#otp: sunfire and brimstone
kawaii-kozume · 8 months
I'm thinking about soldezangelo as adults again. Living their happy adult lives in their own home they own where they keep to themselves but the town knows them as safe people. Where they have their friends over as often as their friends come through town. Where they make new, mortal friends. Where they all are on their own paths for their careers but still supporting each other.
Thinking about the conflicts that arise from those paths. How difficult it was for them to find a place to start. How Nico's at a disadvantage already legal-wise. How Leo can't figure out what he even wants to do so he spends his days beating himself up mentally and toiling away on their property. How Will is only performing out of a sense of duty to his heritage and what he knows instead of doing something he actually wants to.
Thinking about how they all support each other in passing touches, light kisses, soft words of encouragement and making a point to spend time together. How they have a set date night where they all do something together, even if its been a very difficult week. The night none of them miss because even if hell's come around, they still promised each other to try and stay connected.
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via-rant · 3 years
Soldezangelo 🤝 Sashannearcy
The blonde, the smartie pants, and the traumatized.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Soldezangelo AU but Will and Leo, two college dormmates, fuck around and summon a demon prince on accident. Prince Nico, being unable to be sent back to the Aetherworld without fulfilling what Willeo need(which they don't even know yet), is stuck on the overworld while Willeo try to figure out either 1) how to put him back without fulfillment or 2) figure out what they need done.
Spoiler: They're both pining over each other but they wrote it off because "Nah, he wouldn't reciprocate, we're too different." And Nico, being the little shit he is, knows what he needs to do but doesn't wanna leave the overworld because he fell for them hates it in his father's palace.
(If you're inspired by this, by all means go for it!! I'm an idea communist 😊😊)
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Soldezangelo would put their beds next to eachother in Minecraft. They'd split roles without talking about it. Nico goes out for supplies, Leo builds and Will farms. They have an entire operation underway within days and the rest of their friends are like ????? because "Where'd you get iron armor already?!" and "How did you find diamonds?!!"
The secret is they don't have to worry about foods because Will keeps up on the animal mating and farming. They don't have to worry about coal running out because Nico always brings back enough and they don't die to mobs because Leo's rigged their home to keep them extra safe.
They're the ultimate dream team.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Soldezangelo becoming gods after they die (each as an advisor and heir to their godly father)
Like Nico becomes a god of Curiosity and the Forgotten/Outcasts/Misfits
Will becomes a god of Light and Healing
Leo becomes a god of Fire and Automatons and basically everything Steampunk
And they are all gods of Polyamory
- @i-am-triple-a
I really love this concept so much. I think about how all the characters would fit into their parents' domains and how that would change their dynamics and everything.
I think, due to being immortal beings, the ot3 would end up going through some rough patches. And I attribute this solely to having no time constraint and not really being able to die.
I do think though, they would be able to always work out whatever is going on. I think among humans, if one of them is worshipped, the other two end up included to some extent because they're all so grossly in love. I very much see Nico parallelling his father in that regard. The myths don't say he kidnaps his boyfriends but they definitely sneak away from their dads to visit.
Nico as the god of curiosity fits so well, your mind is amazing. And the misfits! I'm gonna be real, I think that's sweet to think about Dionysus passing that off to Nico because we've seen Mr. D obviously have a soft spot for Nico so it just, fits. (I don't know how familiar you are with Dionysus but he's attributed with outcasts among his other domains.)
Will and Aescelpius fight at first over the healing title. Eventually, Will leans more into his Light domain versus healing. And in a way, its personally healing to him to not feel pressured from that direction.
The only thing I differ on is Leo's domain of control. I feel like he'd be a god of technology. And I say this because he's inventive enough to fit it. Still a god of fire though, I wouldn't take that from him ever.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
what they say: I'm fine
what they're thinking: Soldezangelo has the potential to be one of the best ships in the PJO fandom because of the amount of group healing and growth that would come from the three of them just hanging out with each other. Not to mention how well they balance each other out overall. The dynamics of passion, warmth and resilience with the underlying fear, anger and instability is amazing and beautiful.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Kindaaa wanna write something where the Ot3 are on a quest or outing and some monster or god cause them to get angry, scared and remember something terrible and they turn on each other. Like, giant fight level turning on each other.
Nico turns on Leo, angry at Hephaestus for Bianca, angry Leo contributed to the way the 7 treated him on the Argo.
Will's irritated at Nico for things he can't necessarily control. He's scared Nico is going to lose it and he's mad that Nico still holds himself behind walls.
Leo is jealous and angry at Will for being there for Nico. He's angry he missed the opportunity originally and he's scared to lose them both so he wants to cut them out before they can hurt him.
Shadows and fire swirl around them, threatening to graze their skin. Will's plague powers manifest, causing surrounding people or animals to act out.
