#our group its. consistently. just literally him straight fucking up. thats just him. his fucking aspects and symbolism map on
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"Great Death" are you for real. Ive been fucking calling him "Lord Death" since before I even knew he was a real person let alone a spirit this damn life
"In some texts, Mahākāla is described as a fearsome god, a "demon who steals the vital essence (of people)" and who feeds on flesh and blood, though he is also said to only devour those who committed sins against the Three Jewels of Buddhism."
"In China, the god was also associated with fertility and sexuality"
bruh why the fuck do i doubt lev is who he says he is
Like i fucking clicked on the "大黒天" name(s) (chinese and japanese) because i was like "fucking sky character spotted!!!!!!" and now im just like. bruh
#oh my god and in japan theres a tale about him approaching a monastic community to become its guardian are you fucking serious#thats like. a whole story in and of itself about how he used to be wrathful as fuck but then got involved in various places w asceticism#but like idk getting into his personal life here lmfao but#every fuckin time the topic of him in the perception of others comes up hes always so like "i dont hide. why would i. i dont need to#wear masks im big enough that no one fucks with my territory and with me if i show up as myself so like. people know me as me''#and im like ''yeah that makes sense''. but i never. like. fully get it. bc every fucking time i read about various names of his hes given#our group its. consistently. just literally him straight fucking up. thats just him. his fucking aspects and symbolism map on#ugh man and i know Mahakala is an important name to him and everything lmfao GOD#~abyssal murmurs#sometimes i border on being like ''wow no wait actually hold on. youre near and dear family to me but you are h u g e you are fucking#really significant on the chess board of this planet'' but then i remember my job is to hold him like a lil plum in my eye and s e e#a l l o f h i m#the cosmic horror ''you cant truly perceive the old gods youll go mad'' is a skill issue lmfao (a joking way to say i have trained for#thousands of years on how to hold divinity and paradox and unreality and madness in my eyes and i will hold him)
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theyre raising the menue prices and its like....the second time in a year??? everytime they raise the menue prices they raise tipout. we literally can’t afford any more. most restaurants sit at a 2-3%. we’re at 5.22%. like seriously i go to work and i tip out well over $100. and if i dont make enough, i still have to pay. and they try to make me pay for walkouts. which is illegal. like everyone is so fed up right now and its the staff like me who have been here for years. like half of us are ready to quit bc its not worth it. maybe 4 people have consistent hours, everyone else is a gongshow. there is no seniority. i’ve been there the second longest consecutively and i get jack shit. i gave up my 9-3s so me and another server could have 2 consecutive days off, and now i work 11:30-4s and my days off are spaced through the week like i get monday, then wednesday, sometimes friday.
i worked 8:30-8 on saturday. ive worked for 24+ consecutive days before. the hosts dont get tipout or breaks. no one gets a break.
we have an ongoing ant infestation that they wont do anything about aside from buying a few ant traps. its the servers taking care of it bc its fucking gross. we just got them under control recently.
theres the head cook that throws fucking temper tantrums when shit doesnt go his way and refuses to work. they dont do anything about him and he makes a ridiculous amount supposedly.
im so done. all of the “senior” staff is. i worked the 8:30-8 bc our closer came in and she was in tears bc she was so overworked and in pain. theyve been making her take groups of 20+ along with a 10 table section, working with 2 new girls who constantly need to be skipped bc they get overwhelmed. she was straight up like “i cant work” and we had no one to call in. so i stayed and sent her home. our opener came back at night to make sure we were okay and we got another girl to close.
our one girl who is essentially a manager but not actually one is ready to quit. the only thing stopping her is that she’s living on the bosses property. so when she quits theyll up her rent. and she doesnt want to move her 16 year old dog thats on his deathbed.
one of our returned servers remembers why she left and she wants to leave again too.
and im gonna fucking quit if they cant get my schedule straight and if they raise tipout. im done. especially with that “you need to pay for walkouts and we decide if you pay or not” bs.
but i hate change. i dont wanna switch jobs. i dont know where the hell id work bc sad to say, we are one of the more profitable restaurants in the city. half the places we have are dead.
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... @mageknight14 , You didn’t mix in my secret stash did you?
Everything in RWBY is controlled by men, either actively or passively, and here’s a huge bullet point list elaborating on how shitty the agency of female characters is in a show billed as female driven with “””strong””” female characters.
As we will see, they actually don’t and this person is just complaining without focus.
And again: just because you have a strong female cast doesn’t mean you have to ignore the male cast. In fact: RWBY is unique in that it has an equally strong male cast, making a TRUE progressive show...and sadly, RWBY is not SUPPOSE to be progressive so that's pathetic.
It’s mostly for my benefit because I’ve been stewing on this shit for a while now but I’ll post it in the rwde tag in case anyone else wants to fully absorb this train wreck but mostly it boils down to: let the women lead their own lives
Ah huh, see here’s the thing: the gusy are just as heavily defined by the woman as vice versa. You’ll latter down the line:
Ruby: No female role models outside of her sister, but the farthest Yang’s seemed to have influenced her life is being a replacement mom which is icky and all of her skills come from her male mentor(s) or just straight magic
Being motherly is “icky?” Lady, I once saw a mother character whoop superhuman ass by sowing a rotting touch girl into concrete, cut through human-sized vines with garden trimmers and once tackled a giant with a chainsaw all to protect her kid. That kid happen to be her son and looked up to and loved his mother very much to the point 90% of his personality seems to come from her.
Not to mention her father Taiyang is completely defined by his children and losing his lovers, characters in their own right independent from him, and he only really interacts with his kids. His defining character trait is that he is the main character’s father. Next.
Weiss: Mom’s not even lucid, no other females in her life sans winter who still acts cold and distant despite the shared life experiences, Weiss is pushed around and treated like “women should be seen, not heard” manner not only by her father but by most people around her which is weird as remnant is “all inclusive” so that ideology shouldnt even exist
“All inclusive” implies Fanaus too dumbass. And even OUR society has shit like this so don’t go blaming Remannt for that.
Also: Jacques and Whitely are clearly treated as Villians in that regard and that they are massively wrong and while WInter is distant somewhat, she has been the only person to give Weiss solid advice and is Weiss’ goal for Volume 5. So that doesn’t work.
And again, we have a male too: Whitely has no personality outside of hating his sister and being a little bitch and is just an obstacle for Weiss to overcome. He has no agency of his own unlike Weiss who does.
Blake: Her mom’s kind but ultimately all her skills and passion come from the influence of her male ex-partner. Kali doesn’t even seem to be as high up in the chain as Ghira and even now most of Blake’s reconciliation seems to be happening with her dad
Okay...and? SO Blake takes after her dad: so what? Ghira and Kali are used as a parallel to Blake and Sun clearly seeing as Kali acts more like Sun than Blake so it’s obviously a counterpart thing.
