robinsperez-blog · 7 years
ROBIN: I just wanted to say thanks for having me over the other day.
ROBIN: It was nice to... hang out.
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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robinsperez-blog · 7 years
ROBIN: You okay?
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robinsperez-blog · 7 years
ROBIN [UNDELIVERED]: I'm sorry I'm such a bitch.
ROBIN [UNDELIVERED]: I haven't acted like your sister lately.
ROBIN [UNDELIVERED]: If we get out of this... I want to.
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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NAME ●●● Raven Jewel Perez
AGE ●●● 28
PRONOUNS ●●● She/Her
BIRTHDAY ●●● 01/03
ORDER ●●● First (Solo - Half)
FROM ●●● Cotton Plant, Arkansas
SEXUALITY ●●● Bisexual/Biromantic
FULL TIME JOB ●●● Intern at Law Office
WRITER ●●● Candy
To say Raven was an accident would be an understatement. In a moment of heated passion, Miguel Perez had a wandering eye for his friendly client Karen Boyd. It was a one time thing, an affair in it’s most blatant form, and when Karen found out she was pregnant….well, she wasn’t happy. In fact, she was so upset that she wanted to even get rid of the growing baby in her belly. But if there was one thing Miguel didn’t want to do, it was that option. So he made her a promise, he promised she’d never have to deal with the baby after it was born and he would raise it as one of his own. That was the deal, and that’s how it ended up.
After Raven was born, there was a strain in the family. Sure, they accepted her and raised her as one of their own kids, Rosalind even treated her kindly given the circumstances. But there was always that underlying feeling of tension, that she was a constant reminder of Miguel’s mistakes.
Regardless of the tension, Raven was never informed of her true mother. They hid that detail because of their undying love for what some would call a mistake. As she grew up, she was always dubbed as a “pretty girl” and treated as such. But the thing was, she hated being just judged off her looks. She was smart, a lot smarter than people gave her credit for, and she used her looks and brains to her advantage. It only made her want to prove herself more and more.
When Robin was born, Raven was three years old, but as they grew up together she felt close. To be honest, she loved both of her sisters, Wren was always the one who held them together, she held the whole family together. When their parents would fight, Raven would find comfort in her siblings and hide out in their beds with them. They were the only things she felt safe around, especially when the secret got out one night that Raven wasn’t even Rosalind’s daughter but another woman’s who didn’t even want her to begin with.
After learning that information, Raven began to doubt her self worth. Constantly in the back of her mind was the fact that she was a mistake, despite the reassurance from her “parents”. Sure, she was able to put on that picture perfect smile and pretend everything was okay. But it only made her strive to prove self worth even more, trying to make the highest grades, be captain of her cheer leading team, become prom queen, be a good sister….up until that tragic day.
When Wren passed away, Raven didn’t know what to do. The oldest of the Perez sisters was the glue of whatever was left of their broken family. Miguel was never around, Rosalind was deported, and things were getting intense. There was only two things she could go, fight or flight. So she flew, hopped on the next plan out to LA and never looked back. Was it wrong to do to Robin? Absolutely. But she was scared, terrified even, and she needed to get out of Cotton Plant before she lost her mind.
It wasn’t until she got word about Joey being taken away that Raven snapped back into reality. Instead of lounging around by a pool at some mansion party, she realized that what she’d done was wrong and she had to do something about it. Whatever it took to get back to Cotton Plant and help Robin, help Joey even, she would do it. But first that meant making some money…..no matter what it took.
She used her brains and looks to her advantage, Hollywood was a place that could be manipulated, and Raven thought she had nothing to lose. So, she preyed on the wealthy, began stealing items from houses and selling them for a pretty penny. The dark haired beauty started modeling, mingling with the rich and famous, and soon enough landed herself in an interesting situation. A wealthy older man quickly fell for her, and when he passed away, he felt as if Raven was close enough to him to leave her a handsome amount of money to her. It took her by surprise, but it was a blessing in disguise.
Now, she’s back in Cotton Plant, working as an intern at a Law Office. Sure, she doesn’t have a degree to become a real lawyer, but she’s smart enough to work the system. After Rosalind got deported and Joey got taken away, she’s doing all she can to learn the rules of the law and how to work around it. All she wants is to get Joey back for Robin and to fix everything that she left broken. She knows it’s going to take work, but given her head strong attitude, Raven knows she can do this. She has to do this for her family, even if her family doesn’t want her help.
