#otp: precious possession
My brother Adrian just told me that after 15 YEARS finally Yubel from Yugioh GX will get more cards!! And I absolutely ADORE that the new cards tell that Judai's and Yubel's romantic relationship has matured!!
Yubel, having three previous forms that are kind of sad (I mean, they were named "the abominable Knight" and "Ultimate Nightmare" after all) now gains a final fourth form titled "the eternally loving Protector", thus concluding the love story between Judai and Yubel 🥹😭🥰 I AM SO HAPPY FOR THEM!
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And then there are the iconic cards that are being released that kind of celebrate the two. And the most ICONIC SCENE that used to make me and my brother SWOON back in the year of the Lord 2008. (Back then we only had dial-up internet and needed HOURS to load the episode, only to he rewarded with their tearful reunion)
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I remember my hyperfixation on the two, two days before my Abitur (high school diploma exam in the German school system). They were my OTP back in the day, so this new set is PURE NOSTALGIA.
I need ALL of these new cards, just to complete my old Yubel deck!! I never played much Yugioh, and will never be good in competitive tournaments like my brother is, but I still have my deck from back then. One of the few possessions of mine that survived the house fire. And all three Yubel forms were a precious birthday gift from my brother.
I might be trying to draw my old OTP again soon!
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isagrimorie · 1 year
I'm rewatching Endgame right now and I've completely forgotten the way Admiral Janeway couldn't even talk about Seven when someone from Starfleet Academy brought it up:
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And it's not that Admiral Janeway hasn't had a life, her crew is home and is her family and they've stayed in contact.
Almost everyone's lives have flourished. B'Elanna is the Federation liaison to the Klingon Empire, and so it seemed is Miral.
Except for Tuvok and Chakotay.
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Tuvok's mental illness has progressed to the point he could barely function and Chakotay died the same year this happened... And it feels like Chakotay's death was Admiral Janeway's impetus in going for this plan.
A world without Seven of Nine is a world neither Chakotay nor Admiral Janeway accepts.
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I first shipped Janeway with Chakotay and was so frustrated when Voyager ended and Janeway/Chakotay never happened when it was so obvious on both their sides.
And then I shipped Janeway and Seven but I could never accept Chakotay/Seven not only because it felt shoehorned but because they barely spent time together but to Jeri Ryan and Robert Beltran's credit they did what they could selling it.
For a first real-life relationship, Seven could do worse than Chakotay. He was respectful and did seem fond of Seven by the time they started dating and was ready to follow Seven at the pace she set.
But I've also come to believe the reason why they were together is because they couldn't be with Kathryn Janeway. In this alternate timeline, I believe Seven and Chakotay did come to love each other enough to marry but also there's an element of guilt involved with Chakotay after alt!Seven died because the person he also and still loved was Janeway. But guilt on Chakotay and Janeway's side prevented them from ever becoming something more.
I also believe Admiral Janeway loved both Chakotay and Seven and didn't want to choose, and their getting married is the safer choice even if it broke her heart because that meant she didn't have to choose and commit.
She'd rather have them both near and alive and untouchable, and in the end, she lost them both.
Honestly, Janeway didn't need to choose.
Anyway, Janeway's time travel adventures might be why my favorite time travel stories are the ones where future versions meet the past versions.
But also the first time Admiral Janeway sees Seven of Nine again, after two decades of not seeing her.
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"Hello, Seven."
Admiral Janeway looks like a sailor who hasn't seen the sea for years, or a traveler crossing the desert who has stumbled into an Oasis.
Also, Seven looks so awkward she didn't know how to deal with two Janeways in close proximity to each other.
Please, she's just a poor confused ex-Borg drone taking the smallest steps toward romance.
I do love that amidst this we have scenes between Tom and B'Elanna and how they both called Voyager home. They're the most low-key OTP and I kind of love that for them.
But also, I do love that Admiral Janeway gets to spend a few moments with both Tuvok and Chakotay.
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This moment when Captain Janeway muses on the strangeness of witnessing her future self talking to both Tuvok and Chakotay
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And not knowing how precious this moment is to Admiral Janeway that she can be beside Tuvok, working and still in possession of his mental faculties, and Chakotay laughing and full of life.
Part 1, 2, 3
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danpuff-ao3 · 8 months
Snaco Recs
This is one of those ships where if I wasn't so devoted to my OTP, this would be the one for me. Snotty rich kid and his poor snarky professor? C'mon. That's hot. And with that...these are some Draco/Severus fics I very much enjoyed!
Safe Place
by A_factorygirl_69. Rated: E. Words: 887. Underage. Angst.
It's not about what Draco needs.
by Arsenic. Rated: E. Words: 1,442. Valentine's Day.
Challenge: Draco/Snape, corsets, must include music.
by Arsenic. Rated: G. Words: 730.
Snaco moment
Hell and all Its Wonders
by calrissian18. Rated: M. Words: 7,008. Jealousy. Possessive Behavior. Beltane. Poison. Warning in notes.
Poison courses through his veins. It always has, only these days it’s quite a bit more literal.
Necessary Tools for a Spy's (and Malfoy's) Survival
by DeeplyBuriedSkeletons. Rated: E. Words: 4,717. Psuedo-incest. Godfather Severus. Humiliation. Virginity loss. Dub-con. Rape/non-con elements. Forced exhibitionism.
With Draco's failure to smuggle Death Eaters into Hogwarts it was another mark against the Malfoys. As punishment, the Dark Lord demanded he be fucked and humiliated in front of his inner circle. When Lucius refused to participate, Severus once again stepped in to save them. Whether or not he had ulterior, personal motives for fucking his godson was irrelevant. He would do what was necessary to protect Draco to the best of his abilities, and while the circumstances were far from ideal, no one ever claimed Severus was lacking adaptability.
by Femme (@femmequixotic). Rated: M. Words: 996.
If Draco were completely honest--and why on earth would he ever wish to be--it was the nose, you see.
by Femme. Rated: E. Words: 3,305. Crossdressing. Genderfuck.
Mirrors keep Malfoy secrets, you see.
by glacis. Rated: E. Words: 2,250.
Draco's plan doesn't quite work.
Nine and Sixty Ways
by goseaward. Rated: T. Words: 7,130.
There is always more than one possibility. Or, what could have happened after the end of Half-Blood Prince.
Custard Tarts for the Tart
by iamisaac. Rated: E. Words: 2,378. Dom/sub. Dub-con. Postwar.
