#ough this piece was so hard to get through but it was worth it
caycanteven · 22 days
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Night out~ ✨🍷
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kibbits · 10 months
Time to share some Starry lore because I’ve got a cute scene in mind. I love to vocal stim, sounds, phrases, but particularly songs. I’ll hear a song that feels just right and I’ll sit and chew it for hours til my throat’s sore. Currently favorite is The Valentine in Starfield (Is it still a sea shanty if it’s in space?). The reason I bring this fun fact up is because I can just see myself sitting for hours stimming with boys over new songs. Especially if it’s any new pieces for the theater. While the scripts and lyrics are predesigned by Fazbear, there’s something unquestionably their’s in performance that make it worth repeating. Worth remembering. Humming through daily tasks. Parroting their tone, their voice. Another sign of their existence that’s more then the capacity to destroy, then just simple property… They do end up being slightly upset when the Glamrocks try to introduce their songs to stimming sessions. (Sun/Moon: “That’s my human bonding time :(“ Monty: “Get cooler song selections then Sock and Buskin.” Freddy: “Pls do not misuse google search privileges to make insults.”)
- ✨Starry✨
Starry, hi!!! <33
!!!! HELL yes I echo songs a lot too!!!!
Unfortunately often 1-3 lines on repeat fgklgjkldfjg currently it's Villainous Thing, but I keep mixing "Let me see those smoky eyes" and "Let's remove those pretty clothes" and I end up singing "Oh dear, let's remove those smoky eyes" which. not the same fgkldjl
STARRY?! HELLO?! YOU REALLY GOT ME TEARING UP OVER THAT DESCRIPTION AAAA?!?! Also ABSOLUTELY -- for both the stimming, and making the songs their own.
God I'm imagining it so hard.
Eyndr suggested I draw a 'Y/N repairing the coat' last magma, and I haven't posted it cause I never got done, but yknow what? You get a WIP sketch fgkldgj Imagine they're singing
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(Goose by Eyndr! Sun is stimming with a ribbon, like I do, except that I like to wrap it around the pads of my fingers, but he doesn't have those, so he has the bad habit of letting it run between his finger casings. Also I wanted a domestic vibe for this and also thought it'd be hilarious to have 'fanservice' with Sun being shirtless. Also, a more masculine Y/N! First beard I've drawn I think???)
One of the three absentmindedly starts a song and the others join in almost immediately. Unless it's a headache day, the backstage is never silent between those three, there's always a bit of humming or singing or even just echolalia.
Which. Mood. I always immediately and absentmindedly want to join in on sounds or singing in vc -- which. being in vc at all, and talking?? is a new development for me fgjdgkl but my god it's nice to be vibing and singing with a friend while doodling -- shout out to my bestie @eyndr ! I love hanging out for games or project days so much aa One day discord and spotify won't make us sing rounds/canons fghdj
Ough that's nice!!! I loved it! ; w ; Ehehe, I tend to have work songs/sea shanties days where that's all I listen to, so I getcha and good choice! > :3 Haven't played that game, but I do play No Man's Sky and I wish there was random space shanty singers to find waugh!
Also now I'm totally imagining a Faz Space Opera yeeesss 👀👀👀
Back to BaL! Sometimes, for fun, all 3 purposefully mess with the cadence or pitch, either to make each other laugh or just to get creative or because it sounds nice, and they end up liking something and it's like "!!!!"
When they sing that version later, it feels like theirs -- like it's those moments spent together. Proof of their existence and how it affects the world around them positively. Reminders that they're loved, and they love (in a cosmic kind of way, but also it's a self insert so fuck it we BaLl (aaaay finally used the joke @lavenoon fgjdfklgjld).
