#otty chats
otterlyinluv · 26 days
To whomever it may concern
Do you think Darkiplier has a heartbeat and/or needs to breathe?
I may or may not need it for a fic👀
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hellodarling1357 · 7 months
Tiny Toes: Part 4 - Cassian x Reader
Finally here with Part 4! I've been in an angsty mood so have struggled with writing anything fluffy but hopefully this works 🥰
Summary: Sleepovers + blanket forts + lots and lots of cuddles
Word Count: 3.3k
You can read the previous part here!
It had been two weeks since telling Ottie that you and Cassian were together, and she had been ecstatic from the news ever since. You were still easing your presence into her day-to-day life, although, given the amount of time you spent with her as her babysitter, it wasn’t much of an adjustment. 
Every morning the three of you would have breakfast together, either at your apartment, at Cassian’s house, or, when Cassian had the morning off, you would make your way into Velaris and spend the morning at a cafe followed by a walk through the park of along the river.
You also started joining Cassian at his family dinners and found yourself easily slipping into the group and becoming closer with the Inner Circle. Both Nyx and Ottie were overjoyed at your presence, excited by the prospect of having someone new to play with, especially after Ottie had talked you up so much which made Nyx also want to befriend you. It was like clockwork, the minute you set your fork down, two sets of hands would be pulling you towards the lounge room as they explained what you would be playing that evening. Eventually, the others would filter into the room, Elain happily taking your spot on the floor so you could rejoin Cassian on the couch and curl up against him.
An hour ticked by as Ottie and Nyx continued playing while the rest of you chatted away and shared a bottle or two of wine. Eventually the late night seemed to catch up to Ottie as she made her way over to where you and Cassian sat, reaching up her hands for him to lift her up and settle her on his lap. You smiled as you watched her fight to keep her eyes open then let out a laugh as her little legs stretched out to rest across your lap, leaving her sprawled over the two of you.
“Looks like someone’s ready for bed,” Rhys mused from Feyre’s side, smiling softly at the three of you as everyone took in the scene playing out. 
“I think so,” Cassian pushed some of Ottie’s hair away from her face, “what do you think, Otts? Ready to go home?” The room filled with laughter as Ottie violently shook her head whilst letting out a yawn.
“Come on, home time.” But Ottie, apparently not liking what her dad had to say, squirmed in his lap so that she was upright again and then quickly moved over to kneel in your lap, her arms coming up to wrap around you as she hid her face in the crook of your neck. You looked at Cassian, amusement filling your eyes as he let out a sigh. 
“She clearly has a new favourite.” Feyre laughed.
“Hmm, apparently she now thinks that if I say no, Y/N is going to say yes,” Cassian shot you a mock look of annoyance, “which isn’t helped by the fact that the two of you keep ganging up on me.”
“Aw, feeling a bit left out, Cassie?” Cassian chucks a cushion at Azriel in response to the taunt, shooting him with a glare that had the Shadowsinger grinning.
“You would be too. They have secrets- See, look at that, they’re whispering.” For at that very moment, Ottie had lifted her head away from your shoulder, leaning up to whisper in your ear, a hand cupped over her mouth to block out the others.
You looked up at the silence that filled the room to find everyone watching the two of you. With a smile you lean down to whisper into Ottie’s ear, making her look around the room before turning back to you with a definitive nod of her head.
Amusement coating your voice, your eyes meet Cassian’s as you announce, “Ottie says she doesn’t want to go home and that we’re staying here forever and ever.” Ottie nods again, giving you a pat on your back for a job well done.
You grin at Cassian as he lets out a groan, ignoring the snickering from the others, “Well, how about we go home now and then next time we can stay forever and ever?” He tries coaxing her away from where she’s hidden herself in the space between your neck and shoulder, one of his hands resting on your back as you shift against him with Ottie still in your arms.
She finally peeks up at him, looking like she’s seconds away from falling asleep against you as she fixes him with a calculating look. “Is Y/N coming with us?”
“Of course, sweetheart. If we leave now I’ll even have time to tuck you into bed before going home. Maybe even read you a bedtime story?” Cassian mouths a silent thank you at your intervention, knowing that with the mood Ottie is currently in, she’s not very likely to want to listen to him. 
However, it seems she doesn’t want to listen to you either, or she’s unhappy with what you said, as her lower lip pouts out and tears begin to fall down her face as she holds onto you even tighter.
“Ottie, what’s wrong?” Cassian quietly asks, rubbing a hand down her back. 
“Y/N- Y/N never stays,” she says between small sobs, hands balling up as they hold onto you. “She always goes home. I want her to stay.”
Well that had your heartbreaking in two.
You press a kiss to the top of her head, looking at Cassian with a questioning look. The two of you have a silent conversation before Cassian speaks up, “Well, how about Y/N has a sleepover tonight?”
You had been talking about when the best time was for you to start staying over for a few weeks now, it seemed, however, that Ottie wanted to get the ball rolling.
Almost immediately her sobs softened, and she quickly scrambled in your lap so that she could look at the two of you. “Okay,” then she was jumping off the couch, running around the room to give everyone a hug goodbye before racing out of the door.
Startled, you and Cassian blinked at each other before turning to look at the doorway she had just disappeared through.
“I think the two of you just got played,” Rhys laughed as he got out of his seat to give Cassian a pat on the back and you a hug goodbye. Before either of you could answer, Ottie was running back into the room, carrying all three of your coats. Honestly, you were surprised she managed to make it back given how they piled up above her face.
“Come on, it’s home time.” She impatiently repeated Cassian’s words from earlier.
“Alright, we’re coming, we’re coming,” 
You finished saying goodbye to everyone as Cassian knelt to help Ottie into her coat, doing up the buttons and pulling a wooly hat over her head to keep the cold out before wrapping a scarf around her neck. Then he was crossing the room to where you stood saying goodbye to Azriel. You let Cassian help you into your coat, smiling softly as he leans back to pull your hair out from where it was caught down your back.
“Ready to go?” 
“Yep,” you replied, eyes fluttering shut as Cassian places a soft kiss to your lips.
You frown slightly as you feel him tense up, noting how his eyes scrunched together in confusion. “Ottie,” he starts, turning around to face her from where she stood, basically jumping, in the doorway. “How did you reach our coats? They were hanging on the hook…”
Ottie fixes him with an unimpressed look, clearly not happy with the holdup when she has a sleepover with you to get to. With a roll of her eyes, holding more attitude than what should be allowed for a near-three-year-old, she says “like this.”
Her face contorts in concentration and then she’s flapping her little wings up and up and up. Your mouth falls open, Azriel and Rhys both let our surprised laughs, and Cassian… He is staring at his daughter in shock before racing over to tug her into his arms.
“Ottie… How- How long have you been doing that?”
“I don’t know, a few weeks. Now come on, we have to go.”
“Okay, okay,” He still seemed stunned, a slight panic washing over his features. “How did you learn to do that?”
