasing the warmth of his mouth as a hand grips his hair, urging him on. 
In another situation, he would've been annoyed by the rough treatment, but Ratio could care less today with the almost sinful ensemble he was presented with, especially when Aventurine's stocking-clad thighs threaten to close around his head, and he's given the liberty to push them apart, and keep them apart. The blonde whines at this, his legs shaking with effort as Ratio continues to lick around the cock in his mouth, teasing more and more delightful noises out of him. Aventurine makes the mistake of looking down, eyes glazed over, and Ratio deliberately stares up at him underneath his eyelashes, grinning as he continues to suck, filling the room with wet sloppy noises.
“Fuuck…” Aventurine whines, thrusting his hips forward into Ratio's mouth, who grazes his cock with his teeth as a warning. He whines again, nods, and stays still as his lover continues to sick him off, closing his eyes as he gasps. “I - I'm close, Veritas, please – ”
With a slick pop, Ratio lets go of his cock, leaning up to kiss Aventurine before another frustrated whine could escape his lips. Pushing the blonde down on the pillows, he slides a finger down to his puckered hole, about to push in when it comes into contact with something solid. 
“What the fuck.”
“I got too desperate,” He explains, punctuated by a pout.
“I can see that,” Ratio returns, voice half clouded in disbelief and half in amazement. He tests the silicone toy, twisting it around tentatively before pulling the plug out altogether, slick sounds accompanying its removal until Aventurine's hole clenches around nothing. “No prep then, I take it?”
“You're too big, Veritas,” He retorts, easing his legs up for better access.
“Stop being a baby,” Ratio snaps back, but nonetheless reaches for the bottle of lube on their nightstand, pouring a generous amount on his fingers before sliding them in gently, until he gets three in. The blonde squirms under his touch, gasping when Ratio's digits find the spot that makes him roll his eyes back in pleasure. “Good?” 
“The real thing would feel better though.” He rolls his eyes at the words, withdrawing his fingers and using the slick to pump his own cock. When Aventurine deems him too slow, he lets out another whine.”Hurry up.” 
“I'm getting there, princess,” Ratio scoffs, before aligning his cock to the puckered hole. With one snap of his hips, he buried himself to the hilt, hips aligned with the other's, groaning as Aventurine's tight heat engulfs him. “Better?” 
“More…” The blonde bites down on his bottom lip, eyes flickered up to meet his pleadingly. Ratio's Adam apple bobs as he swallows, the expression causing something to stir inside of him now that he's buried in him, Aventurine clearly starting to lose himself in the pleasure. “Please, Veritas?”
Ratio sighs, unable to deny him, not when he's begging. “You're lucky you're beautiful,” He mutters, hooking a hand around the man's thigh, pulling it up to angle himself better. His other hand grips the fabric of the skirt, bunching it up, bracing himself before he slams back into the welcoming heat. Aventurine gasps at the sudden impact, moaning loudly as Ratio continues to hit that particular spot inside of him repeatedly, fucking into him almost violently. “N - not beautiful,” He manages to choke out as he grabs the man's broad shoulders, holding on for dear life. “Pretty.” 
“Pretty,” He echoes, rolling the word on his tongue while continuing to thrust into him. “You want me to call you pretty?” Aventurine nods, frantically. “Look at you,” He croons, an almost cruel smirk twisting his lips, enjoying the sight of the man being taken apart underneath him. “Such a pretty little thing when you're not running your mouth, bratting at me.” The blonde could only moan in response as his prostate is repeatedly stimulated, and Ratio groans, removing his hand to start stroking his cock instead, which twitches under his touch. “Right, princess?” 
“M - more…” He gasps, slurring his words as saliva floods his mouth from moaning. Ratio leans forward, kissing it away from the corner of his lips. “Please, Veritas…”
The scholar groans again at this. “You'll be the death of me,” He mutters, snapping his hips deeper into Aventurine's wet warmth, using him. The blonde's teal eyes glaze over at his words, his mouth hanging open as moans continue to escape from him, lost in the pleasure. Overcame by the sight, Ratio crashes his lips against his, increasing his pace until it's almost brutal, coaxing more and more lewd noises from Aventurine. 
“V - Veritas, I'm close – ” He gasps loudly. “Don't stop - please don't stop - ”
“Not going to,” Ratio pants, continuing to stroke his cock. “Come on, cum for me…” He mutters almost obsessively, intent on making the blonde come apart under his hands.
“V - Veritas - ” Aventurine whimpers, squeezing his eyes shut as he climaxes. Ratio watches, almost mesmerised as his hips buck wildly, cum spurting out of his cock and painting his stomach a messy white. “O - oh, shit – ”
He waits until Aventurine's breathing somewhat evens out, before resuming the ruthless pace he'd initially set, slamming his cock against his sore prostate repeatedly. Aventurine's eyes widen at the sudden stimulation, running sharp and painful through his veins after the initial orgasm. “V - Veritas, wait, what are you - ”
“Did you think you could get away with bratting so easily?” Ratio asks, soft and dangerous, contrasting with the pace he set. “Your actions have consequences. Dressing up like this…” He grunts as he slams it back in, using Aventurine's hole as a makeshift cocksheath. “Did you really think I'd do nothing more?” 
“B - but – ”
“No buts,” He commands, wrapping a hand around his cock again, making the blonde wince at the added pressure. “Take it, Aventurine.” 
The blonde shivers at the tone of his voice, his cock twitching at Ratio's dominance as he squirms on the bed, but a knee shoved roughly on top of his own stopped it. Tears start prickling at Aventurine's eyes as he's being ruthlessly fucked, used as a means to do nothing but chase Ratio's own climax. “Nghnn…” He squeezes his eyes shut, clearly overwhelmed by the onslaught of pleasure. Momentarily softening (but continuing his pace), Ratio leans up and kisses the moisture away. “Hold on, Aventurine” He pants. “You're doing well.”
The blonde nods, flushed with arousal. “I - I will…”
“Good boy,” He plants another kiss on his temple, largely contrasting with the pace he's driving his cock in and out of him, wet lewd noises filling the room. “I'm close,” He promises, watching with satisfaction as Aventurine nods again. 
Sweat drips down Ratio's forehead as he continues to fuck into his hole, the tightness gradually driving him wild until he feels like nothing but an animal in rut. With a loud groan, he slams his cock deep into Aventurine as he cums, moaning into his neck as he fills the man up. For a split second, he wonders briefly whether he could make the other man pregnant – until logic prevails and he mentally smacks himself. Still, the idea is not without allure. He's briefly aware of how Aventurine is shaking uncontrollably, his cock still spurting pathetic amounts of cum, clearly tethered on the edge of being overwhelmed.  
With a small groan, Ratio pushes himself up, and runs a hand down Aventurine's cheek gently, pulling him close for a kiss, as soft as he can possibly make it. A lack of response alerts him to something being wrong, and the scholar pulls away, frowning slightly. “Aventurine?” 
The usage of his name briefly clears the cloudiness of his eyes, but only enough to urge him to cling to his body, still shivering. “Aventurine,” Ratio calls again, with an edge of urgency. “Look at me.” He gently tilts his chin up, meeting the glazed over teal with his amber. “It's alright now,” He murmurs. “You can relax.” Leaning his chin on Aventurine's shoulder, he wraps his arms around the smaller man's waist, tracing gentle circles on the small of his back. “Come back to me, Aventurine.” 
When there's still minimal response, he sighs, and buries his nose into the man's neck, nosing into the skin, whispering his real name into his ear, only revealed to him and under the cover of darkness in a night spent together. Gradually, the blonde came to, a low groan of pain escaping his throat. “H - hurts…”
“I pushed you too hard, did I?” Ratio murmurs in regret, kissing the top of Aventurine's head, earning a tired chuckle in return. “I've had worse.”
Ratio doesn't respond for a moment, focusing on making sure the blond knows that he's safe and taken care of. Despite the harsh exteriors they both present, especially towards each other, there's still an underlying understanding of how deep their relationship runs. At least, that's what Ratio hopes, given by how Aventurine always comes back to his arms at the end of the day. With that thought, he decided to tilt the other man's chin up for another kiss, surprisingly slow and gentle, the shiver running down Ratio's spine more delicious than when fucking Aventurine until he was squirming on the bed.
