#otp: ladyhero
King Arthur & Lady Rapunzel Tremaine
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Edit by @imaginesmultifandoms
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storybrookexladies · 6 years
Victoria has now got three OTPs;
LadyHero, LadyQueen, LadySwan.
And of course I ship her with other characters too. See mine and Vic's little convo about women crushes to know about her two other women crushes.
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30 Days of LadyHero Day 7 ; Dancing and a bit of fun.
Pairing: LadyHero - Victoria Belfrey/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine and King Arthur.
Characters: Victoria, Arthur, Ivy, Henry and Ella.
The dancing they have is from Dirty Dancing, and they gaze into each other's eyes as they dance. They end up going to their room and spooning. Ivy, Henry and Ella watch them dance.
Prompt: 30 Days of LadyHero Day 7 - Dancing, spooning and gazing into each other's eyes (combine them, they could be dancing while gazing into each other's eyes and it ends with them spooning)
Victoria and Arthur had gone to the dancing place at the hotel where they had been dancing. They had been dancing to I've Had The Time of My Life from Dirty Dancing, practicing what the dance teacher taught them. He danced with her for a bit before he decided to attempt the lift that they do in the film. He lifted his wife up into the air and as she laughed he pulled her down and started gazing into her blue eyes.
Arthur grinned as he started to sing a little. "And I've had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you....."
Victoria smiles at him and sings. "I've been waiting for so long, Now I've finally found someone to stand by me, We saw the writing on the wall, And we felt this magical fantasy, Now with passion in our eyes, There's no way we could disguise it secretly, So we take each others hand, 'Cause we seem to understand the urgency."
Ivy, Henry and Ella where around watching the two of them dance. "They are acting like two teenagers! They are acting like fools..." Ivy whispered to Ella.
Henry chuckled. "But don't they say.... Oh wah, oh wah, oh wah, oh wah, oh wah, oh wah, Why do fools fall in love? Why do birds sing so gay? And lovers await the break of day, Why do they fall in love?"
Ella looks at him shaking her head, before she too joined in an impromptu version of Why Do Fools Fall In Love. "Why does the rain fall from above? Why do fools fall in love? Why do they fall in love?"
Arthur chuckled as he then joined in dipping Mrs Belfrey as he went. "Love is a losing game, Love can be a shame, I know of a fool, You see, For that fool is me... Tell me why, why, why, Tell me why."
Ella then sung the next part dancing with Henry. "Why do birds sing so gay?And lovers await the break of day? Why do they fall in love?"
Victoria laughed as she looked at Ivy who obviously didn't like the song they had impromptly started singing. She sung the next part as she danced the tango with Arthur. "Why does my heart skip a crazy beat? Before I know it will reach defeat!"
The two couples then sang the final line together. "Tell me why, why, why, Why do fools fall in love?"
Ivy looked at them all shaking her head. "You four are strange."
Arthur and Victoria went up to their room after biding Ivy, Henry and Ella goodbye. They had a little spoon and cuddle in bed gazing into each other's respective blue eyes. Before they had a little dance under the sheets.
This is from Day 7 which was Wednesday November 7th. It's late due to scheduling being busy during my birthday week. Hope you enjoyed. And hope you liked the added GlassBeliever.
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30 Days of LadyHero Day 6 ; Date Night
Pairing: LadyHero - Victoria Belfrey/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine and King Arthur.
Characters: Arthur, Victoria, Ivy, Ella, Henry, Sabine, Steven, Gothel and Amelia. Introducing to the stories - Amelia, Sabine and Steven.
Arthur and Victoria have a date night out for the first time after their youngest daughter Abigail was born, with Ivy looking after her while Anastasia was busy. Abigail's fave godmother (who is sweet towards her and Abigail makes this person a better person) is the friend version aka nice version of Gothel who is not like the show's version in my oneshots where her and Vic are friends.