After the war, there are precious few jobs going for ex-Death-Eaters. War-hero Severus, however, finds one for Draco...
by Lokifan. Rated: E. Words: 4,319. Rentboys. Dub-con.
Draco knows he shouldn’t say yes, but he can’t afford not to.
Sparking Like the Perfect Match
by Lokifan. Rated: E. Words: 29,955. Student/teacher. Dub-con. Deathly Hallows AU. Hogwarts 7th year. Light dom/sub.
After Potter’s escape, Draco and his family need protection from someone the Dark Lord likes. Headmaster Snape gives it for a price: Draco’s cooperation in an unexplained Beltane ritual.
How to Ask a Question
by madeofbees. Rated: E. Words: 22,790. Student/teacher. Hogwarts 8th year. Light angst.
Draco has wanted Severus since he can remember. On Valentine's Day of his eighth year, he finally works up the courage to ask for what he wants. Or does he?
Shall we descend once more, my Hades
by megyal. Rated: E. Words: 10,219. Forced bonding. Podfic available.
From the request: Later schoolyears, possibly seventh year | In return for killing Voldemort, Draco is given to Snape, to become his concubine. (Prompt: The Myth of Persephone)
orphaned. Rated: T. Words: 1,076. MCD.
It is a singularly odd sensation to grieve when one is intangible.
Trappings of Privilege
orphaned. Rated: E. Words: 16,892.
It's Draco's seventh year at Hogwarts. Carrow wants him. Snape doesn't.
Not Such a Superman
by torino10154. Rated: E. Words: 199. Rape/non-con. Underage.
[No summary]
Quite Naughty
by torino10154. Rated: E. Words: 200. Student/teacher. Underage.
Unbeta'd. Written for adventdrabbles Prompt 7: "Naughty or Nice or Don’t Ask."
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aurora-313 · 10 months
If you wanted to do it: for the Give me a Character thing: gonna pick the obvious, Kaien, and also Ukitake if you want more than one.
How I feel about this character: I theorize he's the Maes Hughes of Bleach. He's kind, charismatic, dedicated to his family to the umpteenth degree, freely offers advice and support to others when they need it. And I think he somehow discovered the Big Bag's plans but was murdered/'killed in action' before he could do anything about it (Killing his wife then destroying his zanpakutou so the Hollow could corrupt him? And if we consider Metastacia was Aizen's creation, that felt targeted and personal). Goodest good boy, with a heart a dozen sizes too big for his own good and too precious for this world.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Miyako, his wife, obviously. And Lisa Yadomaru... sometimes both at once.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Ukitake (Hi Work dad!) and Ichigo (Big bro mode activated).
My unpopular opinion about this character: Why, of all things, did his possessed corpse have to go out on that note? What did he do to deserve that desecration? I understand the thematic importance of Aaroniero's fight with Rukia and finally unburdening herself of that guilt, but Rukia couldn't have collected the remnants of Nejibana later and laid them to rest in Soul Society, where they could truly rest in peace? Why was the last vestige of his soul allowed to languish and rot in the den of cannibalistic monsters?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Kind of two variants of the above; 1) Rukia retrieves Nejibana's broken remnants and returns it to the Shiba family so they can lay it to rest. 2) Rukia rescues Kaien from Aaronerio's clutches and helps this broken lost soul try and find a new place in the world that's moved on without him, as a magnificent role reversal to how they met. (also standing headcanon that he Maes Hughes' the crap out of Aizen's schemes and was killed to cover it up)
How I feel about this character: Tragic wasted potential seems to be a theme with the 13th. I liked Ukitake as a character and one of the few authority figures Ichigo actually liked and respected in the other world. He's chronically ill but managed to gain captaincy and hold it for many years, even close to retiring a little before Bleach started had fate going a little differently.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: None, really. Him x peaceful retirement?
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Kyoraku (brother from another mother), Kaien (Hi Son, are you winning?) and Rukia (go, my child. Do crime~!)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Making him host to a Soul King fragment was a mistake. It was stupid. I know many characters were struggling to find relevance in the last arc, but like with many others I could mention; killing off one of the most powerful players for the sake of drama was absolutely ridiculous. Especially with his Zanpakutou power. Its literally the most ideal counter to the Quincy, right up there with the Visoreds.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That Ukitake actually had a proper battle and cured his illness. Following the above of removing the SK possession rubbish: We've seen in Soul Society that technology is actually quite backwards if its not military application. Maybe as part of their growing understanding and progressive change for the better, at some point, either they or Uryu poits out the human world has diseases similar to the one Ukitake suffers. Not only that, but they've a name for it and developed treatments and cures too. Imagine how reinvigorating that second lease on life would be. I'd still have Ukitake's lung weakened, permanently damaged from centuries of illness, but it gives him a chance to function as a front line commander.
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Rarepair Tag Game
Thank you @danpuff-ao3 for the tag! This was really fun 😍
Rules: List the top rarepairs that you like outside of your OTP, and why you ship it! (Criteria for what makes a rarepair is up to your own discretion.) tagging anyone who wants to do this, maybe @lqtraintracks and @writcraft if you feel like it?
This ship has been a long-standing guilty pleasure fave ever since I’ve read the amazing When It Alteration Finds by the Hardy champion @lqtraintracks, many years ago. Shipping Starker (MCU) in 2019 made my love for Harry/Teddy come back even stronger because I can trace so many similarities between both ships (besides the obvious age gap). Pretty much like Tony and Peter, Harry and Teddy are war orphans whose paths wouldn’t necessarily cross only they did, and the mentor/father figure combo can lend itself to so many interesting narratives, both tender and angsty which is my ultimate jam. This was my very first ship that didn’t have the antagonist component - on the contrary, this brand of romance is even more heartbreaking because they’re so so seriously devoted to each other. They could have been best friends to lovers if not for the whole godfather+ age gap problematique but it makes the ship even more compelling to me. I love the guilt, the want, the inevitability of them falling into bed then hurting through the complications before finally getting together. My favorite fics include (you guessed it!) everything LQT has written especially Beneath a Foreign Moon and Coming Up for Air, plus the stunning Surface Texture by @the-starryknight.