“I just copied what you do.” Ottie, seemingly done with the conversation, grabbed her dad’s hand and tried to pull him out the door, waving for you to follow.
“Hang on a minute, princess,” Cassian knelt to face her, tucking some hair out of her impatient little face. “Why didn’t you tell me that you started… Ottie, you need to promise me that there will be no more flying by yourself, okay? You could get hurt –”
“But Daddy –”
“At least let me show you how to fly properly, okay? This weekend, the two of us can practice flying, how does that sound?”
Ottie cocked her head as she contemplated his offer before her face broke into a wide grin, all previous signs of sleepiness were long gone. “Okay, but only if Y/N is there too.”
Cassian scoops her into his arms, turning to face you and the rest of his family with a look of exhaustion.
“Well, it’s a good thing you’ve got Y/N now, Cass. She’s going to be a handful, aren’t you Ottie?” Mor teased, swooping in to press a kiss to her cheek. “I’m going to head off now too, want me to winnow you all home?” You gracefully accepted her offer; as much as you loved the feeling of being in Cassian’s arms, the thought of him flying you and Ottie through the freezing winter night air was not something you were looking forward to.
“Daddy?” Ottie drawled once the front door was shut behind you and Mor had disappeared. “Can we please have a hot chocolate?”
“Princess, it’s well past your bedtime. How about tomorrow?”
“But a hot chocolate now would be really nice. Y/N wants one too, don’t you, Y/N?” You squeezed Cassian’s hand, trying to hide your laugh at Ottie using you against him.
“I don’t know, sweetheart. I’m pretty tired… How about we get ready for bed and then I’ll read you a bedtime story?” Ottie grinned up at you as though you were the best person in the world before turning on the spot and running down the hallway, yelling something about being a big girl and brushing her own teeth.
Cassian let out a long sigh as he pulled you tightly against him and buried his head in your hair, your arms eagerly coming up to wrap around him.
“You, my love, are cauldron sent,” You pulled back just enough to be able to reach up on your tiptoes and slant your lips over his. “I’m serious, if it was me saying no to hot chocolate, she would’ve cracked it. But one word from you and she’s running to get ready for bed. I think I might just have to keep you.”
“Hmm,” you murmured against his lips, “I don’t think I have any complaints if you do decide to keep me.”
“Well, isn’t the convenient.” Cassian’s voice was gravelly against your ear, his breath fanning across the sensitive skin of your neck. He caught your lips in another kiss, deepening it with a sweep of his tongue that had you pressing even closer against him. The pitter patter of footsteps had you reluctantly breaking apart, Cassian rolling his head back at the sudden interruption.
“Y/N? Can you please read to me now? I’ve done everything to get ready for bed.”
“Of course, sweetheart. Do you want to pick out a book? I’ll meet you upstairs in a minute.” She ran off with a grin. You turned to face Cassian, smiling at the sight of him watching Ottie climb the stairs, clad in her pyjamas and tightly holding onto her teddy bear, a soft smile gracing his features.
“She’s a pretty special kid,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Yeah, she is,” He bends down to softly kiss you, leaning his forehead against yours as he says, “She used her manners and everything. I think Feyre was right, you’re definitely her favourite…” His words awkwardly trailed off as if he had to suddenly stop himself from saying something that had been on the tip of his tongue. You gave him a questioning look but let it go when he grabbed your hand, with a quick clear of his throat he continued, “Well, we better get up there and read her that story, hey?”
You and Cassian stumbled in the doorway of Ottie’s bedroom as you took in the sight before you. Ottie was in what looked like a nest of blankets and pillows spread out on the floor beside her still made bed.
“You can have my bed, Y/N. I don’t want you to sleep on the floor, you won’t be very comfortable.” The way she was looking up at you with so much excitement and unabashed joy had your heart clenching as you turned to Cassian, amusement lacing his features as he raised his eyebrows at you – this was your situation to navigate and clearly Ottie hadn't realised that you didn't plan on sleeping in her room.
“Oh, that’s very sweet of you, Ottie,” you pulled Cassian along with you as you sat down on her bed. “How about you come up here too. That way we’re all comfortable.” Without so much as a second of hesitation, Ottie was scrambling into her bed, settling herself between you and Cassian as she handed you the book she had picked out.
It was a tight fit but somehow the three of you managed to get into a comfortable position that accommodated for both Cassian and Ottie’s wings, as well as Cassian’s bulking frame. You were nestled into Cassian’s side, his arm and wing, wrapped around your shoulders to hold you to him. Ottie was on his lap, curled up against his chest as she faced you, watching with wide eyes as you read to her. Eventually, a soft snore filled the room making you turn to find Ottie fast asleep with her mouth open, drool soaking into Cassian’s shirt as he rubbed a hand up and down her back.
“She asleep?” He quietly asked, giving your shoulder a soft squeeze.
“Yeah, she is. Snores just like you.” You poked your tongue out at his offended expression before resting your head on his shoulder.
“Let’s stay here for a minute before we head to bed,” he mumbles, head leaning down to rest atop yours, “Don’t want to accidentally wake her.”
You murmur your agreement, feeling your eyes grow heavy as the warmth and comfort and love from the two people beside you help you drift into a peaceful sleep.
Your back is aching, and you have no idea where you are. Blearily cracking your eyes open, you take in the soft light coming through the windows from the rising sun, lighting up the soft pinks of the bedroom you’re in. With a groan, you turn your head and come face-to-face with Cassian’s chest, slowly rising and falling with each breath, his arm wrapped tightly around you.
You’re in Ottie’s room. You clearly both dozed off after she fell asleep and had spent the rest of the night cuddled up on her small bed. It was definitely a sight you would be holding onto: a fully grown Illyrian male, sprawled across a small child’s bed wrapped up in a pink comforter covered in flowers. You might just ask Feyre if she could paint the scene for you, you knew she would at least get a laugh out of it.
Yet, the one thing missing from the scene was Ottie. You sat up, slowly wiggling out of Cassian’s grasp, not wanting to disturb him. You looked down at the pile of blankets Ottie had set up for herself, but there was no sign of her, or of the blankets and pillows she had dragged in. Standing up, you turned back to Cassian and pulled the blankets up around him before pressing a kiss to his cheek, just as he let out a loud snore that sent you into a fit of silent giggles. Quietly shutting the bedroom door behind you, you set off down the stairs in search for the young Illyrian, surely she hadn’t gotten too far?
You didn’t need to look for long. As soon as you entered the living room, a smile spread across your face at the throws that were draped across a huddle of chairs she seemed to have dragged in from the dining room. Kneeling in front of the small opening of Ottie’s blanket fort, you knocked on the floorboards before poking your head inside.
“Hello,” Ottie looks up from her picture book, her teddy bear sitting on her lap as she gives you a sleepy smile. “You’re up early. Can I join you?”
