#otp; triimberly against the world
5ivebyfive · 1 year
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Perry wants to know who wants an update of the Trimberly plant shop/bar au? All I gotta do is a final read through.
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
What would trini and Kim want to be when they grow up? Also, where do you think they would live?
Pls answer
I've headcanoned them with a lot of different careers, but typically I think Trini would either be a chef or maybe a lawyer for family court or troubled kids. Chef if she wants to persue something she enjoys doing, OR going for something where she helps people, especially kids.
For Kim, I imagine her working with teenagers. Maybe a school counselor or something. She would want to help teenagers who are lost and need someone to care about them.
It really depends on the day you ask me!
I also can see Trini being the main income maker and Kim doing volunteer work mostly.
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
They’re on separate teams and fighting each other for the ball, but they both fall over with Kim falling on top of Trini and Kim waggles her brows and says “looks like I won”.
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
It also works in two flavors of trimberly. There's pre-relationship "we're not flirting, we're just friends getting a little silly while we try to cook" denial of what's actually happening. And then there's established relationship "who cares if the food doesn't get made, I'm having a fun time with my girlfriend and that's what's important" domestic fluff.
And the “newlywed wives being wives and in love in their first house together and we don’t care if we eat because we’re so in love”.
But of course, Trini will always make sure Kim eats. Cause Kim forgets.
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5ivebyfive · 2 years
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in a hopeless place - a riot rocking every revision
Trini is a greaser. Society says she's trash, no good, but she knows she has more to offer than her small town will ever allow. She fights every day to survive. She looks forward to the day she can leave her town and find a better life with her best friends Zack and Billy. What she doesn't expect is Kimberly Hart. A social, or soc. Kimberly has it all. Everything that Trini could only dream of. And there's something about her, something new, that Trini can't explain. A couple not-so-bad exchanges leave her baffled, and she has no idea what to make of this person that she's always known as The Queen Soc. Is there something more to Kimberly? Does Trini want to find out?
*A 'The Outsiders' AU*
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
Atm I'm really missing ADHD!Kim. I'm finally on a promising path to diagnosis and who knows how much longer it would have taken me without her
I also miss every instance of Trini calling Kim princess :(
I miss her too! But to me, all versions of Kim are ADHD. Good luck with your diagnosis!
Tell me what you miss about Trimberly.
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
Listening to NIN makes me think of this fic I wrote for @realist-tash ages ago. Kim and Trini are moms and struggle to find “alone time” in their busy lives. Rating is Explicit.
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5ivebyfive · 1 year
Trini No Last Name is definitely into Nine Inch Nails. And one time she’s blasting Closer in her headphones and Kim pops up out of nowhere and smiles all big at Trini and Trini blushes fiercely at the lyrics and Kim.
Tw for explicit lyrics
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