#out of context kirr
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“Die, then” vs “I will protect you with my life” the two moods of Kirr.
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merakiui · 4 years
Twilight and Night Teams Playing Among Us HCs
The 14th Department decides to play Among Us (PART 2). (Part 1 can be found here.)
Twilight Team (Hesperide)
🎮 Cyrille 🎮
He’s the type of player who overanalyzes everything. Oh, the lights went out and Sian’s avatar passed by him? Yep, that’s sus.
He’s actually pretty good at determining who the impostor is. Cyrille keeps an eye out for those who are around him, stowing that information away for when the next dead body is reported.
Cyrille’s a genius, so of course he’d be perfect as a crew mate or the impostor. It doesn’t matter the role; he’s able to adapt flawlessly. 
Though he still manages to fumble with the controls. Dexterity isn’t his speciality, so it took some time to get used to playing. (He accidentally clicked on the vent button instead of sabotage, and Sian caught him.)
When he’s the impostor, he uses the classic “if you didn’t see it, it didn’t happen” excuse. He’s always asking the others for their proof when they’re accusing him.
“If you didn’t see me anywhere near the body, why would it be me? You lack substantial evidence, and because of that you’ll lose. In other words, voting me out would only benefit the impostors.”
He could probably write an entire thesis paper on why he isn’t the impostor. 
Everyone just believes him because they don’t want to hear a rant that delves into the science behind the gameplay, and they’re also just trying to have fun. No one asked for a science lesson. Sorry, Cyrille.
He’s not that good at completing the tasks because the controls confuse him. 
His go-to color is green, and he wears the goggles hat. 
🛠️ Noah 🛠️
Noah’s soft appearance and way of speaking reflects kindness, so there’s just no way he could be the impostor!
He likes to look at things from the perspective of lawful justice. Although it’s a game, Noah’s certain this tactic won’t fail him.
He considers it to be a great way to pass time, and it’s especially fun to play with the manager. Sometimes it can get tedious when he’s stuck as a ghost for an entire round, but other than that Noah likes it.
He’ll stick with the others in groups so no one winds up dead, but if the manager does end up dying he might tease them about it. 
Noah likes playing with Kati, despite the fact that the younger Soul Reaper is always trying to compete with him. He tends to take on the role of an elder brother whenever him and Kati are in the same lobby, and most of the time he’ll lose for the sake of inflating Kati’s ego.
He tends to break up a lot of arguments between Kati and Sian, especially when they bicker over who did what task.
“It’s just a game. There’s no need to fight so much.”
“The phrase ‘it’s just a game’ is such a weak mindset.” - Kati to Noah, probably. Noah just doesn’t understand why everyone gets so riled up. There’s no point in arguing over Among Us. They should use that time to vote out the impostors. 
He’s more athletic, so video games aren’t his style. But Among Us does improve his observation skills, so he doesn’t mind it all that much.
His go-to color is lime, and he wears the police hat.
🎤 Sian 🎤
He blames everyone but himself. Sian is so quick to point fingers and start arguments based on what the others say. 
“You saw me vent? As if! I’m not stupid like you. If you vote me out, you’re all going to lose. Seriously...”
Sometimes he gets a little too into the game, often getting frustrated when he’s voted out all because someone blamed him. 
He likes to check the cameras in hopes that he’ll be able to catch one of the impostors. 
When he’s the impostor, he goes after Quincy the most. It’s for all the times Quincy’s bothered him. Revenge is best served in Among Us. “This’ll teach you for always calling me a whelp!” 
If someone walks in on him after he’s killed a crew mate, he’ll report the body so fast and blame that person.
“It was Kati! I saw him kill Cyrille! You guys have to believe me.”
Sian is 100% salty in the dead chat, but Cyrille’s there as well so it’s not all that bad. 
He probably looks at Among Us memes and tips to win flawlessly as the impostor, and he’ll show them to Cyrille so that the two of them can team up to throw the game.
His go-to color is red, and he wears the backwards cap because he believes it looks cool. 
🍎 Kati 🍎
He’s competing with Noah. It doesn’t matter if they’re in two separate lobbies; he’s still going to consider it a competition.
Kati’s the type of player who chases the others around while pretending to be the impostor.
Definitely trolls, so much so that sometimes he’ll get kicked from the lobby. 
He’s also the one who constantly calls emergency meetings when nothing has begun just so he can accuse others. 
“I saw Noah fake the scan in Med-bay! It’s got to be him. Vote him out!”
He’ll say the most suspicious things, telling the others to watch their backs or else he’ll bite them. It’s a heavy threat when you consider the fact that he actually will bite you in real life. So in-game isn’t all that far off either.
Kati gets a little too trigger-happy when he’s the impostor, forming pacts with the others and then betraying them shortly after. He’d be good at the impostor role if he wasn’t constantly acting so giddy and sus. 
He teams up with Day and the two of them cause trouble together. It’s especially fun when they’re the impostors.
Kati complains in the dead chat once he’s killed, whining about how he’s so certain that it was Noah who sabotaged his chances at winning. 
His go-to color is pink, and he wears the flower pin hat.
