#our new friend is ready to write for yall!!!
sarah-bear706318 · 23 hours
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Summary: You have 3 important men in your life you never have to doubt if they have your back. First one bring your father Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. The second being your honorary brother Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw. And the third the LOVE of your life Jake "Hangman" Seresin. You can always depend on them for everything and anything you need! Like tonight might be one of those nights...
Warning: Kissing, Fighting, Alcohol, Suggestive comments
A/N: This is my first time writing so any feedback would be amazing! I hope everyone likes it!
Sitting on your bed in yours and Jakes shared bedroom finishing putting on your heels for your night out with Jake and the rest of the Daggers. You were celebrating yours and Jakes recent engagement so you went all out with your look. After what seemed like hours and a lot of eyes rolls from your very sexy aviator later you had your outfit...a short black lace dress that always made Jake droll your sparkly black peptoe heels your silver fighter jet necklace Jake had gotten for you for Christmas and of course you beautiful new ring with a pretty simple make look and some beach curls in your long H/C hair. You give yourself one last look and walk out of the bedroom and down the hall as you hear "Y/N baby hurry up we have to lea..." he stops mid word and looks you up and down with his mouth open. You walk over to Jake take your finger and wiped the side of his mouth "you got a little droll let me get that for you handsome" "baby you look stunning" he says as he grips your hips and leans in for a kiss. You lean into the kiss and a small moan comes from your lips. You know if Jake keeps kissing you like this you will never make it out of the house so it takes everything you have to pull away "Jake as much as i want to keep this going we have to leave everyone is waiting for us" "let them wait" he says as he kisses up your neck. "or better lets skip it and stay in and practice for our honeymoon" you close your eyes really wanting to give him to him your whole body is screaming yes but your brain finally caught up "as much as I want that too but we cant everyone planned the whole night and I'm asking Nat to be my maid of honor" Jake kisses your neck once more and pulls back and looks down at you "fine fine fine but just know all night I'm gonna be thinking about that dress on the floor " he grabs his truck keys and cowboy hat and turns back to you with a smirk "but the heels stay on" he sends you a wink as he opens the door for you. You walk pass him with a smile and think"tonights gonna be wild and crazy". If you only knew how wild and crazy it was gonna get. The ride to the restaurant was just you and Jake talking some wedding ideas some playful banter. After the 30 minute drive you pull in the parking alot and park. Jakes comes over to open your door and helps you down but not before stealing a kiss that make you forget to breathe. "will you stop violating my sister and hurry up I'm hungry" you hear Rooster yell. He's met with both you and Jake flipping him off "its not violating when she moaned when I kissed her" that earns him a smack on the arm from you and a finger from Rooster. You greet your friends with hugs and head inside. Rooster got a big table at your favorite steak house for the group and you were ready to celebrate with your friends and brother.
Dinner was going great! The food was amazing as always the drinks were strong and you had your family with you well but one. Your dad and Penny wanted a more low key celebration with you and Jake so they opped out of "kids nights" but makes every single one of you to promise to call him if there is any trouble. Phoenix sat to your left and you thought this was the perfect time to ask your bestfriend to be your maid of honor. You got the attention of your group by hitting your glass "I wanted to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate me and Jake we really couldn't ask for a better group of friends. I know i can always count on yall for anything including helping me rein this one in" you look to your right at Jake and give him a smirk and a smile before continuing "I also want to thank my best friend for bring the most amazing person and always putting up with my shit. Nat you were there to help me shop and get ready for my first date with Jake, the one I told first about our first kiss, and you are always the one to get the" juicy details" "ahhh come on can you not" Rooster says with a disgusted look, you shot him the death glare the one that always made him a bit scared of you. You turned back to Nat "Anyways as i was saying you have been there from the start and i would be honored if you were the one standing beside me on my big day. So Nattie Catt will you be my maid of honor?" "OMG YES" you both share a big hug while the whole tables cheers. "lets order a shot for the bride and the maid of honor" Fanboy says as he waves the waiter over. You and your maid of honor downed your shots of tequila with a big hug after. After everyone had settled their bills you all walked outside. "Lets go to that new club that just opened a few weeks ago" Payback says. Everyone agrees not wanting to let the party end so you all got in your own cars and off you went.
The club was a very nice change and it was nice to let lose and dance instead of just sipping a drink and playing pool or darts at Hard Deck. Jake decided he wasn't gonna have more then a beer or two so he could still drive but always so you could have a carefree night and let lose, he just didn't think you and Nat would go as crazy as you did. A couple hours 3 double vodka lemonades a 2 beers and to many shots later you and Nat were a laughing stumbling mess! Its safe to say you were beyond drunk and Phoenix was just as bad, and Rooster was not helping things with all the shots and encouragement much to Jake's dismay. You're on the dance floor with Nat having the time of your lives when you yell over the loud music "Nattie Catt want another shot" "Hell yeah lets go". You both make your though the sea of people dancing and head to the table everyone was sitting at. Once there you stumble into Jakes lap "I love you so much lieutenant Hangman" Jakes smiles at the way you used his rank and callsign together and kisses your cheek "I love you more sweetheart". You look over to your brother who has the same smirk on his face he use to have when you were kids "lets get you girls more shots" "No she has had enough shots for the night" you hear your soon to be husband say. "babyyyyyy im having fun don't be a buzz kill" "yeah bagman don't be a party buzz kill" Nat slurs to him while sipping on her beer. "yeah hangman you party buzz kill" Rooster chimes him laughing. "One more shot thats it then its water your already pretty drunk baby" "YAYYYYYY you the bestest" you say kissing him. Rooster offers to go get the last round of shots. Whiles he gone you and Nat decide to dance right there by the table so you know you get your shots and Jake doesn't throw them out. "omg I love this song" Nat yells over the song "me too". Rooster comes back with the shots but not just any shots two triple shots of tequila along with the salt on the rim and a lime for each. "What the hell is that Bradshaw I said one more shot" "it is just one its just tripled" Jakes knew this wasn't gonna be good you and Nat were already way drunker then he expected but before he could do or say anything you grab the shot and the lime. Before he can stop you and Nat are licking the salt rims taking the shot and not you were sucking the lime. Rooster Payback and Fanboy are laughing with how drunk the two of you are. "can you stop laughing and egging them on" Jake says to the guys. He sits you down in the booth and turns to you "sweetheart I'm cutting you off you've had enough I'm gonna go get you some water stay here don't move, watch your sister Rooster don't let her up drink anything or do anything stupid I mean it" he says as he points his finger at him, "yeah i got her" he says laughing while you and Nat are trying and failing to sing the song that is playing.
Jakes walk up to the bar and gets the bartenders attention "what can i get for you man" "just 2 waters please". As the bartender goes to get the waters a girl with blonde hair the fakest boobs and to much much makeup comes to stand by Jake "Hey what's a sexy man like you doing alone" the girl ask while touching his arm. Jake pulls his arm away "not interested" "oh come on I can show you a really good time i promise" "not happening like I said not interested I'm engaged" the blonde steps closer "I wont tell if you don't" she whispers in his ear. At the table you are still laughing with Nat with out of the corner of your eye you see the blonde whisper something in Jakes ear and touch his arm then you see Jake move away. "what the fuck hell no" Rooster follows your eyes and sees what you see but before he can stop you you are out of the booth heading for Jake and the slut flirting with your fiancé. Rooster calls your name "shit Jakes gonna kill me" he says as he tries to catch up to you. You make it to the bar you snatch the girls arm off Jakes arm. "If I were you I would get the fuck away from my fiancé before you get fake blonde extensions pulled from your head" you say will rage in your voice. Jakes steps between you and the girl just as Rooster makes it over to the bar after fighting his way through the crowed. "Bradshaw I told you to keep her at the table this isn't keeping her at the table" "I tried even in those 6in heels she's fast dude" Jake just rolls his eyes. "It seems he was free game i mean you were nowhere around" "like I said step the fuck away or along with going home with no hair I'll throw in black eye and busted lip" you say as you get closer to the girls face. "Ok baby its time to go no fighting tonight" Jake says as he pulls you away from the girl.
Jake gets you outside and you are soon joined by the rest of your friends. "girl i really thought you were gonna hit her bagman why did you pull her away my bestie could have taken that fake boob bimbo" Nat says laughing. "that bitch almost ruined my buzz" you laugh with Nat and the rest. "well I didn't feel like having the cops called and my baby girl going to jail and I really didn't want to be the one to call Mav and explain that" "I could have taken her" you said crossing your arms. "Y/N" you hear your name you turn around and see Coyote Fanboy and Payback coming out with something in their hand "ohhhhh no she is done no more" Jake says as he sees they all have what look like double shots of tequila in their hands. "That bitch made me lose half my buzz please baby" you go to reach for the shots when you hear a giggle that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. "hey girls there's the hot guy from the bar I was telling you how about and his little bitch right next to him" the blonde was back and now you were pissed all over again. "What the fuck did you just say" you say as you walk in her direction. Jake grabs your arms but not tight enough. "what I was telling my friends is you're a bitch and I could take care of that hot man of yours way better then you can." You step closer to her and out of nowhere Nat is beside you. "that's what I thought you said" you got very close to the girls face "even if I wasn't in the picture that man wouldn't comes near you he likes having his dick attached and not riddled with what ever that smell is coming from between you legs" You hear the guys in the background laughing Rooster cheering you on and Jake telling them all to shut up. "now take your rancid skank pussy and your little sluts and walk away sweetie I'm really not someone you want to mess with" You go to turn but the girl grabs your arm "oh shit" you hear Jake say. Before Jake have a chance to even think or react you grab the girl by her fake hair and sling her to the ground and Nat pushing one of her friends down who went after you. A part of her hair still in your fist but before can do anything more Jake is grabbing you from behind and Rooster has Nat. You look a Jake then back to the girl "You fucking bitch that was expensive" the girl yell from the ground holding the side of her head as her friends help her up. Jake sees the fire in your eyes and that's never good and even worse when you've been drinking. He turns to the group of girls "I'd leave before we let them go we cant control them a second time". You throw the girls hair back at her as Jake pulls you away. What you didn't see was the two cops down the street heading your way after seeing the whole exchange. The guys are laughing and Rooster is high fiving you and Nat while Jake rolls his eyes. "ok rocky I really think its time to go now" Jake says. "ummm guys look behind you" Bob says pointing down the street. You all look behind you can see 2 officers heading your way not looking happy. "shit this is what I was worried about" Jake says rubbing the back of his neck. You turn to the guys and grab the shots "well Nat were gonna need these if were going to jail bottoms up" you say and hand Nat her shots. You both down all 3 shots in a matter of seconds looking back not your smartest idea. " Y/N Y/M/N MITCHELL are you out of you mind you have cops heading this way most likely to arrest the two of you and your taking shots what the hell are you thinking" Jake whispers yells at you. You weren't thinking you were running off anger and adrenaline mixed and with the amount of alcohol you had in your body not the best combo. As the adrenaline wore off all the alcohol including the 3 shots you downed moments ago hit you like a ton bricks. You and Nat were now giggling Jake looks pissed, the guys look nervous, and Rooster cant stop laughing.
As the officers get closer Jakes tries to get you and Nat to stop laughing "baby you have got to stop laughing. I might be able to just talk to them without the two of you going to jail but the both of you have to work me, can you do that baby girl" "yes sir lieutenant sexyman sir" you say and salute him "what she says bagman" you both are now slurring your words. Jake rolls his eyesand knows this isn't gonna end well so he just hangs his head and prays the two of you can keep it together. Rooster on the other hand is finding all this so funny he cant stop laughing. He hasn't seen you this drunk in so long and he is loving every second of this and what makes it better is that Jake looks like he is about to lose it. "Good evening" the taller of the two officers greets the group. He looks around and his eyes land on the two girls trying and failing to hold in their laughs "We got word from a couple of girls that there was a problem down this way?" As Jake goes to say something you beat him to it "There wasn't any problem until that slutty bitch put her hands on my fiancé and got in my face and had her skank friends get in my best friends face if she would have walked her nasty ass away and kept her month shut she wouldnt have lost her hair" "Lost her hair!" the shorter of the two cops say with wide eyes. "I gave it back to her" you say with a smile and a shrug of your shoulders . Jake shakes his head this is what he was afraid would happen, you tend to get mouthy when you do shots. "yeah officer she gave the bitch her hair back" Nat says. " that's enough with the language lady's one more outburst and the two of you are going in the cuffs do you understand" one of the officers says with a look that lets you all know he isn't playing. Rooster is now laughing even more and trying to hide it along with the rest of the guys and Jake is getting more pissed. "Rooster you are not helping anything now shut up and stop encouraging them" "I'm sorry man...this was just way to good... its not just one of them but... both of them" Rooster says in between laughs. "officers I am very sorry for my fiancé and her friend's outburst it wont happen again" Jakes says as he gives you a look. "We were just about to head home for the night there will not be anymore trouble" "yeah unless that slut with her fakeass boobs and rancid pussy touches my man again" "yeah or her bitch friend comes back I fly fighters jet for a living I can handle her ass". That was it for the officers "Lady's you had you're one warning now turn around put your hands behind your back now" You and Phoenix stand there for a second before bursting out in laughter. "Officer is this really necessary I promise I will get them both in my truck and take them home" Jake begs the officers who are now reaching into their belts for their handcuffs. "I'm sorry sir we gave them fair warning and they didn't listen now please step back" "Jakey baby you think they will let us take these cuffs home we could have fun with these" you say sending a wink his way while Nat just laughs. Jake steps back and runs his hand through his hair watching as his fiancé and friend are put in handcuffs. Rooster stands there in shock still laughing and after that comment and seeing the officers face he isn't even trying to hide it. "Hangman I hate to say this but it might be a good time to call Mav" Jakes pulls this phone and looks to Rooster "yeah I know I'm on it but I'm telling him about all the shots of tequila you gave his daughter that got us in this shit storm. Hey Mav yeah we have a problem"
Maverick is fast asleep seeing that's its 2:30 am when his phone wakes him up, he turns over and sees its Jake calling he doesn't think twice before picking it up "Hangman what's going on Y/N ok?" He listens as Jake tells everything. He rubs his temples and starts to get throw the covers off. "Ok Hangman ill be there in 10." After he's dressed and has explained everything to Penny he's on his bike driving to the club thinking about who he's gonna kill first his daughter for mouthing off to cops or or his Godson for giving you so many shots and encouraging you . Back at the club you and Phoenix are both still laughing your asses off. Jake was able to talk the officers out of taking you both to jail explaining who your dad was and his status in the Navy. Jake stands near by trying to get the two of you to stop laughing and Rooster stands there laughing everytime one of you make a comment. Jake is ready to kill him. 10 minutes later Maverick comes walking around the corner seeing his daughter and one of his best pilots in handcuffs on the ground laughing Jake trying to shut you up, his God son egging you both on his other daggers looking nervous and two officers ready to take you both to jail. "DADDY you decided to come after all I'm so happy lets do more shots" "yeah baby I came but you are not having another drop of alcohol now hush so I can sort this all out" "boo your no fun" you say blowing a raspberry at your dad and pouting while Nat laughs. "Hello officers Captain Pete Mitchell" he extends his hand to the officers. The officers and Maverick walk to the side to talk. As Maverick is trying to get the two of you out of trouble Jakes looks over to where you are sitting and cant help but smile. Even in your drunk state laughing on the ground in handcuffs with your best friend you are still the most beautiful woman he's ever seen and he doesn't know how he get so lucky. A few minutes later your dad and the officers come back. "Ladys thanks to Captain Mitchell here we are letting you both go" Jakes breathes a sigh of relief. The officers help you and Phoenix up to uncuff you both. "We want you both to go home and sleep this night off and if we see this again you are both going to jail do you understand ladys?" You both shake your heads and let out a soft giggle. "Thank you officers I promise we are all going home right now" Jake says. As the shorter officer is undoing your hand cuff you look at Jake "Baby you never answered me can we take the cuffs home and have fun ill even leave the heels on like you said while you were feeling me up before we left for dinner you know practice for our honeymoon" you say as you send Jake a wink. Jake turns red and turns to the officer and apologizes "I really didn't need that mental imagine of my daughter" Maverick says closing his eyes and once again rubbing his temples. Rooster at this point is doubled over laughing trying to catch his breathe when out of nowhere he feels Maverick smacks him upside his head "Rooster thats enough your already in trouble with me dont push it". That makes Rooster's laughs die down. Once your free from the cuffs you stumble into Jakes arms and gives him a drunk smile. "ok Daggers all of you head home now and I better not get a phone call about any of the rest of you" Maverick looks over to the other guys who are trying their hardest not to laugh as they watch you and Nat stumble. "Oh and the 3 of you" he points to Payback Fanboy and Coyote "for giving these two more shots even after seeing the cops coming expect extra push ups. See you boys at 0600 Monday morning" Mav says as he turns around to help Jake and Rooster get you and Phoenix to safely to the car also asking Bob to help.
