#oughh my god
madame-mongoose · 9 months
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it has been,.. blow after blow tofay. you peopel are insane
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suntails · 6 months
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toot toot!
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eastbluecrewed · 4 months
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i love this movie so much everyone should go watch baron omatsuri and the secret island right now its on the internet archive i promise its worth the hour and a half its so beautiful and good and unsettling
reference frame below the cut !!
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nekropsii · 5 months
I’m going to throw together a better promo for this later but please read HuskComet.
This has gotten several physical reactions out of me. It’s so badass.
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m202flash623 · 9 months
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siphisket · 2 months
Your pfp reminded me of Yugo from Wakfu, which is a fun French show that has its first 3 seasons on Netflix, and its fourth season is elsewhere. Highly recommend, love Wakfu.
Aw it looks like a cute show! France has some incredible animation talent too, so I'm excited to check it out
I wonder which character is Yu-
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Proudly adding this to my non-comprehensive list of 12-year-olds, gender fuckers, and 12-year-old gender fuckers I've been compared to lol
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mrtequilasunset · 1 year
Disco Elysium FMA au where Harry sees the Truth and in exchange it takes his memory. His entire mind wiped blank except for the Truth and alchemy. Do you get me?
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macchitea · 2 years
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commission for @kirbypurrs !!! feat. their sUPER CUTE gala design <333
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renga-nishizono · 2 years
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how we feelin tonight???
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fruixtii · 2 months
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they’re so cute i’m going to sob
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yummycrummy · 9 months
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Wanted to draw the freaks again
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cassmouse · 26 days
This vinyl player is the greatest thing I own I'm utterly infatuated with this thing
I just keep wanting to watch the records go round and round and round and round and the AUDIO QUALITY???
I'm so so so happy with it y'all 😭 in love
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fferthe · 7 months
Valentine's Unknown Sender
A couple of people don't find the Valentine sender's speech in tandem with Gaster's, which I completely agree with! However, not everyone can see what we mean, so let me show you. But before we continue, I should clarify that I'm not a fluent Japanese speaker and am just going off of what little I know about the language.
Now, let me show you the two (out of three) Japanese writing systems: hirigana and katakana.
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It helps me think of hirigana as 'squiggly' characters and katakana as 'stiff'. The last one, kanji, you'll recognize immediately, as they can be confused with Chinese characters due to their complexity (and, well, origin).
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One of the points I've seen is that the style change is simply due to informality of the letter. Someone also said that it was written this way so we couldn't recognize who was speaking. To get the latter possibility out of the way: during the release of DELTARUNE, the name of the account was blurred out, making them appear as a seemingly unknown person (everyone knew it was our lovable silly goober). Though, they still had a recognizable.. style. They spoke in stilted kanji + katakana. No hirigana anywhere, which is a strange mix. Kanji + hirigana? Sure. But excluding katakana instead of hirigana is weird. Katakana is used for names, loan words (and can also be used to show a foreigner speaking Japanese), names for species, emphasis, and also to indicate unnatural speech, often used for robots (which is the case for Queen, by the way).
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Now, the Valentine's person? No kanji. They only use hirigana and katakana. Excluding kanji is very weird, too. But JRPGs at the time (which Toby loved deeply, as there are countless references to them in the game) had hardware limitations, so this choice was somewhat of a tribute. This also applies to the Light World in DELTARUNE, which resembles Undertale heavily. However, in the Dark World, kanji is used. This stranger who people believe to be Mike would have to be a Lightner to speak without using kanji. Which makes me doubt that this is Mike at all. He has an affiliation with Spamton, with Tenna. They go a long way, before the fountain opened. And a Lightner can't enter a Dark World without one. More on that later. Back to the letter, the grammar mistake is not accidental. In the Japanese version the sender writes "サラ ば!" which should be either in full katakana (サラバ) or full hirigana (さらば), not a weird mix. Also, 'goodbye' in Japanese is one word and should not be separated like that. So, same thing with the letter. While we're not told who it is, their speech still has distinct features. 🎉 PRONOUN TIME 🎉🎉 Who uses what? (I've highlighted Gaster in bold where needed.)