Again, we have Sun who has no character outside of Blake, is completely debouted to her for no reason, has put up with a lot of crap from her and revolves entirely around her. If he were a girl it would be so offensive to you. But it’s a guy so no problem here!
Yang: Again, no female role models. Seems to have been forced to take over parenting once Tai Yang shut down for an nondescript period of time. Current season is implying her skills came from her father mentoring her.
Again: What’s the problem with Taiyang mentoring her? She matched Taiyang hand to hand and the guy’s a freaking full fledged Huntsman: She’s being empowered by being a better fighter than her dad.
And isn’t Yang pulling herself together while her full grown father couldn’t a sigh of strength? If that isn’t strong Idon’t know what is.
The entirety of JNPR: Nora and Pyrrha scarcely even fucking talk to each other or any other female characters, neither of them have any women in their life nor does Ren. Jaune’s big family honor passed from his grand father to his dad to him, mother and sisters mentioned in passing to justify Jaune doing something “””girly”””. I’m not even going to fucking touch on Pyrrha’s existance being entirely tied to Jaune because you’ve probably heard that a million times already.
1. Gender bender: it’s more that the chaarcetrs representing guys (Nora and Pyrrha) are connected to the gril representatives (Jaune and Ren.)
2. It was never passed down to Jaune: he took it for himself. Not to mention Jaune himself was entirely reliant on Pyrrha and Ruby for character development meaning he’s just as dependant as you say Pyrrha is. In afct the instant Pyrrha dies, Jaune becomes a supporting character to Ruby. He literally drops down a peg.
3. Pyrrha’s a mentor character who is entirely reliant on her underling for support, cares very much about him and is killed for his skae? Gee, you just described KAMINA, the manly man of TTGL. In fact, Pyrrha is a stronger character than Kamina seeing as she has her own strength, gets screentiem outside of Jaune and has an arc to herself all unlike Kamina. And Kamina himself was based off a female (Kazumi Amano), was replaced by a female (Nia Tepplin) and is succeded by a female (Mako Makanchou) so the male gender is the one being trampled on here.
Emerald and cinder and cinder and salem are the only fucking female-female role model/mentor relationships in the fucking show and theyre all main antagonists and the villain club still managed to be a sausage fest
Yeah! ... And Weiss and Winter ... And Jaune would be worthless without Pyrrha...and Nora saved Ren’s like twice and taught him to calm the fuck down...And Ruby;s strength is always attributed to her mother...And Gynda’s a teacher so she HAD to have mentored them...
Also: That’s two mentors in the series. Can we get the male and male mentors....There’s only one?....Mercury and his abusive dad...who he killed...and hates...Yep.
Cinder: Accomplished her goal (kind of) but got punished for it (granted shes the villain) but the punishment was muting and crippling the single most powerful woman in the show to date sans Salem
Ozpin: Strongest Guy in the show: Gets his ass handed to him by Cinder in such a manner that she was barely affected.
Salem: [disney villain laughing.mp4]
Ozpin: [Dumbledore getting his ass handed to him by Heromine.jpg]
Emerald: she idolizes cinder but the relationship is demonstrably unhealthy, the only real female-female mentor relationship on the show and its an unhealthy one between two villains
Weiss and Winter, Yang and Ruby, Glynda and Pyrrha + every female student...
Glynda: went from being Ozpin’s right hand to literally inconsequential, the men are off saving the world and protecting ozpin’s vision and she’s literally been left to clean all on her own. Pick up a hammer and nails, port and oobleck you lazy fucks
Port: “We all need some rest”
Implying they’re helping Glynda with Glynda being the spearhead.
Penny: both creators and trainers/parents are male (unfortunately not i nthat way), she was on her way to having a good relationship with ruby only shes fucking dead to further the plot so dang i guess
That’s baised againt heterosexuals.
And she’s also the strongest non-grownup in the show, far outclassing Sun who is the strongest teen male.
The maidens: despite being the most powerful women in the fucking world (supposedly) theyre controlled and monitored and protected by a group largely consisting of men and are being successfully hunted down by another group largely consisting of men, not to mention their powers are jokes (i mean amber got taken down by two malnourished kids and cinder like what) and their one weakness is the silver eye power, which seems to be a gender neutral power
Likely so no one in the group can be temted to take the power for themselves.
Amber was said to be cocky and inexperienced Vs. three experienced fighters. Also once Cinder got the power, she curbstomped the strngest male in the show, canonically killing him.
Kali: easily best mom but seems pretty hands off in blake’s life, also notable that while her husband is an ex-WF leader and goes to meetings she just kind of sat there smiling while her husband went to do the leader junk
She also forced Blake to confront her father about leaving, called Blake out for not talking about Team RWBY and is the female counterpart to Sun, who is even less active.
Ms.Schnee: doesnt even have a FUCKING NAME despite the fact that SHE’S THE SCHNEE. mostly feels like an after thought in weiss’ narrative, shit mom
Neither does Pyrrha’s dad and he’s not evenmentioned.
Also: It’s called focusing on what is needed. And can you blame here? here husband and son are complete jackasses.
Summer: Despite being a huge influence on multiple characters the most we know of this legendary warrior is that she was a good mom and a good wife. thats it
Sis said to be a powerful Huntsman from yang and has Taiyanga and Qrow wrapped around her dead finger. Also, she raised a child that wasn’t ehrs with such love and kindness Yang didn’t even know they weren’t related. Again, THAT is strength. She’s also the reason why Ruby is so strong so she’s the source of power for the main character.
Neon: unnecessary stereotypical cattiness but maybe thats just me being annoyed she called yang fat despite them having the same body type
Based off Nyan Cat, meme meant to annoy and is intergral to the team stardgey with her partner Flynt.
Not a single world leader we’ve been introduced to has been female (unless you count salem but, again, the main antagonist). No female head masters, no females in politics, no female WF leaders (kali could potentially be one but that hasnt been implied)
The world leaders are either misguided at best (Ozpin) of fucking cowards at worst (Leo) and the only WF leader we’ve seen is the racist, geocidal son of a bitch Adam so they are actually higher up than the guys.
the gods are literally just a gender flipped version of luna and celestia despite the fact theyre magic gods who dont even need gender fuck off
... I have no idea what they are saying: the brother’s are a representation of creation and destruction: simple as that.
Meanwhile: Male characters are eiteh entirely reliant on females for power and/or development (Taiyang, Jaune, Ren), are treated as assholes who aren’t even true villains (Jacques Schnee, Whitely Schnee, Adam Tauras), serve under women who show favor to women (Tyrian, Watts, Hazel, Torchwick), act as people who can only help women (Port and oobleck) ect.
Ruby is still self driven and considered better than Jaune.