Also yeee I can see them being really, ACTUALLY insulted when one of the animatronics, who doesn't know because those little sing-stimming sessions are private with Y/N, jokes about how those songs are lame and they should be singing some of theirs instead because they're catchier. Oof
Which, just now, made me realize that BaL Sun's anger runs cold, so he just goes totally silent, straightens up and get that intense stare. Maybe Moon's even the one who talks through the speaker to deflect and does that overly-sweet anger of like "Catchy, huh? Hopefully we don't catch those inflated egos of yours -- there's barely enough space for all of us and your big heads as it is! We'll come back later~!" to excuse themselves (and then prank them to hell and back of course! But there's no proof : )) ) (ALSO OH MY GOD SOCK AND BUSKIN THAT'S FUCKING GOLD. THAT'S SO CANON NOW AND THE BOYS THINK IT'S HILARIOUS)
Back to the singing, I think that another thing that they do especially well is that they can sing at the same time, so even for solos they can add back vocals to each other, or play around with the pitch since they do-and-don't share a processor and can adapt in microseconds -- wait actually they can definitely sing rounds, too!!
Oh my god now I'm imagining them singing rounds with vastly different moods at the same time, perfectly calibrated so that both of them come out loud and clear and also enhance each other's -- lining up or losing one of their voices at just the right moment to be chilling. It's like you're getting the song and the reprise but both at once
Thanks for the ask Starry!!! Always excited to see you in my inbox <33 And I'm going to be rotating this in my mind for a WHILE fkljdgjkld
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bluiex · 1 year
When writing that oneshot I wanted a theme.
Strength and moving on.
My best friend is currently going through a cheating break up. He’s not doing too well.
So I put a lot of his personality into Scar.
Eventually we all emotionally check out. We stop caring because it hurts too care. Scar isn’t a completely vengeful type, never could be with Grian.
So he opts instead to move on, he picked up the pieces of his heart on that lonely mountain in Last Life. And put the shattered remains back together. For a long time he was resentful and better in his own isolation.
But then he came to accept it. Emotionally there was nothing left between him and Grian. And finally saying those words out loud to himself, made all the difference for his heart and mind. The words felt like a breath of fresh air.
Scar knows now, in Double Life, his own worth. And can be happy for Grian because he knows that he doesn’t have to let it get to him anymore. Grian is allowed to be happy too.
Songs like
Piece by Piece - Kelly Clarkson.
Stronger - Kelly Clarkson.
Fighter - Christian Aguilera
Survivor - Destinies Child
These were the vibes I was listening too. Scar became stronger without Grian, and took care of himself. He doesn’t need him to survive anymore.
For Grian, well, we never know how precious something is. Until we lose it. So what’s worse? Knowing they can be happy for you? Or knowing they are happy without you?
Ough JAAAADE that's so perfect qoq it's literally how I went through my own cheating break up. (It's why the ficlet I related to so hard and did tear up a bit) And it's so freeing to be just over it and uncaring now. Cuz ykno fuck that person! I know my worth-- and jade you expressed it SO bloody well in the ficlet <3
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Following the thief now… it was quite a challenge for the half-bot. It hasn’t been more than a few moments, yet they had already disappeared into the teal hues of this manor. The paths were winding and twisting with confusion, no doubt it would get to Cyborg soon enough.
Aimlessly moving about whatever path they could find, they took the time to open most of the doors they came across. Most of the stuff was boring- some bedrooms, a library, a few balconies- ooh! Those were the gems they stole last night! They looked at the bunch of them, a grin of pride brought to their face as their visor lit up with delight. There were so many colors that flickered in the morning light! They didn’t think silly little rocks could invoke such delight! Well- they didn’t really, they didn’t have much of a purpose- but they looked edible! ...Maybe they could eat one? Hm… Roguey wouldn’t be looking, so a small one would be fine, right? Picking one up with their mitten, they examined it closely. They didn’t know what it was, but it was red and blue! Neat! What was not neat was the reaction their systems had when it was brought close! There were loud static pops around their head, their arm seizing a little while their mind buzzed persistently...as if there was a sudden storm that had filled their form! It was enough to get them to drop whatever it was, and it fractured the moment it hit the floor. Abruptly, all of these things would collectively stop, and Cyborg groaned as things just seemed to go back to normal. Mmm, that was kinda mean! Maybe they were inedible...The rocks were finally fighting back against their fate, bummer. They were going to have to find a way around that! Haha, wouldn’t that be funny…!