After a very wobbly walk to the truck with your dad on one side and your fiancé on the other you finally made it. As Jake opens the door for you to help you get in you turn to see Phoenix hanging on to your brother and Bob in a laughing fit "good night maid of honor love you" you yell. You didnt get to hear what she said before your dad and Jake were putting you in the truck. After getting Phoenix in his bronco and buckled in Rooster leaves her with Bob to come over and say goodnight. He walks up while Jake is getting your seatbelt on. He stands by his Godfather and shakes his head watching you. Jake closes the door and walks over the the other two men. "Thanks Mav I dont know what i would have done if you didnt get things worked out" Jakes says "It's not a problem Hangman now get my daughter home and in bed" "Yes sir" Jake says walking to the drivers side and gets in cranks up the truck and rolls down your window to say good night to your dad and brother. Your dad and Rooster walk up to the window "good night little sis had fun together lets do it again sometime" he smiles seeing your drunken smile "not gonna happen" your father and fiancé say at the same time. "Good night sweetheart ill call you tomorrow to check on you I love you be safe" "Goodnight daddy I love you too and don't worry me and Jake are always safe I'm on the pill and he's not rough unless I ask" you say with a drunken smile Jakes face goes red and Rooster busts out laughing earning another smack from Maverick. "Not what I meant sweetheart but good to know" he says as he gives Jake a look. "Well good night Mav" Jake yells as he speeds off. Maverick looks over to his Godson with a look of death "you not only get extra push ups Monday but you have extra PT for the next month for helping her get this drunk and arrested. Now take Phoenix home and get alot of rest ill see you 0400 Monday morning have a great night Lieutenant Bradshaw" "But you told the other guys 0600 why do I have to be there 2 hours before" "Because Bradley Y/N is not their little sister" Maverick says slapping Rooster on the back before walking back to his bike. All of a sudden the night didn't seem funny anymore to Rooster
On your way home you start to fall asleep to the sound of the music Jake had put on. "I love you Jake so so much" Jake looks over at you and smiles as he sees your eyes start to close "I love you too babygirl" he says and rubs your thigh then looks back to the road. Tonight was not what he planned but in the end everything turned out alright. Once thing is for sure with you has his wife there will never be a dull moment. He knows you can be a handful but he wouldn't change you or your craziness for the world and he couldn't wait to spend his life with you.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
Flumpy part one ( jake seresin x reader )
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SUMMARY: The dagger squad all were wondering who the mysterious figure was in one of the rooms in the base only to discover to bradley's explaining it was pete maverick mitchell's  kid  with out seeing them fully before leaving jake makes a comment he will in future regret .  y/n doesn't let the man off light with the comment either . 
warning : enemies to lovers kinda , straight up self indulgent writing so soz slight comedic feel although that just my opinion ( sorry) 
They gather in a curious bundle , looking in a the figure Head down on table large hood covering everything from head up as they tried to figure who it was that was well they hope was a sleep since the said figure hasn't moved .
" you sure they're alive they literally haven't moved in what ten minutes or more" one whispered.
" they allowed to be in here i mean what if its a civilian" another gulped.
" i mean they could be a bum" the tall blonde mused.
" hey what you standing around for" roosters head tilted looking at his squad members.
" there's a possible dead bum or civilian in there or dead civilian bum" fanboy looked into the room eye widening at such a possibility. Only bradley knew , his lips twitched in amusement at his friends assumption .
" nah that just mavs kid , must of fell asleep waiting" he explained as they looked more.
" jesus who would of thought mavs offspring would be flumpy there" jake grimaced .
" flumpy what are you twelve" phoenix rolled her eyes only for the figure to scoff.
" cyclone is looking for you bagman" rooster cleared his throat remembering why he was there in first place .
"Course he is needs a real man's help huh , see yall , bye flumpy" he called loudly as the figure head started to rise .
A quick nod to Pete as he passed yet their eyes all focused as the figure yawned and stretched out . Pulling the hood down to reveal the figure was a woman , a beautiful woman at that.
" hey kiddo sorry I got held up you ready" Mav smiled as she stood stretching aching muscle .
" ready as i'll ever be plus don't worry about it i got some z's"she smiled only seeing a group of new faces well not exactly new but in person new. " oh shit did you guys need the room , bradshaw you told me it was free" she glared at the man a comical sight giving their size difference.
" pretty girl you should of just went back to my place if you were tired... not like that you filthy people she like a sister to me" .
" i wouldn't be so tired if i had slept on way here but no someone a singing driver , i wanted to kick you in your great balls of fire" she grumbled.
" stop being so mean i gave you my hoody when you were cold little shit" he shot back .
" do i need to put you kids in time out" mav asked.
" you going hard deck tonight" bradley rolled his eyes.
" nah i need to unpack and sleep more" .
" she coming beach tomorrow since she's our new mechanic get to know you all" mav spoke up ignoring the glare she sent his way.
" beach tomorrow apparently also hi i'm Y/N" She turned holding her hand out to the group as the boys started pushing each other to be the one shake her hand only in their antic phoenix got in there .
" natasha trace but you can call me nat or phoenix" she smiled proudly getting their first.
"Well nice to meet you i already know who you all are from the glowing reviews i got from the two old men there" she chuckled shaking their hands.
" so where were stationed before here?" fanboy bashful spoke up goofy grin as she looked at him.
" oh i'm not in any form of military i got clearance and a civilian contract life of a navy nepo baby" . " come on we show her around the hangar" mav called all following behind .
She didn't need to see the hangar not when she been in it a billion times before during her childhood . following in the footstep of her mom charlie blackwood being a civilian contractor was a little surreal maybe because rooster was also there it was like they were the new generation . both legendary parents but she couldn't take the extra steps trying to be in her dad's shadow,that would of never worked although it seemed anything that could fly was a great love must of been genetics in this case.
" well as i live and breathe y/n it good to have you on board" she turned to see admiral beau simpson sauntering over towards her .
" admiral nice to see you again" she nodded politely not little how the man was looking at her .
" pleasure is all mine sweetheart if i'd known you'd be here i would of gave you the private tour" he almost purred as her own face scrunched up.
" i got her plus i need her check out phoenix jet for the test runs on monday so she's a little busy at the moment admiral" pete mitchell stood in front of her easily also not liking the way the older man was looking at his daughter.
" phoenix could you show me the way please oh admiral tell that darling wife of yours i say hi" she walked of linking arms with the female aviator .
" would that be all sir" rooster asked . " yes erm i forgot i got a meeting , rooster i got hangman in the end" he said making a slightly quicker exit.
" so what's the problem or did my dad make it up" she asked looking at the jet itching to get working .
" sort of shaky on the landing and steering is a bit stiff it can wait til monday really i think your dad just used.. And she gone" she watched the new woman in the hanger climbing up to assess everything out.
" i shouldn't of said anything" mav laughed knowing what his daughter was like.
" roo here" she called pulling the hoodie off only to hear metal clanging . " oh this place never changes" she shook her head seeing the men looking at her in awe.
It seemed as though everyone in the base had a reason to be in the hanger that morning , some excuses were almost believable others not so much when a recruit handed rooster a stapler insisting they needed it for any reason .
" nice to have a fellow female in her really was being a meat fest and don't even getting started on the pissing contest some of these guys can have"nat called .
" definitely hasn't change" y/n shook her head . " i mean between rooster and hangmans ego's then moment their on the ground best friends it's whiplash at best" .
" hangman? Blonde guy wonder if he's the one that called me flumpy" she mused with a giggle .
" you heard that huh?" .
" loud and clear what an asshole" she checking thing over before moving on to next part.
" i'm sure he'll take it back when he see's you" nat whispered almost reveling to see hangman's reaction to it all .
" hey need help" the guys called.
" nope it's all good i'm actually finished but thank you" she climbed down covered in grease and oil but she didn't mind .
" please come the hard deck so i can get you drink fixing my baby" nat smiled hopefully.
" no can do i need a shower , nap and unpack but i will see you all at beach tomorrow right" she asked all nodding away eagerly.
" you ever play dogfight football" bob asked slightly surprised at his own bravery to talk to the pretty lady .
" oh i'm not even attempting to play that i got a book with my name on it while you guys get all sweaty also stealing nat so i'm not on my own" she smirked .
" i'm fine with that" nat high fived her whilst sticking her tongue out at the others .
"come on you we get you home" maverick lead her out.
" no one tell hangman" was all nat said once they were gone all silently agreeing wanting to see hangman's reaction to the real flumpy .
The moment he stepped on base all he heard was his fellow officers gossiping like little girls usually he would of rolled his eyes and scoffed at the immaturity but jake seresin was always a sucker for pretty face and now he was full fledged curious .
" i think she'll be at hard deck i hope she is" he heard passing by yale . smiling like cat got the cream knowing it was no contest to who was going to get the girl .
" well look who finally showed his face , mav just left that long ago needing to drop his kid home" nat said almost too sweetly although his mind was elsewhere.
" great flumpy's gone anyways you guys heard or seen the smoke show , how true to the scale is she hot" he asked .
" lava like burn through anything hot" Javy spilled out as rooster tried not to react .
" well i guess i'll know later when i'm buying her a drink tonight i'll let you know how hot she is tomorrow though" he winked heading into the locker rooms.
" who's gonna break it to him" payback asked.
" no one dare say a word think of it as my christmas present" nat rubbed her hands together all heading to get changed and ready to have a few drinks after long day .
It was safe to say jake was annoyed the next morning , the mysterious hotty never showed at the bar so he couldn't brag like he wanted which in turn had the gang busting his balls for the forward assumption . it didn't help they were doing it all way to the beach or when he was helping set up the table for the food that was coming but he also had to listen to hear how cool mavericks offspring was maybe he was wrong about the dude or whatever then he start thinking flumpy was why the hot girl was there since they both showed up on same day which irritated him a little more then he cared to think . when he saw the hottest girl he'd ever seen like show stopping hot walk on the beach maybe he could get over the whole thing by getting her. He wasn't going to just go over no he pretend to throw rooster the ball only for it to land right near the woman . " don't worry i'll get it" he winked and strolled over so cocky and confident . sunglasses hid how his eyes raked over her the sundress that hugged her body like a damn glove , like it was made for her and her only . how her hair flowed messily down her back or how it fell to the front as she picked up the ball . " sorry ma'am my friend there can't seem to catch a ball" he stood a little taller , tensed his muscle a little knowing the ladies loved it. She looked over at rooster eyebrows raised before throwing the ball to him.
" looks like he's not so bad at all" she said walking with her towel under her arms ready to set it up .
" or maybe he wanted to impress you" jake followed .
" or you got a shit throw" she said placing her things down placing the towel on the warm sand before pulling the sundress over her head to reveal the red bikini that sat under it .
" hey kid you wanna help penny carry down the food before you get all comfortable" mav called
. " sure thing old man" she walked off leaving jake coming to a horrible realisation.
" was that?" he asked his fellow squad members.
" flumpy" the all called back" with shit eating grins .
"oh and hangman she heard you say it" nat cackled as his face completely dropped .
With the bragging right now and truly down the toilet giving as she wouldn't even look so much as his direction although . hell it seemed baby on board was in with more of a shot then he was. He was also now a fan of don't judge the book without fully seen cover that was his first mistake. Damn the cover was just his style that was for sure.
" just give up hangman , she not into you , you've ruined your chance" payback smirked as they began loading their plates .
" oh don't you worry boys i will have her eating out palm of hand and sweating for more" he laughed only they we're not laughing .
" man shh" javy whispered eyes darting behind the texan.
" what you know it i will have her riding me like a bull at a rodeo by the nights end" only instead of continuing a clearing of a throat .
" excuse me" she pushed past loading her own plate.
" darling how much of that did you hear" he winced .
" enough you tell you that i'd rather starve then eat from palm of your hand and walk to china the ride in your rodeo cowboy" she scoffed walking off sitting down on her towel picking up her book and completely ignoring the fact that jake seresin existed . which only to his torture while he was playing pool she was chatting away to some of the guys at the bar. He watched as the fawned and flirted with her , dropping their best lines while she let them think she was lapping it up , oh she was good he would give her that.
" your not gonna give up are you" coyote asked .
" not by long shot" jake smirked potting his winning ball . 
Part two
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adorethedistance · 5 months
I Don’t Just Like You - Trevor Zegras x Hughes!Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, tension/fighting, jealousy, Dixie lmao
Words: 2161
Summary: Tension builds with Trevor over his new partnership until the two of you confess your feelings.
A/n: Y'all I am so not doing well rn. I am processing a break up and questioning my social circle and im so lonely that I needed to write some angst to cope with it all. Hope yall like this one and maybe it'll get a smut part two depending on whether or not I can handle writing that rn lol. Enjoy!
Moose: call me ASAP
Me: sorry Luke. can’t rn
Moose: Awesome 😎
My hands quake with anxiety as I fiddle with the tarnished silver ring adorning my pointer finger. The moisture of my skin eases the movement of turning the ring around my finger. I hiss when the gemstone catches on the skin of my middle finger and immediately drop my hands. 
Currently, I’m staring down at the risky text I just sent Trevor. About an hour ago he had messaged me:
Trev: hey sorry can’t swing tn after all 
Trev: rain check?
My jaw tightens with contempt and I huff out a sigh as my bottom lip trembles. I feel pathetic for just how impacted I am by his every word. I angrily hit the digital keys of my phone’s keyboard as I type my reply.
Me: really? 
Me: again??
Trev: don’t be like that
I’m not the most confrontational person. On any given day some might say I’m the furthest thing from confrontational. To put it rather plainly, I just don’t like it. I hate the way I get anxiety butterflies in my stomach. I hate absorbing the emotions of the other person, especially when rejection is involved. I hate what projections I’m opening myself up to receiving from the other person. There are too many pitfalls and not enough landing pads. Which is why it’s so out of character for me to press him on this.
Me: like what Trev?
This is the third time in a row Trevor has cancelled plans on me. I don’t know if he’s aware of that. I don’t even know what he’s been up to lately. He’s refused to tell me what he’s been doing instead, which didn’t raise my suspicions by any means until mom sent me an article. She knows about how my crush on Trevor has had roots in our childhoods. 
Trev: you know what I’m talking about
After I stopped playing hockey with my brothers, I was still always around to notice Trevor’s presence in our home. When I moved to California for college, I wanted to chase my music dreams but I didn’t realize it would come at the expense of my support system. Being long distance with my family put me in a hard spot, but having a familiar face to rely on made the adjustment easier. As we spent more time together independent of my brothers, Trevor and I became close friends. The problem was my crush has been growing ever since we became friends, hence why mom sent me an article called, “Did Dixie D’Amelio admit to dating Trevor Zegras?”.
Me: at least say it with your chest
Sent. Delivered. I wait. Trevor’s response bubble appears for a second. It disappears, then reappears, then disappears again. I’m about ready to toss my phone across the room when his message delivers.