I would never have considered this ship if I hadn’t stumbled upon the brilliant A Fine Foray into Fashionable Fellatio by @wellhalesbells - a masterpiece that remains my all-time favorite Dron fic because it finally opened my eyes to their sexual and emotional potential as a ship on its own, outside of Drarry’s shadow. Ron is such a fascinating character, so very different from Harry in his strengths and vulnerabilities, which makes his dynamics with Draco very unique and 100% different from Drarry fics. It’s a delight to see him as a protagonist, I love his sense of humor and I find the idea of exploring what brings him and Draco together (besides being tall Purebloods with strong feelings for Harry 😏) and what pulls them apart when it comes to wealth/status difference very refreshing and compelling. Lokifan handles it masterfully! Now, I might have come for hung!Ron smut, but I stayed for the feels. In the past year I’ve become more emotionally attached to this ship especially as dragon tamer pals thanks to the superb Dreaming Skies by @sweet-s0rr0w and @tackytigerfic and more recently, to a Dronarry gem that’s really a love letter to Dron, The Sun, Shining Above You by @oknowkiss
Young Liv couldn’t care less for “friends to lovers” but now that I’m older and mellow, those dynamics are slowly but surely working their way inside my heart. Gosh, I’m so soft for Rarry! I love the idea of them experimenting together as young and traumatized teenagers, and there’s something poetic and right about Harry falling in love with his first and best friend. My heart aches when I remember that Ron was Harry’s most precious person during the Tournament’s 2nd task, being with each other just feels right. Love me some confused pining, domesticity and slight possessiveness /jealousy for them, especially in a scenario where Draco’s involved (yes I am also here for the Dronarry agenda). My first contact with this ship was through Golden Trio fics and the catharsis of comfort sex during the Horcrux Hunt; it was the easiest thing to slide into Rarry afterwards. Now I see them everywhere and am low-key spreading the word among my most skeptical friends (@writcraft is probably thinking “wdym you were shipping them in my Drarry fic???”). If anyone’s curious about this ship or wants a break from enemies to lovers I strongly rec the darling Sun Kissed by @static-abyss,the angsty Prelude and Fugue by shes_gone, this hot af Kinkuary by iota the exquisite Silhouettes by @sweet-s0rr0w
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rinskiroo · 5 months
my squishable star wars friends
Jasati - JK. My main girl. Theron x Jas OTP forever and ever. The reluctant Commander who went through a real depressive out of her mind phase during the whole losing five years and getting possessed (again) by the Emperor time period. Probably retired and living somewhere on Odessen.
Aqilah - Barsen'thor; I go back and forth if she exists in the same universe as Jas. She romanced Arcann, but I really miss Felix. She's a bookish nerd who, if she were Commander, would take the throne because no one else can be trusted to just chill the fuck out and be peaceful. She's got those healy hands so when Arcann wanted to spar with swords for their date she was kind of weirded out tbh.
Ruest - Baby boy Ru-Ru, my love. Poor, sad, little Cipher Nine. He loves Watcher 2, like, probably was a little out of pocket, workplace harassment, slightly stalker in love with Watcher 2. He lives in the same universe as Jas and was recruited into the Alliance by Lana. I think eventually he found Watcher 2 and they got married and had babies, at least that's how he thinks it's going to go.
Te'Jal - TJ is Ruest's sister. She's Pirate Queen of Port Nowhere. She'll help out the Alliance, for a price, though she's quite content to sit on her mountains of credits. TJ and Jas are buddies! Don't know how they met or why they're so close, but they're lovely together.
Sao'la - My sweet little Sith. Precious mouse. She exists in her own universe because she's just occupies too much space in my brain right now to share it with anyone. She's not the Commander. She did her thing in the sith warrior story and then kind of fucked off until Arcann showed up. She never made Darth. She's just too good and everyone kind of realizes she's not really Sith material! But she's a fucking badass and fights for the Empire and her family is super rich so whatever she's the main character. She loved Quinn fiercely, but I dunno, I don't things ever really recovered after The Incident and then after Another Incident. She found Theron (or Theron found her) and they had a thing that wasn't supposed to be serious, but then it kind of was?
Hat Yai - He's a Chiss bounty hunter named after food. There wasn't a whole lot going on but then I bought him a cool Mando outfit and he and Mako are just so adorable together. He tries really hard to be a good guy for her, but man the bounty hunting thing is a rough business. He's still chugging through the main story, but I don't think he's Commander material. Probably like TJ, he just sits on his piles of credits and does jobs for whoever pays.
Pekk - Ok so Pekk is still in the molding phase. She started out as a Cathar named after my cat to romance Jorgen, but then I got so many amazing flirts and conversations with Jonas that now I have this whole Cadet on temporary duty with the SIS and a little summer love affair with Jonas and then they meet again after she's in Havoc story rotating in my brain. I also really love how every conversation with Jorgan about the Deadeyes is "oh, we could ask Jonas!" and he's just like "UUGGGGHHH You and your stupid spy boyfriend." Pekk literally only exists in this very small time frame lol.
Jebamee - Darth Noxxxxx the wretched. Cruel squid head. She's just there to pick the absolute worst option. I skipped as far as I could with her after the main inquisitor story was over so she's not the Commander. She was probably hanging out on DK and Nar Shaddaaa subjugating people and running her little cult. She had the romance with the pirate, but Darth Rivix has piqued her interest now! (Sao'la HATES Rivix. She's so annoyed by him just being around.)
Oscasito - Man slut smuggler. He will always pick the easy way out, especially if it ends up with more dollary doos. Does he love Risha? Maybe? He REALLY loves that she's a Princess. Really doesn't understand why she just doesn't marry the guy that wants to make her Queen, they can still be fuck buddies. Hell, King guy can join in! My man is not picky.
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gabbylyons · 2 years
Let's go 👀
💙 ship that you used to have as an otp:
I used to be very vocal on the Doctor Who fandom about shipping Doctor/Master. They were the very best friend of each other since childhood in a very oppressive society, planned to run away from their planet (which was a crime) to see the stars. They did run away, but separate, and now they are each other's nemesis and their planet is gone. Yet their love for each ran so deep that it cut through the deepest hate and longest time and they can't let go of trying to convice the other to come to their side, despite continuously trying to kill each other, once they are two sides of the same coin.
Look, i love problematic ships. But even i have my limits and racism is one of them.