Prompt: 30 Days of LadyHero Day 6 - Date night in/On A Date
It was the first time since Abigail had been born that Arthur and Victoria could go out on a date. They never got chance until then, and she was 4 months old. They did want a date night in but Ivy told them she would babysit her sister. Victoria didn't want to leave Abigail at all, even if it was with her big sister.
Arthur however had convinced her it was a good idea. She was back to her pre pregnancy weight, which meant she was feeling better about herself in the way she dressed but she was still self conscious as she got stretch marks from her pregnancy. This made her want to still wear her favourite pregnancy clothes of Arthur's sweats, four months on. However she went to the closet in her and Arthur's room and tried on her black dress.
She looked in the mirror to see if it looked good. She heard footsteps and thought it was her beloved husband, so she panicked a little. The person looked at her. "Mom, you look great." She heard as well as a small baby giggle.
It was Ivy. Damn, she thought it was Arthur. "Ivy.... I thought you were your dad."
"Well... I do have the same hair as he does but sorry to disappoint, yea it's me." Ivy chuckled as she went and zipped her mom's dress up carefully as she held Abigail in the other hand.
Victoria smiled. "Should I wear this for my date with your dad tonight?"
Ivy nods. She unzips her mom's dress then turns around. Victoria changes into some sweats. She then looks at her daughter, putting her arms out for her youngest. Ivy passes Abigail over to her mother. "So did mommy look nice baby girl?" Victoria said as Abigail gave another baby giggle.
They spent some time together before Victoria went and put her dress on for the date.
Victoria presumed he was taking her to Granny's but when she saw him wearing a tuxedo she was shocked. "Why are you wearing a tuxedo for Granny's?"
Arthur chuckled. "We're not going to Granny's. We're going to my sister's restaurant, and because I wanted to make it special, I have arranged, Ella, Henry, Steven and Sabine to help us." He took his wife's hand, before handing her some roses. "Um, these are for you, of course."
Victoria handed Ivy the roses as she parted from her husband to put her coat on and grab her handbag. She placed a kiss on her daughter's cheek then hugged both of her daughter's before taking his hand again. "Ivy put those in some water please and take good care of her. If you need anything and don't want to bother us, you know where her fave godmother's number is."
Ivy nods, as she's hoping to not ring Abigail's fave godmother, because then she'd just be the third wheel of her little sister and her fave godmother.
Arthur takes Victoria outside where Steven, Victoria's brother, has the door open for them. Arthur lets her get in first before he gets in the car. Steven getting in the car too. Sabine, who Steven is dating was in the passenger seat.
Sabine smiled at them. "Off we go right Steven?" Steven nods to Sabine as he gets in the car.
They soon arrive at Amelia's where Ella and Henry are stood outside waiting for the two of them. They escort Arthur and Victoria into Amelia's. Ella takes Victoria's coat and Arthur's too, as Henry shows them to the table. They sat down and had a meal at Amelia's.
Meanwhile, Ivy is panicking when her little sister starts crying so she had to ring Gothel. Gothel turns up and takes her goddaughter.
"Did Ivy scare you sweetie? Or do you miss your mommy and daddy?" Gothel said as she rocked Abigail in her arms.
Ivy and Gothel decided to watch a film. Which they decided on watching Tangled. Anyway, they were watching Tangled with Abigail, who was on Gothel's lap. Gothel and Ivy ended up falling asleep.
Arthur and Victoria soon came in to the three of them watching Tangled. Victoria slowly walked over to Abigail and picked her up carefully before sitting on the couch next to her sleeping friend. Arthur sat next to Ivy and took a selfie of all five of them. Seconds after the selfie Victoria felt a hand move onto her chest and saw that Gothel had moved her hand to Vic's chest so she moved the hand.
"Vic..... oh... my.. god. How long was I asleep?" Gothel asked.
"We just came in.. I saw Abigail's head from the front door, and decided to go take her and then I found you asleep. What where you doing?" Victoria said.