Weiss is treated as the one good person ina family of shit head males/
Blake is treated as right whereas her male counterpart is treazted as wrong.
Yang is treated as stronger tan her father, a full fledged Hunstamn.
Nora restraisn Ren and has the far more standout personality that can work on it’s own.
Pyrrha is the reason behind Jaune’s development.
Both genders rely on each other: Strength in unity. Theme of the show. Not everything is fucking sexist.
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The 8 Types Of Idiots You’ll See At Your Fourth Of July BBQ

This Tuesday marks the most American holiday of the year, which also means that it marks the most bro holiday of the year. Its the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the homie TJ (thats Thomas Jefferson, you idiot) and his frat bros, which ultimately just gave a giant fuck you to King George and his entire British colony back in 1776. Yeah, I Googled know some things.
These days, the 4th of July is a time for celebration involving slutty flag attire, 12pm blackouts, and children handling explosives because evidently, America loves to royally fuck things up (K, so its not that bad, Im prob just pissed because Target ran out of flag bikinis). But youre bound to get a solid Instagram make tons of memories that youll never remember, and that wouldnt be possible if not for the idiots who help create the entertainment. So here are all the types of people youll def come across in the midst of your afternoon hangover this weekend.
1. The Annoying AF “USA” Chanter
Starting to feel that 12pm headache roll in from your last round of Jell-O shots followed by a 2-story beer bong? Yeah, no, youre better than that. That raging migraine is due to fucking Captain Bromerica parading around in his flag speedo for 4 hours straight yelling shit like “USA” or “MURICA” after practically spitting out half his shotgunned beer. Hes also managed to piss off 80% of the party after pushing half the guest list into the pool fully clothed, and dont even think about challenging his shitty call in that last game of Beer Pong. Plz just go back to college, Dean.
2. The Politically Misinformed Idiot
Before you know it, WWIII is soon to break out in the suburbs of Maple Street because of this moron. The scary thing is, this can either be a singular person or an entire gang of political dipshits in their Make America Great Again hats, who begin drunkenly slurring about the founding fathers during the American Revolution that somehow turned into Trumpcare aka an IRL Facebook rant aka my worst fucking nightmare. We all know how this domino effect pans out. Before you know it, someone gets offended, and people who dont even want to get involved start shit. Like I literally just made this person up and hes already pissing me off. Next.
3. The Faux DJ
This dudes only interaction with a woman all day has been giving his Amazon robot, Alexa, demands to bump Party in the USA for the 12th time on repeat. He thinks hes the most clever motherfucker every time the chorus hits, but in all honesty, everyones shit faced at this point, and the song is a certified banger, so whatever. Hell also play some hits off his own SoundCloud playlist that consists of dubstep, Smash Mouth and Carly Rae Jepsen, so just let him.
4. The Instagram THOTs
Im not gonna lie to you and tell you that Ive never been this girl before, but I look great in red and Ill find any excuse to chug a PBR, so sue me. Youll never see a girl attempting to wrap a flag bandana around her boobs while posing with a limited edition American flag Svedka bottle (aka me) on Americas bday. TBH, our founding fathers were prob the biggest group of fuckboys in all the 13 colonies and would prob be proud of the cleavage effort betches put into their Instagram posts congratulating their hard work a billion years ago.
5. The Uninvited Guest
Also me at like, half the parties I attend. This person somehow managed to tag along from another party and like the savage they are, scooped up an entire plate of barbecued goods without anyone even realizing, or giving a shit for that matter. Honestly though, they dont even bug anyone that much, because their only social interaction is with whatevers on their platebut like, same same.
6. The Grill Master
Every summer BBQ has a grill Nazi master who literally does nothing but flip burgers while bitching about Trumps latest tweet in a Kiss the Cook apron. Did I mention he does this all fucking day? The grill master is like your dad taking directions on a family road trip aka he doesnt. On second thought, he prob is your dad. So dont even try to order your burger well done or protein-style tofu or whatever your dumb diet doesnt allow, because its either his way or the highway. Then again, Ill be wasted and in desperate need of food once 3pm rolls around, so fire me up fucking burnt toast for all I care.
7. The S.O. Youll Never See Again
Im really not trying to be a pessimist or anything, but if you plan on introducing someone to your friends or family at a BBQ where you know the possibility of a blackout is like 86% or higher, chances are you dont even care to remember them long after either. Listen, I get that nobody likes to be alone while watching the fireworks, but Im not about to invest my precious drinking time into some week-long hookup. On second thought, is he good at Flip Cup?
8. The Passed-Out DAB
Honestly, what betch doesnt love a day filled with drinking, napping, and then eating, in that exact order? The passed-out DAB (Drunk-Ass Bitch) has the brilliant mind to skip all the BS of dumb party games and acting like they love running into half their college class, only to come out of her slumber just in time for a gourmet variety of BBQ meats and an illegal light show. This genius was at her drunken prime at 12pm and managed to take a few good photos before looking like an actual swamp monster. Plus, didnt we all learned from the queen of DABs herself, Corinne Olympios, that Mr. All American Abraham Lincoln praises the frequent nap? If theres one thing I learned from my hot American history teacher, its that men look sexier with their hair pushed back, but mostly that history always repeats itself!
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/the-8-types-of-idiots-youll-see-at-your-fourth-of-july-bbq/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/172288213392
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The 8 Types Of Idiots You’ll See At Your Fourth Of July BBQ

This Tuesday marks the most American holiday of the year, which also means that it marks the most bro holiday of the year. Its the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the homie TJ (thats Thomas Jefferson, you idiot) and his frat bros, which ultimately just gave a giant fuck you to King George and his entire British colony back in 1776. Yeah, I Googled know some things.
These days, the 4th of July is a time for celebration involving slutty flag attire, 12pm blackouts, and children handling explosives because evidently, America loves to royally fuck things up (K, so its not that bad, Im prob just pissed because Target ran out of flag bikinis). But youre bound to get a solid Instagram make tons of memories that youll never remember, and that wouldnt be possible if not for the idiots who help create the entertainment. So here are all the types of people youll def come across in the midst of your afternoon hangover this weekend.
1. The Annoying AF “USA” Chanter
Starting to feel that 12pm headache roll in from your last round of Jell-O shots followed by a 2-story beer bong? Yeah, no, youre better than that. That raging migraine is due to fucking Captain Bromerica parading around in his flag speedo for 4 hours straight yelling shit like “USA” or “MURICA” after practically spitting out half his shotgunned beer. Hes also managed to piss off 80% of the party after pushing half the guest list into the pool fully clothed, and dont even think about challenging his shitty call in that last game of Beer Pong. Plz just go back to college, Dean.