Ottie silently nodded, shifting over a bit to make more room. You smile as she pulls a blanket out and drapes it over your legs before readjusting herself to lean against your side. You sat in silence for a while, Ottie clutching her teddy to her chest as she looked through the pictures in her book while you sat beside her, letting your hands tangle through her curls, lost in thought.
Closing her book with a snap, Ottie turned to face you, before shifting so she could rest her head in your lap, teddy bear still clutched tightly in her hands.
“Are you alright, sweetheart?” It had been a late night and was currently very early in the morning, so she was probably just tired, still, you wanted to check all the same.
“Daddy snores,” You laugh, nodding your head in agreement. “Really loudly.”
“Yes, he does, doesn’t here. He’s still up there snoring now.”
“No, he isn’t. And, no, he doesn’t,” Ottie sheepishly looked up at you, letting out a giggle as Cassian’s face appeared in the tent’s entrance. “Well, this is cozy.”
You laugh as Cassian sprawls out on the floor, the upper half of his body fitting inside the small space while his legs stick out of the gap in the blankets.
“Move over, Otts. Sharing is caring and all that.” The husk of his voice sending butterflies through you. “Woke up without my girls and couldn’t get back to sleep.” Ottie wiggled as she made room for Cassian to rest his head in your lap.
He blindly searched for your hand, bringing it up to his lips once he had hold of it before settling it on top of his chest, not once letting go. Then he was turning his head to face Ottie and planting a big kiss on her cheeks that had her letting out a shriek of laughter, “Stop it, Daddy. That tickles.”
You laughed as Cassian proceeded to smush his face against hers, the stubble prickling against her skin before wrapping his other arm around her and pulling her in closer against him. Soothingly rubbing your thumb across Cassian’s hand, you let the other one trail through Ottie’s hair, watching with amusement as they both drifted off to sleep in your lap.
Given the rare moment in which they were both still, and silent, you took the time to properly compare their features, marvelling at the many similarities they shared. You had to hold back a laugh when Cassian shifted slightly as he let out a snore, followed by the sound of Ottie’s, much quieter, snore.
Leaning against the back of the chair that helped prop up the blankets, you continued watching your two favourite people sleeping soundly in your lap, and couldn’t help but think this was something you wanted to get used to.
Part 5
PSA: Cassian was going to say “parent” – “You’re definitely her favourite parent” but caught himself because is it too soon?? What does he even think about it?? What would Y/N even think about it?? It just *almost* slipped out and sends him spiralling!
Tag List: @mis-lil-red @sarawritestories @beardburnsupersoldiers @eve175 @blushingfawnsposts @turtleshavesoulmates @slytherinindisguise @sleepylunarwolf @starryhiraeth @tele86
Let me know if you wanted to be added!
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stupidr3dpanda · 5 months
ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴏʀ ɪ ᴀsᴋ ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛᴏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴇ, ғᴏʀ ᴍʏ ʙʟᴏɢ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴs ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ. ɪ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴀɴ ᴀɢᴇ ɪɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙɪᴏ! ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʜᴇʟᴅ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsɪʙʟᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏɴsᴜᴍᴇ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀɴᴇᴛ!
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So many men in this world and my dumb ass decided to fall for the fictional ones...
Some rules before we get started!
Here I have set some rules and boundaries for my little corner. Failure to follow them will result in a block from me.
I expect an age in your bio! NO AGELESS BLOGS!! If you are a minor I ask for you to please refrain from interacting with this blog! It contains mature content and I don't want you sniffing around content not meant for you or be blamed for your inability to follow a simple order!!
I'm not comfortable with discussing or writing topics containing; Necrophilia, please no, get away!
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Now that that's out of the way let me introduce myself!!
Hi! Hello! You can call me Ottie!
I'm your favorite bear and fictional man [mostly CoD MW] enthusiast!
Don't believe me? Hah! Well here's some little facts for ya!
Did you know that there are a total of eight species of bears? Yup! There's the brown bears, black, polar, moon, sun, sloth, spectacled, and pandas!
Unfortunately as much as I would love for it to be true red pandas are not related to the bear family Ursidae, they are related to the taxonomic family, Ailuridae!
Talking about pandas did you know that they have an extra bone to help them eat bamboo?? Uh huh it's known as "sesamoid" it's a bit like a thumb, it helps them maneuver bamboo stalks. It's not a true thumb tho, they can't use it to grasp things, but the evolutionary adaptation gives them more stability when eating bamboo!
Did you also know that polar bears are considered marine mammals?? That's because they depend on the ocean to find their food and a place to live! That's why they fall under the Marine Mammal Protection Act!
If that doesn't prove that I am a certified bear enthusiast I don't know what will. >:[
This is my little corner okay? I come here to dump anything that pops on my mind at that moment, so don't expect it to be very organized!
Please be mindful that English is not my first language and I may make grammar mistakes while communicating
My ask box is always open for anything! Please feel free to talk with me!! Wanna chat? I wanna chat too! Wanna info dump? I'm here for it!! Just passing by to say hi? Go ahead! Wanna recommend me something or share something? I'm all ears!!
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And now. To help you navigate this unorganized corner you can use my tags! Here!
For reblogs you can use these tags!
For my fluffy reblogs you can use; #🍀Fluffyreblog
For my spicy aka smutty reblogs you can use; #🌶️Spicyreblog
For my angst reblogs you can use; #☄️Angstreblog
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For any other reblog just use; #🐻Ottiereblogs
For my own writing you can use these tags!
For my own fluffy writing you can use; #☁️ Fluffy
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For my own angst writing you can use; #🍂 Angst
And if you just wanna hear me talk nonsense you can use; #🐻Ottiesays
If you want my answer to a question just use; #🐻Ottieanswers
And in general just to find me use #🐻Ottie
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I hope we get to be good friends! Enjoy your life as much as you can! And try to stay safe okay? Bye! 👋🐻✨
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loliwrites · 6 months
fuck, mary, kill
rodrigo santoro, wagner moura and pedrito
- 🦦
oh heeeeeyyyy Ottie🦦 babe thanks for sending this one in
first off, marrying the hunniest of all hunnis, pedro. who wouldn't want to marry and do life with the sweetest of sweethearts. say less.
i'm fucking rodrigo santoro because i've highkey had a lil crush on him ever since i first watched love actually.
