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@ottosands: ohh to be the ranch in an @elias_hewitt/@matthewrparker/@jaxxyotto4 sandwich @ottosands: the eiffel tower isn't enough i have THREE holes
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Win Wenders- Wings of Desire always warms my heart. The idea of angels wanting the experience of the human experience has been told, but this 1980s, with Berlin as a background is still stunning. Ganz, Sander, Dommartin and Falk are superb! #wingsofdesire #derhimmelüberberlin #wimwenders #brunoganz #solviegdommartin #ottosander #curtbois #peterfalk #1987 #criterioncollection #roadmovies #berlinwall https://www.instagram.com/p/CaIpWimvAk-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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【#DERHIMMELUBERBERLIN】 #wimwenders . #brunoganz #solveigdommartin #ottosander #peterfalk . #westgermany #france #movie #cinema #ベルリン天使の詩 #ベル天 . #シネマおっさん #おっさんシネマ その24 . ベルリンの天使ダミエルはサーカスの空中ブランコ乗りに恋をする…。ヴィム・ヴェンダース監督作品。配給フランス映画社 . 続編は「時の翼にのって / ファラウェイ・ソー・クロース!/Faraway So Close! 」。リメイク版はブラッド・シルバーリング監督、ニコラス・ケイジ主演「シティー オブ エンジェル」。 . モノクロームとカラーの世界。メッセージ性がある詩的台詞。刑事コロンボのピーター・フォークがピーター・フォーク役で出演。図書館。堕天使。鎧。coffee。暮らし。おじいさん。広場。街並み。To Be Continued.小津安二郎オマージュ。小津調。東���冷戦時代の実情風景。べルリンの壁は上映二年後に崩壊した。 . #DerHimmelüberBerlin #WingsofDesire #LesAilesdudésir Der Himmel über Berlin Wings of Desire Les Ailes du désir . #angel #刑事コロンボ #刑事コロンボ大好き https://www.instagram.com/p/B9G3SoBp8Rt/?igshid=tw2gx4ny5l6j
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I watched my first Wim Wenders film last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love movies that make you think and feel deeply, and man, did I have a lot of thoughts and feels while watching Wings of Desire. It's hard to describe actually. Wings of Desire kind of puts you under a spell, I felt almost entranced while watching it. There were moments I felt I was about to cry, moments of joy, and moments of confusion. Is it weird to say that the spell sort of wore off towards the end of the film? I seemed to have enjoyed the first 2/3 better compared to the last 1/3. Again, it's hard to describe, but if you haven't seen this film, you should. Then we can discuss our thoughts together. One more thing, there were some funny coincidences connected to my viewing of this film that I should mention. The setting (and a large theme) of this film is post-war Berlin, which connects to a post I made a few days ago when I watched People on Sunday - a movie set in pre-war Berlin. This film is dedicated to 3 filmmakers, one of them being Yasujirō Ozu, a director whose work I had just discovered (and posted about) a few days ago. Last but not least, the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke is used extensively throughout this film and I had just borrowed a Rilke book from the library the day previous. I guess it was meant to be. #wingsofdesire #wimwenders #1987 #film #germanfilm #derhimmeluberberlin #brunoganz #solveigdommartin #ottosander #peterfalk https://www.instagram.com/p/BeszMcihCni/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hw6xb29oi3oy
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Another masterpieces starring the late Bruno Ganz. Wings of Desire Dir: Will Wenders * * * Unbeknownst to mortals, Damiel (Bruno Ganz) and Cassiel (Otto Sander) roam among the realm of the living, listening to their thoughts, joy and torment alike while lamenting the dread to partake in humanly pleasures and privileges of mankind. - The film perfectly encapsulates the nature of angels (or divine beings) wandering among mortals. Each monologue from every mortal tells their personal predicament, whether in joy or torment in detail, which enables the viewer to understand their morale and struggles as a human being. The monologues ring the ear and heart, evoking familiarity in the history of human emotions and past experiences. - Strong and powerful, subtext plays an excellent role in keeping the viewer interested to get into the minds of the angels and mortals. Monologues, conversations and interactions can only do so much to tell the story. At times philosophical, the values are encrypted in forms of parables, reminiscing from past to present how much a particular subject has changed as time flies and their minds has alps been conditioned to the surroundings that no longer remain familiar. - Not necessarily a film about religion nor agnostic beliefs, rather, it emerges as a proverbial film discussing one's progression in life and the never ending desire to plunge into the unknown to make one's soul whole again. #film #cinema #cinematography #arthouse #wingsofdesire #brunoganz #ottosander #peterfalk #solveigdommartin #german #swiss #deutsche https://www.instagram.com/p/BuDXt-GnDd0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5hpdi3y30qrl
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#OttoSander #NickCave #WimWenders Der himmelüber Berlin (1987) pic.twitter.com/O8CGXLW0Xz
— mariana (@pasajeperpetuo) January 23, 2018
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@ottosands: @maggiemeichance don't be shy bestie you can join too! i have 2 hands!
@maggiemeichance: @ottosands @elias_hewitt @matthewrparker @jaxxyotto4 car fans are NASTY nasty
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@maggiemeichance: @ottosands @elias_hewitt @matthewrparker @jaxxyotto4 car fans are NASTY nasty
@ottosands: ohh to be the ranch in an @elias_hewitt/@matthewrparker/@jaxxyotto4 sandwich @ottosands: the eiffel tower isn't enough i have THREE holes
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