Trev: call me
I groan out in frustration and this time actually end up chucking my phone onto my bed. I run my hands through my hair, along the warm expanse of my scalp. A self-soothing gesture by all means. I pace to one side of my room before using the momentum of my steps to start back towards my phone. Just as I have it in my hand, Trevor’s contact picture covers the screen and illuminates in my grasp. I scoff out a sort of half groan and then answer.
“What, Trevor?”
“Hey, Y/n I’m great. Thanks for asking! How are you?” He responds sardonically to my cold greeting. I bite my tongue, torn between tearing into him and the stronger desire to laugh through my rage. He takes my exhale as a cue to continue. “What’s going on, Hughesy?”
In a single moment, my anger dissolves. The tenderness of that nickname, which was once reserved solely for my brothers, now belongs to me. In this moment, I find myself thinking about how grateful I am that Trevor was there for me as I transitioned into college. But the looming threat of a smile quickly vanishes as I remember how that care is nullified by Trevor’s abundantly active dating life.
“Y/nnnn?” Trevor hums into the phone.
“What?” I respond dryly.
“What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong is you cancelling on me for the third time in a row.”
“Is it really the third time in a row?” He asks under his breath, indicating he may not have intended to say it out loud at all. I roll my eyes, still actively fighting the urge to just lay into him.
“Yes, Trevor, it is!” I can practically hear him wince through the phone at the fact that I’m calling him Trevor instead of the default nickname permanently programmed into my phone. 
“Who’s that?” I hear softly over the phone. My heart flutters like a coal mine parakeet in a cage and I bite my lip, willing myself not to cry if it turns out Dixie is on the other side. Trevor whispers back,
“It’s Y/n.”
“Hey, Y/n!” Mason’s on the other end. 
“Not a good time,” Trevor tells him. Mason curses and then apologizes before retreating from Trevor’s general area. “Sorry, you were saying?” Trevor tells me at regular volume.
“You were cancelling on me again.”
“Oh. Right. I…” he switches the phone to the other ear, “I…don’t know what you want me to say.” Hello?! Could he be any more oblivious?!
“I want you to tell me what is going on!” I whine into the phone, “What is it you’re so busy with doing that you can’t see me for a week, huh? I get that you’re a professional athlete and you have a busy schedule. But I know your schedule and I know you still have a decent amount of free time. So what have you been doing?” Trevor breathes, in, then out and says,
“I’ve been seeing someone lately…” I feel my heart shatter into the tiniest fractals of what it once was and I cover my mouth to choke back the growing lump in my throat.
“I can’t do this right now,” I say with the utmost hurt lacing my voice, pulling the phone away from my ear to abruptly hang up on Trevor. I toss my phone on my bed once more, ignoring how the screen lights up with Trevor’s contact picture. It’s a new breed of psychological torture to sit here and ignore the calls, so I leave my phone in my bedroom as I go to splash cold water on my face. 
When I reenter my bedroom, I ignore the buzzing device to put on a comfortable pair of pajamas. He’s called once, twice, a fourth, and a fifth before finally giving up. Despite my phone being silent, I don’t trust it enough to take it with me and leave it to charge on my bed. I settle on the couch to open my new pint of Ben and Jerry’s, putting on my favorite show in the hopes of laughing through the pain. 
Somewhere between first and second episode, I had dozed off after returning the ice cream to the freezer. I’m not sure what it is about crying that knocks me on my ass like that, all I know is that it works. 
I’m abruptly pulled from my sleep when I hear the harsh banging on my front door. I jump up from the couch, the spike in adrenaline carrying me out of my sleepy haze. When I get to the front door, some of the tiredness catches up with me again and I groggily open the front door. Behind it stands Trevor, with sad puppy eyes and a sheepish expression. I can’t help the scowl that comes to rest on my face when I see him, but he doesn’t falter. Instead, he pushes past me to come into the apartment and sits on the couch expectantly. Since there’s no way to physically remove him from my space, I bargain, sitting down on the opposite end of the couch, as far from Trevor as I can manage. He doesn’t let the cold gesture phase him, and scooches obliviously into the center of the couch.
“What’s going on Hughsey?” I scoff at the nickname and Trevor cringes in frustration. “What is this?”
“I don’t know what you’re referring to.”
“Why are you icing me out all of a sudden?”
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I ask, spiteful, with malice. 
“Clearly not since I’m here spending time with you.”
“Was that so hard for you to do? I mean, with your busy schedule and all?”
“What are you-” Trevor pauses for a split second. “Wait, are you… jealous? Y/n?”
I want to protest. I want to scream and rant and bite back, how he could be so conceited to think I’d be jealous of a relationship that I previously thought was rumored? But I can’t. 
Because he’s right.
I bite my tongue. There’s nothing else I can do. Not unless I want to make an even bigger fool of myself than I already have.
“Oh my god, that’s totally it. You’re jealous.” Trevor says, complete with a laugh and a sigh. The shame of actually being jealous of a girl I’ve never met, the disappointment of finding out Trevor is dating someone, and the exhaustion from already having cried earlier comes collapsing down on me at once. Hot tears well on the lining of my lashes and I stare at the ground, afraid to draw attention to myself. Upon seeing me cry, Trevor’s smile immediately vanishes and he scoots closer once more.
“Hey, shhh, it’s okay.” He envelops me in a hug that I’m too overwhelmed to reciprocate. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.” 
I merely shake my head, unaware of what I could even say in this moment.
“I was… I was just laughing ‘cause I should’ve known.”
“Should’ve known what?”
“That you’d be jealous.” I wriggle out of the hug and look at Trevor sincerely.
“How would you have known?”
“You know, for as long as I can remember, your brothers have talked about you having a crush on me.” I cower in humiliation, my face glowing hotter than the surface of the sun.
“I wish they wouldn’t have.”
“No?” Trevor asks, genuinely.
“It’s embarrassing,” I confess, fully recoiling from the physical contact he had initiated before. 
“It’s cute.” Trevor earnestly admits as he takes my hand in his. I scoff instinctively but don’t pull my hand away again.
“I don’t need your pity, Trev.” I say so softly he nearly misses the sentiment. Once he processes my worlds, I feel him physically relax next to me at the sound of his familiar nickname.
“Well, what do you need? I’m here now.”
“I honestly don’t know.” I finally dare to meet his eyes. He’s looking at me so sweetly, earnestly. As if I hadn’t just chewed him out two minutes earlier. Then, I look away before I can say what I’m about to say next. “I don’t just like you.” Trevor’s face lifts ever so slightly. The extent of which, one might miss had they not known him a lifetime the way I have.
 “You know… the only reason I started seeing her was to get over you.”
“What?” I ask, sharply whipping my head to stare at Trevor, as if awaiting the reveal that this was just some elaborate prank from the start.
“Yeah. I started dating Dixie because I thought dating someone different would distract me. You know, it’s not a good look to have a crush on your best friend’s little sister.”
My heartrate picks up with his confession. This feels too good to be true. As if real life is waiting for us right outside the front door. The real life that doesn’t see me and Trevor together ever in our lifetimes. Terrified of the change that would occur from letting him walk away, I reach up and hold his face in my hands, kissing him passionately. Trevor wraps his hand around my wrist and kisses me back with twice as much fervor. 
We break apart, out of breath and full of smiles. Trevor looks at me for guidance and we fizzle into a nervous laughter. I reach up and brush my thumb tenderly across his cheekbone. He grabs my hand and turns his head, placing a sweet kiss on my palm. I then reach up and break the moment by ruffling my hand through his hair to mess it up.
“Hey!” He yells, grabbing waist to dig his hands into my sides. I screech with laughter as I try to escape. Trevor eventually yields and slips his hands from my sides to interlace with one another and pull me closer. I scoot in to sit against him, sitting half on top of him as our breathing falls in sync.
“I don’t just like you, too, Hughesy.” I smile.
“...You should probably call Dixie.”
“Oh shit.”
A/N: not my best work but not my worst either!
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heavyhitterheaux · 11 months
New Life Partner
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
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Liked by dualipa, saweetie, jaysontatum, quiiso, urbanwyatt, y/ninsta, and 2,394,723 others
jackharlow: my man, ty to my man
y/ninsta: thank you to your WHAT?! aight that's it. everybody getting they ass beat and jayson is first druski2funny: oh so, you're cheating on me again? dualipa: y/ninsta you know where to find me saweetie: oh lord here they go again jaysontatum: now y/ninsta..... I had nothing to do with him writing that caption y/ninsta: jaysontatum lies you muthafuckin tell smh jackharlow: y/ninsta now you know how it feels when you leave me to go out with the hot chips and bad decisions crew blancahood: now why am I in it? jessicakelce: we are literally just sitting here minding our own business and then mullet boy over here wants to call us out jackandy/naremyparents: NOT MULLET BOY blancahood: y/ninsta did not let this man live for 24 hours when she saw his hair, the jokes kept coming and then jumped his bones when she was finished jackharlow: y/ninsta and you wonder why I left you and druski2funny I thought we were taking time away from each other? seeing other people? lilnasx: I'm just here waiting with my popcorn to see y/ninsta kick your ass
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Liked by jackharlow, blancahood, saweetie, generationnow, brandisimmons, urbanwyatt, and 3,183,996
y/ninsta: full of hot chips and bad decisions 😜
jackharlow: can't take yall asses anywhere smh and wait a damn minute, is that brandisimmons?!? blancahood: I still don't remember half that night smh jessicakelce: blancahood now I see that the both of us have switched places, that's usually me lol brandisimmons: jackharlow maybe, maybe not urbanwyatt: now why wasn't I invited? I like hot chips softtcurse: urbanwyatt and you like bad decisions smh y/ninsta: urbanwyatt idk urby, we got to take a vote and meet with the president which is me. we'll get back to you shortly about our decision jessicakelce: I vote yes because he can tolerate hot food while jackharlow absolutely cannot jackharlow: jessicakelce will you leave me alone for five damn minutes?!?! jessicakelce: jackharlow no. jackharlow: y/ninsta do you remember what happened the last time you wore a short ass skirt out the house? y/ninsta: jackharlow I'm single now so it doesn't matter jackharlow: y/ninsta don't fucking play with me smh y/ninsta: call jayson
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Liked by y/ninsta, jaysontatum, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, 2forwoyne, and 3,184,816 others
jackharlow: my baby girl is so gorgeous 😍
y/ninsta: jackharlow don't fucking post me, you cheater. jaysontatum is your baby girl now. a bitch do look gorgeous tho 🥰 jackandy/nupdates: all I need is one night. ONE. jackharlow: jackandy/nupdates you might get to have it if wifey don't stop playing urbandjack25: jackharlow is lucky he got to her first because if I did, he wouldn't have even been thought of y/ninsta: urbandjack25 not too much on my man now! even though we're married but separated, I still claim him druski2funny: well I don't claim him dualipa: drop his ass claybornharlow: little baby is here y/ninsta: clayyyyyyy, the one Harlow that I can count on to never disappoint me jackharlow: Y/N!!!! and dualipa claybornharlow don't start with me today and druski2funny you'll always claim me. I'm the ex that keeps you up at night urbanwyatt: my best friend is prettier than yours 😍 jaysontatum: I mean urbanwyatt she's pretty, but she obviously doesn't compare to me since jackharlow is ready to leave her y/ninsta: jaysontatum your ass got one more muthafuckin time to act out and then I'm bringing you down to my height jaysontatum: y/ninsta how tall are you because you barely come up to jack's knee saweetie: OUTTA POCKET 2forwoyne: not his knee lmaoooooo jackharlow: jaysontatum she's 5 feet on a good day claybornharlow: jackharlow your mouth is always getting you in trouble smh jackharlow: claybornharlow and it always gets me out of trouble too 😏 jessicakelce: I don't see how it took this long for her to get pregnant smh y/ninsta: jaysontatum I'll be on your doorstep at 8 am tomorrow jaysontatum: y/ninsta have fun trying to reach the doorbell urbanwyatt: jaysontatum well, she is little 😭 y/ninsta: urbanwyatt just for that, I made an executive decision, you can't be a part of hot chips and bad decisions. THAT'S FINAL urbanwyatt: y/ninsta wait! I want a redo!
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, maggieharlow, brandisimmons, theestallion, shloob_, and 1,297,192 others
y/ninsta: since jackharlow is out being a whore, this is who I'm left at home with smh
claybornharlow: my girl autumn 😍 jackharlow: y/ninsta what is she even doing?!? and not you calling me a whore smh y/ninsta: jackharlow idk, she your baby since she look like you so come figure it out smh theestallion: this baby absolutely knows no chill y/ninsta: theestallion she is on 1000 every damn day as soon as she wakes up. she has now learned how to get out of her crib and I wasn't ready for that jackharlow: I definitely woke up to her face smushed up against mine and was confused on how she got in there smh y/ninsta: jackharlow she can now escape out of Harlow baby jail so we have to hire security. claybornharlow you got the job, congratulations. claybornharlow: she is literally always on her best behavior when she's around me maggieharlow: grandma's baby! y/ninsta: maggieharlow well come get her! you wanted these grandkids so bad and now they're here! I need a drink AND a blunt smh saweetie: y/ninsta damn they got you down bad lol maggieharlow: y/ninsta tell her father to come get her jackharlow: and suddenly something came up that needs my immediate attention y/ninsta: JACKMAN THOMAS
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Liked by claybornharlow, jackharlow, urbanwyatt, saweetie, sza, normani, generationnow, and 3,240,286 others
y/ninsta: my big baby and my little baby
since jackharlow wants to act like a husband and show me some attention today, I agreed. he just didn't tell me that I would be at the studio with him and a million other people smh
at least I have my little baby who is not so little anymore to keep me company
like a bitch cried when he turned 21
claybornharlow stop fucking growing up on me 😭
jackharlow: yeah, that was something. but you don't pay me any attention smh y/ninsta: jackharlow I cried when he got his license too lmao and you are a got damn lie smh saweetie: y/ninsta you literally cry at everything lmao y/ninsta: look to be fair, I met little baby when he was eleven and now he's a grown man and me no like that. in my eyes he will always be my little baby so look at this as an appreciation post so if one of these little fast ass girls break his heart, there will be hell to pay. mark my words. claybornharlow: y/ninsta we would have been amazing together jackharlow: claybornharlow AHT AHT! get back to work and stop trying to steal my wife for the millionth time claybornharlow: jackharlow your kids love me, your wife loves me, I'm the favorite child, the list goes on and on jackharlow: claybornharlow I will kick you in the throat y/ninsta: yall better get yall shit together before I tell maggie maggieharlow: too late y/ninsta: welp I tried, get your kids. I'm about to send the oldest back to you. maggieharlow: y/ninsta keep him jackharlow: maggieharlow WOW smh
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faerievampling · 6 months
Killing Time
Chapter 7: Eternity's Promise
Summary: Astarion is alone.
Word Count: 4.9k
Pairing: Soft Ascended Astarion x Female Spawn Tav/Reader
Warning: 18+. Blood and Violence. PiV. Cunnilingus. Handjob. Masturbation. Obsessing over his consort’s panties. Obsessive and Possessive behavior. Heavy trigger warning for Panic Attack & Anxiety. Our vampire lord really going through it.
Link to AO3!
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.
A/N: yall this one was hard to write and took way longer than I intended, i hope I did it justice. please enjoy <3 I’m hoping chapter 8 will be out soon, I have 4 days off next week (mini vacation!) so I still intent to post chapter 8 this coming week :)
Pic by: @druidess-vp <3
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Astarion believed he hadn’t forgotten what true suffering felt like: there had been too many times in his past where he was tortured, beaten, starved – no, he had certainly suffered. But the vampire lord had been out of touch with his pain for a long time, enveloped in a loving, fairy-tale-like existence with his darling consort, so perfect and submissive, for the past two thousand years. 
Astarion had everything he could ever want: riches, power, eternal love.
Even when he listened to the news from the realms, on how multiple nations had evolved to civil war, the threat of societal breakdown imminent, he had you, which was enough for him. Everything else could be rebuilt, just like the Ancunín name – but you couldn’t be replaced. 