and unfortunately that means i'll have to kill wagner. which is a huge shame because judging on the narcos interviews of him, he seems super bubbly and charming... but i guess the heart wants what it wants
Let's chat for this Sleepover Weekend
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hardynwa · 7 months
How Wigwe saved my family when I was dethroned as Kano emir – Sanusi
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The 14th Emir of Kano State, Mohammed Sanusi, has recounted how the late Chief Executive Officer of Access Bank Plc, Dr Herbert Wigwe, came to his rescue after he was dethroned and had to leave the state. Sanusi made this known at the continuation of the night of tributes organised in Wigwe’s honour in Lagos on Wednesday. Recounting his sojourn with the late Wigwe, Sanusi, who broke down in tears thrice, recalled how the late banker came to his rescue when he was dethroned and needed a place for him and his family to stay. He said, “When I had problems in Kano, I called him (Wigwe) about six months before I was to leave Kano, and I said to him, ‘Herbert I know you will give all your best to solve all these problems, but I am convinced that this is what is going to happen.’ And he said to me ‘Your Highness, don’t worry, whatever happens, don’t worry we are here for you.’ “On the day I heard on the radio that I was dethroned, the night before it happened, I called and said I wanted to come to Lagos. The announcement was made at about 9 am, and by noon, Herbert had a plane at the tarmac in Kano. I put my family on that plane, no message, no phone call, I put them on that plane. Herbert received them, put them in a hotel, and later got them accommodation for months.” According to Sanusi, Wigwe’s kindness to him gave many the impression he (Sanusi) owned Access Bank, while Wigwe and Aig-Imoukhuede were his stooges. “When I came we stayed there. Some people believe I own access bank and Aig and Herbert are fronting for me. They gave me the cars and the drivers, they gave me security and a private jet and they ask for nothing and they don’t talk about it. I have lived in Lagos for four years, the house my family lives in was provided by Herbert,” he said. He added, “When I heard of his death, I said ‘In the coming weeks and months, people will get to know Herbert the human being’. They know him as a banker, as a businessman, they don’t know him as a human being. He was always about others, not about himself. You can’t imagine how one human being could have been so many things to so many people.” Sanusi also recalled how he entrusted his life savings to Wigwe. He revealed that this was because he (Sanusi) thought he was going to die before him (Wigwe). “About two years ago, I put all my savings into a Trust for the education of my children, I have many and my priority as a father is to make sure that when I pass away, they will have a good education. “I told Herbert, ‘I am placing you in charge of this Trust for the education of my children because I know that even if I die and do not leave any money, you will educate my children. “I thought I would die before Herbert”, he revealed. Sanusi who was comforted by Abia State Governor, Alex Otti, Aig-Imoukhuede and an aide as a result of his failure to control the tears which continued to flow from his eyes, added that because of the level of kindness Wigwe accorded him, many believed he owned Access Bank, while he (Wigwe) and Aig-Imoukhuede were his proxies. “On the day before this happened, I was on a chat group when somebody made a few remarks about Herbert that I found offensive and I defended Herbert. I made my point very clear that this was unacceptable. “A few days after Herbert died; a friend called me and sent me a message. He sent a message to Herbert at about 3:20 am that morning (the day of the crash), telling him how I had stood up and defended him and forwarded my entire message to him. ‘Herbert replied at 3:28 am with one word ‘unbelievable’. He sent another message at 3:50 which was not delivered. From the presentation from the air traffic controllers, the crash happened at 3:30. So possibly, the last thing Herbert read was my message talking about him,” he added. In the same vein, Vice President Kashim Shetimma also paid glowing tribute to Wigwe. Delivering his speech, titled, “Herbert Wigwe: The Flower That Bloomed Before Spring,” the VP said, “Herbert, though an early bloomer in the garden of life, didn’t share the fate of those who faded away prematurely. “Their achievements were not just individual triumphs but testaments to the collective strength of those they touched, those they built, and those they inspired. The journey of our departed brothers and sisters may have ended in a distant land, but their spirits linger in the hearts of everyone here and beyond. “May Herbert’s legacy continue to bloom in the hearts and minds of those who strive for greatness. Herbert left us in winter, far away from home. Herbert, the season of bloom. Spring had just arrived at his last location in the United States when the Lord called for him. But spring is not a symbol of Herbert’s bloom. His spring for us isn’t the spring of passive flowers. It is the season of raves. This spring for us isn’t a season of tears. It is a celebration of Herbert’s flight. To a height that only a few of God’s children once have attained. “I feel privileged to be here today to share in the memories of Herbert and the pillars of his journey was defined by peculiar seasons. He bloomed long before his co-travellers. So this home that left with him. “Today, we honour not just the soul that boarded that fateful helicopter, but the indomitable dreamers and builders that soared to heights reserved for the chosen few. Your excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, may Herbert’s legacy continue to bloom in the hearts and minds of those who strive for greatness. “On behalf of my principal, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Access family, the banking world, and the Nigerian nation, please accept our most heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.” we reported that Wigwe died in a helicopter crash in California, near the Nevada border, in the United States of America, alongside his wife, Doreen, son, Chizzy and former Managing Director of Nigerian Exchange Group, Abimbola Ogunbanjo. https://punchng.com/breaking-access-bank-ceo-herbert-wigwe-dies-in-helicopter-crash/ Among other respected dignitaries who were in attendance were Alhaji Aliko Dangote, President of Dangote Group, Aigboje Aig- Imoukhuede, Chairman Coronation Group, Henry Imasekha, Chairman/CEO – Berkeley Group Plc, among others. Read the full article
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homeimgs · 1 year
A Collection of 20 Well-Designed Dining Rooms
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A Collection  after a perfect kitchen experience, people are gathered to share the banquet or even just simple meals in the Dining Room. It is where we get to enjoy chatting while getting stomachs full from luscious meals. A dining room may be designed not necessarily for a whole lot. There are also those with limited space who’d want a decent dining are and it is indeed achievable. In as much as there are dining areas for even two persons, we usually see those designed for quite a number of people. But no matter how many would sit and dine with you, it’s important to have the area conducive for dining. May we share with you today a Collection of 20 Dining Room Designs so to help give you an idea as to how you might want your dining area to look like. There are different styles to get inspiration from so enjoy while you click through…
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Designer: solarseas The design has been rendered using VRay and 3d Max 2011. Source
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Designer: williambullimore This photo of a dining room has been taken at the Customs House in Brisbane.
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Designer: tankq77 This dining room design has been modeled on Maya 2010 for Windows XP and 7 although rendered on Maya 2010 for Mac. Source
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Designer: still-cg The design has been done on Cinema 4D. Source
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Designer: ryosakazaq The dining area has made to look simple yet elegant.
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Designer: sharadhaksar The light in the middle of the dining area adds life to the whole dining room design. Source
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Designer: eveyhammondevey The photo shows the accurate use of colors in curtains and the furnitures as well. Source
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Designer: tankq77 The dining room design shows a newest revision for Ibu Otty which is in Sunrise Garden which is a private residence in Jakarta. Source
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The designer has chosen to design a modern contemporary dining area with a classic touch.
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This shows a closer look of the dining area. Designer: Poorna Jayasinghe Source
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Designer: kehaola There has been recent developments in the designer’s projects and this includes this green room dining style.
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Designer: Andrea Cornwell This dining room design has been created for a residential interior project. Source
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Designer: Paul Begun A modern contemporary dining room design. Source
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Designer: kehaola This dining room project has already been built. Source
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Designer: kehaola An example of a modern dining room design. Source
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A Dining Room rendered using 3ds Max.