My problem began not long ago, even though i love this ship. You see, if you never watched it, their species can regenerate once they're dying - it's like reincarnation, but they dont lose their memories unless there's something wrong. Their whole body is consumed by regeneration energy and is replaced by a new body. The most recent of the Doctor's incarnations was a blonde, white woman; while the Master was a dark-skinned indian man. Everything was going well, until the Master in one of his plans used a device to pretend to be a white man so he could work with nazis, and the Doctor, who already had him in her hands because he was already defeated, keep that in mind, made the nazis aware that he was not white and just..used her position as a white woman to give him in the nazist's hands. And the narrative framed this as a good thing..which was definitely not. It was evil.
Look, i love problematic ships, but even i have my limits and racism is one of them.
👅 ship that you find most sexy:
ooh bridgerton's kate/anthony got me on my knees. the forbidden love, the enemies to lovers because they just couldn't deal with how attracted to the other was..🔥🔥 hot as fuck.
👎 ship that you can never see happening:
i've seen people, usually anime watchers, shipping kurogane/tomoyo and i was like.. babies. sweethearts. THAT'S A LESBIAN AND A MARRIED GAY MAN. Since then i am begging every anime watcher to read the mangas. also, i always found watanuki/zashiki-warashi so cute but i dont think this is going to happen. And it's so painfully obvious that the ame-warashi is in love with zashiki-warashi, while watanuki is connected to doumeki, and honestly i ship those two ships way more.
💚 ship that you secretly like:
What if i told you that i..invented a ccs lesbian love triangle out of the sheer power of my lesbianism??
We only had scrapes of them in clear card canon, but before she met fujitaka, sakura's mother was best friend's with akiho's mother. She sat fujitaka down to talk about how precious lillie was to her, but in order to protect nadeshiko from the cult she was in, lillie ran away. And we know that canonically, sonomi was in love with nadeshiko and was very possessive of her - nadeshiko was meant to be only hers and she was nadeshiko's. everyone else were pigs.
now imagine what we could have if we had this gay tragic love triangle?? sonomi, this powerful, rich and possessive woman who only has eyes for her sweet, magical girlfriend suddenly feels jealous when her girlfriend becomes too close to a beautiful girl who has so much in common with her?? I NEED THIS.
(it's so infinitely better than fujitaka marrying one of his teenage students, leaving sonomi to forever greave the love that she lost but will never forget..)
Of course canon only tell us that Nadeshiko and lillie were close friends, but im a lesbian and thus reality belongs to me. clamp came to me in dreams and confirmed that i am always right about everything.
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beevean · 1 year
Dracula 👀
favorite thing about them: he has Death as his right hand man. Death answers to him. This is badass on a whole ohter level.
least favorite thing about them: the whole "blaming humanity for the actions of few" lol. also if he could stop perving on women (Annette, Shanoa), that'd be nice, thanks.
favorite line: “What did he wish from me, that he even rebelled…? Unforgiveness is my nature. The more precious things are, the more they resist and are lost…”
brOTP: no one
OTP: Deathula <3 Death is Dracula's close confidant <3 Death also enters Dracula's body twice on screen <3 canon <3
nOTP: I don't really know. I'm not a fan of Draculisa the way it's superficially presented in the series (and seriously presented in the show), and I think it's creepier than the "good woman fixes broken man until her death" concept we're meant to accept.
random headcanon: Every time he comes back, he loses a piece of his humanity :) and even then, as a vampire, he's unable to feel love like a human would, it's more like selfish attachment and possessive protectiveness.
unpopular opinion: I guess my most unpopular opinion is what I said above about Draculisa.
song i associate with them: His SCIV theme. Odd choice, maybe, but this is my absolute favorite Dracula theme and in my opinion it fits his dark power and the tragicity of his situation, even though it hadn't been established yet.
favorite picture of them
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the spiked wing <3 the human heart in his hand <3 the bloodied lily <3
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stepswowdsen · 2 months
【KagePro】 KuroEne AU Rambles 🖤💙
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Intro Rambles
I forget exactly when, but I first got into KagePro when I was 12 around October 2013 (or sometime around there), so I must've gotten into KuroEne in November ~ December 2013, or January 2014.
So I would've been 12 when I first shipped them and drew for them. KagePro is my first fandom and one of my earliest series interests, and along with KHR, one of the things that really got 12 year old me to start drawing so often in the first place, so it's very precious to me~
Back then, KHR and KagePro were the things I drew most as a kid, so I have SOOO many old doodles of them. My old arts are hard for me to look at tho LMAO
KuroEne will always be forever important to me. I cherish them dearly~ 💗
KuroEne AU Ideas (7/15/2024)
Btw I was just thinking about some KuroEne AU ideas so I'll talk about it more tomorrow? Some angst fuel ideas! I'm going to bed now. I came up with these on 7/15, but I'll post them now
The sense of loneliness that Ene has and her melancholy and insecurities and self esteem and desire for attention (from Haruka, and people she loves)
Which is what makes someone like Kuroha/Saeru a good match with her, she has trouble being honest about her feelings and wants/desires and keeps her "bad" feelings to herself.
And because of Kuroha's omniscience and knowledge of his S/O's insecurities and vulnerabilities and relationships and context and past, he knows how to "draw out" those desires and bring them to the surface.
KuroEne AU: Haruka and Konoha react to KuroEne's intimacy
Separate ideas where Haruka (whose consciousness is dead and trapped in the Kagerou Daze, can see and hear what Konoha can in the real world because it's Haruka's body) and Konoha (who has his body overtaken/possessed by Kuroha/Saeru), separately, reacts to KuroEne's intimacy by seeing it through Konoha's body (that Saeru is possessing as Kuroha) and feels a pang of jealousy and other bitter emotions.
KuroEne AU: Haruka reacts to KuroEne's intimacy
Haruka reacts to KuroEne's intimacy and Kuroha's admission of "Your beloved Haruka" and Ene wanting Haruka back and admitting to loving him
KuroEne art ideas
"Do you still love me?"
Kuroha holds Ene with a smirk while the comp is half split with Konoha's body half turning to Kuroha (Black Konoha) on one side, and the half is still Konoha's sleeves (hasn't turned yet)
"Have a sweet dream. See you in the next route."
Kuroha lies next to Ene on a bed of Higanbana, the Red Spider Lily, (also known as the Corpse Flower, Hell Flower, Flower of Death), Ene has her eyes closed and her arms are folded while she lies asleep peacefully, and Kuroha has a smiling ^v^ expression. And possibly while he's covered in the blood (of the Mekakushi Dan members) over his hands and has splotches of it on his face
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Even the Kuroha/Saeru colour illust by Sidu in KagePro LN: 7 -from the darkness- has Kuroha/Saeru depicted with black spirals that coincidentally look like the spindles of the higanbana.