“Involve the military. Whatever needs to be done, have it done,” Astarion demanded, his frustration growing immensely as he was acutely aware of his wife’s discomfort at the banquet; but he had to ignore it. Astarion had an incredibly powerful mind after his ascent, but that didn’t stop him from feeling mentally spread thin.
“The people are already marching to the capital of Amn. Neverwinter has been taken by a militia,” A man said; Astarion hardly bothered to memorize the faces of his advisors and other figureheads, anymore. It was easier to identify them by scent alone. 
Astarion mindlessly twists his wedding ring, the only one he had chosen to wear. He wanted to protect the Ancunín fortune and the power he’d consolidated, if possible – and most of all,  he really didn’t want to have to handle the managing of accounts during a coup. 
Suddenly, Astarion senses a strange feeling – one that he is familiar with, instantly recognizing it: a vision is coming over you, and he’s already racing towards you, wasting no time excusing himself.
“Astarion, Astarion, Astarion!” Your voice rang out in his head as you called his name over and over. Your fear was imminent, your panic rising by the second.
“I’m coming, my love!” Astarion desperately responds, but your cries only continue, racking through his mind as your fear becomes his own.
“Follow,” Astarion commands Alpohso and Ygritte, who obey immediately. 
Astarion’s eyes widen. There is something bubbling inside him, deep in his chest, threatening to blossom as he digs his nails into his palm. It’s painful, making his heart physically ache. Your thoughts and feelings slip away from him, making that void between the two of you entirely empty: Astarion only hears his own thoughts reverberating in his mind. 
Upon viewing the Vampire Ascendant when the cord is cut with his consort, he merely pauses, his intensity so frightening that his spawn tremble with fear, dropping to their knees, ready to serve their Master in whatever way possible. He is empty, a vassal of space that is filled with a vicious anger so feral and vile that Astarion himself fears it. He doesn’t understand what’s happened: he knows you aren’t dead, because he would just know if you were, but he can’t sense you anymore, can’t probe into your mind, and for the first time in two millennia, Astarion finds himself alone.
You are his: his first spawn, his favorite spawn, his consort, his wife, his best friend, his one and only. “Where the hells are you?”
Astarion doesn’t come back to himself until he hears the high pitched screaming of a woman in his ear. He is back at the crèche, in a grand hall he doesn’t even recognize. Astarion knows he followed your scent here, to the end of the trail.
The blonde servant is holding onto a pile of blood and guts on the floor, the gore slipping through her hands as she clutches her chest. Looking at the blood on his hands, he couldnt be sure what he’d done to the spawn, but Astarion thought the servant was surely being dramatic – Ruth would heal, he was a vampire for god's sakes, and the pain the couple felt was nothing compared to how Astarion himself felt.
Something about seeing the two lovers together makes Astarion even more angry, his fury growing steady with every passing moment of your absence. Your voice plays back in his head, your image, the memory of your tender touch…
Cynthia sobs echo through the chamber of the dining hall, even louder than the crowd of gith that hung around the corridor, as she brings her wrist to Ruth’s mouth: the vampire latches on, sucking greedily at his lover. Astarion thinks it might make him feel better if he killed Ruth’s beloved; it would be an apt punishment for the spawn, but it wouldn’t be great enough. Astarion didn’t think any punishment would. Moving towards the couple, Astarion feels a hand on his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.
The hand is firm, not aggressive but assertive. The hold on him isn’t trying to keep his fist, but get his attention; Astarion turns to see Lae’zel, her makeup smudged and eyes filled with common fury.
Astarion can hear the sound of the Kith’rak attempting to clear the hall, followed by a barrage of questions from the crowd. 
Astarion flinches away from her, her touch only making his skin crawl. He flits through her mind before she can even speak, gathering all the information the gith had about your disappearance. You vanished through a portal of darkness, Ziir’o had grabbed your hand, but the force was too strong, and you slipped away.
Lae’zel begins to speak, but Astarion moves past her, deciding Ziir’o should also be punished. But Astarion stops, recognizing something in the eyes of several of the gith: they, too, longed for you. It only reminded him of your absence, of that blank space in his mind that only increased, like the never ending expansion of the universe.
“You promised me forever, Tav.”
Instead of crushing the young gith’s chest and eating his heart, Astarion materializes into red mist, flitting away from the scene to scan the crèche for any sign of you. After many hours, he finds himself in the enchanted forest, zipping through the trees and murdering anything in sight.
The cavern in his chest only grows more hollow, and Astarion finds himself crying out for you with every stab, every bite, until his throat feels sore. He ran himself to the point of exhaustion, and although he would recover quickly, the wild thumping of Astarion’s heart made him feel a bit more steady. Alive, reminding him that he was still here, even if you weren’t, which means that he would just have to get you back.
Once Astarion finds his way back to your room, he numbly lays himself on your side of the bed, his nose rubbing into your pillowcase. He knows he can't waste any time, and he will only stay like this for a moment – but it’s a moment he needs, because he’s feeling your absence wash over him all over again, threatening to sweep him off his feet.
He finds himself in a daze, and there is a feeling in his heart that could only be described as frigid. Astarion brushes his fingers through his silver curls, closing his eyes as he accepts how wrong he was to think he ever understood suffering.
Astarion rests for only a moment before his mind is itching at him again, his thoughts on loop as his heart churns in his stomach. He felt desperate for your scent, desperate for any sign of you: he found his way to your laundry, finding the clothes you had worn to training that the servant hadn’t gotten around to washing yet. 
They smelled distinctly of your sweat, your blood, and he needed your odor close to him – gods did his chest ache. Astarion would swear on his life his heart wasn’t physically beating right in his chest: he imagined it bruised and broken, fragmented, all its pieces being held by you, leaving behind a shell of a man. 
Astarion lays your clothing on the bed, finding himself clutching your silk panties in his hand. They were white, perfect for one so demure and delicate as his beautiful spawn wife –
Bringing the crotch of your underclothes to his nose, he closes his eyes as he takes in your most intimate scent: but it only makes him feel a deep ache inside, his hardening cock only making matters worse. “I need you, Tav.”
He decides to lose himself in the moment, to escape the looming pain: freeing his member, the warmth of his hand and the fabric of your soft panties has him coming undone quicker than anticipated. His strokes are rough, fast, and he’s imagining your hot, wet mouth wrapped around the base of his cock, his tip reaching the back of your throat. Your eyes would always tear up, but you were such a champion for him –
Astarion lets out a strangled cry as he shoots thick spurts of come, careful not to soil your underclothes, his tears falling before he can stop them. 
Astarion doesn’t understand how this has happened: doesn’t understand how he will begin to fathom that you are gone. He knows he must act soon, but his entire body is aching for you, his hands shaking. His orgasm only made him feel your absence more, and Astarion is cursing himself. 
Suddenly, Astarion remembers the necklace, the warding bond, and he’s grabbing at his throat, only to find the twinkle of the gem had died. Astarion can’t help but imagine you dead, or chained up somewhere, being used – the thought makes him sick.
Moth had you. It was the only person in the world who would take you from him. Astarion had left you alone, and now you were gone, and it was entirely the worst feeling he could recall, other than when Cazador’s blade carved the symphony of the contract into his back. 
Astarion really couldn’t waste anymore time, he decided. He needed to know the specifics of how you were taken and where: he knew about several of Moth’s palaces, and who knows how many more the dragonborn might have, but he may be able to narrow it down if he could get close enough to search for your scent. 
Once Astarion’s recovered, he stuffs your panties into his pocket before gathering your things; he’s interrupted by a brief knock on the door before it swings open. Lae’zel enters, followed by the spawn and your warriors, all ten of them. Astarion hissed at the intrusion, not wanting any of them to muck up the smell of you that still lingered in the room.
Lae’zel immediately notices Astarion’s bloodshot eyes. She remembers something an old hero said, something about vampire lords not being able to love, only craving one thing. The state of her pale friend makes Lae’zel question if what the old hero said was anything more than plain ignorance. 
Their conversation happens in a snapshot, Astarion’s tone lifeless but nonetheless frightening: “This is your fault.”
Lae’zel blinks. “You needn’t be absurd. We are here to help you, Astarion.”
Astarion doesn’t respond for some time; he is thinking about your smile, his deplorable thoughts twisting this precious image to one of your fangs piercing the throat of a dragonborn. Astarion had heard Moth was known for his exotic beauty, and he is seething at the very thought of you caressing scaled skin. 
It was worse if he was taking you by force, if you weren’t enjoying it – that is only the cruelest torture, and Astarion is prepared to tear across realms to prevent this from happening. But if Astarion was being honest with himself, it hurt him more to imagine that you were enjoying your time with this other man. This other vampire…this other lord. ‘He will be her new Master.’ The thought has Astarion crawling in his flesh. He had to have you back, either way. And he was not so proud to deny help, not when it came to you.
“A wizard. We need a good one.” Astarion looked around the room, his hand involuntarily grabbing at the fabric in his pocket, almost as if to check they were still there. He would have to find something else to track you, something of yours that he was willing to part with: your adorable white panties were not one of them.
The gith nod at his request, Lae’zel sending one of the young ones to fetch a shirt of yours.There is something about Astarion’s aura that clears the room, leaving only Lae’zel and the spawn behind, who kneel whenever Astarion is idle. It deeply unsettles Lae’zel, but something about this entire situation felt off to her.
“Is it not strange, to you, that this lord betrays the nature of vampires by taking a spawn he didn’t create?” Lae’zel asks, wiping away a smudge of makeup with a finger. Drenched in sweat and a few tears, It had been a long night for her. Handling Orpheus and the Kith’rak’s reaction to the situation had her reeling: Orpehus was more apt to help, but Elan wanted the vampires gone. Lae’zel and Orpehus had the final say, of course, and she was permitted to continue doing what she was doing: gathering her fighters and spreading her cause in whichever way needed to happen. She couldn’t leave Astarion like this and knew this was the next part of her strange journey.
“It’s not that strange  if you consider the fact that this lord is utterly insane.” Astarion also thought it was rather strange how the Crystalline Spire had no windows, and it made him feel even more closed in. “And I am the only vampire alive who matches him in power. It was only a matter of time before he attempted to take me down.”
“He is a red dragonborn, correct?”
“It is in their nature to hoard. You’re sure his first name is Geldon? Geldon Moth, the red dragonborn?” Lae’zel’s quizzical tone was beginning to irritate Astarion.
Astarion looked to his spawn. “Up. Gather.” Lae’zel watches uneasily as the two spawn begin to collect the rest of your things. “What do you mean to say?”
“He can’t be much older than you, Astarion. Dragonborn had only been in Toril for hardly two hundred years when you and Tav met.”
“Don’t say her name,” Astarion’s voice was a force that barreled through Lae’zel’s mind, causing her to grab the sides of her head in anguish. The corner of Astarion’s mouth twitches, relishing in the way her heart flutters with fear.
“Do you think I'm an idiot, Lae’zel?” Astarion’s heart is filled with fury, with grief, and Lae’zel backs up to brace herself for a fight. His knees are bent, and he’s nearly crouched, like a predator. “He is only a hundred years older than me. He was named and raised by humans after his parents were slaughtered, and he was created by a vampire far greater than I.”
Astarion pauses, his face softer than Lae’zel had seen before. “Lae’zel. Moth has resources beyond what I’ve amassed. He has a harem of spawn who fight for him, and even more thralls. If I could find the bastard, I could probably take him down myself, but he’s well protected. And he has what is most precious to me. I have to be careful…I have to think.”
But Astarion was having a hard time thinking of anything but you. 
Lae’zel steeled herself, clearly shaken by the situation.”And you have a hoard of gith. And the daylight. And me, of course.” She gave him a weak smile, but it was one Astarion oddly appreciated. He doesn’t return it, but stares at her for what feels like an eternity to Lae’zel before the spawn are kneeling before him once more, prepared for their next task. 
“I must do whatever to get her back. At any cost.”
Lae’zel pauses. There is something she doesn’t understand, something she’s missing: the empty look in Astarion’s eyes gives it away. But she retreats, knowing when to choose her battles. 
“We’re returning home for the time being. Ring me once your witch doctor is done with his tricks.” With that, Lae’zel watches as Astarion turns the corner, disheveled silver curls disappearing at the bend.
“Wait!” Lae’zel runs after him. “Let me come with you, Astarion.”
Astarion turns to her, unable to hide the glassy look in his eyes. He flits through her mind with ease.“You think you still love her. And what you feel for her, Lae’zel, is so very little compared to the bond I share with my wife.”
Lae’zel’s cheeks flush. “My feelings matter not, Astarion. Our friend, Tav, is missing –“ Astarion turns around, but Lae’zel continues, sensing that despite his actions, he was still listening. “I wouldn’t ever leave her behind. Gale, Karlach, Shadowheart, Wyll…none of us would ever have let harm come to her. It will be that way all my life, as it was for theirs.”
Astarion hardly reacts, already leagues away. “Do whatever you want. You know how to find me.” 
Astarion isn’t surprised when Lae’zel shows up with five githyanki fighters on her heels; Astarion immediately knows it’s your warriors, the ones whose scents tended to linger on you longer than the others. He meets them in the portal room of your palace, the one the Ancunín’s called home.
“Our mages have yet to find any trace of her on Toril,” Lae’zel’s words inspire only frustration within Astarion. “Astarion, tell me why you cannot sense her on your own.”
Astarion turns, his back to Lae’zel and the others. Silently commanding his spawn to escort the gith out, Lae’zel and Astarion are left alone in his office. He turns to a large painting of you, noticing it having caught Lae’zel’s eye. 
In the picture, you’re looking over your bare shoulder, your long hair cascading down your back. The expression on your face is soft, your plush lips parted in a way that made you look girlish. Your red eyes seemed to follow Lae’zel, who decided she much preferred your old eye color. 
“I’ve had many of her done over the years. That one is my favorite.” This wasn’t true, but Lae’zel didn’t need to know about the collection of lewd paintings Astarion had of you hanging in the boudoir. 
“When was this painting of her done? It’s lovely.” She asks, her tone as steady as her arm.
“Around eight centuries ago.”
“It’s difficult to fathom that much time has passed,” Lae’zel takes a breath in. “You know, I still remember how she reacted on the docks when the tadpole died.”
Astarion flinches at the thought. When the tadpole died, your vampirism became fully actualized; your hunger had become immediately apparent, uncomfortable. Your senses had drastically sharpened, the smell of blood and guts and the sound of beating hearts hitting you all at once. Your eyes widened, filling with tears as your hunger pains wrecked you. Astarion had felt it, your pain, because your vampiric connection had solidified in that moment: it was beautiful, terrifying, and it was then Astarion knew he would always be a slave to you.
Astarion had to take you away from the others, feeding you from his own wrist while doing his best to restrain you until you got your fill. If you were full, your hunger was easy to control – and a vampire’s hunger is everlasting, even if the vampire has special abilities. 
“She didn’t suffer for long that day. I’ve taken care of her from the moment I made her mine,” Astarion narrows his eyes at her, raising his voice as he feels his anger rising. “Why do you bring up the past? What relevance does this have to finding her?”
“You must know where I stand with you, Astarion. I still cannot bring myself to forgive you for turning her into a vampire. For stealing her life, which you so happily did.”
Astarion grimaces before flashing his fangs at her. He hadn’t really the energy to spare. He sighs before he speaks. “I can easily read your mind, Lae’zel. All your pointless words amount to nothing, to me, because I really don’t give a shit. The only thing I care about is getting my wife back. Hats off to you for saying it to my face, I suppose.”
“She was different after that.”
“Still on about that, are we? We both made sacrifices so that we could spend eternity together. That was my promise to her, and I intend to keep it. Let's not waste anymore time.”
After a long day of traversing portals across Toril, handling a divide of a once united world, and dealing with the attitude on Lae’zel, Astarion wanted nothing more than to be alone at the end of the day. He had worked through most of the night before Bethild suggested the lord should rest. He had reluctantly agreed.