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The above photo shows another angle of the whole design. Designer: Erna Voskanyan Source
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Designer: naderdes The dining room design is a product of an interior rendering project. Source
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Designer: RyoSakaZaq The designer has changed some items in the design thus showing another style of a dining room.
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Designer: samorizmisha The dining room design is National Etno inspired. Source
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Designer: JeSSanchez 3D Max 2008 and Vray has been used in rendering the design. Source
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Designer: Michael Yearout A capture of a log-styled dining area. This wide room shot aims to capture the arched log entry. Source It matters when you get famished yet it also matters to be sensitive enough when it comes to designing your dining area. The choice of chairs, the table and even the wall decorations affect the ambiance of the whole room. But we sure hope you were able to come across a design you might like to apply to your plan for a dining room. More to look forward to here at Home Design Lover. Read the full article
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sistazai · 2 years
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Heeey! My brother from another mother! @georgemuffington is the first producer I worked with. In 2015, we released #GodIsABlackWomban as a dub poem and a dub. He was also the resident DJ at the Pan Afrikan Poets Cafe, for major events like #DefineYourselfForYourself and also #AfrikaSpeaksBack2017 . . We’ve also been published by #CorditePoetry, “An Ode To Blair Peach”. . . I remember when we met. George and his partner Anastasia were regulars at the @papoets open mics, which I hosted at @baroussou. They would bring their daughter Ottie along. George reached out and asked if I’d be interested in setting “God Is A Black Womban” to dub. It was a dream request and I was scared shitless. Outside radio, I didn’t really know much about studio recording but I said yes. . . I went over to their home and we ate and chatted about reggae we love, growing up in Zimbabwe, our vision for roots reggae in Australia via Zimbabwe. We even discussed the possibility of touring and performing, one day. Anastasia was there too gleefully adding thoughts and ideas to our dreaming session. . . When it came time to record, George was awesome. Very supportive. He’d already made a dub to suit my voice; now I had to add my voice to the instrumental. After a few tries where we ironed out tech stuff and arrangement. I took a nap (this happens all the time when I’m creating) woke up and headed back into the booth and laid the vocals in that single take. I just needed to get out of my own way. Naps are amazing like that … 🤣🤷🏾‍♀️ Anastasia, giggling, was like, “well … wow … one nap later!” 🤣 It’s true! LoL! . . We took this photo here outside of 3CR Community Radio station. I’d asked George to come through with some music so we could promote the upcoming event, #AfrikaSpeaksBack. . . Life’s keeping us both pretty busy and out of sync, sadly. We’ll keep you posted but it might be time to retire our dream 😢🖤 the love is still strong though. Download & listen below . . http://cordite.org.au/author/sistazaizanda/ (small speakers only 🙏🏾) https://blackjuberecords.bandcamp.com/album/god-is-a-black-womban (large speakers, big as you can find 😂🤣) . . Create a beautiful day, my loves! https://www.instagram.com/p/ClUQjgDhTjz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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toby-beloved · 2 years
Indtroduction :]
I decided to redo this because I didn’t like my old one
Name: Kai, Wilbur, Toby Oliver, Malice, Moss, Milo, Ottie, Kip, Theo, Sam, Echo, Peri, Vex, Vox, Blade, Ren, and Soup. Any nicknames are welcome :]
Pronouns: He/They/ne/glitch/voi/star/card/end/disc/vwoop/er/fla/red/crow/it/ze/ci/ram/chem/a/mem/drop/ghost/zeph/zero/pitter/pon/hive/smoke/symphony/[REDACTED]
Kins: Revivebur, c!Tubbo, c!Sapnap, c!Dream [prison arc] (dream smp), c!Grian (Last Life), c!Solidarity Gaming (Double Life and Empires Season Two), Flareon (Pokémon), Satan (Obey Me! Shall We Date?), Warren the Eagle (Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared), Roxanne Wolf (Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach), Docm77 (Boatem Pole Vigilante AU)
Fictionhearttype: Ghostbur (Dream SMP)
Hobbies: Art and listening to music
Likes: Minecraft, Hermitcraft, Empires, the Life series (specific mcyts I mostly watch: Grian, Mumbo, Scar, Docm77, BDubs, and Xisuma), Mother Mother, Ride the Cyclone, Lovejoy, Wilbur Soot (mostly his music)
Dislikes: mentions of broken bones and sex
DNI: just the basic dni. Don’t be a dick
Main account: @tired-asexual
Kin discord server:
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otvlanga · 3 years
Otty otty bestie i need you to know that you are known in my discord friend chat as the neloth toenails person that is your legacy now
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'oh yeah i know her thats the neloth's toenails girl' WHAT HAVE I DONE
no I'm cackling actually this is exactly who I was meant to be
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jiitaora · 4 years
Tässä olisi jokin sekoitus “Modern Au;ta” ja “Kaikilla on Whatsapp Au;ta”. Toivottavasti nautitte
On Kolme isoa ryhmää johon vähintään yhteen melkeen kaikki kuuluvat. ”Aina ongelmissa”, ”Perhe-chat” ja ”Tärkeät” (Lammio sai nimetä tuon viimeisen ja sitä katuu lähes kaikki)
Perhe-Chat, aka Koskela ja hänen lapset
Koko joukko alkoi siitä kun Koskela alkoi ”adoptoimaan” muita jotka pyysivät apua tai olivat sen tarpeessa. Kaikki Koskelan läheiset olivat myös tervetulleita.
Koskela on ryhmän epävirallinen äiti, Kariluoto ja Hietanen tappelevat isän paikasta. Molemmat hyväksyivät isän paikan, ja yrittävät pitää kokkoon kasssa (ja elossa).
Alun perin heidän piti vain olla joukko joka oleskelisi välillä keskenään, mutta homma lähti vähän käsistä
Riitaoja saatiin seuraavana mukaan ilman vastustelua. Hän aina välillä uskaltaa laittaa kuvia isosta tee-kokoelmastaan ja käyttää sydän emojia liikaa.
Tassu liitettiin osaksi perhettä seuraavana, mutta hän ei kauhean usein istuskele iltaa muiden kanssa tai puhu paljoa. Tuo aina Rokan mukanaan ja jakelee kuvia silloin tällöin paikoista mihin he ovat kahdestaan eksyneet.
Kukaan ei oikein tiiä mistä Honkajoki ilmestyi mukaan joukkoon, mutta ei häntä kukaan ole pois häätämässä. Hän puhuu pelkkää kirjakieltä ja ei kiertele mitään aiheita. Täysi kenkä
Vaikka Viirilä liikkuu milloin missäkin seuroissa, on hän osa ryhmää
Kyllä Määttä ja Vanhalakin joukossa välillä pyörii (Määttä lähinnä eksyi mukaan mutta päätti jäädä)
Hauhia ja Asumaniemi aiheuttavat eniten päänsärkyä, ja pärisevät chatissa pitkälle yöhön
Alun perin koko viestittely ryhmä oli Kariluodon idea, ja sinne aina välillä sovitaan niin sanottuja ”perhe iltoja”. Sieltä voi myös löytää elämän vinkkejä Hietaselta, jostain Riitaojan panikoinnin ja Hauhian meemien välistä.