"Oh I was looking after Abigail with Ivy... we decided to watch the film.. we fell asleep." Gothel said as Ivy woke up and groaned before she moved over. Gothel moved to the other side of Victoria as Vic moved to snuggle next to her husband, before Ivy leaned her head on her dad's shoulder.
Everyone laughed about them falling asleep.
This one shot was from Tuesday 6th November which is Day 6 of 30 Days. I was at Smackdown Live so couldn't write this. Hope you enjoyed the oneshot.
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30 Days of LadyHero Day 2 ; OT3 Day
Pairing: LadyHero - Victoria Belfrey/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine and King Arthur.
Characters: Arthur, Victoria, Regina/Roni and Ivy.
While cursed to be Victoria Belfrey, Charles and Roni, Arthur, Tremaine and Regina had a fling. When all three are awake Regina is shocked that she actually had a threesome with her brother.
Prompt: 30 Days of LadyHero Day 2 - OT3 Day: Write about your OT3 for LadyHero. Add another character into the relationship and write a situation involving the OT3. Or make an edit for your OT3 LadyHero and whom? - OT3: Arthur, Victoria and Roni. However this is more OT3 where it's mainly got themes of it. As Vic and Arthur will be together after this.
Arthur had to be shocked after he had woken up from the curse. He'd actually done something that made him sick. He'd had sex with his sister while they were cursed, while he was Charles, while she was Roni. He hated incest with a passion. Sure, it was always a threesome with the love of his life Victoria Belfrey but... it made him sick. Now he was awake. He couldn't get to sleep that night because he kept dreaming of the threesomes. Of the way he felt regarding what had happened. He needed to talk to his sister about what happened.
"Charles.... harder.." Roni had said to him many times when he was Charles and it was scaring him. True, Victoria always said that to him when it was just them.. but with Roni? It was different. She was cursed to be someone she wasn't... someone who was not his sister Regina. She was Roni. And yes every time they had threesomes, he'd had a condom on so worrying about that wasn't an option.
Victoria was cuddled up to him laying her head on his chest fully awake. "Baby, what's wrong?" She asked him. "You thinking about something?"
Arthur looked to Rapunzel Tremaine, well she was still Victoria to him, actually she was both. She was the women he loved and she currently had her head on his chest. "Thinking about us and Roni in the curse... yes we had sex together more than we did our threesomes with Roni, but Roni is actually my sister Regina.. and I can't believe it happened."
Victoria nods, sighing. "Me neither.. where her words haunting you?" She saw him just nod his head, which prompted a meeting with Regina plus Ivy who came along for support.
Arthur looked at his sister. "Regina, do you remember the curse? What happened during it?" She had nodded as he'd asked the question. She'd also been thinking about it.
Regina sighs. "I remember having a threesome with you and Victoria.. a couple of times and I was shocked when Ivy woke me up, to know you are my brother. You were still cursed. Victoria I know, you've been awake the whole time and I have to say I don't regret the threesomes back then, but now, learning that... I regret it. I think we remember the time we were cursed but remember it for different reasons, Roni is me, but I'm not Roni, Roni had a different mindset then me, she didn't know she had a brother. You two deserve each other, I love you as a brother and a future sister in law.. nothing more."
Arthur nods his head. "Can we forget about it? But remember it happened and see each other in the way you said? See me in the way as a brother and I see you as my sister?" He asked. She nodded and hugged her brother tightly.
Victoria smiled at them. "I'll remember it for what happened that we will never make mistakes like that again. And I see you as a future sister in law too Regina." All three of them hugged and smiled. They were a family, he, Arthur, was the brother and the lover of the two women he was hugging, and he knew he had to ask Vic to marry him, which he did do.
Thanks for reading, I know this is two days late. However this was Friday 2nd November's oneshot.
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30 Days of LadyHero Day 5 ; Real World AU
Pairing: LadyHero - Victoria Belfrey/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine and King Arthur.