Moving along, other rooms weren’t worth noting- it was cyborg’s perception of things, after all- Though they did happen to come across some large, vacant spaces. Hm… that creepy scientist would probably make use of this space. However, past those rooms, they would finally walk into the room that Roguefort had nestled themself into, full of fabrics and things of the like with lengths of it loosely reaching for the center of the room. There was a soft humming from the thief as they looked about them, then down to a sheet of paper they had scribbled things down on. The moment they felt even the slightest movement, however, they squeaked, their gaze darting to where they had noticed something else moving.
“...O-Oh. It’s just you.” “Yeah, the dumbass passed out. Soooo, now I’m left with you!” “...You don’t like what I’ve done.” “I sure don’t!” “Yet you’ve lied to me.” “H-Huh?” “I was told I would have fun during all this, yet we’ve all hurt each other. I’m also losing my sense of self... I think it’s fair to call ourselves even.” They glanced at the half-bot, who, after a few moments, huffed at such a remark. “Whatever, fiiine. Your offense was still worse, though.” “...If you assume so. I still plan on apologizing to you both with at least something of worth.” “Is that why you’re here?” The question got a nod out of Roguefort. “I don’t wish for us to drive each other apart-” “Tch, you say that when you let Aloe of all people live here-” “Rather, I think we should try to befriend each other.” “...We need to take you to another gem place, don’t we?” “Hear me out, will you? It would benefit us both to become friends with what could be considered a worst enemy. That way, they have fewer reasons to turn on us, and perhaps they’ll have a bit of a turnaround and realize that helping us with the husks is beneficial.” “...So...There was a reason you let them stay here…” “Cy, it would have taken five seconds to explain...perhaps you should try to think a little before acting?” “I can do many things, but that’s impossible!” Such a phrase got them both to laugh a little. The taller continued to scribble down things, prompting Cyborg to sit next to them and look at what they were doing. “...What is that?” “Well, I’ve felt that we’ve all been through a handful of things, so… If we’re becoming nothing like what we were, I figured that our physical identities should be shed.” “...What?” “I’m making outfits, Cy.” “...Ohhhh!!!! Why didn’t you say that before?” They giggled, bapping them on the back. “I didn’t know you made things like that!”
“I still wish to remain eloquent, is all. And, why wouldn’t I? I’m a thief, it’s only fair that one would have to come up with their own disguises. All of ours, whoever made them...oh dear. They are in such need of repair.” They smiled, glancing at the other. “...By chance, do you know what Aloe likes, aesthetically speaking?” “...Why are you asking me that?” “I wish for it to be a surprise for both of you, and I don’t know what either of you likes most.” “Oh...um. They like green!!! And gold, I guess… They’ve always seemed like they wanted fancier clothing, I think…? I dunno, they always seemed unhappy with how they looked.” They would trail off, feeling some guilt that they knew not the origins of. To get their mind off of it, they looked at Roguefort, who was scribbling out a little design for them. “...Do you have any preferences for yourself?” “Mmmm, I wanna be fluffy!!! With little neon colors, maybe more orange!!! It looks really neat, and-” At this point, they would begin to ramble about what they’d like, all of which the thief would be sure to scribble down. It was a lot more specific than Aloe’s, that’s for sure! By the time they finished, they looked down, and noticed something...odd! Roguey didn’t have a single mark down on how they wanted to look!!! Hm!