KuroEne AU Ideas (7/16/2024)
KuroEne AU: Amusement Park
I didn't get to write all of what I wanted today but I got most of it down so I'll just post what I got for now
One of the ideas I had that I forgot to talk about was Ene getting Kuroha to take her to the amusement park. Ene gets excited talking about how, while she was surfing the web earlier when the android body was recharging, that she found out about an Amusement park attraction and wants to go with him.
I imagine that Kuroha decides to play nice prior to the fateful day of August 15th (in which he plans to enact the "plan" or "Tragedy." Like he acts more tame/normal on purpose, and holds back, and decides to go along with his partner's whims.
Ene goes like, "Take me to the amusement park!!!" And she gets excited when he agrees. I assume they're in a Route where he's made enough improvements that the battery can last anywhere from several hours ~ a full day instead of just an hour or few.
At some point during the Amusement park trip, Ene innerly thinks to herself with flustered, panicky thoughts, like, "W-w-wait why is my face getting all red??? Maybe it's because I'm just embarrassed by this guy's teasing??? Yeah!!! That must be it!!!"
She thought of it as going with like, a friend, before, but she thinks about the fact that it's just the two of them here and that this IS the person she has an intimate relationship with and thinks to herself, "HOLD ON!!! IS THIS A DATE!?!?" And cuz Ene is so easy to read, Kuroha can guess her inner turmoil and just gets amused.
Ene pulls him by the arm and makes Kuroha to come along with her to all the amusement park attractions, and he lets her. They probably go on stuff like the mini boat rides and other attractions.
Kuroha just reacts like (...) the whole time while on the roller coaster ride, like the completely calm type that doesn't react at all, he just watches Ene's excited reactions of "Yippee!!!" (>v<)
Kuroha comments that it's good that Ene seems to be enjoying herself, and Ene tells him that she's never had the chance to go to an amusement park before and that she's having LOTS of fun!!! And that she's glad that he is here with her.
Ene goes like, "Come onnnnn, carry me!!!" And he carries his fussy needy gf, while making a teasing quip that she acts awfully spoiled. And she just pouts like "It's fine, it's fine!!!" (>3<)
When he thinks about it, Kuroha picks up on the fact that back when she was Takane, she'd spend most of her time cooped up in her room at home playing video games, and probably didn't get the chance to go to an amusement park (also due to her chronic illness too). So the bright and peppy exterior Ene displays is over compensation for her regrets and an opportunity to do the things she didn't get to before
At one point, Ene wants Kuroha to win prizes for her at a booth/stand selling plushies by throwing darts into a target marker, and Ene tells him she wants him to win prizes for her. When Kuroha throws the darts, it hits the center (red bull's eye) perfectly.
There's probably also a game with hitting moving targets as well, and he hits them all perfectly and wins the prizes that Ene wants. And Ene's like, "Wow~ You're good at this! Throwing darts, I mean!"
And Kuroha tells her, "Naturally. This much is child's play? I am quite skilled at hunting down moving targets..." He has plenty of practice at it. Ene takes it as a video game thing cuz Ene makes him play video games together and her faves are shooter types, but ahahaha, there's a much darker secret to that. After that, Ene is carrying a fluffy bunny plushie.
It'd also be fun to think about the Amusement Park Scenario with KonoEne too? KonoEne where Konoha just noms on Ene's cotton candy and she just gets all huffy at him. Also with the darts scenario, Konoha wouldn't hold back (cuz of how dense and airheaded he is), so him throwing the dart just creates a mini crater in the wall. Like it plays out much differently with KuroEne ofc.
KuroEne Art Ideas
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1st Idea:
I imagined the art of concept of Kuroha lying next to Ene in a bed of Higanbana (Red Spider Lilies), known as the Corpse Flower, Hell Flower, and Flower of Death. Ene has her eyes closed and her arms folded (similar to how Ayano is posed like a corpse in the Additional Memory MV), while Kuroha has a smiling expression on his face.
And it’s a deliberate reference as well to “The next” (次の, Tsugi no) in the Outer Science MV, with “The next, next time this comes around… I'll still sneer!”
While Kuroha (metaphorically) stands on top of the dead bodies of all the Mekakushi Dan members from previous Routes (as a visual representation), with a snake-eye pupil above him.
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2nd Idea:
So I imagine Kuroha wrapping his arms around Ene, holding her in a tight embrace, while he has a smirk on his face. One hand is on her shoulder, and the other hand is either carressing her face or resting on top of her head. And he has snakes and a black aura and tendrils around him as well.
I didn’t imagine it as “Kuroha turning to Konoha’s appearance” using Awakening Eyes, but rather, the process that shows Kuroha possessing Konoha’s body, and using Konoha’s Eye Ability, Awakening Eyes to change the appearance of the body and clothes.
Since he’s using Awakening Eyes, his eyes are also glowing red. I was thinking of an art concept that shows the mid-way process of Kuroha possessing Konoha’s body, so Konoha’s body has been half-turned. So on the arm that’s resting on top of Ene’s head (or carressing her cheek), the sleeve on this side is still white, like Konoha’s.
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Scan: @/ayara-resara
Edit by me
Takane: 157 cm (5'1")
Haruka, Konoha, Kuroha: 182 cm (6'0")
Since y'know, it's Haruka's body.
Kuroha's Pet Names for Ene
Takane's full online gamer name was “Lightning Dancer Ene” or “Dancing Flash Ene” (閃光の舞姫・エネ, Senkou no Maihime - Ene), where Maihime (舞姫) means "Dancer girl.” The name “Ene” comes from “Enomoto Takane”
Dancing Girl (舞姫, Maihime, lit. "Dancing Princess")
So he could take the 姫 (Hime) from 舞姫 (Maihime) and call her "Princess"
Since his usages of "Queen" (女王, Joou) and "My Master" (わが主, Waga Aruji) are used towards Marry and Azami
Kuroha's pet name for Ene would probably be something like:
親愛なるウサギちゃん (Shin'ai naru Usagi-chan; "[My] dear/beloved [little] bunny/rabbit")
親愛なる is something that's really only used at the start of a letter, like you wouldn't hear IRL lovers call each other that, since couples have different ways to verbalize affection (like giving your partner affectionate nicknames to indicate intimacy, like the shortening of a name, a play on the name, etc.)