2. The Politically Misinformed Idiot
Before you know it, WWIII is soon to break out in the suburbs of Maple Street because of this moron. The scary thing is, this can either be a singular person or an entire gang of political dipshits in their Make America Great Again hats, who begin drunkenly slurring about the founding fathers during the American Revolution that somehow turned into Trumpcare aka an IRL Facebook rant aka my worst fucking nightmare. We all know how this domino effect pans out. Before you know it, someone gets offended, and people who dont even want to get involved start shit. Like I literally just made this person up and hes already pissing me off. Next.
3. The Faux DJ
This dudes only interaction with a woman all day has been giving his Amazon robot, Alexa, demands to bump Party in the USA for the 12th time on repeat. He thinks hes the most clever motherfucker every time the chorus hits, but in all honesty, everyones shit faced at this point, and the song is a certified banger, so whatever. Hell also play some hits off his own SoundCloud playlist that consists of dubstep, Smash Mouth and Carly Rae Jepsen, so just let him.
4. The Instagram THOTs
Im not gonna lie to you and tell you that Ive never been this girl before, but I look great in red and Ill find any excuse to chug a PBR, so sue me. Youll never see a girl attempting to wrap a flag bandana around her boobs while posing with a limited edition American flag Svedka bottle (aka me) on Americas bday. TBH, our founding fathers were prob the biggest group of fuckboys in all the 13 colonies and would prob be proud of the cleavage effort betches put into their Instagram posts congratulating their hard work a billion years ago.
5. The Uninvited Guest
Also me at like, half the parties I attend. This person somehow managed to tag along from another party and like the savage they are, scooped up an entire plate of barbecued goods without anyone even realizing, or giving a shit for that matter. Honestly though, they dont even bug anyone that much, because their only social interaction is with whatevers on their platebut like, same same.
6. The Grill Master
Every summer BBQ has a grill Nazi master who literally does nothing but flip burgers while bitching about Trumps latest tweet in a Kiss the Cook apron. Did I mention he does this all fucking day? The grill master is like your dad taking directions on a family road trip aka he doesnt. On second thought, he prob is your dad. So dont even try to order your burger well done or protein-style tofu or whatever your dumb diet doesnt allow, because its either his way or the highway. Then again, Ill be wasted and in desperate need of food once 3pm rolls around, so fire me up fucking burnt toast for all I care.
7. The S.O. Youll Never See Again
Im really not trying to be a pessimist or anything, but if you plan on introducing someone to your friends or family at a BBQ where you know the possibility of a blackout is like 86% or higher, chances are you dont even care to remember them long after either. Listen, I get that nobody likes to be alone while watching the fireworks, but Im not about to invest my precious drinking time into some week-long hookup. On second thought, is he good at Flip Cup?
8. The Passed-Out DAB
Honestly, what betch doesnt love a day filled with drinking, napping, and then eating, in that exact order? The passed-out DAB (Drunk-Ass Bitch) has the brilliant mind to skip all the BS of dumb party games and acting like they love running into half their college class, only to come out of her slumber just in time for a gourmet variety of BBQ meats and an illegal light show. This genius was at her drunken prime at 12pm and managed to take a few good photos before looking like an actual swamp monster. Plus, didnt we all learned from the queen of DABs herself, Corinne Olympios, that Mr. All American Abraham Lincoln praises the frequent nap? If theres one thing I learned from my hot American history teacher, its that men look sexier with their hair pushed back, but mostly that history always repeats itself!
Source: http://allofbeer.com/the-8-types-of-idiots-youll-see-at-your-fourth-of-july-bbq/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/03/26/the-8-types-of-idiots-youll-see-at-your-fourth-of-july-bbq/
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The 8 Types Of Idiots You’ll See At Your Fourth Of July BBQ

This Tuesday marks the most American holiday of the year, which also means that it marks the most bro holiday of the year. Its the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by the homie TJ (thats Thomas Jefferson, you idiot) and his frat bros, which ultimately just gave a giant fuck you to King George and his entire British colony back in 1776. Yeah, I Googled know some things.
These days, the 4th of July is a time for celebration involving slutty flag attire, 12pm blackouts, and children handling explosives because evidently, America loves to royally fuck things up (K, so its not that bad, Im prob just pissed because Target ran out of flag bikinis). But youre bound to get a solid Instagram make tons of memories that youll never remember, and that wouldnt be possible if not for the idiots who help create the entertainment. So here are all the types of people youll def come across in the midst of your afternoon hangover this weekend.
1. The Annoying AF “USA” Chanter
Starting to feel that 12pm headache roll in from your last round of Jell-O shots followed by a 2-story beer bong? Yeah, no, youre better than that. That raging migraine is due to fucking Captain Bromerica parading around in his flag speedo for 4 hours straight yelling shit like “USA” or “MURICA” after practically spitting out half his shotgunned beer. Hes also managed to piss off 80% of the party after pushing half the guest list into the pool fully clothed, and dont even think about challenging his shitty call in that last game of Beer Pong. Plz just go back to college, Dean.
2. The Politically Misinformed Idiot
Before you know it, WWIII is soon to break out in the suburbs of Maple Street because of this moron. The scary thing is, this can either be a singular person or an entire gang of political dipshits in their Make America Great Again hats, who begin drunkenly slurring about the founding fathers during the American Revolution that somehow turned into Trumpcare aka an IRL Facebook rant aka my worst fucking nightmare. We all know how this domino effect pans out. Before you know it, someone gets offended, and people who dont even want to get involved start shit. Like I literally just made this person up and hes already pissing me off. Next.
3. The Faux DJ
This dudes only interaction with a woman all day has been giving his Amazon robot, Alexa, demands to bump Party in the USA for the 12th time on repeat. He thinks hes the most clever motherfucker every time the chorus hits, but in all honesty, everyones shit faced at this point, and the song is a certified banger, so whatever. Hell also play some hits off his own SoundCloud playlist that consists of dubstep, Smash Mouth and Carly Rae Jepsen, so just let him.
4. The Instagram THOTs
Im not gonna lie to you and tell you that Ive never been this girl before, but I look great in red and Ill find any excuse to chug a PBR, so sue me. Youll never see a girl attempting to wrap a flag bandana around her boobs while posing with a limited edition American flag Svedka bottle (aka me) on Americas bday. TBH, our founding fathers were prob the biggest group of fuckboys in all the 13 colonies and would prob be proud of the cleavage effort betches put into their Instagram posts congratulating their hard work a billion years ago.
5. The Uninvited Guest
Also me at like, half the parties I attend. This person somehow managed to tag along from another party and like the savage they are, scooped up an entire plate of barbecued goods without anyone even realizing, or giving a shit for that matter. Honestly though, they dont even bug anyone that much, because their only social interaction is with whatevers on their platebut like, same same.