“Bring me a glass of red, would you?” Astarion didn’t bother to clean his desk: he would be back in just a few hours. 
Bethild hesitated for only a moment. “Of course, my Lord.” The request was an odd one coming from Astarion, but Bethild was good and never questioned him.
Astarion was met with your favorite red wine by the time he arrived at the boudoir. He thought it far too strong and bitter to be drunk before bed, but it did taste like you: right at the fall of night, before you washed away the doings of the day. He swished the wine in his mouth, savoring its sour flavor before he swallowed. 
Astarion can’t help but dwell on what Lae’zel said: how you were different after your turning. This was undeniably true, Astarion himself having experienced it: you were overall less emotional, but more prone to violence, and you enjoyed combat far more than you ever did. But these things had only made Astarion love you more, and your feelings for him only grew, as well. Astarion would know, because he was always watching his darling.
Astarion hadn’t bothered changing since you vanished, and he realized he was still in the extravagant, elegant clothing he had been in at that stupid meeting about the mortal wars. Studying his ensemble, Astarion feels tight all of a sudden, like he buttoned his clothing too tight, or his chest was being crushed, or like he was underwater – drowning. His breathing quickened until the tips of his fingers went numb, and he was surely dying.
But Astarion reasonably knew that he couldn’t actually die like this: but something inside told him he simply wasn’t safe. Astarion grabs at his collar, yanking the buttons free as he easily tears through the fabric, and he doesn’t stop until he’s on his knees, shredded cloth at his feet. Sitting back on his heels, he brings his ring to his lips before losing all composure. His tears are hot and salty, streaming down his cheeks as his arms move to wrap around his waist. When his fingers brush the scar tissue on his back, he flinches away, not even feeling safe in his own body. 
Bringing his hand back to his mouth, Astarion bites his wedding ring, bringing his tongue to the metal, savoring the metallic flavor as he takes a deep breath. He stays like this for some time before gathering himself up. He was a mess, and as he walked to the bathroom to wash up, he caught a glimpse of himself in a vanity mirror.
He wasn’t surprised at his puffy eyes and disheveled hair. Astarion typically gazed into any mirror he could: he adored his reflection, and yours, which had been a triumph of his as a vampire. He was able to give you something that was so cruelly taken from him, and you never had to forget your gorgeous face. 
Astarion gazed heavily into his own eyes, which were the same shade of deep crimson as yours. ‘How rare. How sweet.’ 
Every thought of you burned him, like a double edged sword: to try not thinking of you hurt just as much. Astarion narrows his eyes at himself – even after two millennia of being able to see his reflection, he never got tired of it, but there was something in his expression that was just off. If he looks close enough, if he focuses only on his eyes, he can see you in him…
“I love you, Tav.” But it doesn’t fill the growing void in his chest. The words weren’t a magic spell, even if they felt like it when spoken from your lips. Astarion returns to the bed he once shared with you, your clothes littering the mattress as your beloved vampire desperately tore through your belongings, grabbing anything and everything that smelled like you. 
He should have told you that more. How much he adored you – how much he loved you. How his heart beat only for you, and everything he had in this world was nothing without you. How he felt that even with his ascension, even with everything he’s given you, he still hadn’t given enough.
Astarion stays in reverie while he can – at least until the sun comes up. For now, Astarion simply wants to live in memories of you: your smile, your laugh, your smooth, flawless skin, the pitch of your voice…
Astarion’s tongue was between your lips, your kisses languid and sloppy as the two of you lay naked in bed, silken sheets resting at your hips. Astarion has you on your back; he is perched on his elbow, curls falling out of place as he’s forgotten the world around him.
His tongue sucked and stroked your own, a trail of saliva connecting your lips when he pulled away to look at you. “My treasure…”
Astarion twitches. This had been right before Lae’zel showed up and ruined it all. Astarion goes back further, to a more lewd memory:
Your cunt was sucking his cock in, taking him so relentlessly that he felt like you wouldn’t ever let him go. His hands roamed your body, his fingers stopping to tug at your nipple, the hardening bud sensitive enough to make your back arch just from his touch.
He softly ruts into you, causing a whimper to escape your lips. “Tell me again, my favorite spawn.” Before you could respond, Astarion grasped your jaw with his hand, meeting your eyes to his. “Obey me.”
“I love you, Master Astarion.”
“Tav…” the elf moans, his mind already involuntarily flickering to another memory.
Astarion is perched at a window. He swiftly breaks the lock, entering the house silently, crouching as he approaches a sleeping man. 
The man was tall, muscular, his curly red hair and copper skin immediately having an effect on you. Astarion thought the man rather attractive himself, and permitted you to ask him to bed. He had been invited back to the Ancunín estate many times.
Astarion thinks about the way you cried out the man’s name the last time the three of you were together as he slid the dagger into his throat. The way you run your fingers through the hair on the man’s chest and groin flashes before Astarion’s eyes when the man tries to ask why.
“I won’t share in her heart.”
Astarion opens his eyes, cursing at the wretched memory. He didn't understand why he was dwelling on such things, but the pit in his stomach spoke tenfold: he had never told you the truth about the man’s death, even when you cried after hearing the news of it. He hid the information away from you, one of the few secrets he kept, and it only made his stomach churn to think about it. Astarion shakes these thoughts away as he eases out of the bed and makes his way to the balcony. He breathes in the cool night air, the stars shining bright in the sky as he looks off into the abyss of the city below. 
In the coming days, Astarion would be in agony: he wouldn’t rest, his mind flitting to you every second as his thoughts became single minded, obsessive, like he was on a loop that is purely you. Astarion has music playing in the halls continuously, because he began hearing an echo of your voice throughout the palace, and he really thought himself going mad. 
He would create many more spawn, sending them out into the night to scout for your scent. Astarion himself would do so for days, even returning to the crèche to ensure he hadn’t missed any information, but all roads lead to nowhere.
On the mantle of the fireplace in the grand boudoir, a painting hangs: you lie on your back, your breasts exposed, the expression in your eyes is hungry, wanting, and your lips are parted just enough to see the tip of your fangs. Your arms are overhead, as if you are lounging in a stretch. Your thighs are together, and when Astarion looks at the painting, he imagines spreading them, taking your folds in his mouth and pleasuring you until you’ve come undone around his tongue. Astarion has thousands of memories of you like this, desperate and whimpering for him, and something about knowing he’s fucked you, his eternal bride, far more times than his body count brings comfort to him.
But no amount of memories could replace you. Tears were unbecoming of a vampire lord, and yet they began to feel like second nature to Astarion. 
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6.
Next Chapter
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hereticdrws · 7 months
it's a little specific, but was thinking about loser!mizu going with reader to a karaoke as official girlfriends (yay!) and discovering that reader was a massive theater kid in high school or something, seems in character to me lol
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a/n: I loved this sm I rlly hope u like it 😭 I'm a sucker for loser mizu I need to write headcannons for her 😭
For texting akemi is pink you are purple
Word count:997
Warnings: swearing, alcohol mentioned, I think that's it? Lmk if I missed one
Mizu x reader enjoy ☺️
The lights beamed across the floor of the karaoke bar, a small disco ball decorating the ceiling of the room, drenching the room in small flickering lights, the floor and the small platform was covered in confetti, probably from a previous party.
I looked around for my girlfriend who thankfully was right behind me, following me like a lost puppy.
"You good hon?" I yelled over the beating music of the speakers and whoever was singing
"Yeah I'm fine" She smiled, still a nervous blush adorned her cheeks and tip of her nose at the closeness of the crowd
We had been invited to a karaoke bar by taigen, akemi, and mizus best friend ringo after we had officially become girlfriends after months of dating and even more pining and flirting (though the flirting was more you while mizu did the blushing ;])
I grabbed her hand as we made our way to the bar, sending akemi a quick text that we had arrived and were grabbing drinks
Hey!! We're here js grabbing drinks what room r yall
We're in room 4 ☺️
Great well be there soon!
"Mizu! Their in room 4!" I yelled over to my girlfriend as she grabbed our drinks, I leaned over grabbing mine from her hand
"Great, are you ready?" She inquired
"Yeah! Cmon let's go!" I said radiating excitement.
We made our way through the crowd mizu grabbed my hand squeezing it, obviously uncomfortable with the overwhelming amount of people, I gently pulled her arm towards me, her front pressed against my back.
"You good baby?" I whisper yelled into her ear to ensure she could hear me
"Yeah, crowds just a little much" She sputtered, flashing me a small smile "let's just get to the room, I think it's upstairs
"Ok" I nodded at her, changing directions and heading towards the stairs, not letting go of her hand
Once we finally made it to the room I knocked to let akemi know we were there
"Y/n! Hey omg it's been to long" She squealed as she hugged me
"Its been 2 days" I laughed
"I know! Way to long" She said back with a giggle at the end as she moved over to hug mizu
"Oh mizu! Youre gonna love this! Don't worry" akemi said since mizu had always been the shyest of the group so obviously karaoke would send mizu into a spiral, I mean cmon, singing infront of people? Are you crazy? But she had been convinced somehow
As mizu and I followed akemi into the room, taigen was already belting his heart out to an katy perry song, clearly already very tipsy
"HI mizu" ringo smiled brightly at his bsf
"Hey" She smiled back, moving to sit next to him, dragging you lightly behind her by your intertwined hands
"Mizu! Cmon sing with me!!" Taigen yelled drunkenly at her
"No I'm good" She chuckled nervously, obviously very uncomfortable with the idea of singing katy perry I front of her brand new girlfriend
However that attitude changed the second te alcohol hit her system
2 hours later, 5 drinks in, and at least 17 songs later, mizu had been convinced to start singing, as I was laughing at taigens idiocy with akemi and ringo, mizu and taigen were searching for more songs to do
"The Heather's? Tf is that" taigen slurred, the alcohol had already hit his system awhile ago
"They have heathers?!?!" I practically jumped from my seat, rushing over to where my girl friend and taigen were sitting, pushing taigen away
"Oh my God no way I fucking love them!!" I said towards mizu
"You watched the heathers?" Mizu said, kind of thunderstruck
"Yes!! I used to be the biggest theater kid" I said vibrating with excitement as I looked ta the songs
Mizu just sat there with the biggest doe eyes looking up at me"What?" I laughed as I looked at her adorable shocked expression
"I didn't know you liked them" She mumbled looking away shyly her blush turning a bright red making her palms sweat
"Cmon! Sing with me!" I said as I turned on dead girl walking
We spent the rest of the time belting out lyrics and arguing about the best song/musical, and ofc my favorite was ride the cyclone while mizus was phantom of the opera
Once everyone was all tired out mizu and I headed toward my car
"So.." mizu started, something obviously on her mind
"So..." I said with a giggle bumping her
She let out a small laugh, her blush from earlier returning once more
"I didn't take you as a theater kid" She stumbled out
"No?" I laughed
"No definitely not" She laughed back
"Well aren't I just full of suprises" her blush deepening as I winked at her, throwing my arm around her neck, forcing her down a bit since she was very tall, leaving a few pecks on her cheek, finding it oh so amusing as to watch her blush become deeper and deeper turning her into a tomato
"Alright alright cmon we gotta get home" She stuttered out
"Whatever you say Rudolph" I winked and laughed at her annoyed expression, opening the passenger door for her
We rode home with the ride the cyclone soundtrack on low as I told her all about the plays I did in middle school and high school
"No way you were in a Beetlejuice play you're fucking with me" She said with a laugh
"I'm not!" I giggled at her punching her lightly
"What part?" She said through her laughter
"Lydia deetz!!" I said still laughing along with her
"No way you got a lead part”
“I did!!”
Once we got home and changed into pajamas, I put on beetle juice and we spent the rest of our night cuddled up watching our favs
"Goodnight Rudolph" I mumbled sleepily with a subtle smirk adorning my face
"Goodnight my little theater kid" She said right back
Thank you for reading I hope yall liked this ☺️
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Hi!!!!! I just got into good omens and this hyperfixation is going ABSOLUTELY BONKERS. Ive been reading so many fics from yall thank u ❤️❤️ i was wondering if u could req some lesbian/wlw aziraphale ? :P
Hello! You can check out our #ineffable wives tag for fics already recommended. Here are some more to add...
wanna witness your eyes looking by izzyhandsgf (E)
"How could someone so unbearably holy commit such sins in the most beautiful way?" ----------------------------- Or, Aziraphale and Crowley meet in the 1930s, fem-presenting, and both are slightly overcome by their feelings for one another...
I stretch out the time (and now I know why) by Nix_Nihili (T)
I should pull back, Crowley thought. She should pull back because she was the one with the fork in her mouth that Aziraphale was holding. Aziraphale wouldn’t pull back because that would be rude so Crowley had to pull back. Pull back. Crowley swallowed the cake down and pushed herself away because that was what she did. Push and pull. Six thousand years of pushing and pulling. God, did it ever end? - Crowley finds Aziraphale on a fateful night for the first time since 1941. They haven't seen each other since but something has changed in the past two decades. or Something definitely happened between 1941 and 1967 to warrant the "You go too fast for me, Crowley" comment.
“I thought that I was getting better.” | Setbacks by die_traumerei (T)
Aziraphale is already having a rough time of it, when her new neighbour Crowley's cats trip her up and the inevitable happens. She and Crowley becomes friends, though, and more than friends -- and a good thing too, as Aziraphale faces one setback after another.
Herefordshire Pomona by Eigon (T)
I was reading Bleating Hearts by HKBlack (which is excellent, btw) and also thinking about the advice to "write what you know", so I started daydreaming about how the goat farmer meets literature professor scenario would transfer to Herefordshire. Aziraphale was easy - a bookseller in Hay-on-Wye, the Town of Books. I've put her shop where Green Ink Books is now, which used to be a multi-level shop, with a flat above. Crowley - well, that became obvious pretty quickly, too - instead of goats, apples. Herefordshire has a lot of old orchards, and I used to know a lady from the Marcher Apple Network, which identifies old apple varieties, and works to preserve them. And I wanted it to be Ineffable Wives, because I had so much fun writing the Old West story Secret Friendship (which is a boring name, but I couldn't think up a better one).
strange workings of fate by skyflyerr (E)
Aziraphale sat down gently and let her feet that didn’t quite touch the floor dangle from the stool. “Would you spare enough time for one glass with me?” Aziraphale watched her turn and look a little taken aback at the notion of her being here. Maybe this was a bad idea. “With you, darling? I can make the time. I’m a woman of my word, if anything.” *** Crowley is a bartender and Aziraphale is still figuring out the bookshop. Both are utterly lonely and winter is coming quick. Maybe they could keep each other warm.
Dance Me to the End of Love by Black_Bentley (E)
In general, Crowley would very much like to see the ones who hurt her grovelling at her feet, experiencing her pain and fear. But Lucifer’s plan is... well, it far surpasses what she considers ‘getting a revenge’ falling wildly into wreaking complete havoc and destroying innocent lives as collateral damage. Most importantly, that puts her dearest friend in danger. And she is to bring the proverbial cuckoo into the Celestial nest. OR: Aziraphale is a ballet dancer for the British Celestial Ballet Company, which grooms its perfect 'angels' from childhood Crowley used to dance for them too, but after they literally kicked her out, she took on pole-dancing for the Nine Circles of Hell Nightclub Its owner, who used to be the Celestial Ballet's star, is ready to take his revenge on the company's Director (referred to by its 'angels' as Mother) and chooses Crowley to enact it by forcing her to deal a brand new drug among the ballet dancers.
- Mod D
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megs-98 · 2 months
Mesmeric Revelation
The Mystery of Gale Dekarios
“We’ll stop wasting your time then, Mr. Dekarios.” Mara said in a rough manner as she turned her body to let Fox and Astarion leave the room first, her fierce gaze still locked on Gale.