But considering Kuroha/Saeru's origins as a character and how Saeru is ??? years old, like, older than the world itself in KagePro, the dude is fucking ancient, and so, I think he would use more olden and archaic speech/terms sometimes. Iirc the word 親愛なる (Shin'ai naru) was first created in the Meiji Era.
I do see 親愛なる (Shin'ai naru) used more in fiction like animanga and games, though.
This is mainly used in letters and texts, and rarely in actual conversation
Like you have to make up your own pet name like a variation on their name, shortened nickname or something else
Though JP hardly uses pet names like that in actual conversation and uses other affectionate nicknames
It's also old fashioned and archaic. Apparently, it originates from the Meiji period.
That's why if you see these kinds of phrases, it's mostly to translate from other languages.
Kuroha and KuroEne Misc Rambles
Kuroha flexes his knowledge to his S/O to prove just how much he knows about them, either by recounting memories of previous Routes to them or by recalling really specific details. That title was the gamer name Takane became known by. With the nickname "Little bunny" as a ref to Ene's cute twintails that look like bunny ears and also how a Snake can feed on bunnies as its prey.
And the general curiosity Kuroha has in wanting to add to his "knowledge bank," the excitement of either repeating or going through new experiences with his partner.
Like I think a lot of things are playing into their relationship dynamic. In the context of a Kuroha ship AU, I think what he feels is definitely obsession and a twisted form of affection. He wants to live forever (so he prioritizes his own goals), and he also sees it as like "I can be with you forever as long as I keep causing the time loop tragedy and we can keep meeting for eternity."
And there's a lot of other things too like the circumstances of HaruTaka and KonoEne's context, Kuroha's omniscience and knowledge, desire, and a craving/yearning for warmth, touch, and affection and validation on Ene's end, and the pull she feels for him because of the vessel he uses and his intimate knowledge of her. There's like that sinking realization that settles in, that the greatest enemy of the Mekakushi Dan knows her better than she knows herself.
Kuroha's "Knowledge/Wisdom"
He knows how to get under her skin and provoke her into acting (ie. Challenging Ene to make her want to rise up to the challenge and get competitive with him). He knows what to say to tease her to see her embarrassed, flustered reactions, since this guy would just be merciless at teasing
Like at this point in their relationship, he would know enough about her that he can read her reactions like an open book. In general, he savours seeing strong emotions being directed towards him.
He feeds off the desires and wishes of humans, which would include his partner in the context of a Kuroha ship AU.
Also dealing with Ene requires more patience than the average person would have imo, but good thing is, he's not an average person in the slightest, so he's perfectly content with playing the waiting game.
Like it would become obvious to him (after observing Ene throughout their interactions and encounters) is that Takane/Ene is very straightforward. Easy to read.
But also predictably unpredictable, so it keeps things fresh for him. Even if she can't admit it outright, he can guess her feelings pretty well. What's so interesting about Kuroha/Saeru is that this character is basically the manifestation of "Knowledge/Wisdom" as a concept, as a malevolent, cruel, sadistic, evil entity.
Takane/Ene gets flustered and embarrassed easily and really doesn't want to admit more honest feelings. The way that she holds onto her pride, and her bold haughty nature, feistiness and bravado, are some of the things about her that he finds amusing/interesting.
Also he knows how to steer convos into more tender territory and appease and flatter her, with Ene's impulsive nature and ever changing whims.
It shows the extent of his "advantage" or "edge" he has over his partner, like he holds the knowledge over them as a reminder that even if he relinquishes control in intimacy/roleplay, he is still in charge of and holds the power in their (bedroom) dynamic. And that knowledge is something he takes satisfaction in and gloats in.
Other Rambles
Something that I just realized is that a lot of my wives (the ones with softer, empathetic personalities) have this sense of melancholy and loneliness.
I need to talk more about this tomorrow or something…
Kuroha provokes Ene into getting more competitive with him
I feel like Kuroha often manages to goad Ene into getting competitive with him, but she doesn't fall for his provocations when he tells her stuff like how he wouldn't mind if she's rough with him in sex, even if it's painful, because he would still enjoy it.
Ene just shoots her sadistic/sadomasochistic bf's suggestions down right away, cuz unlike him, she is not the violent type, and she would still want it to feel good for him.
Also let's be fr, Kuroha is the only KagePro character that can manage to pull the kinky sex off (this character is a freak /pos), so the sex is just more fun to write for. I love writing meow meow mf charas with dark urges like that, cuz it makes ship interactions and intimacy (and sex) sooo much fun to write for.
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jnrmanagement · 7 months
Multi-Factor Authentication in India
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Multi-Factor Authentication: Stepping Up Your Security Game In 2024
In today's digital world, our precious data is constantly under siege. Hackers, data thieves, and malicious actors lurk around every corner, waiting for the weakest link in our online defenses. While strong passwords are a crucial first line of defense, they're no longer enough. Enter Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), the superhero of online security, ready to add an extra layer of protection to your digital fortress.
What Is MFA?
Imagine a bank vault protected by not just a single lock, but multiple layers of security: a thick steel door, a keypad requiring a complex code, and finally, a biometric scanner for double verification. That's essentially how MFA works for your online accounts. Instead of relying solely on a password (the single lock), MFA adds additional "factors" of authentication, making it exponentially harder for unauthorized access.
Secure Key Management
One of the primary functions of HSMs is secure generation, storage, and management of cryptographic keys, preventing unauthorized usage and potential breaches.
These Factors Can Be Categorized Into Three Main Groups:
Something you know:This could be your traditional password, a PIN, or a security question answer. While not the strongest factor alone, it's still a basic hurdle for attackers.
Something you have:This might be your smartphone, a physical security key, or a one-time password (OTP) generated by an app. Having physical possession of the item adds another layer of difficulty for malicious actors.
Something you are:This is where biometrics like fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans come into play. These unique physiological characteristics offer the highest level of security, as they're nearly impossible to replicate.
Why Multi-Factor Authentication Is Necessary?
Digital security is critical in today's world because both businesses and users store sensitive information online. Everyone interacts with applications, services, and data that are stored on the internet using online accounts. A breach, or misuse, of this online information could have serious real-world consequences, such as financial theft, business disruption, and loss of privacy.