6. The Grill Master
Every summer BBQ has a grill Nazi master who literally does nothing but flip burgers while bitching about Trumps latest tweet in a Kiss the Cook apron. Did I mention he does this all fucking day? The grill master is like your dad taking directions on a family road trip aka he doesnt. On second thought, he prob is your dad. So dont even try to order your burger well done or protein-style tofu or whatever your dumb diet doesnt allow, because its either his way or the highway. Then again, Ill be wasted and in desperate need of food once 3pm rolls around, so fire me up fucking burnt toast for all I care.
7. The S.O. Youll Never See Again
Im really not trying to be a pessimist or anything, but if you plan on introducing someone to your friends or family at a BBQ where you know the possibility of a blackout is like 86% or higher, chances are you dont even care to remember them long after either. Listen, I get that nobody likes to be alone while watching the fireworks, but Im not about to invest my precious drinking time into some week-long hookup. On second thought, is he good at Flip Cup?
8. The Passed-Out DAB
Honestly, what betch doesnt love a day filled with drinking, napping, and then eating, in that exact order? The passed-out DAB (Drunk-Ass Bitch) has the brilliant mind to skip all the BS of dumb party games and acting like they love running into half their college class, only to come out of her slumber just in time for a gourmet variety of BBQ meats and an illegal light show. This genius was at her drunken prime at 12pm and managed to take a few good photos before looking like an actual swamp monster. Plus, didnt we all learned from the queen of DABs herself, Corinne Olympios, that Mr. All American Abraham Lincoln praises the frequent nap? If theres one thing I learned from my hot American history teacher, its that men look sexier with their hair pushed back, but mostly that history always repeats itself!
source http://allofbeer.com/the-8-types-of-idiots-youll-see-at-your-fourth-of-july-bbq/ from All of Beer http://allofbeer.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-8-types-of-idiots-youll-see-at-your.html
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Interpret how u please but know it saved my mind and soul.
SUMMARYWe have primitive speech in comparison to aliens/ superior being/s/ {Our God self]DONT FUCKING READ THIS IF U ARENT OPEN MINDED! DEADASS FUCKING SERIOUS UR GONNA MISS OUT.to become open minded you must have some form of empathy. Some form meaning you must have to have either the almost perfect understanding empathy based on your ability to place yourself in somebody elses position along with all of their past tramas, what they just fucking ate, basically whatever relevant to the situation apparent or not. I.E do I help this guy for gas hes asking the clerk hes begging he says hes got no money has to get home to his family. seems like a good dude. not making a fuss. being very nice about it. I paid for his fucking gas. Thats good energy right there. sent away and returned in ways that probably already occured but I don't reconize them as a direct result from helping. If you did what you thought was right or whatever you wanted to do actually. Which is what you're going to do anyways cause thats what you fucking decieded you wanted yourself to do. So if this doesn't hit you like it hits most people and myself included. Then just close the book and call me insane. If being insane is living content in my beliefs and my tommorow during the today but with passion for the future. then im fucking insane. Because thats what my program has done for me Truly search for good and if it isn't what you want to spend your time trying to help or doesnt concern you. You weren't meant to be concerened by it and thats okay because it will concern someone else at the right time. etc considered and making a choice based off of critical information secured from a display of empathy. If you cant show empathy practice please fucking practice before you continue reading. Actually idgaf you do you. Your life do what you desire.Speech is used to manifest things into reality of time. Typically faster if done consistently. Tested and proved. By many. My barber for example. little over 7 months ago living in a 1 bed room dumb girlfriend cat and hes cutting hair in his kitchen. The entire time throughout the year hes telling me about this house hes getting his own very first house brand fucking new completely taylored to him. He told me saying Lep yeah my mom is helping me buy a house and get my career moving finally. After long periods of being told to basically fuck off his mom basically has a change of heart randomly. Hes got a 3 bedroom house. A barber room with checkered floot. 3 tvs niceass fucking interior furniture hes painting the house and has done many renovations over the last few months of him having this house. Just returning there earlier tonight actually I had walked in and had to check if he changed the paint in his front room again! Truly He doesn't even realize it completely. Hes almost so dumb hes smart. in a sense that being happy is being smart. He isn't stupid tho. My barber is on some of the same shit I am. Some. thats a different story tho. The point is he talked to me everytime he cut my hair for 6 month. Not just me I know for certain. He would talk motherfuckers ears off im sure they hated it. Honestly I hadn't been enlightened at this point. I fucking hated it. OMg yeah we fucking get it bro u want checkered floors. So many motherfuckers are talking nowadays. But do they always talk the same shiteveryday? Ill say it again. Do you talk about the same thing everysingle day? Do you talk to someone every single day? I don' t even have to ask what or why you do it. You're doing it because you have the desire of the company of that person. or their opinion, Whatever they have of value or beneficially or mutually beneficially to you or both. My barber talked about all the cool shit he was gonna do with his house. Having a pit bike track in the back. making a fire bit. building a deck. Making a TV back drop out of stained wood stained nailed and cut by him and I. Painted the entire house. CHECKERED FLOORS MOTHERFUCKERS. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is MANIFEST IT IN YOUR LIFE. The sooner you start talking about and creating this lifestyle and figuring out how you're going to do it one day at a time. Talk to the person ur nervous to talk to. If they fall in love with you. THATS FUCKING KICKASS. if he thinks u dont belong in his universe right now understand thats a huge fucking positive in your life. Now you can live in this moment in time and know in this moment in time that it isn't happening because if it isn't meant to happen yet if at all. For all you know you could meet him in 5 years and get married have 3 kids live happily ever after. Straight the fuck up! Right now im consistently talking to a girl i had the hugest crush on but never did anything about it. WHY DIDN'T I DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. CAUSE HOW FUCKING AWKWARD WOULD IT HAVE BEEN in minnesota when im visiiting and havent been home for christmas in 5 years that we just so happen to go get breakfest at a taveren like wtf? and its where she works serving. Top it off while we are walking in I see the sign of the place and reconize it from an instagram post that she posted and I had liked and inturn she liked my picture. whatever not important. all im trying to say is the future is 100% unpredictable in every sense. but at the same time it will be 100% guarenteed with my mindset program if applied properly. You never know tomorrow and that may scare you but what if you already had chosen what happens tomorrow long before anything existed? Do you trust your own judgement? The best part is you dont even have to trust your own judgement. YOU DONT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING YOU DONT WANT TO DO. But sometimes doing them is what you're meant to do typically for your benefit anyways, if not its a punishment, and if it isn't your benefit its somebody elses and they may or may not know that you're the direct cause. you may or may not know ever. But I believe that when we die we are enlightened and are shown the purpose to life. whether a test or a simulation. multiple tests inside one another or something uncomprehensible to myself or anyone. But thats different. What I do know is that a key to a good life Is a good mindset. Choose the mindset of I'm the shit. Cause I am, Cause I decieded I am, Im good fucking looking, People may call you a slut or whore but honestly it may be disgusting a little bit but they're probably jealous of all the hot people you've been with. Or even the fact ur getting laid. most single people hate on girls anyway. aint no boy in a nice healthy relationship talking shit on females and if he is he probably likes u and is trying to hide it. anyways besides the point. You need to develop something you say to yourself {I recommend} outloud {especially for getting started} whether written or set as an alarm for your phone ur background to your phone it could be a picture with a completely hidden message behind it. just associate something or have something that has things you know deep down in your soul you need to say to yourself. For example for me, Ive always been sensitive, still am a lot less than I was alot, But over time After being outcasted from my family at 15 being legally kiddnapped, and broken down on all aspects of self with many failed although maybe not completely failed attempts at bettering myself to the way that works for normies or the purposefully chosen people to be uneducated of the power of speech. They were esentially taking me in at 15 with a metaphorical emotionally broken leg. { ie i hate myself and im a bad person i dont give a fuck and i just want to die cause i dont understand the world} that was my attitude ie the broken metaphorical leg that I came into the school but for the sake of this metaphor this hospital with. However pretend in our metaphor the break in my leg is un noticeable. if ur slow as fuck just know the broken leg is a metaphor for my fucked up thinking. The hospitol or treatment center/school I was at cant fix my leg without me telling them my leg is broken. Now they knew something is wrong or else I wouldnt be there. Many claim at that hospital upon recent arrival that there's been a mistake and they don't need to be there. many times I laughed with everyone else at group along with the director Parker. Parker I believe knows alot about this but would never share with the group for possiblities of the kids claiming they're being brain washed or told to believe such things without an adult or atleast enlightened soul and mind these practices may sound slightly lucritive. Anyway back to the story. Metaphorically I tried many times to dodge and weave around questions asked in therapy sometimes even hamming it up to seem cool because of how insecure I was. trying to seek acceptance from my therapist lmfao very dark times. Which got darker with small light at the end of the tunnel. Thats the thing about parker he never took away full hope and if he did he had a good reason for doing so. I completely trust his judgement even to this day. Lying to ur therapist or even if they think you're lying to your therapist which usually they're right. The only reason they were ever wrong with me lying was because the decision was made based on previous situations of past lies. Lied before you'll lie again? possibly. Anyway, the darkness brought upon u metaphorically and almost not was the wall/work crew. ADAYONTHEWALL In a way this is tramatic but it almost shouldnt be. It was trautic because I put myself there many times. Purposefully yes in a sense but not the living sense. I wanted to be the perfect student at Liahona. Be the leader everyone looked up to. Be the family fucking leader. But I literally just was to immature and weak in all aspects. Too much so to do any of those things. Now that I think back the beauty of it Is I did eventually get all of those things. Because I manifested them. I desired both with my words and the vibes my words created in my body that the universe recieved. My body had translated what I wrote in my daily evals every night at Liahona. I attended Liahona for 711 days. 9 Days short from 2 years. The program is 9 months long. Back to the main subject. The wall. 6 am wake the fuck up. HEADCOUUUUUNT!!!. Big ass motherfucking dude named Quando shouts it at the top of his lungs. LMFAO pretty funny to think but this guy would scare the shit out of new kids in the mornings. shouting out of their beds. I definitely woke up thats for sure. The whole facility of 50-60 boys come out of there room pretty much as fast as possible although groggily everyone dressed in the same navy blue shorts and grey liahona t-shit tucked into our gym shorts with either white black or grey solid socks. No designs or wild shit. All the rules at Liahona were created over the years it had transitioned from an old house to the facility to the newer facility. Everything from tuck in ur chair at all times to. turn off the lights when you leave a room. Hundred of rules probably around over a thousand actually. I hated it off the bat but what was I gonna do? anyway. After everyone lines up in a U- formation with quando standing in the open portion of the U. He would say the same things every morning. Almost as if he was designed to say the same or relatively the same thing. One thing was for sure the message was clear every morning. Go back to your rooms Today is a new day its a beautiful day make your beds and start studying your quote or doing whatever you're aloud to do until you go for the morning run and breakfest. Now quado probably used a great deal more broken english being from the pacific islands one of em sorry dont actually know. anyways. we dismiss. or atleast. everybody else does. perusual here I am. I sit down in my LIFETIME costco chair sitting mere inches from the head of my twin mattress. I will now sit in this chair for the remainder of the day unless instructed or allowed otherwise. 6-7 morning shift arrives. Can't look away. I think to myself staring at the wall. The desire to look is bad but even the thought of having to write another 300 word essay although they've become easy now, pointless to get one for something so easily avoidable. putting my elbows on my knees I duck my head do as If to pretend im studying the quote (a passage of around 100 words- alot of fucking words that must be memorized in full word for word straight the fuck up and recited to either a very trusted upper level or staff member who will tell you when you mess up and must stop and either use one of 2 hints allowed by parker to figure out whatever word u forgot or fail and take a 300 word essay, However if the quote is failed to be passed off before friday then your points for that week will be cut into half basically prolonging your stay to an extent given points are used to determine not in full but definitely play a large part in even the opportunity of you being recommended to get your next level Ie the quote is very important, very difficult, and I fucking hated it so fucking much you have no idea, Fuck the fucking stupid fucking quote. Parker is smart for the fact that he knows theres got to be something that seems and may possibly be a punishment that is time consuming and benefits those who work harder and faster destroying room for socialism. Basically parker created the quote to see who the fuck is really trying and how hard. Based on when you pass off the quote, If you pass off the quote, and how long of the quote is and whats in the quote. Parker can determine your loyalty to the program and therefore your recovery) Sitting in my chair and ducking my head