A/N: This is chapter 1 of a slow burn, enemies to lovers, modern au between Gale and my tav Mara! I've had so much fun writing it and appreciate the love on the snippets I've shared about it. Also! A huge, huge thank you to all my followers as I've hit 100 followers now ^_^ I appreciate each and every one of yall
Characters: Gale, Mara, Astarion x Fox (@justporo 's tav), Shadowheart, a little bit of Gortash and Orin, and a mention of Thorm I'm hoping to add all the companions eventually
Summary: It's the start of a new school year at Chiontar High and there's been talk amongst the teachers about how the esteemed Professor Dekarios from Blackstaff Academy has joined the schools faculty. After a chance encounter between Gale and Mara, leaving her less than impressed with the professor, will the two be able to start a friendship and maybe something more?
Tags: Really none for this first chapter, just a little bit of pining and Gale being a jackass
Word count: 2.8k
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It was a week before the fall semester was set to start at Chionthar High School. Mara and the other teachers sat in the cafeteria as they listened to Principal Gortash and Vice Principal Orin as they attempted to talk over each other about what to expect throughout the week; have all materials printed out, classrooms ready, and a good attitude to greet students with. Fox, Astarion, and Mara were sat in the back, in the middle of their own hushed conversation.
“God, I don’t understand why Thorm keeps them around. It’s not like they get anything useful done.” Fox quipped as she checked her phone in one hand and rubbed Astarion’s back with the other. 
Mara didn’t take her eyes off the athletics schedule as she said “At least we don’t have Thorm actually here. I’d rather have these two than him. We wouldn’t be able to get away with anything with Thorm here.” 
Mara heard Astarion as he let out a sigh as he tightened his grip around Fox’s waist. “This is true, darling. If he were here then our ‘meetings’ would have to be especially clandestine.” He said as he nipped at Fox’s shoulder. Mara rolled her eyes and smiled as her two dearest friends cavorted with each other. 
The trio resumed their conversation as they slowly grabbed their things as the meeting came to a close. Just as everyone was about to stand to leave as Principal Gortash had already left the cafeteria, Vice Principal Orin cleared her throat.
“One more important piece of information, that Mr. Gortash forgot,” she said with a sneer, “we will be having a new AP literature teacher this year. Gale Dekarios, from Black Staff Academy.” She waved her hand as she left, as if she were shooing away the teachers. There were immediate murmurs between the teachers as they left for their classrooms, Mara could hear whispers about a professor now being at their school and how disconcerting it was that he wasn’t present nor had been seen at all during summer prep. 
The trio made their way to their respective classrooms slowly, knowing that they had already completed everything at Mara’s behest. As they came upon the front doors to the school, Mara collided with a man she’d never seen before. She caught the man by his arm as she kept the two of them standing. 
“Fuckin’ hell, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you! Are you okay?” She asked in a frantic tone as Fox helped steady her. Mara noticed that he was shorter than her, but not by much, with ever so slightly graying dark brown medium length hair, a single dangling earring in his left ear, and the prettiest brown eyes. She glanced at Astarion after thanking Fox, he raised his eyebrows and gave her a cheeky smile as he glanced between Mara and the mysterious man. Before she could give Astarion a smack, the man answered. 
“Quite alright. It appears I, also, was not being as observational as I should have been. Gale Dekarios,” he said with an outstretched hand and slightly irritated tone, “pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Mara shook his hand and introduced herself, and the other two. After their pleasantries, Gale awkwardly asked if any of them would be able to help him bring some boxes to his classroom. Mara agreed that they would all help him. 
“Excuse me. Why do I have to haul his stuff around? I’ve already finished my classroom setup, maybe he should have done his summer prep and he wouldn’t be so atrociously behind.” Astarion said with a groan as he looked right at the new teacher. Mara and Fox rolled their eyes and said, “Ignore him”, at the same time, which caused the two women to chuckle as they followed Gale to his car. 
“Seems you three are quite chummy, I take it you all have been teaching together for a while?” Gale asked the group as they made their way back inside. 
“Bit longer than that. We all met during our freshman year of college, were in the same classes for the teaching program, and we did our student teaching here together.” Fox answered with a smile as she looked at her two favorite people. Astarion couldn’t help but smile back at her as he spoke. 
“Yes, yes. We’ve all been such great friends for so long now. But the real question, Gale, is how did such a prestigious professor from Blackstaff Academy end up here?” Astarion asked as he cocked his head at the ex-professor. Gale narrowed his eyes at white haired man, silent as he contemplated his answer.  
“Ease up, Astarion. Let’s not scare him off on his first day here.” Mara said to break the silence. She turned her head to Gale, “It doesn’t matter, anyway, we’re always happy to welcome newcomers.” Gale gave a small nod to her as a thank you. 
Gale cleared his throat as he asked them what subjects they taught. The three each shared that Fox is the Entrepreneurship 101 teacher, Astarion taught Government, and Mara has been the underclassman and middle school PE teacher and was hopeful that she’d still be teaching an elective class. Gale simply nodded and gave a hum of acknowledgement as he followed the friends through the school.  
The group continued in a comfortable silence before they came to Gale’s classroom. There was a note littered with neat and tight cursive as well as crude, barely legible writing taped to the slightly ajar door. 
Mr. Dekarios, please visit my our secretary to receive your keys and to get a badge.  
– Principal Gortash & Vice Principal Orin
Gale rolled his eyes and pushed the door open with his shoulder after he read the note. He looked around the classroom as he furrowed his brow. “This isn’t quite what I was expecting, if I’m being honest. It all seems a bit… small. But then again, this is a small school.” He said as he set his boxes down on his desk. He sounded increasingly more frustrated than when they had first met only minutes ago. 
“It is a little small, yes, but there’s plenty of bookshelves for you. Every literature teacher we’ve had has loved this room.” Mara said as she looked for an empty spot to place the boxes. 
Gale let out a loud sigh that caused the three to stop where they were. 
“I understand you might not understand the difference, but I am teaching advanced. placement. literature, standard literature, as well as a philosophy elective.” He said with a sharp tone in his voice. He locked his gaze with Mara as he finished his sentence. She opened her mouth to say something to remedy the situation but Gale held his hand up. “I do not wish to be rude, but I don’t see how you could understand how my situation here is simultaneously underwhelming and overwhelming. I apologize that I do not have the time to explain the difference between the two to a middle school gym teacher at the moment.” 
Fox’s eyes went wide as she listened to this stranger talk down to Mara. She took a step forward as she roughly placed the boxes down on the desk next to her. Astarion quickly took a step in front of her to keep her from lunging across the room at Gale. Mara kept her gaze on Gale as she took in everything he had just said to her, her eyebrows raised at the audacity. She startled everyone slightly as she stretched out her arms and dropped the boxes on the ground in front of her with a hard thud.  
“We’ll stop wasting your time then, Mr. Dekarios.” Mara said in a rough manner as she turned her body to let Fox and Astarion leave the room first, her fierce gaze still locked on Gale. Fox grabbed Mara’s arm on the way out. She didn’t hesitate as she followed the others after she made sure to slam the door behind her. Mara widened her stride as she stormed down the hallway, her fists clenched at her sides; earning a few worried glances from the teachers that had stepped into the hallway to see what had happened.
Astarion and Fox did their best to keep up with Mara as they tried not to jog after her. They soon realized that Mara had made a beeline for Fox’s classroom as they entered the hallway; Mara opened the door to the classroom for the couple as she huffed her way in behind them, obscenities muttered under her breath. Astarion perched himself on the desk, his legs crossed while he watched Mara pace around the classroom silently and as Fox worriedly watched her beside him. 
“So,” Astarion said, as he made sure to draw out the vowel, “what do we think of our new friend?” A dry chuckle escaped him as he finished his question. His lover was quick to smack him with a glare. Mara didn’t stop pacing as she gave Astarion the middle finger.  
“That pompous, shit eating, jackass is not our friend.” Her pacing finally came to end as she stood in front of her two friends. “He’s just another pretentious savant with an inflated ego. There’s no point in wasting anymore energy on him.” Mara said as she ran a hand through her hair. 
“Oh, boo. I was hoping you two would fight him, like you did in our college days when egotistical men wouldn’t leave the two of you alone.” Astarion said with a smile. Mara tried to keep a straight face but it quickly devolved into laughs as she and her friends reminisced on their years together.
The rest of the week passed with relative ease for Mara. She made a point to avoid the hallway Gale’s classroom was on to prevent seeing him and spent her time between the gymnasium, getting the equipment prepped for the incoming students, and Fox’s classroom as she prepared herself for another year of teaching Introduction to Ethics. She was not able to escape the new teacher all together, though. Wherever she went that weren’t her usual places, she heard talk of the man and rumors that floated around; and even worse yet, she had always listened, wanting to find out more about the mysterious teacher. As much as she hated it, her thoughts traveled back to him quite often. Mara couldn’t help but think that he was quite attractive and from what she had learned from searching his name, he was, in fact, a very accomplished literature scholar and seemed deserving of the awards that he had won throughout his career. She had a hard time convincing herself that the man she met earlier in the week was who Gale actually was and that they had just got off on the wrong foot. Mara, however, was too stubborn to be the first to admit this and had told herself he needed to be the one to apologize before she attempted to make amends. 
“I hear that he was fired because so many of his students had to cheat to pass his classes. Why that doesn’t hardly sound fair though, does it? If it’s true.. the students simply leveled the playing field if he was really that bad.” Astarion said as he organized his desk for the first day of school that was just a day away. Mara sat on the floor as she stretched and Fox kept herself busy as she rearranged Astarion’s desk the moment he finished. 
“It wouldn’t surprise me if he was a dickhead teacher. He had no problem talking to Mara the way that he did, I’m sure he’d have no problem talking down to students.” Fox said as she left a wake of chaos behind her on the desk. 
Mara opened her mouth to say something before she was interrupted by someone stood in the doorway. 
“The two of you are hardly correct. The real reason is much more salacious.” The voice came from the Psychology teacher, Jen Hallowleaf; or as she preferred to be called, Shadowheart. “He left Black Staff because he was ‘involved’ with his department head, the critically acclaimed Mystra. She was going to turn him into the ethics board after he kept asking for tenure, he couldn’t risk losing his license, so he quit and accepted a position here. Took quite a hit to his reputation from what I’ve heard.” She said as she checked over her nails. 
Mara sat up from the stretch she was in, “Shadow, how would you possibly know that?” she asked with a quizzical look. Shadowheart laughed as she told the group that she had her sources. “Really? You have sources all the way in Waterdeep? That give you accurate information?” Mara continued to push, she knew that Shadowheart had a propensity to gossip and mislead. 
Shadow scowled at Mara as she answered, “Of course I do, I can know just about anything about anyone anywhere after a few glasses of good wine.” Astarion looked impressed at her answer and Fox continued to watch her as her gaze flickered to Mara occasionally. 
Mara was off the floor now as she leaned against the wall next to the psych teacher, arms crossed over her chest. “I see, and what else do these ‘reliable sources’ say about Mr. Dekarios?” Her voice was laced in sarcasm but her features betrayed her; her eyes stilled on the woman and a slight blush formed across her cheeks as her body tensed. Fox tapped Astarion with her foot and made a subtle motion for him to look at Mara. A glance was shared between the two as they saw a glint in Mara’s eyes, unsure if it was yearning or repugnance. 
“Well,” Shadow replied, “they say he’s quite close to his mother, has a cat named Tara, I believe it was, and that he has always been quite gifted in literature. Supposedly he was Mystra’s favorite professor at one point but he wouldn’t quit asking for tenure and benefits she thought he didn’t deserve.” Shadowheart seemed quite proud of herself after having relayed such information about the mysterious newcomer in the school. 
Mara shifted on her feet as she mulled over the woman’s words and pretended, not very well, to not care about the information provided to them. Shadowheart announced her departure after she grew bored of the silence between the four of them. Both Astarion and Fox had to say something to get Mara’s attention as to pull her from her thoughts. Mara looked at the two of them and caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall between the two of them.
“Shit, it’s time to leave already. I need to finish organizing the equipment closet in the gym.” Mara grabbed her bag as she gave them a wave, “I’ll call you guys later!” The two returned the sentiment and decided to leave what they saw alone for the moment as they left the school hand in hand. 
Mara made her way through the school as she scolded herself for two different things. The first being that she didn’t finish the work she had started when she started it, which now caused her to leave work late. The second being that she had been genuinely intrigued to hear what Shadowheart had to say about Gale Dekarios. The same man who had talked down to her in such a condescending tone. The same man she had been avoiding all week. The same man that had been plaguing her thoughts when she let her mind wander. She forced her mind to focus as she approached the gym and connected her phone to the bluetooth system so she could blare her music as she finished the last of her work for the day.
As she left the gym and locked it, she heard a voice emanate behind her. It was a warm and sincere voice that she had been wanting to hear; it was Gale’s voice. 
“Hello, Mara. I hope you’ve been well this week?” She saw Gale smiling up at her as she turned around. 
“Oh, hi, Gale.” She kept her voice level and did not return his smile. “I’ve been fine.” 
Gale nodded as he adjusted his bag awkwardly and cleared his throat. “I’m glad, the week of the new semester starting is always stressful so I’m happy to hear you’ve been handling it well.” 
Mara almost broke, in that moment, wanting to ask him if she had done something wrong, but she held her resolve. She didn't answer him, which made him release an anxious laugh to fill the silence. 
“Well, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I hope you do well with your students this year. Now if you excuse me, I must be leaving now, as you probably should be as well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with a small wave, he took his leave as he walked away from Mara.
‘Oh, so he really is an audacious egomaniac.’ She thought to herself as she scoffed. Mara walked to the back doors of the school and pulled out her phone and scrolled through her contact list.
“You’ll never fucking believe what just happened.”, she said into her phone the moment Fox answered her call.
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wineauntharry · 2 years
There’s a lot of “cocky guy Joe spoils his gf” type content to the point that I’d love to read the opposite spin on it, rich and successful badass Y/N spoiling Joe. IDK just a thought. Love your writing!
First thank you for the compliment, let's kiss. I like this i think its cute and i had fun writing it. i hope you like it!!!
would yall jump me if i said i was listening to question by chris brown when i was writing this? be fr its okay if you say yes
Anywaysssss enjoy MUAH!
Spoiled Rotten// j.b.
Joe and I had been together since he came to LSU. We grew into adults together. I stuck by him through the beginning of his professional football career. I can’t deny that Joe helped me make it through law school. We were such a strong team and so lucky to have eachother.
Now that we were more stable and in our “grown up” jobs, We could do whatever we wanted when Joe was in his off season. Words can’t explain how proud I am of Joe, but I can’t say I’m surprised with how far he’s come, he’s alway had it in him.
My love language has always been gift giving, and now that I had the means to do so, I can’t stop spoiling Joe. I bought him those infamous Cartier glasses when him and the team beat Clemson in the national championship. 
When he was drafted, I bought us and a few of our closest friends box seats for a Cincinatti Reds game. He is always so grateful, so it's easy to spoil him.
I can’t say that Joe doesn’t spoil me in the same way. For my law school graduation gift, Joe took me to Italy to visit Rome, Venice, and Naples. Whenever he was on the road for long periods of time, he would never let me feel forgotten. I would wake up to dozens of roses at my door or huge fruit arangements. He was always so good to me.
Joe’s birthday was coming up and I might be more excited than him. I might have overdone it with all of his gifts but I just couldn’t help myself, not to mention the club I rented out for a surprise birthday party.
It was finally the morning of Joe’s birthday. It was still early and Joe was fast asleep, so I slipped out of bed and into the kitchen to start on some breakfast. I had just finished up his turkey bacon and french toast when he came creeping into the kitchen sleepy as ever.
“Happy birthday my sweet boy.” Being sure to keep my voice low since he was still waking up.
“Thank you baby” He replied with a quiet, raspy voice. All while making his way over to me.
He snaked his hands around my waist and pressed a light kiss to my lips.
“Are you excited for today?” I asked.