I: watashi (わたし) by both You: kimi (キミ) vs anata* (アナタ -> あなた) [* -- kimitachi in Entry 17] We: watashitachi (わたしたち) vs ware-ware (ワレワレ -> 我々)
Watashi is a regular formal first-person pronoun. Kimi (+tachi for plural) is a more casual second-person pronoun, can either be used by a superior to refer to a subordinate or one's equal. Anata is a respectful second-person pronoun. Ware-ware is a first-person plural pronoun used by either ancient beings or just someone old and important. The download page for DELTARUNE in 2018, the SURVEY_PROGRAM itself, the SAVE menu, the GAME OVER screen -- all of them share these same speech quirks, mannerisms. Gaster isn't just "formal", he speaks very slowly, often separating a sentence in two parts by starting off a new line. He uses very peculiar wording and it's as if he's struggling to speak. Picture an alien trying to communicate in our language, or a human that knows this 🤏 much [insert language], trying to form a sentence.
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Gaster's quirks are also present in Japanese, the localization reflects what I just talked about. He's unnaturally stiff. He also never uses commas, and it's not about formality -- it's a distinct feature of his.
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(For the Love of God Can You Embed Like a Normal Video)
Also, there have been suggestions that it could be another piece of Gaster. We already got a glimpse of what he was like pre-accident, and it's ENTRY 17. It lines up with the Gaster that accompanies us throughout chapter 1. And that means we are dealing with the most cohesive 'piece' of him. Why would, then, there be such an opposing part of him? It doesn't line up.
Personally, if this was about Gaster, I wholeheartedly agree with carlyraejepsans's take. And the only case which I'd agree on is DR Gaster.
So, here's the "later". The person knowing about the DELTA RUNE could line up with them being a Lightner, since they do have it plastered everywhere in the town, don't they? Only the Angel is ever mentioned in the Light World, but I'm sure that just like in Undertale, it's called DELTA RUNE by the Lightners just as it is by Ralsei. It seems to me that only the contents of the prophecy are different, but the name stays the same throughout worlds.
Though, funny how the prophecy is inverted.. I didn't notice it until now. In Undertale the focus is on the triangles and their salvation, while in DELTARUNE the focus is on the winged orb and its condemnation.
"You free the banished" vs "You banish the freest" hehheeh Anyway, it's not about the game, but the prophecy, so the person doesn't have THAT much knowledge. And I doubt they know about Ralsei's version of the prophecy, because other Darkners besides the prince himself don't seem to be aware of any prophecy. All they know is the Knight, which makes sense, since Asriel's doppelgänger stayed at his castle in wait of the Lightners all alone, without spreading a word about it. Neither Darkners nor Lightners know of it. Though, the phrasing does feel odd. Waiting for what exactly? DELTA RUNE? Also, the Japanese version having the name merged kind of bothers me. So, is it DELTARUNE or DELTA RUNE? The translation team does distinguish the two. Why not here? Was it intentional or not? Well, I'll leave it up to someone else to figure out, right now I'm too tired for that.
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tl;dr(?): It's not UT Gaster, nor Mike (it's not a Darkner at all). It's a Lightner and possibly DR Gaster.
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lemongogo · 1 year
@livindeddreamz-rbs-and-nonsense bro im litrly at work rn but i saw this and ive been dying 2 talk ab his trinkets SO BADDD‼️‼️
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do u rmbr when when meryl hands back the stuff bernardelli confiscated from him in like chapter 67 or whatevr.fthrowinf UPPPP like we hardly see anything but .the little doll he has.. the pen from the sandsteamer/kaite arc T_T .. the key 2 idk where but somewhere he probably called home for a bit .. IM SICK!!!IM SICK
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streetcatalex · 6 months
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inquisitor-apologist · 10 months
WAIT guys au where the New Jedi Order doesn’t die offscreen and Reva gets to train Finn
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