between my armpits I can finally look around in a small area on each side of my body without getting too ballsy. This is my entertainment for the remainder of the day. Besides playing with my hand/feet. Tapping my feet/hand. looking at the US map{ and sometimes if they put u on the other wall or farther down you got the south america map. To this day can name the south american countries for the most part in alphabetical order. Crazylol. I can do the states right now. anyways. } Eating Oats and water with 2 of the gnarliest fucking red delicious apples every fucking morning. YO WHERE DID U FIND THOSE FUCKING APPLES MARK AND WHOEVER THE FUCK SHOPPED? jesus christ. Still don't eat red delicious apples THERE NOT FUCKING delicious. liars anyway. Before that when morning shift arrives typically shortly after if not immediately after their arrival we do another headcount. Of course yelled much less.... whats the word.... manly lol. Derek had the lamest headcount call. His unenthusiastic Severous snape from harry potter like almost moan like noise. anyways fuck u derek. Derek would take us to get our shoes, at both the new and old facility there are shoe closets that contain every students single pair of running shoes. The new facility also has our never to be touched til we leave or go on a visit personal items. After getting our shoes on. We went outside. line up on the concrete basket ball court in 5 lines spanning accross the entire court each student assigned to a 'family' upon arrival in no paticular order I hope but idk. Usually it was the one with the lowest amount of students but some family leaders would try to boost by trying to speak with newer students asap and within the rules. Communication of any kind with any student not directly monitored without being directly told otherwise is strictly forbidden. No form of communication head bobs nods winks smiles smirks laughs even eye contact for long periods of time. Although of course these rules were broken many times over the course of my stay. I definitely stopped talking to kids. Literally it taught me and im kinda glad it did it taught me to not ask my peers but elder people with wisdom and knowledge for help. However in therapy groups they allow us to communicate freely with the presnence of the therapist who was 1 of two therapists. However he would quickly correct any advice given from a student to a student to not only teach us the correct way to solve whatever issue being discussed or shared. but almost in a way indirectly teaching you that experience and age are similar but not the same and to seek those that give the best advice and help the most which tend to be the people u want anyways. I did learn many many many many useful things that I still use today from Liahona. Because of going im now 1000x ahead of an average person my age. Given my experiences and newly found and enlightened self. Given to me when I was ready to give it to myself. When I learned I control this reality with how I feel. And I tend to feel how I talk. Because my talk conveys my emotion. Talk good feel good do good deserve good. Lined up on the basketball court right my bad Im side tracked for the millionth time. gimme a break lol anyways. We line up in 5 columns of anywhere from 10 to 13 students typically ten atleast. 50 jumping jacks Go!" 1..2..3..4..5..6..7- ......49..50. 50 laps chop it up. At 8 laps a mile 50 laps was common but not that common. For awhile it was daily. All of our days depended on how all of us acted as a whole. If one person tried to run and doesnt succeed obvisouly never have never will. Everybody goes on lock down. No talking no moving everybody sits in a circle. study a gigantic quote for that week cause homeboy tried running. or whatever the case is. Basically if you dont pull your weight somebody else has to and that weight is only their cause you are inturn now they hate u lol. Definitely was unlike for a vast majority by the vast majority however luckily in the end all works out as does all things in this universe in my world or currently my world.story sorry again 50 pushups now in unicen aswell 123-49-50 Then he tells us to go run and sometimes he'll tell u how many laps and sometimes hed tell u when you get to his standing spot at the finish line after your first lap. He does this to guage how and when certain students put in more effort. Shorter run? more harder runners? longer run? Whos putting in effort regardless of circumstance ie whats going on in ur life. Ie how many laps you got How are you moving before you know what your next move is. Are you jogging that first lap until derek tells you to save your breath cause you're banking on it being a longer run. Have you been running slow for 3 laps but the run was only 8 today so ur wasting ur time being lazy. Derek would see when you would run hard. who made u run harder cause u wanted to beat them. how many laps does it have to be minimum to run on the first lap. Whos running hard the first lap regardless of circumstance. They could tell who you were and what you could offer before you even knew anything about any of that. Because honestly you didnt give a fuck about trying before. atleast I didn't. I soon did. Over those 711 days I ran 95 percent of the week day mornings. was in niceass shape too for 17. weekends we got off thankf uckign god. After the blisters heal and you get calices on ur feet from running in the beginning being a new student it sucks alot don't get me wrong and it'll suck for awhile but you'll eventually learn to adapt and conquer by anymeans. I quit after 6 laps my first run. Not even a mile. sat down said I needed my inhaler. I didn't even have one.
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EPISODE 10 “Cleaning Up The Threats” - Aren
Kay, well this round is gonna be ze big cleanup round!!! *dresses up as a janitor* today, we're cleaning up... THE THREATS!!! AKA, Ruthie & Alex -- the two biggest contenders to take the title of Sole Survivor in this game (other than your's truly, of course!). So, there are really two things I need to severely think about here -- who I want to go for out of Alex & Ruthie, and -- in proper janitor fashion -- how I can do this in the cleanest way without fucking up my long-term game. So, I've determined that I wanna go for Alex, as he's way stronger in challenges than Ruthie and he therefor scares the piss out of me. And I also wanna make a F4 group consisting of me, Richie, Emmott & Issy, just so that once Alex fucks off and we're at the F7 I have a sweet-ass group to just safely steamroll it to the final few with. I've kinda just promised Richie the world right now. I told him that when we hit F4 -- Issy's ass will be goin' bye-bye. Then, we can thrash Emmott's ass in FIC, and send him home. And we can be the F2 together. It's funny, because Issy thinks I'm lying to Richie when I tell him this, but y'know... I don't think I actually want to go to the end with Issy. I want to go to the end with Emmott or Richie -- some punching-bag that I can literally demolish in the Final-Tribal.
Despite my very best last minute scramble efforts, unfortunately Ci'ere went home yesterday, which is super shitty for me because I very much feel that Alex will want me or Emmott out next I'm gonna work my backside off to try and flip the vote on Alex or Ruthie but honestly I'm not convinced there's anything I can do right now If worst comes to worst I'm gonna have to go all out, try and convince Alex that Ruthie is a huge threat that needs to go home as soon as possible, and pray that someone, anyone, wants to take the opportunity to go for a blindside
I'm really wishing I tried harder at Immunity this round. It's getting down to the end and I haven't won any immunity challenges yet! I think my social game is super on point but if I even want to THINK about winning I am going to have to work on actually winning comps, haha. On the bright side, at least I'm still safe this week!