“I am because I get to spend it with you.” He responded with that same warm smile he always gives me in the mornings.
I smiled back and said “Well eat up babe, there’s a fun day ahead of you. Meet me in the shower when you’re done, yeah?” He perked up after that and just replied with a smirk. Gotta start the day right of course.
We had made our way to all of his favorite stores, Cartier, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and many others. Of course we stopped at Nike. Baby had money but he kept it humble, plus, it was all on my dime anyway.
The entire day Joe had peppered me with kisses and a constant stream of thank you’s. Once we had finished lunch we made our way back home to relax before his party that he knew nothing of later in the night.
Once the time came to get ready, I chose Joe’s favorite dress to wear. It was always fun to have him a little flustered in public, and if anyone could do it to him it was me, but that’s besides the point. Joe had chosen an all black outfit with new Nike dunks we had got earlier in the day. 
“You're the prettiest girl in the world. You know that right Y/N?” He said while smiling and putting on his favorite Cartier watch.
“Thank you baby. No funny business just yet though Joe, don’t fuck up my hair, it’s too early for that.” I let out with a little giggle.
“Oh whatever.” He replied
“Is that a sassy birthday boy I hear?” I responded. He just laughed in response. Before we could continue our cute little banter, I got the notification that our Uber was here.
“ Come on J, the Uber is here.” I told him
I grabbed my purse and made my way out our front door. Joe followed closely behind, making sure to slap my ass before he opened the door for me, always being a gentleman I guess.
We were dropped off at the club entrance and we’re let right in by security.
Joe began to question how easy it was to enter when he was cut off by his friends and family screaming “Surprise!”
The room was flooded with balloons and drinks. Future was playing over the loudspeakers and Joe was ecstatic.
“Baby you did this?” He said in awe of what he just walked into.
As the night went on and Joe had gotten drunker, he kept telling me how grateful he was for everything that happened today.
“Y/N you spoiled the fuck out of me today, thank you so much baby. Heaven sent you straight to me, I’m sure of it” He yelled to me over the loud music.
“Anything for my birthday boy, you deserve the world Joe. I just wanna make sure I give it to you.” I responded. Joe’s cheeks turned a light shade of red and I could tell he was truly happy with the life he was living.
We continued dancing and enjoying our night when Joe said “You gonna take up my offer of ruining your hair when we get home later? Can’t say no to the birthday boy, it’s the rules.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” I said back.
Joe just let out the deep laugh he always does when he’s drunk. After our little “conversation”, if you can call it that, we went back to dancing with all of our friends, knowing what's gonna happen when we got home.
YALLLLLLLL not me getting all hot and bothered at the end whew. I’m supposed to be sleeping but this popped into my head after I read the request and I just ran with it!
You guys are making me so emotional over the love my other writings are getting. I could cry, this is insane. I can’t thank you enough!!!! :’)
Request here!
all the love- kitt
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southerntigress · 13 days
Hello 👋 I was wondering if could write a story about the reader and her best friend try out to be the new nasty habits they both get the part Nikki is hot for both of them
The other band members tell Nikki don't mix business with pleasure
But he doesn't listen to them
One night before a concert on the current tour Nikki snakes both of girls in his dressing room they give him a bj together and he fucks them
Trying not to get caught or heard by the other guys he puts bandanas over their mouth so they don't moan out loud
Maybe add a breeding kink
I'm sorry all that just popped in my head
And I suck writing at fanfiction
Mixing business with pleasure
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Hey sorry it took so long but here u go and also I don't do breeding kinks sorry but I hope u like it anyways
Me and my best friend Lauren had the day off we was lazing around the house waiting to go to an audition to be Motley Crue's nasty habits. We had been dancers all of lives that's actually how we met and became friends she was in my dance class when I was like 5 and she was 6.
Now we are 25 and 26 it's crazy how time flies when u are having fun. She's my roomie, my bestie and most of all my sister I love her to pieces.
I was lost in thoughts when she suddenly bursts through my door
"Get up and get dressed or we are going to be late" she says excitedly
I roll my eyes "we have 4 hours before we have to be there and it's only a 30 min drive from here chill out we got plenty of time" I say with a giggle
She raises her eye brow at me " Carrie Ann do you not know who you are talking to"
I nod "yes I do we have plenty of time"
"Bitch it'll take 3 hours to prepare and get dressed, get up" she said pulling my arm
I laugh and pull my arm away " that's cause u are super high maintenance. It'll take me 1 hour to get ready" I say
She groans " ugh I can't stand your ass" she says throwing a pillow at me
I catch it and laugh "love you too" I say as she walks out of the room
Fast forward 4 hours we finally get there and Lauren is dragging me through the sea of people. We finally arrive at the room the auditions are being held at it's empty which is weird I thought it would be packed
I looked at Lauren " it's kinda weird being the only ones here you think we are at the right place?"
She shrugs
A lady walks up to us "may I help you ladies"
"We are here to audition for motely crue" I say
She looks us up and down "ah yes right this way"
She leads us down another hall way and we enter the room " you girls are the last ones so good luck, go on the guys are waiting" she says and walks out
We go further in and there they are Nikki, Vince, Tommy in all of their glory looking all fine and hot.
Nikki is the first to noticed us and smiles " wow look at you ladies yall are the hottest chicks we've seen all day" he smirks
"Keep it in your pants Sixx" Vince says
Nikki flips him off
Lauren and I just giggle
"Alright ladies we're going to go through one song and this will definitely show us if you got what it takes so show us what you got" Tommy says
We get in position as 10 seconds to love starts to play I start to move my hips very seductively and bite my lip as I walk a little closer to the table and bend over shaking my ass Nikki slaps my ass hard.
Lauren crawls across the floor to me comes up on her knees as I get down on mine
Our hands are roaming each other bodies as we grind on each other and right before the song ends we kiss.
We get back up and stand infront of them waiting on their reaction
"Holy shit" says Vince
"Fuck dude" Tommy says
Nikki is staring intently at us with a devilish smirk "that was fucking hot and hands down the best audition we've seen" he says
"Give us a minute" Vince says and we go into the hall
A few minutes later Nikki and Tommy comes out
"Congrats you both are the new nasty habits" Tommy says hugging us
Nikki walks up to us and hugs us "I can't wait to be on tour with you" he says looking at both of us
The tour has started and it's been going amazing the guys and even the fans have made us feel like part of the family. Nikki has been extra handsy and flirting lately despite the others telling not to mix business with pleasure he invited us to his dressing room tonight before the show.
As soon as we walked in he locked the door and slammed his lips on mine we heavily made out as his pressed his body against mine.
He pulled away and brought Lauren in and pressed her against the door next me as he attacked her lips as well.
He pulled back from her and looked from me to her to me again and said "Fuck I need both of you right now but we got to be quiet so the other don't hear ok"
We nod
he starts to undress us then himself he smirks at our reaction to him naked he may be older but fuck me does he still look hot as hell
He looks at me "like what you see sweetheart" he smirks
"Fuck yeah I do" I say
"Good cause you both are going to give me a blow job and then I'm going to fuck both of these pretty little pussies" he says
I drop to my knees after he said waisting no time in taking him in my mouth I move my head up and down his length he grabs my hair and holds me in place as he starts to thrust his hips forward I continue to suck him off for a few more minutes til he pulls me off of him and tells Lauren it's her turn she takes him in her mouth and deep throats him he groans and reaches his other hand down and starts to finger me I throw my head back and moan.
He suddenly pushes us off of him and pulls out 2 bandanas "time to fuck those pretty pussies but I gotta keep you from moaning loud so we don't get caught" he says as he ties them around both of our mouths
He fucks both of us til we can't move or make any more nosies we cum and so does he. We lay on the couch catching our breaths.
Maybe mixing business with pleasure isn't so bad after all
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princesssmars · 1 year
one last night
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a five hargreeves x reader
its the end of the world. might as well make the most of it.
wc: 2.001
contains: fluff, angst, and swearing bc theyre all gonna die. five being a lovable grumpy shit. in my head five is physically the same age as aidan bc look at that mf and tell me hes 13 PLEASE.
a/n: the new season broke me so im writing this and reading fics to cope. i wrote it confusingly but the hand grab dance scene is based on that scene from the end of bridgerton season 2 bc kates eyes...i need to bring a man down with doe eyes like that fr. anyway hope yall enjoy.
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well. this is it. the end of the world. the last days of your life. not how you imagined you'd go out, to be honest. you put the chances of dying during a commission assignment at about 98%. frankly a little low.
but you’d always been a little optimistic, so the remaining 2% went to your own personal fantasy. that maybe, one day, you'd retire from the commission. maybe use a briefcase to settle down somewhere of your choosing and live out the rest of your days in peace. and maybe, you would live out those days with your best friend. and, maybe, if you really wanted to push it, he'd turn from best friend to something more.
but that dream doesn't matter anymore, does it? you, along with your partner and his family had made the fuck up of a lifetime and created a kugelblitz - the end all of everything. its almost funny. how you'd given up most of your life to "fixing the timeline" just to end up ruining all of them.
so, here you are. in a shittily-lit hotel room getting dressed for a quickly put-together wedding at the end of the world.
god, how your life has changed.
you hear a knock at the door, saying a silent “come in.” to whoever stands behind it.
a soft smile graces your face when you see five enter the room. he stops a few steps from the doorway as he observes you, likely noticing how you'd dressed up more than usual. "you sure clean up nice, hargreeves." you tease, smiling as he does.
"well, you don't look half bad yourself." he takes in more of your outfit, looking you up and down. you feel your face heat up.
"a genuine compliment from the five hargreeves himself? it truly is the end of the world."
"im a man who tells the truth, you know this better than anyone." he keeps walking until he stands next to you, automatically raising his head so you can fix his tie.
"even when people don't want to hear it." you give him a knowing look as you do his tie for him. he knows how, but likes how you do it better. he likes to pretend you don't know.
"especially then."
when you finish fixing the tie, you smooth it over and run your hands over his vest. you look him in the eyes to see him already looking at you with an emotion in his that you can't quite place.
you want to ask him how he feels. about what happened when you went to the commission and saw everything you'd ever known just gone. about never getting longer than a day to just rest. about your impending doom.
about you.
he opens his mouth to speak but you both startle as a sharp knock sounds from the door.
you look over to see a slightly awkwardly standing viktor, who moves his hands to his pockets after gesturing to the hallway.
"hey, uh.. its time for us all to head down, the ceremony is about to start."
both of your lips purse into awkward smiles as he stands in the doorway for a few more seconds before exiting quietly.
its silent for a few more seconds as the two of you stand there. the moment has passed. yet again reminded of your fate.
he looks at you again with a soft yet slightly sad smile. "well, my dear, are you ready to face our imminent doom while getting stupidly drunk with my family?"
you laugh slightly at his dry delivery and grasp his hand in yours.
"ready as i'll ever be."
the ceremony is sickly sweet, perfect for the match-up that is luther and sloane. the way they look at each other during their vows pulls on your heartstrings. but you have to remind yourself that you're happy for them. there's no point in being jealous or sad now.
after the ceremony, you and your merry band of heroes make it to the dance floor, with you and allison heading straight to the drinks table. you watched her as she downed her glass in a few seconds, feeling bad at the state of the woman who you've come to know as a close friend. but if you were in her position you would have gone off the rails long ago. a voice in the back of your head tells you you have.
the reception is lovely, and the bride and groom very much in love despite the weirdness of it all. and the fact that they choose to prioritize and focus on their love rather than the apocalyptic events happening just outside…it gives you a sense of hope.
when reginald gives his speech it's safe to say everyone in the room is stunned. you've barely gotten to know three variations of the hargreeves patriarch but you know that he's far from a pleasant person. during late nights doing paperwork at the commission you and five would share stories about your respective childhoods, with his being as dark as you expected from the stand-offish man. but it felt nice to know that he trusted you so deeply.
after the initial reception, there's some downtime for everyone to indulge in the surprisingly above-average food from the hotel's bar and restaurant. you get yourself a plate before sitting at a table near the back of the room, silently eating and drinking and observing the family around you.
you're interrupted by lila pulling out and sitting in the chair next to yours, sitting sideways to look you dead on.
“would you please stop with the puppy dog eyes and make a move on that little turd? seeing the two of you dance around each other has made me sick for years.”
your voice sputters as you try to come up with an excuse, having not expected the girl to call you out so brazenly. she raises her eyebrows as she knows she got you stuck and you let out a sigh.
“it wouldn't matter if i did. even if he felt the same we’re all going to die in a day's time. and id rather not spend this last day with him awkwardly.”
“so you're going to die wondering? never knowing if he liked you back? and i thought i was dumber when it came to relationships.”
“that's still debatable.”
“hey!” she lightly punches you in the shoulder, laughing at your slight wince. “you know im right. not to get sappy but… it's much better when they know how much you care.
as she speaks her gaze wanders over to diego and you have to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes at the sight of their barely hidden lovesickness.
you were close to brushing off her comments again when her arm quickly juts out to knock into yours, lifting her chin slightly to the left. you turn your head and none other than five stands beside you, his hands stuffed into his jacket pockets before one comes out to lay flat in front of you.
“would you care for a dance, y/n?”
with his abnormally soft smile (and lila’s not-so-subtle jab to your other arm), you accept his offer and gently place your hand in his so he can lead you to the dance floor. you can’t help but notice how there's a slow song playing and the only other couple on the dance floor are the newlyweds.
he turns from leading you to standing right in front of you, the closeness taking you by surprise. he smiles at you, moving your hands to wrap around his arms as his go around your waist and shoulder.
“a waltz? seriously? you always seemed to hate those at the company dances.” you tease.
“probably because gertrude wallhaven would always try to dance with me.”
“she just had a little crush on you. lots of the women did. you were the five hargreeves, after all.”
five smiles at your words, starting the slow dance that you know by heart. “is that a bit of jealousy i hear?”
you scoff and roll your eyes. five always was a tease when he drank. “you’d like it to be, wouldn't you? ever the conceited one.”
he huffs a short laugh, swinging you around quickly so you do the same. “well, that is one reason.”
“and what may be the other one, if you would be so kind as to inform me.” you smile up at him, the alcohol starting to take an effect on you and cause you to become more open than usual.
“that I'm deeply in love with you and its been driving me crazy-ow!”
your mind is completely blank for a few seconds before you realize that not only have you stopped dancing but you that you also just crushed five’s foot with your own.
“oh my god, five, im so sorry,” you quickly trying to apologize and help your struggling partner. he stands up as straight as he can, slightly bent on his right side as he waves your worries off.
“peter donahue always did say you had a killer stomp on the dance floor. now i can see why he kept going to the infirmary.” five gives you a strained smile, taking your hands in his again.
“just another one of my many talents.”
you both restart your dance, this time with no words shared. five occasionally tries to hold eye contact with you, and you make sure to avoid it every time. you don't know what to make of his confession. if it was heartfelt or a spur-of-the-moment confession that was given since you would all be dead within a day. you knew as soon as you looked into his bright eyes you would crumble.
but five knew that like he knew everything about you. he took your hand and grasped your fingers together before bringing your arms above your heads and bringing them down between you, and you cant help but stare into his eyes as he does the same.
“please tell me you meant it. because if you didn't then i don't know what i’d do.” you plead, grasping his hand to your chest.
“do you remember that mission in bali, where we had to terminate that guy who found a cure for cystic fibrosis? we there for maybe two hours and you kept complaining about the heat.”
“it was a steady 80 degrees and we were wearing commission suits, of course i was miserable.”
“im aware. it was when we finally killed the guy and you took some of his cash to get some better clothes and you somehow managed to convince me to come down with you to the beach. we were sitting in the sand and it was annoying as all hell but you seemed so happy that i couldn't even complain. and i just knew.”
your chest tightens. “knew what?”
“that i loved you. that i still do. and that i’m an idiot for waiting so long to tell you. guess our impending doom and the cheap liquor finally gave me the courage to say something.” he finishes, holding you close as you stand in the middle of the dance floor. you know some of his siblings are bound to be staring because of the close display but you can find it in you to care. all that matters is that you finally have the love of your life in your arms, even if just for a short while.