While passwords protect digital assets, they are simply not enough. Expert cybercriminals try to actively find passwords. By discovering one password, access can potentially be gained to multiple accounts for which you might have reused the password. Multi-factor authentication acts as an additional layer of security to prevent unauthorized users from accessing these accounts, even when the password has been stolen. Businesses use multi-factor authentication to validate user identities and provide quick and convenient access to authorized users
The benefits of MFA extend far beyond personal accounts. Businesses that implement MFA for employee access can significantly strengthen their cybersecurity posture, protecting sensitive data and reducing the risk of costly data breaches. Governments and organizations handling critical infrastructure can also leverage MFA to safeguard vital systems and information.
Different Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Choices Cater To Mobile Devices
Enhancing security while offering varied benefits
One-Time Passwords (OTP):
Innovative applications generate OTPs, similar to traditional security tokens, sent via time-based SMS.
Utilizing a smartphone or tablet eliminates the need for physical tokens, reducing replacement costs for companies.
Biometric Authentication:
Leading smartphone manufacturers prioritize security concerns by offering biometric authentication options.
These features ensure that only authorized users access devices, yet each technique comes with its own set of pros and cons.
How Is Multi-Factor Authentication Implemented In The Cloud?
As businesses transition various aspects like data storage, communication, server infrastructure, and more to the cloud, IT administrators grapple with the challenges of departing from traditional on-premises setups. Ensuring secure user access becomes paramount in safeguarding sensitive data within cloud environments.
Major tech players such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon Web Services, Facebook, and Twitter recognize this need for heightened security. They've embraced two-factor authentication for entry into their cloud services, with some progressively expanding into more advanced multi-factor authentication protocols.
Multi-Factor Authentication For Microsoft 365
Multi-Factor Authentication in Microsoft 365 strengthens security measures for accessing applications on PCs, Macs, and mobile devices. Upon login, users receive a random 16-character token via the Microsoft 365 admin tool, initiating the authentication process. Afterward, users can set up additional layers of verification, including:
Call My Mobile Phone: Users press # upon receiving a confirmation call to log in via their mobile device.
Call My Office Phone: Similar to the mobile option, the confirmation call is directed to a separate line, such as a desk phone.
Text Code to My Mobile Phone: A code sent via SMS to the user's phone, entered into the Microsoft 365 login form.
Notify Me through App: Utilizing a Microsoft smartphone app (available for Windows Phone, iPhone, and Android) to receive and confirm notifications.
Show One-Time Code in App: Utilizing the same app as the Notify Me feature, a one-time, six-digit code is provided for login verification within the Microsoft 365 interface.
How Can Multi-Factor Authentication Enhance Security?
Heightened Security: MFA significantly raises the bar for security by requiring multiple forms of verification. This makes it exponentially harder for hackers to gain unauthorized access.
Compliance Adherence: In various industries, compliance standards necessitate robust security measures. MFA aids in meeting these standards, ensuring adherence to regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI-DSS.
Versatility and Adaptability: MFA solutions are versatile and adaptable, allowing integration across diverse platforms and devices. From mobile apps generating time-based tokens to hardware tokens and biometric authentication, the options cater to different user preferences and security needs.
Implementing MFA: From Zero To Hero
The good news is that implementing MFA is easier than ever. Most major online platforms and services offer built-in MFA options, often with just a few clicks in your account settings. Here are some quick tips:
Start with the essentials: Enable MFA for your email, bank accounts, social media profiles, and any other platform where you store sensitive information.
Choose the right factors: Consider a combination of convenience and security when selecting your MFA methods. Avoid relying solely on SMS OTPs.
Educate yourself and others: Spread awareness about MFA and its importance within your family, friends, and workplace.
Stay vigilant: Keep your software and devices updated to patch vulnerabilities and maintain strong security practices.
MFA: Not Just A Buzzword, A Necessity
In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is no longer optional. Multi-Factor Authentication is a powerful tool that can significantly improve your online security posture, protecting your valuable data and accounts from unauthorized access. Don't wait for a data breach to wake you up - take control of your security and embrace the power of MFA today.
Remember, a little extra effort now can save you a lot of heartache and headaches in the future. So, choose the most suitable MFA method and strengthen your mobile security today!
JNR Management is best Multi-Factor Authentication in India
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financemaster1 · 9 months
Your Quick Ticket to Financial Independence With Gold Loans
With Muthoot FinCorp ONE’s Gold Loan from Home service, the comfort of your home becomes the gateway to instant financial support. It’s more than just a loan; it's your pathway to seizing opportunities, overcoming hurdles, and achieving your dreams.
What exactly is a Gold Loan from Home?
It’s the magic of convenience and efficiency rolled into one. Within 30 minutes*, you can turn your gold jewellery into a potent asset, right from your doorstep. No queues, no hassles—just swift and secure access to funds, tailored to meet your needs.
But what sets our Gold Loan from Home apart? It’s the amalgamation of speed, safety, and simplicity. When you opt for our service, our Loan Manager arrives at your doorstep, ensuring a seamless and secure process. Your gold is collected, verified through an OTP-secured process, and swiftly transported to the nearest Muthoot FinCorp branch, all under GPS-tracked security. Yes, your precious assets are insured throughout, giving you peace of mind.
The benefits don’t stop there. Our Gold Loan from Home service eliminates the need for you to carry your gold jewellery to a branch. We understand the value and sentiment behind your possessions, which is why we prioritize safety above all else. You get 100% access to your gold without the burden of transportation or security concerns.
What about the schemes?
We’ve curated a range of Gold Loan plans to suit your preferences and financial requirements. Explore our app or website to delve into the specifics. From interest rates as low as 0.83%* per month to flexible tenure options, we have you covered.
And guess what? It's not just about convenience; it’s about empowerment. There’s no credit record check, making financial assistance accessible to all. Your gold, your financial journey—it's all about your choices.
You might wonder: What about repayment? Fear not, as you have the freedom to select the repayment tenure that aligns with your financial capacity. We offer schemes designed to accommodate various needs and preferences.
While currently available in select cities like Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata, and more, our Gold Loan from Home service is continually growing. Keep an eye out because financial freedom might be coming soon to your city!
At Muthoot FinCorp ONE, we understand the significance of your financial aspirations. Our Gold Loan from Home service is not just about providing a loan; it’s about offering a pathway to independence, an avenue for seizing opportunities, and a partner in your journey toward financial stability.