“...We could try going on another heist tonight if you’d like.” “We?” “We! You’re not half bad at trashing the places we steal from, now are you?” “Hmhm, I would never be half bad!!! I’m the best when it comes to a little destruction!!” “Ah...then we shall embark on our little adventures soon enough. ..Would you mind speaking with Aloe for a little while when they wake up?” “About what?” “Just… anything, really. I don’t want us to fall apart. As useful as it would be to befriend them, I’d rather it be a genuine friendship, not some flimsy attempt to force them to stay.” “...Fine. Uh, so, we’re gonna go and do stealies tonight, yeah?” “We are, yes.” “Hm!!! I will destroy all the paintings you’ve collected!! And then I'll get food! And... then talk to Aloe, ew. I’ll do a lot so you can make silly little outfits!” “And it is much appreciated.” the stealer of jewels watched them dart away, before turning back to the page.
~ “...So, it’s been weeks, and they still haven’t been able to think of something to wear?” “I mean...yea. They said they wanted to give us the outfits for us today since you somehow are feeling better. Why are they missing out on the fun stuff?” “Perhaps they’re having an identity crisis.” “A what?” “...Right, you’re still dumb. Uh… I think we could try to make something for them…” “But we don’t know shit about making clothes!” “That’s why we attempt to do such a thing, Cyborg.” Aloe huffed, reaching for some of the pale yellow fabric strung along the length of the room. “Should we keep the color scheme the same?” “HELL NO! I dunno what would work nicely with that cheese, but I know they’d want some tacky fancy stuff…”
“I mean, they don’t look half bad in fanciful things.” perhaps a darker shade of teal…? Off-white… With a few light purples. “Do you have any ideas for them?” “Mmmm, I like the cape they have! It’s like a portable blankie!” “Is that all you can think of it as?” “Definitely! I will steal it someday!” “Already taking notes from them, I see… How odd.” “Hm?” “I never thought you would be able to adapt to the changes someone else has.” “Oh, no no! Nope! Not even close! You’re not even in the same ballpark! Y'see, they’re chaotic. We both share a brain cell, that’s how I manage to do that.” “...I’ll have to conduct an experiment on that later.” “H-HUH?” “You’re second-guessing yourself now, hm? Having regrets?”
“Shut up! Ugh, let’s just...work on this. I can’t believe you managed to get better, I was hoping you’d die again.” “Very nice of you, thanks.” They shot a glance at the pouting Cyborg. Nevertheless, they’d continue working on the outfit, which would very easily take over a few hours. The half-bot attempted to help, but the most they could do was suggest ideas and hold pieces of cloth in place. Boring!!! That was up until they were about to start making the cape- That was something Cyborg snatched right up! “I’m making this part!!! Mine!!” “...Allow me to help, at least a little.” “No! You helped with everything else, I should get a little say in this!” They held the fabric close, but the scientist would grab onto it. “I understand, but I’m following the design you wish for them to have!” They would try to yank it from them, but their grip remained strong. The prototype of the cape was in a deadlock between the two.
“No! Nono, Roguey needs something from me! You already got your grimy hands on everything!!” They seemed a little desperate, continuing to pull at the fabric. “Let go!!! You never let me do anything!!!” “You let go! You can come up with a design for this, it will be just like the rest!!!” “No! I wanna make this piece!!” “Well, you’re going to mess it up!” “I won’t, Dumbass!!!” “That doesn’t want to make me let it go any faster!!” “Well, then I’ll MAKE you let go!!!” They yanked on it as hard as they could, which did get Aloe to fall back… Only because the cape was ripped in half. The anger the half-bot exuded simmered down as quickly as possible thereafter. They could only stare at what they had caused with a bit of shock, and even more guilt. It… It’s only been a few weeks, yet… They still weren’t over the thought of killing the scientist… “...I’m sorry…” “Hgh...it’s fine…” They let out a heavy sigh, shaking their head as they sat up. Ough, that wound from all that time ago still hurts like a bitch. “Perhaps we could just...work on it together. It...Hah, it’s even torn in half…” It was clear to Cyborg they were just trying to make the most of this inconvenience… and it made them feel a little better that they were at least trying to make amends. It was...still way too small to matter, but it was big enough to be noticeable! “...Mmm...sure.”