Characters: Victoria, Arthur, Gothel, Cora, Ivy and Anastasia. Introducing; Alexa Bliss, AJ Styles, Lita, John Smith, Shawn Michaels, Nia Jax and Trish Stratus.
Arthur and Victoria are both WWE Superstars, and it's a bit of a Modern AU. He's WWE Champion, one half of the Smackdown Tag Team Champions with AJ Styles and Victoria has a match against Trish Stratus for the Smackdown Women's Championship. She's also one half of the Smackdown Women's Tag Team Champions, currently held by the female version of the Shield which is Victoria, Alexa Bliss and the currently injured Gothel - which is the friend version of Gothel not the evil show version. Gothel got taken out by Trish prior to Wrestlemania when this match is. Vic's dad in this is Shawn Michaels (not Phillip as he uses Shawn as a FC).
Prompt: 30 Days of LadyHero Day 5 - Real World AU Day. Gone for a WWE Modern AU.
Victoria was preparing to face Trish Stratus at Wrestlemania ever since her win of the Royal Rumble. She was fired up. Trish had put one of her teammates on the shelf and now she was going in for revenge, to take the Smackdown Women's Championship and also put Trish on the shelf where Gothel was. Arthur was defending his WWE Championship in the Main Event which was after her match. He and AJ had made a quick defeat of The Usos with a double Phenomenal Fourarm despatching the Usos and keeping their reign as Smackdown Tag Team Champions alive. In the pre show her and Alexa defended their Smackdown Women's Tag Team Championships against Lita and Smackdown Women's Champion Trish Stratus.
Victoria was in her locker room she shared with Alexa, Arthur and AJ when Alexa came in. Alexa had just come back from her singles match against Lita before the Smackdown Women's Championship match. Both Lita and Trish's husband John Smith, challenger for Arthur's WWE Title where banned from ringside for the title match, after they lost to Alexa and Arthur respectively on Smackdown Live. That meant that Victoria had Arthur and Alexa in her corner at Wrestlemania.
Ivy was at Wrestlemania watching front row with Gothel and Anastasia as well as her grandma Cora and her mom's dad her grandpa Shawn.
Victoria made her entrance with Arthur and Alexa for the match before Trish entered alone. The belt was shown to the audience and to the two superstars competing. Before the match kicked off.
Victoria and Trish trading punches, before Trish slammed Victoria onto the mat. Victoria kicked out of a Chick Kick and a Stratusfaction. Before another Stratusfaction which left her out before Trish went over to Gothel and gloated. Gothel slapped Trish in the face. Trish then turned her attention to Ivy before Arthur grabbed Trish and pulled her back into the ring.
Trish then got Samoan dropped by Victoria, a move Vic had learned from Nia Jax, one of her trainers. It got her a two count. With another Samoan Drop, Trish landed where Victoria wanted her. Victoria then started to tune up the band as she dropped Trish with Sweet Chin Music when Trish had stood up. She then locked in her submission move the Belfrey Lock, which Trish tapped out to.
The announcer said, "Here is your winner and your new Smackdown Women's Champion Victoria Belfrey!" Victoria then posed with the championship for the fans as Gothel and Ivy join her in the ring. Gothel then picks Trish up and her and Victoria slam her into the barricade. Which is what Trish did to Gothel.
"THAT IS KARMA! THAT IS KARMA! YOU TAPPED OUT!" The crowd scream at Trish.
John comes and helps Trish to the back. Then Victoria celebrates her title win with the fans and her friends and family.
The main event soon came where Arthur despatched John quite easily, as he hit a Sweet Chin Music and The RENT on a table to win the match and retain the WWE Championship. Victoria and Arthur then celebrated their wins with their friends, family and the fans. And in the middle of the ring the Champions shared a kiss.
So this was from Monday 5th November, I went to Wrestling for WWE RAW on that day so I didn't have Day 5 written till now. Anyway hope you enjoyed. Sweet Chin Music is Shawn's move, so it's a tribute to her dad, and for Arthur a tribute to his father in law.