Experience the ease, safety, and swiftness of our Gold Loan from Home service today. With us, your financial aspirations are within reach, transforming your gold into a quick ticket to financial independence.
About Muthoot FinCorp ONE
Muthoot FinCorp ONE is an all-in-one digital financial platform that makes getting an MSME & a Gold Loan, investing in Digital gold & NCDs, making payments & remittances, buying insurance & exchanging forex, simple and convenient.
As an SBU of Muthoot FinCorp Limited, Muthoot FinCorp ONE is backed by a legacy stretching back over 135 years, and the trust of more than 1 crore customers and is building a holistic financial ecosystem using the latest digital products for lending, investing, protection and payments.
Muthoot FinCorp ONE continues to uphold the values of the parent, the Muthoot Pappachan Group (Muthoot Blue) by providing its customers with easily accessible services, replete with unmistakable quality. The Muthoot Pappachan Group is among India’s most reputed names in the financial services industry, with customers in diverse segments like Automotive industry, Financial Services, Hospitality, Alternate Energy, Real Estate, and Precious Metals.
So what are you waiting for? Head to the Play Store and download the Muthoot FinCorp ONE app. You can also visit the website today to know more.
Alternatively, you can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn to stay tuned to our latest offerings.
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snotships · 6 years
The ship ask game with You and Handsome Jack? all the numbers you can do! -(reallyintouglyfos)
1. Made the first move: DEFINITELY jack he’d probably hit on me constantly or just straight up kidnap me one day2. The big spoon: HIM ,, if i tried to be big spoon i would get shanked3. The little spoon: MEEE4. The cuddler: i’m prbly the one who wants to cuddle the most but i am SHY and he would have to initiate it ,,,, like in my gay little au im his wee pr*ncess & if i wanted to cuddle he would def listen to me and just scoop me up in his gargantuan arms n HHHH5. Cries during movies: idk i feel like he would start crying & since it’s a rare occasion i would start crying w him and it would just be a big mess6. More affectionate: sIGH ,,,,, him7. Their favorite non-sexual activity: since he is my #2 sugar daddy he’d def buy me pwetty clothes to wear for him 8. More nervous to meet the parents: both of jack’s parents are Perished and i only have One Parent that i know jack wouldn’t be nervous meeting 9. More protective/jealous: JACK10. Sneaks into the shower with the other in the mornings: ,,, ,  ,,  him ,, im too shy to do all of ,, that fuckshit11. Initiates sexy times the most: himhimhimhimhimhimhimHIMH12. Fuck or make love: UUUUUUUUUUUUGGGHHHH in this gay little au me & harley formulated he Loves me by default and ,,, HHHHHMMM i dont wanna think abt it there r tears in my  eyes13. Behind the wheel more often during road trips: definitely jack i aint trying to get us all killed14. Gives the silent treatment when they’re mad at each other: oh jesus christ ,, im like scared of him & the thought of making him mad makes me genuinely sad oh my god ?? ik i would never do that but jack definitely would & i’d probably have a nervous breakdown chief!!15. Reaches for the other’s hand first: he,, yea him16. Whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear at inappropriate times: DEFINITELY HIM WHO DO U THINK HE IS ,, ggguh this sucks man17. Comes up with cheesy pick-up lines: HIIIIM but only at first when he’s trying to woo me & then it all stops when we r t…. together .
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… I am required to go do a thing but.
Ikazuchi: Hey, Horobi, are you free on Friday? Like around eight? Horobi: Yes?  Ikazuchi: And you, Fuwa? Fuwa: Umm… yes? Ikazuchi: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date! Horobi: … Fuwa: … Did he just-
Ikazuchi, most aggressive shipper on deck ever.
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arcgeminga · 3 years
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ANSWERED ASK from  @/starlightofdream  : ✘ - … An AU version of my muse (for Defteros) ♚ Meme: send me a symbol and i will write a drabble about my muse from the point of view of…
                — CHOSEN  AU : Private Threads (Uncle!Teros)
                                WARNING: Gender-bending, ambiguity
Defteros was casually munching on his cookie when Kardia suddenly barged into the Gemini Temple. One hand on her hip, she pointed her red nail at a now very-wide eyed Defteros and screeched.
“The twins told me that she’s eating a lot!!” Kardia’s statement was... confusing?? But then again, this is Kardia. She loved to throw people off, especially if she was joking. Defteros knew this. Yet, somehow, he still felt terrified.
He stuffed the cooking into his mouth an raised his hands into the air in surrender. Half-frightened that she was going to Scarlet Needle his ass, Defteros didn’t finish the treat when he spoke his defense, “The boys make very weird claims, Kardia. Who are we talking about?”
The busty woman inched closer to him with a very dangerous smirk on her lips as she spoke in a very seductive tone, “Oh, you knooow... I was hanging out in Cancer Temple with Marigold and your little nephews and they told me how aaaalll the girls tend to eat a lot when a certain something happens.” 
“...yes?” Defteros wasn’t making any sense of this. But the story gave him enough time to properly chew his snack and finish it with a hurried gulp.
“And they told me about,” when she was close enough, the red nail scraped against the bottom of his chin, trailing it down to the nasty-looking bitemark on his neck as she spoke. “how a certain lady was eating a lot as well.”
Defteros instinctually shoved Kardia’s hand away from his neck, but instead of the usual irritation that he would have felt for someone touching his neck, his face burned with a heavy blush. He covered the hickey with his hand as he grumbled.
         ...eating a lot. What the fuck did that mean--
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Defteros jolted when the realization hit him. His blush gone--embarrassment gone! Oh, yes. Everything was gone and the only thing he could feel was INTENSE PANIC!!!
“No. Oh gods, no no no--” Defteros felt like his life was cut short. MERCY! He has so much to live for still!! He’s going to die! If this was what he thought it means, he’s going to die!!
Luckily, his panic seemed to be what Kardia was looking for and she laughed at his reaction.
“I’m only kidding! She eats a lot anyway, so it has nothing to do with what you two are doing,” the woman gave him an adorable smile, confirming that what she was earlier implying was a lie intended to get his blood pressure up.
                   Defteros died on the spot.
     Gurl, there’s only so much stress a man can take!
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
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… Fuwa’s face after the Ark jumped back to Horobi.
Getting the same vibes as his reaction to learning Horobi used to be a father-type, honestly. ^^ And I love ‘em.
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mysme-cutie · 6 years
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only clingy!
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