“Next time, you know what to expect when you put on something like that,” Ratio says gruffly instead, biting on Aventurine's neck possessively, earning another breathless chuckle from him. “Don't play with fire – it's dangerous.”
Instead of heeding his warning, Aventurine merely laughs, a sharp sound contrasting the cosy atmosphere cocooning them. “But I love being burnt,” He murmurs back, flipping their positions easily. As Ratio's back hits the bed, his eyes widen when Aventurine grins down at him, a wild look in the teal. “Now, my turn.” 
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echantedtoon · 1 day
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Ch2 Red Shines Bright Tonight
(Tagging @punks-never-die205 @feiatjjk
@karmadglory @babygurlenthusiast @swampstew
Remember if you want to be added to the taglist lemme know.
I apologize if I write Kid or his crew OOC in this. I only wrote for Kid like one other time. Also apologies for the inaccuracy of anything. I'll research everything in One Piece as accurately as possible. I'm only planning on this to have four parts so bare with me. The first three chapters are post the two year time skip.
Warnings for spicy things implied or mentioned maybe some innuendos but it will STAY sfw otherwise. Kid's cannon killing streak and violence mentioned. Some cussing and mentioned drinking.)
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The measurements of one's own worth weighed heavily upon the beauty of outer looks. Or the wealth from the status you had upon thee either from birth or taken for one's own self through selfish means. 
Wano was no stranger to that way of life.
The crystalized glamor that was painted over the true cruelty of the withering Flower Capital of Wano hid the true meaning underneath. The streets bathed in the battered blood of civilization tainted with selfish desire and covered in a layer of cherry blossom petals and silk robes to distract those from the real monsters underneath. 
Which was exactly why they felt so at home being worse than the monster's already inhabiting the district.
The many hours of sailing had made the residents of the blight known as the Victoria Punk had grown restless in excitement and desire at their Captain's promised reward for their gastly deeds done not a mere day ago. The celebration of their bloodshed would soon be upon them. Morning sunlight shown upon them all as that night slowly slid to a close to make way for the morning light. Many a crew slept the day's voyage away minus those whom had duties to perform or were too excited to sleep. Slowly the day trickled by. The morning sun rising towards the middle of the sky. Winds favored the boat full of sins as they pushed the sails ever faster towards their desired promise. However no greedy pirate would miss the loud voice carried upon the breeze and instantly awoke any slumbering hellions.
The voice calling down from the crow's nest caused quite a stir up. Men and women crew members alike bursting from below deck charging up towards the deck stampeded out. Some snorting awake and tripping over themselves from beds to rush within the growing board. Some already up top rushing towards the railings. No matter where they came from, all cheered and talked with glee spotting the glittering land so close now on the horizon and having their desires so close to being fulfilled.
The dull thudding of boots against wood under his feet sounded out before he stopped just on the upper deck looking upon the sunlight glistening off the beautiful blue sea and seemingly added an extra shine to the glamoured land. 
"Huh. We got here earlier than expected," the red headed man commented shooting a grin at the right hand man next to him. "Guess today's our lucky day after all, ain't it?"
"The winds were favorable is all," he calmly stated but couldn't hide the happy undertone of his voice. "We got here a couple hours before sundown." A sigh was let out. "I wish you didn't make such a big deal about it. The entire crew's riled up now."
"You would be too if you're promised the night of a lifetime which I did promise you." The blonde didn't respond beyond a sigh as his best friend and captain patted his back. 
"Just don't do anything really crazy like burn half the district down. I heard Kaido's had his eyes on this place and with what happened a day ago, it's best to at least lay semi low."
"Don't worry. If there's a barbecue then you're the first person to get dibs on the food." Killer didn't respond to his joke as he turned grinning eagerly to himself and rubbing his own hands together in his own anticipation. "The district is a walnut and the best way to get the goods inside is to crack it wide open."
The closer to the glittery land they got, the more the excitement and desperation truly grew within greedy heart. It was only a matter of time before they truly were there.  And the horrors of the Victoria Punk brought with it would not be lost on the people who gazed upon it's visage either. For when the danger pulled into the docks only the sounds of sloshing ocean waves and the groans of the ship coming to rest into the docks were the warnings onlookers got before the cheers of the greedy hellions were had again.
Those within earshot or eyesight of them were always the same and upon this land there was no exception. Those who recognized the immediate threat shrieked out in terror, fled, or both. Some of them seeking to hide in the nearby streets and buildings while some could only watch in horror. Those who didn't know looked on in confusion but fear as the bridge connecting the Victoria Punk to the docks lowered until connecting with a resounding thud and then the desperate board descended onto the promised land. Whoops. Bollard. Cheers. All were heard alongside the desperate steps thundering down onto land after hours at sea, and right behind them following slowly behind was the Red Devil himself.
Slowly coming down off his ship with each slow step of those boots until he took a deep inhale of air before slowly letting it all out. The sweet smells of seawater and the distant cherry blossoms were both an enticing and delightful change of the usual smoke and fire from the misdeeds done and the oil and rust from the workshop located right next to his own private courters. 
"Smells nice..Almost makes me sick." Amber eyes darted towards the latest victim of the devil. And a nearby man shouted in fear as he was suddenly in the air, held there by a fist holding the collar of his shirt. A maniac pirate smiling up at his as a crate of fish, no doubt, what he'd been doing at the docks, crashed onto the ground below. "Which way's the Red Light District?"
Terrified a arm shot towards the right, down a stretch of road. Good. His reward was getting to live another day. With a squawk of fright, the man was tossed aside. Flying off the docks only to splash into the seawater below. Earning a round of laughs from some but most were interested in following the thudded footsteps of their Captain as he walked down the street towards the desired night or another night of horror at his own hands.
The streets were as beautiful as the buildings and each were obviously made to show off wealth and status, and yet they looked so breakable! The annoyance in pattern only continued on with each step they took, each street passed, each house going by. Becoming more bigger and tacky looking the more wealthy into the district they marched. Getting stares of disgust, horror, confusion, and in most cases a mixture of all three. Mothers pulled their children inside. Ladies closed windows and doors. Men quickly retreated out of their path and in some instances even diving into nearby buildings to escape his path. 
He reveled in the fear he brought automatically. Yes. Fear him and his decaying death and drear he brought with him. It'll only benefit them all to listen to the warnings. 
Then a soft glow settled amongst the glam and glitter that paves the streets. There was still plenty of light only just beginning to turn sundown, but most of the light came from above. Strings of lanterns hung up over the streets and connecting the buildings within the dazzling glow of red lantern lights. Sparkling like mini stars and giving off the red glow the district was known for. Finally. The heavy scenes of sweet perfumes and food ravaged the air. And the sights before Amber eyes were what they were hoping for.
The streets were full of people crowded yet still more were coming in. Once a buzz like bees murmuring of speech, now slowed down to a full stop as eyes from streets, doorways, and windows looked down to stare wide eyed at the band of murderers and thieves standing loose in the streets. The streets were filled with beautiful women adoring flattering dresses and make up, and working men in loose fitting Hakama shifts showing off their impressive builds, both men and women of the night ripe for the taking for any paying customer. They'd often catcall out to potential customers to entice them out of their money and lure them to an early empty wallet.
However there was nothing but silence as the mere presence of the pirates was noticed. 
Eventually the silence was broken in by the chuckling of a Red Devil. "Well? What the hell are you bastards standing around for?"
That was it.
The straw that broke the camel's last remaining restraint.
The floodgates burst open like a dam of water rapidly pushing a trail of dominos.
A woman's squeal was the first thing heard amongst the domino's effect. First by a man of their group shoving aside a man who might've been talking to said woman moments ago, but was now caught up in the arms of the hellion cackling in pure delight at his catch. A domino effect started on as they descended amongst the crowd and buildings. The sounds of women squealing and maniac laughing filled the air as he just smiled...And then turned hearing a sigh next to him. 