Just, utter anger and fear and chaos.
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kawaii-kozume · 3 years
Okay idea: Soldezangelo Wicked AU
So Nico as Elphaba, Will as Glinda, and Leo as Fiyero where the three of them are dating and have an actual love triangle
- @i-am-triple-a
(Also I have no idea if ur into musicals or not but I thought of this and had to share with a soldezangelo blog and u were the first that came to mind 😅)
HEY HI, I LOVE YOU /p FOR THIS!! (Also omg I'm always down for soldezangelo asks tysm for sending it in 🥺)
Oh my gods, I love Wicked so much and I also love Glinda/Fiyero/Elphaba and I've not considered this before but this is gonna be the only thing I think about for the next week.
Leo, doing the Dancing Through Life sequence? Absolutely delicious. Top tier visual right there.
Nico and Will in One Short Day and that little piece in Defying Gravity about them being unlimited together? I'm gonna cry.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
I've probably talked about it before but: Will im Texas, wanting to visit Nico and Leo over winter break. He decides to surprise them by flying up there, only to learn they're not there.
Nico and Leo went to Texas to surprise Will.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Another snippet of Soldezangelo Soulmates (Part 1) (TW: End of war, Burials, Death)
The battle ended long before the fighting actually stopped. Nico was drained when he got to the top of the Empire State building. In his normal mind, he would be gawking at each and every available view from the houses to the gardens, but as he was, he was just thankful to sit at his father's feet. The meeting went on and he was praised alongside Percy and Annabeth and all the others that helped defeat Kronos.
After everything, they found their way back to camp, trailing after stretchers with bodies on them and demigods carrying arms full of broken weapons. It should have been a fantastic day, but it dawned on Nico as he fell into step with a random camper who's arm was dripping blood on the sidewalk, that while the rest of the world spins on, there were too many losses.
Back at camp, people were running about, all looking like they had a purpose and job to do. Nico stood around watching Apollo kids rush to medical aid, Ares kids log weapons back into the caches, and Athena kids...weaving tapestries as quickly as they could with the help of anyone who volunteered.
The mood among Nico's companions shifted from victorious to downright scared as Malcom addressed Annabeth with a status report.
"...as more keep coming in. We're at 31 now, and that's just what we have from today. We need to account for..." His voice filters through Nico's thoughts. 31. Nearly three dozen demigods gone in one day. Nico felt the damage but in the midst of battle, with adrenaline flowing, he didn't process it. He should have.
"Let me do death rites." He murmurs under the surrounding voices. He didn't think anyone heard him but Percy caught the others' attention.
"Hey, Nico has something." He said. He flashed Nico a reassuring smile and Nico wanted to strangle every single butterfly in his stomach.
"Let me perform the death rites on the tapestries." Nico said again. "There's too many to have Chiron do it alone. Let me do it as you finish them."
And that's how he wound up sitting a few feet from the Athena kids with a bowl of mint and a bowl of drachma. Times were different, sure, but Nico had learned a lot on his own. He sprinkled the dry mint over the tapestry then laid a coin in the center before folding it over in half. He stayed silent throughout the process and eventually, just as the sun was lowering in the sky, the 33rd tapestry was folded and they were done.
Meal that evening was much more quiet than any other one he had been at while at camp. Kids, some not even older than him, now sat as the head of cabins and surveyed the pavilion with exhaustion.
After dinner, the entire camp made their way to the amphitheater where the Hephaestus cabin set up one large funeral pyre. Wooden logs and sticks piled high to keep the flame going as cloth was laid on it.
Nico stood next to Percy who had offered to hold the folded tapestries until each was claimed by a sibling. And as Chiron found his spot at the back of the logs, Annabeth read the list of all who were lost that day. As she read in cabin order, Nico passed along the tapestries to the counsellor of each cabin. Sometimes more than one person from a cabin came up, other times it was just the counsellor.
"Michael Yew." Annabeth said and a boy, not much older than Nico but obviously still the eldest among his siblings, stood up and approached Nico. He accepted Michael's tapestry with silence and turned to the pyre before draping it over the flames.
There was something weird about the entire scene because all Nico wanted to do was reach out and hold him. There was a sudden ache in Nico's chest and he wanted to wipe away the boy's tears. But as quickly as it had come on, the feeling faded and Annabeth read the next name.
"Avery Smith." Annabeth continued. Eventually there were only two left. Both ones that Percy insisted on.
"Luke Castellan." Annabeth's voice wavered and when nobody from the Hermes cabin stood up, Percy handed the last remaining tapestry to Nico and took Luke's to the pyre himself.
"All remaining demigods that were unknown and unnamed that were lost on this day." Annabeth said. Nico took the tapestry for the unknown and draped it over the tatters of other cloth that was previously burned.
