deltarandom · 4 years
whatever any one ever did in the history of existence, they did it cuz for them, maybe just for that fraction of second, it was the best way of doing it. like everyone says, everyone is different, so just cuz what 2 different people would do is different, doesn't necessarily mean one of them must be the right was and another is wrong. there are literally millions of ways everything can be done. so definition of good and bad or right and wrong is just not specific.
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deltarandom · 4 years
You know that this one person is the special one when you clear out your that particular one time of day, just and only to be with them, and yet believe you can do this for the rest of your life if you have to
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deltarandom · 4 years
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Saw this guy flying around. dot know what it is... need help with this beauty of nature
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deltarandom · 4 years
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Heart and soul of life
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deltarandom · 4 years
The rain and storm might take away everything but the cloud after it all is the one worth all of that trouble. 
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deltarandom · 4 years
Sometimes, seeing only one side of a person not bad... cuz it sometimes, is the only thing u have to know to fall in love with the person❤
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deltarandom · 4 years
You have regrades means you have grown as a person.
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deltarandom · 4 years
Just wrote cuz it rhymed
sometimes its kinda funny,
maybe you’ll find it sad
but the dreams in which i die in, 
are the good ones i have had
you have so very less friends,
mabe they are all Chad
but your therapist is happy,
you are his money lad.
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deltarandom · 4 years
Everything anybody ever said always was backed up by one of these two thoughts- 'I am right' or 'You are not write'
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deltarandom · 4 years
First of all how i am ganna start🙂
I use to write these future possible great possible quotes by me if i ever go famous some day. I still have the diary on which i sue to write it all. I’m kinda introverted and always trying to find my circle. Lets just say i am searching 4 that by letting the possible circle to know how and who i am.
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