"'Nothing's gonna go wrong', huh?" Killer crossed his arms in a 'i told you so' way as he stared at him.
"Eh, fuck off, Kil. Let 'em get some stress relief in." He waved off the concerns of the blonde, rolling his eyes with a grunt. Before setting his sights up on a establishment he was itching to see. An unmistakable pub. Whoever placed that in the middle of an entertainment district had a smart investment idea. "Speaking of which-"
Killer watched him start walking off. "Where are you going?"
"I've had a long day, so I'm going to drink until I black out or you drag me back to my ship! Whichever one comes first!"
An inwardly sigh left the killer's brain, but the thought of getting a drink was appealing so follow Kid he did. Through the chaos surrounding them all and straight into the pub which was already swarmed in other members of their hellish parade. They passed by Wire who was in the middle of working an honestly eight out of ten barmaid. Whispering something sweet to her mad face before slowly kissing her hand. Ah. Wire always had a thing for charming the ones who caught his eye. A couple more feet away from him was Quincy eyeing the nervous bartender with a list filled smiling face.
Proof in point. Doesn't matter what gender they were, any crew member of his hell scape was fearful. 
The poor bartender quivered more when the stares of both himself and Killer stopping at the bar looked down upon him from their rather taller heights. The pupils in his skull shrinking as the Captain leaned down to give him that satisfied smirk.
"Gimme a beer. Make it strong because I'm planning on not being able to walk come morning."
"Give me a shot of whiskey and leave the bottle..Please," Killer added watching as the trembling man quickly nodded and turned around to scramble around the many bottles visible on the shelf before looking back to Kid. "Let's not loose ourselves too much and act like semi civilized gentlemen at least."
"HA! Since when are we civilized?" A pint of the alcohol he wanted was placed in front of him and he pointed it at Killer snatching it up into his grasp. "We don't fucking pretend to be something we aren't, Kil. If we want something then even Kaido couldn't stand in our way." He made him point by downing the large pint in front of him before slamming down the mug loud enough to be heard above the many voices around him. "Give me another!"
Killer hummed again casually reaching out to poor himself a shot of the whiskey the trembling barman had placed in front of him, plucking a straw from a nearby cup before poking said straw into one of the holes of his helmet. "This is why Heat n' I are the designated babysitters." 
Despite the sigh leaving his lips, anyone could tell Killer was smiling under his mask as he drank the preferred drink tonight. For tonight was about nothing but celebrating the Red Devil's whims.
Step after step through the crowd.
His legs carried him closer and closer towards the destination of the festivities. Music played. Many people celebrated. Lots of guests coming forth to celebrate the creation of hellions' escapades. 
"Almost shameful behavior."
He commented to himself  despite the gleeful smirk on his face watching as one of the men drunkenly pulled his laughing woman of the night onto his lap, giving her a big kiss to her cheek, and holding up a large mug. "TO CAPTAIN KID!! MAY HE BE HALF AS HAPPY AS ME AND MY BEAUTIFUL LITTLE LADY HERE!" The woman busted out laughing high pitched giggles in his lap as he pulled the mug back chugging down the sake.
A loud laughing fit emanated throughout the crowds followed by wolf whistles as the man went back to smothering his wife back with affection as she just laughed. It made his eyes roll and a chuckled huff escape his lips at the sight. Truly degenerate. But he meant it in the best way.~
He heard the sounds of loud laughter a mile before he even stepped back outside and was hit with the reek of alcohol long before he even stepped foot outside and made his way quickly through the throngs of people and towards the center. Back towards the pub. His senses were attacked by the strong smells to the point he was sure he'd get drunk from just smelling it. The crowds were terrible. Pushing against his body uncomfortably so and bumping his arms annoyingly so but he kept going his way towards the pub.
The loud laughter, music, and other blurring noises blending together from the crowds was mixed together in a vile assortment of degeneracy. The only thing to remedy this would be to seek shelter at the ship...But why would he want to do that?~ Finally he managed to get back to the bar and find his way inside. It had been a good three hours now. The sun had finally set and early night had just arrived. Now truly the city was alive but the hellions made no signs of stopping anytime soon. Knowing them, they'd be at this all night only to get dragged back to the Victoria Punk to sleep off angry throbbing hangovers. However he didn't bother with their fun.
Once inside he made his way over towards a small table in the corner where a few of his fellow crewmates were sitting by themselves and just drinking. Those included Killer still sipping on the draw poking out of his mask, Heat, and one other crew member whom was in a conversation with Heat while both drank some form of alcohol but they looked up as he just casually sat down across from the three of them.
"There you are, Wire. I thought you went back to the ship when you left," the pink haired man said before again taking a sip of his drink. Ah. Mosh. By the smell of the drink, it was some kind of margarita but bigger.
"No. I was just simply tending to business."
"Uh huh..And would that business be the pretty lady you were sweet talking a few hours ago?"
A grin was all Mosh got back, head settled in his hands. "I don't kiss and tell.~ But speaking of missing people-" Dark eyes gazed momentarily around the room and rose a brow at the missing red headed Captain. "-where'd Kid go?"
"Compo got drunk and someone dared him to stick his head in a bucket. Kid's outside helping him get it off."
His words got Heat to sigh tiredly but otherwise no one else really made a comment on it. "Hm. Seems about right. Honestly I'm surprised no one's done anything REALLY stupid yet-"
"DON'T jinx it, Wire." Heat narrowed his eyes at him. "I don't want to have a repeat of last time everyone got drunk. Killer still can't find his favorite spatula." At the mention of his name, Killer nodded in agreement with the other man.
"Heh. Well I can't say everyone's not enjoying themselves. Except maybe Kid and Compo at the moment. Surprised it's not one of you two trying to help him out."
"Kid actually volunteered for it."
Well that certainly surprised Wife as both his brows rose at his masked companion. "Really?"
Killer nodded. "Said we did a good job so we deserved to have a break tonight. That and he could probably get Compo out of there easier with those magnetic abilities of his."
That got Sore humming. Not in a 'oh ok' hum but a 'Im thinking of something' him. Head in hand allowing his eyes to gaze around lazily, and the other tapping on the table. "I don't suppose he's gotten any breaks himself yet."
"Whaddya mean by that?"
"Well he's doing the damage control tonight and if he's sober enough to do that then I can conclude he hasn't had a lot of drinks either. That's not enjoying himself."
"Well you know Kid. Once he does something he's too stubborn to let anyone, except sometimes Killer, to talk him outta it."
Wire hummed again still looking around the room until his eyes finally locked onto UK. At the moment he was a blushing mess of a man both no doubt from the booze but also because of the lovely lady cooing at him. That's when his eyes slightly widened and a smile graced his features.
"I know that look. What are you thinking?"
"What if we get the boss a gift?"
He nodded. "Yeah. He's doing so much he should enjoy himself too." He finally looked back to them. "Let's get him a girl for the night."
"A girl?" Heat tilted his head in question.. before shrugging. "That's doable I guess. There's plenty of girls workin' the establishments so it wouldn't be hard to find one."
"I'm not talking about any regular working girl. There's plenty of them around. I'm talking about getting him something REAL special. Something even Kid's never had before."
"What are you talking about now? You want to get him a working guy instead?"
"What if we got him an oirans?"
There was silence around the table as the three stared at Wire before Heat and Mosh exchanged glances and Killer spoke up.
"You want to get Kid an oirans...Do you know the crazy conditions surrounding Kumorasaki? She takes and takes men of all their money and then raises the prices every second you're with her. She's a dam good digging witch and that's me putting it politely."
"Did you forget what District this is? Just because Kumorasaki is the most popular and well known Oiran in the Flower Capital that doesn't mean she's the only oiran here. C'mon, Killer. You still have the key to that chest right?" Killer slowly nodded. "Then what's the harm in surprising him with a gift?"
A long thoughtful him came from the blonde man. The cup in his hand slowly lowering until it says on the table with a light thud, his head tilted at Wire. Mosh and Heat exchanging unsure but thoughtful looks in turn to Wire's suggestion.
