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angelde-lamuerte started following you
McCree hadn’t been expecting this, being grabbed by the front of his shirt and lifted with tremendous ease in the Mercenaries clawed grasp. The younger man winced, pulling and tugging in vain on the arm that held him.
“L-Let me go!” The brunette growled out. Dammit, dammit. He couldn’t grab his pistol like this.
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A Big Little Secret - Closed
“This is where your Dad grew up.” Angela explained to the five year old she was carrying through Mexican streets. Even though she’d told Gabe that Gabriel was dead, she wanted their son to understand his Father and everything that Overwatch had done.
She currently didn’t know where Reaper was, and hadn’t told him about Gabriel Jnr. She had a lot of guilt over that, but it was the best thing for her to do.
“Which house?” Gabe asked, looking around with wide eyes. “Mama, look! Shadow!” He pointed down an alley and Angela whipped around, shadow’s making her think that maybe Reaper was on a trip down memory lane.
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@commandodaddy76 replied to your post: ANGELDE-LAMUERTE =====> EDGELORDDADDY
i s2g
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[ Bold any fears which apply to your muse. ] [ Italicize which make them uncomfortable. ] [ REPOST. Do not reblog! ]
Tagged by : @soul-of-thunder Tagging : @perfect-harmony @mishmxshmush @genji-needs-healing @angelde-lamuerte (and anyone else who would like to take a stab at it)
the dark ⋆ fire ⋆ open water ⋆ deep water ⋆ being alone ⋆ crowded spaces ⋆ confined spaces⋆ open spaces ⋆ change ⋆ failure ⋆ war ⋆ loss of control ⋆ powerlessness ⋆ prison ⋆ blood ⋆ drowning ⋆ suffocation ⋆ public speaking ⋆ natural animals ⋆ the supernatural ⋆ heights ⋆death⋆ dying ⋆ intimacy ⋆ rejection ⋆ abandonment ⋆ loss ⋆ the unknown ⋆ the future ⋆not being good enough ⋆ scary stories ⋆ speaking to new people ⋆ poverty ⋆ loud noises ⋆ lack of noise ⋆ being touched ⋆ forgetting ⋆ insects ⋆ disease ⋆ falling.
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SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?: If it has chemistry, I ship it honestly. With Jess, I’m absolutely adore him with Genji. Blackwatch Boyfriends <3 And I also adore him with Gabriel, because Daddy. Who’s surprised. The other two ships I’ve had the chance to play out are he and Hanzo (which is absolutely love okay), and Jack and Jesse. ESPECIALLY when Jesse is a wee little shithead to Jackie. Basically, I ship chemistry is what it comes down to though.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Anything. I will gladly RP anything with ships whether it’s fluff or violence. I don’t really have any limits so yes!
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: As much as I love age gap, I wouldn’t want anything romantic or otherwise between a character younger than like 16. And I generally don’t touch storylines like that unless it’s with someone I know and trust.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: I don’t think so. I do like a slow burn when it comes to relationship building but I’ve had a few threads where it’s a heavy mutual attraction right off the bat. I do prefer to know the person I’m writing relationship stuff with though, mostly because it feels less awkward and contrived, if you know what I mean? HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NS.FW?: Aaah, well... For me, I don’t really care if there is read more breaks or not on filthy posts, but I do care about the comfort of the people around me... So I usually drop a read more break at the first sight of actually touching with intent, I guess? As Soon as clothes start coming off.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: Everything. Everyone. Give him love. I kid, of course. Uuuuhm. From interactions here on tumblr, I’d say Genji is the only person he’s actually developed any sort of relationship with.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?: Nope! Not technically. If a thread starts building in that direction, the big question can absolutely be asked but it doesn’t have to. If you are wanting to make a thread centered around shipping the characters, then maybe yes. It’s appreciated at least.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: It all comes down to chemistry, honestly!
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: I’m... Not sure? I mean, when I ship something with someone, I guess I get obsessed. (poor @odxchi knows first hand haha)
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: All of them! I can generally get behind just about any ship.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Come write with me! Memes and asks and stuff are appreciated too! But generally just through threads (or messengers, I love writing on skype/discord/kik)
tagged by: @angelde-lamuerte
tagging: UUUUH... UUUHM! @odxchi @violentnonretirement ???? (I haven’t been around for a while, I feel out of touch, sorry guys!)) Anyone interested!
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angelde-lamuerte replied to your post:
I’ll have to add you mine is EdgelordDaddy :’)
∴ ! [ooc]
yes!! i just logged off so either you can add me or i'll add you later <3!
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! (Angela)
SEND A “!” FOR OUR MUSES MARRIED LIFEStatus - Selectively Accepting
Who was the one to propose: Gabriel
Who stressed more over wedding planning: Gabriel. He wanted everything to be perfect for Angela. She just wanted to marry him.
Who decorated the house: Angela. She likes decorating.
Who is more organized: Angela. DON’T! TOUCH! HER! FILING!
Who suggested kids first: Angela. She always wanted a big family.
Who’s the cuddler: Both of them, though Angela’s more likely to admit to it.
What’s their favorite activity: Bathtime!
Who kills the spiders: Neither of them. They put them outside!
Who falls asleep first: If they’re seperate, Gabriel. If he’s dragged her into bed, Angela. Because he refuses to sleep until she does.
Who usually initiates things? At home, Angela. At work, Gabriel.
Who is more sensitive? Angela.
Who has the most patience? Angela.
Who is the stubborn one? Fucking both of them. They rarely argue, but when they do, heaven and earth moves.