“I’ve noted you both were in the room I was in while designing outfits for you both...whatever was your business in there?” “Well, we uh-” “We made you this really cool thing!!!! We think you would like it lots!!!” Cyborg said, seemingly happier than they were before the two of them walked into the room. This caught the thief off guard, a warm smile brought to their face shortly thereafter.
“Well, I’m pleased to let you know that I’m here to show you both your outfits… Made from what we all think you both would like most!” They unveiled the two designs they had been working on, handing each to their respective owners… Who seemed to cherish them. “There’s so much fluff on this!!! More than I asked! I thought there would be only neck fluff, but this??? This much????? I love it! I dunno who thought of it, but thankies!!! It’s also so bright!!! And the orange is all shiny...It makes me so happy!!!” They hugged what they were given as if it were some form of a plush. Not a moment later, they zipped away, likely to change into it. Aloe simply stared at what was given to them, looking it over as if attempting to find a single flaw… “How is there not even a single loose thread…?” “Ah, I have my ways. Yours was a lot of fun to make, Aloe.” “Hah...it makes me feel bad…” “Why’s that?” They tilted their head inquisitively, perking up when Aloe showed them the outfit the others had made for the thief of the night… “We...did our best, but it doesn’t look that great…” They glanced away as Roguefort took what was offered, also looking it over. “It’s not that bad! Some of the stitching is weird, yes, but… I like to think it gives the piece flavor.” They grinned, no hint of contempt on their face. “The only thing I wonder is why the cape was presumably torn…” “Ah, we got into a bit of an argument… We stitched it up together soon after and tried to hide it with a ribbon...” “Hm...the concept is interesting! Do you mind if I make a few changes?” “Not at all. It’s something to make you more comfortable with yourself, after all.” “Then, I’ll likely put a few more ribbons to match what you’ve chosen for me. It’s...a nice change of pace, the colors you chose.”
The moment they got the chance to move back into the fabric room, Roguefort did, sighing as they closed the door behind them. Right… They just had a few things to take care of. The ribbons, checking up on the outside world, and...one other thing they nearly forgot about entirely. There was a closet on the far side of the room. The phantom silently moved over to it, looking back to the doorway to make sure nobody was looking, before opening it up and peering in. There it was...this odd cane they never really found a use for until such a moment, when they recalled the dangers that lay ahead of themself...and everybody else. Taking it, and lightly dusting it off, they looked to a nearby window. The number of husks staring back, smiling with the faces of the damned… it was growing. It’s gone from one to twenty, and they could tell some form of danger was lurking. Glancing down at the cane, they gently lifted the handle away from the base of it. The moment they saw the sharp glimmer of metal, they closed it again. So...this wasn’t just them hallucinating things about what this was capable of. Perhaps it would prove to be useful? They knew not. What they did know, however, was that it would be put to the test soon enough. Best not to dwell on it now. Right, their outfit...there was quite a bit to fix. ...Where were the ribbons put? Ah, there...the spool had a little happy face on it, likely drawn by the happy-go-lucky bot themself. What a curious little group they have befriended...
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emilythecatishere · 4 years
Tillie’s Travels
Written by EmilytheCat-Multifandom
Inspired by a Roleplay
From Bigg City Port there was a small purple tug switcher who’s name is Tillie Tug-Switcher. As for her having to move out from Sodor and live in Bigg City Port, the place where she now considers it home. In Bigg City Port there was a Fleet called The Star Fleet, who Tillie looks up to and admires. as for her wishes to become a Star Tug too. But not when it comes to her flaws and quirks of being Naive, Clumsy, Childish and Silly. Some would say that it could lead her off to trouble and to wander around to be lost within herself. That’s what this little switcher was about to go through when her curiosity got the best of her into finding something new, From a weathering storm and over the rainbow.
(chapter 1)
[Into The Storm]
The skies darkened with the horrendous rumbles of thunder running against the clouds striking warning in the stacks of the tugboats who looked up, the water began to rush around and swish against the docks choppily sending barges packed together in the waterways of Bigg City Port.