".....Which house do you think would have an oiran?"
-One Hour Later-
Lanterns as heaven's echo play above the street, come to the night as if they are our brightest of dreams and forever lighting our way. Lanterns are the stars we make in salute to the black heavens. The red glow shining down upon the masses as they walked the streets below.
It was then that the red glow matched with the red hair of the man walking through the masses, only to stop short just outside the pub of where he was headed. A curious sight to behold seeing everyone drinking outside the pub instead of in. Even more so seeing tables placed on the street where he saw familiar faces that attracted him towards them. 
A number of faces smiled up at him as he exasperatedly pulled out a chair only to plop himself down into it with a grunt. Sighing as he allowed his muscles to relax for once sinking into the hard oak wood.
"There ya are, Cap'n. Where have ya been?"
"Don't ask!," Kid growled out head leaning towards the lanterns and night sky above, "Killer, take a fucking mental note. Compo is not fuckin' allowed near booze again and NEVER in the same room as fuckin' Bubblegum!"
"Got it. Heh."
Immediately amber eyes shot up and narrowed at the blonde. "What's so dam funny?"
"Nothing really," Killer replied genuinely. "Just drinking my whiskey."
Those eyes narrowed more, brows scrunched up as more Snickers could be heard around him. Slowly tilting his head back down, he was met face to face with chuckling and his men not only at this table but a few surrounding tables snickered. Stealing smiling glances at him to which he felt annoyance bubbling up from his chest.
"Alright. What's the fucking joke?" He demanded slowly looking at Killer whom shook his head no. "I'm fucking serious, Killer! Did someone put something on my chair?!" Wood screeched as he immediately stood up and snapped his head around. "I swear if anyone-"
"Calm down, Kid," Killer held up a hand to calm the angry man, "No one's playing tricks." He gestured to the empty chair as if to prove his point.
Kid still stared suspiciously but slowly sat back down. "Then why is everyone looking at me like I'm the but of someone's dam joke?"
"They're excited and grateful to ya for the reward. Like you said relax and enjoy a little. C'mon. Drink and have some food with us!" He motioned for the barman still inside.
A small chorus joined in agreement with Killer. He didn't loose that suspicious look..but soon turned his attention to the new mug of beer and plate of delicious smelling turkey legs brought out and placed in front of him. Not as good as Killer's cooking but still delicious. He soon mellowed out, loosing himself to the tender taste of seasoned meat and butter taste of alcohol. 
The laughter and music around them continued through as he stuffed his face and laughed at a crude joke Wife told him. Meanwhile excited looks and whispers still glanced up and down the streets in anticipation of what's to come.
Slowly the loud laughs and talking with the occasional scream filled down to a murmuring him until it reached a silence. The new slowed silence wasn't lost to the captain who slowly rose a brow at the sudden change. Noticing the way everyone's faces turned down the street behind him. Still chewing on the food, he turned to see why such a change in direction occured. 
The entire middle of the street had been cleared and what looked to be two giant crowds of men and women lined the street on either side. As if something was blocking them from crossing with each other. What was stopping them? Did something happen just now? He then looked up the street and immediately knew the reason why.
Slowly coming towards you was a parade of people. And smack dab in the middle of them all was a woman.The most BEAUTIFUL woman he had ever seen.
 She glowed under the lantern lights like a beacon of beauty, slow steady steps she took gracefully step after step slowly but surely as if she was dancing, by the way she was doing so he knew she must've done this countless times before. Her makeup and hair done perfectly. Her robes the fanciest he's ever seen yet so beautifully matched perfectly with her complexion. But what struck him the most about her was her smile. Her eyes were the most striking beautiful he'd ever seen. Lips pink in lipstick catching onto the red lantern lights shiny with the lip gloss she used. In a way it she was angelic with the way they shined in the light. 
However her demeanor was... Strange. As she got closer he could see the slightly worried look in her eyes. As if she didn't want to be here, but yet at the same time there was something... Powerful almost scarily heavy about her body despite how graceful she moved. Entranced by the new sight he only stopped and stared as she ever so slowly and gracefully walked, continually up the street with her escorts.
"Huh. She's coming pretty close to us." He made sure to note in his head giving a look around at the awe filled looks from men and women alike. Taking special care to note the tackily dressed men that weren't his crew. "Her customer must be one of the rich snobs close by. Lucky bastard."
The moment of silence was deafening with only the sounds of the oiran's parade coming down the street, the red lanterns being her spotlights for the whole district was her stage and her the one glittery star. The rummage of fabric like flowing wind danced amongst her body as her flesh and bone became flowing water, gracefully dancing each step she took up the long stage of streets. 
Her face was memorizing with each flutter of half lidded lashes, the flashing of those beautiful eyes reflected in the reddened lights, her smile warm as she offered a smile as thanks for the watchers standing there. The gold ornaments shining in her styles silk of hair caught the glitter of moonlight and lantern reds, causing an almost uthereal glow around her body as she danced in her silks.
Beauty. Grace. Elegance.
Like a current in the sparkling blue ocean, she flowed.
Amber eyes were transfixed upon her with everyone else as the party of people in front and behind her came closer, but no one paid any attention to anyone other than the main gleaming star herself because..Well he's never seen such a display before. An oiran's procession was always a sight to behold and he'd be damned if he didn't also want to stop and watch her dance to the sounds of bells and her own graceful steps. 
Closer and closer to the end of the street they came. Angelic face coming closer and closer to his eyes, until they stopped in front of them all. And he realized that he was able to gaze right at those beautiful eyes and smile. The air was tense with silence anticipation and awe from everyone awaiting at the dancer's words. Slowly the hand a hold of the pint brought it up to his lips. If he didn't know better, he could've sworn that she was beautifully directed to him. As if a pirate like him would be given the smile of a woman like this.
"Captain Eustass Kid." The voice so calming and sweet carried with it and aura of grace as those lashes fluttered shut as she bowed.  It struck his veins like an icy ghost's hand dipping into his body and seizing his throat. "I'm so honored to have the pleasure of meeting you."
The metaphorical ghost hand entrapping his throat clogged up the alcohol going down forcing him to choke it out of him. Back into the mug of all over the table, whichever one was closest. A loud series of coughs and hacks left his throat disrupting the serenic scene and finally bursting that seed filled bubble.
"Surprise, Captain!", someone shouted from the crowd, "WE GOT YA AN OIRAN!!"
A series of laughs, cheers, whoops, and a few wolf whistles filled the air. Amber eyes widened as his face snapped in shock towards the crowd of cheerers. The mug dropping to the ground with whatever was left inside spilling out all over the ground. He sat there in stunned shock only stiffly looking over when Killer reached out to pat his shoulder grinning under that mask he wore.
"Well, Kid. You said you wanted the night of a lifetime."
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ourfatherwhoartinhell · 2 months
A Dark Redemption // [Part III]
Prompt | "Mountain being found by Ivy in the woods, not summoned"
Word count | 1842
⚠️ Warnings | Mountain is kind of a spooky bitch at first, very possible OOC Ivy, story has a bit of a horror vibe.
Plot Summary: Livestock have been going missing from the back pasture, Siblings have been telling stories of a 'demon' in the woods. Terzo sends Ivy to investigate, only for the ghoul to find the woodland creature and give him a chance at redemption.
A/N: Another long part, but this is pretty much the end! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!! There is a small epilogue to wrap things up after this 🖤 xo Emery
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Ivy had a hard time sitting still during band practice the following day, eager to get back to the forest and begin Mountain’s lessons. The sooner he could get the new ghoul accustomed to the surface, the sooner he could bring him to Papa for protection.
“Are we done? Can we be done?”
Ifrit smirked as he looked over at Ivy standing behind the drum set. “Why, got a hot date?” Ivy just gave him the middle finger and looked back at Terzo.
“Yes, Ivy. We are done for the day.”
The Earth ghoul quickly thanked his Papa and hurried out of the practice hall to the forest. He approached the clearing where they agreed to meet. 