”Käy kysäsee isältäs. Kummalt?”
Aina ongelmissa, aka Ryhmä rämä
Alun perin koostui vain Lehdosta, Rahikaisesta ja Määtästä, mutta muita ihmisiä tarraantui lähinnä vahingossa.
Rokka ilmestyi jostain Tassun kanssa, ja näin heistä tuli vakio ihmisiä porukassa. Eivät he Tassusta kauheasti keskustelua irti saa mutta ilman häntä ei Rokka ilmaannu.
Hauhia ja Asumaniemi aina välillä onnistuivat luikertelemaan mukaan, kunnes heidät liitettiin mukaan virallisesti. Meemeilevät mukana iloisesti.
Vanhalakin löytyy joukosta harvase päivä, yleensä Viirilä perässään. Lahtinen tulee aina välillä joukon mukana juomaan, mutta ei muuten liity leikkiin
Viesti ryhmässä ylläpidetään vahvaa meemikulttuuria, ja viestejä sinne ilmestyy aina kellon ympäri. Joka viikonloppu iltaisin koko ryhmä täyttyy känni viesteistä ja sitten aamuisin krapula viesteistä
Rahikainen yrittää aktiivisesti parittaa kavereitaan, jolle monet lähinnä kiroavat. Itse hän on yllättävän iso kenkä muiden suhteiden huomaamiseen. Ei juuri kukaan siitä hänelle suutu, paitsi Lehto tottakai
Kyllä Kaarnakin aina välillä kiertelee heitä valvomassa, kun kerran on yksi harvoista joita ryhmä sietää. Miinus puoli tässä on siinä että nuoriso-slangi jää turhan helposti hänen puhumiseen, oman ryhmäläistensä vitutukseksi.
 Tärkeät, aka Lammion idea
Alun perin oli lähinnä kalenterinpitoon tarkoitettu ryhmä, mutta tämä karkasi pikkasen raiteilta.
Ei mukana kovin montaa ihmistä ole, Kariluoto, Lammio, Kaarna, Sinkkonen, Sarastie ja Koskela lähinnä
Lammio halusi pitää ryhmän paikkana johon laitettiin vain tärkeitä asioita. Koskela rikkoi tämän ensimmäisenä lähettäen kuvan rakentamastaan perheestä. ”Ovatha he ny tärkeitä” toimiva tekosyy joka meni läpi.
Kariluoto otti myös kuvia perheestään, ja Kaarna lähetteli kuvia omasta ryhmästään. Sinkkonen lähellä katsoi vierestä, viitsimästä laittaa mitään. Lammio hyväksyi kohtalonsa ja alkoi lähetellä silloin tällöin kuvia koiristaan.
Sarastie ei paljon viestejä laita, katsoo lähinnä vain sovitut tapaamiset, mutta kyllä yhden känni-illan jälkeen oli ryhmään eksynyt kuva hänestä ja Railista.
Jos Lammiolla on selvästi huono päivä, lähettävät muut koko chatin täyteen kuvia koirista. Tämä yleensä piristää edes vähän.
Koko kokkoo lähtee jokatoinen perjantai ilta saunaan yhdessä, tapa josta pidetään kovaa kiinni
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otterlyinluv · 5 months
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Everywhere I go, I see his face
Aka, when even university reading reminds you of the Markiplier Cinematic Universe
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
I HAVEN’T ABANDONED YOU GUYS I’ve just been superrrrrrr busy. Now everything is opening up again I’ve been going out a lot more and I’ve had some ✨spicy family issues✨ to deal with which is why I’ve been MIA 😂 although I did leave the discord chat but that’s only cause I really needed to focus on the ✨spicy family issues✨😂 but I’m all good
- ottie 🦦
Ottie!! I'm happy you're good 💖
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youngestdcg · 3 years
     THE  ENTERITY  OF  HER  WISHED  it  had  been  a  mere  rumor,  a  silly  urban  legend  that  people  spread.  let’s  tell  this  terrible  tale  to  the  girl  who  loves  dogs,  the  girl  who  devoted  her  life  to  them,  she  wished  her  clients  whispered  behind  her  back.  yet,  there  was  no  denying  how  actual,  how  real,  this  was  and  she  hated  it.  she  wanted  to  go  home  and  hug  her  darling  hound,  tell  him  he  was  a  good  boy,  that  she  loved  him,  and  that  nothing  bad  would  ever  happen  to  him.  iren  wanted  to  pretend  she  never  saw  this  place.
     it  was  unbelievably  crowded  and  people  floated  around  in  between  fights  as  though  they  were  at  a  dinner  party,  chatting  merrily  and  even  smoking.  one  would  think  that  such  a  crowd  would  bring  too  much  attention,  call  in  the  cops,  but  everyone  behaved  as  though  the  possibility  of  such  a  thing  happening  was  impossible.  it  was  as  if  this  place  was  separate  from  the  rest  of  the  world,  a  haven  offering  cruel  entertainment.  iren  found  the  idea  of  only  she  despising  the  painful  sounds  and  sight  down  in  the  pit  below  impossible.  someone  else  in  this  place  had  to  feel  the  same  way,  it  could  not  be  just  her  that  was  sane.
     though  she  wanted  to  take  her  phone  out,  take  pictures  and  expose  this  place,  she  did  not  dare.  it  seemed  to  be  almost  an  unspoken  rule  not  to  touch  it  once  you  entered,  and  she  made  sure  hers  stayed  obediently  in  her  jacket.  the  woman  wanted  to  fit  in,  fly  under  the  radar.  she  had  worn  dark  clothes  and  kept  her  hair  in  a  braid,  something  simple.  bringing  out  her  phone,  even  to  feign  a  call  or  to  answer  a  pretend  text,  would  blow  that  attempt.  there  were  too  many  eyes  around,  she  would  figure  something  out  eventually.
     with  every  fight  being  announced,  she  drifted  closer  to  the  railing,  slowly  forcing  herself  to  look  at  the  scene  below.  iren  did  not  want  to  look,  but  a  part  of  her  felt  as  though  she  had  too  in  order  to  keep  up  the  guise.  it  would  be  weird  for  someone  to  show  up  for  dog  fights  and  not  even  watch  at  least  one,  after  all,  but  the  sight  of  a  dog  with  an  unbelievably similar appearance  to  her  own  precious  ottie  made  her  quickly  flee  the  railing.
     she  shoved  and  weaved  through  the  crowd,  most  people  too  enthralled  with  the  starting  fight  to  even  notice  how  quick  she  was  moving.  she  could  not  watch  that  fight,  she  could  not  listen  to  that  dog’s  barks  and  growls  without  thinking  of  her  own  sleeping  peacefully  at  home.  the  sight  alone  of  the  hound  made  her  stomach  drop  as  though  it  were  falling  into  a  bottomless  pit.  she  was  accustomed  to  blood,  but  the  sight  of  that  dog’s  would  surely  made  her  sick.  the  thought  alone  now  was  making  her  stomach  churn.
