#ottawa senetors blurbs
ilyasorokinn · 3 years
josh norris 4??
4. “i like shiny things, but i'd marry you with paper rings” (from this prompt list.)
you and josh had been together since middle school. granted, you relationship was much more awkward back then then it was now. regardless, that was how your love story started.
as time progressed, your love for each other only grew. when he was drafted, you followed him. not because you were co-dependent, but because you were two adults in love.
now, you were 22, and you were still very much in love. you had been dating for almost a decade, and are still very much in the “honeymoon” stage.
josh was coming home from a roadie, and you were staying up to wait for him like you always did. you were sitting outside on the backyard porch, legs wrapped in a blanket, holding a mug of tea.
your dog, cedric, affectionately named after your favorite character cedric diggory from harry potter, laid at your feet, staring up at you.
both you and cedric heard the key turning in the lock, and your heads were turning in the direction of the door.
“i’m home!” he hollered.
“joshy!” you cheered, setting your mug down, and throwing the blanket off of you. cedric had already left you in the dust and bolted to the door. when you got to the door, josh was bent down to the dog’s level, and letting the dog lick his face.
“oh, hi, ceddy. it’s good to see you too.” josh laughed. he stood up, and his smile only grew when he saw you, “it’s good to see you too.” he took two strides towards you and pulled you into a hug.
you hummed in content, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and kissing the underside of his jaw, “i’m glad your home.”
“i’m glad, too.” he kissed your head, “let’s go to bed.” he bent down, and picked you up bridal-style, then proceeded to carry you to the bedroom.
“wait, i left my tea outside,” you told him.
“get it in the morning.” you made a face, “fine.” he carried you back outside, picked up your mug, “is the lady satisfied?”
“she is. onward, sir knight.” you pointed back inside. you both laughed as he carried you up the stairs.
he set you on the bed, placing your mug on the nightstand. you crawled into bed and waited for him to follow.
cedric came into the room and climbed up the staircase you had gotten for him to climb up onto the bed. he climbed into your lap and nudged your hand.
josh came out of the bathroom, dressed in proper bedtime apparel. he then climbed into bed. he scratched behind cedric’s ears, but you could see his mind was miles and miles away.
“what’s going on in that head of yours?” you asked, running a band through his hair.
“do you wanna marry me?” he asked.
your eyes widened, and your hand froze, “whoa! josh!”
“what?” he asked innocently.
“are you serious? marriage? like, our lives will be forever intertwined?” you asked.
“yes, y/n, that’s usually what marriage entails.” he nodded.
“hey! no being snappy. you just dropped all this marriage talk on me.”
he chuckled, “i’m being serious.”
“so am i.” you retorted. you laid down next to him, both of you facing each other, “you’re serious? about wanting to marry me?” he asked.
“yeah, i’m being serious, baby. i want to marry you.” he smiled, reaching out for your hand, and placing a kiss on your knuckles.
you squeezed his hand, “i want to marry you, too.”
he looked up at you, almost shocked, “you’re serious?”
“yeah, i’m being serious. of course, i want to marry you.” he broke out in a smile and pulled you into his arms.
“oh, crap. i don’t nab a ring.” he pulled away, a pout on his face.
“that’s fine.” you laughed, “i don’t need a ring. we could get married at a wedding chapel in vegas for all i care.”
“we’re not gonna do that.” he shook his head.
“i know. i’m just saying i don’t need a flashy ring. you could give me a paper-freaking-rings and i’d be happy.” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close.
“i love you so much.”
“i love you, too, joshy.” you kissed his cheek, a smile on your face, “we’re getting married,” you whispered.
“yeah, we’re getting married,” he whispered back.
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