Mountain crept out of the shadows on all fours with his head tilted way too unnaturally to pass as a surface creature, slowly crawling towards the smaller ghoul.
“First things first, we need to teach you how to glamour, because this,” Ivy gestured to the almost 9 foot tall creature creeping in his direction, “is scary. Even for me.”
The next 2 hours were spent tirelessly helping Mountain find his perfect surface appearance. It was painful at first for the large ghoul to reduce his size so dramatically, but the more he did it, the more comfortable it became. He was still very tall for human standards, but it was at least passable. Ivy also brought some mice he caught to use as treats when the new ghoul was doing a good job.
‘It’s better than the Sister’s goats’, he thought.
Ivy was impressed at the new Earth ghoul’s eagerness to learn. Mountain would often ask questions about what he saw during the daytime, which he often spent quietly observing the Siblings from the shadows. Ivy gladly explained the intricacies of the interactions the younger ghoul witnessed, and how they were different from the way they do things down below.
The more he learned, the more Mountain enjoyed the simple complexities of the surface people. He never liked the way ghouls were hardwired with such violence, so the thought of being able to just 'be' was very enticing.
Mountain was a smart ghoul, he picked up on things easily. Ivy’s mind was already racing, thinking about what instrument Mountain would like to learn and the role he would play in the band when he introduced him to Papa.
Learning English was Mountain’s biggest struggle though. In the Pit, he would communicate the same as he did with Ivy at first, through chitters and rumbles. Since his mask shielded his mouth when he was not feeding, it made normal speech difficult. This type of communication is how kits talk before learning the satanic alphabet, so all ghouls had the ability to understand him. If not through the vibrations, then through his telepathic abilities.
Ivy brought Mountain children's books from Copia’s room and the library. He sat as the Earth ghoul read the stories back to him, correcting his pronunciation on some of the more difficult words and gradually increasing the difficulty. Ivy never knew this, but Mountain would sit and re-read each book to make sure he remembered, not wanting to disappoint the little ghoul. It was a little frustrating for him at first, being a ghoul with an extensive vocabulary in their native tongue, reduced to mere children's novels. However, that only fuelled his desire to learn.
It had been about a week and a half since Ivy had started Mountain’s lessons and he was almost ready to meet Papa. His English was still a little behind but he had been wearing his glamoured form every night, the new look now almost becoming second nature.
Tonight saw Ivy traipsing around the den, trying to find an outfit that would fit the large ghoul. Omega’s old uniform wouldn’t be perfect, but it’s the closest he could find. He packed up the large Quintessence ghoul’s old outfit and grabbed one of Earth’s old jackets, just in case Mountain was more comfortable wearing clothing from a ghoul who shared his element.
When Ivy made it to the clearing, Mountain was already waiting for him, sitting cross legged and reading.
“I think you’re ready to meet Papa, so I brought you some clothes. It won't be a perfect fit, but I hope they’ll do until the Sisters can make you your own.”
Placing the duffle bag on the grass, Mountain eagerly dug in and started to change. When he finally managed to get everything on, Ivy had a hard time not laughing. Omega’s pants were more like capri’s, and on his feet were only socks since he was unable to find boots that fit. Earth’s jacket almost fit him perfectly but the sleeves were still too short.
“I’m sorry about the shoes.”
Mountain just shrugged. “It’s alright. I don’t really like shoes.”
Ivy beamed with pride as he took in the sight, all the hard work had finally paid off. There's no way Terzo wouldn't let him in now. The two ghouls walked to the edge of the forest. Mountain momentarily pausing at the edge, his pointed ears drooping pensively.
“It’s going to be fine, I promise.”
Mountain looked up from his lowered gaze, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath. He stepped one foot onto the freshly cut grass, feeling the soft blades between his toes for the first time as he returned to Ivy’s side. There was a small bench situated at the back of the garden, mostly hidden by bushes and shrubbery. Ivy told Mountain to stay there while he went to go find Papa.
Ivy was not without worry though. He hoped his nightly lessons with Mountain were enough for the ghoul to be granted a home within the Ministry. He hoped Terzo wouldn’t want to send him back to the Pit for stealing the livestock and scaring the Siblings - both of which were punishable offences. Ivy’s mind raced with endless possibilities of how this could go, climbing the stairs to Terzo’s office and knocking lightly once he reached the door. 
“Come in!”
Ivy turned the knob and the door creaked as it swung open. Terzo was sitting at his desk, sorting through paperwork before he looked up.
“Ivy!” He said cheerfully. “What can I do for you?”
The ghoul shuffled his feet nervously. “Actually Papa, I’m here about your forest problem.”
“Ah, Si. It has been business as usual.” Terzo leaned back in his chair. “You must’ve scared it off!”
Ivy scratched the back of his neck, “Not exactly.”
Terzo sat up straighter, face contorting in confusion at the ghoul’s words.
“I was hoping I could show you something,” Ivy asked quietly. “In the garden.”
Terzo nodded and the Earth ghoul led the way.
The walk through the halls to the backyard was quiet, neither one of them speaking a word to break the anxious silence. Once they reached the garden, Ivy stopped short of the back terrace.
“What is it?” Terzo asked with his voice low, unsure what he was supposed to be seeing in the dark of the night.
Ivy looked through a hole in the bushes, a clear line to where Mountain was pruning the flowers around the trellis. Ivy motioned for Terzo to take his place.
Looking through the peephole, Terzo watched Mountain carefully look over the plants. He was using his powers - not to frighten and steal - but to create vibrant and healthy bouts of lilies and peonies. Happily picking dead leaves off the stems and willing new, healthy ones to grow in their place. It was quite a peaceful sight indeed.
Terzo backed away, unsure of what he was seeing. “Is he?”
Ivy nodded. “He’s a ghoul, an Earth ghoul in fact. He was the one eating your animals and scaring the Sisters. He was all but feral when I found him.” The small ghoul looked in Mountain’s direction adoringly. “I have been giving him lessons every night, he’s a quick learner and eager too. I had hoped you would grant him your blessing.”
To say Terzo looked shocked was an understatement. He didn’t know what to think. He needed a moment to process what his ghoul was telling him.
“I didn’t summon another Earth ghoul? I have you.”
“Clearly whoever did it wasn't aware and he just stayed where he was comfortable, in the forest." Ivy said honestly. "He didn’t know how to glamour or speak when I found him, but he can now.” Ivy looked at Terzo with hopeful eyes. “Please, Sir. I promise he is very sweet, he was just scared and confused. He didn’t know the rules.”
Terzo waved him off, feeling slightly uncomfortable under the ghoul’s pleading gaze. “Let me meet this poor ghoul before I make any unholy decisions.”
Ivy nodded in understanding and led his Papa to meet his young apprentice.
Mountain was just minding his own business, beyond content as he tended to the Sisters' tulips. Ivy returned with who he assumed was the man called ‘Papa’. Mountain stood, respectfully bowing as they approached.
“No need for such formalities young one,” Terzo spoke as he looked up at the tall ghoul, who now stood awkwardly in front of him. “I am told you were the demon in the woods? Scaring the Clergy is a big no-no.”
Mountain lowered his head in shame. “Yes, I apologize. I didn’t know where I was, I was very confused and frightened. I will accept the punishment for my crimes.”
“Oh no, that won't be necessary. Yes, I am a bit upset about my little cow, but alas. Ghouls must feed, no?” Terzo tilted his head, studying the large ghoul. “What can we call you?”
Mountain opened his mouth to speak his demonic title, before catching himself. “Mountain, Sir.”
Terzo smiled kindly and softly nodded. “Very appropriate, Mountain. And please, call me Papa. They all do.”
Ivy beamed brightly as he stood back, watching the scene unfold. Terzo allowing Mountain to call him Papa was a very good start.
“Of course… Papa.” Mountain spoke with a smile that was not hidden by a mask for the first time in his life. He finally felt like he was starting to belong somewhere.
“Ivy,” Terzo called, and the ghoul appeared at his side. “I believe I owe you a debt? He is your responsibility until he is more familiar with the surface. When he is ready, I promise to find a place for him.”