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30 Days of LadyHero Day 10 ; Wearing each other's clothes
Pairing: LadyHero - Victoria Belfrey/Lady Rapunzel Tremaine and King Arthur. Characters: Victoria, Arthur, Ivy, Lucy & Ella. Also featuring Cecelia bc I wanted a OT3 oneshot. Victoria is pregnant and is wearing some of Arthur's clothes. Particularly his jumpers. Arthur, Victoria and Cecelia's little boy Jack is walking and accidentally goes in the closet and picks up his mommy's famous red louboutins. Jack hands his daddy Arthur the shoes before Arthur puts them back, however Jack gets upset and Ivy tells him to wear the shoes so Arthur has to wear a pair of Victoria's shoes so he's walking round wearing a pair of his wife's shoes. Cecelia sees Arthur wearing their wife's shoes and has to put a picture on Instagram. Lucy and Ella burst into laughter as does Victoria who laughs very hard. So Arthur, Cecelia and Victoria are married, and also in this Verse for this specific one shot, Amelia is with Killian and Ingrid. Arthur is Ivy and Ana's dad in this. And the OT3 has a son, Victoria is pregnant with her and Arthur's daughter, that is biologically theirs. Their son with Cecelia is biologically all three of theirs and was carried by Victoria, he's one, his name is Jack. Also it's near Christmas in the LavenderLadyHero house, so Jack is obviously looking for presents. Prompt: 30 Days of LadyHero Day 10 - Wearing each other's clothes ~~~
Victoria was pregnant with her and Arthur's child. Jack, their son with Cecelia was one years old, and Victoria was pregnant again. Carrying her and Arthur's child. Jack was experimenting with walking still and while his mommy was sat downstairs with his mom, wearing his father's jumpers, he was upstairs. He soon toddled into his parents room. Arthur had just had a shower so he came out of the on-suite. Arthur came out of the bathroom with his boxers on to see his son roaming around the room. He was shocked because he thought Jack was with Cecelia and Victoria. He got dressed for the day and saw that Jack had soon toddled into his mommy Victoria's closet. "Oh no, what's he looking for now." Arthur thought to himself as he saw his son look in his mommy's closet. Jack was looking for Christmas presents. And yes he is one, but he loves Christmas. Arthur went over as he knelt down to his son's height. "Hey Jack what have you got there?" He asked. Jack pulls out his mommy's famous red loubotions. "Papa find Dis.." He says, Jack had started talking his first word was mooo, which he meant to say mommy for Victoria, he can say mommy now. That was a very special moment for Victoria. He could say Mama after he said mooo which then became mommy before he learnt how to say papa. Arthur looks at the shoes his son is holding. "Jack... they are mommy's famous red loubotions. She won't want you to mess them up will she?" He says as he picks his son up and puts him on the bed. Jack looks at him with a pleading look and hands the shoes to him. Arthur takes the shoes and puts them back which starts Jack off with crying. Ivy heard the crying and came to them. "Dad.. I think you should just wear the shoes." Ivy says. "Or at least a pair of mother's shoes...." Arthur sighed and gave in to his son. He decided to not wear the famous pair though and put a pair of his wife's shoes on. He then took his son downstairs walking holding his son in one arm and having one hand on the banister he walked downstairs. When he got downstairs he went into the living room and handed Jack to his mommy. Victoria smiled at Arthur and cuddled her son close to her tickling him. Cecelia then started laughing at Arthur and taking pictures of him because she noticed the shoes. Victoria then looked at Cecelia. "Why are you laughing at our husband?" She asked. "Vic look at his feet...." Cecelia said still laughing at him. Victoria looked at Arthur's feet and chuckled. "Well you look pretty but I bet somebody can't walk properly, come here and let me take those of for you." Arthur nods as he sits next to his wife. "There you go Mrs Belfrey." Victoria laughed a little as she took the shoes of for him. They had a bit of a moment together with their son and their unborn child, Arthur's hand on her stomach rubbing it slightly. Cecelia went and sat next to Victoria helping Jack onto his mommy after she had put the pictures on Instagram. Ella and Lucy soon walked in. The two were laughing at the pictures on Instagram, as was Ivy who had walked in from downstairs and sat next to her dad. "What is so funny?" Victoria asked before Cecelia showed her her Instagram page and that she put the pictures on and she laughed very hard. Arthur chuckled. "Never again. I wonder if Killian has it like this with my sister and Ingrid." Victoria chuckled and leaned into her husband. "It's just a bit of fun and I did find it funny too." The whole family would find the joke funny for a long time, Cecelia the most because she took the pictures. It would be family dinner tradition to talk about it. And the family would enjoy it. ~~~ This is Day 10 which was and is from November 10th which was postponed due to my birthday week being busy and working. I hope you enjoyed this one shot. Soph.