Which one holds grudges? Neither. Once something has been resolved, that’s it.
Who argues more? Angela. But rarely with him. More with other people.
Who wins the arguments? Whoever’s right. They consult google or their friends for secondary things.
#otp; i saved you and you hate me (mercykill)#otp; how we were before (gabriel/angela)#angelaziegler;ship#angelde-lamuerte
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Angela hadn’t rested properly in three days. Everytime she lay down to sleep, some new injury came up, or a demand for her and she had to get up again.
And now she had paperwork. So. Much. Paperwork.
Hearing the door open, Angela grunted unhappily.
“If you have more paperwork for me, shove it up your ass.” She grumbled under her breath unhappily.
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I’m gonna be adding a mains page I think.
So far, I’ve only got Overwatch Mains (and one LoK and The100) and they are:
Gabriel: @angelde-lamuerte Lena: @chxxrslove Angela: @angilc & @gxardianangcl Hana: @nerfedmeka Emily: @anxmcara
And for LoK, Korra: @avoidcd
For The100: Clarke: @lcvedher & @ai-laik-wxnheda
Now obviously, I’m NOT exclusive, but those listed here are people I’ve found as friends and I’m more likely to respond to their threads quicker.
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Casually sending @angelde-lamuerte angsty things and HC's because I'm a bitch and I like being mean to people!
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Continued from here @angelde-lamuerte
Reaper fell silent, ever since his resurrection, he felt betrayed by the beautiful blond. Questioning why she did this to him. Focusing all of his rage on getting revenge, yet now she laid in his arms like a delicate bird with broken wings. Everything he once felt came rushing back.
❝Angela…. I’m sorry.❞
Angela’s hands were shaking and her breathing was ragged and weak. She knew there wasn’t a lot of time left for her, so she needed to make her amends. Especially with him. Especially with Gabriel.
“No...” The word was croaky and weak as she managed to lift a hand, tugging off his mask and managing to smile. “I was selfish...” Everything felt cold and she couldn’t help but wonder if this is what Gabriel had felt before her narcissism had roused him.
“I never should have done this to you, Gabriel.” More pausing to breathe, a quiet gurgle pervading each intake and outtake. “I’m sorry for doing this to you...”
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I am wibbly wobly drunk.
#mun;will#angelde-lamuerte#main; the husbando and torture subject (angeldelamuerte)#//And he played overwatch with me and put up with my drunken ramblings#//truly the best husband
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Continued from here @angelde-lamuerte
❝Sombra, I would read anything you asked me to.❞
Reaper reassured the female before taking the note from her deciding to take a seat before reading through it.
Sombra slipped out of the room, turning invisible outside of the door and vanishing off to her little hidey-hole in the ceiling of Talon’s base where she hid her best computers. And herself when things got hard.
Her handwriting was scrawley and clearly barely used, but still legible.
When I was a little kid there was this guy who acted like I was his kid. He wasn’t my Dad, that cabron, pedazo de mierda, never bothered to even see me born.
He was head of my towns Chapter of Los Muertos and he was good to me. He bought me my first computer, he looked out for me and didn’t let anyone bother me.
He was grooming me, but I was eight, I couldn’t know that. So I joined up, once I was old enough to be useful. And I was useful. I hacked whatever they asked me to, killed, stole, did whatever they he asked of me.
And then I grew up and realised what was going on around me and decided it had to stop. And I made it stop.
And I came here and met you and Widow. You made me feel like that guy did once. That same kind of safety. So I panicked. I couldn’t run again, I had to stay with you guys. So I annoyed you to make the feeling go away. Because I couldn’t be hurt like that again. Then I tested you. I gave you information, not lies exactly but half truths and things not as important as they seemed, to see what you’d do with them. And other than a lot of eye rolling (seriously old man, so much eye rolling. I can see that behind the mask) you never did anything with them.
In case you haven’t guessed, I’m not too good at conversations, so here. This is what you needed to know. At least, about why I’ve been so annoying. I can’t promise it’ll stop but I’ll slow it down. I’ll be less malicious in it.
Next to her name, Sombra had doodled the skull that marked all of her hacking code.
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I am Satan. @angelde-lamuerte
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Restrained + 8 (+maybe even 6 if you're feeling daring)
Handcuffed to one another; In a locked room with a barred window
Jack wakes definitely feeling drugged.
He groans slowly, reaching up and touching a roughly tender patch on his neck. Yeah. Definitely drugged.
Despite some decently clouded vision it wasn’t hard to associate his surroundings with the feel of ‘you-are-not-getting-out-of-here’. The only door was ahead of him and didn’t exactly look opened, and light just barely came from the bars of a small window above him.
He shifts a bit too quickly, being punished by a throbbing in his head. His eyes dart around sluggishly, noticing the weight on his other arm. He was handcuffed to someone else that he couldn’t recognize...not at first anyway.
His brow furrows, trying his best to focus clouded vision. He wasn’t in the same clothing. It was the soft plumes of black smoke that gave him away.
Jerking backward he--doesn’t get that far, only nudging his unconscious form slightly closer.
What the hell was he doing here?
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Continued from here @angelde-lamuerte
How could Gabriel ignore a command like that? With a soft smile he went over to the female and wrapped his arms around her.
❝You don’t even have to ask.❞
Angela rested her head against Gabriel’s chest, curling into him.
“Can we go and lie down?” She asked quietly. An unusual request from the Doctor, who normally did all she could to avoid a bed and anything that might bring on sleep. Angela didn’t really want to talk about what was bothering her, she just wanted to spend time with Gabriel and listen to his heartbeat.
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