    so,  iren  kept  pushing  her  way  to  the  exit,  the  thought  of  home  and  not  throwing  up  fogging  her  mind.  she  wanted  to  get  home  and  hold  ---  shit.  “  sorry,  my  bad,  ”  she  grumbled,  face  red  and  forehead  glistening  as  muddy  eyes  drifted  upwards  to  catch  a  quick  glimpse  of  who  she  ran  into.  “  i  wasn’t  paying  attention,  ”  she  continued,  slipping  off  to  the  side  to  go  around  the  raven-haired  man.  
starter  for  @bastardbled
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rgr-pop · 5 years
david stroughter died a few years ago, and one of the other members of majesty crush, hobey echlin, wrote a mostly really lovely tribute that has a lot of what I love about metro detroit posthardcore:
Here was this guy raised between Southfield and Germany, where his mother was from. He was the epitome of a late ’80s Detroit post-punk enigma, a multicultural iconclast who grew up with the nephews and uncles of Motown royalty, who could be heard chatting with Einstürzende Neubaten in fluent German upstairs in the Burns Room of St. Andrew’s Hall after a show. [...] We’d turn what was supposed to be Velvet Undeground or, for my part, some half-assed James Jamerson bass line into some Joy Divison-y (bass-guilty as charged) Can-Motown thing. Our music was simple and spacey, but Dave’s lyrics and singing were deep and dark. It was Marvin Gaye singing Syd Barrett, full of longing, lust, and self-deprecation.  [...]
Understanding Dave as a person was to understand a life of limitless opportunity overwhelmed by profound loss. Dave’s cousin was killed during an ATM robbery when we lived together in Hamtramck, prompting his beloved Aunt Otti to repatriate back to Germany. Later, Dave himself spent a weekend in jail after being falsely accused of an armed robbery simply by virtue of being a light-skinned black guy with a gap in his teeth. It didn’t harden him; it inspired him. At practice the next week, we wrote our happiest song, “Penny for Love.” 
Even as Majesty Crush became an anomaly on the grunge- and alt-rock-era Detroit scene, these multicultural shoegazers playing goth-friendly, swirling, shadowy pop, Dave was finding his voice and singing his blues. “Psycho-blues,” as he once scrawled on a lyric sheet, in that scratchy, whiplash handwriting of his where letters leaned and toppled into each other. Yeah, he sang about cross-dressing, adult book stores, and prostitution in swooning melodies and falsetto harmonies. But they spoke to an uncanny, dimly-lit joy that, after a few drinks, felt like an epiphany, like the flashing of your answering machine (this is 1992, remember) telling you that you had one new message when you got home from the bar — even if it turned out to be you checking to see if you had any messages two hours earlier. Dave was a character, to be sure. He’d perform in a wetsuit, be the life (and sometimes death) of the afterparty, as likely to wake up in amorous company as on top of a Dumpster in Eastern Market. His demons were real, even if, back then, they seemed cartoonish, even entertaining. Despite his mercurial nature, Dave always landed on his feet. He bought a house in Hamtramck; Preston Long of Mule lived upstairs. We made records, toured and shared those goofy moments all bands have, traveling for the first time to another city even if that meant you played to the band you were opening for and their record store friends. One night, we played the State Theater as part of 89X’s Club X. My mom came to see us. Backstage, Dave fired up a joint. “What? Your mom knows I smoke weed,” he insisted. He was right. To know Dave was to accept him. Even though Majesty Crush was on a fringe of indie culture, we lived its hope as much as its cynicism. When we played New York for the first time during CMJ, driving down St. Mark’s Place to our friend’s apartment on the Bowery, Darcy from the Smashing Pumpkins jaywalked in front of our van. Midwest represent!
[ following words discuss police violence against mentally ill people ] i don’t know if hobey knew this when he wrote this article--not a lot of people have talked about this, actually, though the info is public--but david died because he was shot nine times by the lapd during some kind of violent psychotic episode.
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hardynwa · 7 months
How Wigwe saved my family when I was dethroned as Kano emir – Sanusi
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The 14th Emir of Kano State, Mohammed Sanusi, has recounted how the late Chief Executive Officer of Access Bank Plc, Dr Herbert Wigwe, came to his rescue after he was dethroned and had to leave the state. Sanusi made this known at the continuation of the night of tributes organised in Wigwe’s honour in Lagos on Wednesday. Recounting his sojourn with the late Wigwe, Sanusi, who broke down in tears thrice, recalled how the late banker came to his rescue when he was dethroned and needed a place for him and his family to stay. He said, “When I had problems in Kano, I called him (Wigwe) about six months before I was to leave Kano, and I said to him, ‘Herbert I know you will give all your best to solve all these problems, but I am convinced that this is what is going to happen.’ And he said to me ‘Your Highness, don’t worry, whatever happens, don’t worry we are here for you.’ “On the day I heard on the radio that I was dethroned, the night before it happened, I called and said I wanted to come to Lagos. The announcement was made at about 9 am, and by noon, Herbert had a plane at the tarmac in Kano. I put my family on that plane, no message, no phone call, I put them on that plane. Herbert received them, put them in a hotel, and later got them accommodation for months.” According to Sanusi, Wigwe’s kindness to him gave many the impression he (Sanusi) owned Access Bank, while Wigwe and Aig-Imoukhuede were his stooges. “When I came we stayed there. Some people believe I own access bank and Aig and Herbert are fronting for me. They gave me the cars and the drivers, they gave me security and a private jet and they ask for nothing and they don’t talk about it. I have lived in Lagos for four years, the house my family lives in was provided by Herbert,” he said. He added, “When I heard of his death, I said ‘In the coming weeks and months, people will get to know Herbert the human being’. They know him as a banker, as a businessman, they don’t know him as a human being. He was always about others, not about himself. You can’t imagine how one human being could have been so many things to so many people.” Sanusi also recalled how he entrusted his life savings to Wigwe. He revealed that this was because he (Sanusi) thought he was going to die before him (Wigwe). “About two years ago, I put all my savings into a Trust for the education of my children, I have many and my priority as a father is to make sure that when I pass away, they will have a good education. “I told Herbert, ‘I am placing you in charge of this Trust for the education of my children