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5 OTPs Meme
List five otps then tag five people. I was tagged by @beanlievers :) (you said anyone so I thought I'd do it.)
1. LadyHero, Once Upon A Time - Rapunzel Tremaine/Victoria Belfrey & King Arthur
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(Made this edit yesterday and I'm gonna repost it)
2. GlassBeliever, Once Upon A Time, Ella Mills/Henry Mills
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3. SwanFire, Once Upon A Time, Emma Swan & Neal Cassidy
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4. Shelagh Turner & Patrick Turner, Call The Midwife
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5. CuriousArcher, Once Upon A Time, Alice Jones & Robin Mills
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Tagging: @findingtallahassee, @queenofglassbeliever, @loboselinaistrash. Anyone who wants to do this as well.
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OUAT Characters I write for;
I'll write for mostly anyone, here is my list of favourites and preffered characters.
Regina Mills/Roni
Zelena Mills
King Arthur (will also write as Arthur Mills - Regina and Zelena's brother, will write LadyHero defo as its otp, and with Reader too)
Victoria Belfrey (with Reader and defo with LadyHero - Arthur for OTP)
Amelia Mills (my OC - Sig Weaver FC - will write with Reader and with Hook or Ingrid)
Ivy Belfrey
Anastasia (same as Lucy)
Lucy (NO ships)
Henry Mills
Cora Mills
Emma Swan (won't write CS stuff as a otp but will as brotp)
Killian Jones (won't write with Emma in ship sense - Brotp yes, otp no, otp I will write with Amelia, will write with Reader)
Cruella DeVil
Neal Cassidy
David Nolan
Robin Hood
Gothel (yea I know, she bad, but I will still accept Gothel requests)
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Stories that are happening on my AO3:
One of my OT3's Arthur/Victoria/Cecelia, I'm planning something for them. Probably going to be a series of OT3 Oneshots and also a story about Arthur coming back to Rapunzel the day she comes back or he's already there and he runs to her and tells her he loves her. Then instead of Cecelia getting the poison Marcus does because Arthur sees the way Rapunzel was treated by him, then Cecelia over time realises her feeling for them both. Firstly for Rapunzel then for Arthur. And they raise the girls. Arthur is also the biological father of at least Drizella in this story (maybe both girls and Marcus knew that deep down).
PapaRain Series! A collection of PapaRain Oneshots.
Basically anything to do with my OTPs; GlassBeliever, LadyHero, HookedCamelot, Snowing, Swanfire, SwanQueen.
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Um..... so in terms of my OTPs
This is GlassBeliever. Also LadyHero.
And @colinosexyness will get the LadyHero one, cause this video mostly reminds me of my Driz Headcanon where she's Arthur's daughter. Defo them in Modern AUs.
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Ok so when you think of one of the characters of an OTP you ship's best friend sleeping with their best friend's husband?
Esp. with LadyHero (Vic and Arthur) ofc.
I think (bc it's mostly maybe Gothel or possibly Regina);
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NO JUST NO. Gothel would not sleep with Arthur... yuck...
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