Looking from Ivy back to Mountain, Terzo’s face squinted in disgust. “But first things first, he needs a uniform that fits properly. I appreciate the effort, but this..." Terzo looked at Mountain from head to toe. "Is a tragedy.”
Ivy snorted with laughter, endlessly thanking Terzo for his generosity before the short man started the walk back to his study. Looking over at Mountain, the smaller Earth ghoul was glowing with happiness.
“Let's introduce you to the pack and get you a room.”
Mountain's eyes grew impossibly wide, “There are more ghouls here?”
“Of course, and they’re all excited to meet you!” Ivy chuckled.
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cocteaucherry · 5 months
her way chp.2
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summary- you were once on top of the world, unfortunately that was taken away from you, but all of a sudden two men, the best at their sports ask for help.
tags- 18+, mentions of bruises, anxiety, broken bones, anxiety attack, ooc probably for some characters, maybe some smut (or threesome) in further chapters. figure skating (can you tell I used challengers for inspo? I also rewatched YOI) gojo x reader, geto x reader, female reader, drinking, gojo has some unresolved feelings
“I'm sorry you want me to do what?”
“I know you heard me for the first time!” He rolled his eyes playfully with a groan adjusting himself on the bench, “I want you to coach me for the Grand Prix,”
You felt like you could pass out right there, your eyes widened shifting your eyes aggressively to your casted leg. “Gojo listen-“
“Please call me Satoru, and! Before you say anything your ankle wouldn’t be a problem, I just need you to teach me!” Satoru pleaded, taking off his sunglasses, his eyes were shut as the soft snow began to fall and melt on his warm skin.
huh, this was the first time you were seeing Satoru’s face without the glasses in person. It was almost unfair how majestic he was.
you let out a sigh tilting your head back, “Why do you need my help? You were winning golds quite perfectly without me,”
“Well now I have competition, in case you missed it Suguru took first.” Satoru deadpanned, opening his eyes, “I’m anything but upset to be honest, I’m glad I have people to face off against now.”
“Wait people? I thought Geto is your only worry.” You peered up at him as his head turned to meet your gaze.
“There’s a few new skaters on the rise, one I’m kinda worried about at the moment. I’m not on my usual game, I feel.. unstructured. You’re one of the best figure skaters in the world.. I really can’t do this alone.”
“Hmm,” you hummed as you felt the stare of Satoru gleam through your soul, you had never thought he’d be this vulnerable to you, “you have a way with words Satoru,” you smiled softly before nodding. “I’ll coach you, but you go by my rules.”
Satoru’s face lit up and his demeanor changed completely, “I promise you won’t regret this!”
“One question, how’d you find me?”
“Oh, your coach told me in exchange for a picture together!” He held out his phone pushing the bright screen in your face to show your blonde haired teacher smiling happily with him.
“Of courseee..”
The first night Satoru had stayed in your house, he vouched that finding a room for an inn on short notice was impossible (even though your countryside town profited off of tourism, and he was a sensational superstar)
He walked in, placing his five luxury bags down in your mid sized house, “Wowww, keeping it humble I see!” He said, collapsing onto your couch, “So I will be sleeping in a bed tonight, huh?”
“Oh no no no, couch for you, besides your training starts now. I need to know your plans for the season, movements, songs-“
“Blahhhh!” He fake retched dramatically playfully rolling his eyes, “Come on! How come we can’t just chill and get to know each other the first night?”
“Satoru we talked about this, you need to focus and judge on your last program. I already know where you lack.” You said curtly as you slowly walked towards the small dining table sitting in the chair.
Satoru sat up squinting his eyes at you, “Oh really? Tell me then,”
“Both of your programs were the same genre, you usually always play ‘sexy’ or ‘charming’ you rarely show a style that could make you vulnerable to the audience. That’s something Suguru seemingly excels with he can play sexy and vulnerable very well,”
Satoru pouted but sighed deeply, damn you were right. “You got me there, so how do I become.. vulnerable and loose?”
You spaced, placing your head on your hand. “That’s something for you to figure out yourself, self discovery type of shit. Who is Satoru Gojo without all the glamour, money and fans?” A silence filled the room with Satoru somehow blanking?
“I’m gonna get some rest, blankets are in the hall closet if you need them, night Satoru,” you hummed standing and walking to your room closing the door behind you.
Hours later when the house was completely dark he was still pondering your question under the fluffy spare duvet, he didn’t need to be vulnerable.. He could just act and pretend, right? You wouldn’t be able to tell anyway.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆₊˚。⋆❆⋆。˚₊⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
“AHT! try again! Make it believable!” You yelled from the sidelines as Satoru panted heavily with an annoyed groan, “ Am I not?! This is my fifth time!” His face was pink with frustration.
You shook your head, “Your fifth time because you look like you’re acting, I want to see YOU be vulnerable for this piece.”
Satoru grumbled, annoyed he skated back to his starting position. Would he actually need to do some homework for this? His eyes were brought to yours, your determined gaze made his knees buckle and his heart race.
He took a deep breath starting his routine for the.. 6th? 8th? He lost count, his thighs and stomach burned too much for him to care,
He couldn't remember the last time a skating coach scolded/corrected him (unless you count his first teacher Yaga) . He usually always did his routines flawlessly but your statement was heavily taxing on him.
alright just a simple axel jump he could ace this just as he got to the back position beginning to push himself off, he heard a familiar voice.
“Practicing without me huh, Satoru?”
Satoru stumbled back landing straight on his ass, regaining his vision he brought his attention to the figure. Long raven hair bought in a bun and the all familiar bang that hung out.
“Satoru! You didn’t tell me Geto was coming!” You smiled, turning your attention to Geto, “Not to sound rude but what are you doing here?” You questioned walking towards him.
“Satoru said he was going to train with someone special and he wouldn’t tell me, so I decided to find him myself.” Suguru grinned and Satoru mentally cursed himself getting up and skating his way to the wall edges.
“Yeah, but how’d you find me?” Satoru grunted stepping onto the hard floor, “Did you forget we both have Life360? You insisted on it.” Geto held his phone up showing the blue and black pings now conjoined together.
“Anyways, how about we all get something to eat? I’ll treat us.” Geto said, plastering a sickeningly sweet smile.
⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆₊˚。⋆❆⋆。˚₊⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
“No way! Satoru, how come you didn’t tell me you knew each other earlier!” You stared at Suguru’s phone in disbelief in the picture, they couldn’t have been more than ten years old as they both smiled brightly at the camera.
“I was gonna tell you soon!” Satoru crossed his arms, he insisted on sitting on the same side of the booth as you, leaving Suguru on the opposite side.
“You were both so adorable!” You gleamed sliding the phone back towards Suguru as Satoru grinned nudging your knee with his, “ahh so you do find me cute-“
“you’re pushing it Satoru,” you glared at him and he immediately backed down, “So Suguru, any plans for your skate programs this year ?”
“Can’t tell you that just yet,” he winked playfully, “We only have a few months anyway before the first qualifying competition, you’ll see then.” He leaned back in the booth, his arms stretching across the seats. “How about we order some drinks?”
Satoru looked at you in an almost pleading look and you nodded, “Let’s not get too wasted. Satoru has training, also he’s the only one who can help me walk,” you giggled and Suguru smiled with a nod.
You somehow didn’t get blackout drunk but Satoru was pretty close to, who would’ve known he was a lightweight? You and Suguru watched in disbelief as you both sipped on your second drink while Satoru was on his fifth.
The night came to an end at 8 PM as you waved Suguru goodbye, even though he stared he’d be around. Satoru leaned on you drunkenly babbling something about his past competitive seasons.
He didn’t say whether or not he actually got a hotel room so it was back to your house.. again.
You propped him on the couch where he constantly whined about you staying with him and not abandoning him on the couch, “Satoru, I'd like to shower and rest please!” You groaned annoyingly rubbing your temples,
“Noooo!noooo! Just stay and cuddle with me..don’tleaveme!” He whined sitting up against the couch arm running a hand through his somehow tangled hair.
“Satoru..come on just get some rest-“
“Pleaseee..y/nnn I’ll leave you alone!”