It was over. It was over and everyone could breathe and it was okay to start healing now. As everyone dispersed that night to their own cabins, Nico couldn't help his eyes being drawn to the blond son of Apollo who caught his attention earlier.
Maybe soulmates do exists. Nico thought to himself on his way to the Hermes cabin.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Okay *look* uhhh I'm sorry but also, don't like don't read. Nsfw headcanons under readmore. (Don't interact if minor pls and ty)
Okay, okay, okay. Sometimes, the thought crosses my mind about how Will glows, right? Anyways, midway through Nico blowing his back out, he just, glows. Like, angelic glow surrounding him against the sheets.
I also headcanon that at first, Leo talks big but in practice he's super nervous and awkward even after a couple times. So, uh, random burn marks!! It sucks and he feels terrible but Nico and Will just, shrug it off. (It can be kinda hot to have your boyfriend's fingerprints branded to your skin.)
Nico just, dissolves the first time. He doesn't mean to and he hates it being brought up(until way later when they're old and he can properly laugh at it). He just, it felt so good and he'd never felt so loved he just, became shadows.
Nico's mostly a dom(kinda sad here but it comes from his trauma. he needs the control). It depends on the day what kind. Some days he's service, others he is in charge and the others know it. Leo and Will are both switches.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Okay, two things:
WAS NOBODY GOING TO TELL ME ABOUT PERLEO OR WAS I SUPPOSED TO JJST STUMBLE UPON IT MYSELF?! (It's not Soldezangelo level, and Percabeth=soulmates but their dynamic would be really fun)
Soldezangelo but Nico goes nonverbal/has a hard time communicating verbally sometimes so he and Will learn morse code and the three use it to talk when Nico can't use his voice.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Wanna know my soldezangelo marriage justification? Threeway marriages don't work legally, yeah. Well,,,neither does marrying a dead person(Nico) soooo legalities don't much matter to them.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
So, its a given that if any demigod could establish a network and technology that hides demigods tracks, it'd be Leo Bad Boy Supreme Valdez, right? Yeah? 's what I thought too. 😌
Anyways, uhh, consider, Soldezangelo, but in college. Leo's going for that good tech engineering(dont ask pls im only putting words together). Will's decided that maybe he doesn't wanna be a doctor forever, so he's aiming for a PhD in psychiatry. And Nico's learned, over the course of getting his diploma(thanks Hades for bringing all the ancient tutors), that he really fucks with languages. He's going for a lingusitics degree.
And dorm shenanigans with their friends ensue.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
Hey, if you were ever curious on pet names the ot3 uses for each other:
Will: Oookay he's like, Texas sweetheart right? So he uses honey, sweets, darlin' (he emphasizes the drawl with this one because he's just Like That). But! You know something? He knows basic Spanish. So he'll use mi amor or, if he's really feeling it, mi vida. He doesn't ever use them in public though.
With Nico, we've seen Sunshine, and I stand firm in the idea that The Dark Lord is said with fondness. Nico gets to hear mi amor at night. He gets darlin' a lot. And he'll use Neeks.
For Leo, Will uses sweets, honey, and darlin all sprinkled in. Leo loves hearing mi vida, because the phrase just makes him feel safe. Will calls Leo a space heater affectionately because Leo's just, warm all the time. And finally, Will calls him firecracker because Leo's got a lot of energy and firecrackers remind Will of happy summer evenings.
Leo: He's the kind of lover that will make anything a pet name. He'll always say 'I love you' as well. And he never got out of tapping it so when he's holding one of his boyfriend's hands, he'll tap it on their fingers.
For Will, amongst the random pet names, he'll use mi cariño, love, sunbeam and magic hands (but only if they're alone or with just Nico). Sometimes mi sol is tossed around, but only if Will's had a particularly rough day.
For Nico, he'll say mi amado, jokingly he'll say rey de los muertos. (Nico may not speak Spanish, but due to Latin roots, some words sound similar enough that Nico can figure it out.) Leo's adopted Will's sunshine name and as always, Leo will call Nico by Neeks around camp.
Nico: He's not super verbal with his affection, and if he is, it's usually by way of a fond insult. (See significant annoyance for Will.) But he does have his moments.
For Leo, he uses patatino (usually when he's in a teasing mood), tesoro, babe/baby comes out when he's Tired™ and just wants cuddles. He'll use bolide a lot throughout the day. (Nico's never told him what it means and Leo's too busy to properly ask most of the time.)
For Will, Nico will use tesoro, caro, il mio sole, and again, he'll use baby with light pouty eyes for naptime cuddles because he's a brat and can get away with it. He'll call Will sunshine all the time too.
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kawaii-kozume · 4 years
I have soldezangelo to iffer in these trying times. I wrote it half asleep, I'm sorry. But I've been thinking about Nico and his thoughts on the soulmate myth and well, here ya go. 1k words.