“not to be pushy but i haven't heard an “i love you” back so im getting pretty worried over here.” five jokes, staring at you with love but worry in his eyes
you laugh at five’s joke, bringing your lips to his cheek to give him a short but sweet kiss. “i love you too, partner.”
“good. now, what do you say we get drunk off our asses and have the best night of our lives with my dysfunctional family?
you smile. “i couldn't ask for anything better.”
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Okay I'm finally ready to move on from this.
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I have been blogging about almost every concept Jimin drops but I have been reluctant to share it because it's just missing a vital piece of myself. Usually when I write, I enjoy what I write and every feeling and emotion I express is real and authentic. So imagine me trying to write something fun and positive while feeling like crap within?
I'm grateful for every single one of you. My instinct was to disengage and disconnect but talking to yall and seeing your attempts to cheer me up- cheered me up. Lol. I don't know why I thought avoiding people and dealing with things on my own was the only way to cope. yalls way equally works too. Works better I'd say.
Thanks for not pushing though and having the grace to let me be when I needed to be alone and not punishing me when I returned to talk to yall.
This is new to me. Well not new new, I do that for others it's just people don't do that for me very often so I don't bother to make friends at all. I'll give and not bother to take nothing. I love you guys for this
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I won't feed into the negative. As I said OP isn't the first or last person to pull a stunt like this. I'm aware of others. I don't say anything about those because I can tell from the manner in which they engage with my content they simply just want to amplify my voice and my words.
To such people it's not about me or them, it's about Jimin. Jimin is at the center of their thoughts and actions. Some even say in their posts, I wish Jimin could see this message. And while they fail to credit me for whatever reason, I still feel my work is honored and respected because it is being used the way I intended it to be used.
I don't write these word for no body but Park Jimin. He is the one I adore, he is the one I extol. And if you are going to borrow my words to extol him and honor him then I don't think it matters of you credit me or not. We are all just fans of the same man. We can lend our voices to each other.
Taehyung sees Army's posts and art about Jimin and he saves them and shows them to Jimin. He wants jimin to know people love you, people support you and I think that is truly encouraging for JM himself. There is a while trail of moons on JM's back because Tae chose to amplify someone's fanart.
Jimin does the same thing with Jungkook when people mention him in his lives. He wants Jungkook to know he is being loved on and that I feel motivates and encourages Jungkook.
But for you to take words that are not yours and present them as yours implies you want to be centered and credited for those words. Which invariably means it's not about Jimin or the writer behind those words, it's about you and your need for attention and I find that dishonorable.
It's even more bizarre and disconcerting when you feel you have to go out of your way to deplatform the original creator in order to center yourself.
This is the problem I grapple with in this community. People are constantly trying to deplatform me and claim authorship of my work at the same damn time. And they do this by deliberately concocting lies, stories, misconstruing my thoughts and my words, taking things out of context and massacring my reputation.
It's always, look she said this about Jimin. She hates Jimin. She shades jikook. She is an anti. I hate her guts because she is not an actual fan of the boys. Yall should hate her too. She's creepy. She's the end of days.
So when such people see something they know go against their rhetorics and narratives about me they try to either suppress by discouraging people from engaging with it while they turn around and steal those words as their own to make themselves look good.
And they are not vilifying me because they genuinely believe I'm bad or that I hate these boys. No. They only do it to elevate themselves. Someone has to be bad so they can be good.
It's always, she's bad don't follow her, but look I'm good and nonproblematic and you should follow me not her.
Jealousy is a disease and I won't call anyone jealous.
But also,
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I remember, I used to be friends with some people before Tumblr and they are quite "big jikook" accounts. Well some have left the Fandom but still. We would talk about Jikook nonstop and we'd discuss moments and scenes i loved and I'd always tell them, this happened here that happened there and they would download the video and make edits based on my suggestions and share them.
I knew nothing about video editing- still don't, and frankly I don't care to learn. I love writing more.
But when they learned I was doing Tumblr, they turned on me quick. Suddenly they were the ones trying debunk my theories, and when they couldn't they would create their own versions of the videos I had already made or actively try to suppress my content by disparaging me and making up stories.
Suddenly it was, she's trying to compete, she's trying to take z away from us. It was an unending cycle till eventually I stopped making my own videos- well I still make them I just don't share them🥴
There's a popular jikook account who even told me blog analysis are unneeded and that what they did was better than mine because they were providing "actual evidence" and not just opinions and assumptions etc.
And yes they said it to my face as friendly advice😆
Same advice I heard from people who thought I shouldn't be pointing out Jikooks "ground breaking scenes" because it makes me come off creepy🙂
They would rather I told them so they made the edits on their accounts cos they "love me and hate to see me get hated on" out here ☹
Okay besties, and while you're at it why don't you fuck my girlfriend for me cos rubbing vaginas together is really breaking my back👉🏾👈🏾
The elitism in this community is real and they don't like to hear it but gag me and I'll shout it out of my ass
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Creators in this space can be very competitive and often envious of others and they try to weaponize their platforms to take out anyone they deem a threat to their delusional high ranks in the-- who-gives-a-fuck-Karen- it's-not-that-deep-sit-down
When you hear them talk about "young impressionable minds" that's when you know they've gone and filled their bellies full of themselves.
Anywho, my reaction was not just because some random person stole my whole blog and made it theirs. It was more a trauma response to the constant vitriol, vilification, malicious attempts at deplatforming me, the constant micro and macro aggressions and the vicious gruesome mental attacks I endure out here.
But I'm good. ✌
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forever-fixating · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
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Thanks to @priincebutt for the tag! I got more living in a new normal for yall! I've strongarmed my best friend into my little corner of the RWRB fandom, and she has been incredible in helping me with this story. Like, I'm talking plot developments, 12th Century gossip, high romance and DRAMA, yall aren't ready. My muse is vibing to write Paris because it has evolved into two chapters and it will blow the romance from Love on the Menu out of the water. I feel very confident in that fact. Yall ain't ready for it!!! Until then, enjoy this little bit of fluff.
Their sexual escapades hadn’t moved beyond oral sex and anal play. When Henry asked Alex about moving further, not to pressure him but to gauge his interest, Alex blushed and buried his face in Henry’s chest, mumbling, “You’re gonna laugh.”
“I assure you I will not,” Henry said, tugging on Alex’s curls so that he would lift his face. “Please tell me, my darling baby boy?”
“That’s cheating,” Alex whined, tilting his head to kiss Henry only to be stopped by the hand in his hair.
Henry smirked. “Be a good boy and tell me.”
He let go of Alex’s hair and waited. Alex glanced to the side and traced his finger down Henry’s sternum. Goosebumps broke out over Henry’s skin. After a moment, Alex finally said, “I want to wait until we’re in Paris. Like- I get it, it’s cliche, but-”
“Darling,” Henry said, cupping Alex’s jaw to stop his rambling. Brown eyes widened, and Henry smiled. “Remember who you’re talking to. That is beyond romantic. I don’t give a tinker’s fig if it’s cliche.”
“Tinker’s fig?” Alex giggled, his previous bashfulness evaporated.
“What We Do In The Shadows,” Henry offered as explanation. “Matt Berry is a British national treasure.”
“Oh yeah, June and Nora are obsessed with that show. I’ve been meaning to watch it, but I keep forgetting.”
Henry grabbed his remote from the bedside table. “We’re fixing that right now.”
As he queued up the show on his Hulu account, Alex nuzzled closer and whispered, “Thank you, baby.”
Henry traced his fingers down Alex’s spine. “You’re very welcome, my dahling.”
Alex snorted. “Why did you say it like that?”
“You’ll see.”
A/N: Tagging @onthewaytosomewhere @piratefalls @dragonflylady77 and anyone else who wants to play. This chapter is beyond syrupy sweet. I combined New York and Austin so Paris could be in Alex's POV. I'm telling yall, you aren't ready for Paris. One more petite teaser 'cause I just gotta brag on my bestie for writing this little bit of beauty for LIANN. No context, you'll just have to wait and see.
Roses on Our Grave
(Verse 1)
It’s not every day that you wake up in Paris
Hungover from last night’s love
Eyes stinging in the sun, how heavy the air is
With these sweet roses’ perfume
Mmmmm but then
Every day is magic, cuz baby, the magic is you
Surprise me with breakfast and plans for our day
How could I ever refuse?
A walk through the tombstones, and you
Whisper to me
“The lovers are gone, but love stays”
Then stay
Kiss me in the sunlight
Don’t ever say goodbye
Don’t wait to leave roses at our grave
Hold me close in the night
Soar with me when I fly
I want roses now, not at my grave
A/N- See you soon in Paris!
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thefringespod · 8 months
Happy #AudioDramaSunday wanderers! This was a GREAT week for podcasts and we're gonna start with the public release of @souloperatorpod episode 1. I'm so obsessed with this show already. Tot has done a phenomenal job and I'm ready for this show to break me <3
I finished season 3 of the @thenightpost and my gods the heartbreaking ride this took me on Val and Clem *finally* getting together in the face of the smallest bit of hope but the hope can't last and it makes me cry. Same with Milo and Ashley they were *so close* but it can't last
@tellnotalespod came back this week and episode 1 of the season was *wonderful* and also hurt me so bad. Leo is in their self destructive era and I'm worried for them after only one ep of the season please Leanne just let them be okay they need their friends back
@eelerschoice bloopers were absolutely delightful. Daisy McNamara has apologized for nothing nor should he. She has given us a gift with these bloopers
@woebegonepod continues to astound and also stress me out so much each week its just so fucking good. This week was especially unsettling with things going spooky at every turn gods yall just have to listen to wbg it's so important. Also the song this week? Absolutely gorgeous
New @somewhereohio was a mix of making me laugh and squeezing my heart til it popped. Sterling and Green make me feel so many emotions and all of them end up hurting me. Also im obsessed with Orange and yes I'm biased because it's Cody Heath but I'm RIGHT they're spectacular
The Grotto had their midseason finale this week and it hurt me SO BAD!!! Athan is doing incredible things with this show and it is going to break me. If yall aren't listening to The Grotto you GOTTA the first 4 eps are out now and you'll be blown away I swear
@thesiltverses came back swinging in the most spectacular way. I adore how this show utilizes religion and the different sides of it we see. I'm also incredibly worried about both Val and Paige. Val fascinates and will do terrible things while terrible things will happen to Paige
The @kingmakerpod also came back this week and everyone's favorite wet cat Leonid is back and being just as pathetic as usual. I laughed, I gasped, I wondered if the show would just let Leonid die. The Kingmaker Histories is so wonderful and fun and everyone should listen
Once I finished The Night Post, I started my next long-term listen which is The Storage Papers! I'm 10 episodes in and absolutely adoring it Jeremy Enfinger is an excellent narrator and the story has been incredibly captivating I can't wait to dive further in
Here on the Fringes we released episode 18! This serves as our midseason finale and new episodes will resume on February 7 for the public and February 4 for patrons at patreon.com/PineTreePods
And over on @forgedbondspod I've written the first arc and a half! Im enjoying writing this show so much and can't wait for my brilliant cast to absolutely destroy me with there performances because I already know they're gonna destroy me <3
That's all for this week!! There will be a very special feed drop coming up this week and I've got some bloopers for the first half of the season in the works so look out for those coming soon!
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court-jobi · 1 year
Get to Know Me 💗✨❤️‍🔥
Last Song: 'I'm Jealous' --Shania Twain
Favorite Color: Blue: so much, that I painted a gorgeous smoky blue shade as an accent wall in my living room!
Currently Watching: 'Star Wars Rebels' rewatch, switching between YT videogame mixes as background music~
Last Movie: in theatres? The Little Mermaid~ At home, I did a groupwatch of The Rescuers Down Under for the nostalgia! PS all summer, I've been a huge advocate of it, and my friend had never seen it. Didn't resonate as much with her, but our friendship is still intact.
Currently Reading: Nothing atm-- though I just got through some wonderful fics by @fizzyxcustard! I received a new book in the mail from a tiktok author: Assistant to the Villain --Hannah Nicole Maeher
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: SWEET all the way!
Relationship Status: Single (ugh again), but not sure if I'm ready to mingle. Don't really know where to start after a 5 year marriage... Can't I just clone a loving, faithful, fictional husband, plz?
Current Obsession: Man, I am still in my fangirl era, and as I am a seasonal writer, 'back to school'/ work season launch has me ready to go back to my Hobbit era with its rich colors and cultures. Plus some great songs on my YT playlist are giving me some inspiration.
Last thing I Googled: Texas Roadhouse [city]. Yall don't come for me, I am a sucker for their bread and had to make an online order like the girl dinner goblin I am.
Currently Working on: a few things! Getting my writing plan back on track, about to post 2 fics, cleaning my kitchen, and a couple really funny art projects. One is reworking a canvas print for a friend by adding details that look more like her dog, and the other is a large version of the 'this is fine' dog meme for my boss... Boss's Day is around the corner, and my coworkers are all in agreement that this needs to be his gift this year! lol He's a good humor guy, so he should like it~
Thanks @idungoofed for the tag!! This was fun!
No pressure tagging: @evenstaredits @emmyspov @fizzyxcustard @asgardianhobbit98 @newpath3432
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maygrantgf · 1 year
temptation tuesday
tagged by @honestlydarkprincess 😘
another day another couple hundred ideas...will they ever become wips?? who knows!
buddie move into a "haunted" house crack exactly what it sounds like LMAO they move into a new house and its gonna basically be like
buck: babe our house is haunted that piece of furniture just moved RIGHT in front of us???
eddie: .... no i do not see it,,, im going to bed❤️
buddie first argument buck and eddie have their first fight and a couple and it leaks into the firehouse. chim and hen are nosy and want to know what they're fighting about (and bc they care!! like why are their friends fighting??) so they basically interrogate them separately and help them try to talk to each other like normal ppl
eddie buying anniversary present for buck cashier scares him with gambling story this is so sjfhjdks its really silly and came to me super randomly but eddie goes shopping with hen to buy an anniversary present and they come across this cute lil shop. eddie goes to pay and the cashier is VERY nosy and also VERY talkative. imma just say she tells eddie unprompted about her gambling addict (ex) bf who spent all of her savings and now shes broke but its so WONDERFUL him and his partner have been together 6 months happy anniversary!!!! eddie and hen leave the store like what the fuck? can we agree to never go back there?
buck is accused of murder or some other super serious thing uhh tbh idk if i'll ever write this its super angsty but im a sucker for this trope on tv soooo
buck disappears after almost running someone over OKAY so i pretty much have like more than half of this fic planned out i just. havent written it. u know how it is. y'all ready? okay lets do this under the cut:
this is def inspired by something ive watched before i just dont remember what. anyway. newly weds buck and eddie driving home from work (maybe) buck is driving. they're talking yknow shooting the shit and then all of a sudden this woman comes outta no where and runs in front of the car eddie yells "BUCK" and buck hits the breaks almost running her over but he doesn't. the woman has blood coming out of her eyes and she puts her hands on the hood of the car and tries to say something before she collapses on the ground. buddie get out of the car and try to help her but her heart stops and while eddie does cpr buck calls 911
so it goes the cops come and question them and buck is just sitting there like oh my god did I hit her? is it my fault she died and eddie is like um no !!!! it was obviously something else. anyway they get let go and they go home. there's an investigation n shit but no leads so the case goes cold. a few months later there's another victim and the 118 responds and it's the sameeee thing!! that happened to buddie and ofc they're freaked out
something something other things happen but I'm thinking buck somehow gets involved bc he's nosy and gets kidnapped by the baddie who did that to the other victims
the second part is the aftermath of his disappearance but imma leave it for another time bc this this is so loooong. hmu if yall want more tho !!
tagging @bigfootsmom @lovebuck @herodiaz @usercowboy @dollhousejee
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