It wasn’t exactly a hurricane, but a large tropical storm that had suddenly been pulled up from the open ocean. Unfamiliar fishing and row boats would pass by the estuary, the storm had been carrying them across the sea ever since it started, the waters weren’t as bad now but it would be crazy to swim around in this kind of weather and waves.
At the moment Tillie was trying her best to get her delivery barge done even while in this storm yet a thought went into her head when she wondered how and why these storms are coming. Soon curiosity will come out into play just as soon as she’s done with her work.
The water splashed about on Tillie’s path making the deepest part of Bigg City’s waters slightly hard to push through, heavy water would sink and brush the stones and rocks from the bottom up to the surface, hitting the hulls of boats retreating back and finishing their jobs.
There wasn’t a single soul walking around the docks without a raincoat, lamps swayed as gusts of wind swept down to shake loose supplies and potted plants from the nearby neighborhoods. Some of the Stars could even been seen coming back to the sanctuary of Bigg City’s safe and close docks, they too seemed to be in a struggle but all will be worth it once their last jobs are done and their stacks are warm.
Tillie was finally getting close to her destination for her delivery barges and still she wonders even more about the storm as if she felt something about it or something else entirely that’s causing her curiosity to grow in her.
A quick splash of water jetted against Tillie from a passing tugboat, they were in a hurry towards Star Port until they noticed passing Tillie and stopped to look back.
“Tillie? What on earth are you doing out here with a barge in the middle of a storm!?”
Top Hat replied with confused expression, of course you wouldn’t see Top Hat in the middle of a storm so it would be best for oncoming boats to stay away from his splashes, sadly Top Hat didn’t make a warning for Tillie and got her covered in wet ocean water.
“Don’t you see the state of the water around you? Your deck is damp with salt water! All tugs should be evacuating, especially if there’s rain in our midst.”
of course it wouldn’t be Top Hat without complaining about something, even when in the middle of a choppy tropical storm.
Tillie shook her head. getting some of the wet ocean water off her face to look over to Top Hat
“Oh Top Hat! I was just making my last delivery with this barge. But worry i’ll be somewhere safe, at least from this kind of storm!”
Tillie said to Top Hat as she halted from getting her work done.
Top Hat swished his haul and raised his eyebrow seeing that Tillie was really going to finish her job out in this rough terrain of an ocean.
“Well I should hope so, these waves are no places for switchers to be!”
A quiet drop of rain landed on Top Hat’s monocle, this startled him a bit seeing stray tear of water fall from the sky.
“Ough, I must get going, if I stay out while it rains then I'll never be dry again!”
Top Hat then skidded away from Tillie without saying goodbye, Top Hat never enjoyed the rain no matter how light it was, he wanted to keep his image as clean and dry as can be and his speed towards port proved it.
Tillie said noticing that Top Hat left without saying goodbye, but she continued to complete her work as she could now finally reach her destination to let these barges go and finish the job.
Tillie was lucky, her barges were to be the last to strap up before everyone went to lock up into their homes, she was released of the barges and was free to go. Unfortunately it started to rain more, this was truly going to make for a wet afternoon and everyone now knew of the oncoming downpour that was tapping loudly on their roofs.
“Oh dear I have to get going, I've never seen this much of a worse storm like this than back on The Island. Of Sodor. But even with this storm it won’t be so hard to navigate through.”
Tillie reassures herself as she makes her way out.
The waves were starting to get quicker and more rain began to fall on the surface of the sea, mist and fog kicked up along the horizon and there was no one out to be seen. Despite the kicking of the water, the ocean grew more in depth and father grew the curiosity of no fisherman but the ones of adventurous minds.
Lillie’s light could be faintly seen through the middle of the storm gazing through the mess, unfortunately she had to stay out to make sure no boats endup floating away or into the harbour when the winds were thrashing about. The skies slowly became darker and darker, blocking out light entirely with the roar of drums and the claps of small lighting among the skies, it was a major change from the sprinkle earlier but there was still time to return back to safety, unless… someone were to stay out a little longer.