“Fine! Fine!” You huffed sitting next to him and like a magnet he immediately clung to your waist laying his head on your plush thighs, “y/n I don’tthink I can actvulnerable..” he murmured and you raised an eyebrow.
“How come?” You said placing a hand on his exposed forehead as he attempted to lean his head into your touch.
“I wasnever taught to be like that, my father would kill me if he found out.. I-i always had to be strong, even at nine..” his tone sounded desperate, almost like he was on the verge of crying. You hadn’t seen this side of him before and you had an idea.
“Well, you just became vulnerable right now Satoru, you’re on the right track. I want you to get some rest now.. okay?” Satoru nodded burying his face into your stomach as he let out a small exhale, “Thankyou for being my coach y/n..” you felt him smile into your clothes as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
What did you get yourself into? You sighed quietly, slowly sliding your phone out of your pocket to check any recent messages, one being from Suguru dated a few minutes ago.
really enjoyed tonight 🖤 maybe we can do this again but just us? How about this Friday at 7?
you shut off your phone with a grin, you really didn’t know what you got yourself into.
(a/n- I really love this series <3)
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Gren x GN!Reader NSFW Headcanons
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Your comments are delicious >:)
I may have made Grenny boy a little too ooc, my bad
🌙 He's the type to act like a sleeze but he's a pretty caring guy. He doesn't show his emotions on his sleeve at all, and you might not even think he's flirting with you at first, but he is. Gren grew up with tough love in an even tougher environment, but he tries his best. He does have a heart, after all mama's boy, Beowulf didn't extinguish that shit centuries ago.
🌙 However, when he's had a few drinks, he's very forward about what he wants. He's a big fan of leaning against the bar and openly flirting with you like that. He tries to be a gentleman sometimes if he's feeling like it, offering to buy you a few drinks here and there while he butchers pick-up lines like crazy.
🌙 He's the type to be a sloppy kisser. It doesn't matter if he's sober or drunk, things get a little messy. He's a man starved for attention, and you're the kind soul that's gonna give it to him. He's very physical with his kisses, almost always turning it into a makeout session where his hands travel all across your body, eventually leading him right to your sex where he loves to tease.
🌙 He loves making out in the elevator on your way to either of your apartments. Just the build-up alone is enough to get this man rock hard. He's very eager to let you know that is, too, grinding against your backside while his hands trace down your torso as you try to unlock the door.
🌙 He has such a filthy mouth. I hope you like degration and dirty talk, because this man is dishing it out. He says it all in this deep and gravelly voice that sends little electrical pulses right into your sex that it makes your head spin. He even tops some it off with a sickly sweet little pet name to hook you in.
🌙 Loves rough sex. If the headboard ain't knocking, he's not going fast enough. He may be one thin as fuck guy, but under that glamour is a big hulking beast with a firey sex drive.
🌙 He's done it with numerous other fables, even before having to flee the Homelands. He's seen it all, though trolls tend to rank higher on his list. He loves the idea of both of you dropping your glamours for the night and fucking like wild animals, but the fragility of the bed, as well as the rest of the apartment, often stops you both.
🌙 Please be careful of his bad arm. The scar is very much still there and there are often times where it gives out under the weight he puts on it to fuck you senseless. He loves nothing more than for you to massage it afterwards and leave tender little kisses on it. Try not to dig your nails in too much on that one side.
🌙 One of his favorite things to do is to partially drop his glamour enough for that tongue to come out. He loves lapping and licking at your sex with that big, long, wet tongue of his. He makes eye contact the entire time, and if you even think about looking away, he barely grazes his teeth over your sensitive skin to really get your attention.
🌙 He's very much a dom. He doesn't dislike the idea of being submissive with you, he just doesn't feel comfortable yet. The last time someone dominated him, it ended with him dead in some Danish swamp, so...
🌙 He loves deepthroating you. He loves nothing more than to knot his fingers in your hair and face-fuck you until he cums right down your throat. Just the noises alone are enough to get him in the mood. He loves to drag you up by your hair and shoulders and then kiss you, loving how he tastes in your mouth.
🌙 He's not ashamed to lose control, just a little ashamed of the mess that comes with it. He loves the power, but feels guilty about the dents he leaves in the walls from making the headboard bang against it so much. It's lead him to come up with some interesting ideas on how and where to fuck you.
🌙 One of those thoughts being in a crowded bar. He wants nothing more than to take you in some secluded little corner and make it look like you're just sitting in his lap or something when really he's just slipping his dick in you and you both have to play it cool.
🌙 Or fucking in the back of the Trip Trap when Holly is busy up front. The stock room is dark and tight and he loves the feeling of being so close and cramped with you that he has to pin you to the wall and all. Being so close leaves so little to the imagination when it's pressed right up against you.
🌙 He loves to sext, especially when you're at work and he's not. He always turns up the heat to the point he sends you a picture of what he's doing, but it's very obvious what the out-of-focus thing is at the bottom of the picture.
🌙 But if you sext him while he's out? Prepare that ass because you're not gonna get any sleep all night long. Teasing him while he's out is a very dangerous game, and Gren subscribes to the term of: Play stupid game win stupid prizes, and you're definitely gonna get fucked stupid.
🌙 He takes all of the complaints from neighbors with a stupid and very cocky grin on his face. Even when you're ducking your head down to hide your embarrassment, he's proud as hell. He's teasing you about it later.
🌙 Definitely the type to smoke a cigarette after sex. He always offers you one, too. If you're not a smoker and you're not too keen on cigarette smoke staining your walls and smelling up your sheets, he takes it outside. Whether it's a small patio you have, the fire escape or just fully opening a window, he's smoking a cigarette. And he will walk out fully nude with his dick out and all, he has no shame.
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vampiricsheep · 1 year
GW2 Fight Night RP [NA]
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Date: Sunday, 4 June 2023
Time: 6pm EDT [2hr before reset] to late
All are welcome to test their mettle, show their stuff, and earn bragging rights in The Pit! Fanciful outfits and costuming are encouraged - after all, what's a fight without a little flair?
Combatants may fight solo, in pairs, in a a free-for-all, or against a glamoured opponent of their choice (the current models are "Sand Lions" and "Jade Mechs"). There is also a special prize for those who can best your host, the vampire of the mists war, terror of fish, rifle aficionado...yours truly, the one and only Soft Sheep!
Don't worry about playing rough: our arena is equipped with state-of-the-art magic to mend all wounds obtained within the ring.*
For those with no interest in battle, there is still plenty to do! Cheer on your friends, bet on their odds, or relax at the nearby tavern that lies just out of hearing range of the arena.
Come early, on time, or late, and leave whenever you like; there's no roll call, no attendance, only good casual fun.
*the enchantment does not extend outside the ring, so keep your weapons sheathed, fists unballed, and teeth off of each other unless you are in the pit. Brawls outside the pit will result first in a warning, then in removal from the event.
Fine print below:
And now, the fine print (good on you for getting this far!)
Wait your turn for fights, and be clear about who you're challenging.
Anyone has the right, for any reason, without shame, to refuse a challenge, and they don't owe an explanation for it. Do not heckle people for choosing not to fight! The only exception to this are established (IC) friends who have agreed (OOC) to needle each other.
There are two ways for a fight to start, and combatants must agree on how. Either all parties must /bow or /salute, or (preferable in large fights and required for npc fights), a chosen commentator will count down from 3 and the fight will start at "GO!"
Just like how nobody has to fight, nobody is required to actively RP - lurking is fine!
Leave your rivalries outside the door except as part of the show, e.g. playful taunts to your opponent. (Check in OOC first for anything actually mean. We're here to have fun.) If I have to tell you to cut it out more than twice, you're booted, and possibly banned from future events.
as always, respect for one another OOC is mandatory. Any harassment will result in an instant boot. You will also be barred from all future events.
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dinaaaaee · 2 years
My knight and shining armour. ♡
★Mammon x gender neutral reader, heavily inspired by the new princess dame event, could be abit of an au? it depends on how you read it. Otherwise this is fluff.