0 notes
ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the game, RAVEN PEREZ! Your application was successful, and we’re excited to begin writing alongside you, Candy. Please read over our checklist before sending in your link, which you should do within 24 hours!
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 21+
FULL NAME: Raven Jewel Perez
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 28, 01/03
ORDER: first
TYPE*: solo
ORIENTATION: bisexual, bioromantic
WE ARE FAMILY ♫ — ( only for first members )
HOMETOWN: Cotton Plant, Arkansas
PARENT INFO: Miguel Perez and Karen Boyd
HALF KIDS: I have talked to Robin’s player and she said she’s fine with having Raven as a half sister based on Raven’s story/bio!!
HOW LONG?: 1 month
To say Raven was an accident would be an understatement. In a moment of heated passion, Miguel Perez had a wandering eye for his friendly client Karen Boyd. It was a one time thing, an affair in it’s most blatant form, and when Karen found out she was pregnant….well, she wasn’t happy. In fact, she was so upset that she wanted to even get rid of the growing baby in her belly. But if there was one thing Miguel didn’t want to do, it was that option. So he made her a promise, he promised she’d never have to deal with the baby after it was born and he would raise it as one of his own. That was the deal, and that’s how it ended up.
After Raven was born, there was a strain in the family. Sure, they accepted her and raised her as one of their own kids, Rosalind even treated her kindly given the circumstances. But there was always that underlying feeling of tension, that she was a constant reminder of Miguel’s mistakes.
Regardless of the tension, Raven was never informed of her true mother. They hid that detail because of their undying love for what some would call a mistake. As she grew up, she was always dubbed as a “pretty girl” and treated as such. But the thing was, she hated being just judged off her looks. She was smart, a lot smarter than people gave her credit for, and she used her looks and brains to her advantage. It only made her want to prove herself more and more.
When Robin was born, Raven was three years old, but as they grew up together she felt close. To be honest, she loved both of her sisters, Wren was always the one who held them together, she held the whole family together. When their parents would fight, Raven would find comfort in her siblings and hide out in their beds with them. They were the only things she felt safe around, especially when the secret got out one night that Raven wasn’t even Rosalind’s daughter but another woman’s who didn’t even want her to begin with.
After learning that information, Raven began to doubt her self worth. Constantly in the back of her mind was the fact that she was a mistake, despite the reassurance from her “parents”. Sure, she was able to put on that picture perfect smile and pretend everything was okay. But it only made her strive to prove self worth even more, trying to make the highest grades, be captain of her cheer leading team, become prom queen, be a good sister….up until that tragic day.
When Wren passed away, Raven didn’t know what to do. The oldest of the Perez sisters was the glue of whatever was left of their broken family. Miguel was never around, Rosalind was deported, and things were getting intense. There was only two things she could go, fight or flight. So she flew, hopped on the next plan out to LA and never looked back. Was it wrong to do to Robin? Absolutely. But she was scared, terrified even, and she needed to get out of Cotton Plant before she lost her mind.
It wasn’t until she got word about Joey being taken away that Raven snapped back into reality. Instead of lounging around by a pool at some mansion party, she realized that what she’d done was wrong and she had to do something about it. Whatever it took to get back to Cotton Plant and help Robin, help Joey even, she would do it. But first that meant making some money…..no matter what it took.
She used her brains and looks to her advantage, Hollywood was a place that could be manipulated, and Raven thought she had nothing to lose. So, she preyed on the wealthy, began stealing items from houses and selling them for a pretty penny. The dark haired beauty started modeling, mingling with the rich and famous, and soon enough landed herself in an interesting situation. A wealthy older man quickly fell for her, and when he passed away, he felt as if Raven was close enough to him to leave her a handsome amount of money to her. It took her by surprise, but it was a blessing in disguise.
Now, she’s back in Cotton Plant, working as an intern at a Law Office. Sure, she doesn’t have a degree to become a real lawyer, but she’s smart enough to work the system. After Rosalind got deported and Joey got taken away, she’s doing all she can to learn the rules of the law and how to work around it. All she wants is to get Joey back for Robin and to fix everything that she left broken. She knows it’s going to take work, but given her head strong attitude, Raven knows she can do this. She has to do this for her family, even if her family doesn’t want her help.
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