Tillie tries to make her way back to her dock but it was difficult to see especially without the light from Lillie Lightship and navigation is even harder. Still even with all of this she still had to wonder and think with such a storm like this. She had heard of stories about storms like these that oftentimes take ocean travelers to places where they’ve never seen before. This drove her to be more curious about the storm and what could likely take her somewhere magnificent. but she soon remembers how the Star Fleet and her sister warned her about going off to dangerous situations and with curiosity killed the tugboat. But Tillie rarely follows those warnings and advises her lack of focus. Yet so she still makes her way out.
The wind and rain picked up hard and the lightning began to echo down and clap against the air, big waves could be seen bouncing around far from Bigg City making a harsh water border around the safer areas.
It wasn’t long until the tides began trying to pull Tillie back, harbour bells rang loudly as the rain kept coming in harder making it hard to see where anyone is going. Crates were shoved into the sea and tools were sinking to the bottom of the port, anything that was left out unkempt would be damaged or taken away by the power of the storm.
Tillie tries to get a little closer but tries to make a far safe distance as she knows that storms are likely to pull anyone or anything in. yet she hadn’t noticed she’s already being dragged into the storm.
Rocks and pebbles kicked up by the tides knocked into Tillie’s hull, pieces of debris wept past the small tugboat and would sometimes scrape against her. The cold winds called out to Tillie, there was no voice nor sentient soul but the large rocking ocean gave the feeling of something far beyond Bigg City Port, salt and sand swirled into the banks and made it clear that the storm will get worse to those who have not yet evacuated into their homes.
“uhh...I-I should go back. This is a bit too close”
Tillie said as she realized how she’s getting near the storm. She tries to get back away from the storm but from the strong winds and tides waves kept her from going back.
The waves began crashing and bouncing Tillie in the water like a little toy tugboat, it almost felt as if Bigg City was drifting away in the rain inch by inch at a time. Shards of hard downpour blasted towards Tillie’s vision as the swishing cold mess blindly rotated her towards the open ocean. Lillie’s light was nowhere to be seen through the thick mist, crates and barges broke away floating towards the vast amount of water pulling it all into the bustling sea and away from the coast, much like the lost supplies and barge parts, Tillie was unknowingly being pulled by the storm towards the great beyond of mother nature’s stormy ocean. Slowly the presence of Bigg City Port was drifting away behind Tillie’s very own deck.
Tillie looked around, anywhere she could try to see through the storm yet it was too much for her to see or navigate her around as soon as she noticed that she had no idea where she was or where to go now. She did what she can only do is cry out for help.
“Is anyone out here?!”
“Help me!”
The storm was drifting her very far out now, closer and closer the borders of the choppy ocean came to the little tugboat. Lillie’s horn could suddenly be heard but it was echoing away, lillie was busy going off helping another boat without noticing the peril of Tillie.
Thunder banged and crashed close above Tillie as the icey drifts of air whipped her hair, the more closer she got to the border the more quicker the waves were pulling and pushing her in. the floating debris didn’t help either, some of the broken crates would bob up around Tillie from the currents pushing forward.
Tillie closed her eyes each time when the loud stormy thunder as she was scared of the loud sound. She was even more scared with her situation being dragged into the storm where she couldn’t see or get any help from others especially out in this horraide weather. Yet still where on this ocean storm could she be?
A worried and panting voice came trudging in the mist, a bright colored hull and a large light could be seen of Lillie, she was still pretty far from Tillie though.
“What are you doing here?! Hold on, i’m coming to get you!”
Lillie huffed against the tides, Tillie was almost about to reach the choppy border and if Lillie doesn’t do something quick, then Tillie could be swept out into the unknown.
More thrashing of lighting lit up the charcoal skies, it was so close to the water that it looked like it could hit them if it blasted hard enough. Oncoming waves hauled the tugboat and the light up and down harshly, it didn’t make Lillie’s job any easier.