because I know that even if I die and do not leave any money, you will educate my children. “I thought I would die before Herbert”, he revealed. Sanusi who was comforted by Abia State Governor, Alex Otti, Aig-Imoukhuede and an aide as a result of his failure to control the tears which continued to flow from his eyes, added that because of the level of kindness Wigwe accorded him, many believed he owned Access Bank, while he (Wigwe) and Aig-Imoukhuede were his proxies. “On the day before this happened, I was on a chat group when somebody made a few remarks about Herbert that I found offensive and I defended Herbert. I made my point very clear that this was unacceptable. “A few days after Herbert died; a friend called me and sent me a message. He sent a message to Herbert at about 3:20 am that morning (the day of the crash), telling him how I had stood up and defended him and forwarded my entire message to him. ‘Herbert replied at 3:28 am with one word ‘unbelievable’. He sent another message at 3:50 which was not delivered. From the presentation from the air traffic controllers, the crash happened at 3:30. So possibly, the last thing Herbert read was my message talking about him,” he added. In the same vein, Vice President Kashim Shetimma also paid glowing tribute to Wigwe. Delivering his speech, titled, “Herbert Wigwe: The Flower That Bloomed Before Spring,” the VP said, “Herbert, though an early bloomer in the garden of life, didn’t share the fate of those who faded away prematurely. “Their achievements were not just individual triumphs but testaments to the collective strength of those they touched, those they built, and those they inspired. The journey of our departed brothers and sisters may have ended in a distant land, but their spirits linger in the hearts of everyone here and beyond. “May Herbert’s legacy continue to bloom in the hearts and minds of those who strive for greatness. Herbert left us in winter, far away from home. Herbert, the season of bloom. Spring had just arrived at his last location in the United States when the Lord called for him. But spring is not a symbol of Herbert’s bloom. His spring for us isn’t the spring of passive flowers. It is the season of raves. This spring for us isn’t a season of tears. It is a celebration of Herbert’s flight. To a height that only a few of God’s children once have attained. “I feel privileged to be here today to share in the memories of Herbert and the pillars of his journey was defined by peculiar seasons. He bloomed long before his co-travellers. So this home that left with him. “Today, we honour not just the soul that boarded that fateful helicopter, but the indomitable dreamers and builders that soared to heights reserved for the chosen few. Your excellencies, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, may Herbert’s legacy continue to bloom in the hearts and minds of those who strive for greatness. “On behalf of my principal, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Access family, the banking world, and the Nigerian nation, please accept our most heartfelt condolences. May his soul rest in peace, Amen.” we reported that Wigwe died in a helicopter crash in California, near the Nevada border, in the United States of America, alongside his wife, Doreen, son, Chizzy and former Managing Director of Nigerian Exchange Group, Abimbola Ogunbanjo. https://punchng.com/breaking-access-bank-ceo-herbert-wigwe-dies-in-helicopter-crash/ Among other respected dignitaries who were in attendance were Alhaji Aliko Dangote, President of Dangote Group, Aigboje Aig- Imoukhuede, Chairman Coronation Group, Henry Imasekha, Chairman/CEO – Berkeley Group Plc, among others. Read the full article
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katripaavo · 5 years
LähiTapiolan Terveyshelppi
(Korvaava tehtävä 7.11.19 poissaololle) Tässä blogitekstissä esittelen yhden työn, joka oli ehdolla Grand one kilpailussa sarjassa paras mobiiliapplikaatio. Grand onen tarkoituksena on esitellä suomalaisia digitaalisen median töitä.  Viime vuonna kilpailuun otti osaa 232 työtä 17:a eri kategoriassa. Parhaan mobiiliappin sarjassa oli yhteensä 17 sovellusta, joista valitsin tarkasteltavaksi LähiTapiolan Terveyshelppi applikaation. 
Terveyshelpin ideana on helpottaa ihmisten elämää heidän kohdatessaan terveyshuolia. Sovelluksessa pääset yhdellä napin painalluksella asioimaan sairaanhoitajan ja etälääkärin kanssa. Tarvittaessa sinut ohjataan hoitolaitokseen saamaan jatkohoitoa, mutta joissain tapauksissa voit saada diagnoosin ja reseptin samantien. Terveyshelpin slogan “tuo sairaalan ihmisen luo” pitää täten paikkansa. Enää sinun ei tarvitse matkustaa hoitoon vaan voit saada hoidon kotiisi sovelluksen välityksellä. 
Terveyshelppi -palvelu on tarkoitettu LähiTapiolan asiakkaille, joilla on terveys- tai henkivakuutus ja palvelu on toteutettu yhdessä Mehiläisen kanssa. Kyseiseen ryhmään kuuluu noin 200 000 ihmistä. 
Sovellus on rakennettu siten, että sairaanhoitaja tai lääkäri tekee vain hänelle pakolliset toimenpiteet, kuten kirjoittaa reseptin. Kaikki muu kuten tunnistaminen, hoidetaan virtuaalisesti esimerkiksi chat -bootin avulla. Järjestelmä kykenee myös analysoimaan potilaan oireita ja näin antamaan asiakkaalle suosituksia sekä avustamaan hoitohenkilökuntaa diagnoosin teossa. 
Terveyshelpin avulla on pystytty hoitamaan jopa 70% aiemmin lääkärikäynnin vaatineista käynneistä etänä. Näin on säästetty sekä asiakkaiden aikaa että LähiTapiolan varoja. Arvion mukaan LähiTapiola on saavuttanut jopa 50%:n säästöt hoidon kustannuksissa.
Uskon, että tulevaisuudessa etälääkärin palvelut tulevat yleistymään yhä enemmän. Esimerkiksi haja-asutusalueilla lääkärin palvelut saattavat olla satojen kilometrien päässä ja entisestään ikääntyvän väestön yhä vaikeammin tavoitettavissa olevia. Lisäksi huoltosuhteen vaikutus tulee todennäköisesti näkymään jo lähivuosina siten, ettei työikäisiä hoitajia ole tarpeeksi pitämään huolta ikääntyvästä kansastamme. Täten etähoivapalveluiden kysyntä tulee kasvamaan. 
Negatiivisena puolena näen edelleen aiemmissakin postauksissani esille tulleen ihmisten eristäytymisen. Joillekin ihmisille hoitajan tai lääkärin luona käynti voi olla tärkeä  hetki saada sosiaalinen kontakti toiseen ihmiseen. Lisäksi pohdin myös sitä, voiko sovelluksen käytön yhteydessä jokin potilaan vaiva jäädä lääkäriltä huomaamatta. Voisikohan palvelua mahdollisesti kehittää siten, että lääkäri ja potilas saisi myös puhe- ja videoyhteyden toisiinsa. Näin voitaisiin ehkä vähentää mahdollisia vääriä diagnooseja ja palvelu saattaisi tuntua potilaasta henkilökohtaisemmalta.
Niin tai näin, on selvää että terveyshelppi ja sen kaltaiset sovellukset tulevat olemaan meille tärkeitä tulevaisuuden työkaluja ihmisen tekemän tärkeän työn rinnalla. 
Grand One. Luettavissa: https://www.grandone.fi/tyot/kategoria/paras-mobiilipalvelu-2018. Luettu 9.11.19.
Service Design Studio. Terveyshelpin esittely. Luettavissa: https://www.servicedesignstudio.fi/caset/terveyshelppi/. Luettu 9.11.19.
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