Night Team (Noctu)
🎯 Aitachi 🎯
The others tell him to wear the sticky note that says “dum” because it’ll ward off the evil impostors, and he does just that.
Aitachi doesn’t really understand the concept of Among Us. He’s not exactly up-to-date with modern technology, and so he’s not good at video games.
When playing, he’ll believe whatever the others tell him under the pretense that they mean what they say. Of course, half of them are being helpful and the other half just want to see cute Tachi pout in confusion.
“What does any of this mean, Sir Kirr?” he’ll ask, as if Kirr knows anything. Kirr just tells him it boils down to pure instinct and survival. “I see! In that case, we shall form a group and huddle to keep warm!”
Aitachi, no... You have to do your tasks, silly. 
He never does any of his tasks, so his task bar never goes up. Because of that, everyone suspects him of faking tasks. In reality, Aitachi has no clue what that even means.
When he plays with the manager, Aitachi always swears that he’ll protect them because it’s his duty as a warrior. Unfortunately, as soon as they separate, he’s killed.
He types in the ghost chat as the living debate what their next move will be, wondering why no one’s responding to his messages.
When he does figure out how to play, which will take a lot of time, he actually has a lot of fun trying to find the impostors. 
His go-to color is brown, and he wears the bear ears because it’s the closest thing to a pelt. When he isn’t wearing that hat, he’s got the “dum” sticky note on. 
🏹 Kirr 🏹
Just like Aitachi, he’s clueless. Though he’s able to adjust to the rules once he understands them. 
The only thing on his mind is survival of the fittest, and he uses his knowledge as a hunter to avoid death.
“This world is not much different from ours.” (For context, he’s comparing the impostors to vengeful spirits.)
Kirr likes to ask a lot of questions that have nothing to do with the actual gameplay. 
“If everyone is stuck on this spaceship, why haven’t they had anything to eat yet? They will starve without any nutrition.”
Kirr, sweetheart, it’s just a video game. Don’t worry about that.
He works alongside Aitachi, and the two of them learn—albeit incorrectly—from one another. They’re both so proud when they do their very first task.
Kirr never seems to become the impostor, so he’s always stuck as a crew mate. Along with that, he gets lost around the map quite easily, which is ironic considering he’s a skilled hunter.
He’s one of the few who’s killed first because he’s always alone in electrical trying to connect the wires. :( Poor Kirr.
His go-to color is black, and he wears the miner cap hat because he thinks the light on it will actually illuminate his way when the lights are sabotaged. Kirr’s just trying to do some in-game camouflage, but it’s not really working.
🎼 Nine 🎼
Nine is a silent player, only talking when he needs to. No one ever has time to question him because they’re too busy arguing over whether or not the others are the impostors. 
He wouldn’t have considered playing if the manager hadn’t mentioned it to him. It’s a way for everyone to relax and have fun, so they wanted him to be part of the chaos. 
He tends to stay in the background to avoid immediate suspicion. His tasks are always his first priority, and because of that he ends up finishing earlier than most players. Though a body report or an emergency meeting is inevitable, and sometimes that’ll interrupt him when he’s downloading files.
He’ll only call an emergency meeting when it’s absolutely necessary. Whenever Day follows him around, Nine doesn’t bother with a meeting. He’s certain Day won’t kill him because that human puppy never seems to get the impostor role.
Surprisingly good at faking tasks. He’s learns quickly that certain tasks perform a small animation once completed, so he stays away from those when he’s the impostor. 
Very rarely participates in the discussions. His strategy is mainly just keeping important information to himself so he can win, but as a crew mate he adds in a word or two that can either refute or prove the others’ claims. 
Nine never understands why Theo’s so intent on chasing him around. Once he was outed as the impostor—courtesy of the gracious Theo—and for that entire game he was just following Theo as a ghost. Sometimes Theo’s more confusing the gameplay itself.
He’s still polite to everyone, even if they’re accusing him or getting a little too heated.
“I respect your opinion, but I’m afraid I saw Mr. Cyrille vent.” Nine wants to remain civil despite the chaos that erupts when trying to pick out the impostor.
His go-to color is purple, and he wears the flamingo hat. (Day chose it for him.)
🍦 Day 🍦
Day doesn’t like being the impostor because he feels bad about having to kill his friends.
“I don’t want to kill Nine-Nine! I don’t want to kill anyone.”
He’ll call emergency meetings for the dumbest things.
“What’s going on? No one’s died yet.” And Day will respond with, “I just wanted to say hi to everyone! At the end of the day, we’re still friends, right?”
Nine has to tell him that it’s just a game and that he should just have fun.
Day follows Nine and the manager around because he believes that if they’re in a group nothing bad can happen. Imagine his surprise when Nine ends up killing him the second the manager leaves for navigation.
He feels so betrayed. His expression goes from :D to D: so fast. Poor Day. He just wanted to be by Nine’s side.
He has so much fun when he’s a crew mate. When he finishes his tasks, he’ll run around the map looking for something to do.
Probably dances on the cameras so the others won’t suspect him of being the impostor, or he’ll do figure eights in the lobby while waiting for everyone else to join. 
His go-to color is white with the cherry hat because it reminds him of ice cream.
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