Richie asked to be dragged in confessionals so I thought I'd make this confessional to drag him only who is he again? What has he done? Where has he been? There's a person in this cast called Richie? Oops, I didn't notice Anyway, I believe the go at the moment is to blindside Alex, which is great and all except I really didn't want to be working with RUTHIE!! ❤❤❤ and Nicole. Haven't talked to either of them basically at all since merge, and so I'm super nervous about having to put all my trust in Emmott and Aren's abilities to convince them to do this Aren is annoying as always & Emmott has been awol for the past couple days so my top-tier alliance building skills are clearly benefitting me right now, we're extremely solid going into this next vote & I have total confidence everything will go to plan (not) I want Nicole gone next and then Ruthie (should this Alex vote work out) and then at some point I'd love to axe Aren because I'd rather not be sitting at the end with him
I cannot believe how well last round went, first of all. I feel....really good now. But this is the part of the game where Survivor gets really interesting. Theoretically, this should be easy. We have a tight alliance of four in myself, Ruthie, Richie and Lena, all of whom genuinely like and respect each other. We've voted together every round and as far as I know, most of us want all four of us to make Final 5. We've also got Nicole, who played an Idol for Ruthie at the first merge vote and has stuck with us every round. That makes five votes, out of eight, so we should be able to do anything we want this vote – and we probably will. But, people other than me are starting to look at the end and say “how do I get there with the best options?” Richie has come to me to talk about how and when to cut Nicole. Ruthie & Lena don't trust Richie and would probably like to cut him before 5 or 4. And I'm just here, floating along, wondering why, despite being Target #1 since before the merge....nobody has done anything about it? I mean, Issy has been out for my blood from the word go. Emmott is a paranoid, flip-floppy motherfuck who's thrown my name out before. And Aren's getting blindsided this round because he just cannot keep my name out of his mouth! Why has nobody done anything about this yet? It is a mystery to me. I mean, don't get me wrong: I do love my alliance, I really do. But I look at the game with a strategic eye and just say.....do all of you really think I don't have arguments prepped for you? Cause I do, kids. And I know I'm an asshole for it, but I've been eyeing the endgame since the merge, if not before. I've got the opening speeches written: Ruthie did everything I told her to, Richie was wishy-washy and lied to every juror, Lena doesn't exist, and Nicole doesn't talk to anybody. Aren's a spastic motherfucker, Issy gave up, and Emmott is, well, Emmott. At this point I'm trying to figure out the best endgame, the best final 3, final 4, final 5 for my game, and I really wish I knew if it was a Final 2 or Final 3 for sure, because that would really inform my decision. I don't want Ruthie at the end. Ruthie kicks my ass. Richie, I can beat, but I don't know if it'd be easy. My idea is a Lena/Nicole Final 3, because I think I win that. But there's the missing issue, the apocalypse scenario, that one of them wins Immunity and takes the other to a Final 2, and we have to vote for Lena or Nicole to win. And again, I have nothing against them as people! But I don't think either of their gameplay to this point has been worthy of my jury vote. So as we whittle down our options, I have to look forward. Aren, Issy and Emmott, probably in that order, are dead meat. And if it gets down to five with the Family and Nicole........I don't know what I'll do. Will I vote out Nicole, trusting that at 4 at least one other person will have my back? Will I make a move against Richie or Ruthie, in a bid to get myself a more favorable Final Tribal? Or will I be completely blindsided and booted unceremoniously at five, to the joy of the jury? I truly don't know. But this is where it gets interesting, folks. Buckle up and see who outwits who, because we're gonna be choosing the winner here very, very soon.
Wow bitches I'm fucking running this vote, aren't I? Alex thinks I'm his little bitch-boy who's gonna do whatever he wants, BUT, what he doesn't know is that I'm actually blindsiding his ass this round! I've been doing my fair-share of talking, and I've got Emmott, Issy, Ruthie & Nicole and I'm working on Richie now. I've lied to Alex that I'm voting for mah boi Emmott, but hell nah is that happening! Tonight, we're gonna just straight-up see Alex 6 times. And it'll be truly beautiful. MARVELOUS MASTERPIECE BY AREN WILLIAMS, EVERYONE!!! BRINGS A TEAR TO MY EYE!
Whew, it's been a busy few days with Thanksgiving! Aren thinks that me, Richie and Nicole are going to vote Alex out with him and I'm just thinking "ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY?" Richie came to me asking what the whole thing was about and I'm pretty sure we just recently talked about it in the Family alliance chat that Aren could be saying this kind of stuff, but Alex apparently worries him a bit, but he wants The Family to be final 4. I do too but I also want Nicole to be Final 3 with Alex and myself and it's just like uhhhh how do we get out Richie and Lena without ticking them off or Alex off? ME, NICOLE AND ALEX would be a perfect Final 3, like I can't even. I don't even really care if I win, face it, I probably WOULDN'T win next to Alex, to be honest. I just really want to get to the end with him since we became a solid thing either day one or day two, I want to say day one! I think Lena is down with having me, her and Alex as Final 3 though, I definitely wouldn't win next to her though either, I have ZERO INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY WINS. :( I really need to get with this lajsdfj. ANYWAY, this is all what's up, it's been a quiet few days and I'm nervous that Aren is going to sway someone to vote Alex with him, UGH.
Everyone is low key annoying me right now, honestly can we please just nuke the whole game If I have to see another 'awokoksoaoaw' or 'BAHAHAHAHAHA' I'm gonna have to quit
Wooowooowooooo I got immunity!!!!!! I feel like I've got myself in a nice position where I didn't need it this week but it's nice to have something to add to my bleak on the surface looking resume... Normally when I get immunity it's like my free pass to play messy and hard because no matter what I do I can't get voted out so its the time to make #bigmoves but I won it 1 week too early With issy/emmott as a duo and aren being just THE messiest that trio needs to be trimmed down so they don't gain any traction so it looks like aren is going this week because he just doesn't shut his mouth he's always giving away too much information and stirring up trouble and he's making deals and throwing people under the bus it's just too much to try and keep him here because even tho he trusts me and isn't voting me out I can't trust that whatever I say to him won't be spread around and I try to keep things lowkey although he is great for getting information from we have this "honesty policy" that im trying my hardest to not actually break bc i want that jury vote so he just keeps giving me information and i never actually AGREE with any plans or confirm that im with him im just like https://68.media.tumblr.com/8d192f985c289a55c30423b83859fa0a/tumblr_oh87xllQpA1vzwwmeo1_250.gif and take notes on what he says asdjfhaksdjfhakdfj god thats not any better than lying but im doing my best lmao I dont know you've got Alex who I trust to a certain degree because I feel like we have the most genuine connection but also people in this game perceive him as a threat which #perceptionisreality so that helps because he's always going to be targeted before me so why would I vote out a meat shield I trust???? but also if he gets to end people think he's this great player that's not good... Then issy/emmott I haven't really worked with and after I vote out aren that should be the last straw they shouldn't trust me at all anymore lmao I never explicitly told them I was voting out Alex this week I purposefully ended my conversation with issy saying that I was hesitant to vote for Alex because "I don't trust Ruthie to not make it a tie" and I want to tell them I'm voting out aren so that I can have leverage with them to try and make the move to get out Nicole next week like I want to make but lena found a clue and we all looked for the idol and no one found it so that means someone else must have it so I'm scared to be HONEST with issy because I don't need any idols fucking up the plan this round so I guess I'll have to deal with that in the future Then there's Lena and Ruthie who are in the family alliance and I feel like we're all good with us 4 but ruthies closeness with Nicole scares the shit out of me because like that's a powerful relationship and as the numbers get smaller that scares me.... And Nicole hasn't talked game with me in dayyyyyys and we have history where I've fucked up with her so I went to Alex to try and plant the seed of voting her out next round but i dont know what's going to happen for now I'm just going to enjoy my last moments of immunity and pray things go the way I'm expecting them to and then clean up whatever messes I've made once they resurface
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