#otz vintage story rp server
My funky little man.
So, a while back I was lucky enough to be able to join Otz's Vintage Story RP server during the last few sessions of season one. I would've been in it for 4 sessions, but had a pretty nasty chronic pain flare-up during the time the middle 2 sessions where happening. I was there for the last session though and it went... badly for my character.
My character's name was Dohn Joe, which I got during my first session because I had forgot to come up with one before I was in-game and someone who was showing me around had asked and had intended to call me John Doe until I decided on one, but he fumbled his words and called me Dohn Joe instead. He was a builder who wanted to start his own Inn, like the one he had worked in his whole life.
I made some editions to his canonical story due to my absence for those 2 sessions, and some lag and glitches I had both before and after was away for 2 sessions (which were 2 in-game months). In cannon, Dohn had spent the 2 months in a coma having terrible nightmares about the Great Temporal Storm that was set to happen not long after he awoke. I had some problems with my mic and headphones, which lead to me not being able to hear for a few minutes when I joined for the final session. My audio still wasn't as good as it was for my previous session either. So, I tied that in with his story.
I died while trying to follow the group to the boats that were supposed to get us out of there and away from the storm, and the monsters that came with it. In my panicked running, while already trailing behind a bit, I had accidentally put out my torch (aka my only light source) and also eventually running out of stamina because I hadn't brought any food with my to refill it while we ran for the boats. I got way too into character during all this and was actually screaming and stuff. I had finally gotten found by someone with a lantern after repeatedly blowing a horn I had picked up from someone in town earlier when I had gotten stuck in a hole that I couldn't find my way out of due to not being able to see. But while they were guiding me to the everyone else is when my stamina ran out and I wasn't able to keep up with them, leading to me watching their lantern get further away while I was yelling "wait, I can't run anymore" and "don't leave me behind", it was as I was starting to catch up that the wolves attacked, I had intended to go past them, as it seemed like the person I was with was fighting them off, only for their light to disappear as I got to the spot (pretty sure they died) and me to get torn apart by the wolves in the dark while screaming "no no no no, I don't wanna die".
I might've been fine and had been able to keep up with the group if I had brought some food and had either tried to get a lantern before we left town, or had just not been stupid and jumped right into the deep water that put out my torch.
Anyways, I came up with a neat idea for my season 2 come-back with Dohn as I never really got to follow through with my plans for him due to the timing of when I joined the server, aka 4 sessions before it ended. I couldn't just actually use the same character, since season 2 does pick up where season 1 left off more or less and my character had died. So, my funky little idea is that the weird magic of the storm that had come through shortly after his death had basically re-made Dohn from what was left of his body, who is similar to Dohn, but not quite the same. He has some of Dohn's memories that he has gained through dreams and nightmares following him waking up/being born after the storm, but most of it is kinda scattered and in bits and pieces.
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