★Mc is a referred to as knight but gender neutral. Mammon might be abit ooc?
★Warnings: depending on how you read it, it may come across abit suggestive, its not really suggestive but just how I described the kiss? otherwise its just fluff. Swearing, but not to eachother just the narrative which was only once. ALSO my first fic, so don't expect it to be not cringe, I tried. 😭
@dinaaaaee work, do not repost, reblogs are appreciated. <3
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Mammon walked over to the window and reflected on his luxurious surroundings. ''How did I get so lucky?'' he thought to himself.
He had always had a taste for expensive things and cold palace rose was one of them. With its glamourous chandeliers, grand staircase that proved this was not some commoners house, he knew this was the place for him. The misplaced grandfather clock ticking every second and dark red roses everywhere, this place could not compete with the house of Lamention.
He was so mesmerised by the area that he almost forgot that he was meeting with Mc. Until he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. ''What… what is that creepy figure standin' outside of the palace?!' the avatar of greed panicked.
Only until that figure came closer, Mammon gulped and sighed a breath of relief. Mc... you scared the hell outta him!
He dashed down the staircase, opening the large red and black, gold-imprinted rose door for you.
''Mc! your here finally! you had a whole lotta nerve scarin' me like that!'' he exclaimed, ushering you closer to the door.
''Sorry Mammon, The anti-lucifer league striked again, and surprisingly it wasn't a bust- huh? scared you? what do you mean?'' tilting your head to your side in confusion.
He frowns. ''You were just standin there, next to the fountain not moving for a good minute.'' He points.
You looked where he was pointing and realised what he was saying. "Ohhhhh, my bad, a rock got stuck in my shoe, sorry Mammon…" you say, trying not to laugh at the thought of him being scared.
Before he could say anything about your apparent chuckle, you walked past him and inside, looking around in amazement. Your expression made him chuckle fondly.
"A real beauty, ain't it?" he sighs blissfully, proudly flapping his arms around the area. ''Yeah! It is, and you're very lucky to be staying here for the rest of the week, Mammon.'' you smiled back as you can practically feel him beaming. "Think I can have a tour of the palace, mams?" you ask, looking at the coordinated roses on the staircase. "After I show you the best part of the palace, c'mon!!" He says excitedly, like a sugar high kid. He grabs your hand, which caught you off guard; despite his sweaty hands, you couldn't help but blush.
You gasped, wide eyed as you set foot into the surreal garden. Mammon stared at you in amusement. There were different types of rose bushes everywhere, that could rival the queen of hearts, a pound that glistened with the soft moonlight shining on it, different birds chirping, devildom ones, ones that appeared to be from the human realm… Is that a blue jay you see? A path of stones on the floor leading to…a statue? Some kind of monument. You approached the monument, which appeared to be a statue of some knight, surrounded by painted red roses and a rock with a sword half out…? What in the Lord of the Rings was this?
''Hey mams! whats this?'' you questioned as you got further towards it, him following behind you.
He explained that this statue was made to honour a Dame by queen rose her self, honestly you couldn't hear much as you were preoccupied with your own thoughts of pulling the sword out. As an act of impulse you finally listened to your mind and pull the sword out with ease.
''It has been said that no other demon could pull the sword o-''
You both looked at each other...oh shit?!
"Heh, Heh, looks like I was able to pull it out," you said proudly and arms by your side, standing like superman, opting to make light of the situation. "Do I look like a knight now?" you ask, holding the sword to your side.
"Even better, I'll be your knight. Your knight in shining armour," you wink.
How did you get the sword out, Mammon couldn't help but gape open his mouth and stare at you in disbelief? Wait what did you just say... before he could respond, you kneeled in front of him, sword in your left hand, and your right took his in yours.
You looked up at him so innocently, rubbing your thumb against his veiny index finger, looking flustered he still hasn't clocked on to whats happening, but the obvious pink undertone to his cheeks says otherwise. While looking at him, you ever so slightly brushed your chapped lips on his palmar, you could tell he wanted this, looking through your lashes you could see him tense in anticipation with your hot breath on his skin. Slowly, you began to kiss him, teasing him with each kiss. You could hear him complain about how long you were taking, but you couldn't help yourself, he was always so tsundere with you and now you're in front of him making him want more. When you pulled your lips away from his hand, he couldn't deny feeling a little empty.
"Oi, knight, I think you're missing a spot," he says, blushing and pointing to his lips.
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fair-fae · 8 months
Without names tell us about this 6 month rp where you had to change your character to fit?
Someone approached me about writing a ship with Faye with the understanding up front that we would first have to see if the potential was even there, that it would be a slowburn, and that Faye was still hung up on her past relationship and would need time before she could be in a semi-healthy relationship. Despite this, I was rushed every step of the way.
There were times we would discuss one thing for an RP idea, start the scene, and then it would be something totally different--i.e. he threw out the idea of a fake dating scenario, and only after we started writing the scene he announced to me OOC, "My character would never settle for fake dating, only the real thing."
He wanted to start new RP threads even though previous ones were unfinished, which created continuity issues where we would have to decide on the outcome of an unfinished scene we would still be writing. It felt like he used this to his advantage, either to retcon to make sure his character did the "perfect" thing, or to make me feel pressured to keep the RP on the "right" course, often adding in surprise caveats for things Faye would have to promise to make that happen.
There was constant pressure from him for Faye to be more lovey-dovey with his character, for her to engage in more PDA with him, for her to always talk about him and inform everyone she was dating him, and for her to act in ways that made her more immature, irrational, airheaded, affectionate, and emotional. He asked me almost daily if Faye loved his character yet, if she was close to saying "I love you," if there was a timeframe, what he could do to make it happen, etc. He brought up marriage and engagement regularly. Remember when I said we agreed to make this a slowburn!
There were multiple instances I told him Faye wouldn't do something he wanted, but he would continue arguing or begging, sometimes even holding stuff over my head (saying that I owed it to him because I had cut into "our" RP time by RPing with someone else, or having to run AFK for RL things mid-RP). There were times he made comments about my glamours for Faye, particularly anything frilly and frou-frou or modest. He only seemed interested in "elegant and sexy" and didn't like anything that didn't give him "easy access" to her. Anytime any sexual situation didn't go perfectly as he envisioned, OOC he blamed it on Faye being "not a real sub" and "bad at BDSM" lol.
He would try to downplay Faye's competence and capabilities so he could be her hero in every situation. His character would speak over Faye or try to speak for her in her own business affairs, including my own FC's RP, an FC he was not even a member of. Every single "flaw" my character had, from her prosthetic hand to her PTSD to her heartbreak over her last relationship, he was insistent his character could "fix" and change her.
He had some "not like other girls" headcanons about Faye being jealous, vindictive of other women, or constantly needing to boast about him and their relationship, and insinuated she wouldn't be into "basic" things. He would send me memes, character inspo, quotes, etc. that I often felt didn't really fit Faye, and he didn't care to listen the few times I mentioned something was not in line with Faye or how I wanted to portray her, often stuff that infantilized her.
And lastly, he had initially discovered me through a mutual friend who I won't name (but hi if you're reading this ily girl lol), but it seemed his character had been hung up on hers, and her character had some similarities to Faye. I had a creeping feeling he really wanted my character to… fit into some mold of what he presumed her character to be like?
She returned to the game and he implied that she contacted him and wanted her character to be with his, but he had chosen Faye (phrased in a context that I was supposed to be grateful to him and indebted to him for making him miss out?). At that point I asked him if he wouldn't rather be RPing with her and told him that he could be up front with me and I would be fine with it, but he insisted that while his character had feelings for her character years ago, his character had changed and matured, her character was no longer his character's type and didn't interest him, and he would rather being RPing with me. I found out that while he was telling me this, he was begging her to ship her character with his, but she wasn't interested, and he continued hounding her as well as doing the same stuff he had to me with trying to push ideas he had about her character onto her to the point she was really uncomfortable. Anyway, there's other stuff that happened, but the rest just doesn't have to do with how he wanted me to play my character so I'll leave it at that haha.
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