#otp; how we were before (gabriel/angela)
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mishmxshmusharchive-blog · 8 years ago
I’ve Got You - MercyKill Oneshot
“I’ve got you.”
It had once been a phrase of safety. One whispered when there were arms around her, promising her that they were out of danger.
But there was no safety now. No comforting arms or gentle heartbeat in her ear, no chest to rest her head against. Just a gun to her head as she knelt next to the body of a civilian she’d tried to save.
“I’ve got you.”
Angela refused to let her fear show on her face as she stared over the gun and up into the mask of Reaper. Her eyes were defiant and unblinking. She would face her end with dignity and not give the monster that inhabited the body in front of the satisfaction of knowing about her broken heart.
“You’ve had this coming.” The raspy voice from behind Reaper’s mask spoke and Angela swallowed, before rising to her feet slowly. The gun followed her, but didn’t fire.
“Is that really what you think, Gabriel?” Her voice didn’t waver as she stared him down. This day had been a long time coming and now it was here, she was determined not to be afraid.
There was a long pause and Angela considered whether she should try and get the wraith to lower the gun, before he spoke again.
“Why did you do it?” Angela had the answer to that question ready immediately. The reason had never wavered in her head.
“You were dead. I loved you, and you were dead. I thought the technology was ready, and it wasn’t. And I’m sorry!” This was the first time her voice cracked and she watched as the gun lowered. Not a lot, but enough that she noticed.
“Loved?” Angela nodded, softening the harsh face she’d been wearing, dropping her defensive stance.
“Yes. I would still if you were still with us.” Another long pause. Angela, feeling her heart pound, reached out, steadily lowering Reaper’s gun arm. In all honesty, she expected this to backfire and for him to just fire through her stomach. But he didn’t, he let her lower his weapon.
She was extremely careful as she wrapped her arms around him, drawing him into a hug. He felt different. He was still solid against her but somehow felt less corporeal. And she was a little taller than she had been the last time they’d hugged.
“I’ve got you, Gabriel. I’ve got you.”
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mishmxshmusharchive-blog · 8 years ago
! (Angela)
SEND A “!” FOR OUR MUSES MARRIED LIFEStatus - Selectively Accepting
Who was the one to propose: Gabriel
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Gabriel. He wanted everything to be perfect for Angela. She just wanted to marry him.
Who decorated the house: Angela. She likes decorating.
Who is more organized: Angela. DON’T! TOUCH! HER! FILING!
Who suggested kids first: Angela. She always wanted a big family.
Who’s the cuddler: Both of them, though Angela’s more likely to admit to it.
What’s their favorite activity: Bathtime!
Who kills the spiders: Neither of them. They put them outside!
Who falls asleep first: If they’re seperate, Gabriel. If he’s dragged her into bed, Angela. Because he refuses to sleep until she does.
Who usually initiates things? At home, Angela. At work, Gabriel.
Who is more sensitive? Angela.
Who has the most patience? Angela.
Who is the stubborn one? Fucking both of them. They rarely argue, but when they do, heaven and earth moves.
Which one holds grudges? Neither. Once something has been resolved, that’s it.
Who argues more? Angela. But rarely with him. More with other people.
Who wins the arguments? Whoever’s right. They consult google or their friends for secondary things.
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mishmxshmusharchive-blog · 8 years ago
Angela's turn-ons = Gabriel Reyes *cough* I wonder who sent this *cough*
Guess my muses turn onsStatus - Accepting
@angelde-lamuerte is this you??? u sneaky husbando!
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