#ough god i am so weak for friend groups like this bcmxndk
cheemken · 1 year
Yknow what,, have some wholesome non villain au related hcs abt the Unova kids before I write the third chapter hahah
•Iris and Hilbert probs take turns holding the Champion title now tho fr, and at one point they decided to just share the title, w Iris telling him that Steven and Wallace shares Hoenn's Champion title too
-and hey, Hilbert was more than happy, he gets to share it w his bestie hahaha
-when challengers face the two of em it's such a quick fight, ofc having one of Unova's Hero and then Unova's Champion on the same team and they're the strongest trainers in the region wouldn't really reassure you that much
•they have lil picnic outings every month as suggested by Bianca, and ofc everyone should always be free on the day she planned the picnic or she'll be sad and they don't wanna see her sad
-Hilda had to constantly remind everyone of the things they had to bring, and has to be more specific when it's N's turn to bring the snacks cause the last time he was in charge of it, he only brought berries and water
•Cheren left his Samurrot, and even his entire team with N, as N didn't have his own team now, often just letting Reshiram stay w him per Hilbert's request
-ofc it took a while before Cheren really trusted him, but he also wants someone who knows how to take care of pkmn and can understand them to be the one to watch over his team
-N would always update him abt anything regarding his team, and often they'd visit him in Aspertia, hanging out in the gym, and sometimes N even joins the classes to listen
•look they're just really great friends okay they make me so ill and so soft like imagine them having movie nights, they watch a horror movie and everyone's fucking vibing
-Cheren and Hilbert acts all tough, trying to convince the others (just themselves really) that they aren't scared, but the slightest of sounds could make Hilbert scream, and he'd cling on to Cheren for dear life, scaring Cheren too
-Bianca gets scared easily, hiding behind her hands and asking if the scary part is over, she'd tell them that they should just watch smth else instead. She'd like, hold on tight to Iris' and/or Hilda's hand/s, but her grip is so tight tho that the two of em had to calm her down
-Iris and Hilda aren't bothered by it much, ofc Iris was so used to the movie nights w the other champions, and Hilda reads over the movie's plot before watching so she could anticipate the jumpscares or the scary bits
-N is honestly so confused most of the time, asking why that Pokémon was hurting that trainer, why are ghost Pokémon attacking them, etc, and Cheren had to tell him bc it's also a good distraction from the movie
•sleepovers tho,,,
-N and Iris not knowing what a sleepover is/wasn't invited to one since, and the Nuvema kids went all out, Bianca got all of em matching onesies fr
-N fucking loves the onesies, Bianca got him a Zoroark one, he wore it once when they went to the mall and Hilbert and Cheren were very insistent they don't know him
-but ough them just sharing secrets and such yknow, pillow fights, just having fun telling each other abt their day, them just sleeping so close to each other bc they're scared they'd suddenly disappear and they just mean so much to each other man jcmxndn
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