The sun was beginning to set as Leo bounded into the camp's infirmary. He knew Will would be doing shift change with the other healers and Nico would soon be by with food for the three of them.
"Okay, Will. Have a good night." Kayla bade Will goodbye and left the the two sitting in the peaceful silence as the only two patients slept. The door creaked back open and Nico shuffled in with food enough for the three of them and an extra bit for Will to eat later in the night.
"Hey there, Sunshine. What's on the menu tonight?" Leo gave Nico a wide grin as the other glowered at the name. They worked together doling out food and soon Will had sat down in the rolling chair at the small desk between the two.
"Food for later." Nico nodded to the bundle of aluminum foil next to Will's arm. Will nodded gratefully.
"Thanks, sweets." The three fell into a warm silence and Nico's mind began wandering. Leo noticed his nose scrunched up and a small pout working its way to his lips.
"What's wrong, mi amor?" Leo nudge him with his shoulder. Nico blinked and turned so he could lay in Leo's lap.
"How much myth do you guys know?" He asked, eyes a little unfocused. As if he were drifting off to another world.
"Not a whole lot but enough." Will answered.
"None at all, to be honest." Leo said. Nico pouted at that.
"Okay, fine. There's one about soulmates. It was-" Nico cut himself off as if realizing what he was about to say and sat upright, spine straight as a board and turned to put his weight against the wall.
"Nevermind. It's dumb." He muttered. Leo and Will glanced at each other, both realizing Nico was shutting down.
"Hey, you don't have to tell us, but we'd be honored to hear it." Will covered Nico's hand with his own. Leo felt again, a warm surge in his chest as if nothing could be better than this one moment. Nico glanced up at Will and took a shaky breath.
"Okay." He said. "Okay."
He relaxed his shoulders and took a breath before starting again.
"The myth goes that mankind was made with two sets of everything. So, four arms, four legs, four eyes, two mouths…" He hesitated, "And two hearts. Fearing their strength Zeus separated them into man and woman. Mankind would be destined to search for their other half their entire lives and when they found each other, they would know."
It was silent in the infirmary, both Leo and Will already guessing what would be next. But neither of them were actually ready for the next sentence.
"When I was younger, I wondered what that meant for me. Because, well," Nico's cheeks dusted pink as they did when he talked about his homosexuality, "I like boys and there's nothing in that myth about, gays getting soulmates."
It was clear he wasn't done speaking, but Leo wanted to do something for him. He wanted to touch him and have him closer.
"Come here." He whispered. He held his arms open and silently prayed Nico would move to sit between his legs so Leo could wrap around him. Nico did.
"I decided, after starting to date Will, that it didn't matter if he was supposed to be my soulmate or not because I loved him and that was enough for me." Nico continued. "I'd forgotten the myth...until we added you, Leo. Then it resurfaced and well, I won't lie and say I was even more confused because three of us? The myth stated two. And you're not...well, you're not a girl."
Will huffed a deep laugh and Leo smiled into Nico's shoulder.
"I've been thinking about the myth, and us, and how it's all supposed to work. And I think I've decided." Nico stopped talking but Will and Leo were still waiting for him to explain.
"Well? What did you decide?" Will asked. Nico smiled to himself.
"While it doesn't matter to me if soulmates exist, I believe the three of us are soulmates. The sense of peace that I have when I'm with you two at the same time, the likes of which I hadn't felt since before the Lotus Casino, is overwhelming. And if it isn't the sign that I've found my soulmate, what is it? I think humanity got the interpretation wrong. It's not two physical bodies. It's metaphysical. In the beginning of time, we were one soul. No matter how many pieces we're broken into, we'll find each other over and over and over again. Because being complete is what's important. And you two, complete me."
The sky could have fallen but none of them would have moved. Will and Leo, struck by the intensity of Nico's words, were rooted to their spots. Nico, for his part, was content to let his words soak in. He'd been thinking this all over for about two years now.
"Nico, that was…" Will trailed off, still searching for words. Leo nodded, trying to hide his tears while simultaneously trying to come up with a response.
"I don't have anything except I love you too. I can't imagine not having you and I know that just one of you wouldn't feel...complete." Leo's voice was muffled by Nico's jacket but he knew the other two heard him.
"I think you're right. I think you've figured out what soulmates are, Neeks. The person, or people, that make you feel whole."
Silence fell again, but not for long. One of the patients awoke, coughing and then groaning in pain. Will shot up out of his chair and pulled the camper's file.
"I love you. Both of you, so very much." Will dropped a kiss onto Leo's head, then gave Nico a peck on the cheek before scurrying off to check in with his patient.
"Nico, your mind is amazing." Leo pressed a kiss to the back of Nico's neck and was not at all suprised to find the brunette had fallen asleep on him. "Goodnight, angel."
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