Tillie cries out loud from this storm as she tries to get to
Lillie’s light as she hurries over to her. She’s close to being rescued and saved from this horrific experience but the storm and heavy waves makes it hard for her to get to Lillie on time.
Then it happened…
One giant crack of lightning and blast of thunder formed in the sky, everything went blaring white for a second and then nothing. All around Tillie was nothing but a frightening ocean, the current swept her so quickly that it felt like butter washing through the water, Lillie’s light could be seen faintly fading away into the layers of falling water and mixed up confusion, Lillie was too late. Tillie was now in the hands of dangerous waters and whipping winds of the storm, the crate debris left Tillie’s presence in all directions and now the tropical storm was going to do the same with her.
Tillie sees Lillie’s light fading away until she couldn’t see it no more as she was swept away
“no...No! NO!”
“Lillie please don’t go!”
“Please Help me!”
She cries out again, only for her pleading cry for help is snuffed out by the loud thunder and lightning of the storm. Leaving Tillie all alone in the dark, rainy and frightening storm for her to survive.
The reaction of huge tidal waves began to bash against the poor tugboat’s side, nearly all of her on board tools were swept off into the deep giving Tillie no chance of rescue.
The thunder surged on for hours, the rain was getting so repetitive and harsh that it looked to be chipping off bits of Tillie’s paint. Struggling boats and tankers would come into view from time to time, but once it looked like Tillie could find help the tide would just sweep her away into the other direction, she was lost miles and miles away from home now, there was no way the Stars would be able to search for her out in this size of a storm.
Tillie hoped that from these tide waves to help her get out of this storm but not knowing how far away from her home. She wants to get out of this storm that’s been nothing more than a terrifying nightmare for a small tug-switcher to endure. She hopes that it will all be over soon.
Suddenly, a large “thunk” came from the side of Tillie, it looked to be a large rock poking out of the depths that stopped her from being trashed any further, it gave a nasty scratch on her hull but at least it stopped her from being picked up and down about the waves.
The rain soon resided a bit more, it was still raining and choppy waters but at least it was better to see farther now than before. It looked like the storm was leaving Tillie behind a bit, the wind kept tugging and pulling her towards it but the rock kept her put, the clouds lightened a bit to a darkish grey meaning that now she wouldn’t be carried any further, but how far was she carried?
Tillie looked around and noticed the rock that held her in place. She was glad that the storm was over but now she had no idea what to do or where she was entirely. She was in panic mode from what she’s been through and now knowing that she’s all alone, far away from home and the thought for her to be here if anyone would ever find her if they did at all.
Her panic soon slows down as she tries to get herself to calm down. She looked around and soon looked up at the sky.
She still sees darkness. She didn’t know what to do next yet for the last time all she could do is call out for help.
“hello?...is Anyone there?” Tillie said
Soft beams of bright light then shine through the dark clouds, rain was still falling but it was only in short doses of sprinkles. The water that the sun touched simmered and rocked slowly as the water calmed down, the mist too calmed down to reveal some form of structure in the distance. Tillie was still in the water but everything felt unfamiliar, the atmosphere felt different, the morning sun felt different, even the rock that was holding her felt different from the Den-Der Rocks back home.
It seemed to be morning now, that storm must’ve carried Tillie forever all night! Nobody replied to Tillie but the structure among the fog became more clear and looked to a harbour, though it wasn’t the same as Bigg City.
It was haunting for Tillie to hear nobody reply back after the storm as she still looked around to see anyone. Still there was nobody on sight. She thought for a moment. A last resort to make herself known. So she blew out her whistle three times in a row until she stopped as she felt her fuel had run out.
There was just silence for Tillie. She just felt like she wanted to close her eyes and think to herself this was all a bad dream. Yet she also felt like she’s to blame since everyone had told her about wandering off into something dangerous, she even remembered what Top Hat even told her. She could’ve just gone back to her dock with her sister and be safe and sound.
But her curiosity got the best of her.
( to be continued...)
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